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autism case studies by Coffey, Kenneth M, Obringer, S John. & Science Level 2? Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a mother and father raising their two children with autism. This single case study revealed the supports involved in educating and rutgers 2013 socializing school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder. The case study indicated that the parents agreed on a majority of issues and clearly pointed out & level 2 that their major area of concern was education. Implications are put forth for accommodating students with autism in inclusive settings with suggestions for future research. Dissertation 2012? In 1943, Leo Kanner first described a discrete set of behaviors observed in children as autistic disturbance of affective contact (Kanner, 1943, p. 2? 217). He noted that the most notable features of this condition were obsessive and stereotypic behaviors accompanied by echolalia. Autism remains one of the 2012 true mysteries of medical science and & 2 psychology.

In fact, Kirk (2000) refers to it as one of the dissertation least understood disabilities (p. 445). To add to the confusion, authorities disagree on level, whether autism is a distinct disability or a subgroup of essay examples another exceptionality (Smith, 2001). Until 1981 autism was included in the definition of severe emotional disturbance, but in that year the secretary of education moved autism from the federal definition of & level 'severe emotional disturbance' to the category of thomas school admissions essay questions Other health impaired' (Ysseldyke Algozzine, 1995, p. 433). Level? This controversy over whether autism is a distinct disability may exist because individuals with autism exhibit characteristics which cross a number of disabilities (e.g. other health impaired, mental retardation, communication disorders). The characteristics of these varying disabilities include language disorders (echolalia), emotional disturbance (unusual responses to people or attachment to objects), and essay mental retardation (approximately 70% of persons with autism have cognitive disorders). In 1980, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders III (American Psychiatric Association, 1980) first included autism as a separate and 2 distinct disability (Tanguay, Robertson, Derrick, 1998). Essay Examples? Until 1997, autism was not included as a distinct disability category under the auspices of the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA). For the previous 16 years it was categorized as other health impaired. With the 1997 amendments to IDEA (P.L. 105-17), autism was defined as: a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction usually evident before age 3, that adversely affects a child's educational performance.

Other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movement, resistance to science 2, environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual sensory experiences (NICHCY, 1997, p. 1). Most recently, there has been a major move to hooks, change from the dichotomy of autistic- nonautistic to a recognition of a continuum referred to as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (Billstedt, 2000). This continuum ranges from & science level individuals manifesting relatively mild autistic- related disorders such as Asperger's Syndrome to 2012, individuals manifesting autism with mental retardation and other relatively severe symptoms (Scheuermann Webber, 2002). The incidence of autism spectrum disorder in the United States is reported to be approximately 4.8 per 10,000 with a consistent excess of science males to females, up to a 4:1 ratio (Szatmari, Jones, Zwaigenbaum, MacLean, 1998). Some researchers believe autism spectrum disorder to essay hooks examples, be much more common, approaching half a percent of the general population of children (Billstedt, 2000). Occasionally, a family may have multiple children with autism spectrum disorder, however, this phenomenon is science rare.

Less than 3% of the siblings of children identified with ASD also have the 2012 disorder (Bolton et al., 1994). The purpose of this single case study was to investigate the school and community supports that led to & 2, the inclusion of two siblings with ASD. This case study seemed to be the university 2013 most appropriate qualitative method to obtain in-depth information about 2, this family. Merriam (1998) noted that a qualitative case study is an intensive, holistic description and analysis of 2013 a single instance, phenomena, or social unit (p. 21). The older child in level the family is a 14 year old male attending the 8th grade with well above average intelligence and mild to moderate autistic tendencies with no other health problems. This young man is quite proficient academically and has competed more than once in the National Spelling Bee, annually held in Washington, DC.

He is a straight A student with exceptional mathematical abilities, but struggles with psychosocial skills, especially interpersonal relationships. He has few friends and examples spends a significant amount of time in solitary activities. His parents have encouraged him to science 2, participate in teacher sports and community organizations, but efforts in this area have proven unsuccessful. The younger child in & science level the family is an 11 year old female attending the 4th grade with below average intelligence who has moderate to university essay, severe autistic tendencies with no other health problems. She struggles both academically and socially. She requires a significant level of science support to high school, succeed in school, and even with these supports, remains below grade level. However, she has basic self-care skills (eating, dressing, hygiene) and relatively good skills in reading recognition and math computation.

This student has much more difficulty in reading comprehension, math reasoning, and both the social and functional use of science level language. While she will respond to the social overtures of others, she does not initiate any social interaction. Like her sibling, she has few friends and spends a significant amount of time in solitary activities. The father is a 46 year old engineer who is a long-term employee of a federal power agency. He has only a few friends and prefers to university essay question 2013, spend his leisure time at home. He has a somewhat introverted personality and is marginally involved in one community organization. The father reports that he has not sought out extensive information on autism, preferring to leave that role to his wife. The mother is a 47 year old homemaker who is extensively involved in advocating for her two children. After the realization that both children had autistic tendencies, the mother decided to have no more children. She sees her full-time role as advocating for her own children and online consultation with other parents who have children with ASD.

The mother stays abreast of & level 2 developments in the field of autism, continually reading books on the subject and occasionally traveling to attend workshops. Due to the fact that the dissertation family resides in a relatively small community, there is no specific advocacy group or physician specializing in autism. Therefore, the mother has been involved in related support groups, such as ARC. As an science level, advocate, she spends considerable time in the local school, facilitating the inclusion of her children. The mother spends an hour at the school each day tutoring her daughter during study hall.

Prior to the beginning of each school year she devotes a significant amount of time to observing various classrooms to determine the most suitable teacher and classroom climate for her children. The family lives in high science cover a relatively small university town in the southeastern United States with a population near 20,000. Of these residents approximately 65% are Caucasian, 30% are African-American, 4% are Asian, and 1% are Hispanic and Native American. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 20% of the persons living in this county live below the poverty level. The K-12 school in which the children are enrolled serves a total of 795 students with an & science level, average class size of 20 on a single campus. It has a relatively small school staff which includes special services and question the typical extracurricular activities. The school has a reputation for strong discipline and high levels of & level parental involvement. The investigators received approval from the university's Institutional Review Board and the family to university essay, conduct a thorough case study using a semi-structured interview format. The protocol was structured to question each parent individually and then as a couple.

The interviews covered such issues as genetic predisposition, family planning, psychosocial stressors, and social interactions, along with an extensive group of questions on education and service delivery (see Appendix A). The interviews were transcribed and reviewed by both investigators to insure accuracy. To determine emerging themes, the investigators examined the transcriptions from the level interviews with each parent and the interview from the emancipation couple together. A review of the data determined those areas in which parents showed consensus as well as areas in which the 2 parents exhibited divergent views. Additionally, the investigators attempted to isolate those supports that led to successful inclusion in general education classrooms.

From an analysis of the separate interviews with each parent and the joint interview with the couple, the following issues emerged: Areas of Disagreement. The parents disagreed on just two major issues. (1) Different long-term educational goals for the younger, more seriously involved child. The mother was very firmly committed to this child receiving a standard high school diploma, while the 2012 father was less concerned about the high school diploma. The stated concern of the father was his daughter's overall happiness and well being. (2) The existence of a family history of developmental disorders including autism, attention, learning, or mood disorders. The father reported no known family history of autism or other developmental disorders. & Science? The mother, however, stated that both extended families had a history of school developmental and level mood disorders. Areas of Agreement. Emancipation? The parents agreed on most items of inquiry during the interviews. They concurred on: (1) The developmental history of the children.

The younger child, the more severely affected, missed a number of early developmental milestones and & was referred for testing prior to age 4. Concerns about the older child did not arise until he approached school age. Jefferson High School Admissions Test? (2) The family psychosocial stressors related to parenting two children with autism spectrum disorder. Both parents agreed they faced considerable stress and level provided detailed examples of specific psychosocial Stressors. For example, the husband wants his spouse to keep abreast of the advances in autism and advocate for the children. Conversely, the thomas high school test essay wife wishes he would share in this role. Additionally, the husband believes that he has suffered professionally dealing with the stress of having two children with autism spectrum disorder and must remain focused on his professional career. (3) The daily activities and routines of family life.

Both parents agreed that apart from church involvement the family has few outside interests or social activities. Both children are comfortable with this passive style of social interaction. (4) The atmosphere within a small school was one feature that contributed to science, their children's success. Emancipation Paperwork? The parents believed that a smaller school with a reduced pupil-teacher ratio provided more flexibility and a greater willingness to & science level, accommodate. For example, the parents requested and received preferential seating, modified testing, peer tutoring, extended time for assignments, and modified homework. School Teacher? Also, home visits by the teacher are encouraged. & Level? The small school with a single K-12 campus facilitated a smooth transition from grade to grade. (5) Those teacher characteristics that appeared to be most effective for their children. Both parents felt that a firm, but flexible teacher was optimal.

The parents and high school administrator jointly select teachers based on teaching style and classroom climate. In addition, university practicum students from the special education program provide in-home tutoring in academic and advanced self-help skills. (6) The overall positive reaction of classmates and their parents to having children with autism in the general education class. As expected, there were some initial expressions of concern about the impact of the younger child on the academic rigor of the classroom (i.e. two phone calls from concerned parents). Following this initial period of & science level adjustment, her peers and their parents have been generally supportive of her inclusion in high science cover letter the classroom. & 2? This support has been evidenced by frequent social overtures from thomas jefferson school her classmates as well as peer tutoring. Science? (7) The transition to adulthood and the likely level of independence obtainable. Indiana? Both parents agree that the older child will be a college graduate with a professional career, although they recognize that he will have ongoing social difficulty that may be a limiting factor in & employment and other areas. The parents agree that the younger child will need some form of lifelong support (i.e. sheltered employment, supervised apartment, supplementary financial assistance). (8) Finding understanding physicians and dentists. Jefferson High Admissions Test Essay Questions? A final area of agreement was the difficulty in finding medical professionals who were willing to vary from their normal protocol in treating the children. As one example, the & parents eventually located a physician who was willing to take off his white coat and tie and perform clinical observations and procedures while keeping a distinct physical distance from the younger, more seriously involved child whenever possible. In India? Discussion and & science Implications.

The issues that emerged from this study lead to both educational and community implications. Schools and parents of children with autism spectrum disorder might find the following suggestions especially helpful: * Establish a working relationship between parents and emancipation indiana administrators to match the personality and characteristics of prospective teachers to the student with autism spectrum disorder; * Encourage home visits by teachers to better understand family dynamics and appreciate the challenges faced by parents; * Schedule frequent parent-teachers conferences so both parents and teachers can reach agreement on & science level 2, managing current social and academic challenges; * View small school size and unified campus (physical plant) as a strength versus a limitation; * Identify classrooms emphasizing peer group support for academic and social issues; * Utilize classrooms with a reduced teacher-pupil ratio; and. * Demonstrate a willingness to be flexible concerning implementation of school policies (e.g. scheduling, homework, and testing). * Utilize sources of support available within the community, although the focus might not be specifically on autism spectrum disorder (e.g. ARC, previously referred to as Association for Retarded Citizens, Learning Disabilities Association, and rutgers essay 2013 Council for & science, Exceptional Children); * Utilize university students from rutgers essay question 2013 appropriate academic fields for 2, a variety of support tasks including respite services, training in daily living skills, developing interventions or creative alternatives for particularly difficult situations, modeling appropriate behavior, and implementing a functional behavioral analysis; and. Rutgers Question? * Utilize the expertise of a regional or state university (e.g. diagnostic services, academic tutoring, and behavioral strategies). Three limitations were noted in the present study. First, the investigation involved a single family and the issues they faced. Second, although both of these children were clinically diagnosed with autism, they may not be representative of other children with autism. Finally, the protocol investigated a limited number of factors when other significant dynamics may have been present. Implications for Future Research.

This investigation provides insight into the supports utilized by a family with multiple incidence autism. Level 2? The relative rarity of this phenomenon would make this study difficult to replicate. However, a later follow-up of thomas high school admissions test essay questions this unique family unit would be of 2 great interest or if a similar family can be found, a comparative study would be insightful. Additionally, studies on the provision of services offered by small or single-campus schools to students with low incidence disabilities might be helpful to high essay, parents seeking necessary supports for their children. As with the present case study, the school appeared to be flexible and caring in & level 2 providing an high cover letter, appropriate education to both of these children with ASD. As inclusion is more frequently employed, this family might serve as one model of & science successful inclusive programming for dissertation 2012, children with autism. Although their disabilities were significant, the major issues for these two children were social and academic rather than cognitive. As mentioned previously, many children with autism face mental retardation as well as other major difficulties. & Science? Due to the rarity of do my in india multiple incidence autism, little has been written concerning the supports required by science a family with such challenges. A teacher or related service provider might not be inclined to picture a family with multiple incidences of autism as having the ability to rutgers essay 2013, function successfully in the community and school, but with multiple supports this appears to be the case. One can only speculate on the factors leading to relatively successful integration in the community and level 2 inclusion in the school for these children with ASD.

It appears that the high levels of do my in india supports played an integral role in this phenomenon. &? Families with multiple children with disabilities need various types of hooks examples school and community supports depending on & level, their unique circumstances. This case study found that the supports provided were appropriate for the functioning of this family academically and otherwise. American Psychiatric Association. (1980). Examples? Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders HI. Washington, DC: Author. & Science Level? Billstedt, C.G.E. (2000). Autism and Asperger syndrome: Coexistence with other clinical disorders. Aacta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 102, 321-330.

Bolton, P., Macdonald, H., Pickles, A., Rios, P., Goode, S., Crowson, M., Baiely, A., Rutter, M. (1994). A case-control family history study of high essay questions autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 35 (5), 877-900. Kirk, S.A., Gallagher, J.J., Anastasiow, N.J. (2000). Educating exceptional children (9th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Kanner, L. (1943). Science Level? Autistic disturbance of affective contact. Nervous Child, 2, 217-250.

Merriam, S.B. 2012? (1998). Qualitative research and case study applications in education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. National Information Center on & science 2, Children and Youth with Disabilities. (1997). 2012? Autism/ PDD, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury. Available from NICHCY, P.O.

Box 1492, Washington, DC. Scheuermann, B., Webber, J. (2002). Autism: Teaching does make a difference. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thompson. Smith, D.D. (2001). Introduction to special education: Teaching in an age of opportunity (4th ed.).

Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Szatmari, P., Jones, M.B., Zwaigenbaum, L., and science 2 MacLean, J.E. (1998). Genetics of autism: Overview and new directions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 28(5), 351-368. Tanguay, P.E., Robertson, J., Derrick, A. (1998).

A dimensional classification of autism spectrum disorder b y social communication domains. Essay Hooks? Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 37(3), 271-277. Ysseldyke, J.E., Algozzine, B. (1995). Special education: A practical approach for teachers (3rd ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Kenneth M. Coffey, Professor.

S. John Obringer, Professor. Department of science level Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education. Mississippi State University. Copyright Project Innovation Summer 2004 Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights Reserved.

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How to &, Write a Cover Letter for Internships. Written by Laura Riley. Updated April 10, 2017. Laura Riley is a writer who specializes in emancipation paperwork career advice and professional development. She has a Master’s degree in Student Affairs and Higher Education from Miami University.

You’ve heard it before: “No one actually reads a cover letter.” “Cover letters are pointless.” There’s actually proof that writing an level 2 outstanding cover letter can get you an internship. If you’re thinking, “Hmm I’m really not sold on this whole perfect cover letter thing.” Or maybe you’ve heard that college students don’t really need them. Jefferson High School Test Questions! Hang tight. I’m going to explain exactly what a professional cover letter is, why you need one, and most importantly, I’ll outline a step-by-step process to help you write an outstanding cover letter.

And the best part? This article includes multiple, full-length cover letter samples. These samples will help you write a solid cover letter from beginning to science level, end. One that’s good enough to secure your dream internship. Before we jump in, let’s take a look at exactly what’s included in this article : I’m sure this comes as no surprise: As a college student, you will likely apply for internships (if you haven’t already!) As you may know, students who have internship experience increase their chance of securing a full-time job offer upon paperwork indiana graduation. Many interns actually accept offers before they even graduate. According to a study conducted by Vault, 73% of student interns said they received or expected to receive a full-time offer from & 2, their internship employer . Internships and cooperative education programs (co-ops) give you an opportunity to 2012, gain experience in your desired career field prior to graduation. By gaining hands-on, specialized experience, you become more competitive in & science level 2 the job market. Internship experience is important.

To secure an internship, you need to submit a quality resumé, cover letter, and at times, additional application requirements. If you submit an outstanding application, you’ll receive an invitation to interview. And if you hit your interview out of the park, you’ll receive an internship or job offer. This means that believing the emancipation indiana myth that cover letters are irrelevant can be detrimental to your professional success. Your resumé and cover letter are the & level foundation of your success as a job applicant. Your cover letter basically exists to 2012, tell a company, “Hey, I really, really, really want this internship.” In a more professional way, of course.

A professional cover letter is an science 2 important document to send in with your résumé when applying to a job. It provides additional information about why you are the best candidate for the job. After the employer reads your cover letter, you want them to read your resumé, check out your LinkedIn profile, visit your online portfolio, or better yet, do all three. On nearly every social media site, the first thing you do is dissertation create a profile, or at 2 minimum, a username. Jefferson High Admissions Test! Let’s take Instagram for example. When you land on 2 an Instagram profile for the very first time, you quickly scan the user’s bio and the photos at the top of dissertation 2012, their feed. If you aren’t immediately engaged by what you see, you probably won’t come back. Follow for a follow? No thanks. The same thing happens in the job search. & Science 2! Your cover letter acts as your Instagram bio.

Your cover letter offers a first impression of who you are as a professional and do my what you’re all about. & Science Level 2! It’s your chance to grab a recruiter’s attention. This means your cover letter has to be good! While you unfortunately can’t use emojis to amplify your cover letter, you can still make your cover letter interesting to indiana, read. It’s your job to engage the & level 2 hiring manager, recruiter, or search committee.

In a sense, you want them to do my, follow you. You want them to double-tap your activity and leave comments like, “We would love to hire you!” If you’re thinking, “ But that’s not always the case. People don’t always read cover letters .” You’re right. There are definitely recruiters who don’t read cover letters. But for every recruiter who doesn’t read your cover letter, there’s a recruiter who bases their entire hiring decision on how good your cover letter is. I recently talked to a hiring manager who was shocked at & level the number of applicants who didn’t submit a cover letter along with their resumé. She said, “I will NEVER hire an applicant who doesn’t submit a cover letter.

It’s not that they’re unqualified, but I can’t put the science teacher letter experience on their resumé into context.” Don’t make that mistake. Particularly if your previous work experience doesn’t say a lot about how you’ll be a great fit for the company that you’re applying to. If you truly want an internship, you need a cover letter. Not spending time on your cover letterbecause you assume it’s not going to be readcan be incredibly costly. & Level 2! And not hearing back from a company after you submit your application gets old really quickly. So, what’s the purpose of a cover letter anyway? The purpose of a cover letter is 2012 3-fold:

Introduce yourself to a prospective employer. Communicate your interest in a specific position and science company. Explain how you’re a well-qualified candidate for the internship position. If done right, your cover letter will serve an rutgers university actual purpose (beyond checking off an application requirement or turning in a class assignment). Your cover letter can get you an science 2 interview. If you’re familiar with how to write a resumé, you know the emancipation indiana purpose of & science level, a resumé is to communicate your achievements to thomas high school test questions, a potential employer. Unlike a cover letter, a resumé never uses personal pronouns like “I” or “Me”. Instead of saying, “I created a social media campaign,” a resumé states, “Created social media campaign”. Because of level, this traditional formatting, it can be difficult for internship applicants to hooks examples, express their personality.

“I feel like my resumé makes me sound super boring.” Guess who’s here to &, save the day? The misunderstood cover letter. For some reason, cover letters don’t get the love they deserve. High School Science! But cover letters are actually pretty cool. They can help you tell your professional story. Let’s look at & level 2 an example. High Letter! Say your resumé includes the following entry: Volunteer, Community Food Pantry. Inspect and sort 100 pounds of food donations per week to level 2, ensure they meet quality and safety standards. While that’s a solid resumé bullet point, it doesn’t tell the entire story of rutgers university essay, why you chose to volunteer and what your experience with the food pantry taught you.

The bullet point doesn’t discuss how volunteering changed you as a person, or influenced your professional goals, and most importantly, it doesn’t discuss how volunteering will help you excel at your internship position. If we assume this volunteer experience is science level 2 relevant to the internship you’re applying for, your cover letter provides a great opportunity to tell this story in more detail. Here’s a good example of what you could write in your cover letter: “Through my volunteer work with the Community Food Pantry, I discovered my passion for nonprofit business. Each week, I collaborate with ten other volunteers to sort food donations. I am dedicated to ending poverty and hunger and would be thrilled to intern with the Hunger Relief Organization.” Being able to tell your story is what makes a cover letter incredibly valuable. This can set you apart as an applicant and most importantly, help you secure your dream internship or job! Before I explain how to format your cover letter , let’s review the three primary goals : Introduce yourself to a prospective employer. Communicate your interest in a position and essay company. Level 2! Explain how you’re a well-qualified candidate for rutgers university question 2013, the position. Let’s look at each goal in more detail.

Goal 1: Introduce yourself to a prospective employer. The first goal is pretty straightforward. In your cover letter, you need to formally introduce yourself to the hiring team. You can accomplish this in a single, well-crafted sentence. Below are two good examples: Example 1: “As a sophomore majoring in 2 social work at University of Southern California, I am passionate about rutgers, supporting vulnerable individuals and groups.” At a minimum, you should include your year in level school (or when you plan to graduate), along with your degree, major, minor, or area of thomas jefferson school admissions questions, study. Goal 2: Communicate your interest in a position and company. A second requirement is to communicate your interest in the position and company.

Always tailor your cover letter with the & exact position title and 2012 the name of the company you’re applying to. Here are two great examples: Example 1: “When I discovered the psychology internship with the Counseling Center on, I was excited by the opportunity to gain exposure to the field of psychology alongside experienced psychologists and counselors.” After you introduce yourself and communicate your interest in science level the position and company, there is emancipation one additional piece of information you must include. Don’t miss this step:

Goal 3: Explain how you’re a well-qualified candidate. This is the science level most common mistake students make. Emancipation Paperwork Indiana! You need to connect the dots for an employer of how your journey and experiences make you the science best candidate for the position. Don’t just say, “I’m the 2012 best candidate”. Prove it. Explain what makes you well-qualified. 2! Share the experiences and courses that have prepared you to be an effective, productive, outstanding professional with their company. Let’s look at an example. Say a company is seeking a graphic design intern. In the job description, the company outlines their minimum requirements: an essay intern who understands how to use Adobe Creative Suite, can effectively collaborate with a dynamic team, and understands basic design and marketing principles.

Here’s one way to demonstrate how you’re the right pick for science level, the job: My coursework, campus involvement, and professional experience make me a well-qualified applicant for this position. Coursework . I have completed courses in Graphic Design and Photoimaging. As a result, I am proficient in Adobe Creative Suite. Campus involvement. For the past two years, I have been a member of the Graphic Design Club. High Cover Letter! We collaborate to science, create websites and marketing materials for nonprofit organizations.

Professional experience. As an employee with the Office of Fraternity and examples Sorority Affairs, I design marketing materials for on-campus events including Greek Week, along with various philanthropic events. There you have it! Introduce yourself to a prospective employer, communicate your interest in a position and company, and most importantly, explain why you’re a well-qualified applicant. Now that you understand the core components to any cover letter, let’s explore what makes each type of cover letter unique. What types of cover letters are there? As a college student, you should know about three different types of cover letters: Internship Cover Letters Entry-Level Cover Letters Cover Letters for jobs where you do not have any relevant experience. I’ll outline what makes each of these cover letters unique and explain exactly how to write a cover letter tailored to & level 2, an internship and examples an entry-level position. I’ll also show you how to solve the & level problem of not having “relevant” experience. What makes an internship cover letter unique?

By definition, an internship is a position in an organization where a student or trainee can gain work experience. While the organization does not expect you to come in with years of experience, they expect you to come ready to learn. 2012! Though you’re undoubtedly contributing to the organization as an intern, internships provide an & level 2 opportunity for you to learn while gaining hands-on experience in your desired field. So what’s the bottom line? An internship cover letter must explain what you want to high school science teacher cover letter, learn and why you want to learn it. Tell the level organization how their specific internship complements your academics. Outline why you’re interested in 2012 joining the organization. Explain how the internship will help you develop as a professional and set you up for success upon graduation. But don’t forget, you also need to & science level 2, communicate mutual benefit. While you want to grow as a professional, you need to add value to their team too. So it’s important that you tell the company exactly what you can bring to their organization (in addition to what you want to science teacher, learn).

Let’s look at a couple of examples: Example 1: “I am excited by the chance to contribute to ABC Company and am prepared to engage in continuous learning. I intentionally pursue professional development and value non-stop growth as described by the internship description.” Example 2: “Shadowing case managers and attending mental health meetings seems like an incredibly beneficial experience. I am excited by the chance to contribute to & level 2, your organization and am prepared to engage in in india continuous learning.” Both examples not only explain what the & science level 2 applicant is in india excited to learn, but also each applicant mentions how they’re excited to level, contribute to the organization. Explaining what you want to learn is an essential component to writing a cover letter for an internship or co-op experience. What makes an entry-level cover letter unique?

If you’re in your last year of college, then this section is for you. You’re preparing to start a full-time job upon jefferson school test essay graduation. 2! Congrats! An entry-level cover letter differs slightly from an internship cover letter. While it’s still important to communicate how the position aligns with your professional goals, you need to emphasize why you’re well-qualified for the position. At the beginning of this article, I outlined how to demonstrate your qualifications. You need to explain what experiences and courses have prepared you to be an effective, productive, outstanding professional with their company. Your cover letter should answer the following questions: Why are you well-prepared for the position?

What specific experiences prepared you for the position? How has your academic coursework provided the knowledge to jefferson high essay, excel in this entry level role? Entry-level positions are undoubtedly competitive. You need to market yourself effectively and level 2 communicate your value to an employer. Convince them to hire you!

How do I write a cover letter if I don’t have relevant experience? If you don’t have “relevant” experience, come on down off that ledge. I’ve heard it before: “I can’t get a job without experience, but I can’t get experience without a job.” Yes, you can. Here’s how: Let’s say you want to indiana, apply for a marketing internship.

Below are the requirements of the internship as outlined by & level 2 the job description: Sophomore or junior standing Pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in business, communications, advertising, or related field Strong teamwork, communication, and critical thinking skills. Familiarity with Adobe Creative Suite Experience with SPSS. Pretend you’re currently a sophomore at dissertation a large, public university. Because classes fill up quickly, you haven’t taken any major-specific courses. This year you completed Business 101 and Management 105, but you have zero marketing experience. Beyond classes, you’re an active member of an science level on-campus organization called Women in Business, but in terms of work experience, you only have a part-time waitressing job on the weekends. You’re still qualified. This is where transferrable skills come in. A transferable skill is a skill that is relevant regardless of the position you are applying for. You take these skills from job to job.

Common examples of transferable skills include teamwork, organization, communication, time management, and leadership. Think back to the example above. As a waitress, you collaborate with wait staff, provide customer service to restaurant patrons, and communicate effectively to indiana, ensure orders are submitted correctly. Are you thinking: “Okay, but how is that relevant to marketing?” The internship outlined above requires strong teamwork skills.

You have those. It’s your job to demonstrate your ability to work in a team. Here’s an example of what you could write in science level 2 your cover letter: “As a member of Women in Business, a 60-person student-run organization, I collaborate with my peers to plan leadership events and bring speakers to campus. In addition, as a waitress at in india Good Food Restaurant, I work with a 6-person team to ensure high-quality service and science level satisfied guests. I enjoy collaborating with colleagues and would appreciate the opportunity to learn alongside your team of experienced marketing professionals.”

You have the high science teacher cover skills. You just have to prove it. Even if you don’t have hours of specialized work experience in your field of study, you have more transferable skills than you realize. Give yourself some credit. At this point, we’ve already covered quite a bit. You understand what a cover letter is, what purpose it serves, and why you need one as a college student. You know three types of 2, cover letters and what makes each type unique. You also understand how to leverage transferable skills when you don’t have “relevant” experience. Let’s get to the actual writing. How should you format your cover letter?

Whichever type of cover letter is school cover letter most appropriate for youinternship, entry level, or no relevant experiencethe fundamentals remain the same. While you want to stand out and be creative, there are a few specifications you need to abide by. In this section I’ll discuss the following: length, margins, font size, font style, color, quantity of paragraphs, and bullet point usage. (We've gone into even more detail about the different cover letter formats in our Cover Letter Format Guide for & science level 2, Internships article) Length: As I’ve mentioned, a cover letter gives you a chance to tell your story. Dissertation 2012! But slow down. You aren’t writing a novel. A cover letter should never be longer than one, single-spaced page. In terms of word count, your letter will typically be only & science, 200-400 words. Margins : It’s best to paperwork indiana, use standard 1-inch margins, but you may use margins as small as .5 inches. Whatever you choose, be sure the margin size is & level 2 consistent on all sides.

Font : When choosing a font, make sure it’s easy to read. Some appropriate fonts include Arial, Calibri, Garamond, Georgia, Tahoma, or Times New Roman. University Essay Question! Stay away from fancy curls and fonts that only belong on horror movie posters. As a way to brand yourself, you may choose a different font for your name in the header of your cover letter. Science 2! Other than this exception, be sure to use the same font throughout for essay examples, consistency’s sake. Font Size: Use size 10- to & level 2, 12-point font. Thomas Questions! This will ensure the font is large enough to science level 2, read, but small enough to create a professional and polished look. Color : Unless you’re a graphic design major or a creative professional, you’ll typically use black font. If you’re applying to a creative industry, a tasteful splash of color may be appropriate (recommendations are covered at dissertation the end of this article in more detail). If you’re printing your cover letter to mail or use at a career fair, use black ink on white, cream, or ivory paper.

Left align each paragraph. There is no need to level, indent the first sentence of each paragraph. Instead “Return/Enter” between each paragraph. This will create a balance of text and whitespace, making your cover letter easier to read. Bullet Points: Some resumés use a lot of rutgers university 2013, bullet points to outline someone’s accomplishments, but can bullet points be used on science a cover letter? Sparingly. Use bullet points to briefly summarize information where appropriate.

For example, you may write something like this: My academic background, communication skills, and leadership experience have prepared me well for this computer science internship. Academic background. I have completed courses in high teacher cover letter computer science, statistics, and & science level 2 systems programming resulting in a 3.9 Major GPA. Hooks! Communication skills. As the & level professional development chair of University of admissions test essay questions, Southern California’s Computer Science student organization, I develop and facilitate computer science presentations. Leadership experience. This year, my classmates elected me as the sophomore representative for the college student government assembly.

Bullet points can be an effective way to communicate multiple qualifications, while abiding by the one-page length requirement. Those are the basic style guidelines when it comes to &, creating a cover letter. Now let’s check out the do my key sections of level, a letter. What are the key sections of your cover letter? The following are essential cover letter sections: header, date, greeting, company address, and salutation.

I’ll define each section and discuss exactly what to include. Admissions Essay Questions! I’ll also share detailed examples of what to write. Header : A cover letter header is the information at level 2 the top of your cover letter. It includes your name and thomas high questions contact information, the date you’re applying, and the company’s mailing address. In the header, it’s important to science 2, include your full name. If you’re in rutgers question the process of changing your name, plan to change your name during the recruitment process, or recently changed your name, it may be appropriate to include your new name with your former name in parentheses. If your name is “Elizabeth” and you go by “Beth,” then it’s entirely acceptable to use Beth on your documents. If your legal name is “Wayne” and you prefer to go by “Thomas,” then you may write it as “Thomas (Wayne) Johnson” to avoid any confusion. When it comes to contact information, you should include your email address and a phone number where the science company can reach you with follow-up questions, or to school teacher cover letter, schedule an interview.

You may also choose to include a URL link to level, your LinkedIn profile or an paperwork indiana online portfolio showcasing your work. Here’s the most important part: You must use a professional email address. Your school email address is a good option. If you prefer to & science level, use a personal email, make sure it’s professional. While you want to school science teacher letter, stand out, a creative email address like alliecat@ or iwantajob@ isn’t the way to & level 2, do it. Dissertation! Create a generic johnsmith1@ account, or use the .edu email address provided by your university. Unprofessional email addresses get resumés rejected more than 75% of the time.

Date : After you include your name and contact information, you need to science level, include the date you’re applying for dissertation 2012, the position. Level 2! Right-align the date in the space below below your name and contact information. Company Address: While you probably won’t snail mail your cover letter, as a professional document, tradition tells us to essay question, include the company mailing address. Although you’re not typically submitting a hard copy of your resumé, after sending off your application, it’s in the possession of human resources. You don’t know if it will be printed, mailed, sent to another department for review, or any combination of these scenarios. Determine the science level 2 company name, mailing address, and department (if applicable). Left-align this information after the date. Greeting : The most appropriate option for a greeting is ‘Dear’.

It’s also advantageous to refer to the hiring manager by emancipation their name in your salutation. For example, “Dear Ms. Mary Johnson,”. When writing the salutation, ensure the name and title are correct. For example, a person with the name ‘Taylor’, may prefer the title Mr., Ms., Mrs., or none of the above. Make sure you use the correct title before their surname. If you don’t know what to use, opt for their first and last name only. Salutation: Don’t use “To Whom It May Concern”, or “Dear Sir/Madam”. &! Do your homework and figure out the “Whom” actually entails. If you’re lucky, a company will list a contact person near the bottom of the job description. Rutgers University Essay Question! Use this contact name in & science level 2 your cover letter.

If the examples company does not specify who the hiring manager or recruiter is, still do not resort to, “To Whom It May Concern”. In this case, here’s what you should do: After thoroughly reviewing the job description, work up the courage to call human resources. HR is your friend, so there’s no need to be anxious. Here’s what you could say: “Hi, I’m preparing an application for your open internship position #12345.

I’m wondering who the hiring manager is for this position.” Oftentimes, human resources will provide you with the information. Other times, they may say, “Just address it to & science level, HR.” In this case, I recommend using “Dear Hiring Manager and Search Committee” as your salutation. Now that we’ve covered the university essay question 2013 basic formatting rules and level 2 the core sections of emancipation paperwork indiana, a cover letter, let’s talk about an 2 incredibly important rule for every cover letter you write. Don’t forget this: You must tailor your cover letter to every single position and unique company you apply to. What does it mean to tailor a cover letter? Tailoring a cover letter is dissertation exactly what it sounds like.

A tailor, or a person who alters clothing, adjusts clothing to fit unique, individual people. A shirt tailored for Person A will not fit Person B as well as it fits Person A. You should take the same approach when writing a cover letter. It’s kind of like giving a birthday gift. While you could safely give any person a gift of cash, it can come off as impersonal (like you forgot it was even their birthday). Why? Because it’s a generic gift. Just as you would avoid giving a generic gift to your best friend. You should avoid giving a generic cover letter to your dream employer. In short, you should never submit the & 2 exact same cover letter to more than one position or company. Tailoring a cover letter requires additional effort on your behalf.

You need to do my in india, conduct company research and understand the position inside and out. You’ll use this information to create a unique cover letter that is appropriate for & 2, a specific job and a unique company. If you’re thinking, “How would one company know if I send them the same exact cover letter I sent another company?” Truth be told, they probably won’t find out. But that’s not the point. If your cover letter is so generic that you can submit it to multiple positions at different companies, it’s not unique enough. The recruiter will immediately recognize your cover letter as a generic template, and it will end up in the trash can. Let’s go back to the birthday gift analogy.

When you purchase a birthday gift for your best friend, you most likely base your decision on a few things: What are they interested in? What do they enjoy? What do they need? What do they want? You then use what you know about your friend to inform your decision of do my in india, what to buy. Science! It’s the same when it comes to high letter, writing a cover letter.

You must conduct company research to answer similar questions: What type of candidate is the company interested in? What does the company value and enjoy? What needs and & level pain points does the company need to solve? What does the company want from you as an teacher cover applicant? To be successful, you must integrate the answers to these questions into & level your cover letter. While some of the content in each letter will undoubtedly overlap, do your best to create unique content for each position.

While the 2012 term ‘research’ can be intimidating, I have good news: You don’t have to 2, be a scientist to do good research. To conduct company research, there are a few key resources: Explore the emancipation paperwork company website. Google the company to discover current events. Visit websites such as, where candidates, current employees, and former employees rate companies. Some examples of what you may research are the company mission, vision, or recent news. You’re looking for information that is relevant to the position and & science 2 details that make you excited about the company. At this point, you understand what a cover letter is and what it means to tailor your cover letter.

This cover letter template is not tailored to any specific company or position. This is paper a bad, scratch that, TERRIBLE cover letter: To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to apply for an internship I recently found on your website. I believe I am the best candidate for this position based on my academic coursework and my relevant experience. Level 2! I match exactly what you are looking for in a candidate. As a college student, I understand how to use Microsoft Word and Excel. Do My Paper! I am passionate, detail oriented, and hard-working. I am really excited about the opportunity to level 2, join your company. Attached you will find my resumé which explains my experience in further detail. Thank you for your time.

I look forward to the possibility of interviewing. It may be more appropriate to end that letter with, “I am sincerely boring,” but you get the point. In brief, this is thomas jefferson test essay questions what is wrong with the above example: X No header (i.e. applicant name, contact information, date, company address) X Generic and outdated salutation (i.e. “To Whom It May Concern”) X Cliché and & science boring introduction. X No mention of the internship title. X No mention of the rutgers essay question 2013 company name.

X No proof as to why the applicant is the & science level 2 “best candidate” X Applicant includes generic skills (i.e. Microsoft Office and Excel) Don’t write a cover letter like this. You will put the recruiter to sleep. Minneapolis, MN 12345. Fashion and Design. New York City, NY 56789. Dear Ms. Debra Glod,

When I discovered the fashion internship with XYZ Company on, I was excited by the opportunity to complement my coursework with experience in a fast-paced environment. Thomas Admissions Test Questions! As a junior majoring in & Fashion Merchandising at University of Southern California, I am passionate about creating original concepts and executing designs. My leadership experience, design coursework, and do my paper creative portfolio make me a well-qualified applicant for this position. Leadership experience. As the President of the on-campus student organization, Fashion and Business, I produce an annual fashion show with over & science 30 models and 250 attendees. Design coursework.

I have a 3.9 Major GPA after taking introduction to textiles, fashion sketching, computer-aided fashion design, and advanced apparel development. Creative portfolio. Paperwork Indiana! My portfolio includes original sketches and drawings created in & science Adobe Illustrator. Dissertation 2012! It can be viewed by visiting As described by the internship description, I am eager to grow into a bold and interactive designer. I believe your organization provides a rewarding opportunity to engage in continuous learning. My enclosed resumé expands on my leadership experience and 2 academic coursework. As I prepare for rutgers 2013, a career in fashion, I am dedicated to level 2, understanding the field by emancipation paperwork indiana collaborating with an experienced design and production team. Thank you for science, your time and consideration.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. In brief, this is a great example because it includes the following: ? Name, contact information, date, and company address. ? Tailored salutation including the hiring manager’s first and last name. ? Unique introduction that communicates the applicant’s interest and thomas test essay questions passion in the position, company, and industry. ? Specific internship title “Fashion Internship” ? Company name, “XYZ Company” ? Use of the term “well-qualified applicant” vs. “best candidate” ? Unique skills that are relevant to the position (i.e. leadership, design, and & 2 creative work) ? Description of the applicant’s desire to grow as a professional. Use this as a model when crafting your letter. What to include in your actual cover letter? Now I’m going to do my paper in india, walk you through a 4-step process for writing a cover letter. Level 2! This process helps you narrow down your experience and determine what is most relevant to hooks examples, the position and company. You only science, have one page to communicate how you match exactly what the employer is do my looking for in a candidate.

Let’s use a 4-step process to accomplish this task. Step 1: Highlight the job description. Step 2: Select three job responsibilities you want to focus on & science 2 in your cover letter. Step 3: Identify three of your accomplishments that are relevant to those responsibilities. Step 4: Connect your accomplishments to the qualifications the employer seeks. I’ll take you through each step and describe exactly what to examples, do. This is an & science effective way to write a cover letter. Jefferson School Test Essay Questions! Let’s jump in!

Step 1: Highlight the job description. You may be asking, “What’s the point of this?”. As you already know, the purpose of a cover letter is to get a potential employer to read your resumé. You do this by demonstrating how you match exactly what they’re looking for. Well, what are they looking for? The answer to this question is in the job description. The purpose of & science level 2, this step is to dissertation, determine the most important requirements. To highlight the job description, either print a hard copy and grab an & science level 2 actual highlighter, or copy and paste the contents of the job description into your favorite word processing program. You should make note of the following: Core responsibilities Required qualifications Preferred qualifications Keywords Patterns and themes. A job description will typically label the core responsibilities, required qualifications, and preferred qualifications.

Those should be easy to determine. That being said, there won’t be a section labeled “Keywords” or “Themes.” This is where you have to do a little work. It’s your job to read through the job description and jefferson school admissions test essay questions determine what is & level most important to paperwork, the employer. Ask yourself the following questions: What words are repeated throughout the job description?

What responsibilities are emphasized in the job description? Let’s look at the following example of a job description for level, a marketing internship. The example outlines responsibilities, minimum qualifications, and preferred characteristics. Carefully read through each section. Marketing Internship Job Description.

Conduct social media marketing campaigns Collect quantitative and qualitative data Perform market analysis and research on competitors Collaborate with co-interns and marketing team to analyze data Support marketing team in daily administrative tasks Present findings to marketing team. Sophomore or junior standing Pursuing a bachelor’s degree Interested in marketing and/or business-related career Effective writing and verbal communication skills. Pursuing a degree in marketing, business, graphic design, communications, or a related area of study. When you review this job description, a few things should be obvious. You know the employer is looking for dissertation, an intern who is interested in social media marketing and data analysis.

After further review, you can also make an additional conclusion: Conclusion : The company seeks an intern who is an effective communicator. Clues : The job description not only requires someone with “effective writing and & science level verbal communication skills”, but the rutgers 2013 intern must also be able to collaborate with colleagues and present findings to the marketing team. Both of these responsibilities require a heightened level of communication. That’s a pattern or theme. After reviewing the job description in science detail, you observe a common thread, pattern, or theme regarding one skill across multiple bullet points. Use this knowledge to your advantage. 2012! Dedicate several sentences in your cover letter to proving how you’re an effective communicator. For example, you may write: “After reviewing the job description, it is science level 2 clear that XYZ Company values effective communication. If hired as the Marketing Intern, I would leverage my experience in Toastmasters International, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping members develop public speaking and leadership skills. I have a proven ability to communicate messages effectively and would apply this ability as a Marketing Intern.”

Let’s say you highlight the job description and high science teacher determine there are ten core responsibilities and qualifications the & science level employer wants. Do you write about all ten? Probably not. If you remember correctly, a cover letter can only be one page long. You cannot adequately cover ten different requirements in a single page. So how do you determine which skills to focus on? This is where step two comes in. Step 2: Select which job responsibilities you want to focus on. After you review the job description in dissertation 2012 detail and highlight the level most important parts, you need to choose which of the many responsibilities you want to focus on in your cover letter. Emancipation Paperwork! Unless the job description is very shortand the & science level company only thomas jefferson high, highlights three requirementsit’s unlikely you will be able to discuss every single requirement in your cover letter. Here’s what you do:

Determine what the company values the & 2 most . What does the company emphasize in the job description? Take into consideration your own experience and qualifications. If the rutgers university job requires communication, teamwork, accounting, and customer service, and you’re not confident in & your accounting skills, then you don’t need to focus on that requirement in your cover letter. At the same time, if accounting skills are listed as a minimum required qualification, then you’re not qualified for the internship. Take time to narrow down not only what is jefferson high school admissions test essay most important from the company’s perspective, but also what you are most qualified for. To simplify the writing process, I recommend choosing three job responsibilities to focus on. &! Once you do this, you’re ready for step three. Step 3: Identify specific accomplishments that are relevant to those responsibilities.

After you’ve identified three job responsibilitiesas outlined in the job descriptionyou now need to identify specific accomplishments that are relevant to dissertation, those responsibilities. You should only highlight the & level 2 most relevant accomplishments. Not necessarily the hooks most exciting achievement, but instead, the & science level 2 accomplishments and activities that are closely related to what you would actually be doing with the company. After choosing three requirements and three accomplishments, you’re ready for step four. Step 4: Connect your accomplishments to the qualifications they seek. In a sense, you need to thomas school test essay questions, put together the pieces of the puzzle. You need to demonstrate how your skills and accomplishments match what the company is looking for. You have three responsibilities and & three accomplishments. Connect the emancipation dots. We’ll look at additional examples of & level, how to high science teacher cover letter, do this in the next section. How do I write the introduction, body, and closing?

As with any good story, the 2 cover letter has a beginning, middle, and end. I will refer to these as the introduction, body, and closing. School Science Teacher Cover! Let’s look at each section in further detail. & Science 2! I’ll describe how to write each section and show you real samples of what you could write. Th intrduction two a covr leter is crushal. If you want your cover letter to end up in the trash in record-breaking time, make an ugly spelling error in university essay 2013 your first sentence. Hiring managers quickly disqualify candidates from consideration because of spelling errors.

The core components of your introduction include the following: 1) Briefly introduce why you’re writing. 2) Give a short overview of & level 2, who you are. 3) Tailor the introduction to the company and position. If you want to emancipation indiana, immediately bore a recruiter, open your letter with, “I am writing to level 2, apply for”. Do My Paper In India! As one of the most common introductions, that’s not an effective way to stand out from the other applicants. Even if you spend significant time tailoring the rest of your cover letter, a recruiter may assume you submitted a template because the phrase is so overused. It’s cookie cutter and unfortunately, we’re not making cookies. Avoid this phrase and replace it with something more creative. Begin your cover letter with a sentence that communicates your personality, while still remaining professional. You can accomplish this by & level starting with a personal anecdote.

For example, you could write: “When I was a teaching assistant at thomas jefferson school test essay questions my local middle school, I discovered my passion for working with kids. I am committed to” Don’t feel confined by what is considered standard or traditional. As long as your content is professional, you can be a little creative. This is your opportunity to infuse your personality. Think of it this way:

If you were reading a cover letter, what would engage you? As you explore samples, make note of the cover letters that seem boring and those that inspire you to keep reading. After you engage the reader, it is level 2 important to demonstrate two things: You did your research. You tailored the letter to the specific company and position. Here are a few great examples: “When I discovered the environmental science internship on, I was immediately excited by the opportunity to join a sustainable organization like XYZ Company.” This opening sentence indicates your interest, why you’re writing, and demonstrates that you researched the company.

By including the single word “sustainable,” the company will know that you did your research, provided they’re truly a sustainable company. It may be tempting to say, “I believe I am the best candidate for indiana, the position.” This is an level 2 empty claim. Instead, use the remainder of the letter to prove that you are well-qualified for the position. Those are the do my paper in india building blocks of a quality introduction.

One succinct, yet engaging paragraph where you do the following: State why you are writing. Provide a brief overview of who you are. Tailor to & science 2, company and dissertation 2012 position. Give a brief overview of what you’re about to discuss in the body. If done well, the science level introduction will invite the recruiter to continue reading. Let’s talk about what you include in the body. How do I write the body of a cover letter? After you grab the recruiter’s attention with an university question engaging introduction, it’s time to craft a compelling body. The purpose of the body is to prove your qualifications to the reader. It’s important to be specific about your qualifications and clearly describe how they relate to the position.

This is where you need to match the requirements outlined in & science level the job description with your most relevant skills and qualifications. Let’s look at thomas jefferson high school test questions two different examples. Here’s an example using bullet points: My academic coursework, communication skills, and leadership experience have prepared me well for & level, this position. Academic coursework. I have completed courses in business communications, marketing, and indiana strategic human resource management, resulting in a 3.8 GPA. Communication skills. As the professional development chair of University of Southern California’s SHRM Chapter, I develop and facilitate presentations on behalf of the organization.

Leadership experience. This year, my classmates elected me as the junior representative for the college student government assembly. I am excited by & science level 2 the chance to contribute to your organization and am prepared to engage in continuous learning. Rutgers Question! I intentionally pursue professional development and value non-stop growth as described by & science the internship description. Here’s a traditional example (without bullet points): As outlined in the job description, it is clear you seek an intern who is paperwork indiana familiar with human resources. Over the past two years, I have completed courses in business communications, marketing, and strategic human resource management, resulting in a 3.8 Major GPA.

I would leverage this understanding to advance the & level Human Resources division with your company. Additionally, as the essay hooks professional development chair of University of Southern California’s SHRM Chapter, I develop and facilitate presentations on behalf of the organization. I have a proven ability to communicate effectively in writing and in person. I am well prepared to present information on behalf of human resources and would enjoy learning alongside your skilled team of & science level 2, representatives. I am excited by high the chance to contribute to 2, your organization and essay question am prepared to engage in continuous learning. The most important part of the body is demonstrating how you match the requirements outlined in the job description . If you can do that, you will set yourself up for success. How do I write the & conclusion of a cover letter? Finally, like any good letter or story, you need a well-crafted conclusion. Rutgers University Essay 2013! In the closing section, you should do a few things: Summarize why you are qualified for the position. Express your appreciation for their time and consideration.

Here’s a solid example of how to wrap up a cover letter: My enclosed resumé expands on my academic coursework, communication skills, and leadership experience. As I prepare for a career in & human resources, I am eager to science teacher cover, gain a more detailed understanding of the field. Science Level 2! Thank you for your time and consideration. Thomas Jefferson School Essay! I look forward to hearing from you soon. That’s it. An introduction, body, and conclusion tailored to the company and position. Science 2! Prove that you can do the job and you’re incredibly excited by the opportunity. We’ve covered a lot so far. By this point, you understand what a cover letter is, the purpose, why you need one, and rutgers essay a step-by-step process for writing an outstanding letter tailored to a unique position and company. Now let’s check out the top 10 tips for crafting your cover letter.

Top 10 cover letter tips and hacks. Be a person. If you think back to earlier in this article, you’ll remember a common resumé concern is: “I feel like my resumé makes me super boring.” The same can happen with your cover letter. I highly recommend infusing your personality. & Science 2! In addition to thomas jefferson admissions test, highlighting your skills and campus involvement, your cover letter should express your individual personality. & Level 2! You’re a human after all. Make sure your cover letter expresses who you are. Address the right person. I shared tips for jefferson questions, finding the correct person to address your cover letter to.

Make sure you not only find the correct person, but adjust the & science level salutation for each letter you write. It can be an awful mistake to emancipation, tailor your entire cover letter and forget to science, look up the correct contact person. Worse yet, you leave the contact person from the last company you applied to on your letter to a new company. Make sure you address the correct person and spell their name correctly. Engage the reader at the beginning. Just like a good book, the first sentence of hooks, your cover letter needs to & 2, draw the reader in. Avoid cliché phrases like, “I am writing to apply for your internship.” Or, “I’m writing in response to your recently advertised position.” Instead, write something unique, yet professional. Share your passion.

If you have a connection with the rutgers essay company, don’t be afraid to name drop. Name dropping is when you include the level name of a friend, family member, or acquaintance who is connected to the company. If done correctly, this may improve your credibility and your chances of securing the internship or full-time position. For example, you may write: “After speaking with the current principal, Kathy Johnson, at your meet-and-greet event, I am incredibly excited to apply for the summer school teaching position with Unicorn Unified School District.” Name dropping can showcase your professional network, while signifying an dissertation extra level of effort. Focus on the most relevant examples. Do not include a comprehensive list of science level 2, your college involvement. Your cover letter should not look like you turned the contents of paper in india, your resumé into complete sentences and paragraphs.

Instead, choose a few relevant examples and tell a story. Be specific. Don’t write, “I conducted in-depth marketing research”. Instead write, “I used SPSS to analyze survey data.” Using generic claims and buzzwords does not add value to your cover letter. Tell the & level 2 hiring manager exactly what you did and why it matters to their company.

Showcase the results of school cover, your work. Let’s extend the science previous example, “I used SPSS to analyze survey data.” Why did you do that? What was the result of high science teacher letter, your work? And most importantly, why does it matter to science level, the employer? To strengthen that sentence, you could write, “I used SPSS to dissertation, analyze survey data and better understand the target audience. This experience will be incredibly beneficial as a Marketing Intern with ABC Company. Include key ideas as outlined in the job description. Earlier in the article, I told you how to determine keywords and patterns by level reviewing the job description. Here’s a trick for essay hooks examples, finding keywords. Use the science ‘Find’ function. The ‘Findrsquo function is a keyboard function where you press and hold Control+F (Windows), or Command+F (Mac).

After you release the buttons, a search box will appear on your screen. Type in likely keywords such as “communication” or ldquo;communicate”. Essay Hooks Examples! Your computer will highlight every appearance of this word. & Science 2! Determining where the word is school science teacher cover used will help you tailor your cover letter. Keep it brief. No cover letter should be longer than one page. By focusing on the most relevant skills and not reiterating your entire resumé, you’ll be well on your way to writing a succinct cover letter. At the same time, you need to find a happy medium.

Your letter should not be several sentences. Create 3-5 well-written, concise, yet detailed paragraphs. Follow the & science 2 employer’s instructions. The employer’s instructions outweigh any recommendation you find online (or in this article). If the employer asks you to answer a specific question, or share your availability in the cover letter, follow their instructions. There are a few exceptions to this rule. It is against the law for an employer to ask you for high science cover, the following information: What country are you from? Is English your first language? Do you drink socially? Are you married?

Have you ever been arrested? What religious holidays do you observe? Do you have children? If an 2 employer requests this information (or any other information you feel uncomfortable sharing), you do not need to include that information in your application. It may be a red flag and you probably do not want to do my in india, work for & level, that company. Those are the rutgers university question 2013 top 10 cover letter tips and tricks! Be sure to science, check out our seperate article regarding cover letter tips and tricks. Next let’s check out some common cover letter pitfalls and how to high school teacher cover, avoid them. Top 10 cover letter mistakes to science level, avoid. Typos. I can’t say this too many times.

Ensure that your cover letter is free of typos. Examples! Review the & science level letter yourself, read the letter out loud, and have a friend check it over. Do My Paper! You will kill your chances of being interviewed if you make one too many mistakes. Focusing too much on science 2 yourself. A cover letter is your chance to explain why you’re qualified and dissertation passionate about the job opportunity, but it is not ALL about you. & Science 2! The key to a great cover letter is explaining how you can solve a problem for the employer. You need to explain why you’re interested in the company.

Be careful not to focus on yourself too much. Not tailoring your letter to the company or position. Generic phrases such as “Dear employer” or “I would love to work for your company” can create an altogether weak cover letter. Take my advice and paperwork tailor your cover letter to the specific position and company. Dissect the job description and conduct company research. You will quickly stand out as a quality applicant if you can prove your interest in the position and organization. Including taboo topics. Sometimes it can be difficult to know what’s allowable and what is taboo. While you want to add personality to your cover letter, you must avoid writing about level, things that are uncomfortable or irrelevant to the position. Essay! Do not include information that is considered protected class such as your religion or race.

Unless these are integral to the positionfor example, you’re applying to be a choir director at a churchthese are unnecessary additions. Being cliché. I get it. & Science! It can be tempting to Google, “cover letter sample” and essay examples use a ready-made template found on the internet. While this may seem like the easy option, it will hurt your chances of securing an internship or full-time job. Recruiters review resumés every day. They can immediately spot a template cover letter.

If you found the cover letter example online, so can they. Take time to write a unique cover letter that expresses your personality and & science level communicates your qualifications. Rewriting your resumé. A cover letter is not a resumé. It serves an indiana entirely different purpose. Don’t waste cover letter space by simply reiterating what is on your resumé. Include a story, integrate your personality, talk about the science level company, and discuss your passion.

Over-explaining. Thomas Jefferson High School Questions! Don’t be a rambler. Take time to level 2, cut out unnecessary words and phrases. Refrain from jefferson high admissions essay questions, repeating the same skill multiple times with different examples. If you want to discuss how you’re an excellent public speaker, share one example. Remember, you submit a cover letter and resumé in hopes of securing an interview. If you receive an invitation to interview, you’ll have the & 2 opportunity to describe your experiences in further detail. Being too pushy. If you search the web for cover letter samples, you’ll inevitably come across samples that say something like, I will call your office in a week to science teacher letter, schedule an interview.

While you want to present yourself as an assertive and confident professional, that approach is typically too pushy and can hurt your chances of getting an interview. An alternative is to say, I welcome the science 2 opportunity to speak with you about do my paper in india, how I can contribute. Or “I look forward to & science 2, hearing from you soon.” You can communicate your sincere interest without being pushy. Starting with your name. Emancipation! While your name is an important piece of information to include on your cover letter, opening a letter with “My name is Casey Smith” takes away prime real estate. Instead, start with a relevant skill or qualification to & science, grab their attention. Dissertation! Unless you’re a celebrity and everybody knows your name, it’s not the best option. Sharing irrelevant information.

I get it! You care about ALL the experiences you have gained. This attachment can make it incredibly difficult to let things go. Level 2! But letting go of irrelevant information is key to writing an outstanding cover letter. Yes, it’s awesome that you volunteer with ten different organizations, but not all ten volunteer experiences are relevant to every internship or job you apply for. You need to narrow down your accomplishments and delete what is irrelevant. This will not only essay, cut down on the fluff, it will highlight what’s truly important. There you have it. Essential tips and science level 2 mistakes to avoid. Before we wrap up, I want to discuss two nontraditional cover letters and share a helpful sample.

What do nontraditional cover letters look like? By now, you understand how to school teacher, make your cover letter unique and why it’s important to infuse your personality. There are a few industries and positions that call for an extra level of creativity and design. Science Level! If you’re pursuing a creative degree, this is for test, you. Graphic Design Cover Letter . If you’re a graphic design major, or another creative type, it’s advantageous to reflect this in your cover letter. But don’t forget the basics. Before you attack the science level 2 design, ensure the spelling, grammar, and sentence structure is high school science teacher cover letter solid.

Then, take a few liberties with your design. Adjust the layout, choose the perfect typography, and add a splash of color. While you don’t want to go overboard, you should use your letter as an opportunity to demonstrate your skills. As a creative major, you should also include a link to your online portfolio. The hiring team will review your portfolio for design basicsfrom color choice to level 2, typography, white space usage to essay hooks examples, contrast. While this is an awesome opportunity to showcase your work, it requires a heightened attention to detail. Check for spelling and grammar throughout.

Video Cover Letter. A video cover letter can be a unique way to showcase your skills. Some IT companies and tech-based startups are opting for & level, video cover letters in place of traditional letters. Just like a traditional letter, you want the content to engage the viewer and encourage them to check out your resumé and portfolio. You’re essentially creating a movie trailer.

Where a traditional cover letter is bound to one page, a video cover letter rarely exceeds 60 seconds in length. Brevity is still important. Keep in mind the rutgers essay 2013 purpose of a cover letter and craft your content around these three primary goals: Introduce yourself to a prospective employer. Communicate your interest in a position and company. Explain how you’re a well-qualified candidate for the position. What’s key here is that your personality and science 2 energy come through. Unless you’re camera-shy, there’s no need to write an entire script. Choose a few bullet points to focus on and discuss your qualifications.

You want to do my in india, come across as genuine as you can, without trying too hard! 456 Business Road. Phoenix, AZ 85001. Ms. Nichole Favret. 123 Business Street. Phoenix, AZ 85001. Dear Ms. Nichole Favret, When I discovered the & accounting internship with XYZ Company on emancipation paperwork, I was excited by the opportunity to & science, complement my coursework with practical experience.

As a junior majoring in Accounting at University of high admissions, Southern California, I am enjoy compiling reports and completing audits. & Science! My academic background, communication skills, and leadership experience have prepared me well for this position. Academic coursework . I have completed courses in intermediate accounting, cost accounting, business law, and paperwork individual income tax, resulting in science 2 a 3.9 Major GPA. Communication skills . Dissertation 2012! As the science 2 professional development chair of University of essay 2013, Southern California’s Accounting Club, I develop and science level 2 facilitate presentations on behalf of the organization. Leadership experience . Paperwork! As a chapter leader of Delta Sigma Pi, a business fraternity on campus, I recruit new members and discuss the value of the organization. I am excited by the chance to contribute to your organization and am prepared to engage in continuous learning. I intentionally pursue professional development and value non-stop growth as described by the internship description.

My enclosed resumé expands on my academic coursework, communication skills, and leadership experience. As I prepare for an accounting career, I am eager to gain a more detailed understanding of the field. Thank you for & science level, your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from hooks examples, you soon. That’s what a solid cover letter looks like from beginning to end. Check out more professional cover letter examples here. People read cover letters. As you now know, an outstanding cover letter can get you an & level internship. You have every tool, example, and piece of advice necessary to write a superior cover letter. You understand exactly what a cover letter is, why you need one, and most importantly, you have a step-by-step process to help you write an paper outstanding cover letter. Whether you’re applying for a summer internship, or submitting your first application to a full-time position, you’re well prepared.

Congratulations on getting this far. Set aside time to write an outstanding letter. It will be easier than you think and more rewarding than you imagine.

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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 7 (December 15, 1926) First Prize Essay. After a century of railway working all over the world, and & level 2 despite the fact that we have almost said the last word in jefferson school test, safety, both in protecting the millions who travel by train and the employees who work them, accidents still happen and sometimes with disastrous results. It is & level with a view to minimising them, so far as our own railways are concerned, that I would give a little sound advice to the younger members of the service, and I include all Departments, viz., Locomotive, Traffic and science cover Maintenance. From experience gained in & level 2, the course of nearly twenty-five years in the Traffic Branch, I have come to the conclusion that it is the younger men of the service who really need advice on the question of safety.

There is an science cover letter, old saying “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” Take the locomotive Department first. Level! If a knoek develops on an engine, the good old saying, “take no risk,” is at once apparentyou may come in contact with a bridge or other obstacle. Play safe, stop, and then look round for anything loose about the engine. The same remarks apply to the fireman. If he has to trim coal there is high school teacher letter always the danger of striking an overhead bridge or telegraph wires crossing the line. Keep well down towards the front of the tender when engaged in this work. When an engine is slipping badly, and the sand pipes are blocked, great care requires to be exercised; if tapping pipes with hammer or other tools you are dangerously close to the motion, and a shattered arm is the result if you come into contact with same. Again I say, play safe, stop and adjust matters.

To my mind one of the most dangerous undertakings on our railways is performed by science level 2 an employee who is do my in india called upon to run over any portion of the track with a velocipede or trolley. Here it is a question of being absolutely sure of your whereabouts and the time the train is 2 due to paperwork indiana, pass, to say nothing of special trains. No chance must be taken hereit is level 2 all too perilous. Be certain your watch is correct time and that you have advice of specials running. Don't foolishly go ahead although you may be a little late, especially where curves or tunnels intervene. It is usually at curves where the long list of fatalities is added to. Again I say, “Don't risk it for the sake of a few minutes. It's not safe. Your life is worth more than a few minutes.” A train speeding into essay hooks, the station at a fairly high rate of speed seems to have a fascination, and sometimes a fatal one, for the young and more athletic members of the staff, who, to level, save a walk of do my paper, a few hundred yards, will deliberately risk their life by attempting to jump on the engine, wagons, or footboards of cars.

They sometimes miss andyou know the science 2, result. This dangerous practice has unfortunately taken a heavy toll of thomas high school, members in the past. Think twice when you see a train running into the station and don't endanger your life in this way. Sometimes work about the yard, such as cleaning points, etc., entails a member being engaged in close proximity to the rails. Science! Always make it a practice to work at rutgers essay 2013 the side of the rails. You can do this work equally as well as by taking up a position in the centre of the science, track, and don't forget to keep a good lookout both in front and rear. Always keep in mind a rake of trucks or engine may come along.

When working in their repair siding or when circumstances arise where it is necessary to go under a car or wagon for any purpose, train examiners would be well advised to place (in addition to the discs put up to block the road) one or two detonators on the track a little distance from where their work is. 2012! Always remember, no shunter has an infallible memory. Protect yourself; it makes you doubly safe. To all members I say never get into the bad habit of walking between buffers of wagons or cars at short distances apart. I think it is the worst fault any employee can have levelled against him.

Far better to climb through wagons, if stationary, or walk around. You take a grave risk otherwise. Never leave anything lying about & level 2 between the essay hooks examples, paths where shunters have to science, run. There is a grave risk of serious accident to some member if you do. Gather up all tarpaulins and stanchions and admissions essay put them clear. To the younger members, providing they have had a little training and experience of shunting and science it is the practice now to bring them along gradually in the workall I say is: keep cool and collected at all times. An excitable man in a shunting yard, be he stationmaster, foreman or shunter, is a menace to everyone working in conjunction with him. There is an old saying, “Shunters are born, not made.” This is true to a degree, but there is high science letter nothing to & 2, prevent the page 13 novice or timid youth from emancipation indiana, becoming expert if he will just keep cool and collected. No matter how thick the work is, don't rush about & science blindly.

You get nothing done that way. If in doubt, stop all movements and think for a few seconds. Both by university essay question 2013 day and night give all your signals clearly and distinctly. Keep the driver well in view. Take a good hold when riding on wagons and always be prepared for a sudden stop. The reason for this is obvious in a shunting yard. If a hook jams against a buffer, watch your hands and on science no account attempt to meddle with it or a shattered hand may result. Play safe, stop and right matters. Always be careful when cutting off loaded “Ub” wagons, as there is a lot of play between buffers on this class of wagon and a crushed thigh might result if rounding a curve at the time of kicking off. No doubt a lot more could be written about working on railways, but 1,000 words is the limit.

The whole position summed up is: Keep cool and do my in india don't attempt anything rash whilst moving vehicles. Always be sure to pin brakes down on & science level wagons left in a siding. Dissertation 2012! Watch the older hands going about among vehicles, coupling up and cutting off. They take no risks, why should you? Again to science level, the younger members I would say, “Read the dissertation, little book, ‘Shunting Risks,’ and heed them, together with the few remarks I have added about safety generally, and I feel sure you will go through your railway career safely.” “Accidents will happen,” is an old adage that applies to the outside staff engaged in science 2, railway work perhaps more than to any other occupation. There is little doubt but that a large number of accidents occur when the victim is thomas jefferson high admissions test endeavouring to go a little faster than usual. The railway service contains as near the 100 per cent, of &, triers as any other service, and members will speed up when the work gets behind. Each driver will run to time if it is reasonably possible to do so. The same applies to rutgers, the guard and every member connected with train running. But the member who is & science nearest the danger zone at all times is the question, one engaged in level 2, shunting.

When orders come thick and fast, and trains are getting away late, the work worries him and risks are inevitable. Why should a man worry about his work when he knows in high teacher, his own mind that he is doing his best? The old system of punishment is partly to blame. It has created a feeling of fear. Many men have been punished when it would have been better for the service and the men concerned, if they had been given encouragement to do better. & Science Level 2! Members of the service have taken risks in dissertation, an endeavour to avoid delays with the science, resultant correspondence and perhaps punishment. The new merit system will go a long way to remedy this. The member who has a run of bad luckand most men have a bad run at timeswill have a chance to make good and wipe off his demerit marks. To reduce accidents to a minimum it is necessary that all members should have a thorough knowledge of the rule book.

Knowledge gives confidence, and the rules and regulations have been drafted by practical railwaymen after many years of experience. Many members hold the opinion that the regulations exist solely to victimise the staff, but on closer acquaintance it will be found that they have been drawn up for the protection and safety of the high school teacher letter, staff as well as in the interest of the Department. Officers placed in charge of men engaged in dangerous work should be efficient, firm and humane. Science Level 2! Discipline is necessary, but that does not mean that complaints and grievances should be treated with indifference or contempt. Many will be found to paper, be frivolous or impracticable. Some are genuine. A member of the service had occasion some years ago to & science, complain about the long hours of duty. In the course of the interview he told his superior officer that if some alterations were not made the men would drop. The officer, one of the old school, dismissed the subject by saying, “Well, drop!” Later on the officer retired and the conditions were soon improved and made safer for dissertation 2012 the men.

Concentration on the job in hand is necessary if it is to be accomplished smartly and without risk. A member engaged in shunting should be sure that the men on the engine understand what he intends to do before slipping or tail-roping wagons. Just calling out is not sufficient, because, if the injector or pump is working it is difficult for them to hear. To lay down a hard and fast rule for the prevention of accidents is a difficult matter, owing to the fact that the circumstances leading up to accidents vary according to the nature of the page 14 work performed. Vigilance and caution at all times is the price the railwayman must pay for & science level 2 his own safety and the safety of others. A shunter will lose his hold on a wagon or his foot will slip when in the act of lifting a hook. He will, no doubt, be an efficient shunter in every way, but owing to rush of work his mind is crowded and he fails to concentrate on the job in hand. Paperwork Indiana! Accidents of this nature are not due to & science 2, carelessness or indifference. On the other hand there is the surfaceman, who, without carefully reading the train advices for the day and hooks consulting his watch, hauls his velocipede on to the line and sets off along the length.

He carries his life in his hand. The writer has on more than one occasion noticed a surfaceman, with his back to an approaching train, pulling along the line oblivious of the fact that he was in danger. On one occasion by slowly reducing speed a train got within fifty yards of science 2, a velocipede before the surfaceman heard the whistle which had been blowing for about three hundred yards. There was a touch of humour in dissertation, the way he scrambled off the velocipede, pale and level speechless, and tumbled it off the line, becausehaving been seen in timehe was never in danger of being run down. Thomas High School Admissions Test! Members of the level, service using velocipedes should know the instructions laid down for their safety and, when riding alone, should look behind frequently. Time is valuable in railway work, but not more so than human life and limb. The necessity of trains making time is uppermost in the minds of all members. What is required is that time and safety shall be so closely associated that in thinking of one the thomas jefferson high school test essay, other will always be present.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to alter the wording of Rule 5 * to read: “The first and science level 2 most important duty of every member is to provide for the safety of himself and the public”; and make it a slogan. It would impress on all members the high school cover, necessity of thinking out & science level, safe methods and would develop the safety habit. Risky methods would in time be eliminated. Young hands joining the service would be trained by the example of those they were associated with and the service would be more efficient and paper safer for each member, his mates and the public. (By A. P. Godber, Assistant Workshops Foreman, Hillside.) The better title for this subject would be “Safety First, Last, and all the Time.” Considerations of & 2, safety have results affecting more than the member concerned.

Lack of proper precautions may result not only in hooks, temporary or total incapacitation to the person concerned, but following in its train are: possible injury to fellow employees, loss of working values to the Department, and science 2 financial loss and anxiety to the relatives of the delinquent. How necessary it is for care to be exercised in seeing that all is clear before moving wagons, the long list of rutgers university essay question, employees crushed between vehicles bears ample testimony. Especially is this so at night. &! The clearness with which signals are given contributes, in no small degree, to question 2013, the safety of shunters, and their assistants. Handhold before foothold should be the maxim of all whose duties need them to board moving vehicles. After an engine has been standing for some time, or is in running shed under repair, before moving the reverse lever, make a point of seeing that no one is likely to get caught in the motion. Missing fingers point (?) to the wisdom of this. When shunting about goods sheds and & science level 2 restricted situations, don't put your head out at rutgers university essay 2013 the side unless certain you are clear of all obstructions. Failure to &, place danger signals when working under vehicles is a frequent cause of accident.

In the case of locomotives, give the “Don't Move” board a prominent place. Walking in the centre of the track courts disaster. “Keep off the thomas high school admissions questions, grass” is not applicable to level 2, the well kept roadbeds of the hooks examples, New Zealand Railways, but “Keep to & science 2, the side” is good safe advice. On the paper, velocipede take nothing for granted. Never let up on eternal vigilance. Make it a habit. Shovels left with the blade edge uppermost will trap the unwary. If unable to stand them upright, lay them down with blade or points (in case of forks) facing downwards. Waiho River and Gallery Valley (showing hotel), Southern Alps, South Island.

How usual to see an employee go to an emery wheel, and jerk the belt on to the tight pulley with one movement! Perhaps the belt breaks, perhaps it does not. The risk is there all the science 2, same, and the need for hooks examples “safety first.” It is a bad example to younger men. Because emery wheels are better made than formerly, is no reason to neglect a safety first habit, and grind on the side. Too large a gap between wheel and rest has often meant another kind of rest to the careless workman. Never clear the cuttings away from & level 2, a moving tool, or job, with the finger. It is often painful. The homely grindstone has potentialities for dissertation 2012 harm if the & science level, tool to be ground is incorrectly used. There is a safe side for grinding.

Do not poke the chisel at an upward angle, with the question, stone revolving towards the point; grinding from the back is safer. Locomotive Development In New Zealand. Fifty Years Of Progress. Modern “A” Class Locomotive. Science! Old “A” Class Locomotive (1873)

Stop for rutgers essay question a moment and think what you would do if your mate met with certain injuries, a broken leg, or a severed artery. Level! First aid promptly rendered may be the difference between the doctor and the undertaker. Rutgers Question 2013! First aid is first cousin to safety first. Should you be working with molten lead, be sure there is no moisture in the cavity to be filled. Goggles may not look pretty, but they save pretty eyes; whether from grit, or when working contiguous to level, a brilliant light, as at paper a moulder's cupola, or when performing acetone and science level 2 electric welding. Remember, there are rays of light invisible to ordinary vision, but which are dangerous to eyesight.

Suitable goggles protect against injury from this source. A serious accident caused by neglect of “safety first” principles, reacts on do my in india the nerves of &, one's fellow workmates, and may contribute to further mishaps. Let this thought be latent in your mind: “Are my actions, or operations, safe, either for 2012 myself, or others?” Finally, exercise all care at all times, in all operations you may be engaged in. Let up for not one single moment. Enlarge the slogan of “Safety First” to “Safety First, Last, and all the Time.” Health, strength, skill, “quick to act,” good eyesight and good hearing are the principal elements of the physical man on his positive side, while disease, weakness, clumsiness, awkwardness, laziness and poor eyesight constitute his major negative characteristics.

Dorothy Creek, Lake Kanieri, Westland, South Island. * Rule 5 reads: The First And Most Important Duty Of Every Member Is To Provide For The Safety Of The Public. This is also printed at the head of every page in the Rule Book.

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0252000234 - Essays on Cellular Automata. Show results for. Published by University of Illinois Press. Quantity Available: 1. Item Description: University of Illinois Press. Hardcover. Book Condition: Good. Dust Cover Missing.

Book has some visible wear on the binding, cover, pages. Science 2! Bookseller Inventory # G0252000234I3N01. High Science Cover Letter! Published by University of Illinois Press (1971) Quantity Available: 1. Item Description: University of Illinois Press, 1971. Science 2! Book Condition: Good. First Edition. Former Library book. Shows some signs of wear, and may have some markings on the inside.

Bookseller Inventory # GRP13736504. Published by University of Illinois Press. Quantity Available: 1. Item Description: University of Illinois Press. Hardcover. Book Condition: Fair. 0252000234 Item in acceptable condition including possible liquid damage. As well, answers may be filled in. Dissertation! Lastly, may be missing components, e.g. missing DVDs, CDs, Access Code, etc.

Bookseller Inventory # Z0252000234Z4. Published by Urbana, University of Illinois Press. (1970) Quantity Available: 1. Item Description: Urbana, University of Illinois Press., 1970. Contributions by editor Burks and & science, others, on 1970 computers, includes John von Neumann#x27;s work, section on Turing machines, machine models of self-reproduction, etc. High School Science! -- Hardcover. Condition: very good (cover stain; owner name; no dust jacket). Bookseller Inventory # 32301. Published by & University of Illinois Press (1971) Quantity Available: 1. Item Description: University of Illinois Press, 1971. High School Science! Book Condition: Good. A+ Customer service! Satisfaction Guaranteed! Book is in Used-Good condition. Pages and science level, cover are clean and 2012, intact.

Used items may not include supplementary materials such as CDs or access codes. May show signs of minor shelf wear and contain limited notes and science 2, highlighting. Bookseller Inventory # 0252000234-2-4. Published by UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS 1. Quantity Available: 1. Item Description: UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS 1. Hardcover. Book Condition: Good. Dust Jacket Condition: Fair. HARDCOVER Legendary independent bookstore online since 1994. Essay! Reliable customer service and no-hassle return policy. Book in science level 2 excellent condition. DJ is worn. Computers and InternetArtificial IntelligenceGeneral.

Book: USED, Good. Dust Jacket: Fair. Bookseller Inventory # 01978025200023207. Emancipation Indiana! Bookseller Inventory # 01978025200023207. Essays On Cellular Automata (With Much On Turing And Von Neumann) Burks, Arthur W., Editor; J. W. Thatcher, Edward F. Moore, John Myhill, Stanislaw Ulam, P. & 2! R. Stein, John H. Holland. Published by University of Illinois Press, Urbana (1970) Quantity Available: 1. Item Description: University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1970.

Hardcover. Do My! Book Condition: Near Fine. Science Level! Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good DJ. 1st Edition. Xxvi, 375. Yellow Clkoth. Essay Examples! First Printing. Near Fine Book, No Marks Or Bookplates; Dj With Some War At Corners, And A 1#x2F;8 X 1#x2F;2 Chip At Top Of Spine. Bookseller Inventory # 035229. Published by University of Illinois Press (1971) Quantity Available: 1. Item Description: University of Illinois Press, 1971. Hardcover.

Book Condition: Used: Good. Bookseller Inventory # SONG0252000234. Published by & science level 2 University of Illinois Press (1970) Quantity Available: 1. Item Description: University of Illinois Press, 1970. Hardcover. Book Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good. 1st Edition. hardback book in fine condition,dust jacket is very good,name stamped on first blank page. Bookseller Inventory # 122138. Published by dissertation 2012 University of Illinois Press, Urbana (1970) Quantity Available: 1.

Item Description: University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1970. Book Condition: Near Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good. First edition. Owner#x27;s name crossed out on front fly, glue bled through on pastedowns, else near fine in a very good minus dustwrapper with front flap detached, chip on & level 2 top edge of front panel. Bookseller Inventory # 316013. Published by University of Illinois Press 1971-01-28 (1971) Quantity Available: 1. Item Description: University of high science teacher cover, Illinois Press 1971-01-28, 1971. Hardcover.

Book Condition: good. 0252000234. Bookseller Inventory # 670155. Published by University of Illinois Press. Quantity Available: 1. Science Level! Item Description: University of Illinois Press. Hardcover. Book Condition: Fine. 0252000234 Like New Condition. Bookseller Inventory # LN7.0059512. Quantity Available: 2. Item Description: Book Condition: Very Good.

In good condition and ready for quick shipment to any US location by essay an experienced and reliable seller. CDs and & science 2, Access codes may not be included as is the case with most used books. Thanks for in india shopping with us!. Bookseller Inventory # 3489348. Published by University of Illinois Press (1971) Quantity Available: 1. & Science! From: Anybook Ltd. (Lincoln, United Kingdom) Item Description: University of essay examples, Illinois Press, 1971. Book Condition: Fair. Science! This is an ex-library book and high school cover, may have the usual library#x2F;used-book markings inside.This book has hardback covers. & Science Level! In fair condition, suitable as a study copy. No dust jacket. , 500grams, ISBN:0252000234. Bookseller Inventory # 6497996.

Published by University of Illinois Press (1971) Quantity Available: 2. From: Murray Media (North Miami Beach, FL, U.S.A.) Item Description: University of Illinois Press, 1971. Hardcover. Book Condition: Very Good. Great condition with minimal wear, aging, or shelf wear. Emancipation Paperwork Indiana! Bookseller Inventory # P020252000234. Published by University of Illinois Press. Quantity Available: 1. Science Level 2! Item Description: University of Illinois Press. Hardcover. Book Condition: New. 0252000234 New Condition.

Bookseller Inventory # NEW7.0059512. High Teacher! Published by University of Illinois Press (1971) Quantity Available: 2. From: Murray Media (North Miami Beach, FL, U.S.A.) Item Description: University of Illinois Press, 1971. Hardcover. Book Condition: Like New. Almost new condition. Bookseller Inventory # P010252000234. Quantity Available: 1. Item Description: Book Condition: Good. Essays on Cellular Automata. Bookseller Inventory # Amz5004843.

Published by University of Illinois Press (1971) Quantity Available: 2. From: Murray Media (North Miami Beach, FL, U.S.A.) Item Description: University of Illinois Press, 1971. Hardcover. Book Condition: New. Never used!. Bookseller Inventory # P110252000234. University of Illinois Press.

Published by science 2 University of Illinois Press (1971) Quantity Available: 1. Item Description: University of Illinois Press, 1971. Hardcover. Book Condition: Good. Ships with Tracking Number! INTERNATIONAL WORLDWIDE Shipping available. May not contain Access Codes or Supplements. Buy with confidence, excellent customer service!. Bookseller Inventory # 0252000234. High School Science! Published by University of Illinois Press (1971) Quantity Available: 1. Item Description: University of Illinois Press, 1971.

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Essay: ‘Tess of D’Urbervilles’ and the Victorian Era. Chapter 1. The Victorian Era 3 Chapter 2. Tess, the tragedy of an unfair existence 14 Chapter 3. Science 2! Rape or seduction? 27 Chapter 4. Anna Karenina and Tess of the D’Urbervilles, a tragic destiny 41. Chapter 5. Conclusions. The MA dissertation ‘Tess of D’Urbervilles, an unfair existence’ deals with the problematic of Victorian women, analyzed in Thomas Hardy’s novel, ‘Tess of D’Urbervilles. The project is an attempt to find some answers about the women’s roles in a patriarchal society ruled and dominated by men. The analysis also focused on the Christian prejudices and the injustice of social law. University Essay Question! The theoretical part is structured into three chapters. The first one is an & science 2 introduction into the Victorian Epoch and analyses this period of great changes that brought England to its highest point of development and hooks examples also the & science 2 dramatic inequities between men and women. The next chapter concentrates on Tess’s life and tries to determine why Hardy’s heroine”’ The third chapter tries to paper, investigate if Tess of D’Urbervilles was raped or seduced, if she is an angel or, by contrary, a fallen woman.

In the practical part I made a comparison between Tess’ destiny and & science 2 Anna Karenina’s fall highlighting the fact that the illusion of true love and the social rejection determined the two heroines’ destiny. The last chapter reports the conclusions that resulted from the analysis made on Hardy’s novel, ‘Tess of D’Urbervilles’. The Victorian era. What was the Victorian Era? What changes brought the Victorian Age in England society and literature? How was Thomas Hardy influenced by the Victorian Era?

The Victorian era of British history was the period of Queen Victoria’s reign from 20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901. It was a very long period with significant changes in almost every aspect of politics, law, economics and society. The Victorian age it was first and foremost a period of evolution. The archaic and agricultural society was transformed into a modern society with the reign of 2012 democracy and industrialism. In 1837, when Queen Victoria acceded to the throne, the & science 2 majority of England’s people had houses in hooks examples, the countryside; few of them could read and write, children of & level 2 five year old worked long days underground in mines or ran deadly machinery in factories. Hooks Examples! The political and & science 2 legal power was in the hands of a few people- men who held land. ‘By the paper in india time Queen Victoria died in 1901, the modern world had taken shape. Most of England’s people were town or city dwellers. London, the capital of an empire that covered one-fourth of the & level globe, had subway trains and electric streetlights; telegraph messages speed around the world in minutes; luxurious steamships plied a busy transatlantic trade. Education was compulsory; public hanging of criminals had been abolished; a man’s religion or (lack of jefferson test essay questions it) no longer barred him from attending a university or serving in Parliament.’ The Victorian England was dominated by the effects of the & Industrial Revolution: the population grew quickly, more and dissertation more cities appeared, a broad system of railway was built. England became the glory of the 2 nineteenth century.

But the do my paper Industrial Revolution had also lots of negative aspects: insalubrious shelters for the workers, the employ of young children in the workforce, unsatisfying work conditions, small wages and & science level 2 lots of hours of hard work. There were few laws to improve hours, earnings, safety, job security or working conditions. People worked six day a week. ‘In the early years of the industrial revolution, the birth rate was high and many people died before middle age. More than half the indiana population was children and many were without parents.’ The new technologies of the nineteenth century radically changed people’s lives and & science level perceptions. It was a century of technical innovations, industrial success and thomas jefferson school admissions test economic prosperity. All this opportunities changed the way people thought about the world. It wasn’t any more a dark world; it was a bright one, which could be improved through initiative and hard work. In what concerns the political aspects of the & level Victorian age it can be said that England was dealing with significant changes: the Parliament became preoccupied with the regularization of the economic conditions, public health, education, and other aspects of social life. ‘By the end of the university question century, there were public hospitals for the chronically ill; asylums for the mentally handicapped; schools for blind, deaf, and disabled children; homes for the elderly; and other appropriate public institutions for level 2, people incapable of self-support.’ The society was divided into three categories: working class- men and women who performed physical labor being paid daily or weekly- middle class, men performed mental work, being paid monthly or annually and the upper class who didn’t work but had an income came from the high science teacher cover inherited property and investments. This class hierarchy was accepted and understood by the entire population. Class had distinctive signs in manners, speech, clothing, education and values. The classes lived in specific areas and thought of themselves as distinct categories with well defined standards and people were expected to conform to the rules for their class.

It wasn’t appropriate to have the same behavior like someone for a class above- or below- your own. What is important to mention is the fact that the science level 2 middle class grew in size and importance during the Victorian period. Examples! This class was formed of successful industrialists and extremely rich bankers or poor clerks. ‘Within the middle class, those with the highest social standing were the professionals (sometimes referred to & science level, as the old middle class or upper middle class). Thomas Jefferson Admissions Test Questions! They included Church of England clergymen, military and naval officers, men in the higher-status branches of law and medicine, those at the upper levels of governmental service, university professors, and the headmasters of prestigious schools.” Victorian England was a very religious country, the Victorian people being regular churchgoers. The Bible was frequently and & level 2 widely read by the people of every class and its dogmas were adapted to the everyday life: the paperwork indiana individual should live a life filled with energy, tumult and struggles against doubt. Yet, towards the end of Queen Victoria’s reign, the Bible wasn’t accepted any more as literally true and free from errors. New ways of thinking developed and science 2 the people confronted with a crisis of faith. In the Victorian age, women were seen through men’s eyes.

They were the thomas jefferson high admissions questions most important characters in the domestic sphere, the family life being more than sufficient for their emotional achievement. The home was seen as a paradise, a refuge from the chaotic world of science 2 business and politics, a place similar with the haven, in which men found love from their wives and children. The Victorian women were seen as being pure and perfect. They were ‘angels in science cover letter, the house’, wives and mothers dedicated to science level, their families and children. They had to obey their husbands because men were the main characters in essay hooks examples, the society. The marriage was a light form of slavery: after the wedding everything a woman inherited and had unquestionably belonged to the husband. ‘Every man had the right to force his wife into & level sex and childbirth. He could take her children without reason and send them to be raised elsewhere. 2012! He could spend his wife’s inheritance on a mistress or on prostitutes.[..] If a woman was unhappy with her situation there was, without exception, nothing she could do about it.’ Women lived in & science, an unfair society which tolerated and encouraged men’s dominance, a society in which women had no chances for emancipation. This situation was supported by church, law, tradition, history, and seemed to have no solution for retrieval.

Signals of dissent were controlled by husbands, fathers and even brothers. The nineteenth century woman had to enter into essay a marriage because this step was necessary for her survival. She was somehow forced to depend on man, to beg for science level 2, existence and for love. ‘Barred by law and custom from entering trades and professions by 2013, which they could support themselves, and science level restricted in the possession of property, woman had only one means of livelihood, that of essay examples marriage.’ In order to be accepted as wife, a woman had to be virgin, pure, and free from any desire of love and sexual thought before the wedding. Science Level 2! An indecent behavior was accepted in dissertation 2012, men’s case: they could have sexual relationships before and after the marriage without any moral or legal consequences. & Level 2! Marriage was seen as a duty of women, the dissertation complete fulfillment of their personalities, the most important step in their lives, an occasion for entering the society, a way of answering the community’s requests. Giving birth to children was the biggest realization in & level 2, a couple’s life, the ‘crowning achievement of a woman’s life’ . Unfortunately, this crucial event didn’t raise a woman’s social and familial status, she remained a household manager, a body for his husband, and a protective human being for the child. Wives were supposed to see the sexual act as a necessity for giving birth to the descendants and not as a source of pleasure. Sex for another reason than for paper in india, procreation was seen as dirty and outrageous and & science changed the emancipation husband’s image over his wife: she was seen like a perverted person without any religious values ‘a mother who lacked religious faith could not instill sexual propriety in 2, her daughter, and thus was unfit to be a mother at all.’ Women weren’t allowed to have any personal opinions: they had to strive with the same goals as their husbands, to stay far away from the social life and to be preoccupied with the house and the children’s raise. The Victorian woman sacrifices herself every day for the husband and children. School Science Teacher Letter! ‘The pure woman’s life was supposed to be entirely centered on the home. She preserved the higher moral values, guarded her husband’s conscience, guided her children’s training, and helped regenerate society through her daily display of & science level 2 Christianity in high school science cover, action.’ The Victorian woman had no power over her life or her children’s: when she was accused of adultery, she was viewed as ‘fallen’ or ‘ruined’ and level her husband could kidnap and incarcerate her having the backing of the law.

The children remained in the man’s custody. ‘A husband could divorce his wife if she committed adultery, but the woman who wanted a divorce had to prove her husband guilty not only emancipation indiana, of adultery, but also of incest, bigamy, bestiality, cruelty or desertion. If a man did not commit adultery, he could treat his wife as badly as he liked: cruelty alone was not sufficient for divorce.’ For many, the word ‘Victorian’ is associated with pictures of & science over-dresses woman and arrogant men gathered in salons and reading-rooms. In this epoch, the rules of personal conduct were inflexible and not respected. Victorians won a bed reputation o saying one thing and rutgers university essay question 2013 doing another. & Science Level 2! This feebleness will be a major writing theme for the next generations who will criticize it. In the Victorian era the essay examples society was transforming fast and lots of people could not understand the society’s mechanism. The nobility, in the past at the top of the social pyramid, lost his position and science 2 became preoccupied with the agriculture.

The middle class was now in the top of 2012 England society and used the poor to science, achieve his goals. Children were working in the mines lots of hours and were a viable force for the society’s- capitalistic middle class- prosperity. In what concerns the essay examples Victorian literature it can be noticed significant changes. It’s the beginning of a new way of writing prose, the lyric prose, a writing that expresses not only ideas but ideas wrote in a beautiful form. The Victorians need in this period of science great disquiet guides to better understand the economical, social and do my paper in india religious changes. Writers as Thomas Carlyle, John Henry Newman, Matthew Arnold helped England people to better understand the society they lived in. ‘Up the still, glistening beaches,

Up the creeks we will hie, Over banks of science level 2 bright seaweed. The ebb-tide leaves dry. We will gaze, from the paperwork sand-hills, At the white, sleeping town; At the church on the hill-side’ And then come back down.

Singing: “There dwells a loved one, But cruel is she! She left lonely for ever. The kings of the science sea. ‘ Thomas Carlyle was the dominant figure of the Victorian Age. He succeeded to teacher letter, influence every category of science 2 Victorian life. He could not accept any spiritual weakness or social destruction. Carlyle hated the social inequalities, conventions and mendacity. He was skeptic about the role of democracy benefactions and believed that the population can be governed by a ‘hero’ who can lead the masses to glory. The spiritual freedom was a value important for Carlyle and he succeeded through his writings to highlight human cost and diseases of manufacturing. Carlyle thought that his role, the role of a writer and a thinker is to denounce the thomas jefferson school admissions questions abuse that is prepared by the society. It was the writer’s duty to speak out against the abuses and inequality of this new and scary world.

He saw industrialization and the Industrial Revolution as responsible for extermination and also the & science root for the lost of human characteristics. Writers could not escape any more into fantasy or imagine great worlds with a perfect life knowing that the society they live in is ill and is a threat for the humanity. Elizabeth Barrett-Browning’s poem ‘The Cry of the Children’ is a criticism against the jobs in mines offered to the young children. He describes the conditions in the England mines and wrote about the hard life children had to endure in the depth of the mines. In Victorian Age poetry was considered superior than prose and also than novel theatre.

The predominant figure of this period was Alfred, Lord Tennyson. He wrote about social changes and he raised questions about the veracity of religion. His poetry is romantic in subject but has lots of high school cover letter personal reflections. Robert Browning and his wife Elizabeth Barret Browning were also popular in science, the Victorian period. Robert Browning is famous for his dramatic monologues but both succeeded to capture the teacher cover beauty of life and the wind of & 2 changes. Francis Thompson, Alice Meynell, Christina Rossetti, Rudyard Kipling and hooks Lionel Johnson are also famous poetry writers in the Victorian epoch.

In the level middle of 19th Century, the Pre-Raphaelites guided by the poet and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti tried to bring to light the values and the principles of the culture and life. William Morris- designer, inventor, poetry writer, philosopher was the group leader helped by Christina Rossetti and do my Coventry Patmore. & 2! During the admissions essay 1890s the decadents are the most important figures in the English literature. The group’s leaders are Arthur Symons, Ernest Dowson the most talented and controversial figure being Oscar Wilde. The decadents rejected what they considered banal progress. They argued that art should be judged on the basis of level form rather than values and this idea is perfectly sustained by do my paper, the motto ‘art for art’s sake’. 2! They also rejected the idea that literature and art have to play important ethical roles and essay examples literature can offer the reader models of & science level 2 excellence and rutgers question honor. The Victorian epoch is a great moment for the English novel- pastoral, realistic with a complicated action, with complex characters and long.

It was the preferred form of writing to & level 2, describe and school teacher analyze the contemporary life and to captivate the middle class. Charles Dickens writings are full of melodrama, amusement, complex heroes and complicated life situations. Dickens is & science level, regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period and one of the creators of the most well-known fictional characters. His oeuvre was extremely popular and by the twentieth century has been considered a literary genius by paper in india, his critics. William Makepeace Thackeray is famous for his novel ‘Vanity Fair’ (1848) a satire upon 2 hypocrisy and avarice.

The novels of George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) described ethical conflicts and social concerns. Jane Eyre (1847) and rutgers 2013 Villette (1853), Charlotte Bront’??s novels respect the & 2 conventions but dare in their own way. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson writes under the paperwork pseudonym Lewis Caroll and is the author of level Alice’s adventures in high school science cover, Wonderland (1865) a complex and sophisticated children’s book. At some point in the Victorian Age the novel has replaced the poetry as the most efficient and realistic transmission of & science art and literature. This change was a valid change accepted by essay examples, the people and & science level even preferred nowadays. Serial publication in hooks, magazines and journals became more and more favored and in a short period of 2 time these writings were published and sold in their complete form. Thomas Hardy was born on June 2, 1840, in a Dorset’s village of Higher Bockhampton.

Hardy was a very sick child and indiana his parents Thomas and Jemima Hardy thought that he won’t survive. He was kept mostly at home being a sick young. After his completely recovery he started to explore the & level countryside he lived in observing rural families with their traditions, unwritten laws, believes. He adored the church rituals and he was member of Stinsford church musicians, playing the violin and performing traditional dances, described later in ‘Under the Greenwood Tree.’ In the ‘Life’, Hardy describes faithfully the complex routine that shaped his knowledge at this period: ‘To these externals may be added the peculiarities of his inner life, which might almost have been called academic ‘ a triple existence unusual for a young man ‘ what he used to indiana, call, in looking back, a life twisted of three strands ‘ the professional life, the scholar’s life, and science the rustic life, combined in the twenty-four hours of one day, as it was with him through these years. He would be reading the Iliad, the school science teacher cover letter Aeneid, or the Greek Testament from six to eight in science 2, the morning, would work at Gothic architecture all day, and then in rutgers university 2013, the evening rush off with his fiddle under his arm ‘ sometimes in & level 2, the company of his father as first violin and uncle as ‘celloist ‘ to play country-dances, reels, and emancipation indiana hornpipes at an agriculturalist’s wedding, christening, or Christmas party in a remote dwelling among the fallow fields, not returning sometimes until nearly dawn.’ At the & science age of eight Thomas Hardy joined the Anglican school recently opened in his village and later was sent to essay, the school of Dorchester. After the age of teen he become more healthy and strong and he could participate to the Greek and Latin classes helped by his mother with money who believed in Thomas ‘dream to attend Cambridge in order to become a bishop. & Science! When Hardy was 22 he moved to emancipation, London and worked as apprentice architect for Arthur Blomfield, visiting in the same time theatres, museums and galleries, enjoying every journey and observing attentively all the science level 2 attractions London could offer. ‘In spite of the opportunities for dissipation in the capital, Hardy’s life seems to have remained disciplined and devoted to self-improvement.

He visited the thomas high school questions International Exhibition at South Kensington (later the Victoria and & science level Albert Museum) for its architectural artefacts and paintings, studied the great masters at the National Gallery during his lunch period, and essay examples enrolled for French classes at King’s College. Finding that architecture did not challenge him intellectually, he began reading the science 2 work of John Ruskin, who wrote about the emancipation paperwork indiana cultural significance of art, and who championed Turner as pre-eminent among European painters.’ In 1863 he starts writing a notebook about ‘Schools of paintings’ because he imagines himself as an art critic. & Science Level! He thought also at a journalistic career as a way of earning money in order to allow him to attend the University and enter the church. ‘However, this aim receded as under Moule’s mentorship Hardy was introduced to the writings of a wide range of contemporary thinkers, including the work of John Henry Newman, the leader of the Oxford Movement, who left the Anglican Church for Roman Catholicism, and whose Apologia pro Vita Sua was published in 1864, on which Hardy made quite extensive notes. But Hardy also read John Stuart Mill [85, 121], a seminal philosopher and paper economist, who formed the 2 Utilitarian Society, wrote On Liberty (1859), a comprehensive defense of individual freedom, and rutgers university 2013 Utilitarianism (1861) and who, in contrast to Newman, regarded the ideal of science level 2 Christianity as negative and passive.’ Hardy considered Mill as ‘one of the profoundest thinkers of the last century’ and do my paper in india he was influenced by his writings. By 1865 Hardy had begun to see himself as a future writer. He published the humorous prose ‘How I Built Myself a House’, anonymously in Chambers’ Journal and he won his first earnings from writing but Hardy returned to poetry and studied intensively multiple poetry volumes. ‘Determined and & level methodical, he began keeping a notebook headed ‘Studies, Specimens etc.’, in dissertation, which he listed quotations, attempted to develop a vocabulary of his own, and recorded observations of people and scenes for possible poems.’ Hardy’s earliest poems were written in 1865 and 1866 and 2 remained unpublished many years. The critics could not tell exactly why Thomas Hardy wasn’t willing to publish his poetry because any testimony couldn’t be found. In this time the young writer was involved in indiana, a relationship with Eliza Bright Nicholls, relationship described by level 2, his biographer, Michael Millgate as a weak relation and Hardy was ‘more or less formally engaged from about 1863 until 1867’. Dissertation 2012! ‘ His relationship with Eliza gave rise to the ‘She, to Him’ series of poems, and in & level 2, the Wessex Poems volume in which they appear, on the opposite page is printed Hardy’s drawing of essay examples two figures climbing the path that runs up to Clavel Tower overlooking Kimmeridge Bay. The end of the & level relationship is recorded in the poem, ‘Neutral Tones’.’ Bibliography Chapter One. 1. Harvey, G., ‘The complete critical guide to essay, Thomas Hardy’, Taylor #038; Francis e- Library, 2003.

2. Holmes, S., #038; Nelson, C., ‘Maternal Instincts: Visions of motherhood and science sexuality in Britain, 1875-1925’, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 1997. 3. Jennings, A., ‘Stranger than Fiction. Life and Literature in the Late Victorian Age’, Black Cat Publishing, 2001. 4. Kent, Susan.’Sex and dissertation 2012 Suffrage in Britain 1860-1914?. Level 2! Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990. 5. Matthew, A., ‘The Forsaken Merman’ in Selected Poems, 1822-1888, An electronic classics series publication, 2000.

6. Millgate, M., Thomas, Hardy, His Career as a novelist, London: Macmillan, 1994. 7. Mitchell, S.,’Daily Life in Victorian England’, Greenwood Publishing, Westport, Connecticut, London, 2009. 8. Wojtczak, H., ‘Women of Victorian Sussex’, Hastings Press, 2003. Tess, the tragedy of an 2012 unfair existence. Is Tess a victim or a blemished woman? Is Tess’s tragedy inevitable’?Tess of the D’Urbervilles is the level 2 product of Hardy’s fascination with women of beauty, energy and dissertation intelligence who find themselves trapped between these gifts, the aspirations such gifts justify, and science level 2 their society’s assumption that respectable women must be either submissive or obtrusively and harmlessly aspiring. With few exceptions, Hardy’s most interesting characters are his unconventional women including Tess who, so unconventional both before and after, is, predictably both the conventional ruined maid of paperwork indiana fiction and a ruined maid like no other that has existed in British fiction.’ Tess of d’Urbervilles appears regularly in the literary magazine ‘The Graphic’ thorough the 1891.

This was an original method of & science Hardy. First, the author published his novels, serialized, in a magazine, and then, the novel is published in the book form. The book’s subtitle, ‘A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented ‘is the first evidence that Hardy’s novel will shock his readers. The heroine will definitely reject the Victorian rules and will act independently and not in emancipation paperwork, a predictable way as a Victorian heroine. The novel’s readers were certainly impressed by the Hardy’s creation: the & science level 2 author reveled in a candid manner the Tess’s suffering and he is 2012, full of empathy and sympathy for the young girl’s history. It was not easy for Thomas Hardy to find a publisher.

The novel’s plot and also the heroine were full of sexiness. & 2! Episodes full of passion were described, Tess was too sexy and in spite the rape willingness presented, Thomas Hardy insists that his heroine remains pure. All these elements made the novel a controversial work difficult to put in print. In 1890, Hardy succeeded to find a magazine willing to publish his novel but he had to censor the most debatable episodes. Rutgers Essay! ‘Tess of the Durbervilles’ was first published in a censored edition and after a few years in its original form. The author also revised later editions of his novel and was somehow forced to modify or even erase some problematic scenes due to & science level 2, contemporary reviews. Modern critics admit that the 1891 edition is the closest to the original version of Hardy’s novel. Probably the readers are asking themselves why this novel was so important to emancipation paperwork, print for Thomas Hardy and what changes brought this writing in the Victorian age.

After a carefully reading and a harshly analysis the answer can be easily found- Hardy is trying to demonstrate that not all the ‘falling woman’ are prostitutes or ended up having sex outside of marriage. His heroine, Tess, is a victim of an archaic society which does not accept the woman’s mistakes. This society is entirely dominated by men and accepts only the men’s actions full on injustice, immorality and decadence. Thomas Hardy is trying to raise some questions about the values of the society he lives in. He is & science 2, a modern writer because has the ability to attest the validity of the Victorian age values. Essay! It’s a significant discrepancy between the standards applied to men and the rules the women had to respect in order to avoid the public humiliation and the lack of respect. Science 2! The rape was a sensitive subject in the epoch and always considered as determined by the woman’s conduct. No presumption of dissertation innocence was given to the poor women who were not involved in a sexual relationship with a man, who was not protected by any legal or natural law. Thomas Hardy has structured his book in seven phases (novel division) which present the short and tragic life of his heroine, from her childhood to womanhood. ”Phase’ is an interesting demarcation in itself. Unlike the customary ‘book’ or ‘part’ or ‘section”each a spatial marker, none temporal”phase’ signi’es a stage of change or development as well as unobtrusively linking Tess’s growth to womanhood with the rhythms of the lunar cycle. ‘Seven’ is, in turn, redolent of universal meanings: it is given as the Age of Reason, the Seven Ages of Man (Shakespeare), and science level 2 the Seven Pillars of thomas school admissions essay Wisdom.

And, of course, the & level seventh day is the Christian Sabbath’the sacred day of fulfillment in the Genesis story of Creation; the day of rutgers essay question rest from labor and of thanksgiving.’ The seven phases are also divided cyclically and thematically. The novel begins with ‘The Maiden’ which presents the young Tess in a difficult situation, he feels very culpable and also responsible for the death of Prince. In ‘The Chase’, when she is sexually abused she realizes that she her virginity is lost and she is & science 2, damned to live a sadly life, with no respect or understanding from the community she lives in. She knows she is now ‘another girl than the one she had been at home’ A new stage of Tess’s life starts with The Second Phase, ‘Maiden No More’. Now she is expectant a baby and rutgers question 2013 decides that she can’t stay any more in Trantridge. Tess has tried to help his parents to level 2, resolve the financial problems they had at home and struggled to make Alec understand that she is not in love with him but she has lost his innocence trying to defend it. The heroine does not want a life full of lies and a marriage without love and he decides to leave Alec and the life he can offer her. ‘Of all things, a lie on this thing would do the most good for rutgers university essay, me now; but I have honour enough left, little as ’tis, not to 2, tell that lie.

If I did love you I may have the best o’causes for letting you know it. But I don’t.’ Tess does not accept the marriage with Alec because she cannot be with someone she is emancipation paperwork indiana, not in love with. She cannot accept this marriage even though it can be the solution for a misery life, it can be the ‘social salvation’. Analyzing the decision Tess makes it can be concluded that Hardy wants to sacrifice Tess and to offer to 2, his British readers an example of dissertation morality, integrity and honor. Hardy transforms his heroine into a model of perfection knowing that greatness can be achieved but not perfection. ‘Yet, in breaking the science 2 popular stereotype, Hardy was accused by high school test, some contemporary critics of misrepresenting womankind.

The ideal was preferable to the real if only to set a good example for the young British person, but Hardy refused to employ his art to such an end. ‘ On the Phase the Third, ‘The Rally’ readers can meet a new Tess who is science, willing to forget his past and to start a new life. In this phase Tess is enthusiastic and even though her past is still alive in her soul and her mind she can start over paper, full of confidence and hope for & level 2, the future. Emancipation Indiana! The heroine is prepared to embrace the new and unknown and involves in 2, a relationship with Angel Clare. Is for the first time when Tess feels the true love, loves and is loved. Sometimes she does not know how to react when Angel shows her that he is in love.

When Angel tried for the first time to teacher cover letter, take Tess in his arms to kiss her, the girl is very scared and science 2 does not know how to react. She starts crying. Essay! ‘Why do you cry, my darling’? he said. ‘O’I don’t know!’ she murmured regretfully. 2! Angel misunderstands his reaction and strongly thinks that he determined this powerful emotion being ‘too quick and jefferson essay questions unre’ecting’ . Instinctively Tess puts a barrier between her and level the man she loves still being traumatized after the experience she had with Alec. She is high cover, not used to be in the arms of & science a man she has feelings for, the heroine being forced in the past to reject every unwanted embrace offered by her ‘cousin’. After a few minutes of distance and defense she realizes that in Angel’s arms she is paperwork indiana, safe, she does not have to 2, be afraid anymore because Angel will protect her. Definitely she has to confess Angel the sin that changed her and isolated from the community she lives in dissertation, but the girl knows that isn’t the right moment. Tess does not know how Angel will react, she knows that is a sensitive subject and she can obtain forgiveness only if Angel has true and & science level strong feeling for her. ‘The Consequence’ is the title for the Phase the Fourth. Tess is living a beautiful love story with Angel but her happiness is alloyed because the girl knows that she will have to tell Angel the high school teacher ugly truth about science 2, her past. Do My Paper In India! ‘She makes several attempts but either she is sidetracked or she sidetracks herself’again, psychologically plausible self-protective behavior.

And when she ‘nally writes him an explanatory note, it accidentally slips under the carpet as she pushes it under his door. The cycle of intention undermined by accident seems unbreakable. Tess’s resolve is challenged; she feels quite overwhelmed.’ The things are easy neither for science 2, Angel nor for Tess. Angel has to face his parents’ attitude, disapproval and to convince them that Tess is the best choice for him and not the jefferson test questions young lady who he is supposed to marry with. Even though Angel does not admit directly that he has his own prejudices in what concern the Tess’s situation her soul struggles with his own doubt and his parent’s opposition. ‘Indeed, his idealization of science level Tess is emancipation indiana, partly the cause of her failure to confess. The more he elevates her (she is a goddess, she is a pure daughter of Nature), the more she freezes at having to tell him that she’s none of science level 2 these things. On the contrary, she is what his Evangelical family at paper the parsonage might call a fallen woman (and there are even uglier phrases than that).’ Phase the & science fifth, ‘The woman pays’ presents another chapter in emancipation paperwork indiana, Tess’s life, an episode full of sorrow and & level pain.

Tess revealed Angel all the truth about her situation, she told the man she loved the truth about the sexual assault, the child she gave birth to, his short live, the baptize and the burial. The truth freed her but from Angel she did not receive understanding or unconditional love, only university question 2013, misery and pain. In Angel’s eyes Tess is another woman, a woman with Tess’s body but with a different story, with different values, a human being that he cannot forgive for his past and have a happy marriage with. Phase the level sixth, ‘The convert’, represents the story of Alec who is now a ‘preacher’ and is religious converted. The meeting between Alec and Tess is unwanted by the girl but is seen by the man as a cure for his soul. Alec sees Tess, runs after her and tries to persuade her that he is changed, he succeeded to communicate with the divinity and is now aware of the pain he caused her. He makes Tess promise that she will never tempt him again. In Phase the seventh, ‘Fulfillment’ Alec becomes the thomas high test questions man that took Tess’s virginity replacing the love for God with a sick love for & science level 2, Tess.

The sexually desire is stronger than ever and essay 2013 succeeds to transform the man into a sexual exploiter. Angel can now see the truth about the & science 2 Tess’s personality, he can now distinguish the essences and rutgers university essay appearances but is too late. ‘In accordance with the fulfillment of the seventh day of creation, Tess will now rest. Turning her life around for &, the very last time, she stands to face her prosecutors with that readiness of will and pure, undaunted spirit from which heroes, not victims, are made. Where Christ’s words were ‘it is done,’ Tess’s words are ‘I am ready’.’ Was Tess the victim of the inevitable fate? Could the heroine change her destiny or was she damned to self-destruction by thomas jefferson school admissions essay, the society in which she lived? Since the beginning of the science level 2 novel, Thomas Hardy, the author, describes Tess as a beautiful and dissertation 2012 innocent girl, cheery, energy with a big smile on her face: ‘She was a fine and & handsome girl- not handsomer than some others, possibly- but her mobile peony mouth and large innocent eyes added eloquence to color and shape.

She wore a red ribbon in paper in india, her hair, and was the only one of the white company who could boast of such a pronounced adornment.’ Using the & science adjectives ‘fine’ and do my in india ‘handsome’ the author suggests that Tess is not just a peasant girl who can pass unnoticed, on & level 2, the contrary, she is a charming girl having all the necessary physique resources for making a man, a rich man maybe, falling in love with her and paperwork indiana saving her poor existence. Science! She also seems to be ‘the one’ because is the only one wearing a red ribbon. Tess is the most beautiful heroine Hardy has created. It is the first novel in which the author describes so deeply the feminine beauty, he is entirely focused on all the femininities the young girl was blessed with and revels all these features step by step. ‘Failures to see Tess rightly are everywhere in the novel, however, for the opportunity to look at her is offered again and again to one pair of eyes after another, as if it were a test, a measure of value. Angel’s two brothers, for example, are both short sighted thought they wear the cover latest fashion in spectacles (XXV, 134). Blindly, they pass right by Tess, on the day she walked fifteen miles to Emminster Vicarage to ask for help from her father in law. To them, she is & science level, invisible.’ ‘Tess herself is almost less a personality than a beautiful portion of nature violated by human selfishness and over school admissions test essay, intellectualizing. & Science Level! She is the do my in india least flawed of & level 2 Hardy’s protagonists, but also the least human.’ The mixture between red and white (Tess is wearing a red ribbon and a white dress) used by Thomas Hardy isn’t an accidental choice-it has a deep signification and seems to 2012, be the author’s way of saying that this girl won’t have a common destiny, she will have a different existence, a scintillating life. The contrast between white-purity- and red-sexual experience- shows that Tess is & science, not like the emancipation paperwork other girls, is the author’s warning signal and & level 2 his modality of saying that his heroine will break down the emancipation paperwork indiana Victorian society rules. &! At the May Day festivities Tess first meets Angel.

He stops to dance with the essay hooks examples women in the village garden although his brothers want to keep traveling but he doesn’t choose Tess to be his dance partner observing her too late. This initial event isn’t just an artifice of writing is also the author’s first sign that Tess and Angel aren’t meant to be together. Angel doesn’t observe Tess even though she’s the prettiest girl from the green garden because he can’t notice the essences, only the appearances. And this is probably the science level reason for which he cannot forgive Tess after he discovers her big secret and condemn her to self-destruction. Tess’s fate is decided by the men in high cover, her life. & 2! The first male who has a great word to university essay question 2013, say about her destiny is level, Tess’s father. Emancipation Paperwork Indiana! After he discovers that is the descendant of an ancient and noble family he sends his eldest daughter to & science, claim kin. And this is the beginning of a terrible life for Hardy’s heroine who doesn’t manage in meeting Mrs. D’Urbervilles but chances to meet her debauched son, Alec. Paper In India! ‘Hardy keeps the ‘man against nature’ conflict as central in his novels, yet, he deals with the Victorian theme of social stratification through ‘man against man’ conflict. With the importance attached to level 2, class in the late nineteenth century society, Hardy shows why human altruism cannot be achieved in the Victorian world. In a society in which the dissertation concept of 2 class has already been established to form the individual relations of conflict and contract, John Durbeyfield is under the illusion that his ‘aristocratic background’ is thomas jefferson school admissions, significant since this background connects him to the rich d’Urbervilles.

It is the illusion, the anticipation that causes him to commit the fatal mistake of & science 2 sending her daughter to the d’Urbervilles.’ About the first meeting between Alec and Tess, Hardy says: ‘She had an attribute which amounted to a disadvantage just now; and it was this that caused Alec D’Urbervilles eyes to rivet themselves upon her. It was a luxuriance of aspect, a fullness of growth, which made her appear more of a woman than she really was. She had inherited the feature from her mother without the quality it denoted. It had troubled her mind occasionally, till her companions had said that it was a fault which time would cure.’ Later, when Alec runs into essay Tess again he observes her beautiful mouth and describes it with lot of passion: ‘Surely there never was such a maddening mouth since Eve’s!’ Hardy describes all this physiques details because he wants to demonstrate that Alec’s fascination with Tess is science, only physical. Alec is fascinated by her ravishing beauty and dissertation ‘As the & science level 2 text progresses, Tess is once again described more than once, by her looks. This shows that Tess is being objectified by the author who seems very fascinated by essay hooks, her. 2! He talks about her mouth and her lips as though he wants to kiss her.’ Angel is also fascinated by 2012, Tess’ physical features: ‘How very lovable her face was to level, him. Paper! Yet there was nothing ethereal about it; all was real vitality, real warmth, real incarnation. And it was in level, her mouth that this culminated. Eyes almost as deep and speaking he had seen before, and cheeks perhaps as fair; brows as arched, a chin and throat almost as shapely; her mouth he had seen nothing to equal on the face of the earth.

To a young man with the least fire in him that little upward life in hooks, the middle of her red top lip was distracting, infatuating, maddening.’ For Angel Clare Tess is level 2, a very beautiful girl, with angelic features, lovable in spite of her beauty and not because of it. The character sees, in general, the metaphysical aspect of the things and values the ideal aspect of every action, event, and person. His name, ‘Angel Clare’ is a significant clue of his personality: His last name ‘Clare’ is the English translation for the French word ‘Clair’ and defines a person with a real capability of understanding the world, a person who lives in mind and is preoccupied with the mystical face of the humanity. Paper! The adjective ‘clare’ is opposed to ‘heat’ and this opposition is shown in narrator’s confession of 2 Angel’s love for essay, the heroine: “Though not cold-natured, he was rather bright than hot ‘ less Byronic than Shelleyan; could love desperately, but his love more especially inclined to the imaginative and ethereal”. Angel loves Tess, whom he idealizes as a ‘fresh and science level virginal daughter of Nature’ so deeply that he finally marries Tess without caring about his family’s strong opposition. He particularly appreciates her words: ‘I do know that our souls can be made to go outside our bodies when we are alive’ . When he discusses his marriage with his family, he mentions Tess as ‘ a woman who possessed every qualification to be the helpmate of an agriculture’ , ‘she was a regular church-goer, of simple faith, honest-hearted, receptive, intelligent, graceful to a degree, chaste as a vestal and in personal appearance exceptionally beautiful’ . Hardy indicates: ‘It was for her that he loved Tess, her soul, her heart, her substance-not for her skill in the dairy, her aptness as his scholar, and paper in india certainly not for her simple, formal faith-professions’. & Science! Although Angel has liberal visions and university 2013 is more open minded than his father and his brothers, he is categorical and intransigent.

When Tess confesses her sin, Angel is & science 2, inflexible and can’t forgive the heroine for her only failing: ‘In the name of our love, forgive me! I have forgiven you for the same! Forgive me as you are forgiven!’ But Angel answered cruelly: ‘Tess, forgiveness does not apply to the case! You were one person; now you are another.’ ‘I will obey you, like your wretched slave, even if it is to lie down and die.’ ‘You are very good. But it strikes me that there is a want of harmony between your present mood of self-preservation.’ At the beginning of the essay novel Thomas Hardy presents a Tess Durbeyfield who is not aware of her beauty. She is just a country girl, with little education, living in the domestic sphere with her parents and brothers. Tess lives happily on her native heath and suffers a real shock when is & 2, forced to abandon her house. When Tess goes to the D’Urbervilles mansion she meets with young Alec who is fascinated by her beauty. And this is, probably, the moment which makes Tess aware of emancipation paperwork indiana her charm perceived by the heroine as a curse and not as a gift from God.

Men in Tess’ life have the science level 2 wrong impression that they own Tess and can change her entirely. Rutgers Essay 2013! Alec reveals his feeling of science superiority since the very beginning when he proclaims: ‘what am I, to be repulsed so by a mere chit like you!’ Alec is the perfect image of the Victorian oppressor dominated by the ordinary custom and the bourgeois view of morals. University Essay Question 2013! He is a sexual predator without an inner life, having a superficial existence and science any moral values. The character is narcissistic, individualistic and dissertation heartless. & Science Level! Because Thomas Hardy doesn’t mention anything about his childhood, the reader cannot say that Alec’s personality is the result of a sad infancy. In India! The reader is, somehow, forced to internalize the idea that society perverts humankind and human beings pervert any society. ‘Alec, the archetypal seducer in Victorian melodrama, after his violation of Tess’s virginity, does not realize his sin; what’s more, he blames Tess for tempting him with her beauty. He does the & science level 2 wrong and shifts it onto the victim. The social consensus does not condemn or punish Alec.

Instead it disdains and hunts Tess wherever she goes. The innocent pays for the guilty; the sinned suffers for the sinner.’ Tess’s badluck is related to male dominance and the idea of male supriority. The heroine is just an innocent girl who is traped in a male-centered society. Paperwork Indiana! She doesn’t now anything about the level world she lives in. She has the pure belief that human beings are kind and can’t hurt honest people. She knows little about love because she has never been in love. Examples! For her love is: ‘patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.’ Tess has a real respect for her family and level 2 respects his father’s will and not her own senses when leaves to claim kin. She accepts any job Alec offers to her because knows very well that her family needs a new horse to survive. It can be said that the heroine is like an angel for her family, a spotless soul which is hooks, damned to live among monsters with human faces. Alec is the first master of disguises Tess meets.

Since the very beginning Tess dislikes Alec but endures his permanent undesirable attention because the girl has a clear purpose: to earn money. Alec calls Tess ‘coz’ (cousin), wanting to worm girl’s confidence but there’s nothing real in this appellative because the science level 2 libertine young man has dark plans for in india, Hardy’s heroine. Tess is & science 2, barely answerable for her actions: even though he does not like Alec and does not want a relation with him the obsession the essay hooks examples man gets for the young girl will destroy her life. Her ‘dumb and vacant fidelity’ to Angel would rather characterize a poor animal than a thoughtful human being. Tess’s sensitivity is obviously the result of emotions and not of judging. Hardy reveals that the adoration the girl has for Angel is science, intense maybe extreme, but the author sees in her feelings something pure, emotions that translate generosity, self-sacrifice, forgiveness. Rutgers Question 2013! The Hardy’s protagonist has a great capacity of loving and understanding the human beings. With Alec she discovers that physical beauty can be a weight and not a blessing gave by God. She is science, a beautiful ‘object’ that Alec wants to add to his collection. He is not in love with the poor girl, he is attracted by her appearance and is the object of his powerful sexually desire. ‘The wicked inhabitant of the d’Urbervilles hall, the dissertation permanently smoking Alec, offers Tess the red roses and the fresh strawberries. He does this, actually, in a very bizarre way; he puts the strawberries directly into the Tess’s mouth and presses the roses onto her breasts.

The reader recognises that Alec is haunting Tess physically as well as mentally, he acts as her persecutor, who is gifted by &, the supreme power of reducing her not only into tears, but, more importantly, into the unconscious state.’ Alec personifies the paperwork unjust moralities on women and is the reflexion of a society which encourages injustice toward marriage and sexuality. Tess is a pure woman but becomes ‘fallen’ because the science level Victorian age has a certain opinion about chastity and virginity. The girl becomes Alec’s obliged mistress and THE murderess who has to die. Even though she was moral oppressed and psysical assaulted, the heroine is the only culpable and has to pay for her mistakes. She can’t live any more in a patriarchal society which only dissertation 2012, accepts man’s mistakes and condamns women to have a pure conduct and a martyr life. &! Tess is doomed to tragedy.

She is trapped in a strange society where social prejudice meets male-dominance. Indiana! ‘Tess’s story, to some extent, reflects the & level 2 rigidity of convention, the harshness of social law and the prejudice of morality in maledominated patriarchal society. Tess deserves the reputation of ‘the best tragedy’ the highest tragedy’, which is thomas jefferson high admissions, defined by the author. In the worldly view, Tess is a ‘fallen’ woman; however, she is essentially pure and naturally unstained. Tess is a pure woman as Hardy’s subtitle describes. Science Level! Tess is emancipation paperwork, tragic but pure.’ ‘You ask why Tess should have gone with Clare and ‘live happily ever after.’ Do you not see under any circumstance that they were doomed to unhappiness? A sensitive man like Angel Clare could never have been happy with her. After the first few months he would inevitably have thrown her failings in her face. He did not recoil from her after the & science murder is true. He was in love with her failings then I suppose; he had not seen her for high letter, a long time; with the inconsistency of human nature he forgave the greater sin when he could not pardon the science 2 lesser.’ Tess had a tragic fate. All she ever wanted was little happiness, to love and to dissertation 2012, be loved. Thomas Hardy describes her as a romantic character, with no social aspirations but with a great desire of spiritual fulfillment.

She is to a great extent an ignorant human being who will learn that life means injustice, sufferance, male dominance centered on the ‘double moral standard’ of sexuality applied to man and woman in the Victorian age. The heroine’s indecisiveness, her frequent failures to mantain her resolve, condemn her to death. For example, when Tess is watching the peasants of Tantridge dance, she is offered a walk home from Alec but refuses, a decision she will review later. Because she is science level, raped by Alec, Tess swears she may never marry, confessing the dairymaids she won’t accept Angel’s proposal ‘as I should refuse any man’ , but she marries Angel. Essay Hooks Examples! When Alec offers to make her his wife she refuse the proposal, before consenting to become his mistress. Tess’ final uncertain decision is related to Angel Clare: when he comes to take her home with him the girl immediately refuse and advice him to & level, ‘keep away’ because is ‘Too late! Too late!’ but, in examples, the end, she murders Alec and & runs to embrace her husband. Tess can’t keep her promises and every time she does not truly mean what she says. Bibliography Chapter Two. 1. High School Science Teacher Cover Letter! Blathway, Taymond, A Chat with the 2 Author of Tess, Black and White, IV.

Macmillan, 1892, London. 2. Emancipation Paperwork! Casagrande, P., ‘Tess of the science level 2 D’Urbervilles unorthodox beauty’, New York: Twaye, 1992. 3. Danielova, M., ‘The concept of purity in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Faculty of Education, Brno, December 2010. 4. Ertu??rul, Ko. ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles, the do my paper tragedy of a Godless human existence’, Journals of Arts and Sciences, 12 decembrie 2009, Universitatea Cankaya. 5. & Science! Freeman, J., Studies in Philology, 1982 University of emancipation indiana North Carolina Press, Vol 79, No.3. 6. Hardy, T., Tess of the D’Urbervilles, edited by Juliet Grindle and Simon Gatrell, with a new introduction by Penny Boumelha, Oxford University Press, New York, 1983.

7. Science Level 2! Holmberg, Mona, ‘Tess, a victim of her society’, in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles’, Lulea University of Technology, Department of Language and cover Culture, 2003. 8. Morgan, R., Student companion to Thomas Hardy, Greenwood Press, London, 2007. 9. & Science 2! Rogers, Katharine, The Centennial Review, Vol 19, No. 4, 1975 Michigan State University Press. 10.

Zhen, C., ‘Tess in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the do my paper in india D’Urbervilles- victim of & science 2 social prejudice and male dominance in Victorian patriarchal society’, society RAPE OR SEDUCTION? Was Tess raped or lied and seduced? Is Angel an thomas high school test questions ‘angel”?Hardy’s odyssey with Tess had involved five different namings: Love, Cis, Sue, Rose-Mary, and Tess. & Level 2! The various overwritings and textual layerings in the manuscript testify to the indecision and lack of single-minded vision in the author. Equally, the overlaid bowdlerizations testify to media or editorial censorship not only of Tess’s sexuality but also of the controversial issues of illegitimacy and private baptism.’ Tess is a complex character who has an dissertation 2012 evolutional destiny from her growth to womanhood. She develops over time and according to chance, events, fate, intelligence, risk taking and becomes an example of adaptation. Tess is the object of Alec d’Uberville’s shameful purposes. He uses all the methods to seduce the innocent and naive girl: he compliments her excessively, he helps her family in order to win her appreciation, and & science level 2 the man is annoyed when Tess nonetheless continues to reject him.

And because Alec knows very well how to manipulate people around him he succeds to make the poor and ignorant Tess feel unsure about what’s wrong and what’s right. Paper In India! The heroine has deep rooted moral precepts in her poor education. Even though she has little school instruction, she knows that is very important to remain poor and chaste in & 2, order to cover letter, be accepted in a society ruled by males. And the girl succeeds to achieve this objective until one fatal night when, through Alec’s stratagem, they are lost together in a forest and & the man rapes Tess changing her life forever. About this episode of a significant meaning for the entire novel Hardy does not go into detail but rather, he reflects: ‘why it was that upon paperwork this beautiful feminine tissue, sensitive as gossamer, and practically blank as snow as yet, there should have been traced such a coarse pattern as it was doomed to receive; why so often the coarse appropriates the finer thus, the wrong man the & level 2 woman, the wrong woman the rutgers essay man, many thousand years of analytical philosophy have failed to level, explain to our sense of order.’ Tess becomes pregnant by Alec in that fatal night and her life will be different from now on. ‘Eventually, since Hardy is not one for halfway measures, sorrow turns to violence, and the loss of her virginity leads to Alec’s murder and Tess’s death on the gallows. Even without knowledge of the jefferson high admissions test questions dire consequences Alec’s pursuit of Tess had, however, we can judge Alex’s character to be frivolous, insensitive, and selfish. The question here, however, is whether he is also a rapist.’ We do not know what exactly happened under the tree.

It is very probably that Alec, while Tess slept, took the opportunity to abuse her. And the fragile girl was unable to defend herself because a girl can’t measure her force with a man’s force. But is also possible that, given Tess’ tiredness and disorientation, he could persuade the level 2 poor girl to agree to have sex with him. Paper In India! Alec, possibly, used once more his tricky words he had been using for the past months and succeded to convince Tess that she loved him and the scene under the tree was just the & expression of that love. ‘This is a question of fact’ insofar as fictional narratives have facts’to which we cannot know the do my paper answer. The issue here, however, is &, whether it makes any difference. […] If physical force or the threat of physical force is used to get a woman to agree to have sex, that is rape. If psychological force is used, can that also be rape”?We define verbal sexual coercion as a woman’s consenting to unwanted sexual activity because of a man’s verbal arguments, not including verbal threats of physical force. Men use many types of verbal coercion to obtain sex: threatening to end the relationship or to find someone else to satisfy their sexual needs; telling a woman that her refusal to in india, have sex was changing the science 2 way they felt about her; asserting that ‘everybody does it’ or questioning the woman’s sexuality . . . making the woman feel guilty; . . . calling a woman a name angrily and pushing her away when she would not have sex; and threatening to do bodily self-harm.’ Although the paperwork indiana young Tess is dependent economically on Alec and 2 has another social position- she is a country girl without money and dissertation with little education- she has resisted his flirting. & Science! The girl was honest with Alec telling him she disliked his way of watching her, his advances, the gifts offered to her family, the attention she didn’t require. She has real moral values and cannot be bought with words or with money.

She wants to indiana, fall in love with a real gentleman who is able to be patient, to conquer her, in science, time, with nice gestures and to high school letter, appreciate and & value her. But sometimes she is indecisive in giving an answer to his proposal to treat her as a lover. Paper In India! She says: ‘ I don’t know- I wish-how can I say yes or no when-” . Is that a flirt, an unconsciously encouraging? It tranlates fear caused by his economic and social power or young Tess has feeling for Alec but she is not aware of them? The writer gives few clues about this situation causing the reader a great confusion. He doesn’t know what to believe about the science 2 poor girl, he can’t find her guily for the situation but has doubt about her moral integrity. Is she an angel or a seductive and indecisive woman? Is she in love with the essay examples ‘bastardly’ womanizer, the man with his crude, full lips, his bold eye and his dark moustache? The weather conditions work against & level 2 Tess.

The fatal night is question, a foggy one. Alec loses his way in such circumstances and the moonlights appear only when he returns to Tess who is sleeping, there, in the wood. Is Tess less rational because she is sleepy and she cannot defend her physical integrity? The reader knows very well Alec’s personality and science level can drop the sad conclusion that the man took sexual advantage of her. ‘Hardy takes for granted that Tess becomes the target of the victimization simply because she is ‘still alive’ and ‘of the female sex.’ Alec puts himself into the position of the wild hunter, who waits till everybody stops dancing to catch Tess and seize his power over her. The following atmosphere resembles the tranquillize state caused by taking some sleeping pills. Alec with Tess on the same horse passes through the Chase. Tess, feeling tired after the day’s work, quickly disappears in the state of the unconsciousness in the moment when she falls asleep.’ Rather than describe the sexual scene, Thomas Hardy talks about its inevitability, brutality and irrationality : ‘Why it was that upon this beautiful feminine tissues, sensitive as gossamer and practically blank as snow as yet, there should have been traced such a coarse pattern as it was doomed to receive; why so often the high letter coarse appropriates the science 2 finer thus, the wrong man the woman, the wrong woman the man, many thousands years of analytical philosophy have failed to explain to our sense of order.’ The meaning of this paragraph is crystal clear: sometimes people cannot control the fate. Some people are born to essay hooks, suffer, the universe has strange plans for them. They can fight against the destiny but that is & 2, a short battle, with no victory.

Hardy uses a fatalistic expression to state the way destiny functions: ‘ It was to university essay question, be!’ but he rejects the & science idea that children are punished for the mistakes of their ancestors ‘ is scorned by dissertation, average human nature’. &! When Tess’s mother presents her daughter the idea about getting Alec to marry her, the heroine is offended: ‘She had dreaded him, winced before him, succumbed to adroit advantages he took of her helplessness; then, temporarily blinded by his ardent manners, had been stirred to dissertation, confused surrender awhile, had suddenly despised and disliked him, and science 2 had run away. That was all.’ The Victorian society is cruel with the girl who can’t do nothing to indiana, change her fate and has to face the social rejection. She is seen now as an immoral woman, a sinner who must be punished. She seems to be culpable for breaking society’s rules and religion’s conventions. But Hardy doesn’t agree and says: ‘ It was they that were out of harmony with the actual world, not she. Walking among the sleeping birds in the hedges, watching the science 2 skipping rabbits on a moonlit warren, or standing under a pheasant-laden bough, she looked upon herself as a figure of Guilt intruding into the haunts of Innocence. But all the while, she was making a distinction where there was no difference. Feeling herself in paperwork, antagonism, she was quite in accord. She had been made to break an accepted social law, but no law known to the environment in which she fancied herself such an anomaly.’ Throughout the & science level entire book Hardy speaks about the two types of law: natural versus social/religious.

Natural laws are known as ‘a system of right or justice held to be common to all humans and paper derived from nature rather than from the rules of society, or positive law.’ ‘Walking among the sleeping birds in the hedges, watching the 2 skipping rabbits on a moonlit warren, or standing under a pheasant-laden bough, she looked upon herself as a figure of do my Guilt intruding into the haunts of Innocence. But all the while she was making a distinction where there was no difference. Level! Feeling herself in antagonism she was quite in accord. She had been made to break an accepted social law, but no law known to the environment in which she fancied herself such an anomaly.’ According to the natural laws, what happened to Tess is ‘natural’, in synchronism with the nature and shouldn’t be regarded as a mistake which leads to the total social rejection. Hardy associates the rutgers university question social law with convention and focuses on the riguros Victorian sexual convention which he describes as unnatural and level 2 oppressive.

According to the natural laws, Tess is a pure woman. She remain pure because although her body is blotched, her soul continues to be pure. But, is Hardy’s claim valid? If his argument is valid then Alec cannot be accused of rape because, according to these natural laws, the man, as an alpha male, made everything possible to preserve his species. In conclusion, Hardy’s argument can’t be valid. Besides the dissertation 2012 social rejection, Tess’ loss of & science 2 virginity ‘changed her from simple girl to complex woman. Dissertation 2012! Symbols of reflectiveness passed into her face and a note of tragedy at times into her voice.

Her eyes grew larger and science 2 more eloquent. She became what would have been called a fine creature; her aspect was fair and arresting; her souls that of a woman whom the turbulent experiences of the last year or two had quite failed to demoralize. Dissertation 2012! But for the world’s opinion those experiences would have been simply a liberal education.’ The inevitable meeting between Tess and Alec is & science level, predicted from the earliest chapters of Phase the First. Hardy gives clues about the imminent encounter using symbols and jefferson admissions essay questions symbolic events: the colors red and white, the virgins’dance, Alec’s giving Tess strawberries and & level 2 the death of Prince. Rutgers University Essay Question! This is the author’s way of preparing the reader for the terrible event which will change Tess’ life forver. Hardy describes the science 2 moment very carrefully: ‘Tess!’ said d’Urberville. There was no answer.

The obscurity was now so great that he could see absolutely nothing but a pale nebulousness at his feet, which represented the white muslin figure he had left upon the dead leaves. Everything else was blackness alike. D’Urberville stooped; and heard a gentle regular breathing. He knelt, and bent lower, till her breath warmed his face, and in a moment his cheek was in contact with hers. She was sleeping soundly, and upon her eyelashes there lingered tears.’ Analysing the description, William A. Davis, Jr. observes that the agression upon Tess begins without any verbal communication between Alec and Tess. The heroine is asleep and doesn’t give an answer to Alec’s accost. ‘The silence ruled everywhere around’ says Hardy. The physical contact is at first kind and caressing ‘her breath warmed his face , and in a moment his cheek was in contact with hers’ and this affirmation is jefferson admissions, followed with the statement that the heroine ‘was sleeping soundly’ . ‘Subsequent descriptive details- the narrator mentions Tess’ absent ‘guardian angel’ , the ‘coarse pattern’ about to be traced upon Tess, ‘the possibility of a retribution lurking in & 2, the present catastrophe’ , and high school science teacher cover letter the certainty that Tess’ ‘mailed ancestors rollicking home from a fray had dealt the same measure even more ruthlessly towards peasant girls of her time’ – all suggest the violent nature of Alec assault.

To an alert Victorian reader, however, these details would have confirmed rather than introduced the idea of rape. The rape of Tess actually begins with the passage that describe Tess’ sleep and & level her lack of verbal response- the passage, in do my in india, short, that establishes her lack of consent to Alec’s advances.’ ‘Rape is the & science level 2 offence of having unlawful and carnal knowledge of a woman by emancipation paperwork indiana, force, and against her will.’ Mews’ Digest of English Case Law further explains that: ‘to constitute rape, it is not necessary that the connection with the & 2 woman should be had against her will; it is sufficient if it is without her consent.’ And also the law specifies that: ‘If the examples woman is asleep, when the connection takes place, she is incapable of level consent, and although no violence is used, the pisoner may be convicted of rape, if he knew that she was asleep.’ Because Alec does not receive any answer to his address, the reader can say that Tess is high science teacher cover letter, not a conscious woman in that crucial moment under the tree. & Science 2! She doesn’t communicate with Alec because she is asleep and the reader can assume that Alec knows that the heroine is high school teacher cover, sleeping because he hears her breathing and receives no answer to his accost. Hardy intentionally introduces that episode full of signification at the beginning of the woods scene: he tries, in 2, a subtle manner, to admissions, inoculate to his readers the idea that Tess is raped and not seduced. The girl isn’t awake, her consciousness is completely or partially lost. This sleep is crucial for &, the poor girl because does not allow her to paper, return to her former condition and & science level brings her to a new stage- the do my girl is obliged to & level 2, start a new chapter in her poor existence.

With the beginning of thomas jefferson Phase the Second Hardy gives another signification to & 2, the scene under the paper in india tree: he seems to replace the idea of & 2 rape with the idea of seduction: Tess isn’t any more a victim of Alec’s desire, she is an accomplice in essay hooks examples, a romantic relationship of several months’ duration. ‘In his personal comments on the novel, Hardy tended to emphasize the level seduction rather than the sexual assault that prededes it. For example, in a letter written in 1891 to thank Thomas Macquoid for his praise of the dissertation 2012 serial Tess, Hardy refers to the seduction (but not the rape) of science level 2 Tess in the forthcoming volume edition: ?? Clare’s character [in the serial] suffers owing to a mock mariage having been substituted for emancipation indiana, the seduction pure #038; simple of the original MS.- which I did for the sake of the Young Girl. The true reading will be restored in the volumes. Thus, Hardy saw seduction as a major part of the science 2 true reading of Tess.’ Why does Thomas Hardy offer few details about the scene under the tree? The reader cannot tell for sure the reason why , but he can draw the conclusion that this is an thomas jefferson high school artifice of writing used by the author to maintain his readers’ curiosity about Tess’ sexuality and purity. In his readers’ mind will be a fight between two thoughts: Tess is an innocent young girl raped by a beast; Tess is not a pure girl, she fell in love with Alec, had a sexual relationship with the man and deserves everything that happened to her. ‘As I have suggested, Hardy’s writing (and rewriting) of the science 2 first of these events- the assault upon Tess in Phase the dissertation First- grew out of his knowledge of English rape law. The legal premise that a sleeping woman is incapable of consenting to sexual intercourse was routinely upheld in Victorian courts. Science 2! A sleeping woman’s purity- purity in the sense that she cannot consent to a sexual relationship and her will cannot be known- is beyond question in the eyes of the paper in india law; therefore Hardy turns his attention from rape to seduction and to the more complicated question of Tess’ purity as an science level 2 apparently consenting woman.’ Alec is a dishonest character, he knows how to manipulate Tess, to play with her mind. When the girl discover that they are lost in the forest she says: ‘ How can you be so treacherous?….just when I’ve been putting such trust in you’ . Before Alec goes to try to find a way of leaving the wood, he makes ‘a sort of couch or nest for her’ with dead leaves, checking that they are dry. He also tells the rutgers university girl that he has bought a new horse for her father and her siblings have now toys to level, play with.

Alec covers her ‘tenderly’ with his coat and goes to find the way. What can the reader notice now is the fact that the paperwork entire forest is wrapped in science, fog. 2012! The fog has a deep signification in & 2, this episode and translate the fact that Tess is absorbed into the natural environment. Fog symbolizes confusion, danger, and the unseen. School Admissions Questions! But here, in the phase two, Maiden no more, the reader can find important clues about the seduction and level not the rape of Tess. Jefferson School Questions! The heroine admits that ‘her eyes were a little dazed’ by Alec and science level that the dissertation tragic event was a moment of & vulnerability. And this is the first sign that Tess agreed to be involved in a sexual relationship. She accuses Alec for seducing her and not for an sexual assault.

Writing about Tess’s drama, Ellen Rooney says that if the reader has no declaration about truth from teacher cover letter, Tess herself, he cannot precisely say whether or not she is sexual assaulted or seduced. But even though Tess never tells her story entirely, the reader has her thoughts on &, what she lived with Alec: ‘She had never wholly cared for him, she did not care for him now. She had dreaded him, winced before him, succumbed to adroit advantages he took of her helplessness; then, temporarily blinded by his ardent manners, had been stirred to confused surrender awhile: had suddenly despised and paper disliked him, and had run away. That was all. Hate him she did not quite; but he was dust and ashes to her, and & 2 even for her name’s sake she scarcely wished to marry him.’ ‘Temporarily blinded by his ardent manners’ the heroine’had been stirred to confused surrender awhile.’ From Tess’ declaration the do my in india reader can draw the conclusion that for a little period of time the science 2 girl was superficially attracted to Alec and sexually stirred by him. She never ‘wholly’ loved the man and university this is a strong reason to believe that the heroine could not have consented to have sexual relations with him. When leaving Alec’s house Tess confesses that she now ‘loathe (s) and hate (s) herself for (her) weakness’. But why the girl hates herself and blames her for her weakness if she was raped and science 2 not seduced?

Why doesn’t she hate Alec for his cruelty? When Tess says that she ‘succumbed to adroit advantages Alec took of her helplessness’ , William Davis argues that she refers to the sexual assault of her while she slept. Because a sleeping woman cannot consent to sexual relation, under the Victorian Law this was rape. And surely Thomas Hardy knew about this law and wrote this scene under the in india influence of such law. &! To conform Hardy’s intentions to Victorian law on rape, Davis argues that what the essay hooks author calls ‘seduction pure #038; simple’ was rape followed by seduction. Thomas Hardy does not offer much information about the & science 2 tragic event from that night but he argues that his heroine was very tired that night: ‘She was inexpressibly weary. She had risen at five o’clock every morning of that week, had been on foot the paper in india whole of science 2 each day, and on indiana, this evening had, in addition, walked the three miles to Chaseborough, waited three hours for her neighbours without eating or drinking, her impatience to start them preventing either; she had then walked a mile of the way home, and had undergone the excitement of the quarrel, till, with the slow progress of their steed, it was now nearly one o’clock. Only once, however, was she overcome by actual drowsiness. & Science Level! In that moment of oblivion her head sank gently against him.’ Tess of D’Urberville felt offended when Alec tried to take her in his arms. The girl knows that she is university, not safe, alone, with this man in the woods but she can do nothing to change this situation: ‘D’Urberville stopped the horse, withdrew his feet from the stirrups, turned sideways on the saddle, and enclosed her waist with his arm to support her.

This immediately put her on the defensive, and with one of those sudden impulses of reprisal to which she was liable she gave him a little push from her. & Science 2! In his ticklish position he nearly lost his balance and only just avoided rolling over into 2012 the road, the horse, though a powerful one, being fortunately the level 2 quietest he rode.’ Alec D’Urbervilles, the master of tricks, embraces Tess although he knows very well that the girl has no feeling for him. He isn’t dissapointed that Tess doesn’t love him because Alec doesn’t look for 2012, love, he wants to & level 2, take Tess’ virginity. ‘He settled the matter by clasping his arm round her as he desired’ and dissertation 2012 Tess expressed no further negative. Thus they sidled slowly onward till it struck her they had been advancing for an unconscionable time’ far longer than was usually occupied by the short journey from level 2, Chaseborough, even at this walking pace, and that they were no longer on hard road, but in a mere trackway.’ After Tess’s fall Hardy asks himself: ‘But, might some say, where was Tess’s guardian angel? where was the Providence of her simple faith? Perhaps, like that other god of whom the rutgers essay question ironical Tishbite spoke, he was talking, or he was pursuing, or he was in a journey, or he was sleeping and not to be awaked. Why it was that upon this beautiful feminine tissue, sensitive as gossamer, and & level 2 practically blank as snow as yet, there should have been traced such a coarse pattern as it was doomed to receive; why so often the emancipation coarse appropriates the finer thus, the wrong man the woman, the & level wrong woman the man […]’ Due to Tess’s first fall, her sexual experience with Alec, the girl is seen as a fallen woman who must be despised and discredited wherever she goes.

When she comes back to Marlott she is gossiped and jefferson high school test indirect attacked. In the & level 2 church ‘the people who had turned their heads turned them again as the service proceeded; and at last observing her they whispered to each other.’ She knows what the people were talking about and feels so hurt that she takes the do my in india decision she won’t go to church anymore. Working in her village, on a field, to earn her living Tess still cannot escape from the rumor about her sexual relation with Alec and her child is the real proof of that sin. She is really unhappy in her village and thinks ‘she might be happy in some nook which had no memories. To escape the past and all that appertained thereto was to annihilate it; and to do that she would have to get away.’ Under the great social pressure Tess is forced to leave her house and to & level, try to start a new life somewhere else. She resembles with the rabbits, hares, rats, mice and snakes ‘retreating inwards as into a fastness, unaware of the ephemeral nature of their refuge and of the doom that awaited them later.’ ‘She cannot escape the censure and condemnation, which company her like her own shadow. She is hunted everywhere. Hardy’s poem, Tess’s Lament vividly portrays the rutgers university dilemma Tess is level 2, plunged in. I would that folk forgot me quite, Forgot me quite! I would that I could shrink from rutgers university question, sight,

And no more see the & 2 sun. Would it were time to say farewell, To claim my nook, to need my knell, Time for them all to stand and thomas school admissions test questions tell. When Tess meets Angel Clare the heroine has a certain sexual experience. The love story lived with Angel, the love confessions they make to &, each other, the certainty in Angel’s confessions, all these good things in her life determine Tess to accept Angel’s proposal without a better prudence and understanding of the facts. The heroine proved that she is capable of sustaining herself, she is fearless and university question self-determined. She can live without being married, she can feed herself just with love and level 2 he can live respectiong only the natural laws. Dissertation 2012! ‘Culture alone insists on marriage just as society insists on virginity and & science level 2 the church insists on the subordination of the paper woman in science level 2, matrimony.’ In the bridal night, when Angel confesses his sins Tess has an innocent belief that she will be forgiven.

She also has a dishonorable past but she is willing to forgive the man she loves and to live free in a happily marriage. Her mother does not agree with her decision of emancipation confessing Angel his past because she is science 2, a woman with experience and knows that in a society dominated by men, in a patriarchal society she will be found guilty. ‘Despite her obsessive fear of dissertation 2012 Angel’s learning her history, Tess is unrealistically unable to science 2, predict his response when he does’improbably na??ve in her jubilation that her transgression is ‘just the same’ as his’. She will not use sex to win Angel over during their honeymoon, although the narrator tells us that it might have worked.’ Garson tries to determine if Tess is characterized by lack of high school admissions test competence or honesty taken to extreme. She decides that Tess could act completely different this action having another end but Hardy does not want a happy end for science 2, his heroine, he wants to prove that Tess acts having in mind her own moral values and not the society’s. Angel confesses to emancipation indiana, Tess his sin, his ‘dissipation with a stranger’ and after listening with great attention the girl concludes that her fall is not bigger than Angel’s mistake and he can obtain forgiveness. ‘It can hardly be more serious, dearest,’ says Angel, condescendingly, smilingly. ‘It cannot’O no, it cannot!’ She jumped up joyfully at the hope. ‘No, it cannot be more serious, certainly,’ she cried. ‘I will tell you now.’ She sat down again. Science Level 2! Their hands were still joined. The ashes under the grate were lit by the ‘ re vertically, like a torrid waste. Her imagination beheld a Last Day luridness in this red- coaled glow, which fell on his face and hand, and on hers, peering into the loose hair about her brow, and ‘ ring the delicate skin underneath. According to Rosemarie Morgan (Student Companion to university, Thomas Hardy, p.93) in & level, a later version for the 1912 Wessex Edition Hardy writes out do my Tess’s words. After the statement ‘No, it cannot be more serious,’ he adds, ‘because ’tis just the same!’ Saying these words she tries to convince herself and the man she is in love with that she ‘cannot’, ‘cannot’, ‘cannot’ be condemned by & level 2, him because their situation is ‘just the same’. The repetitions prove that Tess is making a considerable effort to convince Angel and to convince herself that her mistake is not bigger than his.

Tess’ belief that Angel will love her and will forgive her sin is expressed in some words of a great innocence: ‘I thought, Angel, that you loved me’me, my very self! If it is I you do love, O how can it be that you look and speak so? It frightens me! Having begun to love you, I love you forever’in all changes, in thomas jefferson high school test essay, all disgraces, because you are yourself. I ask no more. Then how can you, O my own husband, stop loving me’? Angel has annihilated the image of woman he was in love with- ”the woman I have been loving is & science 2, not you’ . Tess is scared and terrified; ‘Terror was upon her white face’ and her full and beautiful mouth that once charmed Angel and reminded him of thomas questions ‘roses filled with snow’ is cursed ‘a round little hole’ ‘Angel, to a far greater extent than Tess, is formed and shaped by his past. & Science! She, with her rebounding spirits, vibrant sexuality and self-determination, had created herself anew, had risen above her past where Angel is still victim of high teacher his.

Significantly, the fallen woman is rendered dumb, mute, and prone, not by the seducer but by the lawful husband.’ Thomas Hardy’s heroine is science, not killed by her past but by the man she is married to. Even though her sin is still alive in her soul, Tess succeeded to teacher, forgive herself and to start a new life far away from the 2 man who raped her and away from the family that did not succeed to understand her sorrow and to cure her wounds. In a men’s world, Tess is just a victim who cannot live in a lie and decides to tell all the truth to the man who convinced her to marry him and who will kill her soul slowly and gently. The heroine is punished because she is a woman in thomas high school admissions essay, a men’s society and is married to a man caught in Victorian conventions. & Science! How can she be a real human being if the men’s world decides to reduce her to an object”?Thus humanity is male and man defines woman not in herself but as relative to emancipation indiana, him; she is not regarded as an autonomous being’.she is & science 2, simply what man decrees’.she is defined and differentiated with reference to man and not he with reference to her.

She is the incidental, the unessential as opposed to the essential. He is the Subject, he is the hooks examples Absolute- she is the Other.’ Bibliography Chapter Three. 1. Conly, Sarah, ‘Seduction, rape and coercition’, Ethics 115: 96-121, October 2004, University of Chicago Press. 2. Danielova, M., ‘The concept of purity in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Faculty of science Education, Brno, December 2010. 3. Davis, W., Thomas Hardy and the law, Legal Presences in high school cover, Hardy’s Life and Fiction, Rosemont publishing and and printing corp, 2003. 4. Garson, M., Hardy’s Fables of Integrity: Woman, Body, Text, Oxford University Press, 1991. 5. Hardy, T., Tess of the D’Urbervilles, edited by Juliet Grindle and Simon Gatrell, with a new introduction by & science level, Penny Boumelha, Oxford University Press, New York, 1983. 6. Hardy, T., ‘Letter to do my paper in india, Thomas Macquoid ‘, 29 Oct 1981, in The collected letters of Thomas Hardy, ed. Richard Little Purdy and & science Michael Millgate, 7 vols., (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1978-88, 245-246).

7. Morgan, R., Women and Sexuality in the novels of Thomas Hardy, Routledge London and New York, 2006. 8. Morgan, R., Student companion to Thomas Hardy, Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, London, 2007. 9. Muelenhard, C., #038; Shrag, J., ‘Nonviolent sexual coercition’, in Acquaintance rape, the hidden crime’, Wiley #038; Sons, New York, 1991. 10. Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, trans. H. N. Parshley, New York, 1953, p. xiv. 11. Zhen, C., ‘Tess in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles- victim of university social prejudice and male dominance in Victorian patriarchal society’. Anna Karenina and Tess of D’Urberville- a tragic destiny.

Anna Karenina is a novel wrote by the russian writer Lev Tolstoy, published in serial installments from 1873 to 1877. Since the novel’s publication, Anna Karenina has been seen as ‘every man’s tragedy’ or considered as a Bovarian banality by any masculinist critical view. Iuri Lotman, said: ‘ The plot of Anna Karenina reflects, on the one hand a certain narrow object- the life of the heroine…..We can regard the life of the heroine as a reflection of the life of science 2 any woman belonging to a certain epoch and a certain social milieu, any woman, any person. Thomas High Questions! Otherwise, the tragic vicissitudes of her life would only be of local interest.’ Lotman’s affirmation translates once again the idea that men’s problems are more important than the women’s problems. It’s not quite important that a woman is not happy in her marriage, that she does not feel love and affection for the men she lives with, because the most important problems in any society are men’s problems: war, government, etc Once again, also in Anna Karenina as in Tess of D’Urbervilles it can be seen the preoccupation for a society which is dominated by men, is a patriarchal epoch concerned exclusively with men’s situations. The question regarding the women’s position in society was initially formulated in the Victorian England and later this preoccupation could be also found among the Russian elite after the translation of & science Mill’s oeuvre, ‘The subjection of women’ in 1869. Essay Examples! The beginning of the nineteenth century did not come with major ideas about women’s condition and science level life, but it can be seen as a start of reconsidering the role of women in rutgers university essay 2013, a society governed by men and & science 2 which needs a change. Russian woman’s emancipation had been initially treated in school science cover letter, literature- the novels of Ivan Turgenev, the oeuvres of Alexander Druzhinin’s ‘Polinka Saks’ (1847), or the Nikolai Nekrasov’s play, ‘Sasha’. Early Russian writings concerning the idea of oppressed women were influenced by the novels of George Sand, whose feminine characters suffer because cannot be free in choosing the man they want to love and to be happy with.

Anna Karenina is a very beautiful, noble, married woman from & 2, St. Petersburg who lives a life full of bitterness because she is married with a man she does not love and she is in love with a young officer. This passion, these strong feelings will be the reason for his exile from the society she belongs to and will bring her death. Even though Tess of D’Urbervilles is not a rich woman, on the contrary, is a very poor girl with a family that will sign her death conviction- she is sent to claim kin and she is not advised that out there is a big world and dissertation 2012 she has to be very careful because men might want to harm her and to take advantages of her- the both heroines are guided by the same noble feeling and have the genuine belief that a woman can be happy only through love, loving and be loved. The both characters are very beautiful women- Tess is science, poor but beautiful, she does not have an elitist education but she cannot be seen as a simple peasant girl; Anna Arkadyevna Karenina is a model of beauty and perfection. He has a selective education, she is very intelligent, a big reader of English novels and she also writes books for children. Anna is very elegant and is considered a perfect woman who can make any man fall in love with her. Her life with a cold and passionless government official taught her to play the role of cultivated, noble, perfect wife. She is also a good hostess and plays all these roles with style and refinement.

The tragedy of beautiful women comes from the fact that they are considered as a trophy every respectable man must obtain. And if the woman is married then the battle will be more powerful: the competitor will try to high teacher, conquer someone’s ‘good’ in order to prove to himself that he has the real qualities to win, he is better than the husband and he can really understand the heroine’s needs for & science level, love and support. Anna is not a simple aristocratic woman who plays the role of the perfect and essay hooks examples happy wife who is still in love with her husband, is science, only preoccupied with the raise of her children and obeys entirely her husband because he is always right. Anna has an ardent spirit and is determinate to live her life on her own terms. ‘All the girls in the world were divided into two classes: one class included all the girls in the world except her, and school admissions essay questions they had all the usual human feelings and were very ordinary girls; while the other class ‘ herself alone- had no weaknesses and was superior to all humanity.’ Tolstoy writes ‘Anna Karenina’ in order to explain the great changes occurring in & level 2, the Russian society during the jefferson high admissions questions late nineteenth century. The novel presents a battle between the old patriarchal values which characterize the old society, the aristocracy and level the new, modern values, the West values. The landowning aristocracy believe in traditions like servitude, and autocratic government, while the West brings values like technology, democracy, rationalism. This major theme can be seen in the difficulty Levin has with his workers when he tries to introduce a new way of farming. His peasants refuse to implement the new technology having the strong belief that the traditional Russian way of farming should not be changed. Rutgers Essay Question 2013! ‘Tess of D’Urbervilles’ presents the changes brought in the nineteenth century in & 2, the Victorian Age, also the importance of social class in England and in the same time the complication of defining class in high teacher, the Victorian England. A proof for this affirmation is offered by the fact that Durbeyfields are no longer considered in the Victorian Age as a dominant symbol as it would have been in the Middle Ages. Alec’s father, Simon Stokes was able to & level 2, use his money and to buy a very important, aristocratic name, being another proof that in the Victorian period money are more important than the origin and family history.

In the both novels, ‘Anna Karenina’ and ‘Tess of emancipation D’Urbervilles the changes brought in the society are presented by the main heroines. Alexei Karenin, the government official with a weak personality is playing the level 2 role of an educated and essay examples sophisticated man who is capable to & science level, forgive his wife for her infidelity and to offer her the chance at dissertation 2012 a respectful life despite her adventure with the young officer. What Karenin does not understand is the power of love that can make people to & level 2, choose the complicated way and not the school science teacher cover simple and known path. Anna Karenina, like Tess, is not just a simple woman, who can leave in conventionalism, she has another perception of live and she wants to love, to be appreciated as a special woman and science not just as wife and mother. Essay Hooks Examples! She craves for a life of ardent emotion and 2 noble passions. Karenin’s entire life is characterized by formalism, he knows which his duties are and he respects the professional obligations of his function.

Alexei is a very good government official because this role defines him and in fact is the ratio of high school letter his life- a life without grand passion and excitement. Anna and Karenin have a marriage of convenience. There’s a big age gap between the two characters and also different ways of living and seeing the life and life’s values. & Science Level! Anna craves for science teacher letter, sentimental devotion and & science 2 sincerity while Alexei is happy with the monotonous work and family life. ‘All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in do my paper, its own way’ is the first line of the Tolstoy’s novel and reveals the fact that the novel is concerned with the happiness, is & science 2, a declaration for the need of happiness. Hooks! Is it Anna Karenina happy? Why did the heroine immediately fall in love with Vronsky and renounced to her comfortable and respectful life?

Why is a mother ready to sacrifice her child for a man? These are the questions Tolstoy tries to answer and his explanation is that women are capable of & level great and powerful feelings. They can live in misery but a domestic one, not a sentimental failure; they can have a conventional marriage but will always crave for the real love and for fervent feelings and when they will meet the do my love they will be capable of leaving everything for & level 2, that noble feeling. Anna Karenina has an high school teacher letter unhappy marriage, her husband does not appreciate her as a woman, he can only see the mother Anna and the wife Anna but not the woman Anna who needs love, appreciation, adventure and emotion. Anna is level, ready to 2012, defend her love for Vronsky, she can accept the & science 2 social rejection, the fact that she will never be respected and she will be seen as a sinful women. But that’s the essence: a woman, who has the courage to love and to openly live with a man that is not her husband, is not captive in a formal arrangement that could have offered her protection and could have been the institutionalization of a lie is what defines a heroine. Tess of D’Urberville is not an unfaithful married woman, she is school cover letter, just an innocent peasant girl who is convinced that two people that are meant to be together will meet and will live a beautiful love story like in the novels she used to read. She is not a sinful woman because is not her choice to be raped but is considered by the Victorian society as a decadent human being and 2 convicted to the social rejection. High Teacher Letter! ‘Anna, Eustacia, [Vye], Tess [Durbeyfield] or Sue [Bridehead] – what was there in their position that was necessarily tragic?

Necessarily painful it was, but they were not at war with God, only with Society. & Level 2! Yet they were all cowed by dissertation 2012, the mere judgement of & level 2 man upon them and rutgers 2013 all the while by their own souls they were right. And the judgement of men killed them, not the judgement of their own souls or the judgement of science 2 Ethernal God. Lev Tolstoy chose to analyze the “woman question” enclosed in a comparison: He puts in opposition Anna’s search for sense in life with that of 2012 Levin, the Tolstoy’s other main character. & Level 2! And Tolstoy chose to do something scandalous for his epoch: He converted Anna in an unfaithful woman- a sensitive character. Anna wasn’t miserable because she disobeyed her unbearable, suffocating husband and had to be punished; she was unhappy because she didn’t find, in Tolstoy’s opinion, meaningful love and the life’s signification. Tolstoy’s belief that true love and happiness could be accomplished only through a love marriage means represents the heroine’s drama. Anna finds for a short period of time happiness outside marriage, in Vronsky’s arms but her lack of autonomy and social rejection brought by thomas jefferson essay questions, a forbidden relationship causes her sorrow. Tolstoy puts in opposition Anna’s story with the story of Levin, an open-minded man who succeeded in his search for 2, meaning in life by choosing a marriage partner he considered his equal rather than his inferior. Tolstoy also presents the hypocrisy that characterizes the nineteenth society, the fact that men could cheat his partners without punishment whereas women could not. He also highlights the dissertation idea that lots of woman had relationships outside the marriage including discreet women who blames Anna for & 2, her actions similar to their own.

The Victorian controversy of grand importance in ‘Tess of D’Urberville’ is dissertation 2012, also ‘the Woman question’ or how woman should be seen and what roles they should play in & science, society. Emancipation! Many writers thought that woman should stay at home and work in &, the house, being unable to learn and to work for the society. The Victorian women were meant to be ‘an angel in indiana, the house’ and also for their husbands and nothing more. If the woman lost her virginity and honour, before marriage, she was convicted to live a life full of shame and sorrow. If the husband was unfaithful, the society won’t blame him for the sexual behaviour.

R.G. Christian says: ‘It was people not God who threw Anna under the science level 2 train’ highlighting the power of the examples society which can determine the destiny of a human being. Vladimir Nabokov, in his work on Russian literature, characterized Anna as ‘a young, handsome, and fundamentally good woman, and & level a fundamentally doomed woman.’ Nabokov also protects her role as a foreigner of the 2012 society she lives in: ‘[Anna] is a woman with a full, compact, important moral nature: everything about her character is significant and striking, and this applied as well to her love. She cannot limit herself as another character in the book, Princess Betsy, does, to an undercover affair. Her truthful and & science level passionate nature makes disguise and secrecy impossible.’ Tolstoy makes Anna almost completely a human being of passion and jefferson questions then allows that passion to kill her. After the heroine meets Vronsky, all of her actions are concerned with keeping a loving relationship with him. Anna is & level, also ready to paperwork, renounce to her existence in order to feel and to enjoy the full love. Her passion for Vronsky causes a separation between herself and Kitty and also between herself and the domestic sphere. After the social rejection also the position of science level 2 mother is soon denied her, and later she is paperwork, not enough concerned in developing a relationship with her daughter and make this relationship essential part of her life. Even her outfits limit the & science character.

She wears only black clothing expressing the fact that she is in a profound grief and thomas jefferson high admissions essay questions she seems convicted to die for the fact that she was capable to renounce to her family for living the & science love story of her life. Tess of D’Urberville is not a rich, aristocratic girl, on the contrary, she is emancipation paperwork, put under immense pressure by her family to improve their economic position and reputation. She grows in a small village being protected from the influence of an aristocratic society with decadent values. She is a genuine young girl who wants to have a happy marriage, to love and to be loved. She is not interested in having a certain social position because she believes in love as a way of being happy. But the society is cruel with the Thomas Hardy’s heroine and signs her conviction to dead. Even though she cannot be found guilty because she did not consciously commit a mistake she is blamed by a superficial society which cannot see under the appearances. Anna Karenina is found guilty because she had the courage to admit that her marriage is a formal one and she is not happy. She discovers another Anna when she is with Vronsky and she is very happy. Her guilty is that she refuses to live a love story outside her marriage in a society in &, which the relationships outside a marriage are accepted and formal alliances are protected. Tess of D’Urberville was found guilty because her family couldn’t protect and defend herself against a world dominated by men and she had the courage to tell Angel that she was raped and he had a little baby.

She did not want to marry with Alec, to have a formal marriage because the hypocrisy dominated in the Victorian society did not affect her perception about does a marriage mean. Vronsky is a good looking character, rich, and also a charming man who is as willing as Anna is to renounce to his social status and professional position for finding the do my paper real love. His involvement in his hospital-building project shows a carrying person who wants to protect the weak people. But the Tolstoy’s work also shows a Vronsky with defects and blames. His strange hair, his mistake in calculating the & 2 horse race, his ambitions of military fame these entire characteristics make a Vronsky human and not a romantic character. Anna finds Alexei an exceptional man who could make her very happy and could offer her a completely rescue and a burial into a seductive passion.

The heroine is jefferson high school admissions questions, very disappointed when she discovers that Vronsky’s passion is limited and he is just another man and not THE man. The Tolstoy’s choice to give Vronsky the same name as his husband’s suggests that Anna is doomed to repeat the failure of her first relationship. Science Level! ‘Anna had been preparing herself for this meeting, had thought what she would say to him, but she did not succeed in high teacher, saying anything of it; his passion mastered her. She tried to calm him, to calm herself, but it was too late. His feeling infected her. Her lips trembled so that for a long while she could say nothing.’ Vronsky’s commitment to Anna seems to decrease in later chapters of Tolstoy’s novel but the reader cannot be convinced that this is the true situation because he finds out about this wane of devotion from Anna’s confessions which betrays the fear that the man she loves and for whom she has sacrificed her marriage and her social position, becoming a mistress, is not any more in love with the heroine. The events related to this episode seem to indicate that Vronsky’s love hasn’t faded: he takes Anna to his country home which is luxurious, elegant, he stays with the heroine and refuses to visit his old friends and even mother, he is & science 2, still fascinated by her beauty and personality. He occasionally misses the old fame and military glory especially when he meets his old comrades but he does not blame Anna for this situation.

Vronsky accepts Anna’s paranoia and her whims but for Tolstoy’s main character these proves are not enough, are just signs of duty and not actions indicating true love. The reader cannot decide is emancipation paperwork, right in & level, this situation because Vronsky’s thoughts are not exposed. Angel Clare is Tess’ Vronsky, the man full of passion who can kidnap the heroine’s present and can project a whole new world outside the thomas jefferson test questions mediocrity of an irrational and hypocritical society. When Tess first meets Angel she realizes that she definitely has seen him before, at the May-dance and he did not choose Tess to be his dance partner. But because the destiny wants to bring together Tess and science 2 Angel and in india also to determine, Tess’ dead conviction, they meet again at the dairy. Level 2! The love the both characters feel for each other is genuine, pure, without being jealous or proud. ‘It was then, as has been said, that she impressed him most deeply. She was no longer the paperwork milkmaid, but a visionary essence of woman- a whole sex condensed into one physical form. He called her Artemis, Demeter, and other fanciful names half teasingly, which she did not like because she did not understand them. ‘Call me Tess’, she would say askance; and science 2 he did. In this quote from the novel the reader can clearly see that Angel is in love with the image of a perfect woman and not exclusively with Tess herself.

She is compared with the Greek goddesses and that means that she has to be the ideal of feminine beauty and perfection in order to be loved by Angel. And Tess is not a goddess, she’s a simply peasant young girl who just wants to love and to be loved. In the critical essay ‘Why women are oppressed’ Anna Jonasdottir says: ‘Man is willing to accept woman as an equal, as a man in skirt, as an angel, a devil, a baby-face, a machine, an instrument, a bosom, a womb, a pair of legs, a servant, an encyclopaedia, an ideal or an obscenity; the jefferson high admissions only thing he won’t accept her as is a human being, a real human being of the real sex.’ Angel seems to be a character that wants to be surrounded by angels and can’t accept that human beings have a past, made mistakes, he cannot forgive and forget even though he asks for forgiveness. He is an example of a fallen angel who couldn’t remain pure and also failed in being a good Christian by & science 2, confessing Tess his sin. His mistake is also Tess’s mistake but the influence of the dissertation Victorian society does not allow him to see clearly and to only after the level 2 longue journey he realizes that ‘the beauty or ugliness of a character lay not only in its achievements, but in its aims and impulses; its true story lay, not among things done, but among thinks willed.’ Tess of D’Urbervilles and Anna share also another pattern-fog, haziness, mystery. When Tess of D’Urbervilles is raped, the emancipation paperwork indiana scene is surrounded by science level 2, mist and the reader does not exactly knows what to think about this situation: ‘She was silent, and the horse ambled along for a consider- able distance, till a faint luminous fog, which had hung in the hollows all the evening, became general and enveloped them. It seemed to hold the moonlight in suspension, rendering it more pervasive than in clear air.

Whether on this account, or from absent-mindedness, or from sleepiness, she did not perceive that they had long ago passed the point at which the lane to Trantridge branched from the rutgers university question 2013 highway, and that her conductor had not taken the Trantridge track.’ Anna herself speaks of a certain haze which in associating it with the purity of first love: “I remember that blue haze, like the haze on the mountains in Switzerland. That haze which envelops everything at that blissful time when childhood is just coming to an end and its huge merry circle narrows to a path which one treads gaily yet with dread into life’s corridor” . . . Kitty smiled … “How did she go through it? How I should like to know the whole romance of her life!” she thought, recalling the unromantic exterior of Anna’s husband.’ The patter appears again when Kitty realizes the visible sympathy between Anna and Vronsky at the ball and “a mist spread(s) over her soul” Anna and Tess are two heroines who have lots o resemblances but also dissimilarities. 2! Tess of D’Urbervilles is an innocent peasant girl who takes care of her family being fascinated with the novels she reads. Paper! She is not selfish, she does not to & level, marry with an aristocratic men and to be part of the university question 2013 aristocratic society. Anna is also intelligent, cultivated, simple, honest, and & science a devoted mother.

But the relationship with Vronsky changes her completely. Tess’s downfall is caused by her lack of do my paper education in what concern such a complicated subject for the society she lives in- sexual relationships and level 2 it can be said that her trust in men is determined by reading romantic novels and identifying with their heroines in a specifically sensual and innocent way. Anna, on contrary, is unable to read her novel on her train ride home after flirting with Vronsky. “She was too eager to jefferson school questions, live herself. If she read how the heroine of the novel nursed a sick man, she wanted to be moving about & 2, a sickroom with noiseless tread herself”. When she discovers, it is to do my in india, make an instinctual moral perception: ‘The hero of the novel had nearly attained his Englishman’s idea of science level happiness … and Anna was wishing she could go to the estate with him, when she suddenly felt that he must be feeling ashamed and that she was ashamed for the same reason.’ Anna Karenina and Tess D’Urbervilles are honorable women. Rutgers Essay 2013! Even though Anna has a sexual relationship outside her marriage she does not accept Karenin’s proposal when he decides that they can stay into a formal marriage and forget Anna’s infidelity. The heroine is science, not ashamed that she has a relationship with Vronsky because this relationship represents her entire life-love, fantasy, eternity, nobles. ‘Alexey Alexandrovitch! What is it you want of me”?I want you not to meet that man here, and to conduct yourself so that neither the world nor the servants can reproach you…not to see him. That’s not much, I think. And in return you will enjoy all the privileges of essay hooks a faithful wife without fulfilling her duties. That’s all I have to say to you.

Now it’s time for me to go. I’m not dining at home.’ He got up and moved towards the door. Anna got up too. Bowing in silence, he let her pass before him.’ Tess of level D’Urbervilles also refuses Alec’s proposal to be his mistress because she cannot have a relationship with a man she is school science teacher letter, not in love with, a man who harmed her. ‘Very well,’ he said, laughing; ‘I am sorry to & science, wound you. I did wrong’I admit it.’ He dropped into some little bitterness as he continued: ‘Only you needn’t be so everlastingly flinging it in thomas high school admissions essay, my face. I am ready to & science, pay to the uttermost farthing. You know you need not work in the fields or the dairies again. You know you may clothe yourself with the best, instead of in the bald plain way you have lately affected, as if you couldn’t get a ribbon more than you earn.’ ‘I have said I will not take anything more from you, and rutgers university essay question I will not’I cannot!

I SHOULD be your creature to go on doing that, and I won’t.’ Bibliography Chapter four. 1. Hardy, T., ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’, edited by Juliet Grindle and Simon Gatrell, with a new introduction by & level, Penny Boumelha, Oxford University Press, New York, 1983. 2. Jonasdotti, A., ‘Why women are oppressed’, Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1994. 3. Lotman, Iuri, ‘The structure of the artistic text’, translation by Ronald Vroon, University of in india Michigan, 1977. 4. Mandelker, A., ‘Framing Anna Karenina: Tolstoy, The woman question, and the Victorian novel’, The theory and interpretation of & science level narrative series, Ohio State University Press, 1993. 5. Nabocov, V. ‘Lectures on Russian Literature, Harcourt, 1981. 6. R.G. Christian, ‘Tolstoy: An Introduction’, Cambridge 1969.

7. Tolstoy, L. ‘Anna Karenina’, translated by dissertation 2012, Louise Shanks #038; Aylmer Maude, Vintage Classics, London, 2010. In the Victorian age, women were seen through men’s eyes. They were the most important characters in the domestic sphere, the science level 2 family life being more than sufficient for admissions test questions, their emotional achievement. The home was seen as a paradise, a refuge from the chaotic world of level 2 business and politics, a place similar with the hooks haven, in which men found love from their wives and children. The Victorian women were seen as being pure and & science level perfect. They were ‘angels in essay hooks examples, the house’, wives and mothers dedicated to their families and children. They had to obey their husbands because men were the main characters in the society.

The marriage was a light form of science level slavery: after the wedding everything a woman inherited and had unquestionably belonged to the husband. 1. Blathway, Taymond, ‘A Chat with the Author of Tess, Black and high teacher letter White, IV’. Macmillan, 1892, London. 2. Casagrande, P., ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles unorthodox beauty’, New York: Twaye, 1992. 3. Conly, Sarah, ‘Seduction, rape and & science 2 coercition’, Ethics 115: 96-121, October 2004, University of Chicago Press. 4. Danielova, M., ‘The concept of purity in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles’, Faculty of Education, Brno, December 2010. 5. Davis, W., ‘Thomas Hardy and the law’, Legal Presences in Hardy’s Life and Fiction, Rosemont publishing and and printing corp, 2003. 6. Ertu??rul, Ko. ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles, the tragedy of a Godless human existence’, Journals of Arts and Sciences, 12 decembrie 2009, Universitatea Cankaya. 7. Jefferson School Questions! Freeman, J., ‘Studies in Philology’, 1982 University of North Carolina Press, Vol 79, No.3. 8. & Science 2! Garson, M., Hardy’s Fables of Integrity: Woman, Body, Text’, Oxford University Press, 1991. 9. Essay! Hardy, T., ‘Tess of the level 2 D’Urbervilles’, edited by Juliet Grindle and Simon Gatrell, with a new introduction by Penny Boumelha, Oxford University Press, New York, 1983.

10. Hardy, T., ‘Letter to emancipation paperwork indiana, Thomas Macquoid ‘, 29 Oct 1981, in The collected letters of science 2 Thomas Hardy, ed. Richard Little Purdy and Michael Millgate, 7 vols., (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1978-88, 245-246). 11. Harvey, G., ‘The complete critical guide to Thomas Hardy’, Taylor #038; Francis e- Library, 2003. 12. Holmes, S., #038; Nelson, C., ‘Maternal Instincts: Visions of motherhood and sexuality in paper, Britain, 1875-1925’, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 1997. 13.

Holmberg, Mona, ‘Tess, a victim of & level her society’, in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles’, Lulea University of Technology, Department of rutgers university essay question Language and Culture, 2003. 14. Jennings, A., ‘Stranger than Fiction. Life and Literature in science level 2, the Late Victorian Age’, Black Cat Publishing, 2001. 15. Jonasdotti, A., ‘Why women are oppressed’, Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1994. 16. Kent, Susan.’Sex and Suffrage in Britain 1860-1914?.

Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990. 17. Lotman, I. ‘The structure of the university essay question 2013 artistic text’, translation by Ronald Vroon, University of Michigan, 1977. 18. Mandelker, A., ‘Framing Anna Karenina: Tolstoy, The woman question and the Victorian novel’The theory and interpretation of narrative series, Ohio, State University Press, 1993. 19.

Matthew, A., ‘The Forsaken Merman’ in Selected Poems, 1822-1888, An electronic classics series publication, 2000. 20. Millgate, M., ‘Thomas, Hardy, His Career as a novelist’, London: Macmillan, 1994. 21. Mitchell, S.,’Daily Life in Victorian England’, Greenwood Publishing, Westport, Connecticut, London, 2009. 22. Morgan, R., ‘Women and Sexuality in the novels of Thomas Hardy,’ Routledge London and New York, 2006. 23. & 2! Morgan, R., ‘Student companion to Thomas Hardy’, Greenwood Press, London, 2007. 24. Paperwork Indiana! Muelenhard, C., #038; Shrag, J., ‘Nonviolent sexual coercition’, in Acquaintance rape, the hidden crime’, Wiley #038; Sons, New York, 1991.

25. Nabokov, V. ‘Lectures on Russian Literature, Harcourt, 1981. 26. R. G. Christian, ‘Tolstoy: An Introduction’, Cambridge, 1969. 27.

Rogers, Katharine, ‘The Centennial Review’, Vol 19, No. 4, 1975 Michigan State University Press. 28. Simone de Beauvoir, ‘The Second Sex,’ trans. & 2! H. N. Parshley, New York, 1953. 29. Tolstoy, L. Dissertation! ‘Anna Karenina’, translation by Louise Shanks Maude #038; Aylmer Maude, Vintage Classics, London, 2010. 30. Zhen, C., ‘Tess in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles- victim of social prejudice and male dominance in Victorian patriarchal society’, society

31. Wojtczak, H., ‘Women of Victorian Sussex’, Hastings Press, 2003. Search our thousands of essays: If this essay isn't quite what you're looking for, why not order your own custom English Literature essay, dissertation or piece of coursework that answers your exact question? There are UK writers just like me on hand, waiting to help you.

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