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[PPT]The Argumentative Essay

Madame Bovary, de Flaubert : Analyse et Résumé (1/3) Analyse et resume : Madame Bovary , de Gustave Flaubert (1/3) Premiere partie : Biographie et psychologie des personnages de Madame Bovary. Gustave Flaubert pretendait, quand il etait realiste, l’etre absolument, sans melange et sans diversion, et il s’imposait cette loi. Argumentative Essay Ads? Or cela etait absolument nouveau en France. Esl Narrative Essay? Madame Bovary a fonde le realisme dans notre pays. On etait excede de litterature d’imagination.

Or, en 1850 le romantisme proprement dit etait epuise. Ads? Balzac, Stendhal et Merimee avaient donne le gout du realisme sans le satisfaire pleinement. An Introduction Dissertation? Stendhal, outre que dans La Chartreuse de Parme et quelques nouvelles il etait realiste exactement de la meme facon, etait plutot un psychologue penetrant qu’un realiste proprement dit et donnait plutot la sensation de la verite que de la realite, encore que certaines parties de Le Rouge et le Noir , et notamment la premiere, et bien des pages des Memoires d’un touriste soient deja le realisme lui-meme. Argumentative Ads? Mais enfin ces trois grands ecrivains avaient plutot eveille le gout du realisme qu’ils n’en avaient rempli l’idee. To A? C’est Madame Bovary qui revela pleinement ce que c’etait et qui repondit aux desirs confus et puissants du public.

Madame Bovary donne expression de la vie elle-meme, a la fois dans sa complexite et dans son detail precis. Argumentative Ads? On a cent fois remarque que Balzac commence par la description du decor, des lieux ou devront se mouvoir les personnages, des habitations ou ils devront vivre, puis aborde les personnages eux-memes, les peint au repos, habits, corps, visage, physionomie, puis enfin leur donne la parole et les fait agir. To A Masters Dissertation? Un comtiste mettrait en titre courant a la premiere partie de chacun de ces romans « statique » et a la seconde « dynamique ». Argumentative Ads? Cela veut dire que si Balzac a le regard percant il n’a pas le large coup d’?il ou tout entre a la fois, ou bien qu’il n’a pas le don de peindre tout a la fois sans que la clarte en souffre. Writing Lessons? Ce don, Flaubert l’avait. Essay? La description des choses se mele, tout de suite et sans confusion, a celle des personnes, et les personnages agissent des qu’ils paraissent, et leurs entours se presentent a nos yeux en meme temps qu’ils s’y presentent eux-memes. Physician Assistant? Des la premiere entrevue de Bovary et d’Emma, la ferme, Emma, le Pere Rouault, tout se leve devant nos yeux en une seule page. Argumentative? Quand Flaubert nous mene a Rouen avec Emma, il ne commence pas par nous decrire Rouen par le menu. Esl Narrative? Nous habiterons Rouen avec Emma et Leon et nous le verrons successive ment, comme ils le voient, autour d’eux, se levant autour de nous comme autour d’eux, et mele a la vue que nous aurons d’eux comme il se mele a leur vie. Mais a l’ordinaire le personnage et ses entours sont peints d’ensemble et forment ensemble, comme dans la realite nous voyons le personnage, et a cause de lui, et par rapport a lui, les objets qui l’entourent ou le paysage sur lequel il se detache. Flaubert vit tellement avec ses personnages et comme en ses personnages qu’il ne peut voir que ce qu’ils voient ni sentir que ce qu’ils sentent.

Nous sommes dans l’art realiste parfait, parce que nous sommes dans l’art impersonnel absolu. Quant aux personnages, ils sont la verite meme, la realite meme, la vie meme. Essay Ads? Silhouettes ou grands portraits, tous sont aussi parfaits, tous sont animes de la meme vie minutieuse, sans que leurs grandes lignes en soient un instant alterees. Tlumaczenie? C’est proprement une creation. Essay? Binet, Rodolphe, Leon, le pere Rouault, Lheureux, l’abbe Bournisien, Homais, Bovary, Emma, notez qu’ils sont dix, sont aussi vivants les uns que les autres. Writing Lessons? Ils sont dix et tous vulgaires, tous mediocres et qu’ils sont merveilleusement distincts et restent tous dans la memoire avec une physionomie propre, admirablement personnelle. Ads? Ils ne sont pas des types. Writing Lessons? Ils ne sont pas des resumes humains ; ce sont des personnes reelles assez puissamment vivantes. Les, personnages de Madame Bovary sont des personnages dont nous connaissons toute la biographie, alors meme que l’auteur n’a pas le loisir de nous la donner ou meme de nous en indiquer les traits principaux.

Flaubert donne la sensation de la vie. Leon Dupuis (premier amant platonique) a ete eleve par des femmes, mere veuve, tantes, etc. Essay Ads? Il a fait de vagues etudes litteraires, puis un peu de droit, entre-temps un peu de musique. Assistant? Il est faible, mou, paresseux et se croit reveur par suite de ses lectures. Argumentative? Il vit dans l’attente d’un sejour de deux ans a Paris, qu’il considere a l’avance comme le seul temps delicieux de sa vie. Davis Moore That? Il a de petites passions tres legeres et superficielles qui ne sont guere que des appetits, et peu imperieux, de jeunesse. Argumentative Essay Ads? Par-dessous une grande prudence de paysan, degrossi seulement depuis deux generations. Writing An Introduction? Il est destine aux grisettes de la rive gauche, aux amours facilement rompues et peu couteuses, et ensuite au mariage avec une demi-paysanne ayant du bien. Ads? S’il rencontre une femme passionnee qui s’eprenne de lui, il faudra qu’elle fasse sa conquete ; car sa prudence prend dans le monde la forme de la timidite, et il a une terreur vague des grandes passions qui mettent beaucoup de tumulte dans la vie, trop faible du reste pour ne pas se laisser aller, et comme trainer a la remorque par une passion de ce genre qui aura cru trouver en lui son objet. When Writing An Essay? George Sand a rencontre dans sa vie beaucoup d’hommes de cette espece, et les a peints tres souvent, en les poetisant a sa maniere. Argumentative Essay? Flaubert peint celui-ci sobrement, nettement, sans aureole, meme pale.

Il est la platitude meme avec quelque elegance physique. When? Il sera un notaire exact, timide, assez circonspect et obsequieux. Essay Ads? Il ne racontera jamais sa belle aventure de jeunesse, ayant peu de vanite, aimant a oublier cette histoire comme une affaire ou il y eut des tracas et finissant par l’oublier en effet. Rodolphe Boulanger (second amant) est le meme homme, mais vigoureux, sanguin et entreprenant, ce qui ne veut pas dire audacieux. An Introduction Dissertation? C’est un paysan ; il a ete eleve sur sa terre de la Huchette, courant, chassant, buvant l’air, fouettant ses chiens, fouettant ses chevaux, pincant les filles, tapant sur l’epaule des fermiers. Ads? Il est avare et prudent, comme tous les paysans.

Il a un peu de vanite, l’amour-propre du bel homme haut et fort. An Essay I Write? Il fait rouler ses epaules. Essay Ads? Il aime porter des bagues, des chaines de montre eclatantes et des epingles de cravate qui se voient de loin. Physician Coursework? Il a eu des maitresses a la ville, point dans les chateaux du voisinage, parce que cela est dangereux et assujettissant. Argumentative Essay? Il trouve Emma de son gout, surtout commode, avec un mari assurement aveugle et toujours absent. Coursework? Rien a craindre, meme dans l’avenir. Ads? On peut s’embarquer. Davis Moore Thesis States That? Cela peut durer dix ans et cesser par relachement progressif.

L’affaire est bonne. Argumentative Ads? Il n’a pas prevu le coup de tete d’Emma, voulant briser toutes ses attaches et s’enfuir avec lui. Writing An Introduction Masters Dissertation? Aucune femme mariee du voisinage ne lui a donne l’idee qu’on put agir ainsi. Essay Ads? Il n’y songe pas, parce qu’il ne peut pas y songer. Writing Lessons? S’il y pensait, il ne tenterait probablement pas l’aventure. Argumentative Essay? N’y pensant pas, il donne l’assaut, sans excitation interieure, tres calme au fond, et, par consequent, pouvant etre tres chaleureux dans la declamation banale de ses declarations et de ses instances.

Apres la rupture il se sentira surtout soulage et delivre ; il reverra Emma sans trouble, sans pitie aussi, dans sa conviction secrete que c’est elle qui lui doit de la gratitude, sans animosite, non plus, mais avec un peu d’humeur a voir reparaitre sous sa forme desobligeante une affaire que l’on croyait enterree. Writing An Introduction To A Masters Dissertation? Il ne se mariera pas, ou tres tard, aux rhumatismes. Argumentative Ads? Il est ne vieux garcon jouisseur. Moore Thesis That? Il fera des allusions assez frequentes a son aventure, parce qu’elle flatte sa vanite. Le pere Rouault (le pere d’Emma Bovary) est le pere des personnages precedents.

Du paysan proprement dit au bourgeois fils de paysans, il est la seconde generation, la generation intermediaire. Ads? C’est le paysan riche, aimant ses aises, aimant la bonne chere et les petits verres, avare encore, mais deja moins, plus capable de reussir par bonnes affaires que par vigilance, epargne et labeur continus, madre et retors, homme des foires et marches et y faisant de bons coups de commerce. States That? S’il avait un fils paresseux, ce serait Rodolphe ou Lucien. Essay? S’il avait un fils actif, ce serait Lheureux ou le notaire Guillaumin. Tlumaczenie? Il est bon encore, a quelques sentiments louables, et ce sont les sentiments de famille. Argumentative Essay Ads? Il a aime sa femme et pleure a se souvenir du temps ou il l’avait et du temps ou il l’a perdue. To A? Il aime sa fille, tres fort, et sa rude douleur est violente et profonde quand il la perd. Essay? Il regarde son souvenir comme sacre : « Bovary, quoique ca, vous recevrez toujours votre dinde. That? » Trait comique, qui est touchant. Argumentative Essay? Le paysan qui fait un cadeau a son gendre devenu veuf, a un coin du c?ur tres delicat. Writing? Il a l’idee que la mort ne detruit pas un lien, mais le consacre. Essay Ads? Quelques plaintes : on writing an introduction to a masters dissertation, est mal servi et l’on est seul.

On sait que les affaires des enfants vont bien, on essay, s’est informe et l’on a su qu’il y avait deux animaux dans l’ecurie. Tlumaczenie Essay On Man? On voudrait bien connaitre la fillette, qu’on n’a pas vue encore. Ads? On a fait planter un prunier a son intention, pour lui faire des compotes et personne autre qu’elle n’aura rien de ce qu’il donnera. Writing Lessons? C’est tout ; c’est une merveille de verite et de style approprie a la personne qui parle. Ads? Le pere Rouault, avec ses travers, est le personnage sense, honnete, droit et bon de toute cette histoire. Writing Lessons? Il fait honte, sans y songer, a tous ces demi-bourgeois qui sortent de lui. Essay? Il fait qu’on se dit que les bourgeois sont des paysans degrades.

Sauf exception, et ce sont ces exceptions qui produisent l’elite en deux ou trois generations, c’est un peu la verite. L’abbe Bournisien est encore bien attrape. Tlumaczenie Essay On Man? Borne, vulgaire, devoue, sans intelligence, epais, carre et lourd ; on argumentative ads, sent qu’il est un fils de paysan entre dans les ordres sans savoir meme ce que c’est qu’une pensee, et qui fait son metier depuis trente ans, fidelement, consciencieusement, laborieusement, comme un metier manuel. Physician? Tout ce qui est d’ordre spirituel dans ses propos est lecon apprise et mal recitee, parce qu’on commence a ne plus la savoir. Essay? Le maniement d’une ame, meme peu compliquee, lui est chose completement inconnue, ou il n’est meme pas gauche, mais devant quoi il s’arrete comme hebete, ecarquillant les yeux, et en une par faite incapacite de commencer meme a comprendre. On Man? Lui non plus n’est pas un type. Ads? Il est un homme qu’on a vu, et, simplement, a qui quelques autres ressemblent. Assistant Coursework? Il inspire des reflexions qui sont justes et qui sont utiles. Argumentative Essay? On se dit qu’il ne faut pas tout a fait croire qu’un bon naturel et une profonde honnetete suffisent comme vocation de professeur de morale, qu’un certain degre d’intelligence y est necessaire, et qu’un moraliste un peu rude, point raffine, dur meme et de rigoureuse decision sacerdotale, mais qui comprendrait au moins sommairement les etats d’ame, serait necessaire meme a Yonville. Moore Thesis States? L’abbe Bournisien est une des pensees du livre. Argumentative? Il y circule comme un personnage absolument inutile, pour que l’on fasse cette reflexion que ce qui manque a toutes ces petites gens de petite ville, c’est d’abord le sens commun et un peu le sens moral, mais ensuite un homme qui saurait les y rappeler, leur en communiquer un peu, au moins leur en donner l’idee par l’influence d’une superiorite, non seulement morale, mais intellectuelle.

Et cela n’est pas une attaque, comme on assistant coursework, l’a cru, c’est un avertissement, et il n’y a aucune raison pour qu’on ne puisse pas le considerer comme tel. Homais , le pharmacien, est un prodige de verite. Argumentative Essay? Autant qu’Emma, il est ne immortel. Writing An Introduction To A Dissertation? Il represente la betise vaniteuse du petit bourgeois francais. Argumentative? Betise developpee par une demi-instruction et cultivee par la vanite. On Man? Vanite developpee par le sentiment toujours present d’une legere superiorite d’education sur les personnes environnantes. Essay? Son trait essentiel est la certitude, il est toujours certain.

Il est toujours affirmatif. Davis States That? Il ne doute d’aucune idee qui lui vient. Argumentative? Il l’admire toujours et est frappe de ce qu’elle contient de juste, de pratique, de salutaire et de distingue. Out Numbers? Par suite il est agressif sans mechancete. Argumentative? Il n’est pas mechant du tout, serviable meme, obligeant, multiplie en menus services rendus, a quoi sa vanite trouve son compte, son importance s’en accroissant. Physician Assistant? Il a le sentiment des devoirs que sa superiorite intellectuelle lui impose a l’egard des etres interieurs, et ne se dissimule pas que le sort de la petite vile qu’il habite roule sur lui. Argumentative Ads? Mais il est agressif par suite de son amour-propre qui est froisse par les resistances ou par l’idee de la resistance. When An Essay Should? Le fait de ne pas penser comme lui ou de ne pas entierement se laisser diriger par lui, l’offense et le blesse profondement, et il s’irrite alors contre l’obstacle, meme inerte. Argumentative Ads? « Prejuge, routine, torpeur, betise enracinee et inderacinable ! » Il y a de quoi se facher. Writing Lessons? Il serait si facile de te prendre pour guide et de le garder comme tel ! Il s’irrite surtout contre l’Eglise et la religion. Essay? Ce n’est pas impatience d’une contrainte, puisqu’il n’est aucunement vicieux ; c’est sentiment d’une rivalite. Writing Lessons? La religion a la pretention de gouverner les ames.

De quel droit ? La direction des ames, des esprits, des c?urs, doit appartenir a la science. Argumentative? La science, c’est M. To A? Homais. Essay? La religion empiete sur les droits naturels et acquis de M. Tlumaczenie On Man? Homais. Ads? Cela n’est guere supportable. Physician? Aussi sa combativite, vive ailleurs, mais intermittente, est vehemente ici et implacable et continue. Argumentative Essay Ads? Le clericalisme, c’est l’ennemi ; c’est plus : c’est la concurrence. Physician? Non pas que M. Argumentative Essay? Homais n’ait pas de religion. Physician Assistant Coursework? Il a un Dieu ; c’est « le Dieu de Socrate, de Franklin, de Voltaire, de Beranger et de la confession du Vicaire savoyard . Argumentative Ads? » Mais la religion officielle est son ennemie, en cela qu’elle est un obstacle a tout progres et a la domination intellectuelle de M. Physician? Homais sur les masses.

Elle fait obstacle aux lumieres dont M. Argumentative Essay Ads? Homais est le depositaire et le propagateur. Davis Moore Thesis? Elle l’empeche quelque peu d’accomplir sa haute mission. Essay? Elle n’est pas sans nuire aussi, par la doctrine des miracles, au commerce de la pharmacie. M. Physician Coursework? Homais n’est pas seulement un savant. Ads? Il a des lettres et des gouts artistiques. Physician? Il a appele une de ses filles Athalie ; car Athalie est un chef-d’?uvre, encore que les idees et tendances en soient dangereuses ; mais il faut pardonner aux fautes du genie. Essay Ads? Il ne deteste pas prendre quelques-uns des airs et manieres des artistes de Paris et de semer ses discours, generalement didactiques, de locutions pittoresques en usage dans les ateliers. Essay? C’est que M. Argumentative? Homais n’est pas un « type ». Moore That? Le type exigerait un langage toujours pompeux, doctoral, academique, et forme de vocables inintelligibles a M. Argumentative? Homais. Moore Thesis States That? Mais M. Ads? Homais est un homme vrai, vivant, et qui, par consequent, a certains traits qui lui sont tout particuliers et personnels. Writing An Essay Should Out Numbers? Son Importance M. Ads? Homais a en elle un element de legerete aimable et fringante, qui pour appartenir plutot au commis-voyageur qu’au pharmacien de premiere classe, ne le rend que plus sympathique, et s’il sait prendre et garder une attitude grave quand il endoctrine, il ne laisse pas de pirouetter sur son talent a certaines heures. Une seule personne dans tout son entourage lui impose un peu.

C’est Mme Bovary. Esl Narrative Essay? Il n’a pas l’idee insolite qu’elle puisse lui etre superieure ; mais il la sent son egale. Argumentative Essay? Il comprend qu’elle a des sentiments et des idees tres distingues. Physician Coursework? Ce n’est pas une Mme Homais. Argumentative Essay? Si M. To A Dissertation? Homais n’etait pas tres honnete homme, voue, du reste, aux grandes preoccupations scientifiques et sociales, il courtiserait Mme Bovary. Essay? Mais il la respecte, avec un sentiment confus d’admiration. Tlumaczenie? Il ne discute jamais avec elle.

Il la voit dans une crise religieuse assez longue, sans combattre une defaillance qu’il deplore. Argumentative Essay? Ce n’est que quand la crise est passee, qu’il se permet de lui dire avec un bon sourire : « Vous donniez un peu dans la calotte ! » Homais est galant homme, respectueux des personnes du sexe, et assez intelligent pour distinguer les ames d’elite, sur lesquelles il ne voudra jamais exercer qu’une douce influence, d’egal a egal. Charles Bovary est, plus qu’Emma, le triomphe, du talent de l’auteur. Essay? Car il s’agissait de peindre un personnage nul et de lui donner une individualite et de le faire et de le maintenir vivant. Argumentative Essay? Et Flaubert y a reussi. Esl Narrative Essay? C’est admirable. Ads? Bovary est la nullite, et en cela il est un « type » un peu plus que les autres personnages du roman, etant representatif de l’immense majorite des gens de sa classe sociale ; mais encore il a des traits fort individuels qui lui donnent sa precision et son relief. Esl Narrative Essay? C’est l’etre passif, qui n’est exactement rien par lui-meme, qui est modele par ses entours comme l’eau prend la forme de ce qui la contient. Argumentative Essay Ads? Son intelligence est nulle, sa volonte nulle, son imagination nulle.

Il n’a jamais ni pense, ni reve, ni voulu. Writing Lessons? Ses pensees seront celles des autres, ses reveries celles qu’on lui inspirera, ses volontes celles qu’on aura pour lui. Argumentative Essay Ads? Il est essentiellement executif. Coursework? Sa sensibilite meme, remarquez-le, existe et est assez profonde, mais elle prend le caractere que l’on veut qu’elle ait. Ads? C’est une sensibilite abondante et amorphe.

Il aime profondement sa femme ; mais il l’aime comme elle veut etre aimee. An Essay Should Out Numbers? Il l’a aimee d’une. Essay Ads? passion sensuelle tant quelle s’y est prete ; il l’aime d’une adoration respectueuse et qui se tient a distance quand elle en a decide ainsi, et cela sans paraitre avoir souffert du changement. Writing Should? Il aime sa fille, et, selon ce que veut sa femme, ou il la caresse avec passion ou il la renvoie. Argumentative Essay Ads? C’est un etre absolument passif qui a besoin d’une main qui le mene, pour agir, pour penser, et, en verite, meme pour sentir. Physician Coursework? Il a ete marie une premiere fois par sa mere ; il se marie une seconde fois lui-meme, dans une maniere d’entrainement et parce qu’il aime ; mais aussi par habitude. Argumentative Essay Ads? Il s’est accoutume d’aller a la ferme du pere Rouault. Writing Lessons? Il s’est accoutume de regarder Emma.

Il en vient, invite, pousse doucement, endigue par le pere Rouault, a lui dire : « Maitre Rouault, je voudrais bien vous dire quelque chose. Argumentative Essay Ads? » Il n’en dit pas plus, il n’en a jamais dit plus. Should Out Numbers? Emma lui a ete accordee avant qu’il la demandat. Argumentative Essay? « Maitre Rouault, je voudrais vous dire quelque chose », ceci est le seul acte d’initiative de la vie de Charles Bovary. Bovary a les plaisirs et les peines, sourde, confus et profonds, du vegetal paisible qui boit l’air, la lumiere, l’eau et les sucs du sol. Coursework? Ses mouvements sont lents, sa vie douce, languissante et minutieuse, son inintelligence absolue de tout ce qui l’entoure. Ads? Il vivra mollement, en une espece de torpeur et de demi-sommeil continuels, vaguement satisfait de vivre, n’ayant pas de sensations particulieres, et le fait de vivre etant sa seule sensation, jusqu’au jour ou une blessure profonde, dont il souffrit atrocement d’abord, sourdement ensuite, et par ou s’ecoulera goutte a goutte, incessamment, toute sa seve, l’inclinera vers la terre et l’y couchera enfin comme desseche. Physician Coursework? Mais ce vegetal a sa physionomie. Essay? C’est une plante grasse, au dessin mou, aux formes laches et floues, une plante amorphe. Should Out Numbers? Ses gros pieds, ses grosses mains, mal attaches, son dos rond et « tranquille », ses epaules lourdes, sa figure ronde, sans modele, son front bas, sa physionomie « raisonnable et embarrassee » donnent l’idee d’un etre que les eaux de la vie pousseront et rouleront d’un cours tranquille, feront glisser le plus souvent sans heurt et sans bruit, masse visqueuse, quelquefois froisseront et dechireront aux asperite de quelque roc, toujours sans cri et sans plainte, si ce n’est sourde et etouffee. Essay? Nos numerus sumus . Davis Moore Thesis States That? Il est ! e nombre et l’innombrable. Argumentative Essay Ads? Il est l’un de ces milliers et milliers d’etres qui ont cette destinee de traverser la vie, je ne dis pas sans la comprendre, ce qui est le sort de tous, mais sans commencer meme a en comprendre un mot, sans se rendre compte du petit coin meme ou la naissance les a fait vegeter, sans voir d’ensemble, meme un peu, leur propre vie, leur propre existence, sans pouvoir porter leur regard au-dela du jour et de l’heure qui passe.

Ils vivent pourtant, et c’est miracle. Out Numbers? C’est qu’ils trouvent qui les porte. Argumentative Essay? C’est l’institution sociale qui les place en un poste assigne ou ils n’ont a faire, par respect et par instinct d’imitation, que ce qu’ont fait ceux qui les ont precedes ou ce que font ceux qui sont en des postes semblables. Essay? C’est une femme, mere ou epouse, qui veut pour eux et pense ou plutot a quelque instinct de vigilance pour eux. Argumentative? C’est un ami, un M. Esl Narrative Essay? Homais, qui leur fait faire une sottise quelquefois, des choses a peu pres sensees et suffisamment suivies tous les jours. Argumentative Essay Ads? Ils peuvent ainsi aller jusqu’ a une mort tardive. Writing Lessons? S’ils tombent sous la domination d’un esprit desequilibre, ils auront l’apparence d’etre desequilibres eux-memes, et de chute en chute, rapidement, tomberont ecrases sous le poids de la vie qu’ils sont impuissants a soutenir. [D’apres Emile Faguet, Flaubert , Paris, Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1899] superbe analyse tres complete, bien ecrite et profonde. Argumentative Ads? Merci!

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How to essay Write Better Essays: 6 Practical Tips. The best students enjoy writing essays because they’re a chance to shine; they’re an interesting intellectual exercise in which the writer must craft thoughtful arguments on complex topics within the confines of essay, a prescribed and often restrictive word count. For many such students, each essay brings with it the challenge of argumentative essay ads, making it that little bit better than the last one. The problem is that when you write essays regularly, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut of repeating the same formula each time – particularly when you already receive good feedback from the teachers who read them. Physician. So how do you take your essays to the next level and go from great to brilliant?

Here are some practical tips and techniques that will help you write consistently impressive essays. Offer to share your essays with other people and they may return the essay, favour. Even better: start a study group. Just as the essay, books you read subconsciously help mould your own writing style, so reading other people’s essays can help you develop and build on your own essay-writing style. Try to read a range of essay, other essays, including those of your peers and of academics. Read essays on a wide variety of subjects, not necessarily just those that you’re studying; different disciplines might apply different kinds of arguments or styles, so the wider you read, the more possible techniques there are for you to pick up and use in tlumaczenie essay essays of your own. As you read other people’s essays, don’t just take them at face value. Be critical: what do you like about them? What don’t you like about them?

How persuasive do you think they are? Is the argument a balanced one, with points adequately supported with evidence? Has the writer used any techniques you’ve not seen before? Another good source of ads, essays is the broadsheet newspapers. Read the opinion pieces and dissect how the writer has supported their points with evidence, and again, be critical; note where they’ve left things out to try to writing lessons persuade you to a particular opinion. Essays should be balanced, so you can learn from the best of these writers and pick up some techniques to help you shape a balanced piece. 2. Argumentative Essay. Build your vocabulary and states that, use it properly. Make use of ads, dictionaries and thesauri. A good vocabulary will allow you to an introduction to a express exactly what you mean, as clearly and concisely as possible. Economy with words is ads, a characteristic of all good essays, because readers (and essay-markers) don’t like having their time wasted with long, rambling points that could have been expressed in half the tlumaczenie essay on man, number of words.

One way of ensuring that you can communicate clearly and to the point is through accurate and effective use of advanced vocabulary. A good essay writer should never rest on their laurels when it comes to vocabulary; it’s something you should be working on argumentative, continually, as there are always new words to assistant learn that could help convey a point more effectively. What’s more, deploying a good vocabulary displays intelligence and allows you to be more persuasive in essay ads your essay-writing. Here are some ways in which you can build your vocabulary: – Subscribe to essay a ‘word a day’ email (such as this one from Merriam-Webster). Create a folder in your email account for argumentative ads, new word emails, so that you can file each email away and have them all in esl narrative essay one place ready to flick through and learn from in an idle moment.

– Read widely, and refer to a dictionary for words you don’t know as you go along; this way, you’ll learn the argumentative essay ads, new word as well as seeing it in context so you know how to use it properly. Read different genres of fiction, and non-fiction covering a range of topics, and you’ll have the added bonus of widening your general knowledge as well as your vocabulary. – Use a thesaurus – if you find yourself using the same words over and over again, add variety to your language by esl narrative essay, looking up those words in a thesaurus and finding other words that mean the same thing. A word of warning: words you find in a thesaurus can’t always be used interchangeably; even words with similar meanings can differ subtly in essay ads a way that makes them inappropriate in certain contexts, so find examples of a word used correctly before you use a new word for the first time. – Learn prefixes, suffixes and coursework, roots – it sounds boring, but this shortcut will help you learn a great many more words. Many roots come from Latin and Greek words, such as “bene” in Latin, meaning “good”, which gives rise to argumentative words such as “benefactor”, “benevolent” and “benefit”. It’s often possible to deduce the meaning of a new word if you know its root and read it in context. Moore Thesis States. Prefixes are added to the beginning of a word to change the meaning, such as “semi” or “ante”, while suffixes are added to the end, such as “-able” or “-ance”. – Start a vocabulary book – you probably have one if you’re learning a foreign language, so why not have one for your native language as well? Buy yourself a nice notepad and use it to collect new words and their meanings. The act of ads, writing down the definition will help you remember it, and you could include an example of how the word is used to increase your chances of memorising it for use in essays.

It may help to have different sections for physician assistant, words on particular themes; you could have a general section, and then further parts of the notebook could be dedicated to words of essay ads, use in esl narrative essay history essays, science essays and so on. The aim of improving your vocabulary is to increase precision and reduce waffle. Put the essay, new words you’ve learned to good use right away, perhaps setting yourself the challenge of including a minimum number of new ones in writing lessons each essay you write. This will help consolidate your knowledge at the same time as impressing the reader. One important thing to essay ads remember, though: don’t use big words just for the sake of it. Using a long, obscure word when a simpler one would suffice risks making you sound pompous, which may have the opposite effect to the one intended. What’s more, be wary of adding words for the sake of it; cut the waffle by reviewing each sentence and removing any words or sentences that don’t add anything to what you’re saying. Essay. Ultimately, your goal should be to make your writing as clear and essay ads, easy-to-understand as possible, so that it is a pleasure to tlumaczenie essay read. 3. Words to help develop an argumentative ads argument. Part of sounding intelligent in an essay is not repeating yourself; as you’re writing, focus on using language effectively to help build an argument and an introduction to a masters dissertation, create a sense of ads, structure.

To that end, avoid using the same words every time; many people overuse the word “also”, for example. Vary your language, and use words such as “moreover”, “furthermore” and “however”. Such words help develop your argument and make the reader feel they are being guided through the problems on tlumaczenie essay on man, a sort of ‘journey’ to your conclusion. Would you be able to summarise your essay between floors? We’ve probably all had it hammered into us that we should write an essay ads essay plan before we start writing, but before you even do that, you need to esl narrative know what the argument you’re going to make actually is. Only then can you start writing the structure for an essay that builds up to your overall conclusion. To condense what you’re trying to essay say into a short, snappy summary for you to writing lessons work from, try making an ‘Elevator Pitch’ style summary of what you intend to write and argumentative, why readers should be interested in on man it. The Elevator Pitch is a technique used by argumentative ads, salespeople when condensing the arguments for buying a product into writing lessons the shortest possible summary of why a customer should consider a purchase. The salesperson is told to imagine themselves in a lift; in the time it takes for argumentative, that lift to writing to a masters reach the desired floor, they should have given a compelling argument in argumentative ads favour of that product that would result in writing lessons the customer buying it, or at least wanting to know more.

Your Elevator Pitch for your essay should sell the idea of it to a reader, leaving them wanting to read the essay in question. This is quite a tough exercise, as it forces you to be ruthlessly concise in your thinking and choice of words; but you can use this summary to essay help you write your introduction, and it’ll help you achieve clarity in what you’re trying to say. 5. Tlumaczenie Essay. Tell the reader what other people say. Be aware of who the argumentative essay ads, foremost writers on a subject are, even if you decide not to reference them. For instance, anyone studying Beowulf should be aware of JRR Tolkien’s essay, ‘The Monsters and the Critics.’

We’ve mentioned this on when writing should out numbers, a previous article on essay writing, but it seems pertinent to mention it here too. Essays are a chance for you to essay ads show off how widely read you are, so make sure you quote other people’s opinions, and original sources, on davis moore thesis states, what you’re writing about. For example, if you were to write a history essay on early religious practices in argumentative essay Britain, you could quote original texts on that topic (such as Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the esl narrative, English People ) and also mention what a range of essay, modern scholars have to writing lessons say about the argumentative essay ads, topic. Contrasting views should be sought; it’s unlikely that everyone agrees on davis moore that, the topic, so show you’ve looked at all the ads, possible angles. For each of the subjects you’re studying, start a page in masters a notebook for important people in that field, with a summary of when they lived and what their views are. That way, you’ll have something to argumentative refer to when you’re writing an essay and tlumaczenie essay, want to consult appropriate scholars or other writers whose opinions you might wish to ads include. Don’t quote too much; mix citations with your own opinions so that it doesn’t look as though you have to hide behind other people’s words. It’s fine to on man disagree with a scholar you quote, provided you can give evidence and reasoning for doing so. This shows that you have thought about it and made your own mind up, rather than blindly accepting what that scholar has said; this demonstrates strong critical reasoning skills, one of the hallmarks of brilliant students. 6. Argumentative. Syntax, punctuation and tone of voice. Be honest: do you find your tone of voice interesting?

You may not consciously realise it when you’re reading, but sophisticated sentence structures make the an introduction dissertation, world of difference to how intelligent you sound. As we’ve already said, the most important consideration when you’re writing is making yourself easy for readers to understand; but you can still do this and utilise a range of argumentative essay, interesting syntax at physician assistant coursework, the same time. Employ a variety of sentence structures, long and short, but don’t let your sentences become too long and argumentative essay, rambling, or they become difficult to read. Effective punctuation is physician assistant coursework, vital in conveying your arguments persuasively; the last thing a teacher or lecturer wants to read is an essay riddled with poor grammar. What’s more, the reader shouldn’t have to read a sentence more than once to essay ads understand it. You probably already have a tone of voice you use for when writing an essay, writing essays, but is argumentative essay ads, it interesting and engaging?

Read through some of assistant, your old essays and ask yourself honestly whether you find them absorbing. If they’re not, it could well be because you’ve not established the right tone of voice. Essays constitute a formal, academic context, but that doesn’t mean you have to be boring. Argumentative Essay. A confident tone of voice will help show the reader that you know what you’re talking about and reassure them that they’re in safe hands. Writing in the active rather than the passive voice is a well-known trick of the trade that writers use to give their writing a sense of immediacy and make it more compelling; you too can deploy this technique in when an essay should i write your essays by steering clear of the passive voice (for example, rather than writing “Much work is argumentative essay, being done to…”, say “Scholars are putting a great deal of physician, effort into…”). Over the course of an entire essay, you’d be surprised what a difference this makes to argumentative essay ads your tone. We hope you’ve found these tips and techniques useful and that they help you take your essay-writing to new heights. If you have any tips you’d like to share with us, do let us know by leaving a comment below! 161 Responses to physician assistant coursework “How to Write Better Essays: 6 Practical Tips”

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How to Guide to Racing Resume / Sponsorship Proposal. So you want to race. Argumentative. Welcome to davis thesis states that, the club. Whether you are trying to work this out with family support, or on your own, unless you are fabulously wealthy, you have already realized that sponsorship is a must for nearly every racer on the track. In your pre-racing days you had to pay for parts to make your ride go as fast as your buddy's, or to make it easier on your bod while having fun. As a racer, whether you are a first year amateur or a factory pro, you will have to argumentative essay ads, obtain the performance modifications and tlumaczenie essay on man replace product when you mess it up, on or off the track. In fact I know of quite a few times that perfectly good brand new parts have been destroyed in the process of installing them (an expensive education and a lesson in why we should read the directions that come with our new toys). Essay Ads. The point being that your little obsession/habit of racing/riding is going to be a costly adventure, but also the time of your life.

Anyone that has been to a race track has noticed the writing lessons stickers on the bikes and haulers. These are sometimes put there because they came free in the shipment of nerfs, handlebars or in a sticker pack the rider got at the local Honda shop. If you are a sponsored rider, then the essay ads branding/stickers on your quad and hauler establish you as a part of the to a dissertation company that you represent. Your actions while wearing the stickers of essay your sponsor reflect on the sponsor as well as yourself. Sponsors consider that when choosing riders. Next question, How do I get a bunch of those stickers without paying for them or the parts they come with? Answer: You do your darndest to earn sponsorship. Simple.

Right? Not really. When I first got into assistant coursework, this arena I was in argumentative essay the same shoes you are in right now (unless you have a marketing degree- in which case disregard the rest of this article). My background had nothing to do with how to write a resume for a racer. Davis Thesis States That. Sure I could find examples from books at argumentative the library or bookstore on resumes, but none for a professional or semi-professional athlete, much less a racer.

So I had to determine what to do to mix the assistant coursework style of resume that I would submit if was looking for a position with a secretarial pool or a teaching position and that of a professional athlete forming a `Racer's Resume'. If you are still reading this right now, you are probably one of the sponsor hungry population who are running out of time to get noticed and be considered for this season's budget from most companies. How it works: Nearly every company has a `Sponsorship Budget' in their program. Each company has a person or team of persons responsible for distributing the monies/products or a combination of both to deserving athletes. This person or team of argumentative essay persons is called `Rider Support'. When Writing An Essay Should I Write Out Numbers. Nearly every company that offers sponsorship has levels of argumentative sponsorship. Common levels are A, B C level support, Pro and when should out numbers Factory. Ads. Support can range from a discount on certain products to free products, contingency (this would be money paid for davis states that, your wins at certain events) all the way to the Holy Grail of the argumentative racer: Factory Support. Now let's get down to how to keep your resume on the top of the pile and out of the trash can. Writing Masters Dissertation. Aside from the basics like your name, street address, city, state, zip code, home and cell phone numbers, you should also include your email.

A common mistake, believe it or not, is to leave out contact information. Argumentative Essay. Jack Bednar, from writing lessons, Lonestar Racing, has had to dig through the trash pile before to find the right envelope that a resume came in to find out how to get in touch with the rider. Also necessary in your resume is a short bio of you and your riding history. Argumentative Ads. Don't go into great detail of every second, third or less finishes you have had, and esl narrative essay don't include reasons why you didn't podium at specific races. Until you are sponsored, no one really cares why you didn't finish a race except your parents. Photos are a must. You need to include a head-shot of yourself, one of your bike and one action shot of you at the very least. References must be listed on your resume. Make sure to include contact information on your references as well. Submit your resume to the right people, during the right time frame.

What this means is essay ads make sure that you address your resume to the correct department within your target sponsor. Check on the target sponsor's website or call their operator to essay, make sure you have the argumentative essay right address, right name and right time frame to submit your resume. OK, these are the writing an essay should out numbers rules. Ads. Sounds pretty easy so far. If this was all there is to it, you would not have read this far.

This section is more the davis moore thesis states strategy than cheat codes. There aren't really `Cheat Codes' to a resume, but there are bonus points you can score. Let's review what we have done so far. We have a basic 4 page resume. You have included all the `regular' stuff and are following all the rules. Now, let's get creative and find the way to keep your resume on essay, the `keep' pile of your target sponsor's desk. First of all do not even consider handwriting your resume. Dissertation. Make sure you use a good word-processor and spell check it. Kevin Mummuah, from Lost Creek Cycle, says, Don't expect someone to do more for you, than the effort you put into ads, your resume. I can tell how much work they put into it when I open them.

The ones that haven't spent the time are obvious. Your focus should be to maximize what you can offer your potential sponsor in the form of endorsing their product and how to davis moore that, communicate that you can do this to the sponsor. If you are sending resumes out to companies that you really like, then it shouldn't be too hard to argumentative essay ads, express your enthusiasm for the company and their product or to come up with ideas on assistant coursework, how you would carry the message to essay ads, potential customers on how awesome their products are. Is your brain full yet? Maybe this is coursework where you should reconsider that job at the sawmill instead of argumentative ads racing. I know I have suggested something like this a couple of times to davis thesis states, my racer. Beginning with your contact information review what you have there. Format your information with your name in bold print. This is argumentative essay important. If you have included your email, and I am hoping you ARE including an email, you need to keep it professional. You are asking companies to invest a serious amount of confidence in you as well as money in you to support their products and represent their company.

If you have an email of or (I don't know if these are real emails or not), it definitely gives a certain impression. Most companies have so much interest in their sponsorship programs that they can throw away any potential riders that even hint of unprofessionalism. States. Go ahead and keep your identity nickname for chat and private messages, but obtain a professional email with your name in it like or either of these would be acceptable and have no unprofessional image. A note on professionalism: if you include your cell phone number or private home number make sure that your recording is also mainstream. Essay Ads. No radical music interludes, raps, or weird recordings. Keep it short and sweet. People in rider support don't have all day to listen to your favorite tunes or you goofing off on your answering machines.

Make the choice to go with something grown-up, since you are asking for writing should out numbers, a grown-up gift. Most of the Rider Support people take about 30 seconds on argumentative ads, each resume before deciding what pile to file it in. You need to get their attention to make them even slightly interested in you in tlumaczenie the first 10 seconds so they will put you in the `keep' pile rather than the `round' file next to essay, the desk (trash can). Start your resume with an esl narrative essay eye catcher. What catches your eye? An action photo would be a good idea. OK, here comes the kicker: you actually need a decent action photo to put there. If you don't have some that have been professionally done, get some. Next make sure that the reader can tell it's you.

Below are two examples. They are both great `action' photos but the second one is defiantly more eye-catching. Also use good sizes but not to overwhelming and ads use good quality prints. After you have your resume completed don't mess it all up by printing on when an essay, your home computer with a low color cartridge. You can have them printed in color on a laser printer for under a buck a page at the local Kinkos. Make sure that you are the focus and that action is clear. As Kevin Mummuah said, Don't send me substandard photos with ant people in argumentative essay them. Next you need to describe what your abilities and tlumaczenie essay on man qualifications are.

Get rid of all the descriptions of how cool you are and what people think about you. Do include action words describing what you can do. Be willing to back it up. And keep it short. Make sure to include a short history of your wins. Don't include every race you did or why you didn't podium or finish a particular race.

If you have a photo of your pit area at a race this would be a good place to include it. Ads. I am thinking of a photo of essay on man your pit area, neat, no garbage, clean well maintained quad, your tools organized and maybe you and your mechanic (or Dad, or your dog) standing next to your quad in full clean gear. Remember you are asking a company to be identified with your professionalism. Do you really think they will be interested in being associated with someone who has no respect for their bike or surroundings? Include where you plan to race for the upcoming season. Just list the series that you plan to do in full. If you are going to do something like the full GNC National schedule then include it, otherwise say you will be attending selected National events. Be realistic on essay, where you are going to race and choose one series to focus on. Spell check. Read it aloud to someone (that usually catches something that is worded weird).

Check your formatting. Make sure you don't have lines that look. this in your resume. Do your homework. Find out exactly who to send your resume to by calling the company or looking up on their website for information on where and who to send your resume to esl narrative essay, AND make sure that you are submitting your resume in the right time frame. For instance Shift's Rider Support head, Rob Salcedo, says that they ONLY accept resumes during October 1-31 period. Argumentative Essay Ads. Any resumes that show up even one day early or one day late go straight into writing lessons, the garbage can. Shift gets over 300 resumes from amateur riders in argumentative essay the ATV discipline alone. Clancy Schmitt, from Hiper-Technology, says they get over 500 per year. Assistant. The competition is essay ads stiff for those sponsorships. So make sure yours comes to the attention of the to a masters dissertation right person during the right time period.

Spell out argumentative how you plan on tlumaczenie, earning your sponsorship. Simply `promoting my sponsors to ads, the best of my ability and moore thesis states listing my sponsors on my sign-ups' is not enough. Argumentative Essay. This is EXPECTED not a perk from you. Running the esl narrative essay sponsor's stickers and saying `Thank-You' when interviewed are also expected. Whew, now that we have that out of the way, think on what YOU can do that only you can do. Be original. Argumentative Essay Ads. Be clear on what your plans are. Spell out davis exactly what you would like your sponsor to ads, do for you. Do not expect free stuff. More realistically you can expect to receive some kind of physician coursework a discount on product if you are selected for argumentative essay ads, sponsorship.

Many companies offer their main products at a special rate for sponsored riders. Writing An Introduction Dissertation. If for instance you are approaching LoneStar Racing, you can let them know what products you are planning on purchasing and when you would need to make a decision on purchasing. Fasst Company said they want to see at least six things that you can do for them. Chris and argumentative essay Cole say, Whatever you want from this company, you need to be prepared to do double in return. References are important. Just like a `regular' resume, be prepared to writing an introduction dissertation, supply the names, addresses, and phone numbers of people that have knowledge of your riding and argumentative personality. Your school counselor could write a quick letter of support (on school letterhead) as well as be a reference, a family member, the owner of the local bike shop and other sponsors are great references. Other riders are not good references.

If you can get someone who is nationally recognized to be a reference this is best. The ATV industry is quite small and many people know each other well enough to just give a quick call. If you are under 18 years old, it is absolutely imperative that you include the fact that you have family support. Even young adults will benefit from showing a strong family support system. Be prepared to show who you are, not just what you do. This is writing an essay hard to accomplish in a 4 page resume but can be done. Presentation. Make sure that you have a cover page, your resume, history/bio page, and a photo page. This is all standard stuff that most of the Rider Support personnel that I spoke with wanted to see.

They also have some pet peeves of what is not cool to them. Rob Salcedo absolutely hates those slippery covers that you get for school reports. Essay Ads. What happens is writing lessons you get a stack of them together and they all start sliding out, ending up on the floor, in essay the coffee etc. Thesis That. So binders are a big no-no. Argumentative Essay Ads. A simple staple or cover that is thesis not slippery is good. Have I mentioned spell checking yet? Take pride in yourself and your request. Argumentative Essay Ads. Let your potential sponsor see who you are.

Biggest mistakes include: non typed or non word processed resume; slippery folders; the quote, `will promote your company to the best of my ability'; large files emailed to company; too short of a resume; too long of a resume; and misspelled words. Every company that I spoke with accepted resumes in mail form. A few accepted emails, and dissertation fewer still accepted FAXed resumes. Nearly every company accepted resumes in argumentative October and November. A few accepted them in September and a few accepted them in states that December. After January 1 no one that I spoke with would look at a resume. Each company that I spoke with had different levels of argumentative essay ads support. Scot Denton, from Denton Racing, said they have four levels of support. Kevin Mummuah from Lost Creek Racing works with a lot of an introduction to a dissertation riders at different levels of support.

Lost Creek has their pros but also a large number of amateurs and argumentative ads pros who are not even on the roster for tlumaczenie essay, Lost Creek, who sometimes end up getting on track support from Kevin. Hiper Technology has three levels of support. Basically most of the companies that I spoke with have different levels of increasing support the longer you have been with the company or as your racing wins or popularity as an ATV personality increases. If you refer a customer to your sponsor, ask the customer to tell your sponsor where they found out argumentative ads about the writing dissertation product. This looks very good for you and your sponsor will remember this when it comes time to re-evaluate their budget the argumentative ads next year. Jack Bednar summed it up pretty well, Obviously we can't see them all ride, so we have to go on how they present themselves to us through a resume. There are a lot of people using the esl narrative essay Sponsorhouse system for generating a resume. This is argumentative a great resource, and OK to use, for a starting point. The format of the Sponsorhouse system takes care of when writing i write all the basics but the individuality is lacking and many times it seems that the potential sponsor or overwhelmed Rider Support personnel are directed to argumentative, a web-page to go over. Keeping in mind that the Rider Support people see so many resumes each year, do you really think they are going to be interested in sitting in front of when an essay a computer surfing your webpage? Sponsorhouse is a great addition to essay, a traditional resume that is sent out as a hard-copy to writing lessons, your target companies and can really help as the year goes on argumentative essay, by keeping your hard-won sponsors up to date on what is happening with you.

I would not rely on Sponsorhouse to writing lessons, do it all for you though. If you end up getting sponsorship, and I am sure you will if you follow the tips in this article, make sure that you keep contact with your sponsors. Even if it is a small sponsorship the argumentative essay first year, you need to start somewhere. Davis Thesis States That. Cultivate your relationships and in argumentative a few years you should have a much better sponsorship, assuming you live up to writing dissertation, what you say you will do for your sponsor. Johnny Jump, from ads, KN Engineering, says he likes to see photos of the bike with his company's stickers on it. It would be a fatal mistake to davis moore thesis states, apply for a second year including a photo without your sponsor's sticker visible. Keep in mind all the riders you have seen in person, on the track, movies, magazines and on the internet. Ads. They are all potentially competing with you for the sponsor budget. You have to sell yourself.

I know this is kind of weird but basically the physician assistant `you-ness' of you is all that really separates you from any other rider who applies for sponsorship. Essay Ads. I know it feels odd but you need to bite the bullet and go for it. As an added bonus you can view Dana Creech's 2003 Resume online through his website. Have fun, ride safe and don't forget to call your Mom.

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