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Creative writing graduate programs canada

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Balzac: Vater Goriot Inhalt und Interpretation. Writing Graduate! Zweifellos gehort Balzacs Roman Vater Goriot (im Original: Le Pere Goriot ) (1835) zu den gro?en Meisterwerken der Literatur des Realismus. Food! Die schonungslos in programs canada, ihrer Gier und Verkommenheit gezeichnete Pariser Gesellschaft der Restaurationsjahre (1814-1830; unterbrochen durch die sog. Phd Thesis Urban Legend! Herrschaft der Hundert Tage, in programs canada, denen Napoleon Bonaparte aus dem Exil in stories to write about, Elba zuruckkehrte, die Macht an writing graduate canada, sich riss und erst in homer, Waterloo endgultig geschlagen wurde). Writing Canada! Die Restauration sollte erst mit der Julirevolution von 1830 ihr Ende finden; das bedeutet, dass Balzac in business, Vater Goriot eine Gesellschaft schildert, die zur Zeit der Niederschrift des Romans (1834/5, also unter dem #8222;Burgerkonig#8220; Louis-Philippe I.) bereits historisch zu nennen war.

Der Roman spielt ausschlie?lich in programs canada, Paris und wurde von Balzac in homer papers, seiner Comedie humaine unter die #8222;Scenes de la vie privee#8220; eingeordnet, also die #8222;Szenen des privaten Lebens#8220;. Vermutlich ist den meisten Leserinnen und Lesern das Konzept der Comedie humaine von Balzac vertraut. Fur alle diejenigen, die damit nichts anzufangen wissen, hier eine sehr kurze Einfuhrung. Creative Graduate Programs Canada! Ubersetzt hei?t La Comedie humaine : Die Menschliche Komodie und bildet damit einen erkennbaren Gegenpart zu einem anderen beruhmten literarischen Werk, Dantes Gottlicher Komodie ( Divina Commedia , wohl zwischen 1307-1320 geschrieben). Steps Great! Darin schilderte Dante den Weg des Erzahlers durch die Holle (1. Writing! #8222;Inferno#8220;), den Lauterungsberg (2. Winslow! #8222;Purgatorio#8220;) bis hin ins Paradies (3. Creative Writing Programs Canada! #8222;Paradiso#8220;). Winslow Research! Bemerkenswert ist die gro?e Zahl an writing programs canada, Personlichkeiten, die dem Erzahler auf seinem Weg begegnen. Phd Thesis Urban Legend! Sie stellen sozusagen ein gro?es Gesellschaftspanorama des Mittelalters dar.

Balzacs Menschliche Komodie hingegen schildert nicht die Seelen der Menschen im Jenseits, sondern die real existierenden Menschen im Diesseits. Writing Programs! Dabei bezieht Balzac auch gewohnliche und schlechte Menschen mit in problems case studies, seine Darstellung ein, was seine Erzahlungen als dem Realismus zugehorig kennzeichnen. Graduate! Vorher war es in writing great, der Literatur ublich gewesen, gewohnliche Menschen gar nicht (bzw. Writing Graduate! nur in creative stories, Komodien) zu beschreiben (eine Konvention, die im Wesentlichen auf Aristoteles zuruckgeht). Programs Canada! Bei Balzac kann auch der Alltag und das Gewohnliche durchaus tragisch sein, ohne dass er Alltagsmenschen idealisiert. Balzac hatte 137 Romane fur seine menschliche Komodie geplant, von denen er bei seinem Tod im Jahr 1850 immerhin 91 vollendet hatte. Stories! 1842 erklarte Balzac sein Konzept in einem Vorwort zur Menschlichen Komodie : #8222;Avant-Propos de La Comedie humaine#8220; und nennt die drei Hauptkategorien, in writing, die sich dieses Gesamtwerk unterteilt: Studien der Sitten (Etudes de m?urs) Analytische Studien (Etudes analytiques) Philosophische Studien (Etudes philosophiques) Jede dieser Hauptkategorien hat weitere Unterkategorien, darunter die bereits erwahnten #8222;Scenes de la vie privee#8220; sowie u.a. Business Problems Case! die #8222;Scenes de la vie de province#8220;, #8222;Scenes de la vie politique#8220;, #8222;Scenes de la Vie de campagne#8220; oder die #8222;Scenes de la vie militaire#8220;. Balzac: La Comedie humaine (Foto: Wikipedia; CC BY-SA 3.0) Die einzelnen Romane werden dabei nicht nur durch die Zuordnung in eine dieser Rubriken zusammengehalten; auch tauchen Figuren aus dem einen Roman in creative writing graduate, einem anderen Roman wieder auf. Stories To Write! Von den zentralen Figuren aus dem Vater Goriot tauchen die meisten in creative graduate programs, vielen anderen Balzac-Romanen wieder auf; der Baron Frederic de Nucingen, zum Beispiel, taucht in steps writing, 38 weiteren Romanen auf; der Arzt Horace Bianchon, der im Vater Goriot eher eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt, kommt in creative graduate, weiteren 27 Romanen vor; ebensooft taucht Eugene-Louis de Rastignac, die Hauptfigur im Vater Goriot , in effect food essay, anderen Balzac-Romanen auf.

Nach diesen kurzen, einfuhrenden Worten zur Menschlichen Komodie von Balzac, nun zu seinem Roman Vater Goriot . Writing Canada! Der Roman spielt im Jahr 1819 in creative stories to write, Paris. Creative Writing Graduate! Er beschreibt das Leben einiger Personen, die allesamt in creative stories about, der Pension der Madame Vauquer (#8222;Maison Vauquer#8220;) abgestiegen sind, die in creative writing graduate programs, der Rue Neuve-Sainte-Genevieve liegt (die heutige Rue Tournefort). Urban! Der Roman beginnt mit einer langen Schilderung des heruntergekommenen Maison Vauquer und prasentiert dann erst seine Bewohner, deren Leben genauso heruntergekommen erscheint, wie das Haus, in creative graduate programs, dem sie alle wohnen. Unter den Bewohnern sind auch die drei Hauptfiguren des Romans: Vautrin (taucht u.a. Legend! auch in writing graduate programs canada, Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen sowie Verlorene Illusionen auf), Eugene de Rastignac (ein junger Student aus dem Suden des Landes) und der titelgebende Vater Goriot. Language Coursework! Letzterer ist ein ehemaliger Fadennudelfabrikant, der sein Vermogen in creative writing graduate, den Jahren nach der Revolution gemacht hat; er hat zwei Tochter, die beide reich verheiratet sind: Anastasie de Restaud (die altere Tochter) und Delphine de Nucingen (die jungere). Writing! Vater Goriot, Illustration: Rastignac (links) und Vautrin (rechts) (Foto: Wikipedia; CC BY-SA 3.0) Rastignac traumt derweil von der Feinen Pariser Gesellschaft, zu der er gerne Zutritt hatte. Writing Graduate Canada! Er versucht, uber seine Cousine, Madame de Beauseant Eingang in research, die Gesellschaft zu erlangen, was ihm nach einigen kleinen Fehltritten auch gelingt.

V.a. Writing! mit der jungen Delphine de Nucingen kommt er schnell auf vertraulichen Fu?. Great! Als deren Vater (Vater Goriot) davon erfahrt, bestarkt er Rastignac in writing graduate, seinen Unternehmungen, da der eigentliche Ehemann seiner Tochter ihm das Haus verwehrt und er hofft, uber Rastignac wieder mehr Kontakt zu seiner Tochter zu erhalten. Effect Food! Aufopferungsvoll und unter gro?en personlichen Entbehrungen fadelt es Vater Goriot ein, dass Rastignac eine standesgema?ere Wohnung nehmen kann, wo er und Delphine sich treffen konnen. Creative Writing Programs Canada! Gleichzeitig versucht der andere Pensionsbewohner, Vautrin, Rastignac mit der jungen Victorine Taillefer zu verkuppeln. Essay! Diese hat einen reichen Vater, der sie aber nicht anerkennt, da er aus zweiter Ehe einen Sohn hat, dem er sein Vermogen unvermindert hinterlassen mochte. Creative Writing! Vautrin plant, Rastignac mit Victorine zu verkuppeln, dann deren Halbbruder im Duell toten zu lassen, so dass Victorines Vater genotigt ist, sie doch anzuerkennen und Rastignac so uber Nacht zum Millionenerben wird. Der Plan ist schon weit fortgeschritten und Rastignac und Victorine flirten bereits miteinander, als durch eine Spionin in der Pension bekannt wird, dass Vautrin in urban legend, Wahrheit Jacques Collin hei?t und ein skrupelloser Gauner ist. Die Polizeit nimmt ihn fest. Writing Graduate! Rastignac ist weiterhin zwischen den beiden Frauen, Delphine und Victorine, hingerissen. Doch Vater Goriot ubt sanften Druck auf Rastignac aus, so dass dieser sich immer mehr Delphine zuwendet. Coursework Wjec! Vater Goriot erlebt sein hochstes Gluck bei einem gemeinsamen Abendessen mit seiner Tochter Delphine und seinem Schwiegersohn in spe.

Doch, wie bei Balzac nicht unublich, soll das Gluck nicht von langer Dauer sein. Am Tag, als Rastignac in creative graduate, seine neue Wohnung umziehen soll, wird Goriot von seinen beiden Tochtern besucht, die beide durch ihr unkluges Handeln in research papers, arge Geldnote geraten sind und ihren Vater um Geld bitten. Writing Graduate! Doch dieser hat sich vollkommen verau?ert und ist au?er Stande, seinen Tochtern noch Geld zukommen zu lassen. Steps Essay! Vater Goriot macht sich deswegen schwere Selbstvorwurfe, sein Gesundheitszustand verschlechtert sich und Rastignac muss sich am Abend auf den Weg zu Delphine machen, um dieser mitzuteilen, dass ihr Vater im Sterben liegt. Creative Writing! Doch Delphine denkt nur an den bevorstehenden Ball bei ihrer Schwester in business problems studies, dieser Nacht und will von den Leiden ihres Vaters nichts horen. Writing Graduate Canada! Als Goriots Leben dem Ende zuneigt, verlangt er nach seinen Tochtern, dass sie ihn noch ein letztes Mal besuchten. Doch beide lassen sich verleugnen. Jetzt erst, auf seinem Sterbebett, dem Tode nahe und vollig verarmt, erkennt der einst reiche Vater Goriot, dass seine Tochter nicht ihn geliebt haben, sondern nur sein Geld und nun, da dass Geld fort sei, ihm die Tochterliebe verweigerten. Er stirbt schlie?lich nach langer Qual. Language Coursework! Rastignac bittet die beiden Tochter um Geld fur das Begrabnis, das diese ihm ebenfalls verweigern.

So versetzt Rastignac seine kostbare Uhr, um die Beerdigung von Vater Goriot zu bezahlen. Writing Graduate Programs Canada! Der Roman endet damit, dass Rastignac angeekelt von der feinen Pariser Gesellschaft von der Beerdigung zuruckkehrt. Vater Goriot : Worum geht#8217;s eigentlich? Vater Goriot ist ein Roman mit zwei eindeutigen thematischen Schwerpunkten: Die Entlarvung der feinen Gesellschaft als herzlos und geldgierig; und die Ubertragung dieser Prinzipien auf die kleinste Gesellschaftsform: Die Familie. Wjec! Balzac, von dem seine englische Zeitgenossin Charlotte Bronte sagte, er sei wie ein #8222;unangenehmer Bekannter, der uns stets in creative writing graduate, klarstem Licht unser Unvermogen vorhalte und nur selten unsere besseren Eigenschaften zum Vorschein bringe#8220;, schildert eine durch und durch korrupte Gesellschaft im Angesichte gewagter Finanzspekulationen; eine Gesellschaft, deren Moral nur in business problems case studies, Geld gemessen wird. Writing Graduate Programs! Das kurze Gluck von Vater Goriot: Das gemeinsame Abendessen mit seiner Tochter Delphine und seinem vermeintlichen Schwiegersohn in urban, spe, Rastignac (Foto: Wikipedia; CC BY-SA 3.0) Rastignac ist ein junger Mann, der sich zu dieser vermeintlich elitaren Gesellschaftsschicht, der Reichen und Schonen, Zutritt verschaffen mochte. Writing Programs Canada! Je mehr er jedoch Zugang erhalt, desto mehr geht ihm auf, wie verkommen diese Gesellschaft eigentlich ist. Balzac erliegt dabei keineswegs der Versuchung, die armeren Bevolkerungsschichten zu romantisieren, wie es etwa Charles Dickens haufig machte; ganz so, als wurde geringeres Kapitel automatisch hohere Moral bedeuten. Vautrin, der Verbrecher mit seinen anarchistischen Reden, ubt wohl gerade deshalb eine so gro?e Faszination auf Rastignac aus, weil er sich bewusst in creative stories, einem Au?erhalb dieser Gesellschaft verortet, die er in graduate, ihrer Unaufrichtigkeit durchschaut zu haben vorgibt. Winslow Homer Research! An einer Stelle des Romans offenbart Vautrin Rastignac gegenuber seine misanthropische Weltanschauung: #8222;Sie glauben, es gabe etwas Positives in graduate, der Welt.

Verachten Sie nur die Menschen#8230;#8220; (149); an creative, einer anderen Stelle offenbart er seine rigide Tugendethik: #8222;Die Tugend, mein lieber Student, lasst nicht mit sich handeln, sie ist oder ist nicht.#8220; (148) Die Losung, die der Zyniker Vautrin fur die sicherlich korrekt analysierten gesellschaftlichen Probleme anbietet, entlarvt ihn jedoch als einen kuhlen und unmenschlichen Machiavellisten: #8222;In diese Menschenmasse muss man einschlagen wie eine Kanonenkugel oder sich hineinschleichen wie eine Seuche.#8220; (140) Erschwert wird Rastignacs Orientierung im Pariser Gesellschaftsleben zusatzlich noch durch die Gewissensbisse, die er auf Grund seiner eigenen Familie empfindet. Creative Graduate Programs! Diese spart sich das Geld vom Munde ab, um seine Ausbildung in phd thesis urban, Paris bezahlen zu konnen. Creative Writing! Rastignac findet sein eigenes Leben in essay, potenzierter Form in Goriots Tochtern wieder und bis zum Ende lost sich das Dilemma nicht vollstandig fur ihn auf, wenngleich zahlreiche Prolepsen im Text seinen weiteren Lebensweg schon andeuten#8230; Honore de Balzac: Vater Goriot. Creative Graduate Programs Canada! Dt. Phd Thesis Urban Legend! von Gisela Etzel.

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The Best Player for Audiobooks and Podcasts. Although all portable players can play audiobooks and creative graduate podcasts, few of them can do it well. Writing Essay! In this article I suggest, based on my personal experience, what the perfect player for creative audiobooks and podcasts should look like. Audiobooks and podcasts become very popular medium of information. One cause of such popularity is a fact, that audio material, by its nature, has many advantages over text.

However, an important reason for audiobooks spread is the creation of portable audio players. Today, almost any gadget with internal memory and a battery supports audio playback. You can use a mobile phone, a communicator, PDA or a music player to business problems studies, listen to podcast or audiobook. Personally, I enjoy listening to audiobooks and creative writing programs podcasts for effect junk many years. After I’ve tried many various devices, I’ve finally come to the conclusion that some of them are far more appropriate for graduate canada this purpose. Although there’s obvious progress in portable players’ development, it seems that, in winslow homer case of creative writing graduate programs, audiobooks, many modern features actually degrade player’s usability. Touch controls, big color screens and small buttons are good for watching video, but when it comes to plain audio, these stuff can cause troubles. Player optimization for music playback doesn’t guarantee smooth work with audiobooks either. So, what should the steps writing great essay, perfect player for programs canada audiobooks and podcasts look like? Based on my personal experience, I defined the following must-have features for to write about such a player:

Bookmarks support Proper search support Tactile control Large monochrome display with landscape orientation Enough storage capacity Good file browser. Proper bookmarks support is a foundation stone. Without it, you can’t correctly resume the playback after a shutdown or a track change – you have to remember files you are listening to and current position for every file to restore it later. Needles to creative graduate programs, say, it’s not very exciting experience, especially in a case of a poorly implemented search (in that case, you’re obliged to winslow, hold “fast forward” or “rewind” button for creative canada minutes to find the right position in creative to write about a large audio file). I distinguish the following types of bookmarks support: Player correctly resumes audio playback after shutdown.

Player restores position of playback on per-file basis. Player has capacity to add any number of bookmarks for any file. The absolute minimum is a capacity to resume playback where you left off after turning the player off and then on. However, it would be much better if player can store playback position for multiple files. Such an writing, ability helps a lot when you listen to business problems, different books and podcasts at a time (or when you alternate audiobooks with music). These are two kinds of automatic bookmarks support. Support for creative programs canada manual bookmarking is a different way to resume playback, which has its own pros and cons.

The advantages are that you can manually mark a file to quickly return to it later (without searching through a file system), also, you can store multiple bookmarks for the same file. The disadvantage is you have to do more actions by yourself (which is usually error-prone). Which type of bookmarking support is better? It seems that automatic bookmarking is suitable for listening to podcasts (because each podcast is usually represented by only one file), and food essay support for creative graduate canada manual bookmarking is a convenient feature for audiobooks (to remember current files). Homer Research! Certainly, it’s better to have both. Although decent bookmarking support significantly reduces the canada, need for navigation inside audio tracks, there are cases where fast forward and rewind functions are still handy.

For instance, you can use them to do the following: repeat the last sentence; omit an english language wjec, unwanted episode; skip a commercial insertion; find a particular place inside audio file (in case you have no bookmark). Most players have search support, but often the speed either too slow or too fast (what is creative, uncomfortable). An adjustable search speed is a partial solution, because any selected speed is problems case studies, constant, while preferable speeds for different action vary. (i. e. you may want a slow speed to repeat a phrase, and a fast one to find a particular episode). Personally, I prefer the player to writing, have fast forward / rewind acceleration. Phd Thesis Urban! Acceleration mode increases search speed depending on how long “fast forward” or “rewind” button is programs canada, pressed.

This gives, on the one hand, means to easily skip small portions of audio, and, on the other hand, a tool for fast navigation inside long tracks. Effect Junk Food! Certainly, it’s useful to creative writing canada, have an ability to configure acceleration parameters. There’s one important (but often underestimated) characteristic of search functions beside speed issues. It’s a difference threshold between a button’s hold-down time for track search and track change actions. Case Studies! The larger threshold is, the creative graduate, more likely you are to choose next or previous track instead of phd thesis urban legend, fast-forwarding or rewinding (so you have to select your file again and restore the precise position inside it). No doubt, only graduate, a player with clear distinction between search and track change actions can save you from going mad and tearing your hair out. When you listen to audiobook or podcast it’s likely you have to control your player more frequently than when you listen to winslow homer research, music. Writing Canada! Speech is a more subtle entity comparing to the music – often you need to pause the playback for coursework wjec a moment, repeat the sentence, skip a commercial insertion, raise or lower the creative writing canada, volume, change the studies, track, etc… Who wants to writing graduate programs, bother removing the player from a pocket or interrupting pleasant rest just to operate a brand-new touchscreen (or a touch wheel)? Tactile control implies the steps essay, following: Player has palpable controls (like buttons) for all basic actions. You can easily locate, identify and creative programs use all controls by touch, without seeing them.

You can operate all controls using one hand only. It’s unlikely to business problems case, activate any control unintentionally. Good player’s tactile control promotes a smooth and enjoyable listening experience. Large monochrome display with landscape orientation. Big enough screen is useful for fast and easy navigation among books, chapters and podcasts. Landscape orientation of the screen gives more horizontal resolution in creative writing canada order to stories to write about, avoid annoying titles scrolling. Although colors on screen look cool, it’s no surprise that color display is a pointless feature for pure audio player. Monochrome display, on writing graduate programs, the contrary, is urban legend, comfortable for the eyes and has no problems with visibility in a bright light.

Why is the player’s capacity important? Usually, a typical audiobook consumes more storage space than an average album of music. Besides, it’s handy to graduate, store all chapters of audiobook together. You can have an incomplete music album and still enjoy it as long as you wish. But, as for audiobook’s chapters, sooner or later you will need every one of creative stories to write, them. Personally, I don’t like to graduate programs, update player’s memory every time I’m going to listen to the next part of an writing, audiobook.

Also, I have a habit to listen to many audiobooks at creative writing graduate canada a time, and, depending on my mood, to to write about, add podcasts or music to my listening. Writing Graduate Programs! That’s why I consider storage capacity important. Until recently, player with a lot of steps writing essay, storage capacity meant “a big expensive player with hard disk drive”. But, fortunately, because of a flash memory prices drop, today we can find handy and creative canada inexpensive portable players with 4-16GB flash memory inside. Apparently, such capacity is enough for comfortable listening to audiobooks and podcasts. If you intend to homer papers, interchange large amounts of audio material, you may also consider using player with memory card slot for removable flash cards (like microSD). Many up-to-date players support removable cards, although such support is creative programs canada, often bounded by 2GB or 4GB card limitation. Some players show all audio files in a single flat list, what is by no means suitable for wjec listening to audiobooks. To successfully navigate among many audiobooks (and their chapters), player must display an authentic hierarchy of the file system, including directories nested within other directories. It’s better to avoid limits either in creative graduate programs canada the numbers of creative stories, directories on creative, the same level, or in the level of nesting. Metadata tags (like ID3 tags) are a controversial issue.

They can hold additional information about effect food essay, audio file beside the content of a filename. Programs Canada! Sometimes that can be useful, but: it is harder to edit tags than the legend, name of file, tags are intended for music and therefore store properties, directly inapplicable to audiobooks and podcasts (such as “artist”, “album”, “genre” and so on), displaying of excess metadata requires scrolling, often audio files lack tag information or include incorrect tags. That is why I decided to give up using metadata tags and to store description of audio files only in filenames. Writing Programs! Usually, I assign short but meaningful names to effect junk, podcasts immediately before downloading. It is up to you whether to rely on creative writing programs, tags, however, you can avoid a great deal of english language coursework, confusion in this matter by choosing portable player with optional metadata tags’ usage. There are a few other things to consider when choosing a portable player for audiobooks and podcasts. Player should allow to play audio files by directory structure (don’t reorder them by metadata tags). Support for creative writing graduate programs canada continuous playing through a sequence of directories is essential to handle audiobooks divided in separate folders. There should be no compulsory (always enabled) “fade-in”, “fade-out”, or “cross-fade” features. Obviously, they are not compatible with speech.

Player should supports many audio formats (like mp3, wma, ogg, mp4, flac, etc). Although you can always convert (for example, using MediaCoder) your audio files to business, supported format, it’s not so convenient task. If you’re going to graduate programs, buy audiobooks with digital rights management (DRM), you must ensure that player supports it. I laid down the basic guidelines for choosing portable player for winslow research audiobooks and podcasts. Writing Graduate Programs! I omitted players features, that don’t exert much special influence on listening to audiobooks or podcasts. They are: design of the player (size, shape, weight, color, etc), type of the storage (HDD or flash), type and capacity of creative, a battery, external interface (mini-USB or some proprietary one), speed of files transfer, quality of sound, sound processing capabilities (like equalizer), operating systems support, price. However these features may be still important to you because of a personal preference. Writing Canada! All need to steps writing, be weighed before making a decision. That’s why, unfortunately, there’s no perfect player for everyone. As for creative graduate programs me, I have five portable audio players (not counting mobile phone, PDA and Sony Reader), and all of effect junk food essay, them are far from ideal (from my point of view, of course). Next player I am going to graduate programs, buy is one with Rockbox support.

Rockbox is an open source firmware for many digital audio players. Phd Thesis Urban Legend! It aims to creative canada, be considerably more functional and great essay efficient than stock firmwares while remaining easy to use and customizable. At the writing graduate programs, moment, it looks like it’s the only software that good for listening to audiobooks and podcasts. Creative Stories To Write! Everything you need to use Rockbox is to graduate, have a supported player. I hope the information will be useful to you. If you have suggestions for extending or improving the article, feel free to winslow research, contact me. I am not very tech savy, but like to creative graduate programs canada, use MP3 player for language wjec podcasts and book downloads from the library.(Being retired I cannot afford to buy books from etc.) I have been using a Creative Zen V+ (4GB) for writing graduate programs 2 years now and have listened to papers, about 65 books on this player. I am very happy with it except that it are that it crashes if I try to fast forward too much and if I use the pause feature for too long it reverts to the beginning of the creative writing, track. I belong to language wjec, three book clubs and most of my friends would like a simple player that bookmarks easily so you can switch between books or pause easily and return to your place.

I would also like a sleep function so that it would turn off after some set minutes. It must also be easy to writing graduate programs, fast forward or reverse. Effect Junk! Do you have any suggestions as to creative graduate programs, what manufacturers we should look?? If you’re looking for good bookmarks support, I recommend you to check It is a powerful and very configurable alternative firmware for many mp3 players. It supports bookmarks, sleep-timer and plenty of other advanced features. The only drawback is that you have to manually install the language, firmware on supported player (it’s not so hard to do). So, which brands,models,etc. come close to this ideal ? Thanks in advance, Jim Spencer. It seems that Rockbox is the best solution at the moment.

Thus you can try these models: I lack any knowledge on this subject; the creative graduate programs canada, only thing I do know is that I have restarted by steps writing great, exercise regimen, listen to cd audio books in the car and would like to do the same as I’m exercising. I would like some recommendations for creative writing programs canada some/a basic model that I won’t get so frustrated using that I’ll end up not using at all! Would appreciate any or all comments. FYI: … While I agree that RockBox is an awesome solution for people listening to MP3 audiobooks, it will unfortunately not help those of us using DRM protected WMA audiobooks similar to most of the creative stories to write, titles available from our public libraries via Overdrive.

As per the Rockbox website FAQ ( “It is very unlikely that Rockbox will be able to play protected WMA files.” and can attest to this personally as I have loaded it onto my Sansa e260. If not for this caveat, Rockbox would be the perfect Audiobook environment IMO. If your Audiobooks are not DRM protected, I agree with Pavel 100% Pavel, I applaud your well thought out and discussed thoughts on this subject – but since many of us use the free downloadable audiobooks from the library, (overdrive) which are not rockbox compatable – that leaves us with discussing the current retail selection. My CREATIVE Zen V Plus recently died (second to graduate programs canada, do so in 2 years) and I need a replacement that does not simply “resume” as Apple Ipod does. All of the Creative MP3 players have bookmark capability however they will not automatically continue playing the rest of the playlist after you have listened to the bookmarked track. Problems Case! I am looking for programs suggestions. There is a Sony Walkman CD player that has a bookmark feature.

I wouldn’t listen to CDs without it. I also have a Sony Walkman Mp3 player which plays all the winslow homer papers, cds and graduate mp3 discs. This is urban legend, a terrific little player and it beats my little tiny mp3player because it saves my place and I don’t have to spend 2 hours searching through files. Creative Writing Canada! my tiny mp3 player sucked every file on my computer and I don’t know how to get a single book without it downloading the entire computer everytime I plug it up to charge it. It also won’t play my self-recorded stuff off the computer. I prefer either a tape player or cd at the moment.

Thanks for the article, Pavel. All the ideas are very true. I, too, love audiobooks and podcasts and homer papers listen to them a lot both for entertainment and for learning foreign languages. I’ve been happily using a quite simple and inexpensive Cowon U2 ( player for more than 5 years now, and creative graduate I must say, it’s IDEAL for audiobooks. It works without a problem with the folder structure, there are bookmarks (one per writing essay, file, but I never needed more), A-B playback, a playlist, configurable search speed, and the user interface is brilliant, simple and intuitive. You can operate it blindly with one hand without taking out of the pocket! Unfortunately, the time came when I really need a replacement – 512 Mb and one playlist isn’t sufficient anymore, as I’m now also using it a lot for my work (teaching).

And I thought that wouldn’t be a problem, but I find myself in big trouble – Cowon has long dropped this model line, their current players are too sophisticated and have sensor controls. I tried ‘Transcend T.sonic 860 8Gb’ – quite a nice piece of hardware, but with horrible folder structure navigation, horrible bookmarks implementation, horrible A-B playback. The features are there, but they are unusable for my purposes. For example, if I start playing a file “track56.mp3” from programs, a bookmark – the device plays it and then stops, it never takes me to creative to write about, file “track57.mp3”, it doesn’t even allow me to find out in what subfolder the bookmarked “track56.mp3” resides. Is it in creative writing graduate canada /Coursebook3/Level2/Disk3/ or. is it in /Coursebook1/Level1/Disk14/ – if I don’t remember it – I’m lost for ever!

Pavel, could you name the players that you own that are the steps, closest to the ideal audiobook mp3 player? (I’m currently thinking about writing graduate programs canada, ordering a Sandisk Sansa Fuze and installing Rockbox on it). By trial-and-error method I finally found a player that meets the demands. I bought Cowon D2+ 16GB (with 32GB memory card) and creative stories to write about use it for creative graduate programs canada both audiobooks and lossless music. – large high-quality touchscreen (2.5 in, 320?240 pixels, 16M colors) – long battery life (up to 52 hours for audio playback) – expandable memory (up to 32GB SD/SDHC/MMC card) – 3 customizable hardware buttons. – standard Mini-USB connector (drag-and-drop file transfer) – outstanding sound quality.

– many supported audio formats (MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC, WAV, APE) – comprehensive bookmarks support (up to 256 bookmarks, multiple bookmarks per file, proper handling of file sequences) – playback resume after power-off. – dynamic playlist (up to winslow homer research, 256 entries) – playback boundaries (all files, folder, single file) – folder browsing (gestures supported) – progress bar with instant navigation. – bonus features: video, skins, flash. – dimensions (78 ? 55.4 ? 16.6 mm) and weight (91 g) – not enough hardware buttons (3 instead of creative graduate programs, 5) – hardware buttons are too small and too close together. – “resume” requires two extra clicks. Cowon D2+ can run Rockbox, but it’s not fully compatible with that firmware. Steps Essay! However, it seems that original D2+ firmware has everything you need for comfortable listening to writing canada, audiobooks, podcasts and music. Thanks for the info! I was thinking of Cowon D+, but decided that it’s too expensive and not compact enough for me. Maybe I should reconsider. How convenient is it ot operate it ‘blindly’ with one hand in a pocket?

Another important point: can you configure D+ so that you can pause (and later – resume) playback with just ONE press of a button without delay (and, ideally, without even the screen lighting up)? I need to pause a lot and I having a precise control over it is a must, plus I wouldn’t like to drain the batterry with all these pauses. On second thoughts I added a few more entries to the “cons” list above. D2 is definitely a little bit too large and heavy and business case studies it’s hard to locate its buttons ‘blindly’. Although player can’t resume playback after power-off with just one press of button, it has a high capacity-battery, so you can simply pause playback (no screen flashes) without turning the player off (battery life isn’t an issue for D2). Anyway, I suggest you to creative programs, try the english language coursework, player for creative writing graduate programs yourself before forming an opinion about whether it’s right for you. I’ve got the D2 now, and even though it isn’t perfect and many things are annoying, I absolutely can live with them. You mentioned almost all of it’s flaws, another thing is it’s fragility, I can’t even imagine using D2 without the protective leather case. Carrying it around and just using it normally, I would ruin the beautiful touch-screen in no time.

And the case of english wjec, course, makes it even bulkier and even less handy. I also got a Sandisk Sansa Fuze to test. Original firmware doesn’t allow any bookmarking, but with Rockbox installed it is very neat and handy, the rotating wheel control is extremely convenient. And the player is very inexpensive! Still, I’m reluctunt to part with the D2. It’s over programs the top for audiobooks, but it’s great if you also love music and use it to watch videos (the screen is about, larger and much better than that of the writing, Fuze). Thx for urban the info you/ve already provided. Pls advise an MP3 for library books that bookmarks easily. Creative Graduate Canada! Fast forward and back would be wonderful but doubt an MP3 or WMA player has that feature.

I/ve already tried Sansa and writing great now have a SONY walkman which “saves” a place intermittently. Is there an “easy to use” bookmarking MP3 player sold today? I love to borrow FREE audiobooks from the writing canada, library, and until recently I’ve been able to listen to them on a Sony D-EJ011. However, they don’t last forever. My first one lasted about three years, then I replaced it with one that lasted 18 months, then I was down to phd thesis legend, less than a year with the subsequent replacements. I was unable to even find one (Sony quit making them) but found a used one that I paid far too much for. It quit after a month. Graduate Programs Canada! The replacement works — barely — but skips badly. Effect Junk Essay! Quality control must be going downhill.

I’m looking for a portable CD player that I can put in creative a fanny pack and steps writing great essay use to listen to while cleaning littter boxes, loading the creative graduate programs, dishwasher, lifting weights, etc. And I want one that will resume at the place I stopped listening if I have to pause to answer the telephone. Great! I have Audible, but I have to pay for books, and the files clutter up my computer (or cloud storage). I tried a Durabrand CD 566, and it pauses and resumes at the same place SOMETIMES but not always. If I’m doing something that requires frequent pauses, I need something a bit smarter.

I don’t want to download the CDs to a computer, either. Takes too much time. Boring. Annoying. Any good ideas?

I was extremely impressed with your extensive recommendations for creative graduate canada readers searching for problems case the best way to listen to audiobooks. You gave graciously of your time and expertise, and I would like to programs, thank you very much! I only had an MP3 for music, which my children downloaded onto the unit for me. I am quite new at essay listening to books on tape/cd, but i truly enjoy the books when I am sewing and driving. I would like something I can pause for an extended period of creative programs canada, time, if need be, and immediate start where I left off when I press play. Also important to me is the search function and last sentence recall. I prefer to use the controls by touch, as well. Is it possible to update your article for effect junk essay what is currently available? I can’t thank you enough for creative programs your time and attention to this article. Your research into the pros and effect junk food cons of each feature as they apply to audiobook listening is invaluable.

I still use my good old Cowon D2+ for music and programs canada audio books, despite having Samsung Galaxy Note 3, because “real” buttons are so much better than the touchscreen. However, considering how far mobile phones have advanced since the time of writing the article, an Android-based smartphone looks like a rather good choice. Android apps are really flexible, the only problem is touchscreen, but it’s possible to use a headest with control buttons, or even standalone buttons. There seem to be many more decent options to choose from nowadays. Glad to read your article and the following contributions, especially the links. to Rockbox (and the lists offered there). As the storage capacity of my wife’s iPod touch has reached its upper limit, I’m at the same point as Lizabeth, searching a less expensive solution.

For today, I’d join this lady with my highest regard, thank you! Great article and just as relevant today as it was 5 plus years ago. I often wonder why no one has launched a kickstarter or indiegogo project for an audio player that focuses on audiobooks/podcasts. These days I’d say an e-ink screen would be great, hard buttons for pocket use, FM radio and how about taking a ‘normal’ AA battery too ! In the absence of anything better dedicated, my top pick is the Clip+ with rockbox. However there is a new player that is being rockbox’d and food looks good – hardware buttons, clear screen and plety of storage space: Hear!

Hear! yoyogi regarding the need for a full-featured mp3 player dedicated to podcasts and audio books. Graduate Programs! And many thanks especially to Pavel but also to others for all the useful information posted here. I most frequently listen to hour-long podcasts from NPR or France-Culture. My two most frustrating experiences lately are (1) my player’s inability to business case studies, restart where I left off in a broadcast after I recharge the battery and (2) fast-forwarding for five minutes in an attempt to find my place only to writing, have the unit flip back to 00:00:00 of its own inexplicable volition! I would be most grateful for any new or additional information that comes up on this topic. I can’t spend $999 on an mp3 player. Winslow Homer Research Papers! I’ve gotten by for years with ones in creative graduate programs canada the $50 range.

But I would be willing to make a more substantial investment if a really solid unit with the features I need came along. I only require one crucial feature for listening to winslow homer research papers, my podcasts and graduate programs canada it is skip forward feature by say 5 to 15 seconds, by creative to write, the touch of a button. I can’t find this feature in any mp3 player. All podcast listeners know of the problem which is dealing with commercials throughout the writing programs, podcast. A magic button for steps essay a quick fast forward would be priceless.

Any ideas?

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10 English Phrases to creative graduate programs, Express Your Opinion in an Essay. This is a guest post by Sam Pealing. Make sure to research papers, visit his website for writing canada, more academic English help! I admire international students. Seriously. If you’re a non-native English speaker doing a degree or doctorate in business case English, then I take my hat off to you. I get a lot of questions about writing essays, and I’ve taught hundreds of students how to write effective essays (which get good grades). Writing. One of the english most common mistakes that I see is a lack of creative writing opinion.

Most of the time, students describe a situation, but they don’t give their opinion or stance. This can really damage your grade because lecturers are always looking for ‘critical thinking’. Problems. If you don’t give your opinion in your essays, your lecturers can’t see your critical thinking. To put it simply: If you don’t put your opinion or stance in an essay, then you’ll probably lose marks. In this article, you’ll learn 10 effective phrases that you can use to canada, give your opinion in steps writing your essay. Writing. I’ve also created a free lesson pack which will help you to practice the phrases in this article. Winslow Papers. CLICK HERE to download it.

If you’re looking for a quick fix for your essay, these phrases should help you to start putting your own opinions in your essays. But, before you rush over to your essays to creative writing programs canada, start putting these phrases in, there’s something you need to essay, know. If you’re writing an writing graduate programs canada academic essay, you will need to support your opinions with strong evidence . This is especially true if you are using some of the stronger phrases. This evidence can be a journal article, a lecture, a textbook, or something else which is a trustworthy source of information. In a more informal essay, like one in an IELTS or TOEFL language test, you don’t need to support your answers with strong evidence. Your experiences or opinions will be enough. Quick note : I know! You’re ready to see the business problems case phrases.

This won’t take long and it’s really important. 1. For these phrases to be really effective, you’ll need to review your grammar. Shayna has some great videos on her Espresso English Youtube channel . I recommend these: 2. If you want to writing, know the structure of a good essay paragraph, check my post here . These phrases are suitable for language tests such as TOEFL or IELTS. In an academic essay, these phrases will probably be too informal because they are too personal. In my opinion , a good education is more important than a good car. I believe that schools should encourage students to walk or cycle to school rather than drive. “ In my mind , no-one should have to pay for medical care.” More Formal Academic Phrases With ‘That’ These phrases are more suitable for academic essays. If you are unsure whether you should use an informal phrase or an food academic phrase, use an academic one. Creative Writing Graduate Canada. If you think your writing might be informal, read this post to research papers, learn more.

The patterns here are quite straightforward. Creative. Just add your sentence after ‘that’. “It would seem that + [your sentence]” Use this when you support your opinion with evidence. “ It would seem that children learn best when they are feeling comfortable.” “It could be argued that + [your sentence]” Use this when you want to phd thesis urban, challenge an existing opinion. “ It could be argued that the benefits outweigh the programs canada drawbacks in this situation.” “This suggests that + [your sentence]” Use this when you don’t want to junk, fully commit to creative canada, an opinion. You’re giving yourself some distance. “ The evidence suggests that people who speak more than one language have more job opportunities.” Use this when you are confident with your opinion. Junk Essay. This phrase is quite strong* “ This proves that the best way to lose weight is graduate, through a controlled diet and a good exercise program.” “This supports the idea that + [your sentence]” Use this one when you are supporting an opinion that you have already made. Problems Studies. “ This new research supports the creative programs idea that successful English learners look for opportunities to effect food, use English.” “Although [idea you disagree with], [idea you agree with]” Use this when you want make your opinion seem balanced. “ Although reports suggest that cigarettes could help people to lose weight, there are too many serious health problems associated with smoking.” Note: The ‘ although’ pattern is very effective because it shows two sides of the graduate argument. In the example, I support the idea that smoking is bad for your health –BUT- I recognise that it could have some benefits. Structure your ‘ although’ sentence like this: Although, [weaker argument you disagree with], [stronger argument you agree with]. Using Adverbs, Adjectives and Nouns. Urban Legend. You can use adjectives to creative programs canada, show your opinion.

The adjective and english language wjec, nouns in the example are negative . You can get some good ideas from writing graduate this video on creative stories about, Extreme Adjectives . Note: try not to creative writing graduate programs, use any emotional adjectives . Of course, these phrases aren’t the case only ones that you can use! You can find more or you can create your own by combining different patterns. Here’s an example of #7, #9 and #10 used together. Creative Graduate Programs. “Although it is difficult for older adults to learn a second language, an important study by Smith (2014) proved that the elderly can successfully learn new languages.” So now you should have a better idea of how to creative stories about, include more opinions in creative graduate programs your essays. But that’s not all; there are probably some new words here that you don’t know. So here’s what you should do: Choose three of the opinion expressions and phrases that you want to try.

Practice writing sentences using them (if you don’t have a topic, try this: should students do homework? You can see examples of this in the lesson pack ) Get the Lesson Pack for this lesson (which contains the great essay vocabulary and the phrases from this lesson) CLICK HERE to download it . Sam Pealing is an English language coach who specialises in two important areas: 1. helping you to writing programs, get great grades at university, and 2. helping you to steps essay, become an effective and confident English user. If you’re feeling frustrated or confused with English, Sam has created the perfect email course for creative writing graduate canada, you! You can join his course here –or- you can read more by him on English For Study .

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format report essay Click on the highlighted text to see the comments. Computer systems computer systems. This report investigates the current state of scanner technology and examines the predicted future advancements of scanners. A brief history of the scanner and its operation is writing graduate programs canada, initially outlined. The discussion then focuses on the advantages and limitations of the five main types of scanners in homer papers common use today: drum, flatbed, sheet-fed, slide, and creative writing programs hand held scanners. The performance of winslow homer research papers, these scanners is examined in programs canada relation to four main criteria: resolution, bit-depth, dynamic range and software. It is business case studies, concluded that further technological advances in these four areas as well as the deployment of new sensor technology will continue to creative writing graduate, improve the quality of scanned images. It is also suggested that specialised scanners will increasingly be incorporated into other types of technology such as digital cameras. The purpose of this report is to survey the business problems current state of scanner technology and to briefly discuss predicted advancements in the field.

By examining a range of recently published journal articles, magazine articles and internet sites on the topic of writing graduate, scanners this report describes the main types of scanners in english language common use today and examines their performance in relation to four criteria: resolution, bit-depth, dynamic range and software. Creative Writing Canada. The report then considers the effect of further technological advances in these four areas, as well as the deployment of new sensor technology on urban, the future development of scanners. The first scanner, initially referred to as a #039;reading machine#039;, was developed in 1960 by Jacob Rabinow, a Russian born engineer. The device could scan printed material and then compare each character to a set of standards in a matrix using, for the first time, the best match principle to determine the original message (Blatner, Fleishman and Roth 1998, p.3). This reading machine was to form the basis for writing graduate programs canada, the development of current scanning, sorting and processing machines.

An early improvement on the reading machine was the drum scanner. Steps Writing Great. These scanners used a type of scanning technology called photomultiplier tubes (PMT) . Drum scanners are still used in creative writing graduate programs industry today because of the high quality images they produce. The development of creative stories to write, smaller, more economical scanners such as desktop scanners and creative writing scanners for domestic use followed the drum scanner as the number of computer users increased and effect essay computer technology advanced. Scanners can now capture images from graduate programs, a wide variety of two and three dimensional sources. These images are converted to homer research, digitised computer files that can be stored on a hard-drive or floppy disk. With the writing canada aid of specific software, these images can then be manipulated and enhanced by the user.

It is now possible to deploy electronic acquisition to create an entire layout (including all graphic elements) from the same computer. This means manual stripping is no longer required (Scanners, digital cameras and business problems case studies photo CDs 2000). Scanners are considered an invaluable tool for adding graphics and text to documents and writing graduate programs have been readily adopted by both business and steps great domestic users. A scanner is a device that uses a light source to electronically convert an image into binary data (0s and 1s). This binary data can then be used to store the scanned image on a computer. A scanner recreates an image by using small electronic components referred to as the scanner#039;s #039;eyes#039; (Scanner tips 2000). The type of #039;eyes#039; used in today#039;s scanners are charge-coupled devices (CCD) and photomultiplier tubes (PMT). These electronic eyes measure the amount of light reflected from individual points on the page and translate it to creative writing programs canada, digital signals that correspond to the brightness of each point (Englander 2000). To create a file on the computer that represents a colour image, the scanner divides the image into a grid with many individual points called pixels or picture elements (Scanner tips 2000).

A scanning head, termed a row of #039;eyes#039;, reads over the grid and assigns a number to each pixel based on the main colour in that pixel, using green, blue and red. For example an aqua pixel would be saved as a number to represent the proportion of blue, green and red which represents the colour aqua (Scanners, digital cameras and photo CDs 2000). There are five main types of scanners in common use today: drum scanners, flatbed scanners, sheet-fed scanners, slide scanners, and hand held scanners. Drum scanners were widely used in the past, however they are much less commonly used today due to advances in scanner technology. English. As a result of their expense, these machines are primarily used by professionals in industry, where they are considered important due to the high-end quality image they produce and because they use PMT technology which is more sophisticated than charge-coupled devices (CCDs) and contact image sensor#039;s (CISs). Drum scanners are difficult to operate and technicians operate these scanners by creative canada placing the item to be scanned on creative stories about, a glass cylinder rotating at high speeds around the sensor (Sullivan 1996).

The most popular scanners for general use are flatbed scanners. This type of scanner is programs, highly versatile because it is able to writing great, scan flat objects as well as small three dimensional objects. Flat-bed scanners operate by placing the item to be scanned on a glass window while scanning heads move underneath it. A transparency adapter is used to scan transparent originals such as slides or x-rays, and an automatic document feeder is available for scanning large numbers of documents (Scanner tips 2000) . Sheet-fed scanners have grown in popularity in recent years, particularly for small office or domestic use as they are reasonably priced, can scan full-sized documents and are compact, requiring limited desk space (Scanner tips 2000). Most models of programs canada, sheet-fed scanners have an inbuilt document feeder to overcome the problem of problems, manually feeding one sheet of paper at a time. However the actual process or scanning with a sheet-fed scanner may result in distortion as the image to be scanned moves over the scanning heads (Scanner tips 2000). A further limitation of sheet-fed scanners is that they are unable to scan three dimensional objects. This type of scanner is used to scan items such as slides that need careful handling during scanning. Creative Graduate Programs Canada. Unlike other scanners, the scanning heads in slide scanners do not reflect light from the english image, but rather pass light through it. This enables these scanners to produce superior results without distortions caused by programs reflective light. To be able to scan small and detailed items, these scanners have a large number of eyes on the scanning head which produces a high quality result.

Slide scanners tend to be more expensive and stories to write less versatile than flatbed and sheet-fed scanners as they are limited to only scanning slides and film. These scanners, however, are well suited to users requiring high quality scans of large numbers of slides (Scanner tips 2000). Hand held scanners are compact, portable scanners which are simply dragged across a page manually to capture an creative writing programs canada image. Steps Writing Great Essay. These scanners are easy to use and economical to purchase; however, their use is limited to writing programs, text of up to english wjec, four inches in programs canada diameter that does not require a high resolution. For this reason, hand held scanners are unsuitable for colour images. A further disadvantage of hand held scanners is that the user must have a steady hand when scanning or the resulting image will be distorted (Scanner tips 2000). The performance of a scanner can be examined in relation to four main criteria: resolution, bit-depth, dynamic range and software. Resolution is a measure of how many pixels a scanner can sample in a given image. It is legend, used to creative programs, describe the amount of detail in an image (Figeiredo, McIllree and Thomas 1996).

Higher resolution scanners are generally more expensive and produce superior results as they have a greater capacity to urban legend, capture detail. Scanners have two types of canada, resolutions: optical resolution and interpolated resolution. Optical resolution, or hardware resolution, is a measure of how many pixels a scanner can actually read. A current model desktop scanner typically has a resolution of steps essay, 300 x 300 dots per inch (dpi) (Anderson 1999) . This means that this scanner has a scanning head with 300 sensors per inch, so it can sample 300 dpi in one direction and 300 dpi in graduate canada the other direction by stopping the scanning head 300 times per inch in both directions. Some scanners stop the scanning head more frequently as it moves down the page, giving an optical resolution of 300 x 600 dpi; however, scanning more frequently in one direction does not improve the result of the scan. The basic requirement for scanning detailed images and line art from photos or other printed originals is an optical resolution of 600 dpi. English Wjec. When scanning slides and negatives the minimum optical resolution is 1200 dpi. Interpolated resolution measures the graduate canada number of pixels a scanner is able to predict.

A scanner can turn a 300 x 300 dpi scan into a 600 x 600 dpi scan by effect food looking in-between scanned pixels and writing graduate programs guessing what that spot would have looked like if it had been scanned. This prediction is then used to insert new pixels in between the actual ones scanned. This technique is less precise than optical resolution; however it assists in improving the enlargement of scanned images. Bit depth refers to phd thesis, the amount of writing programs canada, information that a scanner records for each pixel when converting an image to research papers, digital form. Scanners differ in the amount of data they record for each pixel within an image. The simplest kinds of scanners only record data related to creative writing graduate, black and white details and have a bit depth of 1 (Anderson 1999). The minimum bit depth required for scanning photographs and documents is 24-bits, while slides, negatives or transparencies need a scanner with at least 30-bits. Thus for a scanner to produce a high quality scan with colour, a higher bit depth is required.

In general, current scanners have a bit depth of 24, which means that 8 bits of information can be collected for the three primary colours used in scanning; blue, red and green (Anderson 1999). This high resolution allows scanners to produce images close to photographic quality. Dynamic range refers to the measurement of the range of tones a scanner can record on a scale of 0.0 to 4.0, with 0.0 being perfect white and 4.0 being perfect black. Steps Great. Colour flat-bed scanners usually have a dynamic range of 2.4. A range of this measurement is unable to provide high quality colour scans. A dynamic range of 2.8 and writing graduate programs canada 3.2 is suited to effect food, professional purposes and can be found in high-end scanners. An even higher dynamic range of 3.0 to writing graduate programs, 3.8 can be provided by drum scanners. A scanner, like any type of hardware, requires software. Typically the two most common pieces of software provided with scanners include optical character recognition (OCR) and image editing software. Optical character recognition software translates the information recorded in writing great a scan, tiny dots, into a text file which can be edited.

Image editing software allows the tones and colours of an image to be manipulated for creative writing programs, better printing and display. Image editing also gives filters to apply special effects to scanned images. The quality of scanned images is constantly improving as characteristics such as resolution, bit-depth and dynamic range are enhanced and further developed. More sophisticated image editing and optical character recognition software development is also resulting in superior quality scans. Future advances are expected to result in the incorporation of specialized scanners into other types of technology such as the recently developed digital camera. This device allows the steps writing great user to take pictures of three-dimensional objects much like a regular camera, except that instead of using film, the objects are scanned by the camera in a similar process to graduate, the functioning of a flatbed scanner. The relatively new area of sensor technology in the form of a contact image sensor (CIS) (see Appendix 1) is expected to improve the functionality of scanners and the quality of images as it replaces the steps cumbersome optical reduction technique with a single row of sensors (Grotta and writing programs canada Wiener 1998, p. 1). Legend. Developers have already been able to produce a CIS scanner which is programs, thinner, lighter, more energy efficient and cheaper to manufacture than a traditional CCD base device. However, the quality of the scan is not as good as its counterparts. Urban. Further development of graduate programs, CIS technology is needed to improve image quality and colour, and to address the problem of a limited 300 or 600 dpi.

This report has identified five types of scanners currently available. Some are primarily used for professional purposes such as the drum scanner; others are used more broadly in the workplace and home such as flatbed scanners and to a lesser extent sheetfed scanners. Scanners for specialized purposes have also been identified such as slide and handheld scanners. The performance of these scanners is dependent upon their resolution, bit-depth, dynamic range and software. Winslow Homer Research Papers. Scanners have improved significantly in recent years in terms of weight, size, price and programs canada speed, and the replacement of CCD technology with CIS technology is anticipated to produce further benefits to these areas as well as to scan quality. Steps. The impact of creative graduate, these improvements is expected to increase the accessibility of scanner technology to a wider range of users and its suitability for a wider range of purposes.

In relation to to write, this, the future of scanner technology seems to point to the convergence of different technologies. Specialized scanners are currently being incorporated into other types of technologies such as digital cameras, printers, and photocopiers. This can be expected to continue with other forms of technology in creative programs conjunction with further improvements to creative about, image quality, speed, price, size and weight. Anderson, D. The PC Guide. []. Blatner, D., Fleishman, G. Roth, G. (1998) Real world scanning and halftones 2nd edition, Peachpit Press, USA. Englander, I (2000). The Architecture of computer hardware and systems software. John Wiley, USA, p272. Figeiredo, J. McIllree, J. Creative Writing Programs Canada. Thomas, N. (1996) Introducing information technology 2nd edition Jacaranda Press, Singapore, p145. Grotta, D. and Weiner, S. What#039;s now . What#039;s next. [] PC Magazines 20 October 1998.

8/4/00. Prepress, scanners, digital cameras and photoCDs. [] 1998. 6/4/00. Scansoft scanner tips [] 2000.6/4/00. Sullivan. M. Types of scanners. [] 1996. 8/4/00. Clear statement of the four criteria used in the report to assess the technology.

Appropriately mentions an english language wjec important aspect of future enhancements - sensor technology, as well as other aspects of future scanning technology. The comment on the quality of scanned images could be extended to include other desirable improvement outcomes; for example, faster scanning or 3D scanning. States the purpose and outlines the content of the report succinctly at the start. Historical background is then provided. This level of detail should be placed in Section 2 #039;How Scanners Work#039;. Creative Writing Graduate Programs. Try to avoid repeating ideas in the body of the wjec report by creative programs grouping ideas on the same topic or subtopic together.

Good comment - provides an overall picture. It would be more appropriate to discuss such detailed aspects of scanning in steps the body of the report rather than the writing graduate programs canada introduction. When a technical term such as this is used it should be explained and related to the previous sentence(s). This paragraph presents a clear definition of urban, how a scanner works. Canada. The student#039;s understanding of the concept is evident because the business problems case definition has been clearly expressed in the student#039;s own words and creative writing graduate the sources of the urban legend definition have been acknowledged.

The student has used information from only one source for Sections 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5. This has severely limited the content of these sections of the report. This paragraph provides a good description of this criteria in simple clear language. It would be better to use a more recent reference here. A 1999 reference which states this is current typical resolution in an essay written in 2002 is inappropriate - computer technology develops very quickly. This concept is poorly explained.

The student needs to express the main point in more detail. The ideas in this paragraph are well expressed; however the source of these ideas has not been provided. The student needs to provide references. The concept of #039;dynamic range#039; has not been sufficiently explained here. Creative Programs Canada. The student needs to provide further detail and to provide references to the sources of creative to write about, information used. As in the previous paragraph, the concept has not been sufficiently explained. Further detail is required, especially in relation to creative writing programs canada, the current capabilities and limitations of the software. References to the sources used are also required here.

This sentence is too general. It would be better to winslow homer research papers, include more specific information about the kind of enhancements being referred to. This paragraph provides an appropriate amount of detail. Significant improvements to the field are identified in a brief discussion of new technology. However the student has again omitted references to the sources used in the discussion. This conclusion presents a brief summary of the main ideas that have been established in the report.

Unfortunately, it typifies the limitations of the report; that is, the writing graduate canada content is too general - more specific detail is required. A further improvement would be to provide more detail on creative stories to write, how the current state and future position of scanner technology is related to writing graduate, the broader field of computer technology. WARNING - do not use this reference list as a model! The number of sources used in an assignment depends on the quality of the sources - their currency, reliability, and creative stories to write about the amount of relevant information. This reference list consists of 8 sources: 3 books, 1 magazine, and 4 commercial web sites. It does not meet the requirements of the assignment description. One source is used for writing graduate canada, a number of business case, sections in the report. The reference list needs to include several academic journal articles and more magazine articles. This would enable a wider range of opinions and ideas to be included. For this report, it is writing programs canada, best to only use commercial web sites published by major manufacturing companies which provide technical and educational information rather than online shopping or reseller sites, or sites developed by phd thesis urban legend individuals.

Content and layout: The citations need to include appropriate details, and to be punctuated according to the Harvard Referencing System. For example, the country (USA) has been provided as the place of graduate programs canada, publication in a number of citations instead of the name of a city or town, the copyright dates of many of the web sites has not been included, and the inclusion of a page number for a book (p.145) is not necessary in the reference list (it is required in the text if the student is business problems studies, making a direct quote). The use of creative writing graduate, punctuation in this reference list is inconsistent and not always appropriate. Problems? Questions? Comments?

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exemplary essay God in graduate canada, the Wilderness: the Gospel According to Nathaniel. The interplay between law and steps writing great essay religion is one of the most dominant themes in creative graduate programs canada, The Pioneers . In class, we discussed the idea that the relative tameness of each character could be plotted along a continuum. Characters like Louisa Grant and Dick Jones lie firmly at the civilized end; Natty Bumpo and Chingachgook at the savage end; while Oliver Edwards and winslow research Elizabeth Temple meet at writing graduate, the middle. I submit that the continuum theory can also be applied to the source of spiritual inspiration of each of the phd thesis, novel's main characters. Every figure in the book is Christian -- even John, who thinks of himself as a Christian beast (185). Writing Canada? Yet their beliefs and behaviors are often disparate, which I attribute to being drawn towards either a law-centered or a nature-centered form of the faith. In this essay, I will develop this concept by focusing on Natty, whom I believe represents a sort of food, high priest of the wilderness in philosophy and deed. Before we evaluate the source of Natty's morality, however, it would be instrumental to examine the villagers of Templeton who serve as his foils. First is Judge Temple, who was raised as a Quaker, represented both by his tendency to speak in a dialect typical of Quakers as well as his choice to pursue law, where all people are equally considered, as in his faith. However, his true source of guidance and comfort is the book of law, not the Good Book, as demonstrated by his choice to allow the townspeople to vote democratically on the denomination of the church he is funding, rather than imposing his preference on them.

His very name implies his obedience to man-made order: his nickname, 'duke, alludes to a rigid aristocratic system, and his last name is inextricably linked to the heart of organized religion. The Judge exists approximate to the center of our spectrum: he sees himself as a steward of writing canada, his Patent, but goes about creative about preserving it via legislation and prosecution. Graduate? (The term patent is stories to write, indicative of the creative graduate programs canada, Judge's relationship with the land: one of ownership.) His fellow townspeople can be plotted both to his left (Billy Kirby) and right (Richard Jones). Their general character is described in the opening page of the novel: they are a moral and english reflecting people. This morality is attributed to their submission to programs canada the democratic ideal: [they had] that variety of exterior and canonical government which flows from unfettered liberty of stories to write, conscience. In short, the creative writing, whole district is english coursework wjec, hourly exhibiting how much can be done, even in a rugged country, and with a severe climate, under the dominion of mild laws, and where every man feels a direct interest in the prosperity of a commonwealth, of writing graduate canada, which he knows himself to form a part (15-16). Dominion is an interesting word choice; it is great essay, a derivative of the Latin domin-us (Lord) as well as dominium (legal ownership of property) (OED). Creative Writing Programs? It follows that they believe that their laws make them inherently superior to the indigenous people, even on a spiritual plane, as Judge Temple explains to Elizabeth: . . Language Wjec? . the writing graduate canada, unsettled life of homer research, these hunters is of vast disadvantage for temporal purposes, and creative programs it totally removes one from the influence of more sacred things (202). Effect? Tersely put, this is a town of judgmental Christians who filter God's law through the lens of man's law. This manipulation is evident in the symbolism of the opening scenes of the novel. When we first meet them, Marmaduke and Elizabeth Temple are traveling by sleigh through the woods surrounding Templeton; each tree is described as resembling a cross: The dark trunk of the trees, rose from the pure white of the snow, in regularly formed shafts, until, at a great height, their branches shot forth horizontal limbs. . . (19).

These trees will later burn as a result of the wasty ways of the townspeople, a representation of the fallacy of obeying man's imposed law rather than nature's inherent law. Later that evening, the Temples will gather with the rest of the townspeople in the church -- or rather academy, a multi-purpose building that is described as serving as a common country school; . . .a court-room, on extraordinary trials; sometimes for conferences of the religious, and the morally disposed, in the evening; at others for a ball in the afternoon, given under the auspices of writing graduate programs, Richard; and on Sundays, invariably, as a place of writing, public worship (112, 102). That the town would erect an academy before a church, particularly considering they are only writing programs a few generations removed from the settlers of America who sought religious asylum, is indicative of the amount of stock they placed in secular betterment. The Templetonions are attending services this evening for two reasons. The first is to commemorate the eve of english, Christ's birth, an event that divides the Bible into the Old and New Testaments. There is creative graduate canada, a parallel here: just as a new set of laws and means of urban, living were about to graduate canada be handed down to the Hebrews, new guidelines were being established by business problems case studies, the settlers to govern their relationship with each other and their environment. Second, they are in church to hear the sermon of the newly installed Reverend Grant. Like the creative graduate, European poplars that line the Temple's driveway in place of the indigenous species, the townspeople have imported a preacher who will prove to be somewhat of an ill fit, as many of them view his arrival with disgust (126). Thus far, I have presented a people who are influenced by Christianity as well as a mutually agreed upon code of law.

It is now appropriate to turn to the subject of this essay to learn about an alternative value system. English Wjec? Thus, it is time to. Writing? . . Enter Nathaniel Bumpo, whose nickname, Natty, implies nature/natural and whose last name suggests simplicity. Accompanied by John and Oliver, he finds a seat in the church, trusted rifle in hand. By bringing his rifle into the church, Natty silently communicates his unwillingness to depend on any power other than his own skill for preservation, as well as his distrust of his safety in the physical church. Without a gun, he has no means of feeding, clothing, and defending himself; it also provides the junk food, context for his interaction with the creative programs, villagers, in the form of trade. Winslow Research? In other words, his sustenance comes from reliance on self and nature's bounty rather than reliance on social contract and book learning. Natty seems to have been coerced into attending the service, and listens with unease and unhappiness (133).

After the writing graduate, sermon, he speaks with the Reverend and clarifies his own priorities: . . .there's work [in my hut] that musn't be forgotten, for all your churchings and merry-makings. . . .I am a plain, unlarned man, that has sarved both the king and his country, in his day, ag'in the French and savages, but never so much as looked in a book, or larnt a letter of scholarship, in my born days. Winslow Homer Research? I've never seen the use in sich in-door work, though I've lived to be partly bald, and in my time, have killed two hundred beaver in season, and creative graduate programs that without counting the other game. (134) We have thus arrived at the first two tenets of Natty's religion: work comes before play, and practical ability is more important than ornamental knowledge. In the preceding paragraph, I wrote enter Natty Bumpo, which was technically incorrect, as we had already met him in his preferred environment, the woods. In the winslow research papers, opening paragraph of this paper, I stated that I thought that Natty could be seen as the high priest of writing graduate canada, nature-worship, but thus far I have only portrayed him as a believer. Phd Thesis Legend? Part of what separates ordained leaders from mere followers is their performance of sacred rites and rituals, and their delivery of programs, sermons, both of business problems studies, which occur in the first forest scene. This scene revolves around a dispute over the right to claim the honor kill and the corpse of a deer, contested by the Judge and Oliver and mediated by Natty. Even before the debate takes place, however, Natty makes it a point to terminate the creative canada, suffering of the wounded deer, in keeping with his belief in phd thesis legend, respecting all the living things of the earth. He does this by . . .draw[ing] a large knife from creative writing programs a leathern sheath, which was stuck through his girdle or sash, and cut[ting] the throat of the animal (21). This practice alludes to the Biblical act of making meat kosher, or acceptable to problems be eaten. The animal thus taken care of, Natty begins his sermon, the crux of which is the detrimental effect of Judge Temple's imposition of unnatural laws on a previously wild region.

He deplores that might often makes right here, as well as in the old country, for creative writing what I can see (22). Ignoring the Judge's self-righteous acts of language wjec, supererogation, he criticizes the effects of the land being settled (the game is becoming hard to find, indeed, Judge, with your clearings and creative writing graduate programs betterments), establishes the natural law as superior to imposed law (there's them living who say, that Nathaniel Bumpo's right to shoot on these hills, is of older date than Marmaduke Temple's right to winslow papers forbid him), and creative programs damns the integrity of the settlers by comparison (that dog is more to winslow be trusted than many a Christian man; for he never forgets a friend, and loves the graduate programs canada, hand that gives him bread) (22-25). In addition to preparing meat and preaching, Natty performs adaptations of other traditional Judeo-Christian sacraments. In the Christian tradition, new members of the religion are generally baptized to symbolize their rebirth. In some sects, this commitment is commemorated by the adoption of a Hebrew name. While Natty does not perform water baptisms, he does believe in the importance of a name and junk the act of renaming. He has been designated Hawk Eye and his disciples, the Effinghams, are called Fire-Eater and canada Young Eagle.

Interestingly, the Native American goes by several names, indicating his ambiguous state as both a Christian (where he is John Mohegan) and a Delaware (where he is Chingachgook, meaning Great Snake, which, ironically, is iconic of Satan). Natty also acts as a confessor and creative stories to write a keeper of secrets. The novel's deepest secret -- the graduate, presence of Major Effingham in Templeton and urban legend Oliver's status as his son -- is hidden behind the door to his hut, which we can regard as a sort of rustic confessional. We know that he regards this place as sacred when he burns it rather than allow the settlers to put [their] wicked feet and wasty ways into [his] cabin. [They've] driven [him] to burn these logs, under which [he has] eaten and drunk, the first of Heaven's gifts, and the other of the pure springs, for the half of a hundred years, and to mourn the ashes under [his] feet, as a man would weep and mourn for the children of his body. . . (356-7). Despite impending harm to his person and possessions, Natty guards the secrets he has been entrusted with. Another traditional ritual performed by Natty is creative graduate, anointing of the sick and giving last rites. This is implied in his care for Major Effingham, which the reader isn't directly exposed to; by reading retrospectively, we can find several instances where Natty must take care of business in his hut and infer that he is business case studies, tending to his infirm friend. His method of blessing the dying is more explicit, and is contrasted nicely with its law-based counterpart.

At the end of the novel, in the midst of the fire on writing canada, Mt. Vision, Chingachgook gives up his will to live. Reverend Grant attempts to step into the familiar role of soothing the effect junk food, dying and their loved ones: Oh! How consoling it is, to know that he has not rejected the creative, offered mercy, in phd thesis legend, the hour of his strength and of worldly temptations! The offspring of a race of heathens, he has in truth been 'as a brand plucked from the burning.' This statement is grossly ironic; by refusing to flee, Chingachgook has intentionally made himself into a human brand.

But there is a deeper disconnect too, as Natty points out: 'No, no,' returned Natty, who alone stood with him by the side of the creative programs, dying warrior, 'it's no burning that ails him, though his Indian feelings made him scorn to move, unless it be the burning of man's wicked thoughts for near fourscore years; but it's [nature] giving out in a chase that's run too long. Urban Legend? . . . Flesh isn't an iron, that a man can live forever. . .' (419). In the next few minutes, Natty and Rev. Grant wrangle over the mindset that Chingachgook should have as he dies; when he does go, Natty solemnly claims him for the nature-worshippers, vilifying the creative programs canada, legalists in the process: He's to be judged by a righteous Judge, and by steps essay, no laws that's made to suit the creative writing programs canada, times, and new ways (423). I'd like to close this essay by thinking about the implications of reading Natty as a priest-like figure on the book's wider themes. Business Problems? The disparity between the settlers' devotion to artificial law and the wild men's allegiance to nature's law creates much of the tension that fuels the book.

Natty expects Marmaduke to answer to the natural laws that were in writing graduate programs, place before his betterments; Marmaduke forces Natty to plea for his innocence in a crime against creative stories nature that he legislated. Writing Graduate Programs? At the heart of this argument lies the right to kill. The legalists believe that this right must be granted, as when Richard says to Marmaduke, Do you not own the mountains, as well as the coursework wjec, valleys? Are not the woods your own? What right has this chap, or the Leather-stocking, to shoot in your woods, without your permission? (93) Conversely, those that live in balance with the game they hunt believe that the right to kill is inherent to the codependence of beings: Game is game, and he who finds may kill. Writing Programs? (160) Distrust emerges from these differences, as when Ben Pump relates his suspicions about Natty: That Mister Bump-ho has a handy turn with him, in taking off a scalp; and there's them, in this here village, who say he larnt the trade by working on Christian-men. (112) Conflict is inevitable, as is the great, subjugation of one group by the other; there can be no peaceful coexistence. Thus, Natty's departure is necessary; like the weathervane on the roof of the academy, Natty is a fish out of water in Templeton, and so he must follow his longing gaze into graduate, the wilderness: westward, towards the place that Chingachgook pointed to with his last gasp. In leaving, he becomes his own kind of business case studies, pioneer; he is graduate canada, a pioneer of a return to natural Christianity, who will preach the good news of the earth's bounty and the obligation to reverence and protect it.

We can only hope that his message will fall on willing ears. WORK CITED James Fenimore Cooper, The Pioneers (New York: Viking Penguin, 1988)

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