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bio lab reports The Optimal Foraging Theory: Abstract . The theory of optimal foraging and its relation to central foraging was examined by using the beaver as a model. Beaver food choice was examined by noting the species of woody vegetation, status (chewed vs. Photosynethesis! not-chewed), distance from the water, and graphics card programs dsls circumference of photosynethesis cycle trees near a beaver pond in North Carolina. Beavers avoided certain species of on same sex marriage trees and photosynethesis cycle preferred trees that were close to synthesising graphics dsls, the water. No preference for tree circumference was noted. These data suggest that beaver food choice concurs with the optimal foraging theory.

In this lab, we explore the theory of optimal foraging and the theory of central place foraging using beavers as the photosynethesis model animal. Foraging refers to the mammalian behavior associated with searching for essays on same sex marriage, food. Photosynethesis! The optimal foraging theory assumes that animals feed in a way that maximizes their net rate of energy intake per unit time (Pyke et al. 1977). An animal may either maximize its daily energy intake (energy maximizer) or minimize the time spent feeding (time minimizer) in order to meet minimum requirements. Aqa Food Coursework! Herbivores commonly behave as energy maximizers (Belovsky 1986) and accomplish this maximizing behavior by photosynethesis cycle, choosing food that is of high quality and has low-search and low-handling time (Pyke et al. 1977). The central place theory is used to describe animals that collect food and store it in a fixed location in their home range, the central place (Jenkins 1980). Gm Food Papers! The factors associated with the optimal foraging theory also apply to the central place theory.

The central place theory predicts that retrieval costs increase linearly with distance of the resource from the central place (Rockwood and Hubbell 1987). Central place feeders are very selective when choosing food that is far from the central place since they have to spend time and energy hauling it back to the storage site (Schoener 1979). The main objective of this lab was to determine beaver ( Castor canadensis ) food selection based on tree species, size, and distance. Photosynethesis Cycle! Since beavers are energy maximizers (Jenkins 1980, Belovsky 1984) and aqa food technology coursework scheme central place feeders (McGinley and Whitam 1985), they make an excellent test animal for photosynethesis cycle, the optimal foraging theory. Beavers eat several kinds of herbaceous plants as well as the autobiographical paper on race community leaves, twigs, and bark of most species of woody plants that grow near water (Jenkins and Busher 1979). By examining the trees that are chewed or not-chewed in the beavers' home range, an accurate assessment of food preferences among tree species may be gained (Jenkins 1975). Photosynethesis! The purpose of this lab was to learn about the optimal foraging theory.

We wanted to know if beavers put the optimal foraging theory into action when selecting food. We hypothesized that the research beavers in this study will choose trees that are small in circumference and photosynethesis cycle closest to the water. Since the energy yield of tree species may vary significantly, we also hypothesized that beavers will show a preference for some species of trees over synthesising programs others regardless of circumference size or distance from the central area. The optimal foraging theory and central place theory lead us to predict that beavers, like most herbivores, will maximize their net rate of energy intake per unit time. In order to photosynethesis, maximize energy, beavers will choose trees that are closest to their central place (the water) and programs require the least retrieval cost. Since beavers are trying to maximize energy, we hypothesized that they will tend to select some species of trees over photosynethesis cycle others on the basis of nutritional value. This study was conducted at Yates Mill Pond, a research area owned by research paper community, the North Carolina State University, on October 25 th , 1996.

Our research area was located along the edge of the photosynethesis cycle pond and on same sex marriage was approximately 100 m in photosynethesis length and 28 m in Stakeholder width. There was no beaver activity observed beyond this width. The circumference, the species, status (chewed or not- chewed), and distance from the water were recorded for each tree in photosynethesis the study area. Aqa Food Coursework Mark Scheme! Due to the large number of trees sampled, the work was evenly divided among four groups of students working in quadrants. Each group contributed to the overall data collected.

We conducted a chi-squared test to analyze the data with respect to beaver selection of cycle certain tree species. We conducted t-tests to determine (1) if avoided trees were significantly farther from the water than selected trees, and (2) if chewed trees were significantly larger or smaller than not chewed trees. Research Papers! Mean tree distance from the photosynethesis cycle water and mean tree circumference were also recorded. Essays! Overall, beavers showed a preference for certain species of trees, and their preference was based on distance from the central place. Measurements taken at the study site show that beavers avoided oaks and musclewood (Fig. 1) and show a significant food preference (x 2 =447.26, d.f.=9, P.05). No avoidance or particular preference was observed for the other tree species. The mean distance of 8.42 m away from the water for not-chewed trees was significantly greater than the mean distance of 6.13 m for chewed trees (t=3.49, d.f.=268, P.05) (Fig. 2). The tree species that were avoided were not significantly farther from the water (t=.4277, d.f.=268, P.05) than selected trees.

For the selected tree species, no significant difference in circumference was found between trees that were not chewed (mean=16.03 cm) and photosynethesis cycle chewed (mean=12.80 cm) (t=1.52, d.f.=268, P.05) (Fig. 3). Although beavers are described as generalized herbivores, the finding in this study related to species selection suggests that beavers are selective in their food choice. This finding agrees with our hypothesis that beavers are likely to show a preference for Stakeholder, certain tree species. Photosynethesis Cycle! Although beaver selection of certain species of trees may be related to the nutritional value, additional information is needed to determine why beavers select some tree species over aqa food coursework mark others. Other studies suggested that beavers avoid trees that have chemical defenses that make the tree unpalatable to beavers (Muller-Schawarze et al.

1994). These studies also suggested that beavers prefer trees with soft wood, which could possibly explain the observed avoidance of musclewood and oak in our study. The result that chewed trees were closer to the water accounts for the time and energy spent gathering and hauling. This is in accordance with the optimal foraging theory and agrees with our hypothesis that beavers will choose trees that are close to the water. As distance from the photosynethesis cycle water increases, a tree's net energy yield decreases because food that is farther away is more likely to increase search and retrieval time.

This finding is similar to Belovskys finding of an inverse relationship between distance from the water and percentage of plants cut. The lack of any observed difference in mean circumference between chewed and not chewed trees does not agree with our hypothesis that beavers will prefer smaller trees to larger ones. Our hypothesis was based on the idea that branches from research on race smaller trees will require less energy to cut and haul than those from photosynethesis larger trees. Our finding is in accordance with other studies (Schoener 1979), which have suggested that the technology value of all trees should decrease with distance from the water but that beavers would benefit from choosing large branches from large trees at all distances. This would explain why there was no significant difference in circumference between chewed and photosynethesis cycle not-chewed trees. This lab gave us the opportunity to observe how a specific mammal selects foods that maximize energy gains in accordance with the optimal foraging theory. Although beavers adhere to the optimal foraging theory, without additional information on relative nutritional value of tree species and the time and energy costs of cutting certain tree species, no optimal diet predictions may be made. Other information is also needed about predatory risk and its role in Analysis food selection. Photosynethesis Cycle! Also, due to the large number of students taking samples in the field, there may have been errors which may have affected the gm food accuracy and precision of cycle our measurements.

In order to corroborate our findings, we suggest that this study be repeated by others. The purpose of this lab was to learn about the optimal foraging theory by measuring tree selection in beavers. We now know that the optimal foraging theory allows us to character analysis, predict food-seeking behavior in beavers with respect to distance from their central place and, to a certain extent, to variations in tree species. We also learned that foraging behaviors and food selection is not always straightforward. For instance, beavers selected large branches at any distance from the water even though cutting large branches may increase energy requirements. There seems to be a fine line between energy intake and energy expenditure in beavers that is not so easily predicted by any given theory. Belovsky, G.E. 1984. Summer diet optimization by beaver. The American Midland Naturalist.

111: 209-222. Belovsky, G.E. 1986. Photosynethesis! Optimal foraging and community structure: implications for a guild of generalist grassland herbivores. Oecologia. 70: 35-52. Jenkins, S.H. 1975. Food selection by beavers:› a multidimensional contingency table analysis.

Oecologia. Synthesising Graphics Card Programs Dsls! 21: 157-173. Jenkins, S.H. Photosynethesis! 1980. A size-distance relation in food selection by beavers. Ecology. 61: 740-746. Jenkins, S.H., and P.E. Busher. 1979. Castor canadensis. Mammalian Species. 120: 1-8.

McGinly, M.A., and T.G. Whitham. Programs Dsls! 1985. Central place foraging by beavers ( Castor Canadensis ): a test of foraging predictions and the impact of selective feeding on the growth form of cottonwoods ( Populus fremontii ). Photosynethesis Cycle! Oecologia. 66: 558-562. Muller-Schwarze, B.A. Schulte, L. Sun, A. Muller-Schhwarze, and C. Muller-Schwarze.

1994. Coursework Mark! Red Maple ( Acer rubrum ) inhibits feeding behavior by photosynethesis cycle, beaver ( Castor canadensis ). Journal of Chemical Ecology. 20: 2021-2033. Pyke, G.H., H.R. Pulliman, E.L. Charnov. Analysis! 1977. Optimal foraging. The Quarterly Review of Biology. 52: 137-154. Rockwood, L.L., and S.P.

Hubbell. 1987. Host-plant selection, diet diversity, and optimal foraging in photosynethesis a tropical leaf-cutting ant. Aqa Food Technology Scheme! Oecologia. 74: 55-61. Photosynethesis Cycle! Schoener, T.W. 1979. Generality of the research community size-distance relation in models of optimal feeding.

The American Naturalist. 114: 902-912. *Note: This document was modified from the work of Selena Bauer, Miriam Ferzli, and Vanessa Sorensen, NCSU. Copyright NC State University 2004. Sponsored and funded by National Science Foundation.

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Photosynthesis / Cellular Respiration Cycle - Open Learning Initiative

Introduction Windows Communication Foundation. Au court de cet article je vais vous prsenter Windows Communication Foundation, ou WCF, qui est une des grandes nouveauts du Framework.Net 3.0. Cycle? WCF fournit un modle de programmation unifie pour construire des applications distribues, WCF va permettre de faire communiquer des composants applicatifs se trouvant sur une mme machine, mais le plus souvent sur diffrentes machines relies en rseau. N'hsitez pas commenter cet article ! Commentez. Article lu fois. Publié le 14 aot 2007. WCF, ou Windows Communication Foundation, est une des nouveauts majeures de la version 3.0 du Framework .Net. Aqa Food Coursework Mark Scheme? WCF fournit un modle de programmation unifie pour construire des applications distribues, WCF va nous permettre de faire communiquer des composants applicatifs se trouvant sur une mme machine, mais le plus souvent sur diffrentes machines relies en rseau.

Vous devez penser que cela n'a rien de rvolutionnaire et que cela existe depuis trs longtemps dj, et vous avez raison (Remoting, Web Services, COM+, MSMQ et d'autres encore), ce qui change ici, c'est qu'avec WCF nous pouvons faire communiquer les applications que nous crons avec toutes ces technologies, sans pour autant devoir adapter nos dveloppements de manire spcifique avec chacune. Photosynethesis Cycle? WCF va savoir interagir avec diffrentes technologies, et dtail trs important mes yeux, le code n'aura pas tre adapt et modifi en fonction du moyen de communication que vous choisirez. Un exemple simple pour mieux comprendre, vous crez une application qui communique par HTTP et SOAP, et que pour une raison ou une autre vous souhaitez communiquer en TCP et binaire, avec WCF vous ne changerez pas la moindre ligne de code de votre application. Debate? C'est une grande force de WCF, le code de votre application, son fonctionnement, sont dcoupls du moyen de communication utilis. Photosynethesis? Pour ceux qui ont dj fait du Remoting par exemple, vous devez apprcier cette caractristique. Bien qu'issu de la plateforme .Net et donc de l'environnement Windows, WCF a une vision plus large, et grce l'implmentation de nombreux standards cette technologie peut tre utilise pour communiquer avec des plateformes autres que Windows. Maintenant que vous voyez dans les trs grandes lignes ce qu'est WCF, entrons un peu plus dans le dtail.

L'lment central dans WCF est le service, voyons ce qui ce cache derrire ce terme qui est utilis dans de nombreux contextes diffrents en informatique. Analysis Essay? Pour vous donner une ide simple de ce qu'est un service WCF je vous propose d'imaginer un composant logiciel autonome, qui est capable d'effectuer des oprations et des communications au travers d'un rseau. Un service WCF est une entit logicielle implmentant un contrat, qui est une interface au sens objet du terme. Cycle? Cette interface reprend la liste des oprations que va exposer un service. Stakeholder? En fait plus prcisment, on cycle, dfinit un contrat par trois lettres, A, B et C. Dsls? A pour adresse, B pour Binding et C pour contrat. Commenons par prsenter l'adresse. Photosynethesis? Il s'agit simplement d'une URI qui dfinit o est joignable le service, cela peut tre par exemple une URL http comme l'adresse d'une file d'attente MSMQ… La nature de l'adresse dpend du protocole choisit et de l'infrastructure rseau. Le Binding est en fait la mthode, le protocole, utilis pour communiquer avec le service WCF. Essays On Same Debate? Le Framework .Net 3.0 nous fournit la base 9 bindings que l'on peut utiliser directement. Photosynethesis Cycle? Comme nous le verrons plus tard, ces bindings prsentent des caractristiques diffrentes, offrent de nombreuses fonctionnalits avances et couvrent ainsi de nombreux scnarios d'utilisation. Odyssey Character Essay? Cependant, dans l'optique de gnricit et d'ouverture de WCF il est tout fait possible si ncessaire d'utiliser ses propres bindings personnaliss avec vos protocoles maison.

Voici la liste des bindings inclus dans WCF : BasicHttpBinding WSHttpBinding WSDualHttpBinding WSFederationHttpBinding NetTcpBinding NetNamedPipeBinding NetMsmqBinding NetPeerTcpBinding MsmqIntegrationBinding. Et enfin, le contrat. Cycle? Comme nous l'avons vu prcdemment c'est un lment majeur du service WCF, c'est lui qui dfinit les oprations exposes par le service. Analysis Essay? Ce contrat indique quels sont les types et les paramtres employs par le service. Photosynethesis Cycle? Un contrat est en fait une Interface, au sens objet du terme, dcore de quelques attributs spcifiant qu'il s'agit d'un contrat WCF.

Si vous avez compris l'ABC de WCF vous pouvez alors crer votre premier service sans difficult. Synthesising Graphics Programs From? C'est d'ailleurs ce que nous allons faire dans cet article, mais avant, nous allons examiner ce dont nous avons besoin pour crer des services WCF. Le Framework .Net en version 3.0 minimum Visual Studio 2005 ou version ultrieure (rien ne vous empche d'utiliser Notepad pour coder, mais restons raisonnables un instant s'il vous plait…) Les extensions WCF pour Visual Studio 2005 si vous l'utilisez videmment. Apres avoir install ces trois lments, vous tes prt crer votre premier service WCF. Photosynethesis? Les liens pour tlcharger ces diffrents composants sont disponibles a la fin de cet article dans la section Ressources. Crons sans plus tarder notre premier service WCF. Pour cela il suffit de prparer un minimum Visual Studio et suivre l'ABC. Graphics Card Programs Dsls? Nous allons utiliser le namespace System.ServiceModel pour crer nos services WCF, il faut donc commencer par ajouter une rfrence vers l'assembly System.ServiceModel.dll. Cycle? Ensuite, dans chaque fichier de code vous devez ajouter un Imports System.ServiceModel ou un using System.ServiceModel ; si vous utilisez VB.Net ou C#. Remarque : je pense que ce n'est pas forcement ncessaire de le prciser, mais dans le doute, comme tous les lments de la technologie .Net, WCF est utilisable avec n'importe quel langage compatible .Net, il en existe plus d'une trentaine. Odyssey Character Analysis Essay? Je me borne fournir mon code dans les deux principaux langages, mais si vous faites du Delphi .Net, du J#, du Cobol .Net ou je ne sais quel langage, Windows Communication Foundation est disponible.

C'est une des grandes forces de la technologie .Net. Visual Studio est dsormais prt. Photosynethesis Cycle? Je ne l'ai pas prcis, mais votre service WCF peut tre cr dans n'importe quel type d'application (Console, WinForms, Web…). Synthesising Dsls? En disant cela je ne suis pas totalement prcis, car en fait, lorsque nous crons un service WCF nous le faisons dans une DLL, c'est par la suite que l'on choisira de l'intgrer dans un type d'application donn. Photosynethesis? Il sera hberg (on dit host) par une autre application. Gm Food Papers? En effet, un service WCF en tant que tel (une DLL) n'est pas autonome et ncessite un hte pour s'excuter.

Pour permettre un dcoupage et une maintenance facile de notre service nous allons stocker notre interface dans une DLL, il faut donc pour cela crer un projet de type Bibliothque de classes. Comme vu prcdemment, l'lment central d'un service est son contrat. Photosynethesis? Conceptuellement parlant, il est trs important de commencer par dfinir ce contrat, pralablement tout autre lment. On Same Sex Marriage Debate? Une fois le contrat tablit nous pouvons alors dfinir le reste. Info : au cours de cet article, nous allons crer un service qui sera capable d'effectuer des conversions montaires avec l'Euro et le Dollars. Photosynethesis? Par exemple en donnant un montant en Euros, le service nous renverra le montant quivalent en Dollars US, et inversement. Gm Food Research Papers? Je vous l'accorde ce service ne rvolutionnera pas le monde du logiciel, mais ce n'est pas l'objet de cet article. Notre service exposera donc deux mthodes principales qui sont EurosToUsDollars() et UsDollarsToEuros(), ces deux fonctions renverrons le montant stock dans une variable de type Decimal. Cycle? Voici sans plus tarder a quoi va ressembler notre contrat : Vous voyez qu'en plus du code normal que l'on retrouve dans une interface .Net, il y a quelques attributs propres WCF que je vais vous prsenter. ServiceContract : cet attribut comme son nom l'indique, permet de dfinir cette interface en tant que contrat de service WCF, c'est--dire qu'un service WCF pourra exposer les oprations dfinies dans l'interface, condition que ces mthodes arborent l'attribut suivant.

OperationContract : cet attribut que l'on positionne au dessus de la signature de la mthode spcifie que la mthode concerne sera expose par le service. Autobiographical Paper In Your? Une mthode peut trs bien ne pas avoir cet attribut positionn, mais dans ce cas elle ne sera pas expose par le service. Notre contrat, l'interface, est maintenant dfinit. Cycle? Il faut l'implmenter, pour cela nous allons ajouter un nouveau projet de type Bibliothque de classes notre solution Visual Studio. Paper Community? Ce projet doit comporter une rfrence vers le projet contenant l'interface, il faut donc l'ajouter. Photosynethesis? Il faut aussi ajouter dans le code un Imports ou using vers le namespace contenant l'interface. Autobiographical Research Community? C'est ici que nous allons rellement coder notre service.

Puisque cette classe implmente le contrat du service, l'interface, celle-ci doit en reprendre tous les membres. Photosynethesis Cycle? Voici ce que pourrait tre le code de notre service de conversion montaire : Remarque : cette application n'tant la que pour illustrer la technologie il n'est pas idal, en effet, les taux de conversion sont en dur dans le code, ce qui vous le savez n'est absolument pas raliste puisque ces taux sont variables et changent en permanence… Ce qui serait par exemple possible de faire, c'est de relier notre service WCF un Web Service boursier qui nous permette de rcuprer intervalle rgulier le taux de conversion actualis. Essays On Same Debate? WCF sait parfaitement faire cela, et se connecter un Web Service est trs simple. A ce stade, notre service est termin, enfin presque, en effet celui-ci n'est pas autonome, il a besoin pour cela d'un hte sur lequel il pourra tre excut. Photosynethesis Cycle? Cet hte peut tre n'importe quel type d'application .Net, un service Windows ou mme IIS 7.0 et le nouveau Windows Activation Service (WAS) ce qui permet de bnficier de la robustesse, de la tolrance aux pannes et des capacits de monte en charge du serveur d'applications (en effet, cela fait bien longtemps que IIS n'est plus un simple serveur Web) de Microsoft. Remarque : IIS 5.1 et 6.0 (c'est--dire respectivement IIS de Windows XP et 2003) peuvent hberger des services WCF mais avec une restriction; en effet ils devront utiliser HTTP pour les bindings, seul IIS 7.0 sait hberger des services WCF autres que HTTP (TCP, MSQM…). Pour ma dmonstration je vais employer une application Windows Forms, car c'est la mthode la plus approprie a mon avis pour ce genre de dmonstration. Odyssey Analysis Essay? Voyons maintenant comment crer notre hte de service WCF.

Ce projet Windows Forms doit possder une rfrence vers System.ServiceModel et vers le projet contenant le service lui mme. Ce code introduit un nouvel objet, il s'agit du ServiceHost, qui comme sont nom l'indique est un hte de service. Photosynethesis Cycle? Mais attention force d'employer le mot service toutes les sauces l'on s'y perd un peu. Odyssey Analysis? Il ne s'agit pas d'un Web Service, ni d'un service Windows mais bel et bien d'un hte de service WCF. Photosynethesis? Nous voyons que cet objet ServiceHost est gnrique, on graphics dsls, spcifie son type lors de son instanciation. Photosynethesis? ServiceHost est du type de notre service que nous avons cod l'tape prcdente.

On voit ici une autre utilisation des Generics, qui est un lment indispensable dans l'architecture WCF. Maintenant que notre hte est instanci, il ne reste plus qu' le laisser communiquer, pour cela il suffit d'appeler la mthode Open(), la mthode Close() quand elle vous l'aurez compris, sert fermer les communications de notre service dans son hte. A cet instant le code de notre service est termin, vous pouvez fermer le dbogueur il ne sera plus utile:-)). Aqa Food Technology Coursework Scheme? Mais il nous reste cependant une dernire tape raliser avant la mise en route de notre service WCF, il faut dfinir le A et le B, soit l'adresse et le binding. Photosynethesis? Pour cela il y a deux manires de procder, depuis le code de l'hte ou depuis un fichier de configuration, c'est cette dernire solution que nous allons voir en dtail. Aqa Food Technology? L'une des forces de WCF c'est de sparer, de dcoupler, l'implmentation du service des protocoles et moyens de communications employs, donc dfinir le A et le B dans le code serait d'une certaine manire, aller contre la philosophie de WCF, mais sachez quand mme que c'est tout fait ralisable. Pour ajouter un fichier de configuration app.config il suffit d'ajouter un nouvel lment votre projet hte de service, Visual Studio possde un Template de tel fichier, mais vous pouvez trs bien l'diter vous-mme, il ne s'agit en effet ni plus ni moins que d'un simple fichier XML. Photosynethesis? Voici quoi ressemble un fichier de configuration pour un service WCF utilisant HTTP/SOAP sur le port 8018. Vous voyez apparaitre une nouvelle balise, inconnue jusqu'ici, ce qui est normale puisqu'elle est spcifique a WCF, il s'agit de la balise system.serviceModel, qui contient une balise services qui elle-mme contient une balise service, c'est ce niveau que nous allons dfinir le binding et l'adresse de notre service WCF.

Le nom du service est le nom complet (namespace + classe) de notre service, et le nom de l'endpoint est le nom complet du contrat de notre service, c'est--dire l'interface. Endpoint, vous avez dis Endpoint ? Voila encore un nouveau terme, un endpoint est tout simplement un point de terminaison de notre service, c'est--dire une voie par laquelle il peut communiquer, un endpoint est en fait dfinit par une adresse, ventuellement un port et un protocole. Character Analysis? Pour un mme service il est possible d'en dfinir plusieurs, ce qui implique que par exemple, un service WCF pourra communiquer en mme temps grce HTTP/SOAP, MSMQ et par TCP. Cycle? Le endpoint est l'lment stratgique du service WCF, c'est lui qui dfinit par quel biais va interagir notre service avec le monde extrieur, on sex marriage debate, voit d'ailleurs qu'il centralise par le biais d'un simple fichier de configuration son propre ABC. A ce stade, nous avons ralis un service WCF, nous l'avons hberg et rendu oprationnel. Photosynethesis Cycle? Voici le code complet du service WCF pour vous montrer quel point le code d'un service WCF est simple et court.

Je vous rappelle que pour les besoins de la dmonstration j'ai utilis une application Windows Forms pour hoster le service, mais cela pourrait tre n'importe quel type d'application Windows ou encore IIS 7.0 et le WAS. Nous avons dcoup notre service WCF en trois projets diffrents, l'interface, le service et son hte. Coursework Scheme? Cela pourrait tre regroup dans un seul et mme projet, mais pour des raisons de clart, de scurit, de facilit et de maintenance je vous recommande de dcouper un service WCF en au moins trois projets (cela peut tre plus si vous utilisez d'autres objets mtiers), de plus, vous verrez bientt que cela prend tout son sens vis--vis du client de votre service, en terme de scurit et confidentialit de l'implmentation relle du service. 3. Cycle? Crons un client pour notre service WCF^ Il est certes intressant d'avoir un service WCF, mais faut il encore que celui-ci soit utilis. Stakeholder Analysis? Pour cela nous allons crer un client en .Net, mais souvenez vous qu'il pourrait trs bien tre en Java, en C++ ou Python. Cycle? Un des intrts des services WCF est qu'ils supportent de nombreux protocoles standards et ouverts et peuvent tre interoprables et donc fonctionner avec des clients ou d'autres services sur des plateformes diffrentes. Graphics Programs From? Attention cependant, parmi les neufs bindings de bases inclus dans le Framework .Net 3.0, quatre (BasicHttpBinding, WSHttpBinding, WSDualHttpBinding, WSFederationHttpBinding) sont interoprables, les autres sont bass sur des technologies .Net et/ou Microsoft. Une fois de plus le client peut tre une application .Net de n'importe quel type, mon choix va se porter sur une application Windows Forms. Photosynethesis? Ajoutons donc un nouveau projet de ce type a notre solution. Essays On Same Sex Marriage Debate? Ce projet doit avoir une rfrence vers l'interface, le contrat de notre service WCF, et une rfrence vers System.ServiceModel.

Remarque : vous comprenez ici l'intrt de dcouper notre service en plusieurs projets ; en effet, le client devra avoir connaissance de l'interface, donc si celle ci se trouve dans la mme DLL que le service lui-mme cela pose de srieux problmes de scurit, l'implmentation mme du service n'tant alors plus secrte, puisque distribue avec chaque client. Cycle? De plus, sachez que potentiellement il est possible de ne pas fournir l'interface (le contrat) au client, celui-ci pourra gnrer le code ncessaire en rcuprant des mtadonnes relatives au service auprs de ce dernier. Pensez jouter les Imports et using ncessaires dans vos fichiers de code. Paper? L'objet central de notre client va tre le ChannelFactory, qui va permettre de crer un canal de communication pour communiquer avec le service. Photosynethesis Cycle? ChannelFactory est une fabrique de classe, c'est--dire un gnrateur de classe, une classe qui autorisera un client envoyer et/ou recevoir vers et depuis un service. Autobiographical Research Paper In Your? Voici le code qui nous permettra de crer ce canal de communication entre le client et le serveur, notez que cet objet est du type de notre interface, le contrat de notre service. Comme pour un service WCF, un client WCF utilise un fichier de configuration (qui comme pour le service peut tre remplac par un codage en dur dans l'application) qui va contenir l'ABC du service WCF, plus un nom que l'on donnera cette connexion.

Voici a quoi va ressembler le fichier de configuration de notre client. Comme nous l'avons vu un petit peu plus haut dans le code de cration du canal de communication, le nom de la connexion est employ en dur dans le code, ce nom peut tre utilis pour diffrencier les connexions du client, cela veut dire que par exemple chaque client pourra possder plusieurs connexions et utilisera l'une ou l'autre en fonction du contexte (connexion au rseau local, Internet…). Voyons maintenant comment utiliser les mthodes exposes par le service. Photosynethesis? Grce la fabrique de classes que nous avons instancie, nous allons gnrer un proxy fortement typ, qui nous permettra d'accder aux mthodes exposes par le service. Analysis Essay? Regardons un exemple nous montrant comment accder aux deux mthodes de notre service de conversion montaire. Voila, vous pouvez consommer votre service WCF depuis votre client. Cycle? Tout ceci est relativement simple, et sachez que la technologie WCF est trs ouverte et hautement personnalisable. Coursework Scheme? Les possibilits sont extrmement nombreuses. Photosynethesis Cycle? Pour finir, voici le code complet du client, vous voyez a quel point WCF nous mche le travail, accder un service au travers d'un rseau, ne prend que quelques lignes et cela quelque soit le protocole utilis…

J'espre qu'au travers de cet article, je vous aurai montr ce qu'est WCF, du moins dans les grandes lignes. Synthesising Programs Dsls? Personnellement, j'aime beaucoup cette technologie, elle est, et de loin, ma nouveaut prfre du Framework .Net 3.0. Cycle? WCF vient point nomm, au moment ou les technologies d'applications distribues taient trop nombreuses et varies, et aussi au moment o les besoins en interoprabilits sont croissants. Odyssey? Cet article constitue une introduction WCF, et il faut le prendre en tant que tel. Photosynethesis? WCF est une technologie trs large et qui peut tre complexe, c'est pour cette raison que cet article n'est que le premier d'une srie.

Je vous invite donc consulter le site frquemment, d'autres articles sur WCF suivront dans les semaines venir. Un grand merci AGM26 pour la relecture de cet article, ainsi qu' l'quipe Dotnet pour son aide. Vous avez aim ce tutoriel ? Alors partagez-le en cliquant sur les boutons suivants : Copyright 2007 Ronald Vasseur. Gm Food Research? Aucune reproduction, même partielle, ne peut être faite de ce site et de l'ensemble de son contenu : textes, documents, images, etc. Cycle? sans l'autorisation expresse de l'auteur. Essays On Same Debate? Sinon vous encourez selon la loi jusqu'à trois ans de prison et jusqu'à 300 000 € de dommages et intérêts.

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NYU Steinhardt School of photosynethesis cycle, Culture, Education, and Human Development. This section describes the dissertation format that all NYUSteinhardt doctoral candidates are required to follow. Dissertations must adhere to these requirements in order to technology, be accepted by the Office of Doctoral Studies for the scheduling of the photosynethesis cycle, final oral examination. Please read this section carefully and contact the Office of on race in your community, Doctoral Studies if you have any questions. Faculty policy leaves the choice of a style manual to the doctoral candidate with the cycle, advice and consent of his or her committee. Generally, candidates are urged to learn and use the manual most often required for scholarly writing by journals within their disciplines. Character Analysis Essay! Typically, the following style manuals are used by NYUSteinhardt students: The most recent editions of the chosen style manuals should be used. Your printer must produce consistently black letters and consistent margins.

Sufficient darkness is photosynethesis cycle, also necessary for any supporting materials, such as tables, figures, drawings, pictures, etc., -- either as originals or as copies -- that you may need to append or insert in your manuscript. Your dissertation will be published by ProQuest UMI which requires clear, high-contrast characters and images. As a guide to the quality that will be obtained, you can photocopy a sample page at gm food papers 75% reduction to photosynethesis cycle, evaluate the gm food, readability and clarity of the print. The School and ProQuest UMI allow students to use typefaces that are between 10 and photosynethesis 12 points; however, because 10 point can appear too small in most typefaces, 12 point is technology, generally preferred. Photosynethesis Cycle! A smaller or condensed typeface can be used for analysis essay, tables that otherwise might not fit across a page within the correct margins, however, mixing typefaces is otherwise not recommended. Underlining or italics may be used for statistical symbols, book titles, or definitions (but use either one or the other consistently throughout your manuscript, including tables). Headings should be underlined when appropriate and photosynethesis cycle not italicized. Bold type should not be used in aqa food technology scheme, the manuscript.

Do not justify the cycle, right margin of odyssey character analysis essay, your text; keep it left aligned like the text shown here. To assure proper binding and for cycle, ease of reading, the essays, following margins are required: Left margin : one and one-half inches for all pages . Right margin : one and one-half inches for all pages , with no intrusion of letters or anything else into the right margin. Top margin : one-and-one-quarter inches for all pages except the first page of the Acknowledgments, Table of photosynethesis, Contents, List of scheme, Tables, List of Figures, each chapter, Bibliography, and Appendices which should begin two inches from the top edge of the page. Bottom margin : one-and-one-quarter inches for all pages.

Page numbers for all pages preceding page 1 of Chapter I (lower case roman numerals for Acknowledgments, Table of Contents, etc.) should be placed three-quarters of an inch from the bottom of the page, centered between the left and right margins. Page numbers from page 1 of Chapter I through the photosynethesis cycle, last page of the last appendix should be placed three-quarters of an inch from the top or bottom, centered between the analysis essay, left and photosynethesis cycle right margins. See the next section for sample dissertation pages. Avoid leaving more than two inches of white space without type. This applies to tables and figures as well as to synthesising graphics card from, text. A table or figure should be inserted in the text as soon after it is first referred to where it will fit in photosynethesis, its entirety on one page.

Leave three blank lines between a table and text or text and a table; the same for figures. Continue your text if you can fit at coursework mark least four lines after it. Cycle! You may have more than one table on a page and you may have a table, discussion, and a table. The same procedure applies to all illustrative material. Double space the entire manuscript with these exceptions (which should be single-spaced):

chapter titles, appendix titles, headings, and subheadings of more than one line; block quotations; column headings and lines that run on in tables; bibliography or references entries -- double space between entries; footnotes; figure captions; explanatory material for figures, tables, and illustrations; and appendices -- the synthesising card programs, spacing will vary depending on the source and content. APA style requires writers to double space all typed material, including the exceptions noted above. If you are using APA, the above rules supersede APA rules in most cases. You have the option, however, of double spacing your references and block quotations; MLA style users also have this option. The title page is counted as page one and the copyright page as page two, but numbers do not appear on photosynethesis cycle them. Research Papers! Lower case roman numerals (iii, iv, v, vi, etc.) are used for all subsequent pages up to the first page of the text (page 1 of Chapter I) and photosynethesis cycle should be placed three quarters of an aqa food mark scheme, inch from the bottom edge of the paper, centered between the margins. Beginning with page 1 of Chapter I, Arabic numbers are used and photosynethesis are continuous through the last page including all appendices. Page numbers for paper on race, all pages in the chapter, including the first page of each chapter or major section, should be placed three quarters of an inch from the top or bottom edge of the paper centered between the cycle, margins. The material of your manuscript should be ordered as follows: title page; copyright page; acknowledgments; table of contents; list(s) of tables, figures, charts, graphs, musical examples, illustrations, etc., if used; preface or forward, if used; the text; bibliography; and appendices (if any).

Please see the sample title page below. You are required to follow that format exactly. You will have the option to have your dissertation copyrighted when you submit it to Proquest/UMI for publication. You should include a copyright page with your name and research copyright date in the middle of the page, centered left to right (between the cycle, margins) and top to essays, bottom. Please note that the copyright date is the year of cycle, your degree conferral. Follow this format: The copyright page is page ii of the pages preceding the text (the title page is understood to be page i), but no number should appear on either the title page or the copyright page. Table of Contents and Lists of Tables and Figures. Because a dissertation does not have an index, your Table of character analysis essay, Contents should be as comprehensive as possible.

Include all headings and subheadings, exactly as they appear in the text, up to cycle, and including Level 2. Including lower level headings is odyssey analysis, optional. (See sample Table of Contents in the next section.) Note that the indentation of a heading used in the Table of Contents corresponds to cycle, the level of the aqa food technology mark scheme, heading. The following illustrates this: You should supply the reader with lists of tables, figures, and any other illustrative material used in your dissertation. Photosynethesis Cycle! See the sample lists in paper on race in your community, the next section. Lists of musical examples or reproductions of art, or information about films, follow the same form as that used for photosynethesis cycle, lists of tables and figures. Chapter headings and titles appear as follows, beginning two inches from the top of the page:

Headings within the chapter should indicate the weight you assign to particular ideas by the form of sex marriage, headings suggested in cycle, the style manual you have selected or the form suggested below. Leave three blank lines (i.e., begin typing after two double spaces) before each heading and after each major section and synthesising card dsls chapter title. If one heading immediately follows another, leave only photosynethesis cycle one blank line (a double space) between the two. Leave one blank line (a double space) after each heading. Capitalize the first letter of autobiographical paper on race community, each word of headings except for articles, conjunctions, and prepositions. The following is one way in which to order headings and to type them. Students following APA style may use the format in the APA Style Guide, however, the format below is preferred for NYU Steinhardt dissertations. See the sample page 1 in photosynethesis cycle, the next section for an example of heading placement.

Be sure that no heading appears at the bottom of a page without at least two lines of gm food research, text beneath it. Cycle! The Table of Contents will contain all Level 1 and Level 2 headings exactly as they appear in the text. It is not necessary to include Level 3 or lower-level headings in the Table of Contents, but you may if it provides the reader with more useful information. Chapter numbers are upper case roman numerals (with no period), e.g., CHAPTER IV, to differentiate them from any other numbers in the text. All other items requiring numbers should have Arabic numbers. Stakeholder Analysis! Appendices, should be designated by capital letters, e.g., APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, etc. Use numbers or letters for other items only when necessary. Use 1) in photosynethesis cycle, the text and 1. in a set-off list; a) in the text and a. in a set-off list -- not (1) or 1). or a.), etc. If items in a numbered list run onto two or more lines, you may let the additional lines begin at the margin or indent the odyssey essay, entire paragraph to the right of the photosynethesis cycle, numbers.

Numbers beginning a sentence, as well as numbers below 10 (or, if you prefer, 12) should be spelled out when they appear within the text. Reduction of Tables and Other Materials. If a table, appendix, illustration, or graph is too wide or long, or both, to fit within the specified margins, have it reduced, or if textual material, type it using a smaller font. Whenever possible, avoid inserting tables which must be read by turning the book sideways. Stakeholder Analysis! If such a table is necessary, be sure to insert it with the heading to the spine or binding. You may also use a condensed typeface. For style guides other than APA, if you have more than one work by the same author, do not repeat his or her name over and over.

Use ten underscore characters, ending with a period if the author is exactly the same as the previous one, or with a comma if the author is the first of a series of new authors, as shown below. Single space the entry; double space between entries. Indent the second and subsequent lines one-half inch. Note that authors with two initials have a space after the period between each initial, e.g., Smith, A. B., Jones, M. J. Do not allow initials to break between lines; keep them together on one line or the photosynethesis, other. Regardless of the style guide you use, avoid having one or two lines of an gm food, entry on one page and the rest of the citation on the next page. Cycle! The entry should be cited in its entirety on one page or the other. The way you cite an author in your manuscript is based on the context.

If you are attributing an idea that you paraphrased to gm food research papers, someone, use the name and cycle date (according to APA style) such as (Jones, 2002), or as shown in gm food research papers, the first sentence below. If you are. using a direct quotation, use the photosynethesis cycle, same format, but you must include the page number where you found it, as shown in the second sentence below. Essay! Also, specific information or ideas need a page number even if paraphrased. For example, the following brief passage refers to photosynethesis cycle, the same publication by a hypothetical author:

Review the whole manuscript to be sure that every work referred to in the manuscript is cited in the text (or footnotes) and included in the bibliography. Four or more lines of a quotation should be set off from the main text with a double space, typed single spaced with no quotation marks, and the entire block indented one-half inch. Quotations within these block (or indented) quotations may use double quotations. The first line of the quotation is not indented; however, the first lines of new paragraphs within the quotation should begin with an additional indent of one-half inch. Research Papers! Students using APA or MLA style may double space block quotations. Each appendix should have the photosynethesis, proper designation at the top of the first page. A title page does not need to aqa food technology scheme, be inserted before each one. Cycle! Use the following format, centered between the essays on same debate, left and right margins, beginning two inches from the top of the page:

PARTICIPANT CONSENT FORM. If you have material that, because of its format, needs to have a title page (because the title doesn't fit on the same page as the cycle, material), you need to consistently use title pages for gm food research papers, all appendices. Avoid it if you can. Again, all material in an appendix must fit within the cycle, overall page margins. It is necessary to obtain letters of permission for the reproduction of any copyrighted material which exceeds the Federal law pertaining to Fair Use. Copies of those letters will be uploaded to Proquest UMI with your final dissertation. Copies of the letters do not need to be included in the dissertation. The abstract is a brief summary of the contents of the dissertation.

Begin typing the abstract two inches from the top of a blank page with no heading. The abstract should be typed double-spaced with the same typeface and margins as the dissertation. The length of the abstract should be limited to 350 words. The abstract title page is identical to the dissertation title page with one exception: the abstract title page has the Analysis, words An Abstract of directly above the title (see Sample Title Page in the next section). Each abstract is photosynethesis cycle, stapled in Stakeholder Analysis, the upper left corner and kept separate from the dissertation. The chairperson of the dissertation committee should sign one copy of the abstract title page. The following section includes sample dissertation pages which should be followed carefully. Refer to photosynethesis, the preceding section for more detailed information on papers format requirements. Students should follow the instructions on these sample pages rather than using a dissertation from the library (or elsewhere) as a guide. Format requirements differ from year to year and from school to school.

This site, and all its contents, are Copyright by New York University. All rights reserved. Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development - 82 Washington Square East, New York, NY 10003.

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A Black Police Officer’s Fight Against the N.Y.P.D. Cycle! Edwin Raymond thought he could change the department from the inside. He wound up the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit brought by 12 minority officers. By SAKI KNAFO FEB. 18, 2016. E very morning before his shift, Edwin Raymond, a 30-year-old officer in the New York Police Department, ties up his long dreadlocks so they won’t brush against his collar, as the job requires. Odyssey! On Dec. 7, he carefully pinned them up in cycle, a nautilus pattern, buttoned the brass buttons of his regulation dress coat and pulled on a pair of white cotton gloves. He used a lint roller to make sure his uniform was spotless.

In a few hours, he would appear before three of the department’s highest-ranking officials at a hearing that would determine whether he would be promoted to sergeant. He had often stayed up late worrying about how this conversation would play out, but now that the moment was here, he felt surprisingly calm. The department had recently announced a push to recruit more men and gm food research women like him — minority cops who could help the police build trust among black and cycle Hispanic New Yorkers. But before he could move up in rank, Raymond would have to disprove some of the things people had said about him. Over the past year, Raymond had received a series of Stakeholder, increasingly damning evaluations from his supervisors. He had been summoned to the hearing to tell his side of the story. His commanders had been punishing him, he believed, for photosynethesis refusing to comply with what Raymond considered a hidden and ‘‘inherently racist’’ policy. Raymond checked in to the department’s employee-management office in downtown Manhattan.

Three other officers waited there with him, all dressed as though for essays sex marriage a funeral or parade, all hoping they would be judged worthy of a promotion and a raise. One officer had gotten in trouble for photosynethesis cycle pulling a gun on his ex-girlfriend’s partner. ‘‘Everyone was nervous,’’ Raymond says. ‘‘I was the only one who was confident, because I knew I’d done nothing wrong.’’ Hours crawled by. Finally, a sergeant announced that the officials — ‘‘executives,’’ as they’re known in the department — were ready to see them. One by one, the officers entered a conference room. Raymond saluted the executives and gm food papers stated his name. Photosynethesis Cycle! Then the executives began to speak. Beneath the odyssey analysis essay, stiff woolen shell of Raymond’s dress coat, tucked away in his right breast pocket, his iPhone was recording their muffled voices. Over the last two years, Raymond has recorded almost a dozen officials up and down the chain of command in what he says is an attempt to change the daily practices of the New York Police Department.

He claims these tactics contradict the department’s rhetoric about the arrival of a new era of fairer, smarter policing. In August 2015, Raymond joined 11 other police officers in filing a class-action suit on photosynethesis behalf of minority officers throughout the force. The suit centers on what they claim is one of the fundamental policies of the New York Police Department: requiring officers to meet fixed numerical goals for arrests and court summonses each month. In Raymond’s mind, quota-based policing lies at research papers the root of almost everything racially discriminatory about policing in New York. Yet the department has repeatedly told the public that quotas don’t exist. Since January 2014, the start of the two-year period during which Raymond made most of his recordings, the photosynethesis cycle, department has been led by Police Commissioner William Bratton, who has presided over character a decline in summonses and arrests even as crime levels have remained historically low. He has revamped the department’s training strategy and has introduced a new program that encourages officers to photosynethesis cycle, spend more time getting to know the people who live and work in the neighborhoods they patrol.

Chief of Department James O’Neill told me that the expectations of officers have changed. ‘‘Whatever arrests we make, whatever summonses we write, I want them connected to research in your, the people responsible for photosynethesis cycle the violence and crime,’’ he said. The department is now focused on the ‘‘quality’’ of arrests and summonses rather than the ‘‘quantity,’’ he said. Raymond and his fellow plaintiffs will try to character analysis, prove otherwise. The suit accuses the department of violating multiple laws and statutes, including a 2010 state ban against quotas, and the 14th Amendment, which outlaws racial discrimination. Cycle! It asks for gm food damages and an injunction against the practice. Although plaintiffs in other cases have provided courts with evidence suggesting the department uses quotas, this is the cycle, first time anyone has sued the odyssey character analysis, department for photosynethesis violating the 2010 state ban against the practice. Black and Stakeholder Latino officers have long contributed rare voices of dissent within a department that remains predominantly white at its highest levels. Raymond has cultivated a friendship with Eric Adams, a former police captain and the current Brooklyn borough president, who founded, during his time on the force, 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, an cycle organization that advocates for essay law-enforcement professionals of color. Cycle! Adams has had a hand in several recent policing reforms. As a state senator, he sponsored the bill that led, in 2010, to character, the New York ban against photosynethesis, quotas for stops, summonses and arrests.

Then, in 2013, he joined several current and former minority officers in testifying against the department in aqa food technology coursework mark scheme, the landmark stop-and-frisk case Floyd v. City of New York, which culminated with a federal judge’s ruling that the photosynethesis cycle, department had stopped and searched hundreds of thousands of minority New Yorkers in technology scheme, ways that violated their civil rights. Photosynethesis! Between 2011 and 2013, the publicity surrounding the case prompted the papers, department to all but abandon the tactic — the number of annual stops fell by more than two-thirds over two years — but, according to Raymond and photosynethesis cycle others, the pressure to coursework, arrest people for minor offenses has not let up. Photosynethesis Cycle! ‘‘Every time I read the paper, I thought, Why do they think the research papers, problem is stop-and-frisk?’’ Raymond says. ‘‘Although stop-and-frisk is unlawful, and it’s annoying, you’re not going to not get a job because you’ve been stopped and frisked,’’ he says. ‘‘You’re going to get denied a job because you have a record.’’ The lawsuit claims that commanders now use euphemisms to photosynethesis, sidestep the quota ban, pressuring officers to ‘‘be more proactive’’ or to odyssey character analysis essay, ‘‘get more activity’’ instead of explicitly ordering them to bring in, say, one arrest and cycle 10 tickets by the end of the graphics programs dsls, month. ‘‘It’s as if the ban doesn’t exist,’’ Raymond says. Other cops agree. Cycle! At a Dunkin’ Donuts in Ozone Park, Queens, a black officer who is character analysis essay, not involved in the lawsuit (and who, fearing retribution, requested anonymity) spoke at length about the inconsistency between the photosynethesis cycle, department’s words and actions, her anger building as she spoke, the tea cooling in her cup, until she concluded, bluntly, ‘‘It’s like they’re talking out of their ass and their mouth at the same time.’’ I recently spoke to Daniel Modell, a retired lieutenant who in aqa food coursework mark, 2014 testified to the grand jury in photosynethesis, the case of Eric Garner, the autobiographical research paper community, Staten Island man who was killed during an encounter with the police. Modell, who is white, said the frustration is departmentwide. ‘‘It’s not only black and Hispanic officers,’’ he said. ‘‘The rank and file generally, they’re utterly demoralized and critical of the photosynethesis cycle, department. Sign Up for character analysis essay the Magazine Newsletter.

Get the best of the Magazine delivered to your inbox every week, including exclusive feature stories, photography, columns and photosynethesis cycle more. An error has occurred. Please try again later. Gm Food Research Papers! You are already subscribed to this email. ‘‘But they don’t have a voice,’’ he added. ‘‘If they speak out, they get crushed.’’ When I described Raymond to Modell, he told me that he had actually met him. In September 2015, Modell spoke on a panel at photosynethesis the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

The topic was ‘‘bridging the gap’’ between minorities and the police. Raymond, who attended the seminar, made an impression. Research Paper On Race In Your! ‘‘He’s a good guy,’’ Modell said. Photosynethesis Cycle! ‘‘I could tell by the way he spoke, and the sincerity in his eyes. I wish I could say his career would be a pleasure going forward, but he’s got a tough road ahead.’’ Raymond is not the first police officer to record his commanders. Adrian Schoolcraft, who became the primary stop-and-frisk whistle-blower, was forcibly admitted into a psychiatric ward for paper on race in your community six days after objecting to police practices in cycle, 2009. He recorded the whole incident.

One of Raymond’s fellow plaintiffs in the lawsuit, Adhyl Polanco, taped his superiors while complaining about coursework mark, stop-and-frisk and was banished to a desk deep in Brooklyn, two hours from his home. Photosynethesis Cycle! Look up their names on aqa food technology coursework Thee Rant, an photosynethesis anonymous message board for police officers, and the epithets come pouring forth: ‘‘crybaby,’’ ‘‘rat,’’ ‘‘zero.’’ Even some of Raymond’s closest friends and confidants, people who admire his boldness and vouch for synthesising dsls his integrity, have told him, quite frankly, that what he’s doing is nuts. Raymond says he has lost sleep worrying about what might happen, but he can sound contemptuous of those who advise caution. ‘‘Everyone else, they’re just so scared,’’ he says. ‘‘My thing is, never be afraid to photosynethesis cycle, do what’s right.’’ Raymond grew up in East Flatbush, a West Indian neighborhood of debate, wood-frame houses and brick apartment buildings in Brooklyn. A few blocks from his building was a corner that residents nicknamed ‘‘the front page’’ because of the many murders that ended up in the papers. Raymond remembers stepping over a dead body, blood pooling on the floor of the building lobby, to get to school. His father, a Haitian immigrant who barely finished grade school, managed to keep the photosynethesis, kids well fed for a while, but then, when Raymond was 3 and his brother was 4, their mother died of cancer, and then their father lost his job at a paper factory. He fell into a depression and never worked again.

Raymond and his brother often went to bed hungry, a feeling Raymond remembers as ‘‘sadness mixed with a headache.’’ Sometimes a neighbor, Florise, a single mother of two from Haiti, gave them something for dinner; Raymond came to see her as an aunt, and Billy Joissin and Melissa Baptiste, her children, as his cousins. Mark! Other mothers in the neighborhood occasionally helped care for Raymond. In a very real sense, the neighborhood raised him. Starting at 14, he spent 45 hours a week bagging groceries and stocking shelves after school and on photosynethesis cycle the weekends. Raymond saw what the crack trade had done to the neighborhood and wanted no part of it. His friends say he had a powerful, even rigid sense of morality, lecturing them about the dangers of drugs and gangs, refusing to paper in your community, try even a puff of weed. ‘‘We always tell him he’s different,’’ Baptiste says. Joissin noted wryly that Raymond was ‘‘not afraid to not be popular and to not be liked.’’ His unwavering rectitude kept the photosynethesis, gangs from bothering him. The police, however, were a different story. Character! ‘‘As soon as I had a little hair on my chin, I was getting stopped almost once a week,’’ he says.

One day at a Haitian street fair when he was 16, Raymond ran into a family friend who had become a police officer. To Raymond’s surprise, his friend raved about the job — about the cycle, benefits and the pension and on same sex marriage the possibility of cycle, being promoted. Raymond decided to enter the police academy as soon as he was old enough. Even then, he says, he had vague ambitions of becoming a different kind of officer — one who would go after actual criminals. But he mainly saw the job as a way to pay the bills. And that’s how he might still see it if, about three years before he joined the force, a friend hadn’t lent him a copy of odyssey, ‘‘The Destruction of photosynethesis cycle, Black Civilization.’’ The book, a work of Afrocentric history by Chancellor Williams, is a classic of its genre. Raymond still recalls ‘‘the pride that rushed through your veins’’ as he realized, he says, that the gm food, history of black people didn’t begin with slavery. In high school, his work schedule got in the way of his studies, and he had never liked reading. Now he couldn’t get enough of it. He read Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey. He says he started an email correspondence with Tim Wise, an activist and writer known for his books on critical race theory.

As he read that the slave patrols of two centuries ago had evolved into the police departments of today, it occurred to him that the cops who stopped him in his youth weren’t intentionally racist; they were merely complying with the demands of photosynethesis cycle, a system that was ‘‘historically rooted in keeping you down.’’ Then, in 2008, he joined the system himself. Analysis! At first, and for photosynethesis cycle most of his career, Raymond worked out of aqa food technology coursework mark, Transit District 32, the division of the Transit Bureau responsible for policing the Brooklyn sections of the photosynethesis cycle, 2 and analysis essay 3 lines and several other stretches of the subway system. Many of his colleagues spent their time writing tickets or arresting people for ‘‘theft of service’’ — a minor violation better known as turnstile hopping. (From 2008 to 2013, fare-beating arrests shot up to 24,747 from 14,681, according to cycle, a 2014 Daily News analysis of public data.) Legally, individual officers have the power to decide how to deal with certain minor offenses. Some officers, trying to increase their totals of summonses and arrests for the month, hide in Stakeholder, bathrooms and closets meant for subway employees, peeking out through vents so they can jump out at photosynethesis anyone foolish or desperate enough to vault the turnstiles. If the offender, typically a teenager, lacks an ID or has a criminal record, the synthesising, officer can make an arrest. According to a recent analysis by photosynethesis the advocacy group the Police Reform Organization Project, 92 percent of those arrested for graphics from theft of cycle, service in 2015 were black, Hispanic or Asian. Those offenders who aren’t arrested are generally summoned to paper in your community, court to pay a $100 fine. If they fail to pay it or forget the court date or miss an appearance for photosynethesis cycle any reason, the judge signs an arrest warrant.

Raymond didn’t hide on the job. At the academy, he says, future officers were trained to remain ‘‘present and odyssey character analysis essay visible’’ while working in uniform, partly so passengers could find a police officer when they needed one. Photosynethesis Cycle! On Oct. 8, 2015, for example, a group of papers, teenage girls approached Raymond at the Pennsylvania Avenue stop in Brooklyn and photosynethesis cycle pointed out a man who had been following them. Had Raymond been hiding, he says, they might never have found him. Raymond stopped the man, asked him some questions and ultimately arrested him for stalking. ‘‘He does these honorable things,’’ said Willie Lucas, one of the other black officers who worked in Raymond’s district. ‘‘The first time I worked with him, we were doing patrol out in the East New York area. There was a mother, she may have been a teenager, and she was in some kind of distress, crying and really upset.

Her baby may have been around 3 or 4 months old. Autobiographical Paper On Race! I remember him going to talk to photosynethesis, her and help her out. He was willing to on same sex marriage debate, ride with her to the Bronx, all the way out of his jurisdiction.’’ Raymond didn’t shy away from confrontation when it was necessary. While he was still at the academy, the department awarded him a badge of honor for photosynethesis breaking up a street fight during one of his lunch breaks, grabbing a metal pipe from synthesising programs, one of the brawlers and pinning him to the ground. Cycle! ‘‘When it’s time to gm food, get busy, I get busy,’’ he says. He says he typically stopped about cycle, three people a day, mostly for little things like holding the doors at graphics card a station. But usually he let them go with a warning. He worried about photosynethesis cycle, how an arrest could follow a kid through life. Raymond realized that his supervisors didn’t approve of his approach. Some of them came right out and Analysis told him he was dragging down the district’s overall arrest rate, and said they had been taking heat from their own bosses as a result. In the photosynethesis cycle, summer of 2010, a commander stuck him with the weekend shift at Coney Island, the Stakeholder, sort of unwanted job that cops call a ‘‘punitive post.’’ Other undesirable assignments followed: sitting around with psychotic prisoners in psychiatric emergency rooms, standing at ‘‘fixed posts’’ on specific parts of subway platforms with orders not to move, staring at video feeds of the tunnels from the confines of an airless booth called ‘‘the box.’’ As the cycle, pressures intensified over the next few years, Raymond decided he needed to do something to protect himself — even though it could also put him at greater risk.

Convinced that his supervisors were punishing him unlawfully, and fearing for his reputation, he started to record his conversations. The practices that Raymond opposes began as solutions to autobiographical research paper in your community, the problems of another era. In 1994, when William Bratton started his first tour as the photosynethesis, head of the department, the department was reeling from corruption scandals, and autobiographical research on race in your community officers were discouraged from spending too much time in high-crime neighborhoods, lest they succumb to bribery. In the photosynethesis, absence of gm food papers, a strong police presence, drug dealers operated in the open, and cycle residents who complained risked incurring their wrath. Crack vials littered schoolyards, and police officers were still ‘‘giving freedom of the streets to the drug dealers, the gangs, the prostitutes, the drinkers and the radio blasters,’’ Bratton later wrote with one of his advisers in debate, the conservative quarterly City Journal. The crack trade in East Flatbush was so rampant that Raymond and his brother would fall asleep counting gunshots. Bratton’s solutions to these problems would make him famous. A self-described innovator, he embraced the ‘‘broken windows’’ theory of policing — the idea that the police could cut down on serious crimes by making it clear that even the trivial ones wouldn’t go unpunished. To hold officers accountable to this philosophy, especially in neighborhoods they had once neglected, Bratton tasked a transit lieutenant, Jack Maple, with developing a management system that kept careful track of photosynethesis, arrest and crime statistics throughout the city.

The system, called CompStat, short for ‘‘compare statistics,’’ was often credited for the drop in crime that followed. By the autobiographical on race in your, time Bratton left New York in 1997, New York’s murder rate had fallen by half. Cities from cycle, Chicago to analysis, Sydney hired Bratton and his proteges as police chiefs and consultants. Today, most large American cities use some form of CompStat. Eli Silverman, a police-studies professor at John Jay College of photosynethesis cycle, Criminal Justice, was an early apostle. Silverman lauded CompStat in his 1999 book ‘‘N.Y.P.D. Analysis! Battles Crime,’’ arguing that Comp­Stat did more to reduce crime than any other reform in the department’s 154-year history. The book opens with an anecdote from the transit system: In 1996, a plainclothes officer named Anthony Downing was working in a station on the Lexington Avenue subway line when he arrested a fare beater whose prints were later found at a murder scene. Before the CompStat era, when no one was keeping track of minor offenses, Downing would have had little incentive to stop someone for jumping a turnstile, and the fare beater, it follows, might have gotten away with murder. Silverman still calls himself a CompStat supporter, but by 2001, when he published a second edition of the book, a number of police officers had written to him to say that the ‘‘revolution in blue,’’ as Silverman styled it, wasn’t all it seemed.

Intrigued by photosynethesis cycle their claims, Silverman and a fellow criminologist and retired New York Police Department captain, John Eterno, set out to see if they could arrive at a more detailed understanding of papers, how the system worked. In 2008 and again in 2012, they sent out questionnaires to retired members of the department. More than 2,000 wrote back. The results were clear: Officers who had worked during the CompStat era were twice as likely as their predecessors to say that they had been under intense pressure to cycle, increase arrests, and three times as likely to say the same about the pressure to increase summonses. In the essays debate, 2000s, as violent crime hit historic lows, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly and photosynethesis cycle other city officials kept pressuring the department to drive the crime rate even lower, an expectation that became harder and harder to meet. In districtwide CompStat meetings, executives interrogated commanders about their violent-crime statistics. Some commanders tried to on same sex marriage, protect themselves by underreporting or reclassifying major crimes. Others tried to cycle, show they were being ‘‘proactive’’; invariably this meant more stops, more summonses, more arrests.

Most of this activity took place in graphics card programs from dsls, minority neighborhoods. In predominantly black Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, for example, officers issued more than 2,000 summonses a year between 2008 and 2011 to people riding their bicycles on the sidewalk, according to the Marijuana Arrest Research Project, a nonprofit that studies police policy. Photosynethesis! During the same period, officers gave out an average of on same, eight bike tickets a year in predominantly white and notably bike-friendly Park Slope. All told, between 2001 and 2013, black and Hispanic people were more than four times as likely as whites to receive summonses for minor violations, according to an analysis by photosynethesis the New York Civil Liberties Union. Raymond and other critics of the program don’t deny that CompStat is useful, or even that it may have helped the synthesising graphics card, department save lives. The question, for them, is how to use it. In theory, high-ranking officials could use CompStat or a similar system to track and solve problems in ways that don’t always involve fines or handcuffs. But after more than three decades, the system is deeply entrenched. A captain who requested anonymity for photosynethesis cycle fear of retaliation told me about a program he had heard of that reduced shoplifting.

But instead of praising the officer who developed it for the drop in arrests, the chief told him to ‘‘get more numbers.’’ That kind of thing happens all the time, he said. ‘‘You don’t get recognized and coursework mark scheme rewarded for helping a homeless person get permanent housing, but you get recognized for arresting them again and again and again.’’ The first of Raymond’s tapes begins with a warning. Cycle! In January 2014, Lt. Wei Long, then in his first month at odyssey character essay District 32, confronted Raymond about his relatively low ‘‘activity.’’ Like other supervisors featured in the early recordings, he expressed sympathy for Raymond, admitting that the ‘‘department is all about numbers’’ and even acknowledging that this ‘‘sucks.’’ Raymond challenged Long, as he did many of his superiors. ‘‘This is people’s lives,’’ he tells a captain on one of the tapes. ‘‘It’s not a game.’’ As Raymond’s posts and prospects grew worse, he became only more certain that he was in the right. Even as he handed out fewer summonses and made fewer arrests, few serious crimes were reported in the areas he patrolled, he says. He believed that if he could get out from photosynethesis cycle, under the lower-level supervisors, at least some officials at the highest levels of the department would recognize that he was the right kind of officer for New York. He decided to try for a promotion. In December 2012, he began studying for the exam given to aspiring sergeants. The results of the test, which he took in September 2013, could hardly have been more promising. Out of about 6,000 test takers, just 932 passed, and Raymond placed eighth. Changes within the department itself also bolstered his hopes.

On Dec. Character Analysis! 5, 2013, Mayor Bill de Blasio, then newly elected, announced that he would be bringing Bratton back for photosynethesis cycle a second tour as commissioner, saying, ‘‘He is papers, going to bring police and community back together.’’ Critics questioned whether the architect of photosynethesis cycle, CompStat was right for the job. But de Blasio, an unabashed progressive, had run on a platform that included reforming stop-and-frisk, and technology Bratton had espoused his commitment to that goal, saying he would unite the police and the public ‘‘in a collaboration of mutual respect and mutual trust.’’ In a video shown to the officers at their roll call, Bratton promised to focus on ‘‘the quality of police actions, with less emphasis on photosynethesis their numbers and coursework more emphasis on cycle our actual impact.’’ A month into his term, Bratton began enlisting teams of thinkers from on Stakeholder and off the force to brainstorm ideas for cycle improving the aqa food technology mark, department. Photosynethesis Cycle! Oliver Pu-Folkes, a black captain who had met Raymond through a mutual friend and had been impressed, appointed Raymond to a team focused on building relationships in essays sex marriage, black and Hispanic communities. Raymond was the photosynethesis, lone rank-and-file officer asked to participate.

That fall, inspired by the work, he and a friend formed an aqa food technology mark organization of their own, PLOT (Preparing Leaders of Tomorrow), offering mentorship services to black teenagers in Brooklyn. That summer, two unarmed black men, Michael Brown and Garner, died in high-profile incidents involving white police officers. A wave of protests spread through the country, and President Obama, responding to the public outcry, lamented the ‘‘simmering distrust that exists between too many police departments and photosynethesis too many communities of Stakeholder, color.’’ A Justice Department official who had heard about PLOT invited Raymond and his partner to attend a conference on race and policing in photosynethesis cycle, Washington. After so many years of being ignored or, as he saw it, punished for his ideas, Raymond was suddenly at odyssey the center of a conversation of national importance. He allowed himself to imagine that his problems at work would soon be over. Three days after Raymond returned from the capital, his immediate supervisor, Martin Campbell, said he wanted to see him in his office. Raymond felt that something wasn’t right.

Raymond had previously gotten the photosynethesis cycle, impression that Campbell, a black sergeant from Trinidad, privately deplored the constant push for odyssey essay numbers, but he also believed that Campbell, who had been in his position for photosynethesis cycle only a year, was under the same pressure to deliver the numbers as everyone else. Fearing another punitive assignment, Raymond waited for Campbell to step into research in your, the office. He took out his phone and photosynethesis turned on an audio-recording app, then slid the essays on same sex marriage debate, phone back into photosynethesis, his pocket. In his office, Campbell gestured toward his computer screen. Raymond saw that the sergeant had given him something called an interim evaluation. Officers typically receive four quarterly evaluations a year plus an annual every January, but in exceptional circumstances, supervisors will sometimes write an additional report, usually as a way of signaling to the command that the officer was caught doing something egregious, even committing a crime. Just getting one of graphics, these reports was bad enough. Now Raymond saw that out of a maximum score of cycle, five, he had received only a 2.5, an abysmal grade.

A score that low could block his promotion or lead to his being fired. On the recording, Campbell sounds as unhappy about the evaluation as Raymond. He insists that his direct superior told him what to Stakeholder, write, and suggests that she, in turn, did so under orders from her own supervisor, Natalie Maldonado, the district commander. Although Raymond hadn’t yet heard of the photosynethesis cycle, lawsuit, he knew about other officers who had sued the department or had testified against it in court, among them Adrian Schoolcraft, whose secret recordings of odyssey, his commanders were detailed in a five-part series in The Village Voice in 2010. Raymond knew his recordings wouldn’t carry much weight unless he got his supervisors to call the banned practice by name. ‘‘What is the photosynethesis, issue with me?’’ he asked Campbell. Essays On Same Debate! ‘‘Just the activity, the quota?’’ Campbell laughed. Cycle! ‘‘What do you think, bro?’’ ‘‘Man,’’ Raymond said. ‘‘Honestly, what do you think?’’ ‘‘But it has to synthesising card from dsls, be more,’’ Raymond said, ‘‘because technically, when it comes to numbers — ’’ ‘‘No, no, no,’’ Campbell said. ‘‘There’s not more. That’s it .’’ And yet that wasn’t it — at least, Raymond didn’t think so. There were other officers in the district, not many, but some, whose numbers were even lower than his. ‘‘You really want me to tell you what I think it is?’’ Campbell asked. Photosynethesis Cycle! ‘‘Of course, because I need to understand this.’’ ‘‘You’re a young black man with dreads. Very smart, very intelligent, have a loud say, meaning your words is loud.

You understand what I’m saying by that?’’ ‘‘I never seen anything like this, bro,’’ Campbell said. Raymond filed an appeal of his evaluation right away, but before it could make its way to Maldonado’s desk, she was transferred out of the Transit Bureau to a more coveted post. Analysis! It was around this time, in the summer of 2015, that Raymond heard about the lawsuit, which had just been filed. Photosynethesis Cycle! Until then, Raymond had felt alone. Now that he knew there were other officers on his side — officers who were willing to take a stand — he felt obligated to contribute his voice, and his tapes. He still wanted to believe he could rise within the department, so he signed on quietly. Other than a few friends and his fellow plaintiffs, no one knew he had joined the suit, and no one, other than the lawyer, knew about his recordings. By July 2015, Constantin Tsachas had become commander of Raymond’s district. Essays On Same! According to Raymond, Tsachas hadn’t even moved all his boxes into the office when he began occupying himself with the photosynethesis cycle, problem of what do about the aqa food technology coursework scheme, uncooperative officer in his command. On Aug. 3, Campbell told Raymond he had gotten a call from Tsachas at photosynethesis cycle home. ‘‘I was already convinced that they didn’t want you to get promoted,’’ Campbell says on the recording. ‘‘Well, it’s clearer to technology coursework scheme, me now.’’ Campbell says Tsachas told him to write yet another brutal interim evaluation, this time dropping Raymond’s grade from a 2.5 to a two.

Tsachas also told him to rewrite Raymond’s annual evaluation for 2014. Tsachas would later tell Raymond that the original version, which Campbell gave Raymond at the start of 2015, was never finalized. Photosynethesis Cycle! While the odyssey character analysis, original evaluation, as Raymond remembers it, criticized him for his supposedly low ‘‘activity,’’ the new one appeared to have been scrubbed of any language that could be recognized as code for failing to meet a quota. It was also harsher. Raymond was portrayed as lazy and dimwitted, incapable of cycle, carrying out even the most basic duties of an officer. It claimed he ‘‘does not demonstrate any ability to coursework, make sound conclusions,’’ does ‘‘not take any initiative’’ and ‘‘needs constant supervision.’’ (The New York Police Department declined to comment on the specifics related to Raymond’s case.) Raymond filed another appeal. Cycle! In October, he sat down with Tsachas in his office, accompanied by Campbell, a third supervisor and on same sex marriage debate a union delegate, Gentry Smith. Once again, Raymond’s phone was recording.

The meeting lasted an hour. Raymond spoke about his work on Bratton’s brainstorming group and his visit to Washington, and photosynethesis cycle he argued that the evaluation misrepresented him. In several ways, Raymond asked Tsachas to Analysis, explain what he had done wrong; in photosynethesis cycle, several ways, Tsachas avoided saying anything explicit about Raymond’s numbers. More than once, Tsachas told Raymond he needed to be ‘‘proactive.’’ ‘‘So what’s the definition of ‘proactive’?’’ Raymond asked. ‘‘You know what ‘proactive’ is,’’ Tsachas said. About halfway through the meeting, Tsachas began losing patience. ‘‘I’m here for, like, half an hour, and on same sex marriage debate you’re playing with words.’’ Raymond kept pressing him. Finally, Tsachas said something more pointed. Photosynethesis Cycle! ‘‘I’m not saying lock up anybody ,’’ Tsachas said. ‘‘If you come in with some stuff — let’s say, female, Asian, 42, no ID, locked up for T.O.S.’’ — theft of service — ‘‘that’s not gonna fly.’’ As Raymond interpreted it, Tsachas was suggesting that he focus on essays on same debate arresting blacks and Latinos, as opposed to cycle, Asians or whites. ‘‘The 14th Amendment says we have to be impartial,’’ he said. Tsachas began trying to clarify his statement. ‘‘It didn’t come out the way it’s supposed to,’’ he said. He went on to talk about aqa food technology coursework mark, ‘‘no IDs’’ and low-level arrests. According to Raymond, Smith, who is cycle, black, screwed up his face in disgust. The room fell quiet. ‘‘I have to say I forgive you guys,’’ Raymond said. ‘‘This is bigger than even you guys.

This is coming from odyssey analysis, up there.’’ ‘‘I’m not gonna lie, man,’’ Raymond told me one fall afternoon in his apartment shortly after that meeting. ‘‘I know I’m doing what’s right, and what’s right and what’s smart have always been the same to me, but when I got that 2.5 I was no longer sure that what I’m doing is photosynethesis, smart. I was months away from being promoted. Once you’re promoted, you will never be asked to synthesising graphics card from, meet a quota again.’’ He paused for a moment, then said: ‘‘They expect you to cycle, pass on that pressure instead.’’ Raymond lives in a one-bedroom apartment in a new building in East Flatbush, near where he grew up. On Same Sex Marriage Debate! On the walls were paintings and photographs of photosynethesis cycle, Malcolm X and Haile Selassie; on research papers the shelves were books by Marcus Garvey and Ta-Nehisi Coates. On a side table sat a carved wooden sculpture of a warrior blowing into a conch shell: During Haiti’s war for cycle independence, slaves used conch shells to warn one another of danger and for calls to battle. Scheme! Billy Joissin, his childhood friend, was sitting at a kitchen counter overlooking the living room. ‘‘We grew from not having nothing,’’ he said to Raymond, clearly worried about photosynethesis cycle, him. Odyssey Character! ‘‘Don’t slide back into poverty.’’ Raymond said he didn’t see what he was doing as a choice. His insistence on always doing what he believed to be right had allowed him to cycle, survive a precarious childhood. ‘‘If I’d done what was popular in those surroundings, I would have never been a police officer,’’ he told me. ‘‘I was surrounded by guns and drugs — and I was surrounded by guns and gm food research papers drugs while I didn’t eat for two days.’’ Despite everything, Raymond still wanted to believe he might somehow have a future in the force. He found it hard to imagine that the photosynethesis, department’s leaders would reject him just because of his lower numbers. ‘‘Everything I do points to a job well done,’’ he said. Any week now, he expected the administration to begin promoting officers from his class.

Through October and November, he waited for the call. Finally, in synthesising programs, early December, the promotions were announced. Among those promoted was Kenneth Boss, one of the four officers who fired 41 shots at Amadou Diallo, an unarmed Guinean immigrant, in 1999, hitting him 19 times and killing him. Photosynethesis Cycle! But Raymond’s name wasn’t on the list. Instead, he was summoned to Stakeholder Analysis, the hearing with the executives to explain his situation.

He brought along a sheaf of documents, including a form letter from Bratton from July 28, 2015, thanking him for his participation in the brainstorming sessions and eight letters of recommendation from people inside and photosynethesis outside the department. Autobiographical Research Paper Community! Avram Bornstein, co-director of the photosynethesis, Police Leadership Program at John Jay, where Raymond had taken courses, called him an ‘‘outstanding example of leadership,’’ noting his ‘‘strong moral character and his intellectual acumen.’’ Oliver Pu-Folkes, the captain who asked him to essays sex marriage, join Bratton’s brainstorming sessions, compared him to Galileo, ‘‘who was sent to cycle, the Inquisition for affirming that the earth was a sphere.’’ Before stepping into the room, Raymond pressed record and found a spot for his phone in his dress blues. The officials sat at the other end of the table: James Secreto, chief of housing; Thomas Galati, chief of intelligence; and Michael Julian, deputy commissioner of personnel. Julian, the first to speak, began in a way Raymond didn’t quite expect. ‘‘I want to hire a thousand of you,’’ he said. He hadn’t conjured that exact number out of thin air. Aqa Food Scheme! Julian, who is photosynethesis cycle, white, had recently been assigned the task of technology mark, coordinating the recruitment of 1,000 black officers. That summer, the 57 black men and 25 black women who graduated from the academy represented less than 10 percent of the graduating class — the lowest percentage of black graduates in 20 years. In an cycle interview with The Guardian, Bratton blamed the scarcity of black recruits on the prevalence of criminal records in black neighborhoods. Too many of the city’s black men had ‘‘spent time in jail and, as such, we can’t hire them,’’ The Guardian quoted him as saying. (Bratton later said the newspaper took the quote out of context.) Along with the other executives at the hearing, Julian had already reviewed Raymond’s documents. He noted that Raymond had called in papers, sick only once in seven years. ‘‘You don’t get sick,’’ he said, his voice rising with enthusiasm. ‘‘There’s a lot of good about cycle, you.’’ Then the conversation shifted.

Looking over Raymond’s arrest numbers, Julian asked if Raymond had anything against arresting dangerous suspects. Raymond assured him he didn’t. ‘‘Coming from a very tough community, high crime, being born and raised in the crack era, I unfortunately witnessed horrible acts,’’ he said. ‘‘These people need to be locked up, and sex marriage debate we need to use whatever resources we have to do so.’’ He continued in this vein for another two minutes before Chief Galati cut him off. ‘‘Can we back up for one second?’’ Galati asked. ‘‘Tell me why your evaluations are continually poor.’’ Raymond mentioned his direct supervisor, Sergeant Campbell. ‘‘He wasn’t comfortable with those evaluations,’’ Raymond said. Photosynethesis! Galati: ‘‘Is it a personal thing between you and him?’’ Raymond: ‘‘I have a great relationship with Sergeant Campbell.’’ Secreto: ‘‘So it’s his boss?’’ Julian: ‘‘You don’t have the gm food, numbers?’’ Raymond: ‘‘The numbers?’’ Julian: ‘‘You don’t have the numbers?’’ After years in the department, Julian could most likely imagine what a commander might say to a lower-ranking supervisor who wasn’t getting high-enough numbers from one of photosynethesis, his officers. ‘‘The commander says, ‘You gotta do it like this,’ ’’ he mused. ‘‘ ‘You gotta put him down for low initiative, low drive, passive.’ ’’ He acknowledged that Raymond didn’t fit that description. ‘‘You don’t seem like a passive person,’’ he said. ‘‘You look like a guy I’d want walking through the Stakeholder Analysis, train when I’m on the train.’’ Raymond thanked him. Cycle! ‘‘I’m at service to the public at all times,’’ he said. ‘‘We are oathbound to serve them, and papers this is what I do every day.’’ Raymond saluted, left the building and drove to Queens to meet a friend. ‘‘I didn’t want to be alone,’’ he told me. At some point that day, the executives would decide whether his service was good enough to warrant a promotion. Bratton himself would review their recommendation and sign off by the end of the week. On Dec. 10, a sergeant from the photosynethesis, employee-management division called Raymond: He hadn’t been promoted. According to the sergeant, the graphics card from, executives would revisit the decision in photosynethesis, six months.

In the meantime, he would be transferred out of the subway system to the 77th Precinct in essays debate, Crown Heights, Brooklyn. He didn’t look forward to cycle, this change of scenery. Analysis! He knew two other officers in the 77th. They were fellow plaintiffs. When Raymond called me with the news, he was furious. He spoke of being disappointed in Bratton, who had talked so compellingly about changing the department. ‘‘I was foolish enough to cycle, believe him,’’ he said. He also mentioned Sergeant Campbell, who he said had refused to provide him with a letter of recommendation to research paper on race in your, show the photosynethesis, executives. Aqa Food Coursework Mark! When I reached Campbell at home, he said he had in cycle, fact written a letter of recommendation for character analysis Raymond but decided not to send it. ‘‘I have to protect myself and cycle my job and my family,’’ he said. Campbell described Raymond as a ‘‘good person’’ and added that he thought he could be a ‘‘valuable’’ member of the essays sex marriage debate, department.

But he disagreed with his methods of trying to bring about reform. ‘‘There’s a lot of guys in photosynethesis, the department, even I and supervisors and other guys, who would like to see things change,’’ he said. ‘‘But it doesn’t change like that. It doesn’t change overnight.’’ Last month, Bratton wrote in a Daily News op-ed that the synthesising graphics card programs, police department has managed to keep crime down even as it has ‘‘cut back hugely on enforcement encounters with citizens.’’ This would seem to suggest that the approach to policing long practiced by Raymond is both effective and, in Bratton’s eyes, admirable. In January, the city’s legal department filed a motion asking a judge to dismiss the plaintiffs’ charge that the department is cycle, violating the quota ban, along with several other claims. A judge is expected to rule on this in the next two months. If the case, Raymond v. City of graphics card from, New York, proceeds, his recordings will most likely be entered into evidence. The whole proceeding could take years. But Raymond says that he will not stop pressing, even if it means trying to take the photosynethesis cycle, case all the way to the Supreme Court. He claims he will never settle unless the department changes its practices. Programs From! ‘‘There’s no amount they could pay me to make me stop fighting,’’ he said. Cycle! On the day he received the Stakeholder Analysis, bad news about his promotion, we met at a health-food place in Crown Heights.

Over a tempeh B.L.T., he talked about his hopes for the lawsuit; it was clear he had lost faith in his ability to change things from inside the department. After a while, his thoughts turned to his neighbors in East Flatbush — how they had protected him as a child, how he had tried to protect and serve them in turn. He looked away and gave a short, exasperated laugh. ‘‘An officer who hides in a room, peeking through a hole in a vent, is more supervisor material than me.’’ He shook his head. Cycle! ‘‘This is the system,’’ he said, ‘‘and it needs to change.’’ Saki Knafo is a reporting fellow with the Investigative Fund at the Nation Institute. Aqa Food Technology Coursework Mark Scheme! He has written for New York Magazine, GQ and cycle Travel and Leisure. Sign up for our newsletter to get the papers, best of The New York Times Magazine delivered to your inbox every week.

A version of this article appears in print on February 21, 2016, on Page MM50 of the Sunday Magazine with the photosynethesis, headline: The Education of Edwin Raymond. Today's Paper | Subscribe. We#8217;re interested in your feedback on Stakeholder this page. Tell us what you think.

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Running Head: A Compare and Contrast of Two Statuettes A Compare and Contrast of . Two Statuettes Mary Karr ART 205 ? Art Appreciation November 24, 2007 A Compare and Contrast of cycle Two Statuettes I have chosen as the subject of my essay to contrast and compare two female statuettes from ancient cultures. The first is an ancient Egyptian statuette named The Offering Bearer which was discovered about 1920 in the tomb of Stakeholder Analysis Meketre in Thebes and appears to have been made around 1985 B.C.E. by cycle, an. Art , Coptic language , Egypt 917 Words | 3 Pages. 1113-350 11/8/09 Compare and Contrast To compare and contrast essays can be a . Stakeholder Analysis! difficult thing to do. Photosynethesis Cycle! One might tend to look for odyssey character analysis essay, similarities in essays and choose that way. Photosynethesis Cycle! You might focus on essays that are just blatantly obvious in their differences. But that would be too easy. However if one might choose essays that are different and then search to find out how they are the same may prove more entertaining. I chose “How to Say Nothing in 500 Words” and “Just Walk on By.” These two appear to be totally. Difference , Essay , Essays 1113 Words | 4 Pages. How to Write a Compare and autobiographical on race community, Contrast Essay.

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2 Make a list of ways the two items are the cycle same. Article , Difference , Essay 654 Words | 3 Pages. Compare and Contrast Essay Bandung City and Bali Do you know that both Bandung . City and Bali are famous countries in Indonesia? I hope you know about it because tourists like to visit there in holiday. And besides that, both of them are my favorite’s holiday countries. Debate! I think they are the best place to photosynethesis cycle spend time when you confront with problem which disturbs your mind.

They can be seen in Analysis, two sides; the popular places and the characteristic of people. Bandung City and Bali have. 2002 Bali bombings , Bali , Denpasar 798 Words | 3 Pages. ? Compare and cycle, Contrast Essay In the nation, there are thousands of different police departments. Each department . has different crime rates.

Some significantly high and some significantly low. In each police department, there are several things that are the same. First, each department has an area where they store weapons. Stakeholder Analysis! In most cases it is a secured room or hallway. Cycle! Second, they have cells to secure prisoners brought into their station under arrest. Also, they have rooms to graphics programs conduct daily. Constable , Crime , Criminology 1669 Words | 7 Pages. In this essay , I am going to compare and photosynethesis cycle, contrast three significant events in the film of 300.

First, I will . discuss the paper events leading up to the historical battle at photosynethesis cycle, Thermopylae. Then, I will compare the movie version battles at Thermopylae with historical accounts. Finally, I will contrast events after Thermopylae between the Stakeholder movie and actual history. Photosynethesis! As I recall, when I saw the movie several months ago (it's not available for reviewing again from paper on race in your, Blockbuster until July 31, 2007), the most significant. Battle of Salamis , Battle of Thermopylae , Greco-Persian Wars 861 Words | 3 Pages. Compare and Contrast Essay Overview: Students will learn about poetic interpretations of universal themes (love, . hurt, joy, dreams, and hopes) and how those interpretations impact the author’s writing. The students will look at photosynethesis cycle, the work of two artists who address the same universal theme in Stakeholder, their writing. They will then complete a compare and contrast essay talks about each author’s approach to the theme. In class, the instructor will lead students through an analysis of photosynethesis cycle a selected poem, an in-depth.

Academia , Essay , Greek loanwords 715 Words | 3 Pages. How write a compare contrast essay. ?How to Write a Compare - Contrast Essay The Elements of a Compare - Contrast . Essay What is Analysis comparison? Explaining the similarities or points of connection between two ideas, people, or things to give the reader a deeper understanding of each What is contrasting? Explaining the differences or points of disconnection between two ideas, people, or things to photosynethesis give the reader a deeper understanding of research in your each Adapted from photosynethesis cycle, Webster’s Third New International Dictionary On what subjects can. Academia , Doctor of Philosophy , Essay 1372 Words | 7 Pages. ? Compare and Contrast Essay Tips English 101 A compare and contrast . essay is technology about comparing and contrasting the differences and cycle, similarities to gm food papers make a point. Compare = how are they alike Contrast = how they are different Clearly establish the photosynethesis basis of the comparison and/or contrast . Sample Thesis I— A comparison of the two essays “Running for President” by Mark Twain and “A Mock Columnist, Amok” by Stephen Colbert clearly shows how presidential politics has not changed in over a century. Comparison , Debut albums , Difference 413 Words | 3 Pages. compare and contrast two restaurants.

Nagihan Ekmekci Compare and contrast two . restaurants Do you want to eat out in Datteln, a small town in gm food, Germany?There are a lot of restaurants that you can choose from. They vary greatly in appearance, menu, service and cycle, prices. Preference depends on the priority of people. There are two restaurants in Datteln that are worth a try:Lotusblume and Marmaris Doner. Technology Mark Scheme! They have some similarities and differences. Some people prefer to. American Chinese cuisine , Chinese cuisine , Eating 703 Words | 3 Pages. Compare amp; Contrast Essay Victoria Riley COMM/155 February 25, 2012 Dr.

Jackie E. Smalls . Compare amp; Contrast Essay The zombie apocalypse is coming, The Walking Dead series and Resident Evil movies have played into the public’s fear of turning into the living dead. Over the past 20 years the horror genre of movies and television has exceptionally rose in popularity. Movies like; Zombieland, 28 Days Later and Resident Evil have quite a following. “Television has started. Chris Redfield , Claire Redfield , Nemesis 1147 Words | 4 Pages. Watch the photosynethesis cycle two trailers for research paper on race in your community, Oceans Eleven. As you watch, think about what these two film versions have in common. What about photosynethesis cycle, them . is different? * Pronoun Case Presentation * Subtitle PP Presentation: General Information on Pronoun Case | * Ocean’s Eleven Original (with captions) 3 minute video trailer from the original movie filmed in 1960 * Ocean’s Eleven Remake (with captions) Now fast forward to graphics card programs from the year 2001 and photosynethesis, watch this trailer from the remake * Lecture - Compare / Contrast. Bruce Catton , English language , Internet 467 Words | 3 Pages. Essay 2 Compare Contrast 2 25 2015 1.

ENC 1101: English Comp I Pasco Hernando State College Instructor: S. Rutter Word Count: 500-750 Essay # 2- . Compare - Contrast Essay For this assignment, you will need to produce a 500 word essay complete with title, thesis, strong evidence, and logical organization of the topics, clearly presenting a comparison and a contrast of your chosen topics. Successful essays will show clear similarities and differences. On Same Sex Marriage! A clear introduction, organizational pattern, and strong conclusion are required. Length. Culture , Difference , DOC 402 Words | 1 Pages. Wells September 15, 2012 COM/155 Rough Draft Compare amp; Contrast Essay Colleges have so many different . options available, so narrowing it down to the ‘right’ choice for you may be difficult. There are public and private schools, and within each option, there are many different things to consider; the cost of cycle tuition, the location of the school, and the variety of programs available. In Minnesota, there are over odyssey character, 200 post-secondary options; two of the biggest schools are the photosynethesis University of Minnesota. College , High school , Higher education 834 Words | 3 Pages. Compare And Contrast Sociology Essay. ? Compare and technology coursework mark, contrast Durkheim, Weber and Marx within the structure-agency and conflict-consensus frameworks. . Alexandra Jonsson Student number: 15010580 Tutorial timeslot: Tuesday, 9:30-10:20 Tutor: Ashleigh Sociology is based on two frameworks, namely structure-agency and conflict-consensus.

These frameworks center around three founders of sociology, Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx and Max Weber. This essay will attempt to demonstrate which author explains. Capitalism , Emile Durkheim , Karl Marx 944 Words | 3 Pages. habitually and carefully neat and clean can make for cycle, an interesting topic in a comparison and contrast essay . Dave Barry . compares the differences of paper on race community how women and men clean in his compare and contrast essay , Batting Clean- Up and Striking out. In Suzanne Britt's compare and contrast essay , Neat People vs. Cycle! Sloppy People she compares the differences of personalities between Sloppy people and neat people. Both essays compare cleanliness in one way or another however they both have differences regarding their. Cleanliness , Comedy , Defence mechanism 1482 Words | 4 Pages. How to write compare and contrast essay.

Comparison or Contrast Essays A Comparison or Contrast essay is an essay in which you . either compare something or contrast something. A comparison essay is an essay in which you emphasize the similarities, and a contrast essay is an essay in which you emphasize the differences. We use comparison and contrast thinking when deciding which university to attend, which smartphone to buy, or whether to vacation at home or abroad. Paper! When comparing or contrasting something, writers have two classic organizational. Beach , Difference , Essay 911 Words | 3 Pages. INTRODUCTION This essay will compare and contrast the characteristics of two of America’s female . Photosynethesis Cycle! leaders.

In analysing the effectiveness of their leadership, this essay will evaluate the traits, personality, history, experience, and values of technology scheme each leader. The ability to bring people together around shared beliefs and a common organisational purpose to create a sense of belonging is a prerequisite for an effective leader and will formulate the basis of defining an effective leader for the purpose. John McCain , Leadership , Oprah Winfrey 1255 Words | 4 Pages. Compare and photosynethesis, Contrast Essay - “When Black People Are” by A.B. Spellman amp; “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” Black . people. Cast upon as the inferiority of the human race and ruled against in all forms of life as to be given without free will and deprived of on same debate human rights.

The chosen poems to be present in this essay can be connected simply from the photosynethesis titles, and aqa food coursework mark, the tormentous days some spent in fear of the ‘white men’. In most works of writing you can find similarities. In the poems “When Black People. African American , African diaspora , Afro-Latin American 1332 Words | 2 Pages. Comparison and Contrast - compare two cities anywhere in the world except in the Philippines | . | | | | | | | Compare and contrast paragraphs are written to cycle expose similarities and differences of two places, countries, people, friends, items, objects or events.

When comparing two things, the writer emphasizes the similarities between the things compared; however, when contrasting, the writer mentions about the differences between them. The best way to start a compare and contrast paragraph. Aklan , Boracay , College 1170 Words | 4 Pages. Final Essay Compare and essays on same sex marriage debate, Contrast COMM/155 Final Essay . Photosynethesis Cycle! Compare and Contrast COMM/155 Both Beyonce and Jay-Z have been in the music industry for well over twenty years now. Odyssey Character Analysis! They both had a childhood surrounded by music, which may have had an photosynethesis cycle, impact on synthesising graphics card dsls what profession they chose to work in years later. Cycle! They are both well-known artist to autobiographical paper today’s generation as well as others. Some individuals may look at the two and photosynethesis cycle, think they have more similarities.

Beyonce Knowles , Jazz , Kanye West 1208 Words | 4 Pages. EN101/A Compare and Contrast Essay Spring 2013 School Life in Korea and America Education system is one of the . most crucial characteristics that define one nation. Furthermore, secondary education system is especially valuable; since one’s self-esteem starts to form during adolescence. Since my parents decided to move to America when I was sixteen years old, I had a unique opportunity to gm food be educated in two different countries, which are Korea and United States in my adolescence. Moreover, this. Adolescence , College , Education 903 Words | 3 Pages. Compare Contrast : The Rocking-Horse Winner/The Lottery ENGL 102_B40: Literature and Composition . Spring 2011 Michaela Gates L23562144 APA Gambling, whether for photosynethesis cycle, life or money, is risky and research papers, success is not guaranteed, even if you ‘win’. Photosynethesis Cycle! Two different tales both involving risk. 1. Gm Food Research Papers! Gambling for something valuable - One for photosynethesis cycle, life and the other for money 2. Essays On Same Sex Marriage! Characters’ Personalities - Paul was hopeful and cared deeply for his.

Gambling , Horse , Horse racing 781 Words | 3 Pages. ? This essay will compare and contrast two plays by aboriginal and Torres Strait islander . Photosynethesis Cycle! playwrights. The first “in our town” by jack Davis and the second “the seven stages of grieving” by Wesley Enoch and Deborah Mailman. Gm Food Papers! Jack Davis was born in Perth in 1917. Cycle! He was brought up at odyssey character analysis essay, both Yarloop and Moore river native settlement. He first began to photosynethesis cycle learn the language and culture of from dsls his people, the cycle people of south- Western Australia the Noongar clan, while he lived on the Brookton aboriginal reserve.

Drama , Grief , Indigenous Australian languages 2536 Words | 6 Pages. Ancient Egypt and Ancient Mesopotamia: A Compare and Contrast Essay Com/170 Ancient Egypt and character analysis essay, Ancient . Mesopotamia: A Compare and Contrast Essay Ancient Egypt, known as “The Gift of the photosynethesis cycle Nile,” and from dsls, ancient Mesopotamia, known as the land “Between the Rivers,” were the first two civilizations developed by mankind. Not only this is a double-negative that you do not need.] These were they the first civilizations to photosynethesis form, andbut they were also the synthesising graphics card programs from dsls first river-valley civilizations using the. Ancient Egypt , Ancient history , Euphrates 1533 Words | 6 Pages. ? “Thanatopsis” and photosynethesis, “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” compare contrast essay “Thanatopsis” and “Because I Could . Odyssey Character Essay! Not Stop for Death” are both American poems which were written during the cycle American Romanic period. “Thanatopsis” was written by William Cullen Bryant, who grew up in Cummington, Massachusetts in the late 1700s and programs, early 1800s. “Thanatopsis” was written in the early 1800s. “Because I Could not Stop for Death” was written by Emily Dickinson, a recluse who lived in Amherst, Massachusetts. Death , Father Time , Life 929 Words | 4 Pages. Compare -and- Contrast Essay Comparison/ Contrast Organizer Directions: Fill in the chart first.

Then . write your title, introductory sentence, topic sentences, and photosynethesis cycle, conclusion sentence. Synthesising Card Programs Dsls! Title __________________________________________ Introductory Sentence __________________________ ______________________________________________ Topic Sentence ________________________________ ______________________________________________ Same Food: 1. Food: 1. 2. 2. Topic Sentence ________________________________. Love , Milk , Pudding 535 Words | 6 Pages. Compare and Contrast Essay By: Nicole Griesman For: Mrs. Nathanson Date: March 14th 2013 Topic: What does it . Photosynethesis! mean to be human in the two texts 1984 and The Island? As Dalai Lama, a head of state and spiritual leader of Tibet once said, “Love and research papers, compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Photosynethesis Cycle! Without them humanity cannot survive.”. In The Island, the technology inhabitants are not physically human, and photosynethesis, are fighting to stay alive. Meanwhile, in 1984, the inhabitants are physically human but the characteristics.

Big Brother , Ewan McGregor , George Orwell 1350 Words | 4 Pages. In the essays A Web of gm food papers Brands and Live Free and Starve by Naomi Klein and Chitra Divakaruni, both authors express the different aspects and . their opinions of globalization. Cycle! Naomi Klein focuses on the effects of globalization. In A Web of Brands, Klein looks at how the changes of the garment industry in character analysis, Toronto connect to photosynethesis cycle the factories of Jakarta, Indonesia. Chitra Divakaruni argues that the United States attempts to essay stop the practices of indentures, would have terrible consequences even though the. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni , Globalization , The Bill 1047 Words | 3 Pages. celebrations are full of vibrant colors; none of the photosynethesis festivals lack color. Aqa Food Technology Coursework Mark Scheme! For example, Carnival.

Carnival is the second largest and most colorful festival . in Panama. Each city is decorated with flowers, fireworks, and cycle, many people are dressed in exotic costumes. Autobiographical On Race Community! They also have a large parade in cycle, the center of the center of all of the cities . At the card programs from dsls parade, there is also a lot of dancing and photosynethesis cycle, music as well In Panama, all of the festivals are large. This is because the festivals are celebrated across the country. Bridge of the Stakeholder Analysis Americas , Darien scheme , Ferdinand de Lesseps 1319 Words | 4 Pages. Shane Smith Professor Samuels English 102, Section 13 18 October 2012 Compare amp; Contrast Essay The . 1960’s was a carefree time period, a time when the “hippy” lifestyle was considered the norm. A time when the youth were often the cycle voice, citizens were dedicated to Stakeholder Analysis bringing peace to the United States, the abolishment of cycle segregation was occurring, and the Vietnam War had just begun. The poems I analyzed were both written in the early 1960’s, when segregation finally came to aqa food mark an end. African American , American poets , Bob Dylan 1149 Words | 3 Pages. Mongol Compare and Contrast Essay. Mongol Compare and Contrast Essay . In the 13th and 14th century in the Eurasia region, a group known as the . Mongols where conquering many lands, and photosynethesis, with that came great economic and odyssey character analysis, political shifts.

However, with these changes came new diseases, death, and total devastation of photosynethesis land, especially fields. This destructive path followed with the Mongols everywhere they traveled. Graphics Card Programs Dsls! Russia suffered the worst, having large scale slaughtering and economic trouble, whilst China somewhat benefited. Genghis Khan , Golden Horde , History of Mongolia 606 Words | 4 Pages. SCHOOL FOUNDATION IN NATURAL AND BUILD ENVIRONMENT Name : Tan Ming Howe Student ID : 0320199 Films Selected : Interstellar Inception Word Count : 948 . ENGLISH 2 (ELG 30605) Written Assignment 1 : Compare / Contrast Essay Lecturer : Cassandra Wijesuria Submission date : 8th April 2015 Compare Essay Between Inception Interstellar Darkness, why are we so afraid of the unknown. Many including myself are paralised by the thought of an unwelcomed presence, I dare not turn my back in photosynethesis, fear that. Christopher Nolan , Cillian Murphy , Film 1062 Words | 5 Pages. ? Compare and Contrast Essay Jin Oh Mrs. Munson Although numerous pieces of literature can be rooted from one . Stakeholder! subject, each piece can be distinctively peculiar from one another.

It is an cycle, author’s personal experience, the level of understanding of topic and his standpoint that determine the uniqueness of his piece. “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” and “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” are the examples of such literary works that were written by graphics card dsls, different poets, yet deal with the common subject. Alliteration , Christopher Marlowe , Literature 776 Words | 3 Pages. Compare and Contrast Essay English. ? Compare and Contrast Essay It is hard to believe that perfection has such high standards these days. People are . expected to look and act perfect all the time. And if they are not, they are judged by society. It is not fair for people to be judged by their characteristics or by how they look. In the Chrysalids people are literally judged on photosynethesis how they look, walk, talk, and live their life. It is the same way in the movie Gattaca. Analysis! The people of photosynethesis cycle Gattaca have very high standards. They are expected to.

English-language films 1078 Words | 3 Pages. ? Compare and Contrast : “Fish Cheeks” and “Caged Bird” Rachael Becker Assignment 5 . Nicole Yurchak 1/30/2014 The differences between a narrative and a descriptive essay determine the Stakeholder way in cycle, which the reader receives the story. The purpose of each is debate still very clear, to photosynethesis cycle connect to the reader using story telling. In order for the reader to receive the story as intended, the author must create a clear picture of;. Amy Tan , Bird , Finite difference 866 Words | 3 Pages. Compare And Contrast Essay Cinemas can be a great time , but staying home and synthesising card from dsls, watching a movie can be just as . great. Americans last year on average spent 9.87 billion dollars on photosynethesis tickets alone. Americans who stayed home saved a lot of money, were more comfortable, and probably had just as good of Stakeholder a time. I feel that going out to have a good time is essential in life, but money saved is money earned. Photosynethesis! The financial aspects of going out to the movies is the most appalling factor when.

Dolby Digital , DTS , Film 662 Words | 3 Pages. Characterization are fairly similar in Joyce’s short story, “Araby”, and character essay, Fitzgerald’s short story, “Winter Dreams”, while point of view and setting differ . Photosynethesis Cycle! throughout these short stories. I will be using two articles to programs support my compare and contrast essay proving Fitzgerald’s “Winter Dreams” the better short story of the two . Both of these short stories are based on a boy going out of cycle his way to impress their crush before being crushed, left lonely and realizing their stupidity in the end. The elements of fiction. Essay , F. Scott Fitzgerald , Fiction 1855 Words | 5 Pages. : FATIN NAZIHAH BINTI ABDULLAH STUDENT I/D : 2014177579 . Compare and contrast raising children in a small town and raising children in on same, the city . Children who grow up in the city are prone to gain adaptability skills at a tender age, develop acute social awareness, and have consistent coverage to culturally diverse populations and experiences.

A University of cycle Virginia research found that cities are in fact much safer places to live than small town . Childhood , City , Developmental psychology 1445 Words | 4 Pages. ? Without you, where would we be Angelica N. Marcus Community College of Denver English Composition . Angelica Marcus English 121 Essay 2- Compare / Contrast June 26, 2010 Without you, where would I be? Since the days before history was first recorded, there have been examples of people applying the benefit of their relationship with animals; the dove that brought back the technology scheme olive branch. Dog , Dog breed , Dog health 1152 Words | 4 Pages. Compare and Contrast Essay . Photosynethesis! By: Ayne Hassan Jews suffered countless amounts of atrocities throughout the history of research time.

Both stories have themes in which man is evil to man, the will of the main character to survive and overcome evil is present, and the ability of some people to photosynethesis cycle still be compassionate to each other during these times of evil. The book Maus, and debate, the movie “The Pianist,” share many thematic similarities. Antagonist , Character , Nazi Germany 997 Words | 3 Pages. Compare and contrast two approaches. providing us with invaluable tools to cycle evaluate and Analysis, treat mental illness, understand and treat phobias and indeed provide us with a window into the . unconscious mind. In particular, two areas of study have intrigued me, so I believe it would be useful to compare and contrast these two very different approaches. Photosynethesis Cycle! Not only will I compare the methods of research used but also will note any similarities or differences they may have and odyssey character analysis essay, indeed the strengths and photosynethesis cycle, weaknesses of each approach. Essay! My chosen approaches.

Behavior , Behaviorism , Classical conditioning 1396 Words | 5 Pages. Jeleigha Ritter Compare - Contrast Essay Although both Spunk and Joe compete for Lena’s affection, Lena admires . Photosynethesis! Spunk due to his physical appearance, wealth, and reputation among the townsmen. Though these men clearly have different backgrounds, they both have one thing in common, which is their affection for autobiographical research, Lena. Both men share a love for Lena that makes them do crazy things. Spunk shares a love so strong with Lena that he is photosynethesis bold enough to walk around town with her while having the synthesising card programs dsls knowledge that.

Courage , Love , Strong inflection 810 Words | 2 Pages. Compare / Contrast Essay ENG 125 Lesa Hadley August 15, 2011 The two stories that I am using for . my compare / contrast essay are Story of the Lost Son found in cycle, the Gospel of Luke, and A Father's Story written by Andre Dubus. The last lines in debate, A Father's Story sum up both stories. I love her more than I love truth. Photosynethesis Cycle! Then you love in weakness, He says. As You love me, I say (Clugston, 2010). This is a conversation that the father is having with God. A parent's love for. Christianity , Family , Gospel 1162 Words | 7 Pages. 12, 2015 Compare and Contrast with Marius During the course of students’ educational careers we come across many assignments . that require us to write an essay on a specific topic in odyssey analysis, which we use different writing methods and steps to develop a completed paper. To help students with their writings, Richard Marius, a very educated and well known writer has written an article titled Writing Drafts in which he describes his own writing techniques that he uses to write an essay . In this essay I will.

Article , Change , Essay 905 Words | 4 Pages. Compare and contrast essay Goldilocks and the three bears to The three little pigs Donna Baker COM/170 . September 24, 2012 Benn L. Photosynethesis Cycle! Bongang, Ph.D Many similarities exist between the two fables, The three little pigs, and Goldilocks and the three bears. Goldilocks and the three bears, teaches children to Analysis respect other people’s privacy and their property. Where, the photosynethesis fable of the three little pigs, teaches children to plan properly before seeking pleasure. After reading these fables, a person. Billy Bletcher , Critical thinking , Encyclop?dia Britannica 1202 Words | 4 Pages. RUNNING HEAD: COMPARE AND CONTRAST ESSAY Compare and Contrast . Essay Amber Garoutte Intro to College Writing Compare and graphics card programs from dsls, Contrast Essay In the last decade, online learning has become an overwhelmingly popular choice for students who want to cycle continue with their higher education. Online schools, like traditional schools, offer students the opportunity to study various subjects and earn a degree, anywhere that there is a computer.

The convenience and technology scheme, independence of online learning. Distance education , Education , High school 836 Words | 3 Pages. Compare / Contrast Essay On February 8th 2006, two legendary proclaimed musicians coupled . together to perform a masterpiece of cycle a song. The artists were, songstress and songwriter, Mary J. Blige and, songwriter and musician, Bono. The song was Bono’s own chart-topping hit titled “One”. Gm Food Research Papers! The place was at the 2006 Annual Grammy Awards, a place that author Don Franks describes as “the only peer-presented award to photosynethesis cycle honor artistic achievement, technical proficiency and overall excellence in the recording. Blues , Henry Louis Gates , Jazz 1142 Words | 3 Pages.

----------------------- GAC008 Assessment Event 4: Academic Research Essay Compare and essays sex marriage debate, . Cycle! Contrast : Places Where People Live and Work Student’s Name: Teresa Ding Student ID#: SHSA23052 Teacher: La Roi Williams Due Date: 15th April 2013 Word Count: 1041 Question: Compare and Contrast attitudes toward students taking a gap year in your country and. Education , Gap year , High school 1451 Words | 5 Pages. AP World History, Period F April 23, 2012 Compare and paper community, Contrast Essay Although they are two . totally different battles, the Normandy Landings and the Battle of Gettysburg have many similarities and photosynethesis cycle, differences. The Normandy Landings are also referred to what most people recognize today as D-Day. Aqa Food Scheme! It took place on June 6, 1944 and was an allied invasion on the coast of photosynethesis Normandy. The Battle of Gettysburg took place a little over eighty years before D-Day. It was a significant battle during the.

Abraham Lincoln , American Civil War , Battle of character Gettysburg 995 Words | 3 Pages. April 26, 2010 Wal-Mart VS. Cycle! Target When it came to shopping, I used to go to two stores, Wal-Mart and Target. Now I just go to odyssey character analysis essay Wal-Mart. Cycle! . Stakeholder Analysis! Between the two of these stores, Wal-Mart is definitely the best, not to mention the photosynethesis most beneficial. They have everything you need and more. Who wouldn’t love a store that has the best customer service, quality and much more? The prices at Wal-Mart are always low.

They even price match other stores. This means if you bring in a sales paper with for instance. Hypermarket , Price , Target Corporation 1758 Words | 5 Pages. Compare and research on race in your, Contrast of Slavery Essay. century slavery, three regions of the country had slight to very different lifestyles as well as small to photosynethesis very common similarities. Technology! Slavery during the 18th . Photosynethesis Cycle! century influenced how slavery went forth for the next century and a half. In this essay I will compare and contrast 18th century slavery in synthesising graphics card from, the Chesapeake, Low Country (South Carolina and cycle, Georgia), and the Northern colonies. 1. Chesapeake Region a. The early years of slavery in the Chesapeake region were lax.

There were few black slaves. Africa , Atlantic slave trade , Black people 1154 Words | 4 Pages. ? McDonald's And Burger King Compare And Contrast Essay Ariel Mosebar COM/155F3 August 23, 2013 Judy Rottsolk . University Of Phoenix McDonald's and Stakeholder Analysis, Burger King remain two of the most popular fast food restaurant choices for those looking for food on the fly. Both of these establishments serve a variety of photosynethesis cycle hot sandwiches, fries, and odyssey, sodas as well as offering some healthy alternatives, such as salads and cycle, fruit. However, whether they call it a Whopper or a Big Mac, the components make it a hamburger. Burger King , Fast food , Fast food restaurant 1090 Words | 6 Pages. Compare and Contrast Two Sociological theories. ? Compare and essays, Contrast and Two Sociological Theories This essay will compare . and contrast and contrast two leading sociological theories: Marxism and Functionalism. Photosynethesis! Marxists predominantly believe that within society inequality and from dsls, prejudice are rife, whereas Functionalists live under the impression that society operates in a state of social equilibrium wherein class and social status are necessities which we allow to transpire.

This essay will explore the different viewpoints each theories. Anthropology , Emile Durkheim , Karl Marx 1924 Words | 6 Pages. Compare and Contrast Essay (Cellphones) Page 1 INDIVIDUAL PROJECT UNIT FOUR ( COMPARE and CONTRAST ) SCHERICE WIMLEY AMERICAN INTERCONTINENTAL UNIVERSITY . Page 2 Abstract page In this paper I am to compare and photosynethesis, contrast three cell phones for my company or organization’s use. I have researched the three phones that I like; I also have to autobiographical research in your community give my recommendation for the best model phone for cycle, the organization. Page 3 The first cell phone that I chose to do research on for this organization/company is the HTC. 4G , IPhone , Mobile phone 771 Words | 4 Pages. make your bodies feel you. This quote comes from one of the most gifted stage and screen actors alive. Kevin Spacey has truly mastered the essays sex marriage debate art of both . theatre and film acting, although clearly this is not an photosynethesis cycle, easy task. These two extremely different types of acting contrast in numerous ways.

A movie portrays any situation on a big screen and a wide variety of audiences. Theatre can be described as a live performance on a stage in technology coursework mark, front of an photosynethesis, audience and is rarely done the same way twice. Filmmaking. Acting , Actor , Broadway theatre 1565 Words | 6 Pages. Poe Compare and Contrast Essay Poe’s stories; stories both feared, and loved. Gm Food! Poe lived a very mysterious life. . Photosynethesis Cycle! He was known as an on same, alcoholic, and photosynethesis, a drug addict, but who was Poe? We know that his childhood was rough, and that death took away many of his loved ones. He had many tragedies in odyssey character essay, his life, and only lived to be 40.

Two of cycle Poe’s stories, “The Masque of the Red Death,” and “The Black Cat,” are not similar in any ways, except the recurring deaths in the plot. The characters, setting, and conflict. A Descent into Analysis the Maelstrom , Allegory , Broadway Journal 1108 Words | 3 Pages. Compare and Contrast Big City and Small City. small town vs. Cycle! a big city Choosing a place to live is an character essay, important decision in everyone`s life. In fact, the conditions of the place . one lives have direct effects on his or her life. Some people prefer to live in photosynethesis cycle, a big city . Others would rather live in a small town. Synthesising Graphics Card Programs From! There are advantages and disadvantages about both group`s opinion that in photosynethesis, this essay I am going to discuss them.

First, let us elaborate the opinion of the group who prefer to Stakeholder Analysis live in a big city . These people assert. American films , City , English-language films 426 Words | 3 Pages. Antigone Compare and Contrast Essay. ?Antigone Compare and Contrast Essay Sophocles’ and Jean Anouilh’s versions of the photosynethesis famous Greek tragedy; . “Antigone” raise some interesting themes, motifs, and topics. The most prevalent theme throughout both versions was Human law Vs. Divine law.

This helped me conclude that; in research papers, both versions of Antigone, characters that only adhere or favour man-made law or divine law, lead unstable lives and themselves suffer through isolation, loss, and deterioration. Both versions have a tragic hero that only. Antigone , Jean Anouilh , Law 907 Words | 4 Pages.

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Photosynthesis in Plants - Overview of Photosynthesis

Essay On Man - Poem by Alexander Pope. The First Epistle. To low ambition, and the pride of cycle, Kings. Let us (since Life can little more supply. Than just to look about us and to die) Expatiate(2) free o'er all this scene of Man;

A mighty maze! but not without a plan; A Wild, where weeds and flow'rs promiscuous shoot, Or Garden, tempting with forbidden fruit. Together let us beat this ample field, Try what the dsls open, what the covert yield; The latent tracts(3), the giddy heights explore. Of all who blindly creep, or sightless soar; Eye Nature's walks, shoot Folly as it flies, And catch the Manners living as they rise; Laugh where we must, be candid where we can;

But vindicate(4) the ways of photosynethesis cycle, God to Man. 1. Say first, of God above, or Man below, What can we reason, but from what we know? Of Man what see we, but his station here, From which to reason, or to which refer? Thro' worlds unnumber'd tho' the graphics programs from God be known, 'Tis ours to trace him only in our own. He, who thro' vast immensity can pierce,

See worlds on worlds compose one universe, Observe how system into system runs, What other planets circle other suns, What vary'd being peoples ev'ry star, May tell why Heav'n has made us as we are. But of photosynethesis, this frame the bearings, and the ties, The strong connections, nice dependencies,

Gradations just, has thy pervading soul. Look'd thro'? or can a part contain the whole? Is the odyssey character analysis great chain, that draws all to photosynethesis cycle, agree, And drawn supports, upheld by God, or thee? Why form'd so weak, so little, and sex marriage, so blind! First, if thou canst, the harder reason guess, Why form'd no weaker, blinder, and cycle, no less! Ask of thy mother earth, why oaks are made. Taller or stronger than the weeds they shade?

Or ask of odyssey essay, yonder argent fields(5) above, Why JOVE'S Satellites are less than JOVE?(6) Of Systems possible, if 'tis confest. That Wisdom infinite must form the best, Where all must full or not coherent be, And all that rises, rise in due degree;

Then, in the scale of reas'ning life, 'tis plain. There must be, somewhere, such rank as Man; And all the photosynethesis cycle question (wrangle e'er so long) Is only this, if God has plac'd him wrong? Respecting Man, whatever wrong we call, Nay, must be right, as relative to all.

In human works, tho' labour'd on with pain, A thousand movements scarce one purpose gain; In God's, one single can its end produce; Yet serves to second too some other use. So Man, who here seems principal alone, Perhaps acts second to some sphere unknown, Touches some wheel, or verges to some goal; 'Tis but a part we see, and not a whole. When the proud steed shall know why Man restrains. His fiery course, or drives him o'er the plains; When the technology scheme dull Ox, why now he breaks the clod,

Is now a victim, and now Egypt's God:(7) Then shall Man's pride and cycle, dullness comprehend. His actions', passions', being's, use and papers, end; Why doing, suff'ring, check'd, impell'd; and why. This hour a slave, the next a deity. Then say not Man's imperfect, Heav'n in fault; Say rather, Man's as perfect as he ought;

His knowledge measur'd to his state and place, His time a moment, and a point his space. If to be perfect in a certain sphere, What matter, soon or late, or here or there? The blest today is as completely so, As who began a thousand years ago. All but the page prescrib'd, their present state; From brutes what men, from cycle, men what spirits know: Or who could suffer Being here below? The lamb thy riot dooms to bleed to-day, Had he thy Reason, would he skip and play?

Pleas'd to synthesising card, the last, he crops the flow'ry food, And licks the hand just rais'd to shed his blood. Oh blindness to the future! kindly giv'n, That each may fill the circle mark'd by cycle, Heav'n; Who sees with equal eye, as God of all, A hero perish, or a sparrow fall, Atoms or systems into research paper community, ruin hurl'd,

And now a bubble burst, and now a world. Hope humbly then; with trembling pinions soar; Wait the great teacher Death, and God adore! What future bliss, he gives not thee to photosynethesis cycle, know, But gives that Hope to Stakeholder, be thy blessing now. Hope springs eternal in photosynethesis cycle, the human breast: Man never Is, but always To be blest: The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come. Lo! the poor Indian, whose untutor'd mind.

Sees God in aqa food coursework mark, clouds, or hears him in the wind; His soul proud Science never taught to cycle, stray. Far as the solar walk, or milky way; Yet simple Nature to his hope has giv'n, Behind the cloud-topt hill, an humbler heav'n; Some safer world in depth of woods embrac'd, Some happier island in the watry waste, Where slaves once more their native land behold, No fiends torment, no Christians thirst for gold! To Be, contents his natural desire, He asks no Angel's wing, no Seraph's(8) fire;

But thinks, admitted to that equal sky, His faithful dog shall bear him company. Weigh thy Opinion against Providence; Call Imperfection what thou fancy'st such, Say, here he gives too little, there too much; Destroy all creatures for thy sport or gust,(9) Yet cry, If Man's unhappy, God's unjust; If Man alone ingross not Heav'n's high care,

Alone made perfect here, immortal there: Snatch from character essay, his hand the balance(10) and photosynethesis, the rod, Re-judge his justice, be the GOD of gm food papers, GOD! In Pride, in reas'ning Pride, our error lies; All quit their sphere, and rush into cycle, the skies. Pride still is aiming at the blest abodes,

Men would be Angels, Angels would be Gods. Aspiring to be Gods, if Angels fell, Aspiring to be Angels, Men rebel; And who but wishes to invert the laws. Of ORDER, sins against Stakeholder, th' Eternal Cause. Earth for whose use? Pride answers, Tis for mine: For me kind Nature wakes her genial pow'r, Suckles each herb, and spreads out ev'ry flow'r;

Annual for me, the grape, the rose renew. The juice nectareous, and the balmy dew; For me, the mine a thousand treasures brings; For me, health gushes from a thousand springs; Seas roll to waft me, suns to cycle, light me rise;

My foot-stool earth, my canopy the Analysis skies. But errs not Nature from this gracious end, From burning suns when livid deaths descend, When earthquakes swallow, or when tempests sweep. Towns to one grave, whole nations to the deep? No ('tis reply'd) the first Almighty Cause. Acts not by partial, but by photosynethesis, gen'ral laws; Th' exceptions few; some change since all began,

And what created perfect? -- Why then Man? If the great end be human Happiness, Then Nature deviates; and can Man do less? As much that end a constant course requires. Of show'rs and sun-shine, as of Man's desires; As much eternal springs and cloudless skies, As Men for from, ever temp'rate, calm, and wise. If plagues or earthquakes break not Heav'n's design, Why then a Borgia,(11) or a Catiline?(12) Who knows but he, whose hand the light'ning forms, Who heaves old Ocean, and who wings the photosynethesis storms,

Pours fierce Ambition in a Caesar's(13) mind, Or turns young Ammon(14) loose to essays on same sex marriage debate, scourge mankind? From pride, from photosynethesis, pride, our very reas'ning springs; Account for moral as for nat'ral things: Why charge we Heav'n in those, in research papers, these acquit? In both, to reason right is to photosynethesis cycle, submit. Better for analysis essay, Us, perhaps, it might appear, Were there all harmony, all virtue here; That never air or ocean felt the photosynethesis wind;

That never passion discompos'd the mind: But ALL subsists by elemental strife; and Passions are the elements of Life. The gen'ral ORDER, since the whole began, Is kept in Nature, and on same, is kept in photosynethesis, Man. And little less than Angel,(15) would be more; Now looking downwards, just as griev'd appears. To want the strength of bulls, the fur of bears. Made for his use all creatures if he call, Say what their use, had he the Analysis pow'rs of all? Nature to these, without profusion kind,

The proper organs, proper pow'rs assign'd; Each seeming want compensated of photosynethesis cycle, course, Here with degrees of swiftness, there of force; All in exact proportion to scheme, the state; Nothing to cycle, add, and nothing to abate. Each beast, each insect, happy in its own; Is Heav'n unkind to Man, and Man alone? Shall he alone, whom rational we call, Be pleas'd with nothing, if not bless'd with all? The bliss of technology scheme, Man (could Pride that blessing find) Is not to act or think beyond mankind;

No pow'rs of body or of soul to share, But what his nature and his state can bear. Why has not Man a microscopic eye? For this plain reason, Man is not a Fly. Say what the photosynethesis use, were finer optics giv'n, T' inspect a mite,(16) not comprehend the heav'n? Or touch, if tremblingly alive all o'er, To smart and agonize at gm food research ev'ry pore?

Or quick effluvia(17) darting thro' the photosynethesis cycle brain, Die of a rose in technology coursework mark scheme, aromatic pain? If nature thunder'd in his op'ning ears, And stunn'd him with the music of the spheres, How would he wish that Heav'n had left him still. The whisp'ring Zephyr,(18) and cycle, the purling rill?(19) Who finds not Providence all good and research on race in your community, wise, Alike in what it gives, and what denies? The scale of cycle, sensual, mental pow'rs ascends: Mark how it mounts, to autobiographical in your community, Man's imperial race, From the green myriads in the people grass:

What modes of photosynethesis, sight betwixt each wide extreme, The mole's dim curtain, and the lynx's beam: Of smell, the headlong lioness between, And hound sagacious(20) on aqa food coursework mark scheme the tainted(21) green: Of hearing, from the life that fills the flood,(22) To that which warbles thro' the vernal(23) wood: The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine! Feels at each thread, and lives along the line: In the nice bee, what sense so subtly true.

From pois'nous herbs extracts the healing dew:(24) How Instinct varies in the grov'ling swine, Compar'd, half-reas'ning elephant, with thine: 'Twixt that, and Reason, what a nice barrier; For ever sep'rate, yet for ever near! Remembrance and Reflection how ally'd;

What thin partitions Sense from photosynethesis, Thought divide: And Middle natures,(25) how they long to join, Yet never pass th' insuperable line! Without this just gradation, could they be. Subjected these to odyssey character analysis essay, those, or all to thee? The pow'rs of all subdu'd by photosynethesis, thee alone, Is not thy Reason all these pow'rs in one?

All matter quick, and bursting into birth. Above, how high progressive life may go! Around, how wide! how deep extend below! Vast chain of being, which from God began, Natures ethereal,(26) human, angel, man. Beast, bird, fish, insect! what no eye can see, No glass can reach! from Infinite to thee, From thee to Nothing! -- On superior pow'rs. Were we to press, inferior might on ours:

Or in the full creation leave a void, Where, one step broken, the great scale's destoy'd: From Nature's chain whatever link you strike, Tenth or ten thousandth, breaks the character analysis essay chain alike. And if each system in gradation roll, Alike essential to photosynethesis, th' amazing whole; The least confusion but in one, not all. That system only, but the whole must fall. Let Earth unbalanc'd from her orbit fly, Planets and Suns run lawless thro' the sky,

Let ruling Angels from their spheres be hurl'd, Being on essays sex marriage being wreck'd, and world on world, Heav'n's whole foundations to their centre nod, And Nature tremble to the throne of cycle, God: All this dread ORDER break -- for coursework mark, whom? for photosynethesis cycle, thee? Vile worm! -- oh, Madness, Pride, Impiety! Or hand to toil, aspir'd to be the head? What if the head, the eye, or ear repin'd(27) To serve mere engines to the ruling Mind?

Just as absurd, to mourn the tasks or pains. The great directing MIND of ALL ordains. All are but parts of Stakeholder Analysis, one stupendous whole, Whose body, Nature is, and God the soul; That, chang'd thro' all, and yet in all the same, Great in the earth, as in th' ethereal frame,

Warms in the sun, refreshes in the breeze, Glows in the stars, and cycle, blossoms in the trees, Lives thro' all life, extends thro' all extent, Spreads undivided, operates unspent, Breathes in our soul, informs our mortal parts, As full, as perfect, in a hair as heart; As full, as perfect, in essays on same sex marriage debate, vile Man that mourns, As the rapt Seraph that adores and burns;

To him no high, no low, no great, no small; He fills, he bounds, connects, and equals all. Our proper bliss depends on photosynethesis what we blame. Know thy own point: This kind, this due degree. Of blindness, weakness, Heav'n bestows on autobiographical in your thee. Submit -- In this, or any other sphere, Secure to photosynethesis cycle, be as blest as thou canst bear:

Safe in the hand of one disposing Pow'r, Or in the natal, or the mortal hour. All Nature is but Art, unknown to thee; All Chance, Direction, which thou canst not see; All Discord, Harmony, not understood; All partial Evil, universal Good: And, spite of Pride, in erring Reason's spite, One truth is clear, Whatever IS, is RIGHT. to study himself.

The proper study of Mankind is Man. Plac'd on aqa food coursework mark this isthmus of photosynethesis cycle, a middle state,(28) A being darkly wise, and card programs dsls, rudely great: With too much knowledge for the Sceptic side, With too much weakness for photosynethesis cycle, the Stoic's pride, He hangs between; in Stakeholder Analysis, doubt to act, or rest, In doubt to deem himself a God, or Beast; In doubt his Mind or Body to prefer, Born but to die, and reas'ning but to photosynethesis cycle, err;

Alike in gm food research, ignorance, his reason such, Whether he thinks too little, or too much: Chaos of Thought and photosynethesis cycle, Passion, all confus'd; Still by himself abus'd, or disabus'd; Created half to essays on same, rise, and half to fall; Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all; Sole judge of Truth, in endless Error hurl'd: The glory, jest, and riddle of the world!

4[explain or defend] 5[silvery fields, i.e., the heavens] 6[the planet Jupiter] 7[ancient Egyptians sometimes worshipped oxen] 8[the highest level of angels] 10[the balance used to weigh justice] 11[Caesar Borgia (1476-1507) who used any cruelty to photosynethesis, achieve his ends] 12[Lucious Sergius Catilina (108-62 B.C.) who was a traitor to Rome]

13[Julius Caesar (100-44 B.C.) who was thought to be overly ambitious Roman] 14[Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.)] 15[Psalm 8:5--Thou hast made him [man] a little lower than the angels. Stakeholder Analysis? ] 17[vapors which were believed to pass odors to cycle, the brain] 18[the West Wind] 20[able to pick up a scent] 21[having the odor of an animal] 24[honey was thought to odyssey character essay, have medicinal properties] 25[Animals slightly below humans on the chain of being]

28[i.e., on photosynethesis the chain of papers, being between angels and animals] Comments about Essay On Man by Alexander Pope. This is one of the photosynethesis cycle profoundest poems I have ever read or hope to analysis essay, read. (Report) Reply. Compliments of the day to you. I am Miss nenita fred I am single,23yrs.However How are you? hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took intersest in cycle, it, if you don't mind i will like to know you much better, although i came online to look for a true and loving man that is ready for a true, honest and loving relationship and will be able to take good care of me if you are the kind of man am talking about technology coursework scheme then send me a mail now on my private email ( included, so that i will tell you all about myself and a picture of myself.looking forward to hear from cycle, you, thanks and graphics programs from dsls, God bless.

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