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book rewiev A man with a faded, well-worn notebook open in essay his lap. A woman experiencing a morning ritual she doesn’t understand. Until he begins to sports essays, read to her. The Notebook is an achingly tender story about the enduring power of love, a story of miracles that will stay with you forever. Set amid the compare on skiing and snowboarding austere beauty of coastal North Carolina in for kids 1946, The Notebook begins with the compare essay on skiing and snowboarding story of use cell essays, Noah Calhoun, a rural Southerner returned home from World War II.

Noah, thirty-one, is compare and contrast and snowboarding, restoring a plantation home to its former glory, and he is haunted by images of the beautiful girl he met fourteen years earlier, a girl he loved like no other. Unable to sports essays for kids, find her, yet unwilling to forget the summer they spent together, Noah is content to live with only and contrast essay, memories. . . until she unexpectedly returns to essays 130, his town to see him once again. Allie Nelson, twenty-nine, is compare essay on skiing and snowboarding, now engaged to another man, but realizes that the sports for kids original passion she felt for Noah has not dimmed with the passage of compare essay, time. Still, the obstacles that once ended their previous relationship remain, and the gulf between their worlds is too vast to ignore. With her impending marriage only weeks away, Allie is forced to confront her hopes and dreams for the future, a future that only she can shape.

Like a puzzle within a puzzle, the story of Noah and Allie is just beginning. As it unfolds, their tale miraculously becomes something different, with much higher stakes. The result is on shakespeare's sonnet, a deeply moving portrait of love itself, the tender moments, and fundamental changes that affect us all. Shining with a beauty that is rarely found in current literature, The Notebook establishes Nicholas Sparks as a classic storyteller with a unique insight into and contrast and snowboarding, the only emotion that really matters. #8220;You are my best friend as well as my lover, and I do not know which side of you I enjoy the essays most. I treasure each side, just as I have treasured our life together.#8221; - Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook. And Contrast Essay? #8220;I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday. - Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook. #8220;When she left three weeks later, she took a piece of him and the rest of summer with her.#8221; - Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook. #8220;You are, and always have been, my dream.#8221; - Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook. #8220;She wanted something else, something different, something more.

Passion and romance, perhaps, or maybe quiet conversations in writing english essay candlelit rooms, or perhaps something as simple as not being second.#8221; - Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook. It wasn’t easy to come up with the plot for my first (published) novel, but in compare essay on skiing and snowboarding the end, I decided to go with something that I knew I could do. Phone? The Notebook was inspired by my wife’s grandparents, two wonderful people who spent over 60 years together. My wife was very fond of on skiing, these two people—the other set of grandparents had died when she was young—and she was one of those people who loved to visit on the weekends, growing up. When she turned sixteen, as soon as she got her license, she would drive up to use cell, visit them on the weekends and compare and contrast, even when she went off to college (about two hours away) she still went to essay plan, visit them a couple of times a month just to compare and contrast essay on skiing, check on them, to make sure they had groceries, and all those things a nice granddaughter would do. Since they were so special to her, my wife was, of course, looking forward to having these two people involved in her wedding. Plan? But, unfortunately, the day before the wedding, we got a call and compare essay and snowboarding, were told that the grandparents wouldn’t be able to attend. Even though they were only travel essays, forty minutes away by car and someone else could drive them, they were in such ill health that their doctor recommended they stay at home. My wife was very sad about that, but the day was so hectic, she did her best to put it out of and contrast essay, her mind.

I guess it finally struck home for her when she was standing in the back of the church and getting ready to degree essay plan, walk down the aisle. In the back of the church was a small table and on the table was a box that had been brought by the florist. It. contained the corsages and boutonnieres for the wedding party and our parents, but as she was standing there, she couldn’t help but notice there were two flowers left untouched—those that had been meant for the grandparents. We went through the ceremony and reception, we talked to family and danced, did all those typical things, and went back to the hotel. When I woke the next morning, my wife rolled over and met my eyes, looking just about as beautiful as I’d ever seen a woman look. “Do you love me?” she asked. “Of course I do,” I whispered, wondering why she asked. “Well good,” she said, clapping her hands and and contrast on skiing, speaking in an authoritarian tone. “Then you’re going do something for me.” “Yes ma’am,” I said. Director: Nick Cassavetes Screenplay: Jeremy Leven Cast: Gena Rowlands, James Garner, Ryan Gosling Run Time: 123 minutes. Essays On Shakespeare's Sonnet 130? As teenagers, Allie (Rachel McAdams) and compare and contrast essay and snowboarding, Noah (Ryan Gosling) begin a whirlwind courtship that soon blossoms into tender intimacy. The young couple is sports essays, quickly separated by Allie's upper-class parents who insist that Noah isn't right for her. Several years pass and, when they meet again, their passion is rekindled, forcing Allie to choose between her soulmate and class order. This beautiful tale has a particularly special meaning to and contrast essay on skiing and snowboarding, an older gentleman (James Garner) who regularly reads the timeless love story to his aging companion (Gena Rowlands).

Based on the best-selling novel by sonnet Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook is at compare and contrast and snowboarding once heartwarming and heartbreaking and will capture you with its sweeping and essay plan, emotional force.

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robert gates resume The Iran-Contra Scandal, 1991 Confirmation Hearings, and compare and contrast essay Excerpts from new book Safe for places to publish travel essays Democracy. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. Compare And Contrast On Skiing? 208. For more information contact: Thomas Blanton - 202/994-7000. By Tom Blanton and Peter Kornbluh.

The New York Time s. John Prados has written the first really comprehensive history of the CIA, thereby illluminating a basic fact of sonnet 130 American intelligence--if you want to compare essay and snowboarding know what the language, CIA is doing, listen to what the president is saying; and if you want to know what the president really wants, watch what the CIA is doing. Safe for Democracy is history for adults--not White House spin but what really happened and why. For more than half a century the CIA, with marching orders from the president, has been trying to make the and contrast and snowboarding, world safe for democracy. As Prados describes it, the result of these adventures--little safety, less democracy--tells us what to expect from the latest crusade in degree essay plan, Iraq. -- THOMAS POWERS , Pulitzer Prize-winner for national reporting and author of essay and snowboarding Intelligence Wars: American Secret History from Hitler to Al-Qeada. A masterful account of the places to publish travel essays, CIA's covert and not-so-covert activities around the globe. Drawing on thousands of newly declassified documents, Prados brings together in one colorful narrative a sweeping history of America's covert wars from the high plains of Tibet to the back alleys of Cairo. The result is an authoritative book that demythologizes the agency and compare essay poses hard questions about the true costs of secrecy to democracies everywhere. -- KAI BIRD , co-author of American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer , winner of the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for biography.

John Prados is one of the most prolific and respected authors on national security issues today. In his troubling new book, Safe for Democracy , he draws on his many years of research to travel essays show that while the CIA wields the dagger, its aim is directed by the White House, often with disastrous results over the decades. At a time when the CIA is and contrast on skiing and snowboarding, swallowed up in preemptive wars overseas and bureaucratic battles at home, this definitive history of covert action is writing essay, both timely and necessary. -- JAMES BAMFORD , author of compare and snowboarding The Puzzle Palace , Body of essays sonnet Secrets , and compare and contrast on skiing A Pretext for War. John Prados has put it all together here in one great panorama of the essays, CIA's covert actions. The chapters on Eisenhower make clear that he was the key president in promoting the schemes, setting the pattern for compare and contrast essay the Cold War. Places Travel Essays? Highly readable, this is intelligence history, and intelligent history, at its best.

-- LLOYD GARDNER , author of Approaching Vietnam , Spheres of Influence , and Pay Any Price. John Prados has again demonstrated his excellence as a researcher and compare writer--coupled with his in-depth understanding of plan intelligence issues--to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the CIA's 'secret wars.' Safe for Democracy will be carefully read by those in compare essay, and out to publish travel of the intelligence community--in many countries. -- NORMAN POLMAR , co-author, Spy Book: The Encyclopedia of Espionage. Washington D.C., November 10, 2006 - Bush administration nominee for essay on skiing and snowboarding Secretary of thesis onderwerpen accounting Defense Robert M. Gates had a long career in government which showed a notable combination of ambition and caution, according to a new book by Archive senior analyst John Prados [ Safe for compare essay on skiing Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2006)] which deals with Gates among its much wider coverage of the agency since its inception. As Director of Central Intelligence in the immediate aftermath of the essays, Cold War, Gates faced criticism for moving slowly with reforming the agency for the new era, and thus missing a moment of extraordinary opportunity that occurred at that time. In earlier posts at top levels of the CIA, Gates figured in the Iran-Contra affair, in which he engaged in sins of essay omission if not commission, hesitating to make inquiries and pass warnings that might have headed off this abuse of places to publish travel essays power. As the CIA's top manager for intelligence analysis in the early 1980s he was accused of slanting intelligence to suit the predilections of the Reagan administration and his boss, Director William J. Casey. Excerpts from Safe for Democracy related to Mr.

Gates are here posted by the Archive. On Skiing? They are accompanied by the full three volumes of the extraordinary confirmation hearings of use cell phone Gates for CIA director which took place in and contrast, 1991, and which at the time constituted the most detailed examination of U.S. intelligence practices carried out since the Church and Pike investigations of the 1970s. Also posted is the portion of the report by Iran-Contra special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh which concerns Mr. Gates , along with his response to those findings. A career intelligence officer, Robert M. Gates has emphasized the number of presidents he served and the long sweep of history he witnessed. The sixty-three year old Gates indeed worked under every U.S. president from Richard M. Nixon to George Herbert Walker Bush, and has now been nominated by the second President Bush as secretary of defense. His resume includes some key periods in contemporary history, serving in a White House role as Deputy National Security Adviser during the first Gulf War, leading the onderwerpen, U.S. intelligence community in the wake of the fall of the Soviet Union, being implicated in the Iran-Contra affair, taking an active role in directing CIA intelligence analysis during the Reagan administration, fulfilling assignment as a staff aide to National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski during the Carter administration, working on U.S. national intelligence estimates on compare on skiing and snowboarding, the Soviet Union, and use cell phone playing a peripheral role in nuclear arms limitation talks during their early years.

Gates holds a PhD from Georgetown University, graduated from the University of Indiana, and was born and raised in and contrast on skiing, Wichita, Kansas. His only direct military experience was as a young officer in the United States Air Force, where he worked primarily as an intelligence analyst, including for sports for kids the Minuteman ICBM missile wing stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. The record suggests that Gates combines caution and ambition. As Director of Central Intelligence, leading the CIA after the Cold War, Gates promised many reforms but went slowly in implementing them, carefully marshaling agency support before embarking on those reforms. In Iran-Contra, the record of the special prosecutor's investigation shows that Gates learned of a number of the key developments at a time when he could have intervened, but remained hesitant to and contrast on skiing do so. That caution cost him the first two times he was nominated for essays on shakespeare's sonnet Senate confirmation-in both cases, to head the CIA-in 1987 and compare and contrast and snowboarding 1991. Plan? In the compare on skiing, first instance, he was forced to withdraw from consideration. Gates' second nomination, in 1991, led to the contentious hearings posted here.

As a manager of intelligence analysis under CIA Director Casey, Gates again demonstrated his two most recognizable traits. Knowing that Casey wanted to see certain kinds of analyses, for instance that painted the Soviet threat in to publish, bleak terms, Gates, according to former intelligence officers, demanded that his staff comply and encouraged reporting that some insisted was blatantly slanted, to compare essay and snowboarding a degree that led a variety of intelligence analysts to oppose his nomination as director. For Kids? Such opposition was and essay on skiing and snowboarding remains unprecedented in the history of the CIA. On the other hand, on the Nicaragua covert operation of the mid-1980s, Gates showed caution in advising Casey near the end of 1984, when Congress was on accounting, the verge of cutting off all aid to the U.S.-backed Contra rebels to hand off the project to some other U.S. agency, which would protect CIA from charges that resulted from compare and contrast essay on skiing and snowboarding, questionable activities. In the Carter White House and as an aide to sonnet 130 CIA Director Stansfield Turner, Gates also displayed his guardedness. Until 1986, when he emerged as Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, Gates functioned in a quintessentially staff role. Given his narrow background in military affairs, Robert Gates may be expected to go slowly in innovating new policy or strategy as Secretary of Defense, to devote considerable effort to reestablishing rapport between the Secretary's office and the military service chiefs, and to work loyally in support of White House objectives. On Iraq, that may mean shifts in nuance but not direction. On the other hand, the Gates appointment may be a moderating influence on U.S. Iran policy, since he has dealt with this issue and has knowledge of the players going back more than two decades, was burned by compare and contrast, policy missteps on Iran during the Reagan administration, and writing english essay has in essay and snowboarding, the past favored an opening to the Teheran government.

Excerpts from degree essay, Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2006) AN UNCOMFORTABLE INTERREGNUM followed Bill Casey's collapse [on December 15,1986]. With Casey in and out of the hospital, Robert M. Gates served as acting DCI. Compare Essay And Snowboarding? On February 2, 1987, Casey resigned. Sports Essays For Kids? The White House faced the sudden need to find a new director of compare on skiing and snowboarding central intelligence. Years before, at the outset of essays sonnet Ronald Reagan's presidency, Gates had told colleagues he wanted the top job. Now he came close to getting it. So close. The day Casey resigned, President Reagan nominated Gates as DCI in his own right. Perhaps the Reagan White House, beset by Iran-Contra, had not the energy or vision to seek out a new candidate for DCI.

Or possibly Reagan saw Gates as a loyalist. Perhaps the call was for a professional but not someone with roots in the clandestine service. Gates fit that bill too. In any event, for a time it looked like Bob Gates would be moving into the director's office. The Senate would have to approve the Gates nomination, but the White House had clearly felt out the ground there. Compare And Contrast On Skiing? In the 1986 off-year elections the Democrats regained control of Congress, making Oklahoma Senator David L. On Shakespeare's 130? Boren chairman of the compare essay and snowboarding, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Boren and a number of others reacted positively to essays sonnet 130 the Gates nomination. Even Vermont's Pat Leahy saw the Gates appointment as a wise move. Opinion held that Gates would be asked tough questions on Iran-Contra but then confirmed. Bob Gates put his best foot forward. There could be no denying his background as a superbly qualified intelligence officer.

He had done that work for the air force and the CIA, beginning with Soviet nuclear weapons. Compare? He had seen diplomacy on the U.S. delegation to arms control talks. Gates had crafted the NIEs as an assistant national intelligence officer, as national intelligence officer, and later as ex officio chairman of the National Intelligence Council. He had done management as an assistant to a CIA director, an executive staff director, and as deputy director. Essays? Gates had headed one of the agency's tribes as deputy director for essay and snowboarding intelligence. He knew the White House, serving there under Jimmy Carter.

As DDCI he had gotten a taste of covert operations and the clandestine service. In twenty-one years, in other words, Robert Gates had acquired wide agency experience. He had made some enemies, in particular as he handled intelligence reporting during the Reagan years, but in 1987 those people did not contest his nomination, which seemed unstoppable. Except for Iran-Contra. Essays Sonnet 130? Gates gave that his best shot too.

Not coincidentally it became known that when he took over as acting director, Gates had recorded a classified video affirming that the CIA would act only under legal authorities and would never again do anything like the Iran arms shipments without a proper presidential finding. When hearings opened on February 17 [1987], Gates quickly made it known that he felt Iran-Contra had broken all the rules. He would resign if ordered to do something like that. Gates regretted not following up on the scattered indications of illegality he had perceived, But the nominee's assurances foundered on the rocks of the Iran-Contra investigations. A number of questions had yet to be answered then, including whether Gates had helped mislead Congress, the extent of compare and contrast essay on skiing his participation in concocting false chronologies, his role in efforts to have the CIA take over the Secord Enterprise, when Gates learned of the diversion of funds to the contras , and what he had done once he knew it.

The more questions, the more Bob Gates's chances disappeared into use cell, the maw of assorted illegalities. Had Gates known of violations o the Arms Export Control Act? Had he known of the retrospective finding? What had he done? Again and again. At this point Congress created a joint committee to investigate Iran-Contra, and it did not expect answers for months. Then, on February 22, the public learned that in 1985 Gates had sent the White House a memorandum from one of his national intelligence officers advocating the improvement of relations with Iran through arms sales, a view at compare on skiing variance with existing estimates. Two days later the Joint committee asked that Gates s nomination be put on travel, hold. Senator Boren posed the alternatives of a vote or a withdrawal of the and contrast essay on skiing and snowboarding, nomination while senior congressional leaders warned the White House that a fight over Gates would concentrate yet more attention on Iran Contra. Essays For Kids? Reagan who had just released a presidential commission report in an effort to put the scandal behind him did not care to hear that.

Robert Gates decided to withdraw. The next day the administration took back the nomination. Gates issued a statement defending his actions during the Iran-Contra affair denying he had covered up evidence or suppressed improprieties. Compare And Contrast And Snowboarding? Eventually the joint committee cleared Gates of illegal actions, and essays on shakespeare's sonnet 130 the Iran Contra special prosecutor affirmed that conclusion, but there had been failings. Gates cites mitigating circumstances in his memoirs, where he writes: I would go over those points in and contrast on skiing and snowboarding, my mind a thousand times in the months and years to come, but the criticisms still hit home. A thousand times I would go over the might-have-beens if I had raised more hell than I did with Casey about nonnotification of Congress, if I had demanded that the NSC get out of covert action, if I had insisted that CIA not play by NSC rules, if I had been more aggressive with the DO in my first months as DDCI, if I had gone to the Attorney General.

It became Robert Gates's misfortune to be swept up in a web of places to publish travel illegality so immense it brought dangers of the impeachment of and contrast on skiing and snowboarding a president, which made Gates small fry indeed and virtually overnight neutered Ronald Reagan. In withdrawing the Gates nomination, President Reagan simultaneously announced his appointment of William B. Webster to lead the agency. Webster liked to essays for kids be called Judge-he had been a jurist on the federal bench, eventually on the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. Where CIA denizens begrudged Stansfield Turner his preferred title of admiral, no one held back with Judge Webster. Compare And Contrast On Skiing And Snowboarding? Dedication to the law and to his native St. Louis, at least as deep as Turner's to the navy, had seen Webster through law school at Washington University, then a decade as a St. Louis attorney, another as a U.S. district attorney, and sports essays then the bench. In 1978 President Carter named Webster to head the FBI, the post he held when Reagan asked him to move to Langley.

Three days shy of his fifty-third birthday, Judge Webster came with stellar reviews-squeaky clean, exactly what Reagan then needed. The Senate intelligence committee approved his nomination in early May, and the full Senate consented to it shortly thereafter. Judge Webster was sworn in immediately. Bob Gates felt the weight of Iran-Contra lifted from his shoulders, only to and snowboarding hear from essays, his brother that their father had just died. Compare And Contrast Essay And Snowboarding? As Gates dealt with personal tragedy, Webster established himself at Langley. Again like Admiral Turner, Judge Webster brought in a coterie as his inner circle-this time of use cell phone essays former FBI aides. Essay On Skiing And Snowboarding? That move scarcely endeared Webster to CIA staff, though he took some of the sting away by degree essay, announcing Gates would remain DDCI.

The new CIA director had a background in government and essay and snowboarding even in the security field, where his 'time at the FBI had included notable investigations of corruption among congressmen, the Korean CIA, and, of course, Iran-Contra. In Webster's last months at thesis accounting the FBI the Bureau had looked into Southern Air Transport, the agency's quasi-proprietary. But Webster's knowledge of compare and contrast essay on skiing and snowboarding intelligence, mostly peripheral, resulted from participation in the National Foreign Intelligence Board, the DCI's committee of the directors of essays all the U.S. intelligence agencies. His background in and contrast essay, foreign affairs, even thinner, did not help in the corridors at writing english Langley. Webster's tenure has received mixed reviews. Melissa Boyle Mahle, an compare and contrast on skiing, officer with the DO's Near East Division, saw the Judge as isolating himself, managing rather than leading CIA, passing Olympian judgments, treating the agency as something dirty or infectious. He did not lead the troops, or ever really try to travel essays get to compare and contrast know them, she writes.

The chief of station in Brussels, Richard Holm, felt Webster never really fit in but nevertheless had been a good choice, and Holm was sorry when he left. Floyd Paseman, by 1987 a branch chief in the East Asia Division soon elevated to the management staff, believes Webster did a terrific job of restoring the CIA's image. Dewey Clarridge asserts that Webster didn't have the writing essay, stomach for bold moves of any sort. Robert Gates acknowledges the criticisms but calls Webster a godsend to the CIA, observing that none of the complaints amounted to a hill of beans compared to what he brought to CIA that May: leadership, the respect of compare and contrast Congress, and a sterling character. Judge Webster may have been the most prominent casualty of the sports for kids, Gulf War. And Contrast Essay On Skiing And Snowboarding? During the long interregnum between Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait and the beginning of the places to publish travel, coalition military campaign came a period of diplomacy and economic sanctions. In Capitol Hill debates and compare and snowboarding the struggle for public opinion, Webster was called upon to render opinions on the effectiveness of sanctions, Iraqi intent, and the balance of forces. English Language? Others seized on compare and contrast essay and snowboarding, Webster's words as ammunition.

This did not please Bush. Never that comfortable at Langley, Judge Webster decided he had had enough. He let a few weeks go by after the Gulf triumph, then stepped down. The DO shed few tears. The White House announced the resignation on essay plan, May 8, 1991.

Appearing briefly with Webster, President Bush said he had yet to think of a successor but praised Robert Gates. That same day Bush summoned Gates to his cabin aboard Air Force One and asked if the former spook would accept the CIA nomination. Gates immediately agreed. Compare And Contrast? He expected a painful confirmation process, and plan he got one. Iran-Contra investigations continued, and Bob Gates would not be definitively cleared until the and contrast essay on skiing and snowboarding, special prosecutor's final report, still two years in the future.

When Alan Fiers pleaded guilty in July 1991, Gates feared that Fiers would implicate him in some way. The lowest point in my life came the day before the plea bargain was announced, Gates recalls. Acutely conscious of the fact that civil servants rarely rise to head their departments, Gates realized it had been a generation since Bill Colby had been confirmed. Gates had been close to some quite controversial people, from Kissinger to Casey. Then the summer of 1991 brought the final collapse of the use cell phone essays, Soviet Union, kicking off the compare on skiing, debate as to whether the CIA had failed to degree essay predict it. Of course Gates had had a dominant role in CIA analysis of Russia for years. But this time, unlike 1987, Gates resolved to proceed with the confirmation process no matter what.

Charges that Robert Gates had politicized intelligence took center stage when confirmation hearings opened in September [1991]. And Contrast On Skiing? At first an extended examination of the nominee was not planned. Marvin C. Ott, deputy director of the essays 130, SSCI staff at the time, recalls that the predisposition to let Gates sail through created a staff presumption that there was nothing to look into. Committee staff and members were flummoxed by the appearance of a succession of analysts who gave chapter and verse on many Gates interventions in intelligence analysis. Reports on and contrast, Afghanistan and Nicaragua were among those cited. Evidence emerged that current employees, reluctant to criticize openly, also saw Gates as an interventionist. Far from pro to publish forma nomination hearings, those on Gates morphed into a major CIA inquiry. The nominee presented a preemptive defense, attempting to disarm critics with examples of how he had simply tried to essay and snowboarding push analysts to back up their assertions, picturing some alleged interventions as his effort to tease out better reporting. Then a number of former analysts went before the committee to writing english language essay dispute that rendering, most notably Mel Goodman, who had been a colleague for and contrast and snowboarding years; Jennifer L. Glaudemans, a former Soviet analyst; and Harold P. Essays For Kids? Ford, one of the CIA's grand old men.

Alan Fiers appeared as part of the compare on skiing, committee's fairly extensive coverage of Iran-Contra, but his testimony did Gates no harm. Others supported the nomination. Gates himself returned for something fairly dramatic, a round of follow-up testimony refuting critics. The hearings became the most extensive examination of U.S. Accounting? intelligence since the Church and Pike investigations. Work at Langley ground to compare and contrast on skiing and snowboarding a halt as CIA officers watched every minute on television, much like Americans riveted by the 0. J. Simpson murder trial. The intelligence committee wrestled with its quandary. President Bush intervened, invoking party discipline to ensure that members backed the nominee.

Ott believes Gates appealed to the White House for this measure. Committee chairman David Boren staged his own covert operation, acting impartially in essays on shakespeare's sonnet 130, the camera's eye while laboring in secret to build support for the nominee. Boren agreed to compare and contrast essay one of the most extensive committee reports on a nomination ever, in sports essays, which his committee attempted to reconcile Gates's testimony with the charges against him. In Ott's view, this episode became the first time in a decade where partisanship reigned on the SSCI. Finally the compare and contrast essay and snowboarding, committee approved Bush's appointee.

Gates was confirmed early in November. For all the drama of the writing essay, hearings, the compare essay on skiing and snowboarding, sequel did not live up to the fears of opponents. Accounting? Director Gates strove to preserve flexibility as Langley marched into the post-Cold War era. He showed a healthy appreciation for the need to change, forming a whole range of task forces, fourteen in all, each to recommend changes in and contrast, some aspect of CIA activity. A group on writing, openness figured among them, advising that a swath of records be made public. In 1992 Gates spoke before a conference of diplomatic historians and promised that the agency would open up, even in essay and snowboarding, regard to covert operations. As an earnest of writing language essay its intentions, the CIA declassified large portions of the body of NIEs on compare on skiing, the Soviet Union and that December sponsored a conference reflecting on the period. Stansfield Turner gave the keynote address. One of the Gates study groups considered politicization.

Although its instructions were drawn so narrowly it could conclude there had been none, Gates gathered a large contingent of officers in The Bubble in March 1992 to ventilate the issue. Directly confronting the matter that had clouded his confirmation, Gates squared the circle by acknowledging that whether or not there had been politicization in the past, it was a danger to be guarded against. The director declared his determination to find better ways to prevent policy driven analysis. Another task force focused on places essays, covert action. Among the novelties there, a delegation of senior clandestine services officers met with scholars at the Institute of Policy Studies, a leftist think tank, to compare and contrast and snowboarding solicit their views on directions the agency might take. They did not flinch when told the DCI ought to abolish the Directorate for thesis onderwerpen accounting Operations. Of course no such advice made its way into the final report, but DDO Thomas Twetten was placed on notice that the old days were gone. Twetten, one of the anointed, who thought nothing of rejecting a Freedom of Information Act request for Mongoose documents whose substance was already in the Church Committee report, was forced to retrench.

The directorate consolidated operations in several African countries closing a number of and contrast stations-a move that soon came back to haunt the agency. A national center to target human intelligence assets flowed from Gates's concern for thesis onderwerpen accounting more spies. Compare And Contrast? But DO officers in the field met with silence when they proposed new operations or recruitments. Iran Contra showed that Langley would not back its officers in trouble, and now morale became difficult to sustain. Sports? One Latin American division field man told his mates, Pay attention this is the end of an era. Clandestine officer Melissa Mahle pictures the atmosphere well: We were not listening. Operations officers felt they had been made the scapegoat of a failed White House policy… We did not hear the call to do …business in a new way, in a way that would be more attuned to the attitudes of the post-Cold War 1990s. In a climate in which the agency's goal seemed to have been achieved, Robert Gates could not stem the retirements and resignations that began about then. The clandestine service denigrated him as a mere analyst who did not understand operations.

As far as covert action is compare on skiing and snowboarding, concerned, Mahle makes the apt point that part of the CIA's problem was rooted in Reagan-era practice, in on shakespeare's, which covert operations were conducted openly and made the subject of political debate and partisan accusation, all to avoid explanations when projects did not go as advertised. She writes: The CIA entered into and contrast essay and snowboarding, a new phase of 'overt covert action,' a marvelous oxymoron that should join the ranks of 'jumbo shrimp' and 'military intelligence. The consequences of acting overtly included constant demands for specifics-from Congress, the press, the use cell, public, foreign governments-that meant secrecy headaches. Operational details could be exposed. Political tumult could terminate actions in midstream, magnifying the fear of abandonment of CIA's proxies. And overt action amplified tensions between CIA and compare essay on skiing the Pentagon too, as the special warfare community pressed for greater control. Worse, the CIA's role became that of essays for kids bag man, hiring the proxies, whether foreign security services or local factions, as spearpoints for and contrast essay on skiing and snowboarding U.S. action. Degree Essay Plan? Paramilitary capabilities atrophied with cutbacks in compare and contrast and snowboarding, the Special Activities Division.

Operations also became less controllable as CIA steadily reduced its direct role. The growing importance of proxies had implications for to publish essays the use of covert action to on skiing and snowboarding implant democracy. Essays? To the old dilemma of shady means in service of lofty goals was added the spoiler of agents who acted in America's name with their own agendas, or those who took the CIA cash and wouldn't stay bought. These problems were, and are, intractable. As director, Robert Gates's vision involved gradual, planned change. He put teeth into essay on skiing, the idea of support for military operations. One of the task forces worked on that alone. Essays? He tried to turn the agency toward the challenges of proliferation and transnational threats. Director Gates wanted more and better training for analysts, use of open source information, and techniques like competitive analysis. Essay On Skiing? He ordered the revamping of CIA file systems. He opposed restructuring, including talk of a national agency for mapping and photographic interpretation, but agreed with the Pentagon on writing essay, reforms at the National Reconnaissance Office.

When Gates came to Langley, 6o percent of the CIA budget aimed at Russia; when he left that figure had dropped to 13 percent. But Gates never completed his mission. George H. W. Bush lost the 1992 election to William J. Clinton. And Contrast Essay And Snowboarding? A few days later, on November 7, Gates announced his retirement. He stayed only long enough for thesis Clinton to choose his own director. Note: The following documents are in and contrast on skiing and snowboarding, PDF format. You will need to places to publish travel download and install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.

Chapter 16, Robert M. Gates - Excerpt from the Final Report of the and contrast on skiing, Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters, Volume I: Investigations and Prosecutions, August 4, 1993. Robert M. Gates, Letter in Response to Findings of Independent Counsel Lawrence E. Essays 130? Walsh, September 22, 1993 - Excerpt from Final Report of the Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters, Volume III: Comments and essay on skiing Materials Submitted by on shakespeare's 130, Individuals and Their Attorneys Responding to and contrast on skiing and snowboarding Volume I of the Final Report , December 3, 1993. Nomination of thesis onderwerpen accounting Robert M. And Contrast Essay On Skiing And Snowboarding? Gates, Hearings Before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Volume I, September 16, 17, 19, 20, 1991 - Part 1 of 2 (16MB) - Part 2 of 2 (16MB) Nomination of accounting Robert M. Gates, Hearings Before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Volume II, September 24, October 1, 2, 1991 - Part 1 of compare and contrast on skiing 2 (10MB) - Part 2 of 2 (17MB) Nomination of Robert M. Gates, Hearings Before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Volume III, October 3, 4, 18, 1991 (15MB)

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For these new designs, we’ve created five NEW layouts and updated three of our most popular selections from our resume builder software. Each resume has its own unique aesthetic — but don’t let that fool you. Each resume is thoroughly tested for clarity and readability, meaning that you could use ANY of on skiing, these resumes and land more interviews. So have fun, and accounting pick one that suits your sense of design. But remember — the way you format your resume is extremely important depending on how much experience you have, or if you have any job gaps. So be sure to compare essay on skiing modify downloaded files to you get to match your experience accordingly. Template Library 3: Professional Profile Layouts.

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Career Changer Brick Red. Whether it’s entry-level, manager, or executive, every job seeker experiences different phases throughout their career. Some phases, like being in the middle of a complete career change or hopping around short-term jobs, are quite difficult to transfer on a resume. Fortunately, we have created a new library of templates specifically tailored to the various stages of a career. Remember: You can download any of these resume templates for free and add the bullet points yourself, or you can make a resume in minutes with Resume Genius’ renowned resume builder software. It can save you a lot of hassle designing and filling up your resume, and land you more interviews faster. Plan. However, if you’d still like to compare and snowboarding make the essays sonnet 130 resume on compare and contrast, your own, use our industry-specific resume samples to on shakespeare's give you guidance and inspiration when writing your own resume. Lastly, don’t forget to compare on skiing and snowboarding check out our professional cover letter examples. Not Sure Which Template to on shakespeare's 130 Choose? The answer is compare and contrast and snowboarding yes — if you want to.

Every person’s experience is unique, so you’ll need to choose a template that best reflects and promotes your skills and experiences.Our templates are built to be customizable to any industry and are great for any of the 3 resume formats. The fact is, the web is filled with so many fantastic and creative template designs that there is undoubtedly something for essays, you out there. Compare Essay On Skiing And Snowboarding. We are proud of the use cell essays designs we’ve created, and essay on skiing have seen that they are effective at landing interviews. But we’re not finished yet — we’ll be adding template designs to this page extensively in the near future. If you feel like creating your own, that’s fine too. On Shakespeare's. Readability is king when creating a good template — it is the most important factor, followed by how the resume itself is compare on skiing and snowboarding structured to showcase your best experiences and conceal your negative ones.

You may have read on writing english, the Internet that it’s inappropriate to use a resume template. You’ll hear these arguments: 1. It shows you’re lazy and uncreative, and unable to design your own. Wrong, it shows you’re efficient. (Creating your own is fine, too.) 2. And Contrast. Since your experience is unique, a resume template won’t cut it. Wrong again. Your experience is personally unique, but you still generally fall into pattern that many other people have traveled before. 3. Degree Essay Plan. The hiring manager will be tired of looking at that resume template design because a lot of other people use it. That hiring manager should be fired.

It’s the compare and contrast essay and snowboarding content of your resume that matters, not the essays aesthetic (unless it’s not readable.) We hope that clears up any misconceptions you may have had. We invite you to scroll back to the top and choose from and contrast on skiing and snowboarding, one of our many resume libraries, and start writing. cover letter for plan, nursing. Should i include collegiate sports in my resume? And if so where? It depends how much professional experience you have.

If you are a recent college grad, then it is acceptable to include on and contrast on skiing, your resume. Good luck on the job hunt! Good luck on the job hunt! If the jobs are relevant to the ones you are applying for, then you can go as far back as you like. On Shakespeare's Sonnet. With regards to and contrast and snowboarding your military experience, check out our military to plan civilian resume guide: Any of the templates in essay on skiing library 2 would be suitable for manufacturing careers. Best of luck! I’ve worked in the same industry for the past 13 years. Multiple employers with jobs lasting two to three years each.

The jobs have been similar, so the experience looks a bit repetitive. I need to find a template that highlights my experience without getting bogged down in the chronology, Any suggestions? It provides ample space for places to publish essays, your professional experience, while also highlighting your top qualifications. Good luck on the job hunt! hi resume genius.. And Contrast Essay On Skiing. i need template resume that suitable for essays for kids, trainer and on skiing and snowboarding coach.. can u suggest to me with template is suitable.. #128578; I had a job for 7 years and during that time I wore many hats, Executive Admin, Purchasing, Vendor Management, Project Coordination, etc. How would I write that on my resume? Perhaps the Company name and then all the related roles under that and the times I did those jobs? I was always the Executive Admin, but I did other jobs during that period.

Yes, your suggestion is correct. Start with the company name and thesis included the essay related jobs with their own bullet points underneath. Good luck! Consider trying the ‘Job Hopper’ or the places ‘Executive.’ They should able to fit all your jobs nicely. Ive never had a job so what should I use? Most of the templates above would suit your situation, but we suggest trying the Career Changer template because it emphasizes skills over the dates of your professional experience. ( Best of luck!

We suggest using the and contrast essay ‘Gatsby’ Template. Good luck with grad school! As far as style, we suggest our ‘Professional’ template. In terms of to publish travel, format, if you want to include your restaurant experience, then you might want to compare and contrast consider using a functional format: Hope this helps! We suggest using our ‘Entry-Level’ template. Good luck with the internship!

Good Day Resume Genius.I’m a midwife by profession an has worked in a military hospital for essay, 16 years in KSA. I’m trying to apply as a home based ESL educator and an email respondent . Since I’m from the medical profession, I’m having difficulty in compare and contrast essay choosing the perfect resume.The skill I know is more on the medical.,clerical which involes data entry for appointments and degree essay plan summary, interpreter and and contrast on skiing and snowboarding my part time informal english lessons to native speaking arabs. What template should I use? Try the essay plan ‘Murray’ template. And Contrast On Skiing. Good luck! Hello. Which is thesis good for cabin crew applicant? I have no many work experience in service. Essay. So i want to highlight the other things. Writing Language Essay. Thanks #128578;

Take a look at on skiing our Flight Attendant resume sample: You can download it and input your own information. Which template would you recommend for 130, a career in education? Check out our teacher resume samples: You can download them and on skiing input your own experience. Try using the ‘Freeman’ template. Best of luck on the promotion! Hi! What resume template would you recommend for a college freshman trying to apply for a competitive summer program with the USDA and essay South Dakota State University?

Sound like the compare and contrast essay ‘Entry-Level’ template would be a good fit for what you’re trying to do. Good luck with the summer program. Hi! Which resume template would you recommend for someone trying to tap into the finance and accounting market. Looking for use cell phone essays, an entry-level position. You should go with the ‘Entry-Level’ template. Good luck with the job hunt. I have worked 32+ years as a nurse, the last 4 years taking care of my elderly father and essay online work. Now seeking to get back into the job market for extra income, not necessarily in the health field, just to earn some income and socialize. What resume do you suggest?

Try the ‘Job Hopper’ template. Good luck with your job search! Hi! What resume template would you recommend for a 9th grader trying to apply for a doctor (any)?? Apparently, resume making and interviewing is our project for the fourth quarter this year.

I couldn’t find any clear examples on the web, and I was hoping you could help me out essays 130, with what template I should use.. Try using the compare and contrast and snowboarding ‘Elegant 2.0’ template. Good luck on essays, your project. Yes, if you click the View all Resume Designs button and essay on skiing and snowboarding click the download link for the template pack of your choice. If you’ve never written a resume before, I’d recommend checking out our “How to writing essay Write a Resume” guide to get a clearer idea (it’s much more comprehensive than any answer I can give here). Compare And Contrast Essay On Skiing. Hit us up with any follow-up questions after giving that a read we’ll see if we can help further! Good luck! Hey there Margaret,

In order to best understand which template works, it’s a good idea to check out which resume format fits your particular needs; then you can take it from there. All of the templates were created by professional resume writers, so it’s hard to go wrong with any of them — it just depends on your preference. Good luck! It really depends on what job you’re applying for. Since you have substantial work experience, try quantifying that in your resume (think: any numbers that a hiring manager can look at and better understand what you accomplished during your time working there). Check out this page and choose the one you find most fitting, that should be a good start: Good luck on the job hunt! Hey there hbil036, This way, you can focus on your skills qualifications critical to the job application. As an aside, you may want to look into whether you’re qualified to get back into thesis onderwerpen accounting, accounting after that many years outside of the field. I understand that some regulations and and contrast rules change over the years — it may just be a matter of taking a test or updating your certifications, but I’m not certain.

If that doesn’t seem to degree plan be a problem then go with the compare functional resume for sure. Good luck on the job hunt! If you are lacking in travel essays major experience, I’d recommend using a reverse chronological format for your resume. Our “Classic” template on this page should do the trick: Good luck at the job fair! I recommend you first check out our internship resume sample page: Afterwards, feel free to choose any format – just use a comprehensive education section instead of a professional experience section, and compare and contrast on skiing and snowboarding you should be good. Good luck landing that internship! Share Free Downloadable Resume Templates Our code geeks and thesis accounting HR experts are proud to introduce our new Free Resume Builder software to help you land more interviews in today’s competitive job market.

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13 sure-fire ways to write an outstanding compliance resume. Want to craft the perfect CV for a compliance job in the banking sector? This is and contrast essay how to do it. Compliance professionals have been in high demand globally since the financial crisis. Despite the advance of accounting regulatory technology, vacancies continue to open up as banks grapple with new regulations and try to avoid billion-dollar fines. But more people are also entering the compare essay on skiing, sector as compliance roles become more interesting and lucrative. If you’re applying for a job in compliance, getting your CV in shape is essay plan a crucial way to essay on skiing and snowboarding, fend off the competition. Here’s some expert advice on sonnet how to and contrast on skiing and snowboarding, write the perfect compliance resume. 1. Don’t come across as a generalist. As compliance increasingly splinters off into different specialisms – from sports essays monitoring and compare and contrast essay on skiing surveillance to financial crime – it’s dangerous to write a one-size-fits-all resume. “A compliance CV that’s too generic risks being overlooked by a hiring manager, who wants specific details of sector coverage, jurisdictional exposure and longevity at top-tier banks,” says a London-based compliance recruiter. “If your CV focuses on the obvious and is too repetitive, you’ll come across as just another generalist.” 2. Add your IT skills to essays for kids, your compliance resume. “The addition of IT skills is now essential on a compliance CV,” says Leo Bellometti, a compliance consultant at recruitment agency Morgan McKinley. “The increase in and contrast on skiing specialised roles within compliance has also created a need for accounting skills in specialised IT programmes, so highlighting these will benefit any application.” 3. Focus on regulatory relationships. Essay On Skiing And Snowboarding. “Employers are keen to see what and how much interaction you’ve had with the 130, regulators, and and contrast essay how adept you are at sports essays, interpreting and and contrast implementing current and sports essays upcoming regulations,” says James Findlay, a director at recruiters Selby Jennings.

4. Highlight your product knowledge. “Product-based compliance is becoming more prevalent as banks struggle to meet requirements laid out by new financial regulations,” says Findlay. “Listing your specific product knowledge pins you as a specialist in your field and allows you to have a greater shot at most front-office facing compliance roles, for compare and contrast and snowboarding example product-advisory compliance.” 5. Sports For Kids. STARS works well in compliance CVs. You can’t dazzle readers with your sales figures if you work in the middle office, so you need to carefully structure your achievements for each job. The STAR technique (situation, task, action, results), commonly used in job interview answers, works well in compliance CVs, says a middle-office recruiter at a global bank. For each achievement write one sentence on the ‘situation’ (i.e. the business need) and then add bullet points about the compare and contrast essay and snowboarding, tasks you were accountable for and how you performed them. Finally, explain what you accomplished as a result – how you added value to your team and essays sonnet gained new skills. 6. Don’t clutter your CV with keywords. And Contrast Essay And Snowboarding. “I often receive CVs that have bullet point sections that just list a stream of to publish compliance keywords without any context about how the candidate is skilled in those areas,” says Pathay Singh, managing director of recruitment agency Compliance Grid. “This makes it difficult for a bank to and snowboarding, assess key competencies and can dilute the impact of essay your profile. You need to provide a narrative and examples to back up your skills.” 7. Don’t downplay your management skills. “One of the key areas that experienced compliance professionals consistently miss on their CVs is highlighting their management experience – this is one of the first questions that banks will enquire about,” says Singh. “You need to clearly state the number of direct reports you have as well as their level/titles. If you don’t have reports, provide examples of leading projects or contributing to leading the promotion of a ‘compliance culture’ throughout a business.” 8. Show how well you work with ‘the business’ As compliance policy becomes more critical to compare essay, banks, jobs in the sector increasingly demand liaising with different departments and influencing their decision making. “Include details of accounting your interaction with business stakeholders. You’re the contact between regulators and the bank, so effective communication is an essential soft skill,” says Orelia Chan, an associate director at Pure Search.

Singh adds: “Clearly state which stakeholders you work with and how you’ve established strong relationships with them.” “Your ability to work with the business comes in many forms – these days the reader of compare and contrast your CV is even looking at your interests and degree essay plan hobbies for evidence,” says the in-house recruiter at the global bank. Compare On Skiing And Snowboarding. “Travelling, music and reading are unlikely to set you apart, but if you have interests that highlight competencies such as team work, competitiveness, dedication or networking, they will be worthwhile additions to your compliance resume.” 10. Be careful if you’ve changed jobs a lot. Writing English Essay. Ideally your compliance resume should be full of lengthy tenures, but if not you need to give legitimate reasons for leaving each role and make it obvious if some of your jobs were contract positions. “Retention is a major issue for compliance managers,” explains the in-house recruiter. “And if you’re a manager yourself, add a sentence about how you’ve attracted and retained staff – that could add enormously to the reader’s perception of you.” 11. Local regulations matter on your compliance CV. While the compare essay and snowboarding, compliance world is still aflutter with Basel III, FATCA and other regulations with a global reach, most banks like resumes that show a strong understanding of local regulations. “As a lot of regulations differ across countries, so it’s important to state exactly how familiar you are with the to publish, domestic regulatory scene,” says Chan from Pure. If you have a compliance-related qualification, include it in essay your summary section at onderwerpen, the top of your CV, don’t just bury it at the bottom underneath your university degree. “Just like having a CFA is on skiing important in other areas of finance, having an ICA or specific anti-money laundering training will set you apart,” says Findlay from Selby Jennings.

13. The summary section is vital in compliance resumes. You can highlight your compliance specialism from the get-go by writing a summary of your skills and experience at the top of essays on shakespeare's your CV. “Don’t leave employers in compare on skiing any doubt that your product or functional coverage matches that of the job description,” says the places, London recruiter. If you’re about to interview for a compliance job at a bank, here’s how to and contrast essay and snowboarding, ensure you perform well. Want to dazzle banks with your risk management resume? Here's how to create the ideal CV for your sector.

In your cover letter, there are catastrophic errors and then there are smaller mistakes, but even those will dash your hopes of landing an interview. Image credit: zodebala, Getty. Wonderful #8230; good work. Sports Essays. This sort of advice was perhaps relevant 10 years ago, these seem just a lot of bland cliches now. The comment is under moderation. It will appear shortly. eFinancialCareers is a DHI service.

DHI is a publicly-traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. (Ticker: DHX) © Copyright 2000-2017 eFinancialCareers Ltd. Want to essay on skiing and snowboarding, see articles like this in your inbox? Sign up to on shakespeare's 130, the eFinancialCareers newsletter today.

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How to write the perfect SAP CV: Top 10 tips and SAP CV sample template. Writing an compare essay and snowboarding, effective SAP CV is an to publish essays, essential foundation for building a successful SAP career. And Contrast Essay On Skiing! When being considered for a new SAP employment opportunity your curriculum vitae is normally the first thing an phone essays, employer uses to and contrast on skiing and snowboarding, decide if you are suitable for the SAP position on offer, so it is no surprise that the candidates who write the best SAP CVs are those who are invited for english language essay, interviews and compare who ultimately get hired. Writing a great SAP CV is the first step in the race for an SAP job; those with a poor CV will rarely even make it past the first hurdle. With the SAP market becoming saturated and competition increasing, having an SAP resume that stands out is now more important than ever. When writing anything, the essays most important thing to keep in mind is the audience you are writing for. With an SAP resume, the chances are high that the person who reads your CV at the start of most recruitment processes will be an SAP recruiter. And Contrast Essay And Snowboarding! As an SAP recruitment agent with over 10 years’ experience, who has personally placed over 700 SAP Consultants in use cell SAP roles, I’d estimate that I have probably read over 100,000 SAP CVs in my time, so I have a pretty good idea of what makes a top SAP CV. I’m going to offer an honest insider’s perspective into how most SAP recruiters actually read your SAP CV…let’s consider that on a busy day an SAP recruiter might have to essay and snowboarding, recruit for three SAP vacancies, and may receive up to 50 applications for each position. Phone! Will they read 150 CVs word for compare and contrast essay on skiing and snowboarding, word, end to end?

Of course not. The honest reality is that most recruiters (myself included) probably spend 30 seconds skim reading each CV and perhaps another 30 seconds crudely using the CTRL-F feature to search the CV for some other keywords. Bearing this in mind, along with other SAP recruiter insiders’ perspectives, I’m going to provide my advice on how to use cell phone essays, write the and contrast essay and snowboarding perfect SAP CV. Below are my top 10 tips for a successful SAP CV and an SAP CV example / SAP CV sample template: 1 – Optimise your SAP CV so that it can be quickly and clearly digested when skim-read. It is very likely that the first round of screening (often by an SAP recruiter) will involve someone quickly glancing over your CV.

Therefore the best tip I can give you when writing your SAP CV is to make sure that it is optimised to be read in this way. Essay! To do this you need to ensure that the key information in your SAP CV stands out. In my opinion the thing that should stand out the most in your SAP CV is compare essay and snowboarding, your job title. Sonnet 130! At the very beginning of your CV, your job title should be clearly and boldly mentioned e.g. SAP HANA Consultant, so that it obvious at a glance what you do; it should leap off the page. And Contrast Essay On Skiing And Snowboarding! Your job title should then be mentioned as a clear and bold heading at the top of every job position / SAP project description that you mention throughout your CV. Plan! By doing this simple thing, the compare essay on skiing reader will be able to thesis, quickly and clearly understand what you do, where you have done it, and compare and contrast essay on skiing how many projects you have done it on. You’d be surprised at how many SAP consultants there are who don’t do this in their CVs. Places Essays! This same principle should also be applied to other key information from your CV.

Underlining, bullet points, bold text, coloured text and header text can all be used to emphasise key information within your CV. 2 – Make the first impression count. The first impression is always the most important one. Therefore, the first page on your CV is the most important page. It should be the page that you spend the most time perfecting. I have read many SAP CVs where the compare on skiing and snowboarding first page has been so poor and given off such bad signals that I have rejected the places to publish candidate without even making it to the second page! The first page should contain a summarised version of all key information that you are trying to compare and contrast and snowboarding, get across to the reader; it should be perfectly presented and engage the reader. Think carefully about the opening sentence, is that really the most important thing you want to say to a potential employer? Because it should be! Think of the first page of your CV as the degree essay shop window, people are much more likely to come into your shop and buy if they like the and contrast essay on skiing and snowboarding look of what you have displayed in essay plan your window. 3 – Ensure your SAP CV has the and contrast and snowboarding right structure and order.

A logical and essays effective structure is essential for writing a good SAP CV. Whilst people have different opinions and personal preferences, in my opinion an SAP CV should be set out on skiing with the following sections in the following order: Document Title: Curriculum Vitae, CV, Resume, Profile etc. are all fine (this is down to essays on shakespeare's, regional and personal preference). Basic details: Full Name, job title, nationality (plus details of any other working permissions held), Date of birth (optional), marital status (optional), address, photo (optional), contact number, email address, languages spoken (and proficiency). Profile Summary: This should be a concise section that briefly tells the reader who you are and what you do. It should mention information such as your job title / preferred position and on skiing and snowboarding give an overview of your key SAP skills. For an SAP CV, it is good to mention things like the degree SAP modules / SAP submodules that you specialise in, for example: “SAP CO Consultant specialised in SAP CO-PC (Product Costing)”. You should also mention details such as the number of full end-to-end SAP implementation lifecycles you have been involved in and how many SAP roll out projects you have participated in essay and snowboarding etc. to essays, give the reader an instant indication of your level of experience.

You should talk about personal strengths and unique selling points, and and contrast essay and snowboarding a summary of your key results and achievements. Degree Plan! This is the first opportunity to differentiate yourself and inject a personal touch to your CV. Keep it short and sharp, almost like a bullet point list of your profile highlights. Skills Summary: This could be a table or a bullet-pointed list of your key skills including details of all SAP modules and compare and contrast on skiing and snowboarding sub-modules that you have, SAP configuration (customising) experience in: SAP FI-GL, SAP FI-AP, SAP FI-AR, SAP CO-PA, SAP CO-PC for degree plan, example, together with an indication of compare and contrast essay on skiing your level of experience or years of experience in each area. It should also include details of places to publish travel other useful SAP-related experience that you may have e.g.

LSWM, IDoc etc. and details related to essay, project management or SAP Implementation methodology experience e.g. Prince 2, Agile, ASAP, SAP Solution Manager. It is also good to indicate your relevant certifications here. Work Experience: You should always list your work experience in chronological order (most recent SAP project first). Each work experience segment should clearly display the basic key details: Start Date, End Date, Job title, Client Name, Brief Project Description, Key Activities and Results achieved. Education / Training Courses / Certifications: For a senior SAP Consultant, this section just needs to be brief and contain a list of the basic key details. Places To Publish Essays! In addition to mentioning your SAP certifications here, it is also good to mention them within the skills summary section on the first page too. For a junior consultant / intern looking to enhance their SAP career, this section is more important and more detail can be given to describe experiences within your education / training which are relevant to your intended SAP career. References: Again this is a matter of opinion, but personally I think that including two short written references in and contrast on skiing your SAP CV can certainly add something; a 3-4 line reference quotation, followed by the name, job title and company of the referee (only do so with prior consent from the referee).

Having a good written reference already included in degree plan your CV can help you stand out, especially if it is from someone senior at a large, well-known SAP client. I wouldn’t include their contact details in the CV however, I recommend holding this back just for essay on skiing, those who you want to contact them. Alternatively, you could include a URL / link to your LinkedIn references section here instead. Essay Plan! Writing “references available upon request” is really just a waste of space in my opinion and it is better not to even have this section if you choose to and contrast, do that. Interests: Providing details of your personal interests isn’t the most important component of a CV, but it could still contribute to the reader’s overall opinion/decision on your CV. Essays On Shakespeare's 130! A word of warning, what you choose to reveal here could possibly count against you without you ever realising, for example: innocently revealing that you are an active and passionate member of Greenpeace or an compare essay, Animal rights charity may count against you if applying for a position with a Pharmaceutical or cosmetics company (where animal testing is involved), as they may deem this as a security risk. Mentioning that you love extensive, extended travel and essays for kids take five holidays every single year might put off an and contrast essay and snowboarding, employer who has a busy SAP project with tight deadlines and now assumes you’ll want to essays, go away for and contrast essay on skiing and snowboarding, 6 weeks in the summer, right in phone essays the middle of a busy project milestone. Compare And Contrast Essay And Snowboarding! On the other hand, describing your interests could also work in your favour: talking about SAP-related interests may add to your CV: being an english language, active member of an SAP user group, writing SAP blogs, articles or books for example. Mentioning personal interests that the and contrast essay on skiing and snowboarding person who is sports essays, hiring also happens to share by coincidence might also count in your favour. Revealing a rare or interesting hobby may add to the perception of your personality that comes across from the CV, not too rare or interesting though… mentioning taxidermy might creep some people out.

4 – Make sure you mention the SAP Key Words throughout the CV. As mentioned above, most SAP recruiters will only skim-read your CV and quickly search it for keywords. You therefore need to think carefully about which keywords are most important in relation to the SAP jobs you are applying for and ensure that as well as making them stand out, you also mention these keywords as often as possible. And Contrast Essay On Skiing And Snowboarding! If I am searching for an SAP SuccessFactors Learning Management System specialist for example, I would normally check the document for some specific keywords using the Ctrl-F search function. Essays! I would check for “SuccessFactors” and “Learning Management System” and see how many times each of these was mentioned. The important thing to note here is to also mention synonyms of these keywords in your CV as much as possible too, for compare essay, example SuccessFactors is also referred to as SFSF (in its abbreviated form), as is Learning Management System to LMS. It is therefore important to have these variations well-represented in writing your CV. A lazy SAP recruiter, or perhaps one not familiar with the variations of and contrast on skiing names/abbreviations etc., could even dismiss your CV, simply because they don’t find the keywords they think they should be looking for! i.e. you might have LMS mentioned 100 times in your CV, but you haven’t mentioned “Learning Management System” once, a recruiter who doesn’t think/know to phone, check for this could accidentally rule you out, so it is best to ensure all critical keywords, as well as possible variations of these, are well-represented in compare essay and snowboarding your CV. Writing Language! It is similar to on skiing, SEO (search engine optimisation), but for your CV and the lazy readers, rather than Google. 5 – Be prepared to sports essays for kids, adjust your CV slightly for each specific SAP vacancy. If your SAP recruitment agent asks you to adjust or tweak your CV for a particular position, be open to this.

You don’t have to re-write the entire CV, but simply making a few changes to tailor the CV for the specific position you are applying for could make a huge difference. Never lie or exaggerate on your CV, what I am referring to here is more about emphasising certain specific experiences that are particularly relevant for the SAP job you are applying for at the time. 6 – Make sure your CV is the right length. There is no fixed rule about the correct length for and contrast, a CV as the length will depend on many factors. In general your CV should be as short and to-the-point as possible, whilst being long enough to contain all of the important information a potential employer may want to know. Degree Plan! You’ll read a lot of and contrast and snowboarding generic articles telling you that your CV should only essays for kids, be 1-2 pages long, but in my opinion this does not apply to an SAP CV, an SAP CV is different as you need to go into more technical detail and clearly outline the exact SAP modules, SAP submodule, SAP-related tools, methodologies etc. that you have experience with. You also need to go into enough detail about the nature of the on skiing and snowboarding SAP projects you have been involved in and your specific responsibilities within these projects. Keep in mind that your SAP profile should be an overview and sports not a lengthy memoir. Compare And Contrast And Snowboarding! If you are someone who can’t control the volume of text when writing in places prose, then perhaps consider using concise bullet-pointed text wherever possible, to help you keep control of the overall length. Compare And Contrast Essay! An SAP CV is there to form the basis for guiding an thesis accounting, interview conversation and not there to replace it. 7-Make sure your CV has a professional look.

The content is of course the most important factor when writing an and contrast on skiing and snowboarding, SAP resume, however you’d be surprised at how many SAP CVs I’ve seen with decent content which have been ruined by thesis accounting, the aesthetic presentation. Choose a sensible and compare and contrast on skiing and snowboarding professional font. Writing Language Essay! Its fine to go with something slightly different, but Times New Roman is certainly overused. Fonts such as Arial, Calibri, Candara, Georgia, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS or Verdana would be fine. Compare Essay On Skiing And Snowboarding! I would avoid fonts like Berlin Sans FB, Comic Sans, Courier new and on shakespeare's Vijaya. In my opinion a fairly conservative colour scheme is best, classic black text is and contrast essay, tried and tested, so I’m always bewildered when SAP Consultants send me rainbow coloured CVs. If you want to emphasise or differentiate certain areas or headers using different colour text, using one or two additional colours is more than enough. Personally, I prefer conservative options such as blue or grey for these parts, but it is a matter of personal taste. Subtly and sparingly using some brighter coloured text for headers/titles can also work, especially if you’re trying to integrate the travel essays main colour from your company logo/branding into the CV.

8- Make sure your CV is saved in the right format! I would recommend providing your CV to compare and contrast on skiing and snowboarding, SAP recruiters in MS Word (.doc or .docx) format where possible, making sure the plan file isn’t password protected or locked for editing. As an and contrast, alternative you could provide your CV as a PDF file, however PDFs cannot be edited unless the recruiter has the Adobe Acrobat MS Word converter (which many don’t). Even in cases where PDF is for kids, converted to MS Word, it is often troublesome to edit or reformat. Compare And Contrast Essay On Skiing And Snowboarding! You might be thinking to yourself that you’d prefer for your CV not to essay, be changed by compare and contrast essay on skiing and snowboarding, anyone else so this is a good thing, but in most cases this will do you more harm than good: An SAP recruiter should never change the essay plan real content of your CV without asking your permission, and any decent recruiter would never do this. However, a recruiter may want to make some superficial changes to compare and contrast, your CV to essays on shakespeare's sonnet, improve the compare essay on skiing and snowboarding presentation for for kids, example and having a non-editable file prevents this. The recruiter might need to compare and contrast essay and snowboarding, convert CVs into essays on shakespeare's a certain format, or insert a client-specific coversheet on the front page of the CV (which is compare and contrast and snowboarding, a mandatory requirement for some client’s recruitment processes). The recruiter may be required by the client to submit CVs without logos only, or they may wish to english essay, remove your direct contact details from the CV before submitting it to a client. Preventing the recruiter from having the CV the way they need it will ultimately slow down your application and may even mean you miss out on an opportunity because of it. And Contrast Essay On Skiing! For those who are limited to PDF files, I would suggest removing any logo and use cell phone essays contact details from your CV when sending it to compare essay and snowboarding, a recruiter (ensure you provide your contact details within the email you send them though, so they can still reach you!). Occasionally I receive SAP CVs in Powerpoint or other even stranger CV file formats.

I don’t understand why people do this, and certainly wouldn’t recommend doing so! 9- Always have an updated SAP CV ready – Speed is key! Writing the perfect SAP CV is of no use if you don’t have it with you when it is needed. Make sure you have access to a copy of your CV at all times, you never know where or when you might need it. Similarly, you need to make sure that you constantly keep it updated. 130! Being away on holiday and only having a copy of compare essay and snowboarding your CV on your home desktop could cause you to miss out on the SAP career opportunity of a lifetime, or having to delay your application by for kids, 24 hours while you update your CV may also cause you to miss out. 10- Get someone else to check over your CV! Your Curriculum Vitae is compare, a reflection of you, it should be logically ordered, consistent, well presented and without errors. Onderwerpen! Nothing would put me off more than an ABAP developer who’s CV was full of compare and contrast typos! No matter how perfect you think your SAP CV is, always get a fresh pair of eyes to look over it. Have it proofread for spelling errors and english grammar by a fellow SAP colleague, a professional proof-reader or perhaps your favourite SAP recruiter.

So now you’ve read my top ten tips, giving my best, most honest advice, you’re ready to write the and contrast essay on skiing and snowboarding perfect SAP CV. I wish you the essay best of luck with writing it and hope to compare and contrast on skiing, place you in your next SAP position myself when your new CV is ready.

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