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Book Review: Getting Things Done David Allen. The Author, with his copy of christmas homework, Getting Things Done. It is rare that I read or hear something that truly changes the way I think and approach my life, but Getting Things Done (GTD) is one of describe your career plans, them. Written by David Allen (@GTDGuy), GTD has been a staple on the bookshelf of many busy, productive people: there are GTD groupies all over the world. I am one of them, and passes I know some other graduate students who find it helpful, as well.

Developing a productivity strategy is one of the more important parts about graduate school: I consider my time in describe your career, school to not only be a process of learning how to do my research, but also in learning how I best do my work. Finding a system to organize what has to be done is part of that, and christmas homework GTD has played a big role in figuring that out. GTD focuses on a number of things, but one of the most important for me is this: you must capture #8220;all the things you need to get done now, later, someday, big, little, or in animal cruelty research papers, between into homework passes a logical and trusted system outside of your head and off your mind#8221;. I#8217;m going to walk through a couple of Allen#8217;s primary tips to give you an idea about what this means#8230;and then encourage you to go buy this book and read it all the way through. Academic Plans Essay! He does a better job than I. Capture is really critical, since the christmas homework passes, primary idea of GTD is to clear your mind of any and justify all the things you feel like you have to do. Allen rightly notes that most of us waste a lot of brain power thinking about homework what we have to do now, and what we have to do next, and what we#8217;d really like to do in the future. Capturing these things into an organized system removes them from your brain, and puts them in a place where you can deal with them when the time is creative right . Allen suggests creating an Inbox: this is christmas where you empty your head of any and every thing you have to do or want to get done. At first, this will become a long list. As you get in the GTD groove, however, you use different tools to essay rubric ap capture these items as you go about your day. I use a number of tools to add things to my #8220;inbox#8221;.

Evernote is used to capture ideas as they happen (typically at moments when I can#8217;t do anything about them). Christmas! I also use OmniFocus, an application for mac, iPhone, and iPad, that was developed for GTD, to capture to writers essayshark review do items. I also have a physical Inbox for the non-digital items that need to get done, such as bills or things that need to be filed, or paper notes I jot down. By capturing them, I know that I can retrieve them and review (see below) them later. I haven#8217;t lost them, but I don#8217;t have to deal with them now. Christmas! Once a week, I sit down and go through my Inbox, and begin the next step of Allen#8217;s process: Do It, Defer It, Delegate It, Drop It. This is pretty straightforward: for each thing that you capture, those things you #8220;have to do#8221;, you need to essay rubric ap make a decision about christmas homework what your actual commitment is to that project.

Is it something small and quick you can do right now that will take less than 2 minutes? Then Do It NOW. Is it something that you can#8217;t do right now, because it might take more time or your in the wrong place to do it? Then create a project folder for animal cruelty research it, and establish what the christmas homework passes, next actionable step is that you need to do for essayshark review that project, and file it away. Is it something that you can delegate to someone else? Then establish who that person is and what the next action is to christmas passes make sure they do it (set up a meeting, send an university email, etc). Is it something that really isn#8217;t that important in the grand scheme of things? Then drop it.

Don#8217;t do it. Forget about it. Sometimes, releasing a project or task can be the christmas passes, most freeing part of the whole process. One thing Allen points out justify means, that also helps to free your mind is the idea of context: there are some tasks you can#8217;t complete because of the environment you happen to homework be occupying at do ends justify means essay, that exact moment. Are you at the grocery store?

Then you can#8217;t work on your dissertation. Christmas Passes! You can, however, stop by animal research papers the dry cleaners on the way home and christmas pick up those items that have been there for two weeks. Do you only have 15 available minutes between a meeting and your next class? Probably not a good time to try to pound out that theory chapter. But it probably is a good time to send that email to your colleague, or call your doctor to make an appointment. Context helps us free space in our minds because it makes us realize that we can#8217;t always work on something all the time: the environment we#8217;re currently in animal cruelty, might not allow it. Christmas Passes! This helps reduce the stress significantly. Projects and Next Actions.

Identifying what is a project and what is an action is a critical part of the GTD system. Master's Degree Creative Writing! For Allen, a project is anything that can be divided into more than one action, while actions exist in the smallest denomination. So, #8220;Write Dissertation#8221; is a project. #8220;read journal article#8221; is an action (unless you don#8217;t currently have that article, in homework passes, which case it might be a project that includes the steps #8220;go to master's degree canada library#8221; or #8220;look up article on JSTOR#8221;). Christmas Passes! A project, therefore, is made up of a number of actions. So, when I#8217;m organizing my list of things I have to do, I organize them into projects (#8220;Make Dinner#8221;) and the actions that go in it (#8220;find recipe#8221;, #8220;acquire ingredients#8221;, #8220;make shopping list#8221;, #8220;go to store#8221;, etc). Then, I decide what the degree creative writing canada, next action I need to take is in homework passes, order to get this project done. Allen says that this last part is one of the most important steps: most things don#8217;t get done because no one has established what the next thing to do is going to be.

Think about your dissertation. What#8217;s the next thing you have to do to review get done? If you answered, #8220;write chapter 3#8221;, think again: that#8217;s not a next action. That#8217;s a project. Review is probably the most often overlooked but most helpful part of christmas passes, GTD. Essay Rubric Ap! You can do this once a week, once a day, twice a day, whatever works best. Once a year, however, is not good enough: things change to quickly. My review day is Sunday. I set a couple of christmas homework, hours aside to make sure I go through every single project and subject it to the #8220;Do It, Defer It, Delegate It, Drop It#8221; test.

I check off actions that I have completed. I go through my inbox, set up new projects, and get rid of completed ones. I organize my coming week based on what I want to master's writing canada accomplish each day of the following week. Review is homework critical because the fact is you may have outlined a series of actions for a project, but that project doesn#8217;t go as planned. Something happened. Scheduling a review lets you reevaluate it, change it, and keep it on master's degree, track towards completion.

Towards being Done. Doing it every week ensures that you are keeping your Inbox clean and christmas passes checking on all of your projects. That way, nothing slips through the cracks. This is just a basic overview of GTD. There are a number of other concepts that he discusses that are also helpful, such as the Tickler file and degree Horizons, that will help you put GTD into action. There are also some great super users online, the most well known being Merlin Mann of

From my end, I can#8217;t recommend it enough: it has helped me look at my work in christmas homework passes, a number of different ways, some of which I am sure I#8217;ll share down the essayshark, line. Christmas Homework Passes! In the meantime, be sure to invest in this great book, and start Getting Things Done. [Image provided by Ashleigh Heck and used under Creative Commons License]

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nbc 5 homework San Jose , California. Homework Diner is a high-impact service strategy in which the mayor’s office leverages resources and mobilizes volunteers to increase family engagement by bringing parents and caregivers into their children’s elementary schools to help with tutoring and enrichment activities, thereby helping to address low student achievement. Homework Diner tests the christmas homework passes, adage, “If you feed them, they will come.” By leveraging the review, offer of christmas, a healthy meal to families living in communities where food insecurity is animal cruelty papers prevalent and who may not have time to prepare a family meal, Homework Diner brings parents and caregivers into their children’s elementary schools and connects them with their children’s teachers and the larger school community. One evening a week, the christmas homework, students receive tutoring and homework help and doctoral, their parents and caregivers receive the support they need to help the christmas, children succeed in means school. After the tutoring sessions conclude, the families enjoy a nutritious meal prepared by volunteers. Family engagement is a critical ingredient for a child’s school success, regardless of the age of the child or the family’s ethnicity, income, or education level. Homework! Research suggests that family engagement promotes a range of benefits for justify means students including improved school readiness, higher school attendance, better social skills, advanced language and math skills, higher grades and test scores, and an increased likelihood that students will graduate from christmas homework passes high school and animal cruelty research, continue on christmas, to higher education.1 However, many families face difficulties or barriers that prevent them from becoming engaged in their child’s education, while teachers and administrators report that getting families involved can be difficult. By bringing parents and caregivers into cruelty, their children’s elementary school at least one evening a week, and sharing a community meal, Homework Diner fosters easier and more productive communication between home and christmas homework, school; gives parents the support they need to help their kids with schoolwork; encourages family bonding; and improves students’ academic achievement, in-school behavior, and confidence in their own success. By bringing parents and papers, caregivers into their children’s elementary school at least one evening a week, and sharing a community meal, Homework Diner fosters easier and more productive communication between home and school; gives parents the support they need to christmas help their kids with schoolwork; encourages family bonding; and improves students’ academic achievement, in-school behavior, and master's degree writing, confidence in homework their own success.

1. The mayor’s office convenes an describe career essay, advisory group of school partners, community organizations, and city agency leads involved in K-12 education, food security and nutrition, food service, family social services, and volunteer management to: Develop the Homework Diner initiative; Establish responsibility for the recruitment, training, and management of all volunteers; Guarantee support from relevant city departments; and Engage partners to help design and gather impact metrics. 2. Homework! A minimum of one teacher per academic grade and members of the essay rubric ap, school staff must be present during Homework Diner to ensure that tutoring and homework help align with the curriculum and to meet, interact, and provide support to parents/caregivers and volunteer tutors. 3. Christmas Passes! Volunteers, including retired teachers, parents, community members, social service providers, and high school and college students, support the teachers and degree writing, school staff in passes providing tutoring and other enrichment activities. 4. Volunteers prepare and serve nutritious meals to the families. 5. Each Homework Diner site must have an do ends means, on-site coordinator who recruits and supports volunteers, leverages community resources, and makes sure that Homework Diner activities are aligned with the christmas homework, core instructional day. 6. The mayor’s office secures donations and grant funding to writers enhance the implementation of Homework Diner.

Required Metrics Include. Increase in student homework completion Improvement in student academic performance Increase in reading/writing test scores Increase in math test scores Improvement in student academic behavior Improvement in passes sustained classroom attention Confidence in participation in the classroom Number of parents/caregivers involved in the initiative as volunteers (food prep, set up, and clean up) over the course of the program year/period Number of parents/caregivers who regularly attend Homework Diners during the program year/period Improvement in parental/caregiver relationship with child’s school. Optional Metrics Might Include. Increase in participating student attendance at school Increase in animal cruelty research parental/caregiver involvement with child’s school Number of parents/caregivers who serve on school committees after participation in Homework Diner Number of homework, parents/caregiver who volunteer at their child’s school after participation in Homework Diner. Conduct an doctoral dissertation university, initial planning meeting with all initiative partners. Most likely, partners will include the local school superintendent, local food banks, culinary schools or volunteers with experience in food service and nutrition, social service providers, and organizations with experience in volunteer recruitment and management.

Relevant partnerships with city agencies should be discussed early in the process. The planning meeting is an opportunity to: Introduce partners and clearly define roles and expectations. Homework! Determine the initiative’s scope and scale, including how often the Homework Diner will operate (recommend at least once a week during the school year) and how many families will be served. Identify the elementary school(s) to essay rubric ap pilot the initiative and christmas homework passes, articulate what will be asked of those schools, including of their teachers and school staff. Ensure that sufficient space (in the school’s cafeteria or gymnasium, for university example) will be available for each Homework Diner session. Discuss the passes, city services and supports that will be made available to the schools, the volunteers, and participating students and families. Based on the above, determine the doctoral university of california, number and type of christmas homework, volunteers needed for this initiative and identify potential sources of volunteers. Homework Diner can be positioned as a volunteer opportunity for both individuals and groups (e.g., corporate groups, veterans groups, neighborhood associations, faith-based groups, and culinary schools).

Identify the essayshark review, training that volunteers will receive as part of the initiative (tutoring, homework assistance, etc.), and christmas homework passes, the person/group responsible for delivering the training. Identify a dedicated on-site coordinator who recruits volunteers, provides training and technical assistance to the volunteers, leverages community resources, and makes sure that Homework Diner activities are aligned with the core instructional day. The coordinator can be a volunteer, AmeriCorps member, member of the school staff (such as a parent/family coordinator), or community schools coordinator who cultivates partnerships between the school and essayshark review, community stakeholders. Develop a pipeline for the food supplies. This could involve a partnership with a local food bank, a corporate partnership, or a local nonprofit that redistributes food. Ensure that sufficient food supplies will be available for each planned Homework Diner session. Additionally, determine who will prepare the meals, such as volunteers, students from a local culinary school, a local restaurant, etc. Develop a budget to christmas homework cover materials and supplies. (See the master's degree canada, Resource section for a sample budget.) Create a project timeline, taking into consideration the following:

School calendars PTA meetings Parent-teacher conferences Other potential after-school space usage conflicts Religious holidays and school breaks Develop a communications plan to mobilize, connect and passes, update the volunteers. Engaging Teachers And Supporting Volunteers. Engaging teachers in the programming is a critical component of this blueprint; a minimum of one teacher per academic grade should be present at dissertation each Homework Diner session. Christmas Homework Passes! However, the essay rubric ap, on-site coordinator should first consult the school’s principal on any union issues that should be addressed with regard to the teachers’ involvement in Homework Diner. The school may consider providing stipends to teachers for their time, or the principal may organize a rotating schedule for homework passes teachers’ participation in Homework Diner. Additionally, the principal may elect to offer teachers comp time for participating in Homework Diner (e.g. “Volunteer at Homework Diner and leave 15 minutes after the students the following Friday!”). Teachers are the experts in the academic strategies and do ends means, standards that the students are trying to master; they are the most effective resource for guiding the work of volunteers who provide the homework, tutoring, homework help, and other academic supports to the students. Justify Means Essay! During Homework Diner, teachers lead students and parents/caregivers through particular skills, such as division or reading comprehension. Teacher involvement may also include providing the “homework to-do list” and visuals and/or manipulatives to use during the session.

Teachers can loan wall charts, posters, and christmas homework passes, other materials to be copied by volunteers and kept for weekly Homework Diners, and parents/caregivers and volunteers can assist in creative canada providing manipulatives for math (bottle caps/straws, etc.). Particularly in grades K-3, teachers may send out christmas passes weekly homework assignments on essay rubric ap, Monday, with all work due on Thursday or Friday. If Homework Diner tutors focus on the weekly homework assignments, then the curriculum is set and the activities will be certain to benefit each student. In addition to passes the teachers, other volunteers should be recruited to help, keeping in mind the writers, wide-range of christmas, activities needed for Homework Diner, including: Setting up school facilities prior to start of justify essay, each session Preparing meals Serving meals Providing homework assistance to students Serving as a “reading buddy” to students Providing childcare and enrichment activities for passes siblings too young to attend school (e.g., songs, rhymes, reading, sorting) Providing enrichment activities and support services for parents, caregivers, and entire families Cleaning school facilities after each session concludes.

Securing Resources For Homework Diner. To successfully execute Homework Diner, the on-site coordinator should make a plan to secure all materials in coordination with identified partners as part of the university of california, initial planning meeting. As suggested below, many of the resources can be secured in-kind or at a discounted rate. Consider costs for the following: Food for meal preparation. Some food may be donated by the local food bank or a local grocery store, or purchased at a substantial discount through a local food service provider. Christmas Homework! Private donations might also help cover the food costs.

Basic equipment such as a refrigerator, plates, tables, chairs, tablecloths, kitchenware, cutlery, and storage units. Using the papers, school’s cafeteria may reduce many of these equipment costs. Volunteer background screening fees. Food permit. Funding for an on-site coordinator’s time (unless this person is a volunteer). Portion of the cafeteria manager’s time. Homework materials. Christmas Homework! Small stipends for the volunteer educators.

Recognizing And Thanking Volunteers. There are numerous ways to recognize volunteer participants who contribute to making Homework Diner a success. The on-site coordinator should be welcoming and energized during training and throughout the course of the programming. Following the conclusion of volunteers’ participation in programming, the describe your career plans, on-site coordinator can have students write and christmas passes, send thank you notes to volunteers. Cruelty Research! Once the metrics have been fully collected, the homework, on-site coordinator should share the impact with the volunteers. Additional quarterly or semiannual progress reports are also encouraged and papers, will help volunteers understand how their efforts contributed to the initiative’s overall and long-term success on academic performance and family engagement. Other sources of volunteer recognition may include the homework, local school board and doctoral dissertation of california, news media or a joint thank-you letter from the mayor and school superintendent. Tracking and reporting outcomes to key stakeholders is critical to Homework Diner’s success.

In addition, formative data collection creates a feedback loop necessary to adjust programming to passes improve outcomes as necessary. The following outcome metrics must be collected: Increase in student homework completion Improvement in student academic performance Increase in reading/writing test scores Increase in math test scores Improvement in student academic behavior Improvement in sustained classroom attention Confidence in participation in the classroom Number of parents/caregivers involved in animal research papers the initiative as volunteers (food prep, set up, and clean up) over the course of the christmas homework, program year/period Number of parents/caregivers who regularly attend Homework Diners during the program year/period Improvement in parental/caregiver relationship with child’s school. Optional metrics might include: Increase in participating student attendance at school Increase in parental/caregiver involvement with child’s school Number of parents/caregivers who serve on school committees after participation in Homework Diner Number of parents/caregiver who volunteer at their child’s school after participation in Homework Diner. The following tools can be utilized to master's writing assess the initiative’s impact: Participant sign-in sheets Parent/caregiver pre- and post-program surveys Interviews with parents/caregivers Focus groups Teacher surveys Student pre- and post-program surveys Student report cards Student school attendance and tardiness records. A mayor’s office may consider taking the following additional steps to expand and deepen the impact of the initiative: Provide GED and homework passes, ESL services for parents/caregivers; Actively create a “family dinner experience” at each Homework Diner session where each family has its own table – complete with tablecloth and reusable dishware and essay rubric ap, cutlery – to share a meal together and engage in conversation and christmas homework passes, reflection on the evening’s activities; Engage parents and families in the programming (e.g., help with meal prep, set-up, and cleaning); Host quarterly dinners when report cards are distributed, enabling teachers and volunteers to review student performance and progress with parents/caregivers; and Offer a menu of support services to parents/caregivers including job skills, clothing bank, food bank, health screenings and QA sessions, local youth sports opportunities, and time for families to discuss challenges their children might be having, such as with behavior, attitude, and dissertation university of california, peer pressure with staff and volunteers.

A community school “is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources… Community schools offer a personalized curriculum that emphasizes real-world learning and community problem-solving.” Schools implementing a community schools strategy may be best suited to implement Homework Diner because they: Have a dedicated community schools coordinator that can align resources on christmas homework passes, site; Generally have established parental involvement initiatives on campus; and Typically have other wraparound support services to support children and families. Alternatively, instead of a school setting, the mayor’s office may pursue implementing Homework Diner in collaboration with a local nonprofit that has afterschool programming. Ideally, the nonprofit partner would play the on-site coordinator role and provide programming facilities and participants. When identifying a nonprofit partner, the mayor’s office should consider: Population the nonprofit serves; Volunteer management capacity; Access to facilities for programming, including a kitchen or space for master's degree creative food prep; Availability of resources, both cash and in-kind, to support programming; and Hours of operation.

In this scenario, the school system can collaborate with the passes, mayor’s office and justify essay, the nonprofit to ensure that program activities align with core academic curriculum by sharing weekly homework assignments and instructional materials. Additionally, the school system will relay data on Homework Diner students’ performance with regards to the program’s impact metrics. However, this option will eliminate one of Homework Diner’s key objectives, parental engagement in the school life. While metrics like academic performance and homework, school attendance can still be measured, the mayor’s office and nonprofit will need to revise other metrics to align with the program model. In Albuquerque, New Mexico, the Manzano Mesa Elementary School, in collaboration with ABC (Albuquerque/Bernalillo County) Community School Partnership, launched Homework Diner in the spring of 2012 as a six-week pilot program. Today, students, accompanied by their parents/caregivers, gather at master's degree writing Manzano Mesa Elementary School one evening a week (immediately following the homework, conclusion of afterschool programming) for 20 weeks during the school year to university receive tutoring and passes, homework assistance.

Upon completion of the homework session, volunteers serve a meal to participants, prepared by culinary students from Central New Mexico Community College. Doctoral! The food is donated to the school through a partnership with the Roadrunner Food Bank, which minimizes program costs. Albuquerque Mayor Richard J. Berry has played an active role in homework passes Homework Diner’s implementation. In particular, the Mayor’s Office assists with partner engagement, procurement of essay rubric ap, permits and other city services/resources, volunteer recruitment, advocacy, and resource development. A 2014 survey of Manzano Mesa Elementary School teachers and christmas passes, Homework Diner parents/caregivers revealed key successes of the initiative: 100% of teachers reported an increase in participating students’ homework completion. 95% of teachers reported an increase in participating students’ academic performance in the classroom. 90% of teachers reported an increase in participating students’ academic performance on standardized tests. 90% of teachers reported an increase in participating parents’ involvement in school activities. 90% of teachers reported a decrease in of participating students’ absences from school.

90% of teachers reported a decrease in participating students’ school tardiness. 91% of surveyed parents/caregivers reported that Homework Diner made homework a more positive family experience. 91% of master's degree creative, surveyed parents/caregivers felt more comfortable asking teachers for help. One parent/caregiver reports: “I believe that Homework Diner is a great program both for me as a parent and christmas, my children. Some of the new ways of doing some of the lessons can be very confusing, and being able to come and sit with the teachers and my kids to do the homework is a big help.

I find that my children are getting most of their work done in one day, as well as having fun doing it.” The success of Homework Diner has resulted in the City of Albuquerque, through the Mayor’s Office, appropriating $100,000 in animal cruelty papers the city’s FY15 budget to fund the passes, initiative’s implementation in eight additional elementary schools. The following represents an estimated cost-structure for Homework Diner site implementation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Writers Review! Estimated total expenditures per year are $11,000. Costs will vary by state and city. Full-time Community Schools Coordinator: $3,300 (prorated salary estimated at 5 hours weekly) Cafeteria Manager: $3,200 annually (prorated salary estimated at 4 hours weekly). Supervises use of school cafeteria for food prep and service. Christmas Homework Passes! 3 Teachers and Instructional Coach: $2,000 annually ($20/hour plus taxes) Food: $2,600 annually (most food is donated) Food Permit: $50 annually Napkins and cleaning supplies: $200 ($10/week) Startup equipment (e.g., refrigerator, plates, tablecloths, tables and chairs, kitchenware, cutlery, storage units)

To learn more about Albuquerque’s Homework Diner programming, please refer to the following resources: For additional information on the community schools model, please refer to the following websites: Research On Impact Of Family Dinners. Jarrett, Robin L., Ozge Sensoy Bahar, and Renique T. Kersh. ““When We Do Sit Down Together” Family Meal Times in degree writing Low-Income African American Families with Preschoolers.” Journal of Family Issues (2014). Homework! National Center on describe your career, Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. “The Importance of Family Dinners VIII.” September 2012; We’d like to thank the following organizations for their support: City of Albuquerque, NM for submitting the Homework Diner concept to the Cities of Service Blueprint Contest and for christmas passes their generous support in developing this blueprint. City of Charleston, SC for animal cruelty research papers their valuable lessons learned.

The Children’s Aid Society’s National Center for Community Schools for their expertise. Bloomberg Philanthropies for their expertise. Please provide us with your email address to christmas download this resource. Your download is ready. Click here to download.

Copyright 2017 Cities of doctoral, Service. All Rights Reserved.

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Or how can we better predict them? Does being a vegetarian or vegan help the environment? Can using LED lights make a difference? How can composting help save the environment? What is homework hazardous household waste and why is it important not to throw it in writers essayshark review the regular trash? What is deforestation? How does it happen? Can it be stopped? What is fracking? Is fracking worth the risks?

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Incentives? Helping companies that produce these products? Advertising?) The World Bank on Environment: Information and research about environmental issues around the world. The U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency: On the science and technology page, find research and writers essayshark, information under different topics like water, pesticides, or ecosystems. Discover Magazine: Search the environmental topics page for passes, your topic. U.S. Government Recycling and Conservation: Statistics and information. Should mothers stay home with their children? Do long distance relationships work? How can divorce be prevented? Is divorce something that kids can recover from? Are teenage marriages a good idea?

Should teenagers that get pregnant keep their children? How can you get out doctoral, of the friend zone? How can you know you are in an abusive relationship? Why do people stay in abusive relationships? What are the effects of christmas homework domestic violence on children? Who should do the chores in a family? What are helicopter parents and how do they help or harm their children? Is it good to be an essay rubric ap, only child?

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How does interracial adoption affect a family? Are large families better for children? How does birth order affect children? Do older people make better parents? Have cell phones and social media made families closer or not? How should (or shouldn't) you use social media in a dating relationship? How long should people date before they become engaged? What makes people have a happy, long-lasting marriage? Are the expectations raised by romantic movies damaging to your academic career plans essay, real relationships? Are Beauty Pageants Good for Kids? What is nanotechnology and how has it already changed our lives?

How will nanotechnology affect dentistry or medicine? How can nanotechnology be helpful in christmas homework developing new types of computers, cell phones, or data storage? Does using cell phones make people more or less connected? Do cell phones cause a cancer risk? What should the laws be concerning the use of cell phones while driving?

Have social media and essay rubric ap, texting hurt or improved the lives of teenagers? Why are children better at understanding new technology than their parents are? Do violent video games cause people to homework, act out violently? Should schools use video games as a teaching tool? Can students study better using digital textbooks than they can by animal cruelty research papers, using books, pens, and paper? Will paper and books become obsolete? What is the difference between reading on a screen and reading a book? Should everyone wear a microchip with their personal information to avoid identity and credit card theft? Should parents be able to homework, choose the genetics of their children? Are smart watches going to cruelty papers, replace cell phones?

What is the next big leap in technology? Which is better, the PC or the christmas passes Mac? If we can help people live longer through technology, should we? Is there a balance between quantity and quality of life? How can 3-D printers be used effectively? SciTech Daily: Science and new technology news and career, research reports.

MIT Technology Review: Massachusetts Institute of Technology's website for explaining new technologies. If you want to write a quick and easy argument paper, follow these simple steps: Pick a topic question from the lists above. Homework? Decide your answer to the question (this is your beginning thesis). Write down everything you know about the topic. Talk to your friends or family to essay rubric ap, find out what they know, have heard, or have read recently about the topic (have them give you the homework source if they know it). Look at some of the research articles or web sites about that topic. Look back at your question and refine your answer. Essay Rubric Ap? After gathering information, you may want to homework passes, change it. Write down three or more best reasons for your answer (these are your topic ideas for the body of writers essayshark your essay). Using those reasons, look at the articles you've read or the christmas ideas you've already written down for some evidence to animal, support those reasons (this is the backup evidence for each topic sentence). Write your outline, then follow it to write your paper.

Do you have to christmas, do research for your paper? 100 Great Psychology Research Paper Topics. by animal cruelty research papers, Virginia Kearney 2. Passes? Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas and writers review, Writing Prompts. 100 Expository Essay Topic Ideas, Writing Tips, and Sample Essays. by Virginia Kearney 22. How to Write a Summary, Analysis, and christmas passes, Response Essay Paper With Examples. by Virginia Kearney 55. 100 Science Topics for Research Papers. by Virginia Kearney 109. Do Ends Justify? How to Write an christmas, Argument Essay Step by Step. by Virginia Kearney 15. This is a great resource. I've just entered into college, and didn't know where to begin writing my first argumentative essay. Thanks so much - voted up :) Do you know or have you written of cruelty anything to do with the argumentative essay of should smoking be banned because I have to do essays with research and I need some reliable sites.

Virginia Kearney 3 weeks ago from passes, United States. Hi Aashi! I'm glad that younger students are finding my work too. Although I now teach college students, I started my career teaching in means your grade for several years. I will have to put together some topics for primary grade students. Until then, you might want to look at christmas, my High School Topics, which have many ideas which are good for your age too. I am in essayshark review primary school in grade 6 and I want some good topics for primary students. Christmas Homework? Good job making this page.

I don't know what to essay rubric ap, do at first. I was clueless and was browsing for answers but none of them made sense except for christmas homework, this. Thank you very much! I think the ideas are wonderful and are very helpful! I am a Junior in high school and academic career essay, I have to christmas homework, write an argumentative paper. Academic Career Plans Essay? Your insight on how to do so has been extremely helpful.

I wanted to thank you for passes, your intelligence on how to write an argumentative paper. Thanks! This website was very useful for do ends essay, picking out a topic for my essay. Again, thank you for passes, helping me out! King of Stuff 8 months ago. I find this website very interesting and helpful. Thank you for making it!

Your tips on writers, writing essays is really helping me out. Mr. fluffypants 8 months ago. I love this article. You have helped me with my school essay. Christmas Homework Passes? Thank you! letter pile 8 months ago. I LOVE this website. Thank you so much for doctoral dissertation, writing it! It has helped me so much! Virginia Kearney 9 months ago from United States. Hi Nataly! You are welcome to shift the focus of the questions to homework, whether governments should take action.

My questions and topic ideas are just a starting point. I teach my students that there are a variety of ways to solve problems and one of do ends means essay those is by having governments or larger groups take action. Christmas Passes? However, I want my students to focus more on how they and master's writing, their audience can personally take responsibility and action, so often my questions are more locally written. Christmas Homework Passes? In my class, I focus on having my students address a very particular audience in their persuasive essays because effective arguments come from really thinking carefully about the viewpoint of the writers other person and developing points that would persuade that person. In my class, I do allow TedTalks as sources if the student is using other sources as well. However, I don't think all professors do accept that type of source.

Most people who do TedTalks have written out their arguments in papers or books, so I'd suggest you research to see if there is an online paper you can cite as well. I find your lists great and really appreciate the idea of providing useful links. Still, I would rather shift the focus of some questions so that they ask students to christmas passes, think more globally, from the point of writers view of the christmas homework passes state and the society. For example, should the state take actions to prevent high rate of divorces, which ones? Are people in developed states responsible for providing water and animal research, food to the starving people around the globe?, etc. I also wanted to ask you if TedTalks videos are officially recognized as credible resources. Have you ever heard of any cases when professors forbid to use it? Thank you for passes, a good work! Hulya Gulyurt 9 months ago.

This helped me so much with my homework, thank you! Great Efforts . Doctoral Dissertation? Well done. should guns be allowed on school campus. Virginia Kearney 13 months ago from United States. This is an interesting topic idea bojoi--and definitely one that would be controversial. I'd love to christmas passes, hear how you would develop your thesis. preetyradd 14 months ago. i think this is cool i got a good grade on my essay thanks. Kanwal asif 14 months ago.

Thank u so much God bless u. Virginia Kearney 17 months ago from United States. Glad this will help you three keys! ThreeKeys 17 months ago from Australia. Im about to try out your suggestions in this great article. Review? Im excited to see what the outcome will be in christmas homework how I take a more pointed or comprehensive approach in a written debate so to speak. Thanks so much! Thank you it is really helpful. Doctoral Dissertation University? Thank you so much for the topics. Passes? Trisha Roberts 3 years ago from essay rubric ap, Rensselaer, New York. Love the great ideas! Absolutely love the homework list you shared with us.

Thank you so much for this Article! Kalai 3 years ago from Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Means? Sometimes i find that the most easy or obvious topic the christmas passes hardest to argue about. The less the words the greater the headache. Essay Rubric Ap? When we prepare for debates, each word has the ability to make or break the case. Passes? Rae Saylor 3 years ago from Australia. Career? What an interesting range of ideas and tips! Massive thanks for writing this, pal! Voted up :)

Eiddwen 3 years ago from Wales. A great hub Victoria ;thanks for sharing and I vote up. Dianna Mendez 3 years ago. This is very useful to homework passes, those who must teach essay writing (and to those who must write them). I know I will be using this next time I teach English Comp. Voted up++ ExpectGreatThings 3 years ago from Illinois. Wow! This is a very impressive list and great instructions.

I like how you were able to write the questions without giving away your position on each topic. - Ginger. Eric Dierker 3 years ago from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A. Very interesting. Fun ideas and great food for cruelty papers, thought. Copyright 2017 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages ® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

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essay research topic Tired of writing about the same tired old topics like the ban on smoking in public places, the dangers of texting and driving, or gun control? Good. Your professors are tired of reading about these topics, too. When you’re writing a research paper, you want to impress your professors with your writing skills, but you also want to offer new insights into homework, a topic. Essay Rubric Ap. You won’t likely be able to write anything new and enlightening about these tired old topics in only a few thousand words. So how do you impress your professor if you think he or she has heard it all before?

To begin with, try a newer and more original topic. Stumped for fresh ideas? Don’t worry. This blog post contains 25 interesting research paper topics to get you started. 5 Interesting Research Paper Topics on homework Local Issues. True, it might take a little more effort to research local issues, but you’re up for do ends means, the challenge, right? Besides, learning and writing about the concerns of your community not only keeps you informed and homework passes, involved, but also makes for review, a great research paper. A great research paper means a great grade, so how can you go wrong? To start researching local issues, head straight to local newspapers and online sources. They won’t provide all the details you’ll need to write an in-depth research essay, but they’re a good place to begin your research.

Researching local issues is also another chance for you to passes practice your interviewing skills. (After all, you’ll need them when you become the doctoral next host of The Tonight Show , right?) Seriously though, what better way to get the inside scoop than by interviewing the parties directly involved in the issue? Not sure what types of local issues to passes research? Try one of these. Interesting Research Paper Topic #1. Local Political Scandals. Has a local politician embezzled money, been charged with corruption, or been involved in a sizzling sex scandal? Interesting Research Paper Topic #2: Local University Dramas. Are employees trying to essay rubric ap form (or break) local unions? Are students fighting for lower tuition or book costs? Has the college president (or other administrator) been in the local news lately for homework, any number of describe your academic career essay issues? Are police investigating a cheating or athletic scandal?

Interesting Research Paper Topic #3: Small Business Struggles and Triumphs. Is a small business a cornerstone in your community, and homework passes, you want to university of california research its impact on the community? Is a small business struggling due to a new big box store in the area? Interesting Research Paper Topic #4: Local Government Issues. Should local government do more to help its citizens? Should more money be allocated to fix roads and bridges? Is the city providing adequate services such as clean water, trash pick up, safe neighborhoods, etc.? Interesting Research Paper Topic #5. Local Public School Battles. Have students and/or teachers been involved in a sexting scandal? Are the school board and/or parents battling over a new curriculum, athletic reform, or some other topic?

5 Interesting Research Paper Topics on Health and the Environment. You can research environmental or health topics ranging from small, local and christmas passes, regional topics to large, global issues. For instance, you might research the describe best practices of sustainable cities to explain how your own city might work to homework passes emulate them. On the other hand, you might write from university of california, a global perspective and christmas, examine sustainable cities across the world. If you’re writing about the writers review environment or health, you might consider one of the homework passes following topics. Interesting Research Paper Topic #6: BPA. Due to concerns with contaminants such a BPA, are canned foods safe to eat? Should stricter regulations be in place for labeling plastics containing BPA? Interesting Research Paper Topic #7: Hunting Carnivores. Should the practice of killing carnivorous animals (such as wolves) to essay rubric ap protect farms and livestock be stopped?

Do ranchers have a right to protect their livestock by killing wolves? What are the results of allowing wolves to thrive? Interesting Research Paper Topic #8: Sustainable Cities. Are sustainable cities and neighborhoods really possible? What are some examples of existing sustainable cities, and what are their best practices? What steps can you take to make your community sustainable? Interesting Research Paper Topic #9: Plastic Bags. Should plastic bags (including plastic grocery bags) be banned in all 50 states? Should grocery stores charge a fee for each plastic bag used at the checkout?

What are the effects of christmas passes plastic bag bans in states that have already adopted the your academic policy? Interesting Research Paper Topic #10: Mountaintop Removal Mining. Should mountaintop removal mining be allowed to continue? Is mountaintop removal mining an effective coal mining method? What are the passes impacts of justify essay this type of christmas passes mining on the communities that do it? 5 Interesting Research Paper Topics on Social Issues.

Social topics impact us all. Master's Degree Writing. If you’re writing about social issues, you will generally be writing about how the homework topic affects larger groups of people, such as how poverty affects an entire generation. However, keep in mind that social issues might also focus on smaller groups, such as a city or neighborhood. If you’re feeling a little antisocial right now, spend a few minutes Googling some of these topics to see if they might work for your research paper. Interesting Research Paper Topic #11: High School Dropouts. What social, personal, and political concerns lead to master's degree writing canada high school dropout rates? What are possible solutions to passes help decrease the dropout rate? Interesting Research Paper Topic #12: Children and Poverty. How are children affected by poverty?

What can governments do to help reduce child poverty? What can you do to help reduce child poverty? Interesting Research Paper Topic #13: Medical Rights of Youths. Should 16 and 17 year olds have the right to refuse medical treatment? At what age do people have the writers essayshark review right to determine whether or not they receive medical treatment? Interesting Research Paper Topic #14: Overmedication of christmas passes Children. Are children being overly medicated? If so, what is the driving force behind the rise in prescriptions? Interesting Research Paper Topic #15: Free College Education. Should a college education be free for all U.S. citizens? How are free universities in animal cruelty research papers Germany and christmas homework, other European countries benefiting these countries and students?

5 Interesting Research Paper Topics on Law Enforcement. Researching any issue about government or laws can become overwhelming because of the complexity of the do ends justify issues and even because of the wording of some laws. Spending time to review sufficient sources (and maybe getting a little help from a political science professor) will help you understand the topic. Here are 5 topics to get you started. Interesting Research Paper Topic #16: Technology and the Justice System. Is ShotSpotter technology reliable? Should the surveillance technology be admissible in passes court? Interesting Research Paper Topic #17: Policing U.S.

Law Enforcement. Should all police officers be required to wear body cameras? Will the use of degree writing body cameras reduce police brutality, and/or will it create a safer working environment for police? Interesting Research Paper Topic #18: Juvenile Crime and Punishment. Should solitary confinement be banned for juveniles? Should juveniles be exempt from christmas homework passes, life sentences? Should juveniles be punished as adults for certain types of crimes? Interesting Research Paper Topic #19: Incarceration Rates in the U.S. What factors have led to increasing incarceration rates?

How has this affected the U.S. economically and socially? Interesting Research Paper Topic #20: License Plate Readers. Are license plate readers an describe academic essay invasion of privacy? Or, are these readers a necessary tool for christmas homework passes, law enforcement? 5 Interesting Research Paper Topics on Media, Social Media, and Advertising. As with anything involving media, social media, and advertising, watch out for doctoral university of california, biased and christmas passes, inaccurate information. People like to essay rubric ap share their opinions on such topics through forums, blogs, and their own websites. You know the type: the guy or gal who does nothing but blog all day long about the christmas newest movie, the newest XBox game, or even the funniest Super Bowl commercial. Though reading some anonymous blog that includes a glowing review of Grand Theft Auto and reading another that includes a scathing criticism of the sexism in the game might inspire some creative thought, you shouldn’t consider them credible research sources. So remember, as you’re researching, make sure to look for credible resources. (Read How to Apply the CRAAP Test to cruelty research Your Essay Sources.) Not sure where to begin to look for ideas for media-related topics?

You start with these. Interesting Research Paper Topic #21: Business Exploitation of Social Media Profiles. Are teens (or adults) concerned that their use of christmas passes social media is justify means essay being exploited for profit by large companies? How do these new marketing strategies affect consumers and consumerism? Interesting Research Paper Topic #22: Social Media and Self-Esteem. Can the use of social media, such as Facebook, lower teens’ self-esteem? Are there instances where these sites can help to raise teens’ self-esteem? Interesting Research Paper Topic #23: E-Sports. Should e-sports be recognized as college sports? Can a sport that requires little physical ability really be considered a sport?

Interesting Research Paper Topic #24: Advertising in Schools. Should corporate advertising be allowed in homework passes public schools? Does corporate advertising provide much needed revenue to degree writing schools with limited federal funding? Interesting Research Paper Topic #25: Advertising and christmas homework passes, Stereotypes. How does advertising perpetuate gender and/or racial stereotypes? Are ad campaigns that attempt to reverse the norms more or less effective? Closing Tips on Writing an Interesting Research Paper. Remember, an interesting research paper starts with an interesting research paper topic.

But choosing your topic is only the essay rubric ap beginning. Make sure you read How to christmas passes Write a Research Paper: A Step-by-Step Guide to help you with refining and do ends justify essay, researching your topic and writing the final paper. Don’t forget to christmas choose a topic that interest you. If you’re bored while writing your paper, that will definitely show in animal research papers your final product. If you’re excited about the topic, that will show too!

Not sure if you can work with any of the topics here? For more ideas, read 50 Research Paper Topics to Help Jumpstart Your Writing. Looking for additional help choosing and refining interesting research paper topics? Try this resource! Want some additional help finding and narrowing your topic? Read this! After you’ve written your paper and feel it’s complete, have one of our Kibin editors review it to christmas passes make sure it’s great! Psst.

98% of Kibin users report better grades! Get inspiration from over 500,000 example essays. About the dissertation university Author. Susan M. Inez is a professor of English and writing goddess based out of the christmas homework Northeast. Please help me… our teacher didn’t allowed us to essay rubric ap write a research paper that can be search on the internet…she wants us to write a research paper by using books in our library… the christmas passes problem is our library its too old and creative writing, the books can’t help that much… I’m not able to write a topic. You’re going to want to christmas homework passes narrow down your topic quite a bit since “media” is very broad. You can see how other students approached the media in justify means essay their essays by checking out these examples: Your perfect thesis will depend on christmas the type of essay that you’re writing and essay rubric ap, your angle on the topic; “local government functions” is pretty broad! I’d encourage you to christmas homework passes read and for some inspiration.

i really need help on choosing my reasearch topic on your academic career the basis of christmas homework passes my interest domain. Hi there! I’d be happy to make some suggestions if you can share more about your interest domain #128578; my interest lies more within issues related to women and more importantly related to academic career essay human psychology. Oh, there are loads of possibilities there! You might consider exploring how a specific psychological disorder or phenomenon affects women differently than men. One thing that immediately comes to christmas homework passes mind is the recent research indicating that ADHD presents differently in girls than in boys, for animal cruelty research papers, instance.

I think that you could also research topics related to how environment (such as being brought up in societies with very traditional views on passes women’s roles) shapes a woman’s psyche or influences her psychologically. I hope that gives you some ideas to consider! thanku…for your much needed help !:) You’re welcome. Good luck with your paper! hey I want topic for my thesis actually on social issues I am very tensed as I have to select and do ends essay, find information related to it by tomorrow. “Social issues” is a pretty broad term!

Any of the social issues topics in this post would be a great place to start. Homework Passes. There are some other topics on social issues in this post, too: When it comes to writing your thesis, you’ll need to first take a stance on the topic you choose. You can then use the Thesis Builder ( to help you write your thesis. I’d also recommend that you check out How to Write a Thesis Statement ( and check out some of academic career essay these thesis statement examples (

I have a research paper coming up and the topic has to christmas homework passes be on university of california a health topic. I would I definitely want to focus on social health. I am having a hard time narrowing down a topic. Narrowing down a topic can be hard, and christmas passes, social health is creative canada definitely a pretty broad category. Christmas Homework. You might check out our post on that narrowing your topic for some tips ( I especially like the describe career essay who/what/when/where/why/how approach outlined in that article; it’s a really great way to christmas generate some potential topics to write about. Here’s how I might use that approach to come up with some potential topics:

Who: children, women, young adults. What: smoking/vaping, dating culture, school lunches. When: the past decade, the future. Where: United States, Canada. Why: compare to review other countries, highlight an emerging issue, analyze a trend. How: How is homework a health issue affecting a certain demographic? How has a health issue changed in recent years? How did a trend start? So looking over those ideas, a few things come to mind: you could look at vaping as an alternative to smoking and how it’s impacting children/adolescents, for instance.

You might look at dating culture and animal cruelty papers, whether it’s affecting adolescents at a younger age than it did in the past (or focus specifically on women). Passes. You could compare today’s school lunches with those at master's canada a certain point in the past and passes, see if there is doctoral university of california a correlation with the childhood obesity epidemic. Those are all just possibilities, but I’d encourage you to try that method and generate some more if none of them are quite what you’re looking for. Happy writing! “Interesting Research Paper Topic #23: E-Sports. Should e-sports be recognized as college sports?

Can a sport that requires little physical ability really be considered a sport?” I’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to my attention. I’ve always been a big supporter of christmas homework passes E-sports in colleges and one of the colleges I hope to cruelty research go to actually has a sponsored e-sports team. If there’s any useful articles or information regarding this topic please do email me at [emailprotected] I’m doing an argumentative research paper which will then turn into my senior project which I’ll need to find hours for somehow. Thank you! I’d also recommend that you check out homework passes, some of our posts on essay rubric ap argumentative essays (, as they might give you some guidance regarding the types of information and christmas homework, support you should be searching for. Happy writing (and gaming)! I need to creative writing come up with a topic for my research paper, and homework passes, my two last choices are: cyber bullying, or GMOs. Do Ends Means Essay. which one should I choose?

Both topics interest me, but I don’t know which one would be more appealing to readers. Christmas Homework. I have a hard time deciding. Essay Rubric Ap. Help, please! Those are both great, timely topics. From my perspective, I think that GMOs might be the most appealing to readers. While cyberbullying is passes certainly an interesting topic, GMOs are more divisive, since few people would argue that cyberbullying is a good thing. Writing about GMOs gives you a stronger opportunity to engage with readers and essay rubric ap, potentially change their minds or challenge their thinking on the topic regardless of christmas homework your stance (whether you think they’re generally harmless/beneficial or harmful/detrimental). I hope that helps you make your decision. Essay Rubric Ap. Happy writing!

Thank you so much for helping me make my decision! You’re welcome. Good luck with your essay #128578; I need to write a term paper. If i wanna write about obesity, what can i write about it? As you have probably already discovered “obesity” is a big topic. You’re going to passes want to narrow your focus in order to tackle it in a way that won’t stress you out. Essayshark. Here is christmas homework a great post about narrowing your topic down: I think if you follow the advice outlined here, you can get a focus and writers review, start developing an achievable thesis statement. I’m a medical student and christmas, we’re supposed to write a research article on master's degree writing something interesting and not cliche like education or exercise.. etc help?? That’s a pretty wide open assignment ( write about christmas homework, something interesting :). Master's Degree. You might start by digging into topics that are super interesting to you.

For example, check out some Science podcasts (SciFri is a good one) or YouTube videos (Vsauce is fun) and see if there are any new and interesting research findings for you to dig into. Or do some searching on Google Scholar ( in topics that intrigue you. Christmas Homework. Once you come up with a topic, you’ll want to narrow it down to fit your article (and choose an –ahem– interesting angle. Here’s a post that can help you with that: I’m doing MS in HRM… Today was our first day at university… I have been given an assignment on describe your career research… If you have to conduct a research now, what would the christmas homework passes topic be? And what factors would influence your choice? (HR related) Words should not exceed 750. Submit by tomorrow.

This is my first research type assignment ever and describe your academic career, i have very less time in hand for this task :'( I can’t think of any topic to christmas homework passes write on. Clueless and maybe brainless :'( I really need some help. What would be the topic??

What should i write?? :'( Hi Saima, first of all don’t panic. I bet this first assignment is to help your professor determine a benchmark for where you are at now so that he or she can measure your progress through the semester. So just try your best! You’re not brainless, you just need to get acquainted with this assignment. #128578; I found this resource which might help you pinpoint a HR good topic: I hope that helps! I’d choose something that inspires your curiosity. It’s always easier to write about something that you are curious about. Thanks #128578; I’ll talk to you if i needany kind of help. Your Academic Career Essay. thanks.. xx. hey there, you can send your essay related questions to [emailprotected] I am doing research project and christmas homework, the topic should be problematic and it should have more than one opinion. it should not be related to religion or politician. please help me in finding a good research question.

Those 50 argumentative topics are debatable (have more than one opinion). The most important thing is to pick a topic that 1. University. interests you and 2. has a lot of potential sources so that you can build your evidence. I am doing my final year project for christmas homework, my degree. Dissertation. The lecturer required us either to christmas choose accounting topic or finance topic. I am decided to look into the topic which are “effect of creative firm size on firm profitability”.

Is this a good topic? Or I will be appreciate if u can recommend me others topic. I am looking forward to homework passes your reply and appreciate your valuable opinion! Thanks! This is definitely an means interesting topic idea, but I would recommend only taking it on once you are positive that you have enough sources to help you write a compelling paper. Having enough sources will ensure your successful research. So definitely do some preliminary searching and start compiling your sources. I’d aim to find about 1 source for every two pages you have to christmas homework write (so a 10 page paper you should have a minimum of 5 sources to draw from–though you don’t have to pull from all 5, it’s nice to have options). Here is one study I found that possibly relates to essay your paper: Thank you for christmas, your reply!

I’m grade 10 student and university of california, I need to homework passes find a thesis topic. Cruelty Research. My last two choices is Chid abuse and Cyber bullying. What do you think should I choose? It depends on which topic you have more interest in. I think cyber bullying is homework passes a good topic because there are a lot of writers different angles you could choose to homework passes examine its causes and solutions. Here is a helpful post on Cyber Bullying resources: and here are some example essays on cyber bullying (so you can see how other students have tackled the do ends justify topic): hi i’m looking for a topic that will relate everyone especially my classmates I’m grade 10 student by the way. Christmas. hope you can help me:) Maybe you could focus in on something related to do ends justify means your school or community. Are there any dramas or issues surrounding school lunches, school events, or school sports? Is there something that your school could and should be doing better for its students?

If so, do you know any teachers/school officials who would be willing to speak on the issue? Has there been any news coverage on these issues? A topic that is homework tied to your school would be very relatable to your classmates. Maybe you could do some brainstorming there. Otherwise, there are lots of writers essayshark review ideas in this post to choose from! Pick a topic that really gets you interested to learn more. Hi, I have a research paper in English 111 and I’m looking for homework, help with my thesis statement. Academic Plans Essay. My topic is Policing US law enforcement. Is this a good topic to research on?

Can someone help. Hi Shonya–yes this would be an excellent topic since it’s timely and homework, has a variety of opinions. First you need to do some preliminary research on some possible methods for policing US law enforcement and then you’ll want to base your thesis statement on what should be done to hold the police accountable. Here’s an example structure you could use: There is no question that U.S. law enforcement requires oversight to mitigate the abuse of power; cities should implement METHOD 1 and METHOD 2 to dissertation of california hold police officers and law enforcement accountable.

Do you have any life experiences that might translate well into a project of this nature? For example, have you ever had a friend or family member who has experienced a social care related problem, and you now have (maybe vague or seedling) ideas for how to improve that type of experience? I feel like the best topics are ones that you actually care about because at some point or another you’ve had (or still have) some skin in christmas homework the game. If you could find a topic that resonates with you, you’d be golden. Hi, for my final year project I’m designing/creating a social media application which doubles up as a travel agency and need to think of a research question to write about doctoral of california, and to help with creating the app. Christmas Homework Passes. Not sure if it should be related to the design of the animal research application or if it should be about travel. I had a question but was told it was too broad: “Importance of User Interface Design on Social Media in regards to user satisfaction” Any help is appreciated cheers. I don’t have a precise answer for christmas passes, you because (as you know), it would take a lot of essay rubric ap research to get up to speed on passes your topic. That said, you might find this post helpful to do ends means learn how to christmas formulate a better, more specific research question: Hi, I’m studying sustainable design and I’m interested in doctoral university of california doing my research on food waste.

I’m having difficulty in finding the correct topic for it. I think the passes correct topic will be one that you find particularly interesting. Sometimes when I’m looking for a topic to write about , I turn to degree creative writing the news to see what’s on the cutting edge of the subject. Here is christmas passes a great list of animal cruelty papers topic ideas based on NPR’s recent coverage of food waste: (seriously, artisanal food waste?? who would have thought!? #128578; You can start with a news story and homework passes, reverse engineer it back into the science and research to come up with a compelling project. The most important thing is to approach your project from a place of curiosity (and not stress!). i’m in my last year and master's degree canada, i need a research question for the dissertation and i want it to homework passes be on social media but i’m struggling with finding a good research question.

“Social Media” is animal cruelty papers a pretty big topic that could go a lot of different directions, so you’re going to want to narrow your topic and choose your angle. Here’s a helpful post that should help you build your research question: Here’s a great post about narrowing your topic: Finally–here are some angles that other students have taken on writing about christmas homework passes, social media, maybe one of these examples can help jog your imagination on degree writing canada the direction you want to passes take: Hi, I have research paper to write. I am struggling to find a good topic. Describe Your Essay. I want to write something in IT Governance Framework or Project Management. How I do start? any suggestions? Looks like you have a broad topic idea in mind, so now you just need to narrow your focus: Thank you, Naomi. I will check the homework passes links.

Hi, I’m in a project based school, and they wish for me to write a science paper, preferably on the brain. I cannot find a topic I just “need” to animal research papers write about. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The brain is christmas homework passes such a fascinating topic! You’re so lucky to have an assignment like this.

The difficulty is there are soo many different ways you could approach a topic as broad and as complex as “the brain.” Your first mission will be to narrow your topic: If it were me, I’d start looking into animal, some interesting, recent research on the human brain. NPR, for homework, example, covers some cool brain related topics in this podcast: If you scroll through the shows, you might find something interesting that will lead you back to credible scientific research and a topic that you can wrap your mind around. The important thing is to approach this topic with a sense of curiosity and choose an research papers angle that actually piques your interest. There are lots of potential ways to homework passes approach that topic. You could write about how the media is changing in the age of the Internet and the role that citizens play in reporting (such as cell phone videos, etc.). Another interesting angle would be how social media is used/covered by the media, either in general (a more broad approach) or in a specific context, such as the degree writing current US elections. Lastly, another timely topic would be the ethics of reporting on christmas homework passes information gained through hacks/leaks.

Does the media have a responsibility to share this information with the animal cruelty research papers public? I hope these give you some ideas! Please i really need help, I was given a task to find and write on a topic… And the topic must have Security / Privacy challenges affecting it… Please what topic do you advise i choose? Hi, I am studding bsc occupational safety health and environment. I need to write research project but I am struggling to find topic. my topic need to be on health safety. please give me some ideas.

You definitely have a lot of christmas passes options! One suggestion I have is to look over justify means, this list of topics related to christmas occupational safety and health from the CDC and see if anything interests you: Then, once you’ve decided on a topic of justify discussion, this blog post can help you narrow your focus: For instance, maybe you decide to write about christmas homework, “Green, Safe, and Healthy Jobs” — one of the essay rubric ap CDC topics. You might decide to examine how “old” health and safety guidelines apply to “new” green jobs, or what kinds of new considerations workplaces have to make in “green” environments that didn’t apply to traditional work environments. I hope that gives you some ideas for uncovering a topic! Hi,I have a research paper in my English class and I’m looking for passes, help with my thesis statement. My topic is Autonomous Cars and doctoral university, the influence in economy . Homework Passes. Is this a good topic to research on? can someone advise me and give me some ideas… I think this is a brilliant idea and one that will be quite interesting to research. Animal Research. Autonomous cars are becoming a reality and their economic impact is sure to be widespread from christmas homework passes, how they will affect ownership of vehicles to economic-environmental impacts to describe career plans essay how they will affect the sharing economy. One challenge you might be up against is there probably isn’t a ton of credible research on the impacts yet since this is homework such a fledgling technology.

However, there have been some pretty fascinating articles on the topic:;ion=1#038;espv=2#038;ie=UTF-8#q=impacts%20of%20autonomous%20cars%20on%20the%20economy. You’ll want to make sure that the resources you do cite are credible and writers, authoritative. If you’re not sure how to figure that out, here’s a helpful resource: Thank you for your response, but please can you give me an idea on a possible thesis about my topic? I will really appreciate it. A general structure for your thesis statement in favor of autonomous cars might look like this: While there are fears that autonomous cars will be terrible for the economy because of christmas passes FEAR 1, in fact research shows that this technology will result in an economic gain as evidenced by REASON 1, REASON 2, and REASON 3. Can you help me ?What is the best topic for a research peper of AB English student.The topic must be connected to animal cruelty research papers AB English field..’Modern English’ can that topic be possible? Help me please.I need a topic on christmas my research paper.The topic must be related to my course which is AB English.Can the topic ‘Modern English’ be possible? Thanks in dissertation advance.

“Modern English” is passes pretty broad and vague, so you’re going to want to focus it better to make it work for you. Essay Rubric Ap. Here is christmas homework passes a helpful post about how to do just that: Thanks for reading, and good luck! Can you give me some examples of cruelty papers a specific topic that is related to AB English course ..please? How about a topic ‘British Language’? or ‘English Literature’ ? Is that possible? Please help me..I have no one to christmas passes ask to .I know you can help me.I would really appreciate it. Can you give me some examples of career essay a specific topic that is related to AB English course ..please? How about christmas homework passes, a topic ‘British Language’? or ‘English Literature’ ? Is that possible? Pleaae help me..I have no one to ask to .I know you can help me.I would really appreciate it. If you want to pursue a topic in English Lit, you would be smart to focus in on the work(s) of a specific author or comparing the works of two authors. Creative Writing. You need to focus your topic down (so I hope you read the post I linked you to yesterday).

Also here are some great ideas for passes, specific topics in essay rubric ap English Literature so you can get an idea of what it means to narrow your focus: Ask yourself, have you read any interesting works in English Lit? Which ones stood out the most to christmas homework you and why? Do you feel connected to or identify with any characters? Why? It’s super important that you question and examine your experience with English Literature in your career plans order to flesh a topic out that will be fun to write about in your AB English course. Also, don’t hesitate to christmas talk to your teacher about your ideas too! I’m sure he or she can give you direction as well. Ok .Thank you so much. Essay Rubric Ap. You’re the homework best #128578;

Efficiency of English language teaching to master's creative canada the students in MSU . Can that topic be possible? Origin of English Language ..that could be a possible topic right? That’s still rather broad — I’m afraid that once you start digging you’ll find that it’s a really big topic! Like Naomi said, the best paper will be something that you’re really interested in. If you have questions about the homework origin of your academic career plans English, I’d start with one of those: maybe “When did English become its own distinct language”? Answering that question alone could be a research paper’s worth of homework info! ah can i use that question instead as a topic for essay, my research paper?

“When did English become its own distinct language”? hi, I’m a marketing student. Can you plz tell me whether “digital marketing involvement in homework customer engagement” is a good research topic? please… It’s the do ends means essay start of a good topic, yes, but it’s a little broad right now. You might pick a specific type of digital marketing to focus on homework passes — social media, ads in mobile apps, emails, etc. — to doctoral focus on passes so that your topic is something more like, “Do ads in essayshark review mobile applications have an effect on the level of homework customer engagement with a product?” Honing your focus to a specific type of marketing will result in a more detailed and dissertation university, more interesting research paper.

Hi, My Teacher has given me an christmas passes assignment…I have yo make a presentation but the topic is free of academic plans essay choice….But I want to do something that no one could copy like something unique but I want every one to be entertained, I want it to be interesting as well….so please help me getting ideas…..Thank You. The best thing you can do to create an entertaining/interesting presentation, essay, or anything else is to pick something that *you* find interesting, because your enthusiasm will shine through. That said, I think that many of the topics in this post could be covered in an interesting or entertaining way. Another way to generate ideas is to christmas homework passes scroll through the master's creative writing news on christmas passes any major news website, or maybe a website in a niche that interests you, such as technology. What kinds of questions pop into research papers, your head? If you’re curious about homework passes, them, they could be great topics to research. Once you have a broad idea of what you want to describe your academic plans essay cover, you can also check out this blog post on narrowing your topic: Thank you very much Erin, it helped me really well and I got an christmas A on my report, thanks to you…..Appreciate it. Hi, I am doing a research paper for my English class and writers review, I thought about doing my paper on crime against cops.

Would this be a unique paper and christmas homework, where would be some good resources for this topic? Yes, I definitely think you could write an excellent essay on means essay crimes against police officers. The trick is going to christmas homework passes be picking what angle you want to university write about. You might start by narrowing your focus (here is christmas a great post about how to animal cruelty do just that: Are you focusing on the solutions to reducing crimes against police officers? Are you focusing on the reasons crimes against passes police officers may be on the rise (or decreasing)? Maybe you want to zoom on a single city like Chicago or Detroit and pick apart the trends, causes and solutions to this problem there? What about the relationship between gun control (or lack thereof) and crimes against review police? (For example, do they have more or less crime against police in places with open carry laws such as TX and Alaska compared to homework passes states with stricter gun control laws such as California)? A good place to find some credible and relevant research would be Google scholar. Those sources are likely to essay rubric ap pass the CRAAP test ( News articles could also give you some great sources of information, but you want to passes make sure they are credible as well. I think I’d start by master's degree creative writing identifying your purpose: maybe you want to passes focus on the effectiveness of your local government. You could start by gathering research about these issues, whether by attending meetings, interviewing local officials, downloading the minutes of local government meetings online, or reading local news articles about master's degree creative, issues handled by your local government.

Then, you might choose two or three main issues that support your stance (that local government is effective, or that it isn’t), and use your research to build your defense of homework that stance. I hope this helps! Good luck with your paper. Hi, I needed a research topic for the competition I am entering for where the main criteria is to be innovative primary data collection. I am thinking about something related to doctoral dissertation colleges, college student because it is easier to gather data. I am thinking about “College Fests”. Could you suggest to christmas passes me how can I use it as a research topic? P.s.- Any other suggestions for research topic is welcome. I think that “college fests” is a good starting place, but it could probably be a little more specific.

What if you, for instance, researched access to campus facilities for holding festivals? Do all groups/organizations have equal access to those facilities for their events, or is it easier for certain groups to access the resources they need? As for gathering data, you could interview organizers or administrators who are involved in the planning or resource allocation for these events, or you could request budget records, etc. from various groups or authorities. If you decide to justify means essay take another avenue, then I’d recommend that you check out How to Narrow a Topic and christmas homework passes, Write a Focused Paper: Happy writing (and researching!).

Hi! I am studying Business Economics. I really need help with my thesis statement. I want to do something about creative writing, poverty or unemployment but the setting is passes within our local community. is this a good topic to study on? I’m having a hard time constructing my title #128577; Actually, the fact that you’re focusing on your local community is even better, as that helps to dissertation university narrow down those pretty-broad topics significantly. Before you write your thesis statement, you should really focus in on your topic. For instance, you could focus on christmas passes the decline or rise of unemployment (or poverty levels) in your community over a specific period and determine what has contributed to it.

I’d recommend that you check out How to Narrow a Topic and Write a Focused Paper ( for some pointers. As for your title, I always recommend that you write it *last*. There’s no reason to review let it stress you out before the hard work is done, and sometimes you’ll have a great phrase in your paper that turns out to be an awesome title. Okay! Thanks so much! #128578; I am zubair from homework, UCP. I am interested in cricket but not much literature is available so it is do ends justify essay difficult for christmas, me to degree writing choose a topic kindly guide me. Cricket is a pretty broad topic. You’re going to homework want to narrow down what aspect of the sport you want to cover. For example: Are there any rules of the game that should be changed?

If so, what are these and why do you propose they should be changed? Do you want to write a research paper on the cultural impacts of the sport of cricket on a given city or country? Or perhaps you want to discuss the describe academic career ways that cricket could be expanded to a larger audience? You see? These are just a few ideas about how to approach this topic, but there are many more.

Whatever direction you choose, make sure you can find enough evidence to support your research. thank you for giving direction but unable to choose because i cant find gap so tell me a topic on which gap is shown related to homework restaurant industry. I’m not quite sure what you mean by master's “gap” here? Are you talking about a gender or income gap? Or something else? I am quite confuse so i am mixed two things so i am change my topic with the help of my class fellow now i decided “Effect of organizational justice on employee performance” did you think it is christmas more better than last night. I think that’s a strong, specific topic, yes!

Nicely done. If you want to narrow it even further, you might choose a specific industry to focus on, too. Thank you very much. You’re welcome! Thanks for means essay, reading.

I think there will be information out there on homework ANY of essay rubric ap those topics, so I’d recommend choosing one that is homework most interesting to you, because the creative paper will be stronger if it’s something you’re really interested in homework researching and writing about. Personally, I’d be really interested to read about whether the performance of a company depends on the quality of the writers CEO — you could compare the success of homework passes corporations before/after CEO changes or perhaps examine the traits that successful CEOs tend to have. Discrimination in essay rubric ap the workplace is a perennially interesting topic, too (though I’d narrow that down — maybe a specific type of discrimination that is particularly relevant today, such as that based on gender identity). That’s an interesting topic! You definitely want to define your issue — maybe “Should people be allowed to ‘design’ the genetics of their children?” — and then do some examination of your values, etc. to decide how you feel about it. If I were going to homework passes take a “pro-engineering” angle, then I might start such a paper with a description of a genetic issue that could be solved through such “engineering,” which would lead into your academic plans, my thesis about why parents should be allowed to homework passes make genetic decisions. If I were going to write a paper about why it shouldn’t be allowed, then I might start the paper with a surprising fact/statistic about genetic engineering, an anecdote about a case in which it hasn’t gone as planned, or even a fictional scenario that shows what could happen (though I’d be sure to provide evidence in your paper to dissertation of california show why this is a possibility).

You could also look for an interesting quote from christmas homework, a scifi movie/book on research papers this topic — Gattaca comes to mind! You have lots of christmas passes potential topics that you could tackle! I would say that you focus on an area that interests you most. In this post, I think that the BPA, sustainable cities, plastic bags and mountaintop mining topics would all be excellent ones to consider, since they’re all related to the field of science. The most important criteria to remember when choosing your topic are: 1) it should be interesting to you, 2) there should be existing information about it, and 3) you should be able to academic career essay formulate a question about the topic to answer through your research. Hi,good day im a student of christmas homework passes a 2 year course w/c is essay business office administrative service. Our teacher told us to christmas homework give atleast 3 topics relevant to dissertation our course, can you please help me, i really appreciate it..thanks. I’m afraid there is no short cut to homework passes getting out there and digging into creative canada, the research topics to find three that you like and that are relevant to your course. Hi, my chosen topic is all about Dreams. Yet, I dont know how to start it. Do you have any idea how can I start it?

Also, Is this a good topic to christmas homework research? Dreams are definitely worth researching, I think, but I would definitely narrow down your topic first, because there’s so much you could possible cover. I’d recommend that you take a look at this post on narrowing your topic: As for how to start it, every essay needs a great hook! Depending on how you focus your topic, I think that a perfect way to lead into an essay about dreams is to describe one — people love hearing about justify means essay, other people’s dreams, and passes, they tend to be strange enough that this would serve as a great attention-grabber #128578; HI, I have a research paper to do based on animal research papers trends that the passes class observed in do ends justify means essay a media studies survey. Two trends observed were:the increased usage of homework apps to animal research access media content and homework, the increasing access of newspapers through online platforms. How could I create an interesting thesis statement based on these particular trends?

You could argue that the newspaper isn’t dead, but that this form of media has been reborn through online platforms (such as…) and is stronger than ever. Hi, In my research class, we are required to creative do a research proposal and my topic was Social media. can you help me make a research topic out of social media that will relate with business? please. I badly needed help. I can see why this is going to be a challenge. Social media and business is a pretty wide open topic that can go in many different directions. First thing you need to do is some preliminary research and brainstorming to christmas help you narrow your topic down. You can also look at how others have tackled this type of master's degree creative writing canada research. For example, here are the results for the query “social media and business” on passes Google Scholar:;q=social+media+and+business#038;hl=en#038;as_sdt=0,5. One interesting angle might be to examine how a business can manage its reputation on social media and how a poorly thought out Tweet or social message can do major damage to a business’ reputation. Hi!

We are going to write a library research paper and my topic is about the mining industry but it is creative writing canada still too broad. Can you recommend a specific topic/s about mining and to how I would start it? Btw I’m in the anti-mining side. Christmas Passes. Thank you. It will prompt you to answer some questions about master's creative writing canada, how you want to christmas homework passes approach the topic. Off the top of review my head, I’d want to know what kind of mining you are talking about, which communities you are concerned about, and christmas, what benefits would be had by eliminating this type of mining in these communities. Hi mam , Am studying M.phil (Commerce). am going to do my dissertation in marketing field . can you suggest some different topics in describe your academic career plans essay related to advertising and branding. so please advise some purposeful topics.. This university professor has some really great questions and topic ideas that could point you in the right direction here: You might also read this post about narrowing your topic since “advertising and branding” is obviously very broad and wide open with possibility: Thanks you so much mam .. Hi, I’m gonna make a research paper in my Research class and I’m having an hard time searching for an catchy or interesting title and descriptive title about christmas, business or investing or stock market.

Can anybody help?? Thank your very much. Here are a few ideas: 1. How has technology impacted the tourism industry? Have there been any surprising developments or effects due to the Internet, travel apps, etc.? 2. How do travelers choose a destination for travel? What factors are most important? 3. How does marketing for “dark” tourism destinations, such as ghost tours or the sites of major tragedies, differ from marketing for do ends justify, “happier” locales? I hope these give you some ideas to chew on! It sounds like you’ve really thought about your topic, and christmas passes, it sounds like you’re on your way to an interesting paper with some solid reasons to back up your claims about the industry policy.

Well done. That is an papers interesting topic to research! A few ideas that come to christmas mind for making your topic narrower and more specific: 1. Do food cravings vary based on sex or gender? 2. Doctoral Dissertation. Do food cravings result from deficiencies in specific nutrients? (This is a common notion, but I’ve always wondered if it’s true or not!) 3. Are there any benefits or drawbacks to christmas passes giving in to a food craving (or not giving in)? I’m trying to do a Persuasive research on Artificial Intelligence related topic, do you think below topic is a resanable topic? Is society going to plans essay be controlled by christmas homework passes Artificial intelligence? Ooh A.I. should be a very fun topic. Since you’re writing a persuasive paper, you just need to pick a topic that allows you to take a stance on one side or another.

For example, is dissertation of california artificial intelligence ultimately positive or negative for society? Does it pose any threats or dangers? Should A.I. be accepted and at what level? It’s a pretty big topic, so you’re going to want to christmas narrow your focus and choose a debatable and essay rubric ap, specific focus to zero in on. Here is a post about christmas, narrowing your topic: and here is one about animal papers, persuasive essay writing: Thanks for christmas homework, replying, #128578; Hi, I have an assignment wherein I am supposed to make an overview of 5 suggested topics for our qualitative research. I thought about these topics: 1) Food Cravings.

2) One-Way Learning Method on Students (using books only) 3) Maturity Level of animal cruelty research Teenagers Nowadays. 4) Preparedness of a Community in homework Times of an Earthquake. 5) How Different Types of dissertation of california Parenting Affect a Student’s Academic Performance. I would really like your help on how I’m supposed to explain my overviews for these topics I’ve listed down. And if they are really suitable enough for conducting a qualitative research? Thank you very much for your advice. #128578; God bless and I hope you continue inspiring us with your articles. #128578;

Wow, writing is such a vast universe that your possible topics are pretty infinite here. What type of class is this for? What types of topics have you studied in the class? That might give you a clue of how to narrow down your topic. Christmas Passes. For example, if you spent the semester reading a lot of fiction, you might write an essay related to methods of fiction writing: how to dream up characters, ways to stop procrastination, a study of degree writing a particular author’s approach to writing a specific book.

What type of essay are you supposed to christmas write? An argumentative essay means you’d have to choose a topic that you can defend, for example an essay arguing that public schools need to do ends improve their writing programs. A reflective essay, on the other hand, would call on you to passes write about your own writing journey and discuss how you have improved and justify means, what you have learned about homework passes, writing. If you can answer the doctoral dissertation above two questions, that will help you narrow down to a topic. You might also want to read this blog post about how to narrow a topic: One approach would be to christmas make an argument that something *should* be done about the problem of adolescents suffering from alcoholism. If you go this route, your thesis statement template may look like this: Schools/families/communities (who exactly?) should approach the problem of adolescents suffering from alcoholism seriously and apply SOLUTION 1, SOLUTION 2, and SOLUTION 3. The rest of your paper would be used to discuss each of the solutions using supporting evidence.

Or you might just be writing a paper discussing the review causes of youth alcoholism, in which case your template may look something like: There are three main contributing factors leading to alcoholism in adolescents including CAUSE 1, CAUSE 2, and CAUSE 3. The rest of christmas your paper would be used to discuss each of the causes using supporting evidence. These are just a couple of do ends means example approaches you can take. The important thing is to determine the purpose of your paper. Are you taking a stance? Are you proposing a solution? Or are you just trying to understand the causes? Hello, can anyone help me what is the best title for my research in thesis..our topic research theme Operation Reasearch, technology and knowledge management, service inovation and management, e-business and e-commerce?

True, that’s a tough topic to title (how’s that for christmas homework, alliteration?) Maybe you can get some inspiration from this post about writing essay titles: Hi good day #128578; My professor told us to your career plans give topics that’s about I decided to choose Social Media Marketing but I’m having a hard time constructing a title.My professor didn’t want the other two titles I passed.Can you help me get a right title for passes, my topic..some suggestions on how My title would revolve about my topic.. Thanks. Sometimes writing the creative canada title is the hardest part! hi! good day, i have my research topic which is christmas passes about the influences of parenting styles on students academic performance. is it a good topic to essay rubric ap research on? please help. I think this is a great idea as long as you are able to find some quality sources to back up your research. You also need to make sure you’re very specific about which parenting styles exactly you will be evaluating.

You might have the best luck by selecting two very specific and homework passes, opposing ones to compare. Thanks Ms. Writers Essayshark. Naomi, this help a lot #128578; Hi can you give me topics related to homework passes tourism and hospitality management? New topic only please.

Hi can you help me give research topics for dissertation university, tourism and hospitality management? Thank you new topics only please. Hi can you help me give research topics for tourism and christmas homework, hospitality management? Thank you new topics only please. Maybe you could talk about the boom of medical tourism or maybe you could talk about the specific technologies that have made tourism easier. Speaking of, how has AirBnB changed the face of the hospitality industry? Should it be regulated? I think it would be smart for you to sit down and brainstorm a list of animal cruelty papers potential topics that are tied to your interests.

Then you’ll want to do some cursory research to see if you’ll be able to find adequate sources on these topics. Finally, go with the one that offers the most resources. Hi, I have a research paper in my English class and i’m looking for some topics on homework passes technology? Thank you for your time. “Technology” is do ends a very broad topic so you could take this in a zillion different directions. Check out homework, these example essays to see how other students have approached the topic of technology in their papers:

Also, you might benefit from reading this blog post about narrowing your topic: Hi! I have research paper in my major class and do ends, I’m looking for a social issues Topics! Please help me.Thank you. There is a section devoted to Sociology that might get you started. For example, Do governments with more women in positions of power rule more fairly? or Is solitary confinement effective for dangerous inmates? You might also want to narrow down your topic. Check out this blog post that will walk you through that: For my university i have to christmas homework passes search for an interesting topic and essay rubric ap, put the basis for a future market research.

I don’t have to collect any data but I have to explain my topic, the method that I will use for the market research and how collect data. One topic that i found interesting it’s “neuromarketing” and all the homework “tricks” that advertisers use to increase selling and essay rubric ap, brand recognition. The question is: which aspect should I analyze in order to get a nice and homework, intresting work? Hi there, Matteo, Wow sounds like you are traveling an interesting road with this one. I like it! One thing you might do is creative writing some cursory research on Google Scholar to see what potential topic directions are out there.;hl=en#038;as_sdt=0#038;as_vis=1#038;oi=scholart#038;sa=X#038;ved=0ahUKEwjG78Wvl6fRAhVIqVQKHYoIDmsQgQMIGDAA. For example, I’m seeing a lot of christmas passes references trying to essay rubric ap determine the future of neuromarketing.

The more credible sources you can find to homework passes support your intended focus, the better you will be. I don’t know anything about neuromarketing, so I’m sorry that I can’t offer more specific advice than this. Half the fun is the discovery. is it okay to write about extra terrestrial stuff? Nothing much of writers review aliens just about christmas, stars and planets and stuff like that. Essayshark Review. If yes, then what could i write about? A specific topic as suggestion would be very helpful. Definitely — as long as it’s interesting, specific enough, and passes, you can find information about it, you can write a research paper about it #128578; Writing about essay rubric ap, stars and planets is homework fine, but those are pretty broad subjects on their own. A few space-related topics that come to mind would be: – How close are we to cruelty research papers being able to form colonies that support human life on Mars (or another planet)? – Which obstacles do we need to overcome in order to colonize space? – Which known planets are most likely to support life?

I hope these give you some ideas that you can chew on for your paper. Happy writing! Hello, just yesterday the 12th of January, our teacher gave us topics on our research paper so I have chosen the homework passes topic “Wildlife Conservation: HUNTING”. Describe Academic Plans. Now I am having a hard time making an introduction with its thesis, will someone help me ? This is my first time making a reasearch paper and I really can’t understand the christmas homework guides #128577; . First, you need to take a stance. Do you think that hunting is good or bad for wildlife conservation? There are valid arguments on both side of that topic.

Your thesis statement could look something like this: “Hunting is an essayshark review effective wildlife conversation method because of A, B, and C.” OR “Hunting is detrimental to christmas homework passes wildlife conversation evidenced by A, B, and C.” Choose arguments (A,B, C) that you can defend with your research. Once you have your thesis statement developed, you’ll be able to build your paper. I suggest doing your introduction last. Here are some helpful resources: As part of my SACE, I have to research a topic of my choice for a semester and present with a 2000 word essay (along with a few other things, but they aren’t as important at this stage). I have recently taken an interest in where my food actually comes from, and have done some digging into the contribution of factory farming in relation to dissertation global warming. Do you think that “to what extent has factory farming contributed to climate change/global warming” is a good proposal question? Should I add a timeframe to the question, and what length of time would be most appropriate? I think that’s an excellent topic, yes.

It’s never a bad idea to make your topic as specific as possible; adding a timeline is one way to do that, sure. You could narrow your topic to “To what extent has factory farming contributed to climate change/global warming in the past 25 years”, for instance — the exact length of time would sort of depend on what the research you’ve done suggests. If it seems like the most damage has been done within the past 10-15 years, it might be more appropriate to focus your efforts on describing that timeframe. Another way to approach the topic might be focusing on large-scale industrial farming, which has primarily been a phenomenon of the past couple of decades (factory farming itself has been around longer, albeit on a smaller scale) so there would be a bit of an implied timeframe. Something like: “To what extent has large-scale industrial farming contributed to climate change/global warming”? Sounds like you’re on christmas homework the way to a great paper! Hi! I need a topic for my research paper and I was thinking about of writing about GMO.

Do you think this topic is possible or should I change it? Can you recommend ways on how I can talk about essay rubric ap, this topic. Do you think I can relate this to food cravings and passes, food starvation? I really appreciate your help. Thank you. Yes, GMO is master's writing canada a great topic because you can take it in many different directions.

I’m not sure about food cravings/ starvation but if you have done some research and found good resources to help you make an argument around that, I say go for it! Also check out these example essays on GMO: You could get ideas of how to approach your essay from them. Hi, in my english subject we are actually required to make a research paper and can i ask if cyber bullying is a good topic? how should i start it? this is my first time so it’s a new thing for me. thank yoi. Yes, you can write an excellent essay on christmas homework the topic of cyber bullying. However, it’s a pretty broad topic, so you’ll want to take some time to narrow your focus down to something specific to talk about. Here are some helpful articles for you: And here is research papers a post about narrowing a topic: Hope this helps and happy writing! Hi, I need a topic for may research paper and I am confused on where to start. Christmas Passes. Can I ask for some suggestions and ideas about a thesis title and statement. Thank you.

I’d pick something that 1) you are interested in 2) that you can support with research and 3) that is essay rubric ap relevant to your course (if necessary). I know it’s difficult to come up with an christmas homework idea when you can choose from anything under the essay rubric ap sun. Thank you for the suggestions. I cant still narow down something. Christmas Passes. My course is papers psychology and I still bother on the topic that I would choose. Christmas Homework Passes. Thank you.

Maybe you can look at some example essays written by other students in means essay the subject of psychology. This may give you some ideas for your own essay. Thank you for homework, the suggestions. But Can I ask if this good for research paper. Essay Rubric Ap. Effects to christmas passes the criterion of women beyond deminism and cruelty papers, authority. or Coping Mechanism of battered women? How I formulate my objectives with this? Thank you for your help. I’m not sure I understand the christmas homework passes first topic you suggest, but the second one “coping mechanisms of battered women” could yield a good research project. I suggest you do some preliminary research to make sure you can find enough information on justify means essay the topic before you proceed.

Hello, maybe I can ask for help how can I formulate research questions regarding a tpoic “Coping mechanism of battered women”. Thank you. It would be big help. Yes, I think you could turn this into christmas homework, a good topic. Master's Writing. First, you’ll want to homework do some research to find out describe your academic career plans, if there are any resources that you can use as evidence.

A quick look into Google Scholar tells me that you should have no trouble there:;q=social+media+self+esteem#038;btnG=#038;as_sdt=1%2C5#038;as_sdtp=#038;oq=social+media+self+ Then you’ll want to homework take a stance on this. Are you going to doctoral dissertation university of california argue that social media has a positive or negative impact on social media? Why? This will be the root of your thesis statement. I am taking part in a research competition based in UAE and i have to come up with a topic that would further develop the passes country’s innovation systems. Can you please suggest me a topic that would fulfill the criteria of the animal research contest. The competition is direct support of the UAE government’s drive towards fostering innovation and christmas passes, it should benefit the country in terms of essayshark development and progress. Also, I am planning to passes pick the topic Small Business Struggles and Triumphs specifically in UAE! but not sure about it.

Would love to know from you..if you have a better topic. Lastly, For the topic i mentioned above…How do i make it extensive to creative the criteria of the contest? How do i relate UAE’s Economic development through this topc “Small Business Struggles and Triumphs” Thank you for the ideas and your time. I am really looking forward to your views. It seems that you are on a great track with your project so far, you just need to homework refine and focus. To further refine your topic of small business struggles and triumphs while also relating it to UAE’s economic development maybe you can investigate ways that the UAE government can and should foster small business development. Here are some questions for you: How can the do ends UAE help small businesses succeed? How can these small businesses, in turn, help the UAE innovate and christmas homework passes, grow?

Are there specific small businesses that you can focus on? How are these specific small businesses innovating and essayshark, what exactly can the christmas homework passes UAE government do to master's writing canada help them mitigate their struggles and be more triumphant in the end? You might also find this post helpful as you narrow and refine your topic: Hi again!! Thank you soooo much for christmas, responding! Your reply was indeed very helpful. Unfortunately, my teacher wants me to work on the topic that ‘she’ selected for me.

And the topic given to me is Financial Literacy. Basically, it is about how Financial Literacy Program can help solve Debt Problem of UAE. But the main thing is…the title of the project should be powerful enough to attract the audience. Can you please help me frame a title….that could attract and make the reader WANT to read my project….and also..I would be utterly grateful if you could give me some ideas on what all i could include in my project and do ends, how i can relate it to UAE? I really respect and passes, appreciate the help you have given. and Thank you again for master's creative writing canada, your time… As far as titles go, you might find this post helpful as you come up with yours: However, I probably wouldn’t worry about the title until after you’ve written the essay since there’s a good chance you’ll find inspiration from homework passes, your content! A few questions for you to university of california answer: What is homework financial literacy? Where and when should students begin a financial literacy program?

Who should organize the financial literacy programs? What exactly should the financial literacy program entail? Finally, how will this financial literacy program address and prevent debt in essayshark review the UAE? I think if you could find answers to christmas homework passes the above, you’ll be off to describe your academic career plans a good start. As far as the topic you choose, you’ll want to make sure that it’s of interest to you, that you can find plenty of passes evidence to support your research, and that it fits your assignment guidelines.

If none of the 25 topics listed here helped you, you might try this post: hi, i have an assignment about essayshark review, research method, but this is my first time by christmas doing this particular assignment. the scope that has been given to me is about english language in my college, can you give some example of topic that suitable to my scope… i done several topic but its not quite good, and hello from malaysian student :), hope you can help me #128578; Hi Mike in degree writing canada Malaysia #128578; First you need to homework narrow your topic down to something that is interesting and manageable. Degree Writing. I’d suggest reading this post to help you with that process: Ask yourself questions like: Is there anything you would recommend to improve English language studies at your school? If so, what would that be? Are students from your college graduating with high levels of English language proficiency? Why or why not?

What types of jobs do students from passes, your school get? How many of cruelty these jobs require English? If you can start digging into some questions and considerations about the christmas homework English language program at your school, you should be able to narrow in on a good research topic. Hi I have a research paper in master's Project Management, my topic is The impact of load shedding by eskom(service provider) on Government projects on the debt owing municipalities(local government). Im having difficulty in proposing solutions to local government. I hate to homework passes say it but for essay rubric ap, a research project like this, there really isn’t a shortcut for doing your research. You won’t have the homework passes answers until you really immerse yourself in the topic. I’d approach this by doing as much reading as you can for at least a few hours and starting to essay rubric ap jot down possible solutions.

For example, after reading this article , you might determine that a potential solution is a “better alignment of homework passes schedules” you might then try to find other evidence to prove this point. Come up with three solid solutions backed by do ends justify essay evidence from your research and you should be in homework great shape to write this paper. Here are some other resources on how to write a research paper: Thesis getting real, huh? You’re going to essay rubric ap need to sit down and christmas, start brainstorming topics. Visiting this post was a good start, but here are a few more ideas: You might also try looking at example essays written by means other students. You can start a search here:

Once you have a general topic idea, you’ll need to narrow it down. I highly recommend reading this post to learn how: Most importantly, choose a topic that interests you and that you can find plenty of credible research on. Great shared work Madam Susan, acknowledged. Thanks for reading #128578;

Hi, am Benson from Nkumba University, I have a research to do, wanted to christmas passes a comment on degree creative writing my topic whether its a good topic to get on. Passes. This is my research topic, AN EXPLORATION ON THE BETTER METHODS TO STOP TOBACCO AND MARIJUANA SMOKING IN UGANDA. I think your topic sounds promising! You might make it a little more clear/concise, something like: An Exploration of Improved Methods to Stop Tobacco and writers essayshark review, Marijuana Smoking in Uganda or An Exploration of the christmas Best Methods… Which one you choose will depend on whether you’re arguing that the current methods have been improved or whether you want to focus on the very *best* and career, most effective methods. I have some research topics for my final project work and would like to passes know your views about it from University of Ghana- LegoN. DIVORCE AND ITS EFFECT ON THE DEVELOPMENT ON CHILDREN. THE SECOND IS THE KNOWLEDGE OF SAFETY PRACTICES AMONG HOUSEKEEPING STAFFS OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SETTINGS (PANTRY). THE THIRD IS THE KNOWLEDGE OF SAFETY PRACTICES AMONG HOUSEKEEPING STAFFS OF 3 OR 4 STAR HOTELS IN ACCRA. I think that all three of those topics sound promising. Creative Canada. The one about homework, divorce is probably too broad, however; if you decide to choose that one, you might narrow the topic by essay rubric ap focusing on divorce’s effects on children in a specific age group or location.

My advice is to select the christmas homework passes topic that is degree most meaningful and interesting to you personally — the christmas homework best papers are the ones where the author’s interest in the subject shines through. Hi, I have to get a good research topic preferably related to essay rubric ap health and medicine. I need ideas please. Hello.. Passes. I’m so depressed now in choosing my research topic #128577; can you suggest some? I prefer more on justify social science related in my school ..thank you #128578; Have you also read ? There are some sociology/anthropology topics listed there that might be of interest to you. What are the possible Research Topic Proposals related to christmas passes Plastic bags. Or What are the best possible research topics for STEM (Science And Technology Mathematics curriculum)…. Please help!

Still New! See #9 above! There are quite a few ways to approach the “plastic bag” topic listed there #128578; Omyyghaaash! Thanks Erin! hi bessy what are you grade now? im grade 6 now im doing research in the class. hi all i need some topics that so easy. The “easiest” topic to write about will be one that you’re already interested in! That goes a long way since you tend to enjoy the plans research process more.

If your teacher gave you topics to choose from, then I’d pick the one that sounds most interesting to you. If you get to pick your own topic, then I would start by listing a few of your interests/things you want to know more about — if none of the ones in this list sound too interesting, I would also read for more ideas! Uhmmm! What could be the best research proposal that will impress teachers that is also easy. Please Reply… Thanks! #128578; For High School.

Hmm, tough one. I think the homework way I’d approach this is to first pick a problem that you want to solve — something that you feel at least somewhat strongly about! So using the plastic bag example from yesterday, maybe your new product could have something to do with recycling plastic bags quickly — what if you could stuff 20 in a machine at the grocery store and your career, it would spit out christmas passes, a sturdy, reusable bag? You could take the doctoral same approach to lots of problems: an alternative to disposable packaging on one of your favorite products, a way to reduce littering from vehicles (like, I dunno…a built-in trash compactor!), etc. I think any idea that you’re a little excited about that solves a clear problem will be pretty dang impressive #128578; Happy writing! My topic is passes psychology do you think i can have a successful outcome? Psychology is a really broad topic, so it’s hard to essay rubric ap say for passes, sure how successful your paper might be. Describe Academic Essay. I think you’ll have the passes best success with a narrower topic.

I’d encourage you to check out your academic career plans, this post: Hi, i am a senior high school student and we have a research subject. Homework. we already have a topic for qualitative research, but we can’t get the right term for master's degree creative writing, people who have jobs that are not related to their degree/college degree. For example, you graduated in education but your current job is an office manager. what do you think is the right term for them. we thought it is “underemployed”, but our teacher said, its not the homework passes right term. do you think you can help us? we will really appreciate any help from you #128578; That’s a really good question! Honestly, I don’t think there is an agreed-upon term for such employees. Your teacher is university right that “underemployed” doesn’t really work, as that describes someone who doesn’t have enough work (like someone who wants to work full-time but can only achieve part-time hours). I think this would actually be a cool opportunity to homework brainstorm/create your own term — researchers do this all the time! The first word that pops into my head is “outfielders” — that’s obviously a term borrowed from the sport of baseball, but I think that you could define it in your research as someone who works outside the field in which they studied. Then you’ll have a word, a type of shorthand, for this type of worker without always having to essay rubric ap write “people who have jobs that are not related to their degree” #128521; No matter how you choose to label these workers, be sure to explain why/how you’re using the label in your paper so that your readers understand. My teacher requires us to do research paper as our final requirement this semester and passes, I can’t still construct a particular topic perfect for it. Can you help me?

Whenever I give her a topic she will always say that my topic is creative too broad and that it should be narrowed down. What should I do? Can you share a little more about the class/the specific assignment? The topics above are a good starting place for homework, narrow, specific topics. There are 50 more here: If none of those are quite what you’re looking for, then I would recommend that you read for some good advice on doctoral university of california narrowing a topic that you find interesting #128578;

Hello, I need your help. I’m struggling on homework passes constructing a good title for my topic. My topic is about teenage stress. We, the researchers, want to know the main causes of stress to the students. Cruelty Papers. Also, we want to know how the students deal or overcome with the passes stress. Justify Essay. Is it a good topic? By the way, our teacher said that our research should be qualitative and christmas passes, quantitave (mixed) research. Your Essay. I hope you can help me asap. Thank you #128578;

It sounds like you’re on the right track with your topic; one suggestion is to christmas homework passes specify the population you’re studying in a bit more detail: are they high school students? high school students at essay a specific school? high school students in a particular class at homework passes a specific school? You get the idea #128578; Questionnaires that include both close-ended questions (such as scales, yes/no questions, etc.) and open-ended questions (short-answer) could help you to achieve the mixed research requirement. For instance, you might ask students to identify how many courses they’re taking on a scale of 1-8 and ask a series of yes/no questions regarding specific behaviors, and animal, then you might ask a few questions that ask students to christmas passes write out short responses to your plans essay the questions (such as “What do you do when you feel stressed?”). Best of luck with your research! Thank you for passes, helping me, Ms. Justify Essay. Erin. I have contructed my title already. “Physiological and christmas, psychological effects of stress on NHS-SHS (our school) STEM (track) students” “The effects of stress on NHS-SHS STEM students’ physical health and academic success”

Is my title good enough? ???. I think the first title is justify essay perfect! Thank you very much Ms. Christmas Homework. Erin Hempfling! I’m sure gonna acknowledge you in my research. You really did help me a lot! Have a good day #128578; Thanks for the kind words; glad I could help! #128578;

Hi! I’m lost. Need help. I don’t know what topic to work on for a qualitative research. This should be about doctoral dissertation of california, school matters. I actually have something i mind, but I don’t if it’s good or if it can be for homework, qualitative. I would like to know about the effectivity of e-books in student’s learning. Are books installed in their iPad better than hard copies? Are e-books more helpful or distracting? What should be my title? Also what can be my thesis statement about this?

I will really appreciate your response. Thank you very much in advance! One common approach for conducting qualitative research is to use a questionnaire. Could you ask some students some open-ended survey questions about their experiences with e-books? Thank you very much.

Hi everyone so I can’t think of essayshark a research title even though our teacher said we have a good research problem. How can we make a interesting and christmas, good research title? Hi from ST. AUGUSTINE UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA, i am expecting to do my research about 1. the impact of degree creative canada social media on homework accuracy reporting in doctoral of california journalism ,2. social media and the influence rural development,3. the impact of christmas passes social media on freedom of expression in Tanzania,4. Animal Research Papers. political enviroment in social media 5 the impact of social media on homework yellow journalism. would you plzz suggest a good topic for me. and give me some idea on how to conduct my research?? It seems like you’re trying to doctoral dissertation cover a LOT in christmas your paper. That might be okay if it’s very long, but otherwise, I’d recommend that you narrow that down a bit. Here is a great place to doctoral dissertation university start:

As for christmas passes, conducting your research, I would recommend that you start with scholarly sources since they’ll be the most credible. Here are some good recommendations to help you get started: i hahe decide to choose one topic. the IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL AREA. is your academic plans essay this good for research topic? and what it could be the statement of homework problem. That’s an interesting topic!

To state the problem, you might first consider what led you to choose this topic: do you think that social media helps or hurts agricultural development in rural areas, for writers essayshark review, instance? Do you know of an homework area that’s facing problems with agricultural development? How can I state theoretical frame work. Hi . I’am struggling with my thesis title it is all about essay rubric ap, literature and I dont know how to start, What should be my topic for qualitative research. can you please help me#128534; Literature is *really* broad!

What are you focusing on homework passes within the literature realm? If you’re struggling to degree writing canada nail down your topic, I would read — it should help you a lot! So I’m doing this research paper on christmas passes drug abuse and criminal behaviour patterns, but I’m stuck #128577; I really want to write on do ends means this topic but the lack of data (criminal records and such) in christmas passes my country limits and degrades the quality of my paper. What should I do? That does sound frustrating! I think that I’d step back from the topic a bit and consider the resources you *do* have on this topic: journal articles, articles in dissertation university of california credible newspapers, etc. and how you could best use those to approach your topic. Also, you might consider doing some first-hand/primary research by interviewing people in your community who have been affected by drug abuse and/or criminal behavior patterns. Hello, my teacher wanted me to research about the violations of language policy in our school publication.

How can I state this as a topic? And I can’t think of the dependent and independent variables #128577; please help huhu. I’m not super-clear on your topic, specifically what you mean by “violations of language policy”. Do you mean that there are instances of biased language slipping into homework, the school publication, for instance? If you can clarify your topic a bit I’d be glad to give you a hand! I think you’re right about social media and self-esteem, though it could still be an interesting unique topic as long as you take a narrow approach to it! For instance, if you focused on the effects of social media on the self-esteem of cruelty research middle-school-aged girls (or any other specific demographic), the approach is narrow enough to be unique. I agree that “racism” by itself is christmas really broad, though again, with a narrow approach it could certainly work. I think your national hero idea is a good one, particularly if it’s okay for you to take an argumentative approach in your research essay. It’s narrow, it’s interesting, and academic plans essay, if there has already been some debate on the topic, then it sounds like a good issue to discuss in your paper #128578; hello. im trying to passes start a thesis for dissertation university, my course Painting but i;m stuck and cant think of good ideas. is the correlation between selfies and self portraits good enough? if not, how can i improve or make a better statement of the problem for it? or would you know any better ideas than that one? Hi, we have a thesis in operations management, can you help me with our thesis title?

Hi, we have a thesis in operations management, can you help me with our thesis title? Hello guys need help for my language research. Homework Passes. Will you help me guys to master's degree writing construct title or topic about christmas homework passes, English? Any will do as long as the english as subject is essay rubric ap there. thanks in. my research topic is.

THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL AREA. can this be a good research topic. Hi, on christmas homework passes research topic, “the impact of social media on writers review agriculture development in rural area”. Christmas Passes. Can you help me to write the justify means essay research question and objective please!!

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Kellogg Video Essay: Practice Here. Why do you think MBAs are so sought after by christmas homework passes employers? Why are they able to writers essayshark review, command the salaries they do? The answer is passes, that employers are looking for the best and cruelty research, the brightest to take on leadership roles within their organizations. A lot of people assume that companies recruit MBAs for their intelligence combined with two years of practical training. While that’s partly true, the reality is christmas passes, that MBAs aren’t the ‘smartest’ people out there in absolute (there are a myriad of grad and PhD students out there that far surpass the average MBA in raw intelligence). Beyond that, anybody could buy a bunch of business textbooks online and essay rubric ap, acquire a lot of the knowledge one would otherwise obtain in christmas homework passes, the MBA classroom. I said that employers are looking for the best and the brightest but actually they are looking for an elusive combination of best and brightest. The bright part you can learn but the doctoral university best part tends to be something intrinsic to the individual herself. Christmas Homework! In that sense an MBA can round out someone with natural potential but an writing, MBA can never transform someone without it.

Bright (smart with practical business training) + Best (a natural leader: friendly, charming, persuasive, a self-assured public speaker with the soft skills essential for a manager) = MBA. Kellogg (like every other school) cares about personality, communication style, and the likability of applicants. I call this ‘ presenting well ‘ (and that doesn’t mean being a PowerPoint ninja). Most schools screen for homework passes this during their interview process. But if you think about it, that’s a very inefficient strategy because the Adcom doesn’t really have a sense of what percentage of the candidates it invites to interview will present well until they walk through the door. Cruelty Research! By that time the Adcom is christmas homework, stuck choosing the incoming class from the pool it interviewed.

Maybe 80% will present well, maybe only 30% will. Kellogg wants to interview a cohort of applicants in justify, which 100% present well. That’s why Kellogg is pre-screening applicants via the video essay. NYU Stern does the same thing via their Personal Expression Essay. Chicago Booth and MIT Sloan do it via their optional multimedia essays. In the video essays, Kellogg isn’t looking for the best orators – students will have time to hone their communication and christmas passes, presentation skills in Kellogg’s courses and animal research papers, clubs. Likewise, they are not looking for any particular opinion or response.

They just want to see what you, the unpolished candidate, look like in a spontaneous situation. Homework! As such, the describe academic career your main job is to be yourself – to relax, feel comfortable, and communicate naturally as they would if they were talking to christmas homework, a friend. The flip side of that is creative canada, that if you memorize answers and recite them verbatim you’ll come off as very robotic. I had a candidate one year that wrote out, word for word, and christmas passes, then memorized answers to every question the Adcom could possibly put to him during an interview. He sent me a video of himself ‘interviewing’ and I was shocked by essayshark how bizarrely he came across: He didn’t make any of the natural pauses in his spoken language that people do when they are answering a spontaneous question. He spoke rapidly and incessantly in homework passes, a bizarre monotone with no facial expression or hand gesturing to writers, punctuate what he was saying. That’s because he wasn’t thinking about christmas what he was saying, he was reciting what he had already memorized.

No amount of coaching from me was able to ‘undo’ the damage and it resulted in describe your career, some deeply painful rejections from christmas homework top five business schools. He thought that he could outsmart the doctoral system but ultimately he shot himself in the foot. Here’s what Kellogg’s Adcom tells us about their video essay: The Video Essays provide applicants with an additional opportunity to demonstrate what they will bring to our vibrant Kellogg community – in an interactive way. Each applicant will complete two short video essay questions. The questions are designed to passes, bring to research papers, life the person we have learned about on paper. After submitting a completed application, each applicant will be asked to complete two Video Essay Questions. One will be about the passes candidate’s interest in Kellogg and the other will be a “getting to know you” type of dissertation university of california, question.

Here’s what you need to know about passes Kellogg’s video essay: After you submit your application to Kellogg, the video essay will become available to you in your Kellogg applicant dashboard. You have one week after the application deadline to writers essayshark, complete the video essay. If you submit in Round 1 you need to complete the essay by October 2nd, if you submit in Round 2 you need to submit by January 18th. There are two video essay responses you will give, one axed on your interest in passes, Kellogg while the other will be more axed around you. Essayshark! Before you give your actual response you’ll have up to 10 practice questions to get comfortable with the video interface.

When you give your official video responses you’ll have 20 seconds to think about the question and then one minute to passes, respond to it. II Common Kellogg Video Essay Questions. This year Kellogg has decided to writers, share the first question with applicants ahead of time. The Kellogg question is: What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is christmas homework, this program right for you?

This is the typical Career Goals/Why MBA? question condensed down into essay rubric ap a one-minute format. Homework Passes! Most applicants will take the writers time to christmas homework passes, prepare the question prior to their video interview. Here is how you might structure that response. Goals : State your short long term goals. Give an example or two of the animal cruelty papers type of company you’d like to work at post-MBA as well as the role you hope to interview for. Backstory : Briefly mention how your past work experience, training, extracurricular activities or personal passion tie in with your short-term goal. Action Plan : Is your transition to christmas, role X a natural one given your past experience? For most people the answer is: not completely. How will you prepare yourself for your future role (via networking opportunities, classes, clubs, projects etc.)? Growth Plan : Think about what your true weak points are and how you might leverage your two years at business school to work on them.

Example: Become more extroverted > public speaking, voice opinion via case method; Get outside comfort zone > treks, student talent show. Cultural : What about Kellogg really resonates with you? What excites you? This is where you really want to bring the charm and your excitement at the prospect of being a part of the your academic career essay Kellogg community. Mention one thing you might gain and one thing you might contribute. Kellogg’s second video essay question will be axed around you. Typically it’s either a personal question, a behavioral question or an homework, opinion-based question. In section III (below) you have an essay rubric ap, opportunity to practice giving answers using a video interview software and 30 questions from previous years. III Practice giving a Kellogg Video Essay: Record Playback.

The problem with video (and watching yourself on passes, video) is that it is almost always a traumatic process. People tend to be overly self-critical so if you do record yourself practicing for Kellogg’s video interview don’t allow the process to describe career essay, undermine your self-confidence. Christmas! Avoid becoming preoccupied with small, inconsequential issues such as hand-gestures or body language, because that may potentially sabotage your ability to just naturally be yourself. The goal of practicing should be to improve your ability to think and speak spontaneously. So here’s the essay rubric ap cool part! You can click on the record button below and christmas, an interactive video recorder will open and doctoral dissertation, allow you can record, play back and re-record video of yourself answering Kellogg’s questions. Your browser doesn't support Adobe Flash, sorry. Please install Adobe Flash plugin. Get Flash Player. I’ve hidden the Kellogg questions behind spoiler tabs so you don’t accidentally read all of them at christmas passes first glance.

There are 2 questions in every section. Take some time to actually practice looking at a question for essay rubric ap the first time, giving yourself 20 seconds to prepare an answer, and then another 60 seconds to answer. Then go back and watch the video of yourself. What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is christmas homework passes, this program right for you? Goals : State your short long term goals. Give an example or two of the type of company you’d like to work at post-MBA as well as the role you hope to do ends essay, interview for. Backstory : Briefly mention how your past work experience, training, extracurricular activities or personal passion tie in with your short-term goal. Action Plan : Is your transition to role X a natural one given your past experience? For most people the answer is: not completely. Christmas! How will you prepare yourself for master's creative writing your future role (via networking opportunities, classes, clubs, projects etc.)?

Growth Plan : Think about what your true weak points are and how you might leverage your two years at passes business school to work on them. Example: Become more extroverted > public speaking, voice opinion via case method; Get outside comfort zone > treks, student talent show. Cultural : What about do ends justify means essay Kellogg really resonates with you? What excites you? This is where you really want to bring the charm and your excitement at homework the prospect of being a part of the Kellogg community. Mention one thing you might gain and one thing you might contribute. 2. Tell us about how you overcame an obstacle.

4. If you could keep one of your personal strengths, possibly losing one or more of the others, which would you choose? 6. What kind of a team player are you? 8. When you leave your job for b-school, what will your teammates miss most about you? 10. Tell us about someone you admire, and animal cruelty research papers, why. 2. Tell me about christmas homework a time that you disagreed with a colleague and how did you handle it? 4. Tell us about a time when your idea was challenged.

6. Tell us about a time when you were on a team and there was disagreement among team members. What did you do? 8. Tell us about a time when you were pleasantly surprised by a work situation. 10. Please describe a creative solution that you have come up with for plans a problem. 2. If you were going to donate $1M to christmas homework, the university, how would you want it spent? 4. Tell us, in do ends essay, your view, one downside for business due to globalization. 6. Discuss your thoughts about the christmas following statement: “Business leaders are the world’s new role models and they are failing.” IV Kellogg Video Essay Tips on Lighting, Clothing Location Selection. You can use a couple of floor lights and perhaps a clamp or desk light to achieve this lighting set-up. You’ll need two key lights and one fill light.

The key lights are placed about 2-3 feet away from means essay you at christmas about a 35 degree angle from your nose. The key lights help eliminate any shadows (they literally fill in every crevice in your face from essay rubric ap both the left and the right). The fill light should be placed behind you, angled towards the top of your head. The fill light helps to passes, differentiate the top of your head and shoulders from the background. Without it people look more two-dimensional on film. I use 100 watt equivalent florescent bulbs and Rosco Tough White #3026 diffusion paper $6/sheet ( you can purchase it at BH by clicking here ). That said, the diffusion paper is more for shooting high def video with a high quality camera (it might not make any difference if you’re just filming with a webcam). Kellogg Video Essay: Background Location. Whatever background or location you choose, I’d advise you to stay away from dissertation of california windows altogether because it can cause overexposure and other lighting problems. Notice how the homework passes right side of this person’s face is essay rubric ap, lit up and the left side is in shadow? That’s because of the christmas homework passes window behind him.

If you decide to film at writers review home or in the office, look for a small space without a lot going on in the background. The first two slides in the presentation below illustrate what you don’t want – a wide angle view of the christmas entire office. Degree Creative! Look for a corner or small space with a limited amount wall hangings and other decorations in view. I recently saw this video which was created by a student applying to NYU Stern . The picture is from the video. The living room is homework, too ‘busy’ with flowers, furniture, lots of cruelty papers, pictures and stenciling on the wall. The shot is from homework passes too far away – ideally you want just your head and shoulders visible. Finally the candidate’s shirt looks disheveled – I feel like he just ate a turkey dinner and had to undo a few buttons :/ I’d highly suggest buying a roll of your academic career plans essay, Savage Seamless Background Paper for $10 here . You’re going to need 53? x 12 yards (no more and no less).

Personally I use Thunder Gray for my videos but you can buy whatever color you like. Passes! Keep in mind that red, yellow and orange might cause you to essay rubric ap, look sort of red, yellow or orange yourself. If you want to play it safe go for passes any shade of gray, blue, purple or beige. Below you’ll find examples of some of the colors Savage offers. Academic Career! If you want to achieve the effect on the left hand side, you’ll need a light behind your chair pointing at the paper which will create a gradient effect and passes, also remove the animal research papers shadow your head casts on the paper. So you’ll have to add a fourth light to your three-point lighting set-up or a second light to your ring light set-up. The right hand version is homework, done with just lighting pointed at essay rubric ap the subject and creates a much flatter background effect. Either is fine. In general you want to avoid black and christmas homework, white because they are such saturated colors they tend to dominate a scene. If you’re using a color background then you want to animal, wear neutral colors (gray, beige). If you are using a gray, white, black or beige background then you can wear a color that looks good on you.

The idea is to christmas passes, have one focal color in the shot (either the background or your top/shirt). Ideally just your head and shoulders should be visible in the shot so both men and women are going to essay, want to choose a shirt or top that pretty much comes all the way up to your neck or collar bone. The video essay is supposed to assess how well you’ll fit in the Kellogg community – so think about what you might wear to class at christmas passes Kellogg….probably something nice but casual right? You don’t want to look like Donald Trump in your video – you want to look smart, friendly and laid back. Guys : Wear a solid-colored, rounded-neck, t-shirt or wear a solid-colored button down shirt (light gray looks good on everyone). While a t-shirt might seem too casual to wear to canada, an interview, on camera it will look clean and the solid material will make you pop. Homework Passes! I’d ditch the suit jacket and tie because honestly there won’t be enough of it in the shot and essayshark, it’s just going to add yet another color to the mix.

Ladies : Here are some things to avoid based on my own trials and errors filming professional videos. Wearing a scoop or deep v-neck tends to give viewers the impression that something is missing (i.e. Homework! you’ll look strangely naked) when the shot is cruelty research papers, only of your head and shoulders. Thin and flimsy materials don’t look great on camera so avoid silk, polyester and anything that lacks shape or clings to your body. I’d avoid wearing a suit jacket because honestly there won’t be enough of it in a head and christmas passes, shoulders shot and it’s just going to add yet another color to the mix. What will look great is anything with a high, rounded neckline – one that comes up to your collarbone or neck. You’ll look great in essay rubric ap, a rounded-neck, solid colored t-shirt. While that might seem too casual to wear to christmas homework, an interview, on describe your, camera it will look clean and the solid material will make you pop. Cashmere is another material that always looks good on video because it’s a thick and has a matte finish. A solid-colored button down shirt would also be a good choice. Would I recommend Leah?

Oh yes, without a doubt. She truly helped me in ways I could not imagine, and I am so excited to be going to business school this fall. Leah's creativity is unmatched which is homework, exemplified with the stupendous work she did on my Chicago Booth Essays. Her work ethic and willingness to animal research papers, spend as much as time it takes to homework passes, get the right answer is incredible. I finally had multiple offers from top schools (Kellogg, LBS, Booth) while I was waitlisted at HBS.

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