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Bitte bestellen Sie per good persuasive essay, Mail oder Fax (0316/72 00 51). Of Global Warming. Georg Pichler / Heimo Halbrainer (Hg.) : Camaradas. Persuasive. Osterreicherinnen und Osterreicher im Spanischen Burgerkrieg 1936–1939. Thesis Warming. 348 S. Good Thesis Persuasive. u. Halimbawa Ng Argumentative Essay. zahlr. Thesis Essay. Farbfotos und Dokumenten. Ng Argumentative Essay. 80 Jahre nach Beginn des Spanischen Burgerkriegs unternimmt das Buch den Versuch, eine Leerstelle im sozialen Gedachtnis Osterreichs zu fullen und aus einer interdisziplinaren Perspektive uber die Teilnahme der rund 1.400 Osterreicher und Osterreicherinnen nachzudenken. Good Thesis. Neue Erkenntnisse in definition middle school, der internationalen Aufarbeitung des Themenbereichs, die Offnung russischer Archive und die jungsten Forschungsergebnisse zur osterreichischen Geschichte der drei?iger und vierziger Jahre erlauben es, einen neuen Blick auf das Thema zu werfen. Good. Im Rahmen der gedachtnispolitischen Debatte um den Stellenwert des Burgerkriegs in halimbawa ng argumentative, der spanischen und europaischen Geschichte werden Themenkomplexe wie die kunstlerische und literarische Verarbeitung, der Beitrag der Frauen, Ubersetzen und Dolmetschen, ideologische Aspekte innerhalb der Internationalen Brigaden oder die Teilnahme von Osterreichern auf Seiten der aufstandischen Generale behandelt. Mit Beitragen von Werner Abel, Benito Bermejo, Gunter Eisenhut, Linda Erker, Irene Filip, Joachim Gatterer, Andre Getreuer-Kostrouch, Erich Hackl, Heimo Halbrainer, Ernest Kostrouch, Christoph Kugler, Jakob Matscheko, Barry McLoughlin, Reinhard Muller, Georg Pichler, Karl Wimmler, Michaela Wolf. Frank Stern: Filmische Versionen. Deutsch-osterreichisch-judische Metamorphosen im israelischen Kino (=Vorlesungen des Centrums fur Judische Studien. Good Thesis Persuasive Essay. 11), Geb., 96 Seiten.

ISBN 978-3-902542-60-1, CLIO: Graz 2017. Places Travel Essays. Eine der ungeschriebenen Geschichten der zionistischen Migration und der Flucht aus dem Machtbereich der NS-Herrschaft ist die Entwicklung des judischen und israelischen Films seit den 1920er Jahren. Gab es seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg zahlreiche dokumentarische Versuche, den Aufbaus des Jishuvs, der judischen Ansiedlung in good thesis persuasive, Palastina mit filmischen Mitteln festzuhalten und fur ein judisches und nichtjudisches Publikum in of global, Europa und in thesis persuasive essay, Nordamerika sichtbar zu machen, so wurden erst seit den 1930er Jahren Spielfilme produziert. Ng Argumentative Essay. Lange vor der Grundung des Staates Israel gab es einen judischen, einen israelischen Film, der sich mit den Erfahrungen der Pioniere, den Problemen im Zusammenleben von Menschen unterschiedlicher Herkunft, mit dem Verhaltnis von Mensch und Natur, mit ethischen Fragen und den Erinnerungen der aus Europa Geflohenen befasste. In diesen Filmproduktionen spielten hinter und vor der Kamera die Einwanderer aus Mitteleuropa, aus Deutschland und aus Osterreich eine besondere Rolle. In der formativen Periode des israelischen Films waren es vor allem die filmischen Erfahrungen, insbesondere der vertriebenen FilmkunstlerInnen, die dazu fuhrten, dass der Begriff Jeckenoa entstand – eine Verbindung von Jekkes, deutschsprachigen Juden, und Kolnoa – hebraisch fur Kino.

Karl Wimmler: Mein Graz. Thesis Essay. Ein Jahrhundert in placement test tips, Bruchstucken. Good Thesis Essay. Geb. Biographical Narrative Essay. 256 Seiten, Karl Wimmler umkreist, was sein Graz ausmacht. Thesis Persuasive Essay. Ausgehend von Fund- und Bruchstucken zwischen 1913 und 2017 erzahlt er von einem so noch nicht beschriebenen Graz – von Schriftstellern, Kunstlerinnen, Verbrechern, Kriegern, Opfern; von Geehrten und Vergessenen, von ersten Autos und den ersten Politessen, von Einwanderinnen und Fluchtlingen, Medizin und Kultur, Widerstand und Anpassung.

Kurt Schubert : Erlebte Geschichte. Thesis School. Mit Beitragen von Bernhard Dolna und Eva Schubert. Thesis Persuasive Essay. Geb. 200 Seiten mit zahlreichen Abb. Statement Definition. Im Jahr 2000 brachte Kurt Schubert seine Erinnerungen zu Papier.

Sie erstrecken sich uber sein gesamtes Leben, von der Kindheit bis zu seinen Aktivitaten zum Zeitpunkt der Niederschrift; Schwerpunkte der Erzahlung sind Schuberts Studienzeit wahrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges, die Wiedereroffnung der Universitaten Wien im Jahr 1945, Graz und Leoben in thesis persuasive essay, der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit, die Etablierung der Judaistik als selbstandige Wissenschaft in halimbawa ng argumentative essay, Osterreich und der judisch-christliche Dialog, den Schubert Zeit seines Lebens aktiv forderte und forderte. Good Thesis Persuasive. Die Erinnerungen dieses bedeutenden osterreichischen Judaisten, der „das Fach in ng argumentative, Forschung und Lehre in good persuasive essay, einer umfassenden Breite vertreten hat, die heute nicht mehr erreichbar ist“, sind nicht nur fur die Zeitgeschichte von gro?er Bedeutung, sondern auch fur Judaistik und Theologie. Test Essay Tips. Bestellung unter: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschutzt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann. Auch als eBOOK erhaltlich: Kurt Schubert : Erlebte Geschichte. Thesis Persuasive Essay. Mit Beitragen von Bernhard Dolna und Eva Schubert. Geb. Parts. 200 Seiten mit zahlreichen Abb. Good Persuasive. Gerda Eisler : „Alles, woran ich glaube, ist der Zufall.“ Eine Jugend in thesis of global, Graz und Tel Aviv. Hg. Good Persuasive. von Inga Fischer und mit einem Beitrag von Heimo Halbrainer.

Geb. Biographical Narrative Essay. 156 Seiten. Good Thesis Essay. Gerda Eislers Erinnerungen spannen den Bogen von ihrer ersten Auswanderung nach Palastina 1933 bis in die jungste Vergangenheit. So erlebt man aus der Perspektive der sechsjahrigen Gerda, wie sie 1933 mit ihren Eltern und ihrem Bruder von Graz nach Tel Aviv zieht und die Familie versucht, in der Fremde Fu? zu fassen. Als 1936 der arabische Aufstand beginnt und Gerdas Schule angegriffen wird, entschlie?t sich die Familie, wieder nach Graz zuruckzukehren. Hier erlebt Gerda die Machtubernahme der Nazis. Halimbawa Ng Argumentative. Von den Nationalsozialisten zur Ausreise gezwungen, flieht Gerda mit ihren Eltern und ihrem Bruder 1939 erneut nach Palastina. Andere Teile der Familie konnen in persuasive essay, die USA, nach Schweden oder Gro?britannien fliehen. Thesis. Einige Familienmitglieder wollen oder konnen Graz nicht verlassen und werden schlie?lich in good thesis persuasive, die Vernichtungslager deportiert. In Palastina heiratet Gerda einen Grazer, dient im Unabhangigkeitskrieg und beginnt ein neues Leben, ehe sie mit ihrem Mann 1969 nach Deutschland zieht.

Immer wieder kehrt sie in places travel, den folgenden Jahren nach Graz und Tel Aviv zuruck, zwei Orte, die ganz wesentlich ihr Leben bestimmten. Neben der autobiografischen Geschichte von Gerda Eisler werden auch die Geschichten der judischen Familien Engel, Silber und Eisler in Graz vom Beginn des 20. Good Thesis. Jahrhunderts bis zur Verfolgung, „Arisierung“, Vertreibung und Ermordung einzelner Familienangehoriger nachgezeichnet. Thesis Definition Middle. Richard Zach : Den anderen Weg gegangen. Persuasive Essay. Ausgewahlte Gedichte. Thesis Definition School. Hg. und mit einem Nachwort von Karl Wimmler. Good Persuasive. Geb. 168 Seiten.

In einem aus der Haft geschmuggelten Kassiber schrieb der Grazer Lehrer und Autor Richard Zach im Janner 1942: Ich bin den anderen Weg gegangen. Thesis. / Verzeiht – es tut mir gar nicht leid, /obwohl es elend steht zur Zeit. Thesis. – / Wird keiner um sein Leben bangen, // der wei?, wozu er es verwendet, / bedachte, was sein Glaube wiegt. Thesis Of Global Warming. / Er hat am Ende doch gesiegt, / und wenn er auf der Richtstatt endet! Der 1919 in thesis persuasive, Graz geborene Richard Zach besuchte zwischen 1934 und 1938 die Bundeslehrerbildungsanstalt am Hasnerplatz. To Publish Essays. In diese Jahre fielen auch seine ersten literarischen Texte und Widerstandsaktivitaten. Good. Ab Herbst 1940 gab die Widerstandsgruppe um ihn die Flugschrift „Der Rote Sto?trupp“ heraus. Am 31. Oktober 1941 wurde er gemeinsam mit anderen „wegen Verdachts, kommunistische Parolen angeschmiert zu haben“ festgenommen und am 17. Parts Of Essay. August 1942 im Alter von nur 23 Jahren vom Reichskriegsgericht in good essay, Berlin zum Tode verurteilt. In Haft verfasste Zach Hunderte Gedichte, die teilweise auf abenteuerliche Weise aus der Zelle geschmuggelt wurden. Halimbawa Ng Argumentative Essay. 75 Jahre nach der Verurteilung zum Tode bringen wir ihn mit einer Auswahl an thesis essay Gedichten wieder in Erinnerung. Biographical Narrative Essay. Richard Zachs Gedichte sind unerlasslich, weil sich in essay, ihnen die Umrisse eines anderen Osterreich abzeichnen, eines tapferen, gro?herzigen, das um Zusammenschluss bemuht ist, nicht um Vereinzelung, wo auch Platz ist fur Verzweiflung, die sich nicht mit dem Gefuhl von Vergeblichkeit paart. Test Essay. Das ist auch der Grund, warum wir Richard Zachs Gedichte lesen sollen: uns zu starken, nicht aufzugeben.

Erich Hackl. Heimo Halbrainer : Das kurze Leben des Karl Drews zwischen Kunst, Literatur und Politik. Good Thesis Persuasive. Geb., ca. Biographical Essay Courage. 280 Seiten. Good Thesis Essay. Weitere Neuerscheinungen des CLIO Verlags. Bitte bestellen Sie per ng argumentative, Mail oder Fax (0316/72 00 51).

Ali Ozbas, Joachim Hainzl, Handan Ozbas (Hg.): 50 Jahre jugoslawische Gastarbeit in good thesis persuasive essay, Osterreich . Travel Essays. CLIO: Graz 2016, 240 Seiten. Good Thesis Essay. Mit dem Anwerbeabkommen 1966 wurde damit begonnen, gezielt Arbeitskrafte aus Jugoslawien anzuwerben. Warming. Das Buch dokumentiert diese Geschichte und bettet sie ein in thesis, historische Analysen. Ng Argumentative. Dabei werden Hintergrunde und Diskurse, Strukturen, Akteurinnen/Akteure und deren Motive ebenso behandelt wie noch heute wirksame Zuschreibungen und Reduktionen etwa im Balkanismus in essay, der Popularmusik oder in thesis warming, Ausstellungskonzepten. Zudem gewahrt das Buch Einblicke in die Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen der jugoslawischen Arbeitsmigrantinnen und -migranten, wobei speziell die Migration von Frauen und die Schwierigkeiten bei der Betreuung und Bildung der Kinder behandelt wird. Good Thesis. Indem dieses Buch einiges davon erzahlt, was war, ist es ein Beitrag zur Anerkennung der Realitaten ehemaliger „Gastarbeiter“ und „Gastarbeiterinnen“ als integrativer Teil der osterreichischen Nachkriegsgeschichte. Of Global. Alice Penkala : Schokolade fur das Afrika-Corps. Kommentiert und mit einer Einleitung von Nadine Dobler und einem biografischen Essay von Heimo Halbrainer. Thesis Persuasive Essay. Hrsg.: Heimo Halbrainer, Ursula Seeber, Veronika Zwerger.

272 S. Essay. geb., CLIO: Graz 2016. Good Thesis. Tanger: Internationale Zone. Thesis. Seit 1923 war die marokkanische Hafenstadt neutrales Territorium, beruhmt-beruchtigt fur den freizugigen Umgang mit Geld, Sex und Drogen. Good Thesis Essay. Anfang der 1940er Jahre setzt die Romanhandlung ein. Vordergrundig handelt es sich um eine Schiebergeschichte, die Beschaffung eines riesigen Postens Schokolade fur das Deutsche Afrika-Corps, das an places travel den benachbarten Kriegsschauplatzen im Einsatz war. Die Personen, die an thesis essay dem Coup „mitnaschen“ wollen, sind satirisch uberzeichnete Prototypen der damaligen Gesellschaft Tangers: der judisch-marokkanische Handler; der stumpfsinnnige deutsche Generalkonsul, der padophile preu?ische Beamte; die britische Konsulatssekretarin, die sich von einem polnischen Emigranten aushalten la?t; dessen nervige Mutter; der Geheimdienstoffizier, der selbst ein Geheimnis hat; der drogensuchtige spanische Informant; der franzosische Doppelagent; die schwedische Aussteigerin mit den zerplatzten Lebenstraumen. Parts Of Essay Activity. Mitten in diesem Netzwerk aus Gier und Intrige steht ein Fluchtlingspaar aus Wien.

Die Geschichte entwickelt sich in good, 32 Momentaufnahmen, schwungvoll und ironisch erzahlt, sie bleibt bis zum Schlu? spannend. Places To Publish Travel. Alice Penkala gelingt ein psychologisch scharf gearbeitetes Gesellschaftsportrat ihres Zufluchtslandes Marokko. Erstmals erscheint jetzt dieses Exilwerk als Buch. Ernst Fischer: Neue Kunst und neue Menschen. Thesis Persuasive Essay. Literarische und essayistische Texte aus seinen Grazer Jahren (1918–1927).

Hrsg. und mit einem Nachwort von Jurgen Egyptien. 400 S., geb., CLIO: Graz 2016. Of Global. Der Band bietet eine Auswahl aus dem fruhen Schaffen des osterreichischen Politikers, Schriftstellers, Kultur- und Kunsttheoretikers Ernst Fischer (1899-1972) und stellt ihn als vielseitigen Autor vor, der sich in thesis essay, seinen Anfangen sowohl als Erzahler, Dramatiker und Lyriker wie auch als Kunstkritiker, Kulturtheoretiker und politischer Publizist zu profilieren versuchte. Essay Tips. Die Textbeispiele dokumentieren den Prozess von einem antiburgerlichen, anarchischen Aufbegehren gegen die geistige Enge der Provinz, das noch ganz im Zeichen einer nietzscheanisch inspirierten Revolte steht, bis hin zur Entwicklung einer bewussten politischen Parteinahme fur die Arbeiterklasse auf der Basis eines emphatisch interpretierten Marxismus. Good Persuasive. Die literarischen Texte bilden zugleich ein interessantes Beispiel fur die spezifische Spielart eines osterreichischen Expressionismus beziehungsweise der Kombination expressionistischer Schreibverfahren mit anderen (nationalliterarischen) Traditionslinien.

Ein besonderer Stellenwert kommt dabei der Edition von umfangreichen Passagen aus Fischers ungedrucktem Drama Das Schwert des Attila und seinem von ihm selbst fur verschollen erklarten Roman So kann man nicht leben zu. Statement School. Gerade letzterer besitzt einen erheblichen zeitgeschichtlichen Wert, da er in thesis persuasive essay, hohem Ma?e als Schlusselroman uber das Graz der ersten Halfte der 1920er Jahre gelesen werden kann. Er liefert zum einen die Diagnose der politisch-moralischen Krise der Nachkriegszeit und unterzieht zum anderen die eigene antiburgerliche Attitude und das Milieu eines realitatsfernen Kunstlertums einer scharfen Selbstkritik.

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ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT FEATURES: Democrat Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. was elected President of the essay United States on November 4, 2008. Prior to places to publish, that, he had served four years as a U.S. senator from thesis essay Illinois (2005-2008) and eight years as an to publish travel, Illinois state senator (1996-2004). “In Islam, religion passes from the father to the child. Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. [his Kenyan birth father] was a Muslim who named his boy Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Only Muslim children are named ‘Hussein’. Persuasive! [Barack Obama’s] stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was also a Muslim. School! In fact, as Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng explained to thesis, Jodi Kantor of the New York Times : ‘My whole family was Muslim, and most of the people I knew were Muslim.’ An Indonesian publication, the Banjarmasin Post reports a former classmate, Rony Amir, recalling that ‘All the ng argumentative relatives of persuasive essay Barry's [Barack’s] father were very devout Muslims.’” * As a child in Indonesia, Obama attended Koranic classes at a Muslim school known as Besuki. At tha same time, he attended the St. Placement Essay Tips! Francis of good thesis Assisi Catholic School. * In February 2009, Obama said: I was not raised in a particularly religious household.

I had a father who was born a Muslim but became an atheist, grandparents who were non-practicing Methodists and biographical essay courage, Baptists, and a mother who was skeptical of organized religion. I didn't become a Christian until I moved to thesis, the South Side of Chicago after college. * In a March 2009 interview, Obama's then-30-year-old half-brother, George Hussein Onyango Obama , said that “on the inside Barack Obama is parts activity Muslim.” * In September 2010, Obama said: I came to my Christian faith later in good essay life. * Author Edward Klein , while researching his 2012 book The Amateur , once asked the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's longtime pastor at Trinity United Methodisy Church in Chicago: Did you convert Obama from Islam to Christianity? Wright replied enigmatically: That's hard to tell. * Daniel Pipes writes that many pieces of evidence argue for Obama having been born and raised a Muslim Specifically, says Pipes: (1) Islam is essays a patrilineal religion : In Islam, the good thesis persuasive father passes his faith to the children; and when a Muslim male has children with a non-Muslim female, Islam considers the children Muslim. Obama's grandfather and father having been Muslims the extent of their piety matters not at all means that, in to publish travel Muslim eyes, Barack was born a Muslim.

(2) Arabic forenames based on the H-S-N trilateral root : All such names (Husayn or Hussein, Hasan, Hassân, Hasanayn, Ahsan, Muhsin, and others) are exclusively bestowed on Muslim babies. (The same goes for names based on the H-M-D root.) Obama's middle name, Hussein, explicitly proclaims him a born Muslim. (3) Registered as Muslim at SD Katolik Santo Fransiskus Asisi : Obama was registered at persuasive essay, a Catholic school in Jakarta as Barry Soetoro. Of Global Warming! A surviving document correctly lists him as born in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961; in addition, it lists him having Indonesian nationality and Muslim religion. (4) Registered as Muslim at SD Besuki : Although Besuki (also known as SDN 1 Menteng) is a public school, Obama curiously refers to it in Audacity (p. 154) as the thesis essay Muslim school he attended in Jakarta. Activity! Its records have not survived but several journalists (Haroon Siddiqui of the Toronto Star , Paul Watson of the Los Angeles Times , David Maraniss of the Washington Post ) have all confirmed that there too, he was registered as a Muslim. (5) Islamic class at SD Besuki : Obama mentions ( Audacity , p. 154) that at thesis persuasive essay, Besuki, the to publish teacher wrote to tell my mother that I made faces during Koranic studies.

Only Muslim students attended the thesis weekly two-hour Koran class, Watson reports: two of his teachers, former Vice Principal Tine Hahiyari and placement essay, third-grade teacher Effendi, said they remember clearly that at this school too, he was registered as a Muslim, which determined what class he attended during weekly religion lessons. Muslim students were taught by a Muslim teacher, and Christian students were taught by a Christian teacher, said Effendi. Andrew Higgins of the Washington Post quotes Rully Dasaad, a former classmate, saying that Obama horsed around in class and, during readings of the Koran, got laughed at because of his funny pronunciation. Maraniss learned that the good thesis persuasive essay class included not only studying how to pray and how to read the Koran, but also actually praying in the Friday communal service right on the school grounds. (6) Mosque attendance : Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama's younger half-sister, said her father (namely, Barack's stepfather) attended the mosque for big communal events, Barker found that Obama occasionally followed his stepfather to the mosque for Friday prayers.

Watson reports: The childhood friends say Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at travel essays, the local mosque. We prayed but not really seriously, just following actions done by older people in good thesis essay the mosque. But as kids, we loved to meet our friends and went to the mosque together and thesis warming, played, said Zulfin Adi, who describes himself as among Obama's closest childhood friends. Sometimes, when the muezzin sounded the call to prayer, Lolo and Barry would walk to the makeshift mosque together, Adi said. Good Persuasive! His mother often went to the church, but Barry was Muslim. He went to the mosque, Adi said. (7) Muslim clothing : Adi recalls about Obama, I remember him wearing a sarong. Likewise,Maraniss found not only essay that His classmates recalled that Barry wore a sarong but written exchanges indicating that he continued to wear this garment in the United States. This fact has religious implications because, in Indonesian culture, only thesis persuasive essay Muslims wear sarongs.

(8) Piety : Obama says that in halimbawa essay Indonesia, he didn't practice [Islam], an assertion that inadvertently acknowledges his Muslim identity by implying he was a non-observant Muslim. Thesis Essay! But several of those who knew him contradict this recollection. Biographical! Rony Amir describes Obama as previously quite religious in good persuasive Islam. A former teacher, Tine Hahiyary, quoted in the Kaltim Post , says the future president took part in advanced Islamic religious lessons: I remember that he had studied mengaji . In the context of Southeast Asian Islam, mengaji Quran means to recite the Koran in Arabic, a difficult task denoting advanced study. In summary, the record points to Obama having been born a Muslim to a non-practicing Muslim father and having lived for four years in parts of essay a fully Muslim milieu under the auspices of persuasive essay his Muslim Indonesian stepfather. For these reasons, those who knew Obama in Indonesia considered him a Muslim. * Daniel Pipes has pointed out the significance of the manner in placement which Obama typically addresses Muslim audiences: “When addressing Muslim audiences, Obama uses specifically Muslim phrases that recall his Muslim identity. He addressed audiences both in Cairo (in June 2009 ) and Jakarta (in Nov.

2010 ) with 'as-salaamu alaykum,' a greeting that he, who went to Koran class, knows is reserved for one Muslim addressing another.” Further, Pipes notes that “In Cairo, he [Obama] also deployed several other pious terms that signal to Muslims he is one of good persuasive them: (a) 'the Holy Koran' (a term mentioned five times): an exact translation from the standard Arabic reference to halimbawa essay, the Islamic scripture, al-Qur'an al-Karim ; (b) 'the right path': a translation of the Arabic as-sirat al-mustaqim , which Muslims ask God to guide them along each time they pray; (c) 'I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed': non-Muslims do not refer to Islam as revealed ; (d) 'the story of thesis persuasive essay Isra, when Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed joined in prayer': this Koranic tale of a night journey establishes the leadership of Muhammad over to publish travel essays all other holy figures, including Jesus; (e) 'Moses, Jesus, and good persuasive, Mohammed, peace be upon parts of essay activity them': a translation of the Arabic 'alayhim as-salam , which pious Muslims say after mentioning the names of dead prophets other than Muhammad.” * Pipes offers also the following insight about Obama's use of the phrase Peace be upon them: “Obama's saying 'Peace be upon them' has other implications beyond being a purely Islamic turn of phrase never employed by Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians. First, it contradicts what a self-professed Christian believes because it implies that Jesus, like Moses and good thesis persuasive essay, Muhammad, is places to publish dead; Christian theology holds him to have been resurrected, living, and the immortal Son of God. Good Persuasive Essay! Second, including Muhammad in this blessing implies reverence for him, something as outlandish as a Jew talking about Jesus Christ . Parts Of Essay! Third, a Christian would more naturally seek peace from Jesus rather than wish peace on him.” “[Obama] drastically overestimates both the number and the role of thesis Muslims in the United States, announcing in ng argumentative June 2009 that 'if you actually took the number of Muslims Americans, we'd be one of the thesis largest Muslim countries in the world.' (Hardly: according to one listing of Muslim populations , the United States, with about 2.5 million Muslims , ranks about halimbawa essay 47 th largest.) Three days later , he gave a bloated estimate of 'nearly 7 million American Muslims in our country today' and bizarrely announced that 'Islam has always been a part of America's story. since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States.' Obama also announced the dubious fact, in Apr. Good Thesis Essay! 2009 , that many Americans 'have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country.' When ordering religious communities in places to publish essays the United States, Obama always gives first place to Christians but second place varies between Jews and Muslims, most notably in good essay his Jan. 2009 inaugural speech: 'The United States is a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers.' Obama so wildly overestimates the Muslim role in halimbawa ng argumentative essay American life that they suggest an good thesis, Islamic supremacist mentality specific to someone coming from a Muslim background.” The 1970s and CPUSA Member Frank Marshall Davis:

In 1971, Obama was sent back to essays, Hawaii to thesis persuasive essay, be raised largely by his white, middle-class, maternal grandparents, and to thesis, attend the prestigious Punahou Academy. For only one month of his life, also when he was ten, Obama was visited by his biological father. To avoid being mistaken for thesis a sellout,I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students.

The Chicanos.The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. Activity! At night,in the thesis essay dorms,we discussed neocolonialism, [the socialist, anti-colonialist revolutionary] Franz Fanon,Eurocentrism,and patriarchy. When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the parts activity walls began to good persuasive essay, shake, we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints. We weren't indifferent or careless or insecure. We were alienated. John C. Drew's Recollections of Obama as a Student at Occidental College: What’s missing from this story is that the 'social justice' young men and women were, in test essay fact, simply left-wing socialists. They found a hero in Professor Boesche because he made complex texts easier to understand and because he encouraged them to fight even though they would be inevitably ground up in thesis persuasive the gears of history. Test! The outrage that Obama felt when he got a 'B' from Boesche was due to the idea that Obama felt he was held to a higher standard because he was a revolutionary who shared Boesche’s perspective. Obama felt he was held to a higher standard because he was one of the student[s] in good greatest ideological agreement with what Professor Boesche was teaching at that time.

In February 2010, John C. Drew shared the essay following recollections he had of Obama: I met Barack Obama face-to-face later that same year in late December 1980. By then, I was in my second year of graduate school at Cornell. I was doing my first, official teaching. Good Thesis Persuasive Essay! The young Ann Coulter was a student in placement test essay tips Theodore J. Lowi’s Introduction to American Government course in good persuasive 1980 and halimbawa ng argumentative, I was the teaching assistant responsible for good essay guiding her small group discussion section. Back on the West Coast for Christmas break, I was visiting a girlfriend who was still attending Occidental College who introduced me to 'Barry' Obama and his housemate Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, a wealthy Pakistani student. From Occidental, Obama transferred to tips, Columbia University in New York City, where he graduated in 1983 with a degree in political science.

In 1982, Obama's biological father -- Barack Obama, Sr. -- died in a car crash. In Dreams From My Father , Obama reveals that during his student years at Columbia he “went to socialist conferences at thesis, Cooper Union and African cultural fairs in Brooklyn.” Specifically, these were Socialist Scholars Conferences (SSC), which featured the elite of socialist academia as well as union activists, political revolutionaries, reformers, and opponents of “corporate greed.” According to the libertarian writer Trevor Loudon, guest speakers at these conferences included “members of the Communist Party USA and its offshoot, the essay tips Committees of Correspondence, as well as Maoists, Trotskyists, black radicals, gay activists and radical feminists.” Matthew Vadum and thesis persuasive essay, Jeremy Lott provide an of global warming, excellent explanation of what a community organizer does. They write: “What does a “community organizer” do? Good question. Ever since former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani mocked Senator Barack Obama at persuasive, the Republican convention in September 2008, for the senator’s community organizing past, and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said that her previous experience as mayor was “sort of ng argumentative essay like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities,” [Obama’s] supporters have been furiously spinning this one. They’ve suggested a fanciful interpretation of “community organizer” that includes organizing church picnics and bake sales. Some have even had the cheek to suggest that Jesus Christ was a community organizer. Dr.

Thomas Sowell, the eminent Stanford University sociologist, offers this assessment of what community organizers do: For 'community organizers' . racial resentments are a stock in trade. What does a community organizer do? What he does not do is thesis organize a community. What he organizes are the resentments and paranoia within a community, directing those feelings against other communities, from whom either benefits or revenge are to be gotten, using whatever rhetoric or tactics will accomplish that purpose. Political analyst Andrew McCarthy calls community organizing a gussied-up term for essay systematic rabble-rousing. He adds:

The quest for persuasive raw power is the gospel according to the seminal organizer, Saul Alinsky. Of Global! In Obama terminology, 'hope' is the good essay possibility that power may be wrested from definition school society’s 'haves' by infiltrating their political system. Thesis Essay! Just as Willie Sutton robbed banks because that’s where the ng argumentative essay money is, organizers must target the very system they reject to acquire powermaking themselves attractive to the great mass of society despite having 'contemptuously rejected the thesis persuasive essay values and essay, the way of life of the middle class,' as Alinsky put it. Good Thesis Essay! This is the formula for essay transformational 'change': the exploitation of good essay power, once acquired, to redistribute wealth and elevate the left’s professionally aggrieved vanguard. The day after the rally, Marty [Jerry Kellman in Dreams] decided it was time for me to placement test tips, do some real work, and thesis persuasive, he handed me a long list of thesis statement definition middle school people to thesis, interview. Ng Argumentative! Find out their self-interest, he said.

That’s why people become involved in organizingbecause they think they’ll get something out of it. Once I found an issue enough people cared about, I could take them into action. With enough actions, I could start to thesis, build power. Issues, action, power, self-interest. I liked these concepts. They bespoke a certain hardheadedness, a worldly lack of sentiment; politics, not religion. Obama's expenses at DCP were signed and approved by the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, a far-leftist who founded the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD); who famously credited Mikhail Gorbachev, not Reagan or John Paul II, with having brought about the biographical essay collapse of the Soviet Union; and who called for a “consistent ethic of good thesis life,” in halimbawa ng argumentative essay an effort to persuade anti-abortion Catholics to likewise embrace pacifism and wealth redistribution. He pursued manifestly worthy goals; protecting people from asbestos in government housing projects is obviously a good thing and a responsibility of the good thesis government that built them. But [in every case except one] the proposed solution to every problem on the South Side was a distribution of parts activity government funds . Good Essay! [5]

Nor was Obama reluctant to biographical essay, use intimidation as a tactic. In one instance, he personally orchestrated a demonstration in which scores of good protestors broke into essays a private meeting between bank executives and local community leaders, menacing them as they attempted to negotiate a deal vis a vis a controversial landfill issue. In 1987, when Obama was executive director of DCP, he asked Chicago mayor Harold Washington to support a community organizing project whose advisory board would include Obama's pastor Jeremiah Wright, the leftist Catholic priest Michael Pfleger, Illinois State Senator Emil Jones, and good thesis persuasive, John Ayers (brother of former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers). In a followup letter addressed to Washington’s assistant three days later, Obama again laid out his plans and included a list of places to publish travel essays his advisory council members. Trained in the Saul Alinsky Method: Three of Obama's mentors in Chicago were trained at the Saul Alinsky-founded Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) in good thesis essay the Windy City. (The Developing Communities Project itself was an affiliate of the Gamaliel Foundation, whose modus operandi for the creation of “a more just and democratic society” is rooted firmly in the Alinsky method.) Alinsky was known for essay courage having helped to establish the aggressive political tactics that characterized the 1960s, and which have remained central to all subsequent revolutionary movements in good persuasive essay the United States. He was a natural, the thesis statement middle undisputed master of agitation, who could engage a room full of recruiting targets in a rapid-fire Socratic dialogue, nudging them to admit that they were not living up to their own standards. As with the panhandler, he could be aggressive and confrontational. With probing, sometimes personal questions, he would pinpoint the source of pain in their lives, tearing down their egos just enough before dangling a carrot of hope that they could make things better. For several years, Obama himself taught workshops on the Alinsky method.

“Grass-roots community organizing builds on indigenous leadership and direct action. The debate as to how black and other dispossessed people can forward their lot in America is good thesis essay not new. Thesis Of Global! From W. E. B. Persuasive! DuBois to Booker T. Washington to Marcus Garvey to Malcolm X to Martin Luther King, this internal debate has raged between integration and nationalism, between accommodation and militancy, between sit-down strikes and halimbawa ng argumentative, boardroom negotiations. Thesis Persuasive Essay! The lines between these strategies have never been simply drawn, and the most successful black leadership has recognized the thesis of global warming need to bridge these seemingly divergent approaches. Author Andrew McCarthy makes the following observations about Obama's words: Breathtaking. Lawfulness and lawlessness, thuggishness and regular politicswe’re not to divine any moral or ethical differences. Thesis! They are just different 'approaches' to empowerment. They only 'seem' to be 'divergent.' It may be important to maintain the travel essays veneer of respect for legal processes, but it is just as legitimate to stretch or break the good essay rules whenever necessary to achieve the desired outcomesocial justice being a higher form of legitimacy than society’s rule of law. Separatism, menacing, and civil disobedience: none of these is beyond the parts of essay pale; they are simply choices on the hard power menu Obama 'bridges' with soft power (i.e., the good essay system’s mundane legal and political processes).

As a young community organizer, Obama had close connections to the Midwest Academy, a radical training ground for activists of thesis of global warming his political ilk. Probably the most influential community-organizing-related entity in America at that time, the thesis Midwest Academy worked closely with the DSA and synthesized Saul Alinsky’s organizing techniques with the essay practical considerations of electoral politics. Emphasizing “class consciousness” and “movement history,” the Academy’s training programs exposed students to the efforts and achievements of veteran activists from earlier decades. Recurring “socialism sessions,” taught by thesis essay Heather Booth, encompassed everything from Marx and Engels through Michael Harrington’s democratic socialism and the factional struggles of the Students for a Democratic Society, a radical organization that aspired to remake America’s government in placement test tips a Marxist image. Good Persuasive! Knowing that many Americans would be unreceptive to straightforward, hard-left advocacy, the biographical Midwest Academy in its formative years was careful not to explicitly articulate its socialist ideals in its organizing and good thesis, training activities. The group’s inner circle was wholly committed to building a socialist mass movement, but stealthily rather than overtly. As Midwest Academy trainer Steve Max and thesis, the prominent socialist Harry Boyte agreed in a private correspondence: “Every social proposal that we make must be [deceptively] couched in terms of how it will strengthen capitalism.” This strategy of hiding its own socialist agendas below the proverbial radar, earned the persuasive Academy the designation “crypto-socialist organization” from Stanley Kurtz.

“Nearly every thread of Obama’s career runs directly or indirectly through the narrative essay Midwest Academy,” says Kurtz, and, as such, it represents “the hidden key to Barack Obama’s political career.” The author elaborates: “Obama’s organizing mentors had ties to [the Midwest Academy]; Obama’s early funding was indirectly controlled by it; evidence strongly suggests that Obama himself received training there; both Barack and Michelle Obama ran a project called ‘Public Allies’ that was effectively an extension of the Midwest Academy; Obama’s first run for public office was sponsored by Academy veteran Alice Palmer; and Obama worked closely at two foundations for thesis years with yet another veteran organizer from the Midwest Academy, Ken Rolling. Perhaps more important, Barack Obama’s approach to politics is clearly inspired by that of the Midwest Academy.” Obama and the Alliance for Better Chicago Schools: In 1988 Obama applied for admission to Harvard Law School. Statement Middle School! At the time, a Muslim attorney and black nationalist named Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour asked civil rights activist Percy Sutton to send a letter of good thesis recommendation to his (Sutton's) friends at Harvard on Obama's behalf.

In an interview published by warming the Daily Herald on essay, March 3, 1990, Barck Obama said: I feel good when I'm engaged in what I think are the core issues of the society, and those core issues to parts activity, me are what's happening to poor folks in this society. There's certainly racism here [at Harvard Law School]. There are certain burdens that are placed [on blacks], more emotionally at this point than concretely. Hopefully, more and more people will begin to feel their story is somehow part of this larger story of thesis persuasive how we're going to reshape America in a way that is less mean-spirited and more generous. I mean, I really hope to be part of a transformation of parts of essay this country. In May 2012, Breitbart News reported that it had obtained a 36-page promotional booklet produced in thesis persuasive 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton Dystel, which stated that Obama was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.

The booklet, which was distributed to people in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama and 89 other authors represented by Acton Dystel. Obama’s biography in the booklet reads as follows: Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review , was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an places to publish travel essays, American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and thesis, worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the statement Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. Good Thesis Persuasive! His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White . The booklet also included biographies of such notable authors as former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill, sports legends Joe Montana and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and a number of Hollywood celebrities. Jay Acton (of Acton Dystel) told Breitbart News that the booklet had cost the agency tens of thousands of dollars to produce. He said that while almost nobody wrote his or her own biography, the non-athletes in the booklet were probably approached to approve the text as presented. His most traditional course was in the due process and equal protection areas of constitutional law.

His voting rights class traced the ng argumentative essay evolution of election law, from the disenfranchisement of good thesis persuasive essay blacks to essay tips, contemporary debates over districting and campaign finance. His most original course, a historical and political seminar as much as a legal one, was on racism and law [In] one class on race, he imitated the essay way clueless white people talked. Test Tips! 'Why are your friends at the housing projects shooting each other?' he asked in a mock-innocent voice. Thesis Persuasive! . Mr. Obama was especially eager for thesis of global his charges to good thesis persuasive essay, understand the horrors of the definition middle school past, students say. He assigned a 1919 catalog of good thesis persuasive essay lynching victims, including some who were first raped or stripped of their ears and fingers, others who were pregnant or lynched with their children, and some whose charred bodies were sold off, bone fragment by bone fragment, to gawkers. Of Global! 'Are there legal remedies that alleviate not just existing racism, but racism from the good thesis essay past?' Adam Gross, now a public interest lawyer in Chicago, wrote in his class notes in April 1994. Liberals flocked to his classes[.] After all, the parts professor was a progressive politician[.] . Karen McQuillan writes, in good essay American Thinker , that Obama was a lecturer, and not a full professor, because he did not have the qualifications to be a professor. Adds McQuillan: Obama never published a single law paper. He was hired by the University of Chicago when they learned he had been given a book contract on race and law directly after graduating from Harvard. Test Essay! There was no book just the good thesis persuasive contract, which he later reneged on. Placement Test Tips! This is not the normal level of good accomplishment for a University of Chicago professor or even lecturer.

Introduction to test essay, ACORN and Project Vote: In the early to mid-1990s, Obama worked with ACORN, a grassroots political organization that grew out of George Wiley's National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). Thesis Essay! In the late 1960s and early 70s, NWRO members had invaded welfare offices across the U.S. -- often violently -- bullying social workers and loudly demanding every penny to which the law “entitled” them. [6] Litigator for Davis, Miner, Barnhill Galland, P.C .: In 1993 Barack Obama took a job as a litigator of thesis of global warming voting rights and good essay, employment cases with the law firm Davis, Miner, Barnhill Galland, P.C. (a.k.a. Davis Miner). That same year, he also became a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School. Obama -- along with such notables as Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright -- helped organize the biographical narrative October 1995 Million Man March in good thesis persuasive Washington, DC, which featured Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Said Obama in ng argumentative the immediate aftermath of the March: “What I saw was a powerful demonstration of an impulse and need for African-American men to come together to good essay, recognize each other and affirm our rightful place in statement definition school the society. Good Thesis! Historically, African-Americans have turned inward and towards black nationalism whenever they have a sense, as we do now, that the halimbawa mainstream has rebuffed us, and that white Americans couldn’t care less about the profound problems African-Americans are facing.” Obama Smears White Executives in essay the Suburbs: I worked as a community organizer in definition school Chicago. I was very active in essay low-income neighborhoods, working on issues of crime and education and employment, and seeing that in some ways, certain portions of the African American community are doing as bad if not worse, and recognizing that my fate remained tied up with their fates, that my individual salvation is not going to come about without a collective salvation for the country. Unfortunately I think that recognition requires that we make sacrifices, and this country has not always been willing to make the sacrifices necessary to bring about a new day and placement test tips, a new age.

By no means was this the only time Obama spoke about collective salvation. In a 1998 radio interview he said: . my individual salvation is not going to come about without a collective salvation for the country. Thesis Persuasive! Um, unfortunately I think that recognition requires that we make sacrifices and this country has not always been willing to make the sacrifices necessary to bring about a new day and a new age. Obama Identifies White Suppression of Blacks As a Problem in the United States, As Elsewhere: . [T]he truth of the placement test tips matter is that many of the problems that Africa faces, whether it's poverty or political suppression or ethnic conflict is just as prominent there and can't all be blamed on the effects of good persuasive colonialism. What it can be blamed on is some of the narrative essay common factors that affect Bosnia or Los Angeles or all kinds of places on this earth, and that is the tendency for thesis persuasive one group to thesis, try to suppress another group in good thesis the interest of power or greed or resources or what have you. In an environment of essay scarcity, where the essay cost of living is rising, folks begin to get angry and biographical narrative essay courage, bitter and thesis essay, look for placement essay scapegoats. Historically, instead of looking at the top 5% of this country that controls all the wealth, we turn towards each other, and thesis essay, the Republicans have added to halimbawa, the fire. In that same interview, Obama said that his perspective on the “top 5%” had been shaped by essay his experiences abroad: It's about power. My travels made me sensitive to biographical, the plight of those without power and the issues of persuasive class and inequalities as it relates to wealth and halimbawa ng argumentative essay, power. Thesis Persuasive Essay! Anytime you have been overseas in these so-called third world countries, one thing you see is the vast disparity of wealth of those who are part of power structure and those outside of it.

Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and Obama's Entry into halimbawa ng argumentative essay Politics: In the mid-1990s, Obama developed a friendship with fellow Chicagoans Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, university professors who hosted a fundraiser at their home to introduce Obama to their neighbors during his first run for the Illinois state senate in good essay 1996. (This fundraiser was likely organized by the socialist New Party.) Ayers (who contributed money to Obama’s 1996 campaign) and definition school, Dohrn had been leaders of the essay 1960s domestic terrorist group Weatherman, a Communist-driven splinter faction of Students for a Democratic Society. The pair had participated personally in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the middle school Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in good thesis 1972. To this day, both have remained unrepentant about their former terrorist activities and their hatred of the United States. [9] “This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who is a professor of English in Chicago, who I know, and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He is not somebody who I exchange ideas from [with] on a regular basis. And the notion that somehow, as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts forty years ago when I was eight years old, somehow reflects on of essay activity, me and my values doesn't make much sense [T]his kind of thesis persuasive game, in which anybody who I know, regardless of how flimsy the relationship is, [that] somehow their ideas could be attributed to me, I think the of essay activity American people are smarter than that. Persuasive Essay! They’re not gonna suggest somehow that that is reflective of my views, because it obviously isn’t.” Chicago Annenberg Challenge and Bill Ayers: But in reality, Obama's ties to Ayers were deep and longstanding. In 1995, for instance, Obama was appointed as the to publish travel first Chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), a “school reform organization” founded by Ayers, who would later write, in his book Teaching Toward Freedom , that his educational objective was to “teach against oppression” as embodied in “America’s history of evil and racism, thereby forcing social transformation.” “Ayers made presentations to board meetings chaired by good thesis essay Obama.

Ayers also spoke for the Chicago School Reform Collaborative before Obama's board, while Obama periodically spoke for the board at thesis middle, meetings of the collaborative According to the documents, the CAC granted money to far-leftist causes, such as the radical Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, which has done work on good, behalf of Obama's presidential campaign.” WorldNetDaily reported further that “while Obama chaired the board of the CAC, more than $600,000 was granted to an organization founded by Ayers and run by Mike Klonsky, a former top communist activist. Klonsky was leader of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, which was effectively recognized by China as the all-but-official U.S. Maoist party.” Said Stanley Kurtz: “Instead of activity funding schools directly, [the CAC] required schools to affiliate with ‘external partners,’ which actually got the thesis money. Proposals from places essays groups focused on math/science achievement were turned down.

Instead CAC disbursed money through various far-left community organizers, such as ACORN.” Kurtz has provided the good persuasive following synopsis of the parts of essay CAC/Ayers agendas: The CAC's agenda flowed from Mr. Ayers's educational philosophy, which called for infusing students and their parents with a radical political commitment, and which downplayed achievement tests in thesis essay favor of activism. In the biographical courage mid-1960s, Mr. Ayers taught at a radical alternative school, and served as a community organizer in good persuasive Cleveland's ghetto. Between 1995 and 1999, Obama and middle, CAC distributed $110 million to a variety of leftist education enterprises for experiments in essay Chicago's public schools. During his time teaching at the University of Chicago, Obama told then-colleague John Lott directly: “I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.”

Obama Endorses Ayers' Book: In December 1997 Obama wrote a blurb praising Ayers' recently published book, A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court , calling it a searing and timely account of the juvenile court system, and test essay, the courageous individuals who rescue hope from despair. A notable attendee at good thesis persuasive, the aforementioned political gatherings which Ayers and Dohrn hosted on courage, behalf of Obama (in the mid-1990s) was Democratic state senator Alice J. Palmer (of Illinois’ 13th District), who quickly developed a friendly relationship with Obama. Good Thesis Persuasive! Prior to ng argumentative, her stint in persuasive essay politics, Palmer had worked for placement essay tips the Black Press Institute and was editor of the thesis Black Press Review . During the statement definition middle school Cold War, she supported the Soviet Union and spoke out against the United States. In the 1980s she served as an thesis persuasive, executive board member of the U.S. Peace Council, which the FBI identified as a Communist front group (and which was an affiliate of the test essay tips World Peace Council, an international Soviet front). Palmer participated in the World Peace Council’s Prague assembly in 1983 -- just as the thesis essay USSR was launching its “nuclear freeze” movement, a scheme that would have frozen Soviet nuclear and military superiority in narrative essay courage place. Obama Betrays Palmer:

But in November 1995, Jesse Jackson, Jr. defeated Palmer in a special election for Reynolds’ empty congressional seat. At that point, Palmer filed to good persuasive, retain the Democratic nomination for the state senate seat she had encouraged Obama to pursue; that seat would be up for test grabs in the November 1996 elections. She asked Obama to politely withdraw from the race and offered to good thesis persuasive essay, help him find an alternative position elsewhere. In 1995 Barack Obama sought the endorsement of the so-called New Party for his 1996 state senate run. He was successful in obtaining that endorsement, and he used a number of New Party volunteers as campaign workers. Obama was involved as early as 1993, with a New Party sister organization - Progressive Chicago. Halimbawa! This organization was formed by members of the New Party as a support group for progressive candidates. Essay! It's main instigators included New Party members Madeline Talbott of Chicago ACORN and Dan Swinney, a Chicago labor unionist. Barack Obama was probably approached to join Progressive Chicago as early April 7, 1993, as this unsigned handwritten note suggests [see image here]. According to the same note Obama was more than happy to be involved [see image here]. By September 1993 Obama was one of 17 people listed as a signatory on all Progressive Chicago letters - as shown by the second page of this September 22 Progressive Chicago letter to Joe Gardner [see image here].

It appears beyond doubt that Barack Obama was involved, more than two years before his Illinois State Senate run, with a New Party founded, sister organization - Progressive Chicago. In a 2010 interview, Carl Davidson, a Marxist activist who helped establish the New Party, recalled Obama's involvement with the New Party: A subcommittee met with [Obama] to interview him to see if his stand on the living wage and tips, similar reforms was the same as ours. We determined that our views on these overlapped, and we could endorse his campaign in the Democratic Party. Recently obtained evidence from the updated records of good Illinois ACORN at the Wisconsin Historical Society now definitively establishes that Obama was a member of the New Party. Thesis Warming! He also signed a 'contract' promising to publicly support and good thesis persuasive essay, associate himself with the New Party while in biographical office. Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in good thesis essay the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions.

He signed the New Party 'Candidate Contract' and requested an endorsement from the New Party. Tips! He also joined the New Party. Consistent with this, a roster of the Chicago chapter of the New Party from early 1997 lists Obama as a member, with January 11, 1996, indicated as the date he joined. Obama Calls for good Collective Action; Says the Christian Right is Characterized by statement definition Intolerance and good, Narrow-mindedness; Blames Society for Failing to Educate Teens Who Get in Trouble: In a 1995 story in essay the Chicago Reader , Obama was quoted saying: In America, we have this strong bias toward individual action. You know, we idolize the thesis persuasive essay John Wayne hero who comes in to correct things with both guns blazing. But individual actions, individual dreams, are not sufficient.

We must unite in collective action, build collective institutions and school, organizations. The right wing talks about this but they keep appealing to good thesis persuasive, that old individualistic bootstrap myth: get a job, get rich, and get out. Instead of statement school investing in our neighborhoods, that's what has always happened. Good Essay! Our goal must be to places to publish travel, help people get a sense of building something larger. People are hungry for community; they miss it.

They are hungry for change. The Marxist Carl Davidson and Obama's 1996 State Senate Run: Obama’s 1996 senate campaign also secured the good persuasive essay endorsement of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest socialist organization in the United States and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International. Obama’s affiliation with DSA was longstanding, as evidenced by his reference, in Dreams From My Father , to the fact that during his student years at Columbia University he “went to thesis, socialist conferences at Cooper Union,” a privately funded college for the advancement of science and persuasive essay, art. Halimbawa Essay! From the early 1980s until 2004, Cooper Union had served as the usual venue of the annual Socialist Scholars Conference. According to Trevor Loudon, guest speakers at these conferences included “members of the thesis persuasive Communist Party USA and its offshoot, the Committees of Correspondence, as well as Maoists, Trotsyists, black radicals, gay activists and radical feminists.” London observes that “Obama speaks of ‘ conferences ’ plural, indicating [that] his attendance was not the result of accident or youthful curiosity.” So, what’s in the play? It truly is a love song to Alinsky.

In the first few minutes of the play, Alinsky plays Moses yes, the halimbawa Biblical Moses talking to God. The play glorifies Alinsky stealing food from restaurants and organizing others to do the same, explaining, 'I saw it as a practical use of good persuasive social ecology: you had members of the intellectual community, the hope of the future, eating regularly for six months, staying alive till they could make their contributions to society.' Joining Obama on the discussion panel were the following individuals: Also in 1937, Despres and his wife met with, and delivered a suitcase of “clothing” to, Leon Trotsky, who was then in Mexico City, hiding from thesis definition middle Stalin’s assassins. The Joyce Foundation:

I Actually Believe in Redistribution: At an October 19, 1998 conference at Loyola University, Barack Obama said: There has been a systematic . propaganda campaign against the possibility of thesis essay government action and its efficacy. And I think some of it has been deserved. The trick is, how do we structure government systems that pool resources and statement definition middle school, hence facilitate some redistribution, because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level, to make sure that everybody's got a shot. “to the extent that we are doing research figuring out what kinds of government action would successfully make their [the working poor's] lives better, we are then putting together a potential majority coalition to move those agendas forward”; the good thesis persuasive one good thing that comes out of [the welfare-reform bill of tips 1996] is good essay that it essentially desegregates the welfare population,” merging urban blacks with “the working poor, which are the other people; and such a coalition becomes one batch of folks . Halimbawa! that is increasingly a majority population” whose policy needs would grow to encompass health care, job training, education, and good thesis essay, a system where government would “provide effective child care.” The Woods Fund of Chicago and Bill Ayers:

Obama also had been a board member of the Woods Fund of Chicago since 1993. Thesis Of Global Warming! In 1999 he was joined on thesis, this board by Bill Ayers, who would serve alongside Obama until the latter left the Fund in December 2002. (In 2002 -- while Obama was still on the board -- the of global warming Woods Fund made a grant to Northwestern University Law School's Children and Family Justice Center, where Ayers' wife, Bernardine Dohrn, was employed.) In 2000, Obama ran against thesis persuasive essay former Black Panther and incumbent congressman Bobby Rush in parts of essay the Democratic Primary for the U.S. House of Representatives. Rush denounced Obama as an thesis persuasive, “elitist” who “wasn’t black enough,” and crushed him by nearly a two-to-one vote margin. Obama returned to the Illinois state senate for placement tips another four-year term. As noted earlier, during his state senate years Obama was a lecturer at good persuasive essay, the University of Chicago law school, where he became friendly with Rashid Khalidi, a professor in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. Obama and his wife were regular dinner guests at Khalidi’s Hyde Park home. Definition School! Khalidi and his wife Mona had founded in 1995 the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), noted for its contention that Arab Americans face widespread discrimination in persuasive the United States, and for its view that Israel’s creation in 1948 was a catastrophe for narrative essay courage Arab people. In 2001 and again in 2002, the Woods Fund of thesis persuasive essay Chicago, while Obama served on its board, made grants totaling $75,000 to AAAN.

Shortly after Obama’s unsuccessful run for Congress in 2000, he was deeply in debt, with little cash at his disposal (his annual part-time salary as a state senator was $58,000) and a stagnant law practice that he had largely neglected during a year of political campaigning. “Even as I hope for placement essay some measure of peace and comfort to thesis persuasive, the bereaved families, I must also hope that we as a nation draw some measure of wisdom from places travel essays this tragedy. Certain immediate lessons are clear, and we must act upon those lessons decisively. We need to good thesis persuasive essay, step up security at our airports. We must reexamine the effectiveness of travel essays our intelligence networks. And we must be resolute in identifying the perpetrators of good essay these heinous acts and dismantling their organizations of destruction. Depicting America as a Racially and Economically Unjust Society: Obama was an outspoken opponent of the places travel Iraq War ever since it was first discussed as a possible means of unseating Saddam Hussein from power.

On October 2, 2002, Obama gave an antiwar speech alongside Jesse Jackson on the very day that President Bush and Congress agreed on a joint resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq. It was with this speech that Obama first caught the attention of the American public. Now, let me be clear I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is good thesis essay a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied U.N. resolutions, thwarted U.N. inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He's a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him. Also in his 2002 speech, Obama said that instead of using force to parts, depose Saddam, America should “fight” for democratic reforms in the Middle East, for stronger international nuclear safeguards, and for energy independence: “Those are the battles that we need to fight. Those are the battles that we willingly join the good thesis battles against ignorance and intolerance, corruption and greed.

Poverty and despair.” In July 2004, Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in biographical narrative courage Boston. Thesis Essay! He used the speech to introduce himself to a national audience while impugning the Bush administration and thesis statement middle school, the War in Iraq. In 2004 Obama ran for one of Illinois’ two seats in the U.S. Senate.

The Chicago Tribune endorsed Obama’s campaign. More importantly, the thesis persuasive Tribune persuaded a Democrat-appointed judge in California to open the sealed divorce records of Obama’s Republican opponent to the media. The resulting sex scandal, based on allegations in the divorce records by a Hollywood actress eager to prevent her ex-husband from getting custody of activity their children, prompted the Republican to resign from the race. One month before the thesis 2004 Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate, Obama was down in the polls, about to lose to Blair Hull, a multimillionaire securities trader.

But then the Chicago Tribune leaked the claim that Hull’s second ex-wife, Brenda Sexton, had sought an order of protection against him during their 1998 divorce proceedings. Obama then used similar techniques to win the general election, as Human Events again explains: As luck would have it, Obama’s opponent in the general election had also been divorced! Jack Ryan was tall, handsome, Catholic and shared a name with one of Harrison Ford’s most popular onscreen characters! He went to ng argumentative, Dartmouth, Harvard Law and good persuasive essay, Harvard Business School, made hundreds of millions of dollars as a partner at narrative essay, Goldman Sachs, and then, in thesis persuasive essay his early 40s, left investment banking to teach at thesis statement definition school, an inner city school on the South Side of Chicago. With a $10 million campaign war chest from persuasive essay contributors, and with no Republican opponent who could garner much support, Obama had an open road to ng argumentative essay, become the next U.S. Good Thesis Persuasive! Senator from statement definition school Illinois.

His friend and political supporter, the good persuasive longtime Chicago alderwoman Dorothy Tillman, helped him win the voting in Chicago’s predominantly black wards. He also received valuable backing from the Jesse Jacksons, Junior and Senior, and Rev. Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition. In March 2005 Obama joined forces with the Web-based, grassroots political network MoveOn -- which seeks to use its fundraising clout to parts, push the Democratic Party ever further to the political left -- in an effort to raise campaign money for West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd’s 2006 reelection bid. In a letter to MoveOn members, Obama wrote: “You and millions of others, working through MoveOn, have helped change the way politics works in this country.” In a 2005 commencement address, Obama described the conservative philosophy of government as one that promises “to give everyone one big refund on their government, divvy it up by individual portions, in the form of thesis persuasive tax breaks, hand it out, and encourage everyone to use their share to go buy their own health care, their own retirement plan, their own child care, their own education, and so on.” “In Washington,” said Obama, “they call this the Ownership Society. But in our past there has been another term for it, Social Darwinism, every man or woman for him or herself.

It's a tempting idea, because it doesn't require much thought or ingenuity.” The fact that Obama socialized with Ayers and Dohrn contradicts the statement that Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt gave the New York Times in places essays 2008: 'Mr. LaBolt said the men . have not spoken by phone or exchanged e-mail messages since Mr. Obama began serving in the United States Senate in January 2005 and good thesis persuasive, last met more than a year ago when they bumped into each other on the street in halimbawa Hyde Park.' Obama Accuses the Bush Administration of good thesis persuasive Racism: In September 2005, Obama spoke at a town hall meeting of the halimbawa ng argumentative essay Congressional Black Caucus. Thesis Persuasive! Nominally devoted to the subject of “eradicating poverty,” the statement middle meeting was replete with condemnations of President George W. Bush, the Republican Party, and America’s purportedly intractable racial inequities.

Obama stopped short of suggesting that the allegedly slow federal response to the victims of Hurricane Katrina (which had devastated New Orleans and essay, the Gulf Coast earlier that month) -- especially black victims -- was motivated by racism. Placement Test! But he nonetheless claimed that racism was the cause of good persuasive what he perceived to halimbawa essay, be the good essay Bush administration’s lack of sensitivity to the struggles of African Americans generally: “The incompetence was colorblind. What wasn’t colorblind was the indifference. Human efforts will always pale in comparison to nature’s forces. But [the Bush administration] is a set of folks who simply don’t recognize what’s happening in large parts of the country.” Blacks in parts of essay activity hurricane-hit areas were poor, Obama further charged, because of the Bush administration’s “decision to good thesis essay, give tax breaks to Paris Hilton instead of statement school providing child care and education ” Obama Advocates Welfare State; Says Much Success Is Due to “Blind Luck”: Obama Endorses Dorothy Tillman, Proponent of essay Reparations and Admirer of Louis Farrakhan: In 2006 Obama endorsed the aforementioned Dorothy Tillman in halimbawa essay the Third Ward race for the Chicago City Council.

A passionate admirer of Louis Farrakhan, Tillman was a leading proponent of reparations for slavery. Claiming that America remains “one of the persuasive essay cruelest nations in the world when it comes to black folks,” Tillman continues to declare that the U.S. “owes blacks a debt.” In December of 2006, Obama, who by narrative essay then was contemplating a run for good the presidency, met in halimbawa ng argumentative essay New York with billionaire financier George Soros, who previously had hosted a fundraiser for thesis persuasive Obama during the halimbawa ng argumentative essay latter’s 2004 campaign for the U.S. Senate. promoting the view that America is institutionally an essay, oppressive nation promoting the thesis warming election of good thesis persuasive essay leftist political candidates throughout the United States opposing virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by U.S. government, particularly the Patriot Act depicting American military actions as unjust, unwarranted, and immoral promoting open borders, mass immigration, and a watering down of current immigration laws promoting a dramatic expansion of social welfare programs funded by placement essay ever-escalating taxes promoting social welfare benefits and amnesty for illegal aliens defending suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters financing the recruitment and thesis essay, training of future activist leaders of the placement test tips political Left advocating America’s unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending opposing the death penalty in all circumstances promoting socialized medicine in the United States promoting the tenets of radical environmentalism, whose ultimate goal, as writer Michael Berliner has explained, is “not clean air and clean water, [but] rather . the good thesis demolition of test tips technological/industrial civilization” bringing American foreign policy under the thesis persuasive control of the United Nations promoting racial and ethnic preferences in academia and the business world alike promoting taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand advocating stricter gun-control measures advocating the legalization of parts marijuana. Obama's Activities in Support of a Socialist Bidding to good thesis, Be Elected President of Kenya: McCarthy says Obama undermined U.S. relations with a strong antiterrorism ally in an African region where al-Qaida operates. In 2006 . Parts Of Essay! Obama campaigned for a pro-communist candidate running against Nairobi's pro-American government 'in outrageous contravention of U.S. policy and, probably, federal law.'

Running for President: On January 16, 2007, Obama announced the creation of a presidential exploratory committee. Thesis Persuasive Essay! Within hours after the announcement, Soros sent the senator a contribution of places to publish $2,100, the maximum amount allowable under campaign finance laws. Later that week, the New York Daily News reported that Soros would back Obama over Senator Hillary Clinton, whom he had supported in persuasive essay the past. Obama’s wife Michelle quickly emerged as one of the new candidate’s most vocal campaigners. In a February 2007 appearance with her husband on the television program 60 Minutes , Mrs.

Obama implied that America’s allegedly rampant white racism posed a great physical threat to her husband. Said Mrs. Obama: “As a black man, you know, Barack can get shot going to places to publish travel essays, the gas station.” In April 2007, Obama addressed the activist Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, telling an overflow crowd of listeners about his success as an Illinois lawmaker in making health insurance available to children and reducing the good persuasive cost of prescription drugs for senior citizens. He also expressed his opposition to racial profiling in law enforcement, detailing how he had helped pass legislation against the practice. In addition, he asserted that society must help ex-convicts escape an statement definition middle school, “economic death sentence” by securing jobs for them when they leave prison. “Jackie Kendall, executive director of the good essay Midwest Academy, was on the team that developed and delivered the first Camp Obama training for thesis volunteers aiding Obama’s campaign through the 2008 Iowa Caucuses. Hans Riemer, who served as national youth vote director for the Obama campaign, said of the camp: 'We are training them, teaching them how to be effective, showing them what their role is in our strategy to win the election We’re taking people from raw enthusiasm to capable organizers.' Support from Jodie Evans of Code Pink: In February 2007, Evans co-hosted (along with her now-deceased husband Max Palevsky and the Dreamworks team of Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg) a key Obama fundraiser just weeks after he announced his presidential candidacy. Evans donated the maximum $2,300 to Obama’s campaign.

In April 2007, the Obama campaign announced that Evans was one of its early fundraising bundlers. In June 2008, Evans met with Obama at a high-priced fundraiser. In late August 2008, Evans attended the Democratic National Convention and, because of good persuasive essay her status as a bundler, was invited to two private receptions with Obama and his running mate, Joe Biden. In September 2008, Evans attended two exclusive Hollywood fundraisers with Obama. Two weeks later, she met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York City. In October 2008, Evans worked with Code Pink’s Los Angeles chapter on a get-out-the-vote campaign in Obama's behalf. Robert Malley and the Hamas Incident: In 2007 Obama appointed Robert Malley, the Middle East and thesis statement definition middle, North Africa Program Director for thesis persuasive the International Crisis Group, as a foreign policy advisor to his campaign. ICG receives funding from the Open Society Institute (whose founder, George Soros, serves on the ICG Board and Executive Committee).

Prior to joining ICG, Malley had served as President Bill Clinton’s Special Assistant for Arab-Israeli Affairs (1998-2001); National Security Advisor Sandy Berger’s Executive Assistant (1996-1998); and the National Security Council’s Director for thesis Democracy, Human Rights, and Humanitarian Affairs (1994-1996). Malley’s father, Simon Malley, had been a key figure in the Egyptian Communist Party. Rabidly anti-Israel, Simon Malley was a confidante of the late PLO leader Yasser Arafat; an good thesis persuasive essay, inveterate critic of “Western imperialism”; a supporter of various leftist revolutionary “liberation movements,” particularly the thesis middle school Palestinian cause; a beneficiary of good Soviet funding; and a supporter of the essay 1979 Soviet invasion of thesis persuasive essay Afghanistan. “Thanks to all of of essay activity you at Planned Parenthood for all the work that you are doing for thesis essay women all across the country and for families all across the countryand for men, who have enough sense to realize you are helping them, all across the country. Planned Parenthood is the thesis of global largest abortion provider in the United States, with some 850 clinics across the country. Good Thesis Persuasive! It purports to offer “a wide range of of global medical and counseling services and persuasive essay, health care education,” but its primary business is parts activity providing abortion services. In 2004 Planned Parenthood completed 138 abortions for every adoption referral it made to an outside agency.

During the 2004-2005 fiscal year, the organization reported 1,414 adoption referrals (one adoption for every 180 abortions). During its 2005-2006 fiscal year, Planned Parenthood performed a record 264,943 abortions; garnered $345.1 million in clinic income; took in $212.2 million in donations; and persuasive essay, received record taxpayer funding of $305.3 million. Thesis Definition School! Total income reached a record $902.8 million. In August 2007, Obama appeared at good thesis essay, the national convention of the leftist political weblog Daily Kos. According to halimbawa ng argumentative, a New York Times report: Mr. Obama, who has built his candidacy upon the mantra of change, received booming applause when he was introduced to the audience of more than 1,500. When the moderator mentioned that the good thesis essay senator turned 46 years old on Saturday, several of those gathered in warming the ballroom began to serenade him with 'Happy Birthday.' In October 2007 Obama stated that, if elected, he would offer a high-level position in his administration to former Vice President Al Gore. On December 4, 2007, Obama’s campaign announced the creation of its African American Religious Leadership Committee. Among the committee's more notable members were Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rev.

Otis Moss III, and Rev. Good Thesis Persuasive! Joseph E. Lowery. From March 1972 until February 2008, Jeremiah Wright -- whom Barack Obama described as his “spiritual advisor,” his “mentor,” and “one of the greatest preachers in to publish travel essays America” -- was the essay pastor of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC), where Obama had attended services since 1988, and warming, where he (Obama) had been a member since 1992. Said Obama of good persuasive essay Wright: “What I value most about Pastor Wright is to publish travel essays not his day-to-day political advice. He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking as truthfully about what I believe as possible and good, that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.” Rev. Otis Moss III -- whom Obama has extolled as a “wonderful young pastor” -- served as assistant pastor of TUCC from places travel essays 2006-2008 and then succeeded Jeremiah Wright as pastor when the latter retired. Good Persuasive! In one notable sermon, Moss likened the test essay tips condition of contemporary black Americans to that of the hapless lepers referenced in thesis essay biblical stories.

He further implied that whites -- who, in halimbawa essay his estimation, continue to subjugate blacks both socially and economically -- are the good thesis persuasive “enemy” of thesis statement definition African Americans. Good Thesis Essay! “Our society creates thugs,” Moss added. “Children are not born thugs. Test Essay! Thugs are made and not born.” Rev. Joseph Lowery is persuasive essay a prominent figure in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Viewing the United States as a nation that is “not committed to serious efforts to address the test essay tips issue of racism,” he has warned that “white racism is good thesis persuasive gaining respectability again,” and that “there’s a resurgence of racism at almost every level of life.” Lowery has expressed contempt for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, specifically because the black conservative Thomas opposes the use of affirmative action (i.e., race preferences) in business and academia.

Says Lowery: “I have told [Thomas] I am ashamed of him, because he is becoming to essays, the black community what Benedict Arnold was to the nation he deserted; and what Judas Iscariot was to Jesus: a traitor ; and what Brutus was to Caesar: an assassin .” Another notable religious supporter of persuasive Barack Obama is Rev. Michael Pfleger, a white Roman Catholic priest who has been the pastor of Saint Sabina Catholic Church in Chicago since 1981. A great admirer of placement test essay tips Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright, Pfleger views America as a nation plagued by thesis persuasive “classism and racism,” and he identifies white racism as “the number one sin in this country.” Pfleger has had a longstanding friendly relationship (since the late 1980s) with Obama and has played a significant role as a spiritual advisor who, Obama once said, had helped him maintain his moral compass. Yet another religious figure affiliated with Obama is Rev. Essay! James Meeks, a Democratic member of the Illinois state senate, where he served alongside Obama from 2002-2004 (prior to Obama’s election to good essay, the U.S.

Senate). Meeks also has been the pastor of test Chicago’s 22,000-member Salem Baptist Church since 1985, and he was once the executive vice president of Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH coalition. For his 2008 presidential run, Obama formed a Black Advisory Council whose members included, most notably: (a) Marxist professor Cornel West, a longtime member of the thesis persuasive Democratic Socialists of of global warming America and a great admirer of good thesis persuasive essay Obama’s former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright; and (b) Harvard law professor Charles Ogletree, a reparations-for-slavery proponent who has advised Obama on such matters as criminal-justice reform. Obama Clearly Articulates His Desire to of global warming, Remake the World and Change This Country:

After Obama's victory in the Iowa Caucus, longtime Communist Party USA supporter Frank Chapman -- who had previously chaired the National Alliance Against Racist Political Oppression and served as a board member of the U.S. Peace Council, both Communist Party fronts -- wrote a letter that was published in good persuasive essay the January 12, 2008 edition of the CPUSA publication, Peoples Weekly World : Now, beyond all the optimism I was capable of mustering, Mr. Obama won Iowa! He won in a political arena 95 percent white. It was a resounding defeat for places to publish essays the manipulations of the ultra-right and good thesis persuasive, their right-liberal fellow travelers.

Also it was a hard lesson for liberals who underestimated the political fury of the masses in these troubled times. Accusing Republicans of parts Having Failed Minorities: During a Democratic presidential debate on January 21, 2008, Obama expressed his belief that Republican politicians had failed to provide adequate opportunities for the social and economic advancement of minorities: “I am absolutely convinced that white, black, Latino, Asian, people want to move beyond our divisions, and they want to join together in order to create a movement for persuasive change in this country. The Republicans may have a different attitude. Placement Essay! The policies that they have promoted have not been good at providing ladders for upward mobility and opportunity for all people.” Tony Rezko, the thesis Federally Indicted Real-Estate Developer: Also in placement test essay tips January 2008, Obama’s relationship with a federally indicted real estate developer came to light when rival candidate Hillary Clinton said, during a South Carolina Democratic Party presidential debate: “I was fighting against good thesis [Republican] ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor, Rezko, in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago.” Clinton’s reference was to Tony Rezko, a Syrian-born, Chicago-based restaurateur and real estate developer who had been one of the first major financial contributors to Barack Obama’s political campaigns in the 1990s.

For a full explanation of Rezko’s relationship with Obama, see footnote number [10] . At a February 12, 2008 campaign stop in Wisconsin, Obama said: The politics of hope does not mean hoping things come easy. Because nothing worthwhile in this country has ever happened unless somebody somewhere stood up when it was hard, stood up when they were told, no you can't, and said, yes we can. Courage! And where better to good persuasive, affirm our ideals than here in Wisconsin, where a century ago the progressive movement was born. It was rooted in the principle that the voices of the people can speak louder than special interests, that citizens can be connected to their government and to one another, and that all of us share a common destiny, an American Dream. On other occasions, Obama described himself as a pragmatic progressive who tries to make decisions based on what works. Praise from Louis Farrakhan: In February 2008 Louis Farrakhan called Obama “a herald of the places essays Messiah.” “Barack has captured the youth,” said the Nation Of Islam leader, referring to the passionate support Obama had drawn from young people in America. “And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign.

When the messiah speaks, the youth will hear. And the messiah is absolutely speaking.” In March 2008 the thesis persuasive controversial Al Sharpton, a strong supporter of Obama’s presidential candidacy, revealed publicly that he was in the habit of parts activity speaking to Obama on good thesis, a regular basis -- “two or three times a week.” Sharpton also said that he had told Obama four months earlier, “I won’t either endorse you or not endorse you. But I will tell you I can be freer not endorsing you to help you and everybody else.” According to Sharpton, Obama then protested and asked for his public support: “No, no, no. I want you to endorse.” In early 2008, MoveOn executive director Eli Pariser announced that he and his organization were endorsing Obama for U.S. Of Essay! President. “We’ve learned that the key to essay, achieving change in Washington without compromising core values is of global having a galvanized electorate to back you up,” said Pariser, “and Barack Obama has our members ‘fired up and ready to go’ on that front.” In April 2008 Ahmed Yousef, a political advisor for the terrorist group Hamas, told interviewer Aaron Klein that his (Yousef’s) organization was hopeful that Obama would win the presidential election and change America’s foreign policy vis a vis the Arab-Israeli conflict.

When reporters subsequently asked Obama what he thought of the Hamas leader’s endorsement, Obama said: “My position on Hamas is indistinguishable from the position of Hillary Clinton or [Republican presidential candidate] John McCain. Thesis Persuasive Essay! I said they are a terrorist organization, and I've repeatedly condemned them. I’ve repeatedly said, and I mean what I say: Since they are a terrorist organization, we should not be dealing with them until they recognize Israel, renounce terrorism, and abide by previous agreements.” During an April 2008 campaign stop in San Francisco, Obama said: “You go into some of warming these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years, and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the persuasive essay Clinton administration and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate, and they have not. Narrative Essay Courage! And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” Anthony Lake, Foreign Policy Advisor: In June 2008, Obama named former New Leftist Anthony Lake as one of his leading foreign policy advisors. Lake served as a special assistant for national security affairs under President Nixon in 1969-70, but soon thereafter he stepped down from that post to protest the Nixon administration’s bombing raids in Cambodia -- raids that were designed to support the existing government against the power-grabbing efforts of good persuasive Pol Pot and his bloodthirsty Khmer Rouge. At a June 2008 campaign stop in Jacksonville, Florida, Obama suggested that his political opponents were trying to exploit the issue of parts of essay activity race to undermine his candidacy. “It is going to be very difficult for good Republicans to run on their stewardship of the economy or their outstanding foreign policy,” he said. “We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run. They’re going to try to make you afraid.

They’re going to try to parts of essay, make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?” Speaking at a July 2008 gathering of hundreds of minority journalists in Chicago, Obama said the United States should acknowledge its history of poor treatment of good certain ethnic groups: “There's no doubt that when it comes to our treatment of ng argumentative Native Americans as well as other persons of color in this country, we've got some very sad and thesis persuasive essay, difficult things to account for. I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged. I consistently believe that when it comes to places to publish essays, whether it's Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds.” Joe Biden, Running Mate: In August 2008, Obama named Senator Joe Biden to be his vice presidential running mate.

Fannie Mae . has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people and felt pressure from stock holders to maintain its phenomenal growth in profits. In addition, banks, thrift institutions and mortgage companies have been pressing Fannie Mae to help them make more loans to so-called subprime borrowers. Persuasive! These borrowers whose incomes, credit ratings and savings are not good enough to qualify for conventional loans, can only get [so-called 'subprime'] loans from finance companies that charge much higher interest rates -- anywhere from three to four percentage points higher than conventional loans. Demographic information on places travel, these borrowers is sketchy. But at least one study indicates that 18 percent of the loans in the subprime market went to black borrowers, compared to thesis persuasive essay, 5 per cent of loans in the conventional loan market. In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is places to publish travel essays taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in good persuasive the 1980's.

The Editors of National Review Online explain the connection between the foregoing policies and Barack Obama: One of the reasons so many bad mortgage loans were made in the first place is essay tips that Barack Obama’s celebrated community organizers make their careers out of forcing banks to good essay, do so. ACORN, for ng argumentative which Obama worked, is persuasive one of many left-wing organizations that spent decades pressuring banks and bank regulators to do more to make mortgages available to people without much in the way of income, assets, or credit. Halimbawa Ng Argumentative Essay! These campaigns often were couched in racially inflammatory terms. The result was the Community Reinvestment Act. The CRA empowers the FDIC and thesis essay, other banking regulators to punish those banks which do not lend to the poor and minorities at the level that Obama’s fellow community organizers would like. Among other things, mergers and acquisitions can be blocked if CRA inquisitors are not satisfied that their demands which are political demands have been met. There is warming a name for loans made to people who do not have the credit, assets, income, or down payment to qualify for a normal mortgage: subprime. As Forbes magazine points out, Obama has been a staunch supporter of the good thesis CRA throughout his public life.

In an October 15, 2008 presidential debate, Republican John McCain raised the issue of Obama’s ties to ACORN. At the time, ACORN was in the news for two major reasons. First, the organization was under investigation in to publish essays 14 separate states for massive voter fraud. Thesis! Strongly pro-Democrat, ACORN claimed to have registered 4 million new voters (most of placement tips whom were Democrats) during the preceding four years. Good Essay! Many tens of thousands of these registrations already had been found to placement, be fraudulent -- they bore phony names, fake or nonexistent addresses, inaccurate personal information, duplicate signatures, etc. The full extent of the fraud, however, was impossible to determine. “The only involvement I’ve had with ACORN was I represented them alongside the persuasive essay U.S. Justice Department in making Illinois implement a motor voter law that helped people get registered at tips, DMVs.

ACORN is a community organization. Thesis! Apparently what they’ve done is they were paying people to go out and register folks, and apparently some of the essay people who were out there didn’t really register people, they just filled out a bunch of names. It had nothing to do with us. We were not involved.” He said nothing about the years he had spent training ACORN activists; nothing about the good essay laudatory statements he had made about ACORN in statement middle the recent past; and nothing about the $800,000+ his campaign had given to the ACORN front group Citizens' Services Inc. (an ACORN-dominated subsidiary whose headquarters were located at precisely the same address as ACORN's national headquarters in thesis essay New Orleans, Louisiana) to fund his campaign's 2008 voter-registration efforts. To conceal the purpose of these payments to test essay tips, ACORN and Citizens' Services Inc., the Obama campaign misidentified the $800,000+ payment as money that had been spent for election services. Well, first of all my relationship with ACORN is good thesis persuasive pretty straightforward.

It’s probably 13 years ago when I was still practicing law, I represented ACORN and my partner in that investigation was the ng argumentative US Justice department in having Illinois implement what was called the motor voter law, to make sure people could go to DMV’s and driver license facilities to get registered. It wasn’t being implemented. That was my relationship and is my relationship to ACORN. There is an ACORN organization in Chicago. They’ve been active. As an elected offiical, I’ve had interactions with them. But, they’re not advising my campaign. Thesis Essay! We’ve got the best voter registration in politics right now and placement test, we don’t need ACORN’s help.

Obama's statements from the aforementioned debate and interview are contradicted, however, but the words he himself had spoken in other venues. For example, during his presidential campaign, Obama was a featured speaker at one particularly notable political event in which ACORN played a prominent role -- a December 1, 2007 forum exclusively for thousands of community organizers from across the persuasive essay United States. He was inroduced to the crowd by Deepak Bhargava, ACORN's leader of middle community reinvestment and fair housing (and Executive Director of the good persuasive essay Center for Community Change). In his introductory remarks, Bhargava characterized America as a society that is still deeply structured by halimbawa essay racism and sexism. When Obama took the microphone (to thunderous applause), he did not refute Bhargava's comments in essay any way. Statement Definition! He was then asked, If elected President of the United States, would you agree, in your first one-hundred days, to meet with a delegation of representatives from these various community organizations . Obama replied: Yes, but let me even say, before I even get inaugurated, during the good persuasive essay transition we're gonna be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda.

We're gonna be having meetings all across the country with community organizations so that you have input into the agenda for the next presidency of the United States of America. Similarly, in an interview with ACORN representatives in 2007, candidate Obama said the essay following: You know you've got a friend in me. And I definitely welcome ACORN's input. You don't have to ask me about that. I'm going to call you even if you didn't ask me.

When I ran Project Vote, the voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it. Once I was elected, there wasn't a campaign that ACORN worked on down in Springfield that I wasn't right there with you. Since I have been in the United States Senate I've been always a partner with ACORN as well. I've been fighting with ACORN, along side ACORN, on issues you care about my entire career. In 2008, Obama's presidential campaign furnished the ACORN affiliate Project Vote with a list of good thesis essay donors who had already contributed (to the campaign) the maximum amount of money permitted by law.

Anita Moncrief, a former Washington, DC staffer for parts of essay Project Vote, later revealed that her organization had contacted these big donors and urged them to give money to Project Vote -- money which could then be funneled directly into the Obama campaign coffers, thereby evading election-law limits on good essay, campaign contributions. F oreign Contributions to Presidential Campaign: A Federal Election Commission (FEC) employee has reportedly been warning for months about evidence that the Obama campaign has received as much as $200 million, almost half of his total donations, in halimbawa essay amounts less than $200. That is below the threshold for persuasive donor information [which] Mr. Test Essay! Obama has chose[n] to report to the FEC -- unlike the persuasive essay Clinton and McCain campaigns, which have reported all donor information. In August 2008, Pamela Geller wrote, in the American Thinker , that among the ng argumentative myriad foreign donations Obama had received was a $33,000 contribution from good essay Palestinian brothers based in the Hamas-controlled Rafah refugee camp in parts of essay activity Gaza, who had proudly declared their love for Obama. The Obama campaign claimed that it had returned that money to the brother donors, but the latter said they had never received such a return.

Moreover, Geller catalogued several dozen of the foreign cities and nations from persuasive which illegal contributions to the Obama campaign had originated. In many cases, the donors' names and contact information were fraudulent -- sometimes consisting of nothing more than letters arranged in random, nonsensical sequence. On October 30, 2008, Obama told a large crowd of cheering supporters: We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. What makes Obama different is that he has also been a community organiser. He has read left literature, including my works, and places travel essays, he understands what socialism is.

A lot of the good persuasive essay people working with him are, indeed, socialists with backgrounds in the Communist Party or as independent Marxists. There are a lot of people like that in Chicago who have worked with him for years. Obama’s Policy Positions and Voting Record as State Senator, U.S. Senator, and Presidential Candidate: During his eight-year career in the Illinois state senate, Barack Obama avoided making controversial votes approximately 130 times -- which, according to other Illinois state senators, is much higher than average. Rather than vote yea or nay on the legislation in question, Obama on those occasions simply voted present. In the Illinois state senate, this was the equivalent of a nay vote when tallying up support or opposition to a given bill. But, as David Freddoso points out: [F]or rhetorical purposes, a 'present' vote is different in that critics and journalists must discuss it differently.

For example, Barack Obama did not vote against thesis a bill to prevent pornographic book and video stores and strip clubs from setting up within 1,000 feet of schools and churches -- he just voted 'present.' Obama voted 'present' on an almost unanimously passed bill to thesis essay, prosecute students as adults if they fire guns on schol grounds. He voted 'present' on the partial-birth abortion ban and other contentious issues . Parts Of Essay Activity! [11] Obama favors racial preferences for good thesis persuasive minorities in biographical essay university admissions, public employment, and state contracting. “I still believe in persuasive affirmative action as a means of overcoming both historic and potentially current discrimination,” said Obama in April 2008. [W]henever we define a pre-viable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or other elements in the Constitution, what we're really saying is, in thesis statement fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a -- a child, a nine-month-old -- child that was delivered to term. That determination, then, essentially, if it was accepted by a court, would forbid abortions to take place. For that reason, I think it would probably be found unconstitutional. As David Freddoso observes, Obama's argument: implies that babies born prematurely without abortions might not be 'persons.' They might have to be 'nine months old' before they count. [O]ne might even conclude from thesis [his words] that he actually does think they are persons. But, he argues, we cannot legally recognize them as 'persons.' Because if we do, then somewhere down the road it might threaten someone's right to an abortion. Barack Obama's actions indicate he thinks that before any other rights are granted to thesis, 'persons,' the Constitution exists to guarantee abortion rights. [13] Though it did not in any way conflict with, or compromise, Roe v. Wade , Obama voted against this same legislation in 2003. As chair of the Health and good persuasive essay, Human Services Committee, he blocked another attempt to bring the bill to the floor of the Illinois Senate.

As I understand it, this [bill] puts the burden on the attending physician who has determined, since they were performing this procedure, that, in fact, this is a nonviable fetus; that if that fetus, or child however way you want to describe it is now outside the mother’s womb and the doctor continues to think that it’s nonviable but there’s, let’s say, movement or some indication that, in fact, they’re not just coming out parts limp and dead, that, in fact, they would then have to thesis persuasive essay, call a second physician to monitor and check off and tips, make sure that this is not a live child that could be saved. But Obama knew quite well that children were being born alive and were not looked after by the abortion doctors; that in 10 to 20 percent of the good persuasive essay cases where induced labor abortion was practiced, the infants survived and were then being left, uncared for, to die; and that these facts were precisely what had prompted the legislation in the first place. In committee he took the placement test tips opinion of the persuasive ACLU attorney and said that he thought that this would be something that would overturn Roe v. Wade , and he opposed it in committee, and then he took a leadership role opposing this to go on and be the sole senator to speak against this bill on the Senate floor, not once, but two years in a row. And he brags on ng argumentative essay, his Web site now that he strategized with Planned Parenthood to defeat this bill. He said on the Senate floor as a matter of fact that he thought that this would ultimately be considered unconstitutional, and good essay, he said that he strategized with Planned Parenthood to vote present because in Illinois a present vote is the same as a no vote. Of Global Warming! And he thought by doing this that he would lure some squeamish senators who didn't really want to vote to endorse infanticide. In 2006 Obama voted “Yes” on a Senate Budget amendment allocating $100 million to: “increas[e] funding and access to family planning services”; “fun[d] legislation that requires equitable prescription coverage for contraceptives under health plans”; and “fun[d] legislation that would create and expand teen pregnancy prevention programs and education programs concerning emergency contraceptives.” [14] Well, you know, I think that whether you're looking at good persuasive, it from thesis of global a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade. “Latinos have such a high dropout rate. What you see consistently are children at a very early age are starting school already behind. That’s why I’ve said that I’m going to put billions of dollars into early childhood education that makes sure that our African-American youth, Latino youth, poor youth of every race, are getting the kind of help that they need so that they know their numbers, their colors, their letters.” [20]

Obama opposed the thesis Supreme Court’s 2007 split decision that invalidated programs in Seattle and Louisville (Kentucky) which sought to maintain “diversity” in local schools by factoring race into decisions about which students could be admitted to any particular school, or which students could be allowed to transfer from one school to another. Under these programs, parents were not free to send their children to the schools of their choice. Ng Argumentative Essay! Instead they were obliged to abide by the quotas preordained by bureaucrats who had never met any of the children whose educational lives they sought to good thesis persuasive essay, micromanage. Both the parts activity Seattle and good persuasive, Louisville programs were representative of similar plans in hundreds of other school districts nationwide. In 1997 Obama opposed an Illinois welfare-reform bill, proposed by thesis of global warming Republican senator Dave Syverson, which sought to move as many people as possible off the state welfare rolls and into paying jobs. Thesis Essay! He tried to weaken the legislation by calling for exceptions not only to the requirement that welfare recipients make an effort to find employment, but also to the bill's proposed five-year limit on benefits. My commitment is to make sure that we've got universal healthcare for all Americans by essay the end of good persuasive essay my first term as President. I would hope that we can set up a system that allows those who can go through their employer to access a federal system or a state pool of some sort. But I don't think we're going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately.

There's going to be, potentially, some transition process. I can envision a decade out, or 15 years out, or 20 years out. On April 3, 2007, Obama said: Let's say that I proposed a plan that moved to thesis of global warming, a single payer system. Let's say Medicare Plus. It'd be essentially everybody can buy into Medicare for example. Transitioning a system is good persuasive essay a very difficult and costly and lengthy enterprise. Of Essay! It's not like you can turn on a switch and thesis, you go from one system to of essay, another. So it's possible that upfront you would need not just, I mean, you might need an additional $90 or $100 billion a year.

On August 4, 2007, Obama said: This [health care] is a two-trillion dollar part of our economy. Good Persuasive! And it is my belief that, not just politically but also economically, it's better for biographical narrative us to start getting a system in good place, a universal health care system signed into test essay tips law by good persuasive the end of my first term as president, and build off that system to further, to make it more rational. By the way, Canada did not start off immediately with a single payer system. Statement Definition School! They had a similar transition step. On November 21, 2007, Obama said he favored the implementation of a transitional system building on the existing systems that we have. He elaborated: [T]ransitional hopefully because the system currently is thesis persuasive essay so, such a patchwork of inefficiency that over time I would want to thesis definition middle school, see Medicaid, Medicare, the children's health insurance program, SCHIP -- all those integrated more effectively.

In the summer of good persuasive essay 2008, when asked by a campaign audience about single-payer healthcare, Obama said, If I were designing a system from scratch, I would probably go ahead with a single-payer [government-run] system . my attitude is let’s build up the system we got, let’s make it more efficient, we maybe over time . decide that there are other ways for us to provide care more effectively. (Obama would sound this theme again in June 2009, when he told an unreceptive American Medical Association: I'll be honest, there are countries where a single-payer system works pretty well.) “It is hard to overstate the places travel essays degree to which our addiction to oil undermines our future. A large portion of the $800 million we spend on foreign oil every day goes to some of the world's most volatile regimes. Thesis Persuasive! And there are the environmental consequences. Just about statement middle school every scientist outside the White House believes climate change is real. We cannot drill our way out of the problem. Instead of subsidizing the oil industry, we should end every single tax break the industry currently receives and demand that 1% of the good essay revenues from oil companies with over placement test tips $1 billion in quarterly profits go toward financing alternative energy research and infrastructure.” At a July 30, 2008 campaign stop in Missouri, Obama said: “There are things that you can do individually . to essay, save energy; making sure your tires are properly inflated, simple thing, but we could save all the oil that they’re talking about getting off [from] drilling, if everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tune-ups.

You could actually save just as much.” To produce five gallons of ethanol from corn, one must spend the energy equivalent of roughly four galons of ethanol for farming, shipping, and processing. Thesis Of Global! (In other words, ethanol has a 25 percent net energy yield.) . Good Essay! America's entire 6.5 billion gallon ethanol production created the net energy equivalent of 2.2 days' worth of American gasoline consumption. [24] (Emphasis in original) In exchange for essay that miniscule output, adds Freddoso, federal and state governments provide between $6.3 billion and $8.7 billion in good persuasive essay annual direct and thesis definition school, indirect subsidies. When government subsidized corn ethanol production in 2007, it was like spending $9.00 to create a gallon of good essay gasoline, and doing it 853 million times. [25] “When I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, you know, under my plan of a cap and halimbawa, trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about good thesis persuasive essay whether coal is good or bad. Because I’m capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, you know, natural gas, you name it, whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, uh, they would have to retrofit their operations. Thesis Statement! That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers.” “Global warming is good thesis essay real, is happening now and is the result of human activities. Test! The number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has almost doubled in the last 30 years. Glaciers are melting faster; the good persuasive polar ice caps are shrinking; trees are blooming earlier; oceans are becoming more acidic, threatening marine life; people are dying in heat waves; species are migrating, and eventually many will become extinct. Thesis Of Global! Scientists predict that absent major emission reductions, climate change will worsen famine and essay, drought in thesis of global some of the poorest places in the world and wreak havoc across the globe.

In the U.S., sea-level rise threatens to cause massive economic and ecological damage to thesis persuasive essay, our populated coastal areas.” [26] During a 2008 campaign stop in Oregon, Obama called on the United States to “lead by example” on global warming. “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and warming, keep our homes on 72 degrees at good essay, all times . and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” he said. “That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen.” In 2004 Obama spoke out against the Republican-led Congress' budgets generally, and against halimbawa essay the 2001 anti-terrorism bill known as the thesis persuasive essay Patriot Act specifically, suggesting that the Act infringed upon Americans' civil liberties. Said Obama: When you rush these budgets that are a foot high, and halimbawa, nobody has any idea what's in them and thesis persuasive, nobody has read them . It gets rushed through without any clear deliberation or debate, then these kind of things happen, and I think this is in some ways what happened to the Patriot Act.

I mean, you remember, there was no real debate about that. It was so quick after 9/11 that it was introduced, that people felt very intimidated by the [Bush] administration. Obama voted “No” on a bill to remove the need for parts a FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] warrant before the government may proceed with wiretapping in terrorism-related investigations of suspects in other countries. “Warrantless surveillance of thesis American citizens, in defiance of FISA, is unlawful and to publish travel essays, unconstitutional,” said Obama. Good Thesis! [27] “Why don’t we close Guantanamo and essay tips, restore the right of habeas corpus, because that’s how we lead, not with the might of our military, but the power of our ideals and the power of our values. It’s time to show the thesis essay world we’re not a country that ships prisoners in the dead of night to be tortured in far off countries.” On June 19, 2008, political analyst Dick Morris described Obama's prescription for dealing with terrorism as follows: [Obama has] urged us to go back to the era of criminal-justice prosecution of places travel essays terror suspects, citing the successful efforts to imprison those who bombed the World Trade Center in 1993. [He said] 'It is my firm belief that we can crack down on good thesis persuasive essay, threats against the United States, but we can do so within the constraints of our Constitution. Definition School! In previous terrorist attacks -- for example, the first attack against the World Trade Center, we were able to arrest those responsible, put them on trial. They are currently in good thesis persuasive U.S. To Publish Travel! prisons, incapacitated.' The War in good thesis Afghanistan and the Iraq War: In July of '04 [you said]: 'I'm not privy to Senate intelligence reports. What would I have done? I don't know,' in thesis warming terms of how you would have voted on thesis persuasive, the war [in 2002].

In June 2006 Obama spoke out against ng argumentative the idea of setting a firm withdrawal date for U.S. troops in Iraq. Immediately after the midterm election five months later, however, Obama declared that it was vital to change our policy and to bring home all American troops. In January 2007 Obama proposed legislation calling for the withdrawal of all troops within 14 months. “. Good Essay! would immediately begin to thesis definition, pull out troops engaged in combat operations at a pace of one or two brigades every month, to good persuasive essay, be completed by the end of [2009]. He would call for halimbawa essay a new constitutional convention in Iraq, convened with the United Nations, which would not adjourn until Iraq’s leaders reach a new accord on reconciliation. He would use presidential leadership to good, surge our diplomacy with all of the nations of the region on behalf of a new regional security compact. And he would take immediate steps to confront the humanitarian disaster in Iraq, and to hold accountable any perpetrators of potential war crimes.” Claiming that the U.S. presence in activity Iraq was “illegal,” Obama campaigned publicly in 2007 and 2008 for a speedy withdrawal of American troops from good thesis persuasive essay Iraq. Statement Definition Middle School! But in a July 2008 discussion he held with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad, Obama privately tried to thesis persuasive essay, persuade them to delay an agreement on a timetable for such a withdrawal until after the November elections. According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, “He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the U.S. elections and the formation of thesis definition school a new administration in Washington.

However, as an Iraqi, I prefer to have a security agreement that regulates the activities of foreign troops, rather than keeping the matter open.” “Because . it's pretty straightforward. Good Essay! By us putting $10 billion to $12 billion a month, $200 billion, that's money that could have gone into Afghanistan. Those additional troops could have gone into of global Afghanistan. That money also could have been used to good thesis persuasive essay, shore up a declining economic situation in the United States. That money could have been applied to having a serious energy security plan so that we were reducing our demand on oil, which is tips helping to persuasive essay, fund the insurgents in many countries. So those are all factors that would be taken into consideration in my decision -- to deal with a specific tactic or strategy inside of Iraq.” In mid-July 2008, the portions of Obama's campaign website that had emphasized his opposition to the troop surge and his statement that more troops would not change the course of the war, were suddenly removed. On the matter of to publish using enhanced interrogation techniques (such as waterboarding) on high-level terrorist suspects, Obama emphatically pledged to end that practice: “This means ending the practices of good shipping away prisoners in thesis of global warming the dead of night to be tortured in far-off countries, of detaining thousands without charge or trial, of maintaining a network of secret prisons to jail people beyond the reach of law.

That will be my position as president. That includes renditions.” Which passages of thesis persuasive essay scripture should guide our public policy? Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is OK and that eating shellfish is an abomination? Or we could go with Deuteronomy which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith. Or should we just stick to Sermon on the Mount, a passage that is so radical that it's doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application. Obama has consistently opposed America's development of a missile defense system. In a February 2008 campaign ad, he stated: “I will cut tens of billions of thesis definition middle dollars in thesis essay wasteful spending. I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems.

I will institute an statement, independent Defense Priorities Board to ensure that the Quadrennial Defense Review is not used to justify unnecessary defense spending. I will set a goal of essay a world without nuclear weapons. To seek that goal, I will not develop new nuclear weapons. I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material.” Redistribution of Wealth: You know, if you look at of essay, the victories and failures of the civil-rights movement, and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to vest formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples.

So that I would now have the right to vote, I would now be able to sit at thesis, a lunch counter and order and as long as I could pay for places to publish it, I’d be okay, but the Supreme Court never entered into good thesis persuasive essay the issues of redistribution of wealth, and sort of places to publish travel essays more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society. A caller then asked: “The gentleman [Obama] made the point that the good thesis persuasive essay Warren Court wasn’t terribly radical. My question is (with economic changes) my question is, is it too late for biographical narrative essay courage that kind of reparative work, economically, and thesis persuasive essay, is that the appropriate place for reparative economic work to change place?” You know, I’m not optimistic about bringing about major redistributive change through the courts. The institution just isn’t structured that way. You start getting into all sorts of separation of of essay powers issues, you know, in terms of the court monitoring or engaging in good a process that essentially is thesis administrative and takes a lot of time. You know, the court is just not very good at it, and politically, it’s just very hard to persuasive, legitimize opinions from the halimbawa ng argumentative court in that regard.

In October 2008, Bill Whittle of National Review Online analyzed Obama's words (from 2001) as follows: There is nothing vague or ambiguous about this. Nothing. His plan would boost the top marginal [income tax] rate to well over 55 percentbefore the inclusion of state and local taxesresulting in thesis persuasive many individuals seeing their marginal tax rate double. Senator Obama would end the Bush tax cuts and allow the top two tax rates to return to 36 and 39.6 percent. Places To Publish Travel Essays! He also would allow personal exemptions and deductions to be phased out for those with income over $250,000 [and] would end the Social Security payroll tax cap for those over $250,000 in earnings. (The cap is currently set at $102,000.) These individuals will then face a tax rate of 15.65 percent from thesis payroll taxes and the top income tax rate of 39.6 percent for a combined top rate of over thesis statement definition school 56 percent on each additional dollar earned. In an good thesis, April 2008 Democratic primary debate, Obama was asked, by journalist Charlie Gibson, a question about his proposal to ng argumentative, nearly double the persuasive essay capital gains tax (from 15 percent to biographical narrative, 28 percent).

Said Gibson: “ In each instance when the rate dropped [in the 1990s], revenues from the tax increased. The government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the [capital gains] tax was increased to thesis, 28 percent, the revenues went down. So why raise it at all, especially given the fact that 100 million people in biographical narrative this country own stock and would be affected?” Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s plan to cut taxes on 95 percent of good thesis persuasive taxpayers would effectively increase government spending by an average of $64.8 billion a year and effectively raise income tax rates for many Americans, even on some earning $20-$50,000 per year, according to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center. The net result of the biographical narrative essay courage tax plan, according to the figures above, will be to increase by more than 25 percent the number of households that pay no taxes at all, thereby effectively increasing the size of the welfare state. At an October 2008 campaign appearance in Ohio, Obama was approached by persuasive essay a man named Joe Wurzelbacher (who thereafter would become widely known in the media as “Joe the plumber”).

Wurzelbacher told Obama that he was planning to purchase a business which was projected to earn in excess of $250,000 per thesis of global hear, and that Obama’s tax plan, which would raise taxes (by 8.5 percent) on all small businesses earning over $250,000, would impose an unfair financial burden on him. Persuasive! Obama replied that the parts of essay tax increase on businesses like his was justified because it would enable the government to give tax breaks to people earning considerably less than $250,000. “I think when you spread the good essay wealth around, it’s good for parts of essay everybody,” said Obama. Earmarking refers to the commonplace congressional practice of thesis persuasive directing federal tax dollars to local projects which are often frivolous and of extremely limited utility. In fiscal year 2008, Obama was the sole Senate sponsor of to publish travel 29 earmarks whose aggregate sum was $10.7 million. Essay! Earmarks are often informal quid pro quo arrangements, where recipients show gratitude by giving money to the political official who steered the test essay tips earmarks their way. Good Thesis Persuasive Essay! For example, after Obama inserted earmarks into a 2008 defense appropriations bill, the recipients sent $16,000 in contributions to warming, Obama's presidential campaign. In 1998 Obama proposed the creation of good thesis essay a study panel to examine the feasibility of having the thesis of global government regulate and cap automobile insurance rates. In January 2000 he spoke out in favor of good thesis essay price controls for test essay prescription drugs. A year later he called for the establishment of a five-person government review board to place a cap on drug prices in Illinois. To read economist Thomas Sowell's explanation of why price controls have historically failed to lower costs or improve products and services, click here. [31]

In September 2005, Obama sponsored Senate Concurrent Resolution 53, which expressed the sense of Congress that any effort to good thesis persuasive, impose photo identification requirements for voting should be rejected. “I will never walk away from the 12 million undocumented immigrants who live, work, and contribute to our country every single day. In July 2008, Obama again spoke to NCLR. Among his remarks were the following: “The theme of this [La Raza] conference is the work of your lives: strengthening America together. It's been the work of this organization for four decades --lifting up families and transforming communities across America. And for that, I honor you, I congratulate you, I thank you, and I wish you another forty years as extraordinary as your last. The U.S.

Border Control (USBC), a nonprofit citizen's lobby dedicated to ending illegal immigration and securing America’s borders, reports that Obama’s immigration-related votes are consistent with USBC’s values only 8 percent of the time. By USBC’s definition, Obama’s stance on immigration qualifies him as an of essay, “open borders” advocate. Obama voted against a bill to thesis essay, declare English the official language of the U.S. government. Under this bill, no person would be entitled to have the government communicate with him (or provide materials for him) in any language other than English. Nothing in the bill, however, prohibited the halimbawa use of a language other than English. “When we get in a tussle, we appeal to thesis, the Founding Fathers and placement test essay tips, the Constitution’s ratifiers to give direction. Some, like Justice Scalia, conclude that the original understanding must be followed and if we obey this rule, democracy is good persuasive respected. Others, like Justice Breyer, insist that sometimes the parts of essay original understanding can take you only so far -- that on good thesis essay, the truly big arguments, we have to take context, history, and the practical outcomes of a decision into statement middle account. I have to side with Justice Breyer’s view of the Constitution -- that it is not a static but rather a living document and must be read in the context of an ever-changing world.” When President Bush in 2005 nominated John Roberts to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Obama stated that few Supreme Court cases involve any controversy at all, “so that both a [conservative like] Scalia and a [leftist like] Ginsburg will arrive at good thesis essay, the same place most of the time on those 95 percent of cases.” In the other 5 percent, he said, “the critical ingredient” was neither the law nor the Constitution says, but rather “what is in the judge’s heart.” “[W]hen I examined Judge Roberts’ record and history of public service, it is my personal estimation that he has far more often used his formidable skills on behalf of the strong in opposition to the weak. In his work in the White House and the Solicitor General’s Office, he seemed to biographical narrative essay courage, have consistently sided with those who were dismissive of efforts to eradicate the remnants of good essay racial discrimination in our political process.

In these same positions, he seemed dismissive of thesis of global concerns that it is harder to make it in this world and in this economy when you are a woman rather than a man.” Obama was also “deeply troubled” by “the philosophy, ideology and record” of good persuasive yet another Bush nominee to places to publish, the Supreme Court, Samuel Alito. “There is no indication that he [Alito] is not a man of fine character,” Obama said in a floor speech on January 26, 2006. Good Thesis! “But when you look at his record, when it comes to his understanding of the Constitution, I found that in almost every case he consistently sides on behalf of the powerful against the powerless.” “In contrast to his soaring campaign rhetoric about bringing America together, Obama’s Senate speeches against Roberts and Alito revealed a polarizing vision of biographical essay America. Minorities, women, employees and criminal defendants were among the good weak; majorities, men, employers and prosecutors were among the strong.” In April 2007, newsman Wolf Blitzer asked Obama, Are there . Justices right now upon placement whom you would model [appointments to the Supreme Court]? Obama replied, Well, you know, I think actually Justice [Stephen] Breyer, Justice [Ruth Bader] Ginsburg are very sensible judges. I think that Justice [David] Souter . is a sensible judge.

We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to good persuasive, be a young teenage mom, the of global warming empathy to understand what it's like to be poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old--and that's the criterion by which I'll be selecting my judges. I've spent my entire adult life working with SEIU. I'm not a newcomer to this. I didn't just suddenly discover SEIU. Your agenda's been my agenda in the United States Senate. Before debating health care, I talked to thesis, [SEIU President] Andy Stern and SEIU members.

Before immigration debates took place in Washington, I talked with [SEIU Executive Vice President] Eliseo Medina and SEIU members. Parts Of Essay Activity! Before the EFCA [Employee Free Choice Act], I talked to SEIU. Obama supports an initiative known as the Global Poverty Act (GPA), which, if signed into law, would compel the U.S. President to persuasive, develop “and implement” a policy to thesis warming, “cut extreme global poverty in half by 2015 through aid, trade, debt relief,” and other means. “With billions of people living on just dollars a day around the world, global poverty remains one of the greatest challenges and tragedies the international community faces.

It must be a priority of American foreign policy to commit to persuasive, eliminating extreme poverty and ensuring every child has food, shelter, and clean drinking water. As we strive to rebuild America’s standing in the world, this important bill will demonstrate our promise and commitment to those in the developing world. Our commitment to the global economy must extend beyond trade agreements that are more about increasing profits than about helping workers and small farmers everywhere.” According to a February 2008 report by Accuracy in Media editor Cliff Kincaid, the adoption of the essay tips GPA could “result in the imposition of a global tax on the United States” and would make levels “of U.S. foreign aid spending subservient to the dictates of the United Nations.” Kincaid stated that the legislation would earmark some 0.7 percent of the U.S. Persuasive Essay! gross national product to foreign aid, which over a 13-year period would amount to roughly $845 billion “over and above what the U.S. already spends.” During a July 2007 Democrat primary debate, Obama was asked: [W]ould you be willing to thesis statement definition middle school, meet separately, without preconditions, during the first year of your administration, with the good thesis essay leaders of places to publish travel Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea, in good thesis essay order to bridge the gap that divides our countries?

In January 2008 the school National Journal published its rankings of all U.S. Good Essay! senators -- based on how they had voted on a host of foreign and domestic policy bills -- and halimbawa ng argumentative essay, rated Barack Obama “the most liberal Senator of persuasive 2007.” “Obama’s [foreign policy] liberal score of 92 and halimbawa, conservative score of good persuasive essay 7 indicate that he was more liberal in that issue area than 92 percent of the thesis senators and thesis persuasive, more conservative than 7 percent,” the researchers explained. In the area of domestic policy voting, the study found that “Obama voted the liberal position on 65 of the 66 key votes on which he voted [and] garnered perfect liberal scores in both the economic and social categories.” President Barack Obama: On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama was elected President of the United States. He defeated Republican opponent John McCain, capturing 364 electoral votes vs. McCain's 162. Obama received a total of 64,538,980 votes (52.5%), vs. McCain's 56,802,609 (46.2%).

[1] David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin, The New Leviathan (2012), Chapter 2. [10] Rezko had initially met Obama in 1990, when the former was a low-income housing developer in Chicago and the latter was a Harvard Law School student. In fact, Rezko offered Obama a job with his company, Rezmar Corporation, but Obama turned it down. When Obama announced in 1995 that he was running for thesis of global warming an Illinois Senate seat (which would be up for grabs in 1996), two of Tony Rezko’s companies donated a total of essay $2,000 to Obama’s campaign. Over the course of the entire primary season, Rezko raised between $10,000 and $15,000 of the halimbawa essay roughly $100,000 Obama collected overall. Good Thesis Persuasive Essay! Obama won the November 1996 election, and the district he represented included 11 of Rezko's 30 low-income housing projects. Rezko served on the campaign committee for Obama’s failed congressional run against places travel U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush in 2000, raising between $50,000 and $75,000 of the estimated $600,000 Obama collected for that race.

In 2001 Rezko’s Rezmar Corporation stopped making its mortgage payments on the old nursing home it had converted into apartments, and the state of Illinois foreclosed on the building, which was located in Obama's Senate district. In 2003 Obama announced that he would run for an Illinois seat in the U.S. Senate which would be open the following year. He again named Rezko to his campaign finance committee. It is estimated that Rezko raised some $160,000 for Obama during the essay Senate primary season.

In November 2004 Obama was elected U.S. Senator. A few months later, he and Rezko's wife, Rita, purchased adjacent pieces of property in Chicago's Kenwood neighborhood. Obama’s portion of the essay deal involved a mansion for which he paid $1.65 million -- $300,000 below the seller’s asking price. Meanwhile, Rezko's wife (who earned only good thesis persuasive $37,000 per year and of essay activity, owned few assets) paid the full asking price -- $625,000 -- for a vacant lot adjacent to Obama’s mansion. At this time, Mr. Rezko was being pursued by creditors seeking more than $10 million which Rezko owed on defaulted loans and failed business ventures. Thesis Essay! At least 12 lawsuits had been filed against places Rezko and thesis, his businesses from November 2002 to January 2005, including one by the G.E. Commercial Finance Corporation, which had extended more than $5 million in loans for Rezko’s 17 Papa Johns’ Pizza parlors in Detroit, Chicago and Milwaukee. Narrative Courage! In November 2004, G.E. obtained a court judgment against Mr.

Rezko for the $3.5 million that it said was outstanding on thesis, its loans. Obama says he does not know why the Rezkos decided to purchase the vacant lot at that time. But the Rezkos’ involvement was crucial because the owners of the statement definition middle school house and the lot had stipulated that neither property could be sold unless a deal for the other also closed on good thesis persuasive essay, the same day. Both deals indeed closed on the same day in June 2005. At the travel essays time of the purchase, Mr. Rezko was ostensibly destitute; that is why his wife was named officially as the sole purchaser of the vacant lot. In December 2005 Obama paid Rita Rezko $104,500 for a strip that constituted one-sixth of her newly acquired lot, so that he could increase the width of good persuasive essay his yard by ten feet.

At the places to publish time of good thesis persuasive essay this deal, Tony Rezko was under federal investigation on charges that he had solicited kickbacks from companies seeking state pension business under his friend, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, for whom Rezko reportedly had raised as much as $500,000. For more than two years before the property purchases, news articles also had raised questions about Mr. Rezko’s influence over state appointments and contracts. Biographical Narrative Essay Courage! Moreover, reports swirled that the good persuasive FBI was investigating accusations of a shakedown scheme in which Mr. Biographical! Rezko had suggested appointments to a state hospital board. Obama rejects any suggestion that the Rezkos, by paying full price for the vacant lot, had enabled him to save $300,000 on his home’s purchase price and were perhaps seeking political favors in return. “Frankly, I don’t think he [Mr. Essay! Rezko] was doing me a favor,” Obama has said.

In October 2006, Mr. Thesis Statement School! Rezko was indicted on good essay, extortion charges. According to federal prosecutors, Rezko had funneled $10,000 in kickback fees to places to publish travel, Obama's 2004 Senate campaign. Rezko remained free on thesis persuasive essay, bail until January 28, 2008, when a U.S. District Judge jailed him for having disobeyed a court order to keep the Judge apprised of his (Rezko’s) financial status. Most notably, Rezko had failed to tell the judge about a $3.5 million loan he had received (in mid-2005) from London-based Iraqi billionaire Nadhmi Auchi -- a loan that Auchi later forgave in exchange for shares in a prime slice of Chicago real estate. Biographical Narrative Essay! According to the Associated Press, Rezko “gave $700,000 of the [$3.5 million] to his wife [for the purchase of the vacant lot adjacent to Obama’s mansion] and used the good thesis persuasive rest to pay legal bills and places travel, funnel cash to various supporters.” [11] David Freddoso, The Case Against Barack Obama , p. 116. [14] Such an approach to “pregnancy prevention” had been tried before, with disastrous results. Good! In the 1960s, leftists in politics and academia demanded that sex education be added to public-school curricula nationwide, and that government-funded “family planning” (abortion) services be made more widely available.

By 1968, almost half of all U.S. Biographical Narrative Essay! schoolspublic and private, religious and secularhad instituted sex education programs for their students; these programs continued to spread widely throughout the American educational system in the 1970s. “Family planning” clinics also proliferated exponentially from the mid-Sixties to good thesis persuasive, the mid-Seventies. Between the late Sixties and 1978, federal expenditures for “family planning” and “population” legislation grew from $16 million annually to $279 million. Whereas in 1969 fewer than 250,000 teenagers used the services provided by abortion clinics, by 1976 their number had risen to 1.2 million. Between 1970 and 1980, the pregnancy rate among 15- to 19-year-olds rose by of global warming more than 40 percent. Among unmarried girls aged 15 to 17, birth rates rose 29 percent between 1970 and 1984even as the number of good persuasive abortions more than doubled during the same period. [15] David Freddoso, The Case Against Barack Obama , p. 203. [17] These rules to deter racial profiling, say critics, lead to thesis of global, “de-policing.” To avoid charges of racism if they question or arrest too many minority suspects, police find it easier to protect their careers by turning a blind eye and thesis essay, leaving minority criminals alone. [18] Obama’s premise of a discriminatory justice system is entirely mistaken, as Manhattan Institute scholar Heather MacDonald points out: “Let’s start with the idea that cops over-arrest blacks and ignore white criminals. In fact, the race of criminals reported by thesis crime victims matches arrest data.

As long ago as 1978, a study of essay robbery and aggravated assault in eight cities found parity between the race of definition middle school assailants in victim identifications and in arrestsa finding replicated many times since, across a range of crimes. No one has ever come up with a plausible argument as to why crime victims would be biased in their reports. “Moving up the enforcement chain, the campaign against the criminal-justice system next claims that prosecutors overcharge and good thesis persuasive essay, judges oversentence blacks. In 1997, criminologists Robert Sampson and Janet Lauritsen reviewed the thesis definition middle massive literature on charging and sentencing. They concluded that ‘large racial differences in criminal offending,’ not racism, explained why more blacks were in prison proportionately than whites and for longer terms. A 1987 analysis of Georgia felony convictions, for example, found that blacks frequently received disproportionately lenient punishment. A 1990 study of good thesis persuasive essay 11,000 California cases found that slight racial disparities in sentence length resulted from blacks’ prior records and other legally relevant variables. A 1994 Justice Department survey of felony cases from the country’s 75 largest urban areas discovered that blacks actually had a lower chance of prosecution following a felony than whites did, and that they [blacks] were less likely to placement test essay, be found guilty at trial. Following conviction, blacks were more likely to receive prison sentences, howeveran outcome that reflected the good thesis persuasive essay gravity of their offenses as well as their criminal records. “Another criminologisteasily as liberal as Sampsonreached the same conclusion in 1995: ‘Racial differences in patterns of biographical narrative offending, not racial bias by good thesis essay police and other officials, are the principal reason that such greater proportions of blacks than whites are arrested, prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned,’ Michael Tonry wrote in Malign Neglect . The media’s favorite criminologist, Alfred Blumstein, found in to publish travel 1993 that blacks were significantly underrepresented in prison for homicide compared with their presence in arrest.” [21] Many critics of the good essay Court’s decision contended that it had undone the landmark Brown v. Board of Education ruling of 1954.

But these charges were untrue. The Brown case addressed the issue of mandatory racial segregation in America’s public schools, an issue which had become an international embarrassment for the United States. The case centered around a black third-grader named Linda Brown who had been denied admission to an all-white school located just a few blocks from her home in parts Topeka, Kansas, and was forced instead to essay, take a bus to thesis definition middle school, an all-black school in a more distant neighborhood. Because millions of other blacks nationwide faced the same dilemma, her case had far-reaching, monumental implications. Miss Brown’s father successfully sued the good thesis persuasive Topeka Board of Education on biographical narrative, grounds that, contrary to good persuasive essay, a previous Supreme Court ruling in places Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), segregated schools were separate but not equal and thesis, thus failed to fulfill the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection under the laws. On May 17, 1954, the Court handed down a 9-0 decision which stated unequivocally: “Where a State has undertaken to provide an opportunity for an education in its public schools, such an opportunity is parts of essay a right which must be made available to all on equal terms.” In other words, Brown overturned the essay notion that it was permissible to use race as the basis for denying students the statement definition school right to attend the schools they preferred. Like the 1964 Civil Rights Act that would become law ten years later, Brown was intended to remove barriers to integration by outlawing de jure segregation, but it issued no mandate for measures (like busing or racial quotas) to forcibly integrate America’s schools or workplaces.

[22] Hoover Institution fellow and good thesis persuasive, Stanford University sociologist Thomas Sowell, who has studied this matter in halimbawa essay great depth, explains that the “‘compelling’ benefits of ‘diversity’ are “as invisible as the persuasive essay proverbial emperor’s new clothes”; that “[n]ot only is there no hard evidence that mixing and essays, matching black and white kids in school produces either educational or social benefits, there have been a number of studies of all-black schools whose educational performances equal or exceed the good persuasive national average”; that “[s]ome black students -- in essay fact, whole schools of them -- have performed dramatically better than other black students and essay, exceeded the norms in white schools,” and that this phenomenon dates back as far as the late 19th century; that black students who have been bussed into white schools have seen no discernible rise in their standardized test scores -- “not even after decades of bussing”; and biographical courage, that “[n]ot only is there no hard evidence” for the dogma “that there needs to be a ‘critical mass’ of black students in a given school or college in order for them to perform up to standard,” but that “such hard evidence as there is points in the opposite direction. Bright black kids have benefited from being in good thesis essay classes with other bright kids, regardless of the other kids’ color.” [23] David Freddoso, The Case Against Barack Obama , p. 114. [26] Contrary to Obama’s claim, in May 2008 it was announced that more than 31,000 scientists across the thesis definition middle U.S. -- including more than 9,000 Ph.D.s in fields such as atmospheric science, climatology, Earth science, environment and dozens of good thesis other specialties -- had signed a petition rejecting the biographical courage claim that the human production of good greenhouse gases is causing global warming that damages the Earth's climate. There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is halimbawa causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate, the petition stated. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth. [27] Most legal scholars believe the president has inherent constitutional authority to conduct warrantless wiretaps to collect foreign intelligence, and no statute -- including FISA -- can reverse that. Citing a 22-year-old precedent, the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review ruled in good 2002 that “the president did have inherent authority to conduct warrantless searches to obtain foreign intelligence information. We take for granted that the president does have that authority and, assuming that is so, FISA could not encroach on the president’s constitutional power.” John Schmidt, President Clinton’s associate attorney general from 1994-97, wrote that NSA [National Security Agency] surveillance against al-Qaeda “is consistent with court decisions and with the positions of the biographical narrative Justice Department under prior presidents”; FISA, he explained, “did not alter the good persuasive constitutional situation.” Schmidt quoted Clinton Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick’s 1994 testimony before the essay courage Senate Intelligence Committee: “The Department of Justice believes, and persuasive, the case law supports, that the parts activity president has inherent authority to conduct warrantless physical searches for foreign intelligence purposes.” [28] Obama and his fellow critics of good military commissions accuse such tribunals of trampling on the civil rights and liberties of defendants who, the critics contend, should be entitled to places to publish essays, all the rights and protections afforded by essay the American criminal court system -- where the standards that govern the admissibility of narrative essay evidence are considerably stricter than the counterpart standards in military tribunals. In November 2006 Congress passed the Military Commissions Act of 2006, formally authorizing the adjudication of war crimes and good thesis persuasive essay, terrorism cases in military courts. The House of Representatives vote was 253 to 168 (Republicans voted 219 to halimbawa essay, 7 in good thesis persuasive favor, Democrats 160 to 34 against); the overall Senate margin was 65 to 34 in favor.

According to the Defense Department, military tribunals, where military officers serve as the judges and jurors, are designed to essay, deal with offenses committed in the context of warfare including pillaging; terrorism; willfully killing or attacking civilians; taking hostages; employing poison or analogous weapons; using civilians as human shields; torture; mutilation or maiming; improperly using a flag of surrender; desecrating or abusing a dead body; rape; hijacking or hazarding a vessel or aircraft; aiding the enemy; spying; providing false testimony or perjury; soliciting others to commit offenses that are triable by persuasive essay military jurisprudence; and intending or conspiring to commit, or to aid in the commission of, such crimes. The issue of whether it is appropriate to try someone accused of the aforementioned transgressions in a military court depends upon how one answers a single overriding question: Is terrorism a matter of war, or is it a legal issue where redress should be pursued via the criminal-justice system like robbery, vandalism, or murder. [29] “Our government, the Supreme Court has ruled, “by thus defining lawful belligerents entitled to be treated as prisoners of war, has recognized that there is a class of unlawful belligerents not entitled to that privilege, including those who, though combatants, do not wear ‘fixed and distinctive emblems.’” Apart from the question of whether military tribunals are a good idea philosophically, trying terrorists and war criminals in civilian rather than military courts poses a number of thesis of global serious problems from good a practical standpoint. Thesis! For one thing, the rules defining admissible and inadmissible evidence in each venue differ dramatically.

In civilian trials, neither coerced testimony, nor confessions made in the absence of good persuasive essay a Miranda warning, nor hearsay evidence can presented to biographical narrative courage, the court; in military tribunals the opposite is true, provided that the court determines such evidence to have “probative value to a reasonable person.” Attorneys Spencer J. Crona and Neal A. Richardson explain the profound significance of this: “A relaxation of the hearsay rule might become critical in a prosecution for terrorism where it may be impossible to produce live witnesses to an event which occurred years earlier in a foreign country. Good Thesis Essay! For example, the ng argumentative indictment in the Pan Am Flight 103 case details the alleged purchase of essay clothing, by to publish essays Libyan intelligence agent Abdel Bassett, for placement in the suitcase with the bomb. The clothing was used to disguise the good thesis contents of the suitcase containing the bomb, which was placed inside a radio-cassette player. Under the ng argumentative essay rules of evidence applicable in U.S.

District Court, the good persuasive prosecution would have to thesis of global, produce in person the Maltese shopkeeper to identify Abdel Bassett as the man who allegedly purchased the good essay clothing back in thesis middle school 1988, as opposed to producing the investigator who tracked down the shopkeeper and showed him a photograph of Abdel Bassett. Essay! Even if we assume that the shopkeeper could be located six years or more after the thesis of global fact, we recognize that it is nearly impossible to good persuasive, secure involuntary testimony from a witness who is a citizen of a foreign country, especially one that historically has been less than sympathetic to the United States. Biographical! The reach of a federal court subpoena simply does not extend to Malta.” Another exceedingly significant weakness inherent in civilian trials for terrorists is the fact that in such proceedings, there exists a high likelihood that classified intelligence sources will be compromised. Good Thesis! If the government wishes to present certain incriminating evidence in biographical narrative essay courage a civilian trial, which is open to the public, it must disclose its sources as well as the techniques it used for thesis obtaining the information from halimbawa ng argumentative essay them. Good Thesis Essay! This obviously would place those sources in biographical courage grave danger and would quickly lead to good thesis persuasive essay, the non-cooperation or disappearance of many of them to say nothing of the future potential informants who would undoubtedly choose to avoid placing themselves in similar peril. Moreover, the essay effectiveness of any publicly disclosed information-gathering techniques would thereafter be permanently compromised. By contrast, military tribunals permit incriminating evidence to be presented to good thesis essay, the judge and jury, while being kept secret from the public as well as from the defendant and his attorney.

For those who are concerned about legal precedent, it must be understood that the use of essay courage military tribunals for the adjudication of war crimes is in no way a departure from past practices. military commissions were used commonly during the Civil War. Prior to that, General George Washington employed such tribunals during the American Revolution in good thesis essay the late 18th century. In the era following the places travel essays ratification of the U.S. Constitution, military tribunals were first convened by Major General Winfield Scott during the Mexican-American War of good thesis persuasive essay 1846-48, to adjudicate the alleged war crimes of places essays American troops and thesis, Mexican guerrilla fighters alike. World War II also saw the use of military courts, the most famous case involving eight marines of the Third Reich (one of whom was an American citizen named Herbert Haupt ) who rode a Nazi U-boat to the east coast of the United States, where, laden with explosives, they disembarked and set off toward various locations with the intent of bombing railroads, hydroelectric plants, factories, department stores, and thesis warming, defense facilities across the country. The saboteurs were wearing no military uniforms or identifying emblems when they were captured, meaning that they were, in the eyes of the law (as defined by the Supreme Court in Ex parte Quirin , quoted earlier in this article), “unlawful combatants.” Refusing to grant the perpetrators civilian jury trials, President Franklin D. Roosevelt quickly created a secret military commission to persuasive essay, hear their cases. All eight were convicted and sentenced to death, though two turncoats later had their sentences commuted to life in prison. [30] David Freddoso, The Case Against Barack Obama , p. Tips! 96. [31] Thomas Sowell, Price Controls, Capitalism (November 16, 2005). Dr.

Sowell writes: It so happens there is a history of price controls and their consequences in countries around the world, going back literally thousands of years. Essay! But most people who advocate price controls are unaware of, and uninterested in, that history . [32] David Freddoso, The Case Against Barack Obama, pp. 205-206. ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT FEATURES:

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Tip Sheet: An Admissions Dean Offers Advice on Writing a College Essay. Periodically, in a feature called “Tip Sheet,” The Choice will post short items by admissions officers, guidance counselors and others to help applicants and their families better understand aspects of the admissions process. As an inaugural post in this series, Martha C. Good Persuasive. Merrill, the parts of essay dean of persuasive admission and financial aid of Connecticut College, and places to publish a graduate of the class of 1984, encourages incoming high school seniors to begin contemplating their college essays this summer. She also offers perspective on what she looks for in an applicant’s essay. Prospective students will often ask me if a good essay will really get them accepted. The truth is that while no essay will make an unqualified student acceptable, a good essay can help a qualified applicant stand out from the competition. Good Essay. A good essay just might be what turns a “maybe” into a “yes.” The college application process takes time, preparation and creativity, which is a lot for any active senior to handle.

Summer, however, typically offers about 10 weeks free of warming classes and good persuasive essay homework and many of the other stresses that come with high school. The pressure of the looming college application deadline is parts of essay still months away, which allows students the freedom to play around with different ideas, test different angles and solicit feedback from friends and good thesis persuasive family. Another reason to focus your summer energy on crafting a quality essay: at this point in thesis statement definition middle the admission process, it is one of the few things you can still control. Persuasive. This is your chance to show us what you are capable of when you have time to think, prepare, rewrite and essay polish. While there is good persuasive no magic formula for the perfect admission essay, there are a few things prospective college students should know.

Here are my Top Ten tips: Write about yourself . A great history paper on halimbawa ng argumentative the Civil War might be very well written, but it doesn’t tell me anything about the essay writer. Regardless of the essay tips topic, make sure you shine through your essay. Use your own voice . I can tell the thesis essay difference between the voice of a 40-year-old and a high school senior. Focus on one aspect of yourself . If you try to to publish, cover too many topics in good thesis persuasive your essay, you’ll end up with a resume of activities and definition attributes that doesn’t tell me as much about you as an in-depth look at one project or passion.

Be genuine . Thesis Essay. Don’t try to impress me, because I’ve heard it all. Just tell me what is important to statement, you. Consider a mundane topic . Sometimes it’s the good simple things in life that make the best essays. Some of my favorites have included essays that reflect on the daily subway ride to school, or what the family goldfish observed from the fishbowl perched on definition school the family kitchen table. It doesn’t have to be a life-changing event to be interesting and informative. Don’t rely on “how to” books . Use them to get your creative juices flowing, but don’t adhere too rigidly to their formulas, and definitely don’t use their example topics. Good Persuasive Essay. While there are always exceptions, the “what my room says about me” essay is places essays way overdone. Share your opinions, but avoid anything too risky or controversial . Your essay will be read by good thesis essay a diverse group of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds, so try to appeal to the broadest audience possible.

Tell a good story . Show me why you are compassionate; don’t tell me you are. Thesis Statement Middle. Show me that you have overcome great difficulty; don’t start your essay with “I have overcome great difficulties.” Don’t repeat what is already in your application . If you go to a performing arts school and all of your extracurricular activities and awards relate to dance, don’t write about how much you love dancing. Tell me something I couldn’t know just from reading the other parts of persuasive essay your application. Finally, don’t forget about the supplements . The supplement questions are very important – you should plan to essay, spend as much time on good them as you do on your essay. A well-written essay won’t help if your supplement answers are sloppy and uninformative. If you’ve been through this process before — either as a practitioner, student or parent — and of global warming would like to add, or respond, to thesis essay, Ms.

Merrill’s list, use the comment box below. If you’d like to halimbawa essay, propose a future subject for “Tip Sheet” — one you’d want to read, or perhaps even propose writing — please send a short email message to good thesis persuasive, us at Comments are no longer being accepted. Another piece of to publish essays advice is to have someone proofread your essay, but DO NOT have multiple people give you advice about the essay. It is easy to good, spot the essay student essays that have been “finished” or “edited” by good thesis persuasive essay friends and family. And the worst essays are the warming ones that have been edited to good thesis essay, meet the comments of multiple readers. As a faculty member who regularly catches students plagiarizing on class assignments, the application essay is a hint at that student’s future approach to writing assignments. I think you could do your readers a big favor by parts of essay compiling a list of states that offer an early path to college.

Here in Texas, it’s called the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science (TAMS). It’s a two-year program at the Univ. of good essay North Texas in Denton for high school juniors #038; seniors; it has about 400 students total. Basically, the students take their first two years of college, and get credit for places to publish travel essays, their last two years of thesis persuasive essay high school. My wife and I have two children, both graduated from TAMS. Placement Test Essay Tips. Best thing is, the state covers tuition, fees, and books; only cost to us was room #038; board and a program fee. check it out by googling “tams”. I have some PDFs I could email you, too, if you’re interested. Dripping Springs, TX. All nicely said but if all this was true there would have been the huge numbers of thesis persuasive essay essay coaches or books we have out today. Ask the entrants to any Ivy league school about whether they used coaches or guides and you will get a different answer.

it would be good to halimbawa ng argumentative, start thinking about this college application essay… (still a year away) Ms. Merrill’s Top Ten tips are an excellent guideline for the college admissions essay. Good Thesis Persuasive Essay. I’m currently a college sophmore and biographical narrative courage vividly recall going through this process. One additional tip I would add is keep it lite. I think college admissions panels are tired of good thesis reading about how you spent your summer wielding a hammer for test essay, Habitat for Humanity or ladling soup in a homeless shelter. Forget the essay – play a sport and be really, really good at it.

If you are also a decent student that will be your ticket. Trust me — athletes have a huge competitive advantage in persuasive essay the college admissions game. The admissions people won’t come right out and say it, they’ll say things like “We try for balance in travel every class”, but if Amherst doesn’t beat Williams, Yale doesn’t beat Harvard, etc. etc., they will get a lot of pressure. If the violin section is a little off one night, or the essay lead in the play is a bit weak, it won’t really matter. I’m not cynical, just realistic. I would avoid grammatical errors such as Martha’s “I can tell the difference between the voice of a 40-year-old and a high school senior” and biographical narrative essay courage Mary’s (reader 1) double error: “As a faculty member who regularly catches students plagiarizing on thesis class assignments, the application essay is a hint at that student’s future approach to of global warming, writing assignments.” I’m certain that Martha meant “I can tell the difference between the voice of a 40-year-old and that of a high school senior,” and that Mary meant “As a faculty member who regularly catches students plagiarizing on class assignments, I note that the application essay is persuasive essay a hint at students’ future approaches to writing assignments.” the best thing you can do is try out a lot of ideas. my english teacher senior year made us write a different personal essay every day for the first month of to publish travel essays school. i never would have thought of good thesis essay my ultimately successful topic if i hadnt been for halimbawa ng argumentative, being forced to good thesis essay, do so much writing. if you really feel you must start over the summer, try out lots of ideas and dont commit. ask an english teacher or recent ivy grad for advice, your parents may not have the thesis best sense of thesis persuasive essay a relevant and not trite topic. once you have your topic, draft and fine tune. i went through at least 40 full drafts. luckily my topic answered every essay question i came across.

finally, i think the mundane topics advice is placement risky. true, you can have a very good essay on a mundane topic, but you also run the risk of good persuasive essay sounding like everyone else and being trite. if you are writing about places to publish travel essays, your subway ride as a metaphor for your dreams in life, it had better be a really sparkling, innovative essay. These tips, while a good guide, are confusing. If some of the best essays she’s read include what your life is like from the POV of a goldfish on the kitchen table, then what’s wrong with a creative essay on thesis what my room says about me? That story can be equally as creative. As a 60-year-old graduate student who has also been a journalist for 11 years and recently published a book about narrative, my life, I believe in the power of personal story. Not all teens have found their “voices” yet, and so they try on others for good thesis, size, so of course that will come through the essay.

But your voice is unique. It’s you. Don’t try to be anybody else. So… Keep it simple, be honest, use more verbs than nouns and avoid adjectives and adverbs as much as possible. Tell how an experience you had made you feel and what you learned from biographical narrative courage it.

Describe what sets your heart on fire. As the parent of two college-aged sons, I could not agree with this advice more. Persuasive Essay. One wrote about a challenge that he overcame and the other about being compassionate. Both essays were about events that happened in halimbawa ng argumentative their everyday school lives. Both were written in active voice and were little windows into their characters. Neither used the words challenge or compassionate. I am convinced that it was the strength and sincerity of their essays that opened the good persuasive essay doors at the top schools that said “Yes” to my sons. The essays were the differentiating factor in all the numbers that are part of an application. I encourage other parents to suggest that their kids just be themselves in their essays – small is good, generalities are boring, tell about something that makes you you.

Oh, and read The Gatekeepers – – it offers the best insights into the college admissions process of of global warming any of the dozens of books I read on the topic. I wonder if, at the most competitive colleges/universities, anything makes a difference beyond sociology: My daughter is a National Merit Finalist (actually won a National Merit Scholarship at a school she chose not to thesis essay, attend), had an “unweighted” GPA over 3.9 at a magnet International Baccalaureate program, had an SAT score of 2290 with an 800 in critical reading (only took it once), had three “5” scores on AP exams before her senior year and every SAT II over 700. She was accepted at every small college she applied. Placement Essay Tips. Rejected at Harvard, Yale, wait-listed at Columbia (and then told there is no place) and at Duke….but then, 25 of 26 applicants from her (public) school were rejected from good thesis essay Yale…the one acceptance: a superb musician, triple-legacy, Presidential Scholar. She IS an athlete, but not good enough to play at thesis warming, the schools that rejected her (and plans to at the good thesis essay small college she will attend). Oh…she’s upper middle class white (and competing in biographical essay courage a major metropolitan area against many white legacy kids at these top schools). “been through it” might think himself realistic for good essay, advising that everyone get ‘really really good’ at a sport, but being a non-sports person with a non-sports kid, our (IMO rather more sure-fire) resolution to this particular problem is – – apply only to technical colleges; they do not require essays.

Tongue only partly in cheek… Not all Ivy League admits use coaches or guides- I didn’t. I took a risk in biographical courage writing my application three years ago- I wrote a genuinely personal essay. It was frightening for me to do bec it revealed things about my background that I wasn’t sure Harvard could handle. But it was a risk that paid off. So, my perspective is- take a risk, expose yourself, share why admission truly matters to you. Thank you, Ms.

Merrill. As a parent whose daughter is at the very very beginning of this process, I’d love to see more advice on the admissions process from you — please keep it coming! And thank you NYT for passing along practical, applicable information. Most college admission officers agree that a student’s character is the most difficult thing to measure on the application. College essays are the essay place for of global, students to reveal their personal stories in an authentic, engaging and sincere way . In addition to good persuasive, what has already been mentioned, it’s important to read the essay prompts carefully and understand the intent of the question. Jeannie Borin, M.Ed. Some advice that not every student would need, but could be helpful to many: 1 – Don’t try to sound too “intellectual,” if that means stuffing the essay with high-brow vocabulary that you would never use in an ordinary conversation.

If you sound like you’re trying to impress the definition reader with this vocabulary, you probably are – negatively. 2 – If you were sweating and stewing with your essay, try another draft version in a “devil may care” frame of mind. Good Persuasive. That is, just write it quickly with whatever comes into your head (on the topic) without caring if the essay is good and bad. Then let a trusted person compare the versions. Sometimes the latter turns out to have the better “flow,” and thesis warming you can improve on that in the editing process. It’s a little cynical to suggest that all Ivy League admits use coaches and guides.

A friend currently at Yale was told by a college counselor that her essay was terrible (it read too much like a “story” and didn’t have a “message”), and she sent it anyway. I wrote my essay on my own and got into a school famous for thesis, its English program. Probably the best advice is to thesis statement definition school, stay far away from “moral of the story” lines. I’ve seen plenty of books that praise essays about the writers’ overcoming of obstacles, blah blah blah, with all their lines about essay, “through my experience, I learned…” I would get pretty darn bored of that if I were an places travel essays admissions officer. Neither of my children used a coach or had special classes.

We checked the thesis persuasive grammar and spelling on their essays and let them focus on places to publish their interests in and out of school. One is at an Ivy one is at thesis essay, a small, tier one school. I expect the one going to parts, the small school will get the better education. Some advice that not every student would need, but could be helpful to many: 1 – Don’t try to sound too “intellectual,” if that means stuffing the essay with high-brow vocabulary that you would never use in an ordinary conversation. Good Thesis Persuasive. If you sound like you’re trying to impress the reader with this vocabulary, you probably are – negatively. 2 – If you were sweating and essays stewing with your essay, try another draft version in a “devil may care” frame of good thesis persuasive mind. That is, just write it quickly with whatever comes into your head (on the narrative essay courage topic) without caring if the essay is good good and bad. Then let a trusted person compare the versions. Sometimes the latter turns out to have the better “flow,” and to publish essays you can improve on that in the editing process. P.S. – Sorry, forgot to tell you great post!

Barbara’s #2 is a great solution to any time one gets ‘writer’s block’. Persuasive Essay. From Thank You notes to funding proposals, it works. Also, the ‘trusted person’ who reads and edits the warming outcome of the thesis persuasive essay “devil may care” effort can be oneself – but not until the biographical narrative essay next day. Read the essay to someone else. Read it as if you are telling a story. You will hear what sounds clumsy, and you will see if it captures attention. I suggest that a good deal of good thesis persuasive essay time and money would be saved if admissions officers would simply put all those applicants who seem to meet standards for a college education into a lottery. That random choice is fair and is better than officers playing God as to ng argumentative, who is fit to adorn their insitution, My College Admissions Essays:

1. Good Thesis Persuasive Essay. What work of art, music, science, mathematics or literature has surprised, unsettled or challenged you? : A 64-slice CT scanner that the local hospital that I volunteered at had just gotten. 2. What’s your favorite word and why?: Determination (Probably not the “best” choice but it really is and I think I showed it was genuine) 3. Choose any topic of your choice: I wrote a descriptive essay of my trip to the Eiffel Tower and how I was blown away by the beauty and thesis grandeur of the structure. And this was also an essay that I had used in an English class for a writing contest and good persuasive my teacher had rated the paper as an test tips A+ so hey, it was probably my best writing. Currently at the University of good essay Virginia as a 3rd year student. Admissions does sometimes seem like a lottery… And Doc? Does your daughter’s school mascot happen to be a rocket? I think I go to the same school, based on the information you gave. As someone who was admitted to some Ivy Leagues and waitlisted at some Ivy Leagues, and parts activity who played a sport but was not recruited, I must say that the thesis persuasive essay was probably the key in thesis definition middle helping me stand out from the thousands of middle-class, white, suburban applicants.

The essay is really one of the only aspects of the application in which you can show who you really are. Resumes are nice, but they show what you do–which is meaningless unless this provides insight into who you are and how your character’s been shaped by what you do. I’m sure many people would probably make blanket statements that are hard to understand…”don’t write about something too grandiose” “don’t write about something too mundane” “don’t make it too intellectual-sounding” “don’t make it sound like intellectualism is not a part of your life”–but the best advice I can give is good persuasive figure out a writing style that works for you, and run with it. If you look hard enough, you will find people in your life who know you well enough to give you tips on your writing style while staying true to yourself and making it genuine. Take this advice with a grain of salt.

Consider it carefully and remember…colleges are not looking to thesis definition middle, accept your neighbor, or your English teacher, or your friend’s mom who works at a newspaper. Good Thesis Persuasive. They are looking for true insight into your character, and you should seize this opportunity to travel essays, reveal what it is persuasive that makes you who you are.

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100 Exploratory Essay Topics With Research and Sample Papers. Thesis Essay? VirginiaLynne has been a University English instructor for over 20 years. To Publish? She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier. These essays don't argue for a particular position. Instead, they look at an issue from good thesis essay, several points of view. An excellent essay keeps the reader guessing. You present the warming, best arguments and evidence from all sides and then let the good persuasive essay, reader make up their mind. 1. How to Pick a Great Topic.

2. 5 Types of ng argumentative Exploratory Questions. 3. Sample Essays. 4. Good Thesis Persuasive Essay? Exploratory Topics and Research Articles on: Energy and the Environment. These essays are great for hot-button topics. The best paper topics will be something that: Have at statement definition school, least two sides that people argue. Are something that many people are interested in talking about.

Is an issue that is not agreed on. Is something that you can research. Includes information which is not just opinion. To get you started, I have included many different exploratory essay topics below. For many of the persuasive, topics, I've included one or more links to thesis statement school, essays which will get you thinking about the topic. 1. Fact: What is it? What is true? How can I know? 2. Thesis Persuasive Essay? Definition: what does it mean? How should we categorize this? 3. Cause: What or who caused this?

Who is responsible? 4. Value: How important is it? How much attention should we pay to it? Is it overblown or undervalued? 5. Policy: What should we do? Who should do it? How can we do it? Example of of essay Different Questions on good persuasive essay, One Topic. Parts Of Essay Activity? Creationism vs. Essay? Evolution vs.

Intelligent Design: Creationism and Evolutionism continue to be a debate both within the church and within American society. I explore 5 different positions that Christians hold on this issue and include some excellent reference works on middle, this debate. Is Big Love Better Love? People who practice polygamy preach the good thesis persuasive essay, virtues of big families, but others say it isn't right for men to share wives. Halimbawa Ng Argumentative Essay? This excellent student essay explores both sides of the question using examples in good persuasive the United States and around the world. How to biographical, Become a Republican: I explore my own uneasy relationship to patriotism and the American flag in a humorous exploratory essay. Good? Is Love the Most Important Thing? What is the most important thing to look for in a spouse? Is it love and physical attractiveness, compatibility, similar backgrounds, or a combination? What does race really mean?

Do you have to parts activity, play the role that nature assigns you? Is race more defined by culture and good, our family environment, or by genetics? Would the parts of essay activity, United States be a better country if more people identified themselves as multi-racial? Why do most Americans feel they must identify with one particular race? Should people have their DNA tested for their racial background? What would be the consequences of humans knowing genetic information about themselves? Should average individuals seek to persuasive essay, have their DNA sequenced? Who should have access to that information? Should cloning of humans be outlawed? Is it all right to placement test, genetically manipulate an embryo in order to prevent them from good persuasive, having a genetic disease? What does your DNA reveal about you?

The Bachman / Baughman D.N.A. Test Essay? Project and thesis essay, how this test has been used to identify genes for Obesity, Alcoholism and other disorders. Thesis? Human DNA Sequencing, Website of National Human Genome Research Institute. Do recycling and using green products make a difference? Are there some things individuals can do to improve the environment which make more of a difference than others? Is the greenhouse effect real? How important is it to persuasive, make policy changes that affect greenhouse gases?

Is the problem with changing emissions political or technological? Are there existing technologies which would let us reduce greenhouse gas now? Is reducing emissions in the United States going to make a significant difference? How can the world influence China and India and other heavily polluting countries to reduce emissions? Do greenhouse gases really harm people? Can renewable energy really provide enough power?

Should we rely on nuclear energy more? Should there be more government funding for alternative energy research and thesis warming, development? What is Materials Science? How important is good essay, Materials Science to solving world energy and technology problems? Is an electric car a realistic possibility in the near future? Will nanotechnology really help us clean up the environment? How can we make sure nanotechnology is safe? Can we really repair the rainforest? Is eating and growing food locally really better for the environment?

Will advanced technologies like driverless cars or super fast vacuum trains be the answer to thesis warming, the environmental crisis? Some Convenient Truths by Gregg Easterbrook, in Atlantic Monthly, September 2006. Building a Better World with Chemicals [panel discussion about thesis possible future developments in nanotechnology and chemistry] in Discover Magazine, September 2012. Are we doing too many high-tech tests in our health care system? Do these tests really make for better health care? How do we balance the of global warming, need for good health care with the continually increasing cost of health care drug and good thesis essay, testing technologies? What is the relationship between malpractice suits and doctors insurance and the use of high-tech tests on patients? Should we devote more international effort to solving the problem of tapeworms and other health issues found mostly in poorer nations? How can our health resource dollars be distributed more evenly? What responsibility do First World Nations have to give Third World peoples better heath care?

Should a gastric bypass operation be used as a standard treatment for parts activity Type 2 diabetes? Are we relying on expensive health technologies like surgery and drugs to cure things that should be taken care of by better lifestyle choices like good diets and exercise? Are using nanobots a good idea? Could nanobots be used as weapons or by terrorists? What are nanobots and how can they help solve health problems? Should humans have microchips and nanobots implanted in them? How should we value our bodies with respect to inner technologies? Could nanobots be harmful to the human body? How realistic is nanobot technology? How close are we to good thesis, a practical human application? Is technology a solution or a danger to our health and society?

How important are the new superbugs that are resistant to all antibiotics? What will happen if we don't find something to fight them? Our Bodies, Our Technologies: Discusses the way in which nanotechnology is places essays, poised to alter our relationship between our bodies and technology. The Bypass Cure: Explains research which found that giving people bypass surgery also cured them of good thesis persuasive essay Type 2 Diabetes. Is surgery a good option for treating this condition? The Hidden Epidemic: Tapeworms in halimbawa essay the Brain: tells the shocking story of what happens when tapeworms, which ordinarily live in the stomach, end up moving to a person's brain. This article suggests that Western Nations should spend more resources investigating ailments which affect developing nations. Good? How does egg and sperm donation affect family relationships? Should egg and sperm donors have a role in the life of a child? What are the definition, ethical considerations in persuasive sperm donation? Should there be more regulation on egg and sperm donation?

Are reproductive technologies necessary or are the school, fostering a “shopping” mentality among parents who want to essay, choose their child’s genetic make-up? Is donating to a sperm or egg bank a good idea? How do policies of sperm banks violate the privacy of donors? How much information should sperm banks give about donors? Is it right for parents to placement test tips, choose the good persuasive, characteristics of their child? Should mothers allow their fetus to be tested for genetic disorders if they would not abort the definition, child? What are the options in reproductive technologies for infertile couples? Is IVF a good choice for infertile parents? Should medical insurance cover infertility treatments?

How far should scientists go in altering the genetics of humans? Should parents be able to have their children cured of diseases by genetic altering before they are born? Reproductive Technology Research Articles. Reverse Eugenics : Choosing an persuasive, Embryo Who HAS a Disability: Should this be an option for biographical narrative essay parents who are deaf or have other disabilities? Is Twitter or other social media helpful to thesis, classroom learning? Should students be allowed to of essay activity, text and good persuasive essay, use social media in class? Is it a good idea for of essay activity students to be allowed to follow a teacher on social media? How is technology in schools changing? How important is it for school districts to good persuasive, invest heavily in technology?

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Or limited technology? If so, what is best? What difference will it make in our lives if information is more easily accessible everywhere? Does the advent of E-readers mean the end of libraries? Will electronic books really save students money? Will using tablets and E-readers have a negative effect on our eyesight?

Do people read as well on biographical courage, computers and tablets as they do on paper? Are today's students as good at thesis essay, reading as people in the past who read on paper and not digitally? Education Technology Research Articles. How Reading is Being Reimagined by Matthew Kirschenbaum for The Chronicle of Higher Education, 12/7/2007. Thesis? How eBooks Lost Their Shine by Paula Cocozza for good thesis persuasive The Guardian, April 2017. Can people have a meaningful online dating relationship? How is of global warming, social media changing teenage relationships? Do cell phones hurt or help relationships? Are today's high school and college students able to communicate face to thesis, face as well as people in the past? How does the ability to places essays, post about good thesis persuasive essay your relationship on social media change modern dating relationships for better or worse? Is digital dating a good idea?

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6, 2016. Should everyone get their DNA sequenced? Is gene screening ethical? Does this change how we see ourselves and parts activity, others? What are the dangers of people doing their own genetic experimentation at home?

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by Virginia Kearney 2. by Virginia Kearney 8. 50 Critical Analysis Paper Topics. by Virginia Kearney 4. Placement Test Essay Tips? Easy Words to Use as Sentence Starters to Write Better Essays. by Virginia Kearney 127. 100 Cause and good thesis persuasive, Effect Essay Topics. by Virginia Kearney 37. Michele McAlister 2 years ago. Perfect. I am completely starting ovr in life getting back to my roots that are my passion positively affect my life future. Writing is one of these passions. So far your articles have been wonderful!

Keep them coming! Much love my fellow writer. I hope to learn from you. Xoxo. Eiddwen 4 years ago from halimbawa, Wales. Very interesting and persuasive essay, useful. Thesis? Thanks for thesis persuasive essay sharing.

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Example Of Opinion Essay Essays and Research Papers. Opinion essay Opinion essay is good thesis persuasive, a formal piece of essay writing which presents the . Test Tips? author’s point of good persuasive essay, view on halimbawa essay, a particular subject supported by good thesis essay reasons and examples . The opposing viewpoint is also suggested, it goes with arguments that show that it is unconvincing. Thesis School? A Successful Opinion Essay Consists of: An introduction where the topic and the author’s opinion are stated clearly. A main body where viewpoints supported by reasons are presented in thesis persuasive essay several paragraphs. This section has also the.

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You can’t possibly expect me to good thesis essay, actually have an opinion on essay, something as complicated as this! The basis for the things I oppose is simply spite. Spite for good persuasive essay, the Democrats. If a Democrat supports it, I oppose it! Using your brain to statement middle, support or oppose things is good thesis essay, just way too overrated nowadays. Parts Activity? I own a private. Democratic Party , George H. Good Thesis Persuasive Essay? W. Bush , George W. Bush 1069 Words | 3 Pages.

of essay preparation What differentiated higher quality example essays from lower quality example . essays ? There were several different aspects that differentiated higher quality example essay from lower quality example essays . Firstly, the tips, higher quality example essays , such as the Distinction and thesis High Distinction essays provided great structure and an argument with a very good presentation. The introduction in the Distinction essay introduced relevant literature and addressed the essay topic. Citation , Essay , Essays 761 Words | 3 Pages. The Symbol of a Mockingbird Supported Opinion Essay Prejudice and parts activity racism are a part of living and people will always be . Persuasive Essay? confronted with it, but why are people hated or precluded? Do others actually know who they are or are they just judged because of the parts activity, bad stories others heard about them? In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee writes about this theme and she uses the mockingbird is a symbol. A mockingbird is good essay, a harmless bird that makes the world more pleasant. Mockingbirds are the innocent. Harper Lee , Northern Mockingbird , To Kill a Mockingbird 1192 Words | 4 Pages. ?Jack Hamilton AP English 3 Mrs. Rothbard Period 5 December 21, 2014 Bill O'Reilly Editorial Essay Whether it be from his television show . The O'Reilly Factor, one of his Killing books, or from editorial articles, it is fair to say that most Americans know who Bill O'Reilly is.

O'Reilly is known for his conservative views that can be attributed in activity part to thesis persuasive essay, his coming from a classic Irish Catholic family and [having] attended private catholic schools, according to his biography on thesis of global, IMDb. Though. Bill O'Reilly , Editorial , Federal government of the good thesis persuasive, United States 939 Words | 4 Pages. BBI20 Assignment#5 Opinion Essay on Inventions 1st March 2011 In my opinion , the thesis, most important invention of good, . all time in the history of human civilization and enterprise is the internet. Why the internet? Simply because I believe this invention has made the world a better place. In almost everything we do, we need the Internet. Whether it is to look for of global warming, a job, research for a project or even find love.

The Internet is a dominant factor that plays an important role in good essay our lives. We just simply. Better , History of the thesis of global, Internet , Hyperlink 1419 Words | 4 Pages. ? EXAMPLE 1 – ESSAY Life sometimes goes wrong under the best of circumstances, but what if you spend your days in a hospital bed . Thesis? slowly suffocating to death as cancer eats away at ng argumentative your body? You’re horrified, your quality of life is at an all time low and you can’t see any point in delaying the inevitable. Good Thesis Essay? That is why Physician assisted suicide should be a choice for parts, patients who are incurable.

Physician assisted suicide (PAS) should be legal in cases that involve unbearable suffering or. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , Death , Euthanasia 1509 Words | 5 Pages. ?Question: Analyze how the writer influenced you to change your opinion throughout the text about a significant idea. Shakespeare wrote . Macbeth in the 16th century as tribute to king James the first. At the start of the text king Duncan made me believe that anyone could be a good leader, Duncan effectively portrayed this idea because he put the needs of his country in front of his own.

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Definition Of Friendship Example Essay. of friendship. Consider the purpose, audience, and context of your article. Thesis? Organize your ideas and details effectively. Include specific details that . clearly develop your article. Edit your speech for standard grammar and language usage. Example Essay on biographical, the Definition of Friendship If asked, many people would say that their friends are some of the most important people in their lives. Good Thesis Persuasive Essay? However, sometimes it is hard to recognize the halimbawa ng argumentative essay, value of a friend and thesis essay see exactly how much they do for to publish essays, us and.

Friendship , Interpersonal relationship , Love 1157 Words | 3 Pages. Aaron B Ms. Good Thesis Essay? F ENG-4U Nov, 1st, 2013 Catcher in The Rye Opinion Essay In the essay, novel Catcher in The Rye, Salinger has employed . a very realistic portrayal of teenagers and how they act. There are plenty of characteristic on how he properly conveyed this to thesis persuasive essay, the audience and he also spread these characteristics through-out all of the characters that are used within the narrative essay courage, novel. Firstly, you have Holden; a teenager who is not always the good thesis persuasive, brightest bulb in the cabinet, but he has a clear understanding. Adolescence , Novel , Question 1140 Words | 3 Pages. ?In this essay , it is about the of global warming, journal article that I had presented in the Journal Club. In the following, I am going to persuasive essay, summarize the . concerned clinical issue / practice presented in the journal article. Test Essay Tips? In the second part of the essay , I will analyze the concerned clinical issue / practice and relate to my prior learning and/or experience. Good Thesis Persuasive? Next, I will discuss on what I have learned from the concerned clinical issue / practice.

Lastly, I am going to halimbawa ng argumentative, recommend strategies to facilitate my learning. Health care provider , Illness , Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 839 Words | 3 Pages. ? Opinion Essay Options Karisa Horsch Professor R. Sorrell HIST 136; Opinion 2, 3, 6 March . Good Essay? 7th 2013 Industrialists Vs. Workers Opinion Option #2 Today, the United States is essay, known for being a big, beautiful powerhouse of complex industrial systems and with these industrial systems, bridges have been built, factories have been produced, inventions and workers have been put to work and thus, a new age industry arise. Persuasive Essay? It’s hard to exactly pin-point. 19th century , Immigration , Immigration to the United States 1048 Words | 4 Pages. Descriptive Essay 1) Definition: Descriptive essay is one of the many types of writing styles that provides a detailed . description for a particular person, place, memory, experience or object.

Descriptive essay is purposely created so readers can readily imagine its particular subject matter. It focuses on the five senses which are sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. 2) Example : Spring Everyone has a comfortable place to escape to for relaxation. They go there when they need to be. Hearing , Odor , Olfaction 1017 Words | 4 Pages. Opinion Essay: Is Television Good or Bad for American Society? Assignment taught by Dr. Sally Lozada. To Publish? PART I Throughout the next four modules, you will plan and good thesis persuasive develop an of essay activity, argumentative essay . Your . homework assignments will consist of: Module 1: Taking a Stance Module 2: Developing an good persuasive, Outline Module 3: Providing Body Paragraphs Module 4: Submitting the Completed Essay Taking a Stance Below is the topic for thesis definition, Essay 1. Essay 1 Topic Television is an thesis essay, interesting form of entertainment. Halimbawa Essay? With a proper cable subscription, one’s television can display.

Logic , Obesity , Rhetoric 1160 Words | 6 Pages. ELEMENTS OF AN ESSAY Preliminary Remarks Following are some suggestions to help you write an acceptable academic- level essay . Good Thesis Persuasive? . This is test tips, not the only way to organize and develop an thesis persuasive essay, essay . It is, however, a tried and true system and will likely be what your TCC instructors require of you. Audience and Purpose Before beginning, you should consider both your audience and school purpose. For, before you can know how to good thesis persuasive essay, approach the subject, you must determine whom you will be addressing, how much they already. 2005 albums , Essay , Five paragraph essay 1430 Words | 5 Pages. statement in this argument? 3. Halimbawa Ng Argumentative? What’s the topic sentence of the writer’s personal view? 4. Note down some of the good, transitions used in places this argument: 5. Good Thesis Essay? What . is the wrap-up in of essay activity this essay ? Rhetorical Devices Find the following devices in thesis persuasive essay this argumentative essay . There might be more than one example of each. Annotate the essay to biographical narrative essay, show these features.

Use of persuasive, personal pronouns Exclamations Hyperbole Imperatives Juxtaposition Modern idioms and halimbawa essay trendy phrases Non-sentences Repetition Rhetorical questions. Arc de Triomphe , Food , Hamburger 683 Words | 3 Pages. Steven Vanous Opinion essay 131-17 One of the thesis essay, most debated topics of today in America is placement essay tips, Health Care. How can we make it . better? How can we fix the major flaws? How can we, as a country, provide every American citizen with proper adequate health care? These are very good questions. Good? I’m just your average citizen and I figured it out. The answer to all these questions, and many more asked by Americans, is very simple. Adopt a “Socialized Health Care” system just like the one that’s been used.

Health care , Health care in the United States , Health economics 1156 Words | 3 Pages. Example Literary Essay : The Giver by Lois Lowry Example Introduction Paragraph: “The real voyage of discovery . consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” This quote by Marcel Proust speaks of discovering what?s right in front of you by seeing it differently, with “new eyes.” The main character, Jonas, in Lois Lowry?s The Giver goes through a similar experience when he discovers his “Capacity to See Beyond.” Jonas begins to see his Community differently, with an awareness or. Lois Lowry , Newbery Medal , The Giver 856 Words | 3 Pages. childhood can become set principles we live by in later life or can influence the decisions we make to give us our 'world view' aswe can not find other . examples due to age. Things such as age, gender and commuity will also play a part in shaping the effects of parts activity, your world view. A World view is described by many different people in various ways for example Samovar and Porter (2003) (citing Rapport and Overing 2000) will describe a world view as 'the common English translation of the German word “Weltanschauung”. I Shall Be Released , Learning , Life 1025 Words | 3 Pages. that a person should only good thesis persuasive set fairly easy and attainable goals for themselves. Now my attitude is that you should pursue what makes you happy, and you . shouldn’t let struggles stop you.

When I read examples about definition middle school following a passion, overcoming a fear, and being persistent in your efforts, my prior opinion began to change. In the book Blake first describes his journey with creating and growing TOMS. Good Persuasive Essay? Blake was on a vacation trip in Argentina when he realized the halimbawa ng argumentative essay, locals tremendous need for shoes. 1083 Words | 3 Pages. create flashcards for persuasive, free at Sign In | Sign Up StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays , Term Papers Book Notes Essays . Book Notes AP Notes Citation Generator More Code Napoleon and thesis “Declaration of the Rights of Man” Comparison By wis2cool, april. 2013 | 5 Pages (1064 Words) | 1 Views | 4.5 12345 (1) | Report | This is good thesis, a Premium essay for essay, upgraded members Sign Up to thesis, access full essay DID YOU LIKE THIS? TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Send Code Napoleon and “Declaration. Age of Enlightenment , Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen , French Revolution 632 Words | 4 Pages. small, cute animals are “slowly crushed or impaled by women wearing heels,” reports David Michael (2010).

These videos were banned in 1999 by the Supreme . Court, until the federal law had overreached, and the law was overturned. These acts are clear examples of cruelty towards animals, and can never be truly justified. Essay? If we take the rights steps, in a warranted and honest manner, then we can stop animal abuse, and save future species from an persuasive essay, unruly and unjustified future as slaves to test essay, man-kind. . Animal cruelty , Animal Liberation Front , Animal rights 1055 Words | 3 Pages. Jun. 17, 2013 ESSAY WRITING ESSAY . – A short literary composition of an analytical, interpretive, or reflective kind, dealing with its subject in a non-technical, limited, often unsystematic way and, usually expressive of the author’s outlook and personality. - An attempt.

TYPES OF ESSAYS – Personal – Describes how you feel about someone or something. YOU are at the center . . Article , Essay , Essays 622 Words | 3 Pages. Example MBA admission essay The world of good persuasive, finance and business is a complicated and thesis of global warming ubiquitous arena, and the axis around which . most of our society’s most important issues move. Having worked for a number of years in a multitude of administrative positions, I feel in many ways as though I have merely skimmed the good thesis persuasive, surface of a field that is brimming with professional opportunities. The pursuit of a Master’s in placement essay Business Administration will enable me access tap previously unused resources in my own. Administration , Business , Business school 873 Words | 3 Pages. ? Essay 1 The methods of political control used by the Han and Imperial Roman Empires were different, as in the degree of citizen participation . in government because of how each empire utilized it to control the people. However, the thesis persuasive essay, use of theologies to justify rule was a similar method used by the two empires because it allowed leaders to halimbawa, win over thesis persuasive, the people in more ways than one. In addition, the use of militaries to essays, control the good thesis, population and outlying territories was a similar method because. Ancient Rome , Byzantine Empire , Constantine I 2376 Words | 6 Pages.

ART-O-METER scale essay Music is a form of expression; it is art, and what makes it of highest or lowest value can often be a matter of . personal choice. There are, however, universal ways of halimbawa ng argumentative, looking at a song’s value. Persuasive Essay? First, one can analyze a song based on the message the writer wants to reveal. Words construct meaning, which ultimately reveals a theme, and the power of the theme helps listeners decide a song’s worth and universal impact. Of Essay? Closely linked to thesis persuasive, a song’s theme is the song’s literary. Aspect of music , Broken heart , Fiction 1377 Words | 4 Pages. How to write an argumentative essay. Give your opinion . Argumentative Essay How to of global warming, write an Argumentative Essay : Outline, Structure, Format, . Examples , Topics How to write an argumentative essay ? The leading tone in an argumentative essay is the position of thesis, proving that the presented point of view is the correct one and possesses more truthful arguments than any other opinions . Placement Tips? The author through proper reasoning, inducting and making conclusions, must prove the assertions or the theories of the argumentative essay . If the author. Essay , Essays , Five paragraph essay 569 Words | 3 Pages.

! Analyzing Essay Psychologist Martin E. Good Persuasive? P. Seligman’s article “On Learned Helplessness” talks about what happens when people go through . traumatic events and places travel how the handle the situations. Thesis Persuasive Essay? Seligman ` studied the conditions that can lead to feelings of placement tips, fear, helplessness, depression, and good thesis essay competence. By applying his theories and ideas I will analyze the article “Gunman Kills Himself After Hostage Drama” by Charles P. Wallace and Tim Waters. In the article by Wallace and Waters, a twenty-six. Depression , Emotion , Harry Dean Stanton 990 Words | 4 Pages. Definition Essay How to test tips, write a Definition Essay : Outline, Format, Structure, Examples , Topics Writing a . definition essay A definition essay is an essay concentrated on the explanation of the meaning of a definite term. The term may be analyzed from the position of one and only meaning and also from the good persuasive essay, position of subjectivity of the person defining the term. This classification divides the words into two groups: •material terms – a table, a door, a printer. •spiritual terms – friendship. Causality , Cosmological argument , Definition 2125 Words | 7 Pages. ? ESSAY IS A WRITTEN EXPRESSION OF WRITER'S DIRECT OPINION . Definition? THAT OPINION IS BASED ON OUR BELIEFS. now belief is good thesis, of . further two types: 1. changeable (where there is tendency to change the opinion ) 2. non-changeable ( opinion is in just yes or no; agree or disagree) basically the changeable opinion is our thesis statement. * every thesis statement is opinion but every opinion is narrative essay courage, not thesis statement. types of essays ' topics: 1. open topics on which writer's own tendency to prove his opinion.

Belief , Creative writing , Critical thinking 474 Words | 2 Pages. Name: Andrew Gordon Subject: Exp201, Professor Morales Summary Assignment Forerunners Sei Shonagon: Hateful Things Essay question: . Consider Sei Shonagon’s definition of the word ‘hate’ in the Heian era. Is an opinion considered hostile if it focuses on good, honesty and transparency of a situation? “Hateful Things” is an opinionated extract from the book “Pillow Talk” written by Sei Shonagon. Pillow Talk is a collection of the lists, desires, poetry and judgmental conversations by Shonagon. Sei. Essay , Heian period , Japan 1371 Words | 4 Pages. Example of an of global warming, Ethnolect Based Essay. travelled, can appreciate humour, and that he would like to be perceived as an educated person with further academic goals. Thesis Persuasive Essay? The phonological features of thesis statement definition middle school, a . person’s speech are the most obvious signposts to his or her origins or mother tongue.

For example , Bill pronounces the ‘not’ in ‘not really’, ‘correct’, ‘just’ and ‘want’ by good essay ending with a glottal stop (/?/), rather than the voiceless consonant (/t/). To Publish Travel? This occurs as final consonants are much less frequent in Mandarin than in thesis persuasive essay English and thus they. Australian English , British English , Dialect 953 Words | 3 Pages. 1 AN OPINION COMPOSITION When you are writing an essay that asks you to discuss a topic or give your opinion on a . question, it is important to organize your thoughts and present your arguments clearly and to work out the structure of your essay before you start to write. 1. Plan four or five paragraphs: 2. Ng Argumentative? 3. 4. 5. - an introduction (saying why it is important, what the situation is. ) - two or three paragraphs in support of the argument/ giving a contrasting or different view (with reasons). Developmental psychology , Essay , Learning 1697 Words | 5 Pages. Wind” essay by good Verlyn Klinkenborg and then answer the following questions: . opinion /18fri4.html?_r=1 1. Explain how the author describes the thesis statement definition, wind in good thesis three sentences? Provide one quote from the essay . 2. Thesis Of Global? Copy down at least three descriptions that connect to at least three of the thesis persuasive essay, following senses: a. visual b. taste c. hearing d. touch e. smell 3. Write down the parts of essay, author’s main point. Actually copy his main point from the essay so I.

Essay , Following , Plutarch 1249 Words | 4 Pages. every reader's question: So what? Supportable - A thesis must be a claim that you can prove with the evidence at hand (e.g., evidence from your texts . Good Essay? or from your research). Your claim should not be outlandish, nor should it be mere personal opinion or preference (e.g., Frederick Douglass is my favorite historical figure.) Precise - An effective thesis statement has been narrowed down from a very broad subject. Your claim should not be something on which whole books could be written. . Argument , Frederick Douglass , Logic 1094 Words | 5 Pages. Essay Development Learning Team B COM/172 September 10, 2010 The ultimate success or failure of thesis statement definition, a paper may often be traced back to . the planning stages. What might you do to provide yourself with the best opportunity to succeed when writing our college papers? Planning is the most important tool we can use to good thesis essay, create an effective essay . When we plan accordingly, we are setting the right expectation for completing our assignment. We take the time to test essay, create an good persuasive, effective outline and travel use. Begin , Essay , Pop music 1304 Words | 4 Pages. watching.

Mary Chastain writes for and as a concerned parent, she mostly covers semi-controversial subjects of the news that focus on mental . health issues of children. She inserts herself into her articles with compassion and lets her opinions flow. Any mother or father would certainly feel the compassion in her words and might trust her judgment just by knowing that she is a mother herself. Not knowing this information could skew your view of her articles. If I did not know she was. Parent , Psychology , SpongeBob SquarePants 1056 Words | 3 Pages. of a highly successful career is the amount of good thesis persuasive, respect we receive from our peers. We are respected because of our expertise and our knowledge. We stand out . above the average person. We are noticed, loved and essay admired by many.

Our opinion is valued. Other people's opinions are high of us. In our local community, we are thought of as being a vivacious and good essay charismatic leader. Everyone wants to be around us because we make him or her feel good about places travel themselves, and we help boost his or her self-esteem. Happiness , Need , Poverty 846 Words | 3 Pages. anyone believe that they were a witch. This is also seen as injustice because it is definitely not fair or moral. In The Crucible, Miller uses character to thesis essay, . show that just because someone is different could possibly mean that they were witches. An example of halimbawa ng argumentative essay, character in the film was when Giles Corey had just asked how someone’s day was and good essay a fire had made flames. This made him convicted to being a witch just because how creepy people had seen him as. Justice cannot be seen here because justice is.

Arthur Miller , Daniel Day-Lewis , John Proctor 899 Words | 3 Pages. Essay Structure: The Secret To A Good Essay. Essay Structure: The Secret To A Good Essay Essays are like the people that write them; each one is unique . and individual. A good essay topic seems the most important aspect for a paper; but if the writer can’t effectively convey their argument or idea in a fluid procession the paper’s topic will not matter. A writer needs to capture their audience in the most successful way and structural elements are a contributor to that. In the narrative essay courage, essay , Graffiti: Art or Vandalism, the author effectively.

Art , Banksy , Eyesore 943 Words | 3 Pages. Descriptive Essay Example We all know college is hard; if it were easy, everyone would have . a degree and no one would ever ask for help. But here at essay Crafton Hills College, tutors are available to help out students in any way, so that those who struggle can do well and to publish essays be successful. These mentors don’t just lecture, they take the time to make sure students understand and comprehend what is being taught. Tutors are at hand for thesis, a variety of subjects, some have.

Learning , Teaching assistant , Tutor 1006 Words | 3 Pages. spaces to people who don’t live in Ann Arbor who commute from all over the surrounding areas. For example , my MTH 169 teacher, Mr. King, would . commute from essay courage, Farmington to Ann Arbor every day. Good Thesis? When in the class, he was always on time because he had another class before us so he had the opportunity to find a parking space, but if he arrived later than that he wouldn’t have found one. Another example was in winter 2012, my boyfriend’s mother had exited the Bailey Library, and immediately a person asked. Ann Arbor, Michigan , Bus , Bus stop 1050 Words | 4 Pages. CORE Arguments, Opinions and suggestions. ? Appendix 2: Guidelines for Essays Each group must select ONE of the Topics below: Research the Topic and Write an . essay . In preparing their assignments, students are expected to thesis statement definition middle, do a thorough research on the chosen topic and also provide case examples to illustrate/defend their arguments.

Where possible, students are encouraged to good, use UAE/GULF OR Middle-East organizations as an example . In agreement with the lecturer, they may also change the topic slightly to parts, suit a. Critical thinking , Human resource management , Management 497 Words | 2 Pages. boot-camp not as a military training program, but rather as a group of individuals who are driven by a common goal? If we can do this then we can begin . making comparisons with other groups of good thesis persuasive essay, individuals and notice a great deal of similarities. For example , universities offer a wide variety of clubs such as the Philosophy Club or the Student Veterans Organization, and these clubs are formed because like-minded individuals driven by activity a common goal congregated and bonded to birth their club.

Just like. Bond , Bonds, Lancashire , Marine 900 Words | 2 Pages.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Structures. Knowing how to structure your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay is an essential skill that can make the difference between the getting and not getting the good thesis essay, band score you deserve. Ng Argumentative! With that in mind, we have outlined the most common IELTS Writing Task 2 structures below. Nearly all of my Task 2 essay follow this basic structure: The sentences you put in each paragraph will depend on what type of question you get. The five most common IELTS Writing Task 2 questions are: Below I will outline examples and a structure approved by experienced IELTS teachers and examiners for each type of question. This will help you write a clear, coherent answer and persuasive hopefully boost your IELTS band score.

I also include an example answer for halimbawa essay each type of question so you can see what the structure looks like in a real essay. Please note that these are general structures and they may vary slightly depending on thesis persuasive the particular question. Please also note that there is no ‘one’ structure that will get you a high score. There are many types of of essay activity, structures that can get you a high score. These are just the ones I think are most effective and easiest to learn. For more detailed guidance on each type of question please visit the lessons below. I have provided a link at the end of each section.

Opinion Questions (Agree or Disagree) What is good thesis persuasive essay, your opinion? Do you agree or disagree? To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the biographical narrative essay, neighborhood or teaching sports to good thesis persuasive essay younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question. Sentence 2- Thesis Statement (It is agreed…/It is narrative courage, disagreed…/This essay agrees/disagrees…) Sentence 3- Outline Sentence (This essay will discuss….) Sentence 1- Topic Sentence. Sentence 2- Explain Topic Sentence. Sentence 3- Example. Sentence 1- Topic Sentence. Sentence 2- Explain Topic Sentence. Sentence 3- Example. Sentence 1- Summary and opinion. t is argued that volunteering should be made part of the school curriculum.

This essay agrees with that suggestion completely because of the benefits it brings to pupils. The essay will first look at how voluntary work can help students develop soft skills and then discuss how these extracurricular activities are valued by universities and employers. Education should not be limited to good thesis strictly academic pursuits and warming those in education should also develop life skills, such as teamwork, empathy and good persuasive self-discipline, and halimbawa ng argumentative one of the best ways to hone these aptitudes is through community service. Good Persuasive! Serving those less fortunate than ourselves teaches us many lessons including how to work with people from other backgrounds and the value of hard work. Definition School! For example, I personally volunteered to spend 6 weeks in Africa teaching disadvantaged children and this led to a much higher work ethic when I returned to my studies. Many colleges and companies are also increasingly looking for this type of experience.

Most school leavers have the good thesis persuasive essay, same grades and essay tips charitable works can help set you apart from the herd. For example, Cambridge and Oxford receive thousands of applications from thesis essay, straight-A students every year and can only accept a small percentage of applicants. What you have done outside the places travel, classroom is often the thing that differentiates you from everyone else and gets you that coveted spot. In conclusion, teenagers should be made to partake in unpaid work as part of their schooling because it will help them learn things they wouldn’t ordinarily learn from their teachers and it will also boost their chances of getting into third level education. For more detail on how to answer agree or disagree questions please visit our opinion essay lesson. Advantages and persuasive essay Disadvantages Questions. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Discuss the ng argumentative, advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion. Computers are being used more and more in education. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and good thesis essay give your own opinion.

Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question. Sentence 2- Outline Sentence. Sentence 1- State One Advantage. Sentence 2- Expand/Explain Advantage. Sentence 3- Example. Sentence 4- Result. Sentence 1- State One Disadvantage.

Sentence 2- Expand/Explain Disadvantage. Sentence 3- Example. Sentence 4- Result. Sentence 1- Summary. Sentence 2- Opinion. It is argued that technology is definition middle school, playing an every increasing role in schools and universities. This essay will firstly, discuss student freedom as one of the main advantages of this and secondly, outline decreasing levels of good persuasive essay, face to face contact as one of the main disadvantages. One of the principle advantages of an increase in the use electronic devices in travel essays education is the autonomy it provides students. Students have the freedom to good thesis persuasive essay focus on essay whatever topic or subject they want and good persuasive essay study it in depth through the narrative essay courage, internet.

A prime example of this is the amount of online university courses available to students, covering a myriad of subjects, that up until recently were unavailable to thesis essay most learners. This has resulted in more people studying third level degrees than ever before, at places to publish essays a pace and schedule that suits them. The main disadvantage associated with increasing use of technology in education is the decrease in face to face interaction between students. Students spend more time looking at computer screens by themselves than interacting with each other. For instance, the good thesis persuasive essay, recent explosion in smartphone use has been at placement essay tips the expense of genuine human interaction. This results in good thesis persuasive soft skills, such as verbal communication and empathy, being affected. In conclusion, the benefits technology brings to education, such as student autonomy, must be weighed against ng argumentative essay, the drawbacks, such as negative effects on human interaction.

Overall, the educational benefits outweigh the disadvantages because human beings will always want human contact and good essay most people will not solely use IT for education. For more detail on how to parts of essay answer advantage and thesis disadvantage questions please visit our advantage and disadvantage lesson. Discuss Both Views Question (Discussion Essay) Discuss both points of view and give your opinion. Computers are being used more and more in education. Of Essay! Some people say that this is thesis essay, a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences. Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own opinion. Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question and/or state both viewpoints. Sentence 2- Thesis Statement.

Sentence 3- Outline Sentence. Sentence 1- State first viewpoint. Sentence 2- Discuss first viewpoint. Sentence 3- Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint. Sentence 4- Example to support your view. Sentence 1- State second viewpoint.

Sentence 2- Discuss second viewpoint. Sentence 3- Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint. Sentence 4- Example to support your view. Sentence 1- Summary. Sentence 2- State which one is thesis statement middle school, better or more important. There is an ever increasing use of technology, such as tablets and laptops, in the classroom. It is often argued that this is a positive development, whilst others disagree and good thesis persuasive think it will lead to adverse ramifications. This essay agrees that an increase in technology is beneficial to students and teachers. This essay will discuss both points of view. It is clear that the Internet has provided students with access to places more information than ever before. Moreover, learners have the ability to research and learn about any subject at the touch of a button.

It is therefore agreed that technology is thesis essay, a very worthwhile tool for parts of essay activity education. Wikipedia is persuasive, a prime example, where students can simply type in any keyword and gain access to in-depth knowledge quickly and easily. However, many disagree and feel that technology deprives people of real human interaction. Test! Human interaction teaches people valuable skills such as discourse, debate and empathy. Essay! Despite this, human interaction is still possible through the internet and this essay disagrees technology should be dismissed for this reason. For instance, Skype and Facebook make it possible for placement people to persuasive interact in ways that were never before possible. While the benefits of technology, particularly the internet, allow students to tap into limitless sources of information, some still feel that people should be wary of this new phenomena and of global not allow it to curb face to thesis persuasive face interaction.

However, as long as we are careful to keep in mind the parts of essay, importance of human interaction in education, the educational benefits are clearly positive. For more detail on how to answer discussion questions please visit our discussion essay lesson. Problem and solution. Cause and good thesis essay solution. Students are becoming more and more reliant on computers. What are some of the problems associated with reliance on computers, and what are some of the of essay, possible solutions? Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question. Sentence 2- Outline Sentence. Sentence 1- State Problem. Sentence 2- Explain problem.

Sentence 3- Result. Sentence 4- Example. Sentence 1- State Solution. Sentence 2- Explain Solution. Sentence 3- Example. Sentence 1- Summary. Sentence 2- Recommendation or Prediction. Learners are becoming ever more dependent on technology, such as the Internet and mobile devices. Good Persuasive Essay! This essay will discuss one of the essay, main problems associated with dependence on computers and suggest a viable solution. The principal problem with over-reliance on technology, such as tablets and good thesis persuasive computers, is plagiarism.

Students often use search engines to answer a question and simply copy the text from ng argumentative essay, a website, rather than thinking about the question. This practice is persuasive, not only prohibited in schools and universities but also stunts a student’s intellectual development. For example, many teachers complain that students copy web pages straight from Wikipedia word for word rather than giving a reasoned answer to their questions. A solution to this worrying problem is asking students to email their answers to teachers and teachers using anti-plagiarism software to detect copying. Moreover, students would be made aware of this practice and this would inspire them to biographical narrative essay courage answer questions using their own words, rather than someone else’s.

For instance, many universities already use this kind software to scan course work for good thesis essay plagiarism and it could be extended to places travel essays include all homework, by good thesis learners in both secondary and tertiary education. In summary, one of the main problems with over-use of technology in to publish essays education is plagiarism and this can be solved through the use of plagiarism detection software. It is essay, predicted that more and more students’ will email their work to parts of essay their teacher and this work will be scrutinised for plagiarism. For more detail on how to answer problem and solution questions please visit our problem and solution lesson. There will normally be a statement and they will then ask you to answer to separate questions. As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an good persuasive important element of individual wellbeing. What factors contribute to narrative courage job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question. Sentence 2- Outline Sentence (mention both questions) Sentence 1- Answer first question directly. Sentence 2- Explain why. Sentence 3- Further explain. Sentence 4- Example. Sentence 1- Answer second question directly.

Sentence 2- Explain why. Sentence 3- Further explain. Sentence 4- Example. Sentence 1- Summary. As the majority of adults spend most of their time at work, being content with your career is a crucial part of a person’s health and happiness. This essay will first discuss which elements lead to job satisfaction and it will then address the question of good persuasive, how likely it is that everyone can be happy with their job. The two most important things that lead to halimbawa someone being satisfied at work are being treated with respect by managers and being compensated fairly. If those more senior than you respect you as a person and the job you are doing then you feel like you are valued. A fair salary and good persuasive benefits are also important considerations because if you feel you are being underpaid you will either resent your bosses or look for another job. There two factors came top of parts activity, a recent job satisfaction survey conducted by good persuasive, that found that 72% of people were pleased with their current role if their superiors regularly told them they were appreciated.

With regards to ng argumentative essay the question of happiness for good essay all workers, I think this is and always will be highly unlikely. The vast majority of people fail to reach their goals and end up working in a post they don’t really care about in return for a salary. This money is just enough to pay their living expenses which often means they are trapped in a cycle of placement essay, disenchantment. For example, The Times recently reported that 89% of office workers would leave their jobs if they did not need the money. In conclusion, being satisfied with your trade or profession is an important part of one’s well-being and respect from one’s colleagues and fair pay can improve your level of good persuasive, happiness, however, job satisfaction of all workers is an unrealistic prospect.

Can I get a band 8 or 9 following these structures? Nobody can give you a structure that guarantees you a high score. You score is dependent on thesis of global how good your grammar and vocabulary is and how well you answer the question. A good structure will help you answer the good thesis persuasive, question to some extent and boost your score for coherence and of essay cohesion, but you must use relevant ideas and use these ideas well to answer the question. Looking for some sample questions? Here are over 100 sample questions from past exam papers. I hope you found this article useful. Now that you know the structures you should check out our task 2 sample answers to good thesis persuasive essay see how they have been used in practice.

Would you like me to check your essay and tell you how to improve? Check out our essay correction service. The best way to keep up to date with more great posts like this and to access loads of practice exercises is to like us on Facebook. For more help with IELTS please check out IELTS Preparation– The Ultimate Guide. 62 Comments on IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Structures Thank you so much for essay courage your studies. I really like a sentence from the introduction: “This essay agrees with that suggestion completely because of the thesis essay, benefits it brings to pupils”. But how should I rephrase it in cace I disagree with the statement?

Is OK to halimbawa ng argumentative write: “This essay DISAGREES with that suggestion completely because of the benefits it brings to persuasive essay pupils”. I would be very thankful if you can provide us with an example for the question type “Two-part Question” the same as you did in the other types. This is a very good essay. This is great! Very simple and activity easy to persuasive essay understand. Biographical! I hope to do some more practice using the tips here. Thank you! Hi Chris, thank you for creating such a great site. I like your way of structuring essay, but I am concerned about conccesion statements, especially for agree and disagree essays. Good Essay! Could you please suggest where can I fit coccesion statements in thesis of global warming these structures.

Thank you. Don’t worry about concessions in opinion essays. Home » Writing Task 2 » IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Structures. Check your email for the link. Advantage Exam Preparation Limited. 4 Castleglen Park, Dundrum, County Down, BT33 0WL United Kingdom. The information on this site is for information purposes only. IELTS is a registered trademark of University of Cambridge, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia.

This site and it's owners are not affiliated, approved or endorsed by the University of persuasive essay, Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia. For full information please refer to our terms and conditions and disclaimer.

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