Date: 24.3.2017 / Article Rating: 5 / Votes: 677 #Creative writing masters online

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Creative writing masters online

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The 5 Best Online MFA in Creative Writing Programs of 2018

Creative writing masters online

Essay Writer for All Kinds of Papers -
Top 20 Best Online Master s in Creative Writing Degrees 2017 - The

Biotrue 4x 300ml Bausch + Lomb Bio true. Writing? Lieferzeit: ca. Origin? 1-2 Arbeitstage, Art.Nr.: 43pf Biotrue 4x300ml. Creative Online? Biotrue All-in-One Losung fur Hydrogel- und Silikon-Hydrogel Kontaktlinsen 4x 300ml. Bridge Essay? Pflegen Reinigen Entfernung von Proteinen Desinfizieren Abspulen Aufbewahren. Beim tragen von Kontaktlinsen, besonders in creative writing masters online, einer Welt, in der immer weniger geschlafen und mehr Zeit vor dem Computer verbracht wird, wird es zunehmend schwieriger, die Augen zu schutzen und zu pflegen.

Zur Pflege Ihrer Kontaktlinsen und Augen gibt es jetzt eine Pflegelosung, die mit der Biologie. Origin Of Essays? Der Biologie der Augen ahnlich: - Biotrue™ ist so ausbalanciert, dass es dem pH-Wert naturlicher Tranen entspricht. Writing Online? - Biotrue™ unterstutzt die naturliche Aktivitat des Proteins Lysozym im Tranenfi lm, so dass seine antimikrobielle Aktivitat erhalten bleibt. Zusatzlich reinigt es die Kontaktlinsenoberflache von Ablagerungen aus denaturierten Proteinen und lost diese auf. Of Critical? - Biotrue™ nutzt die gleiche feuchtigkeitsbindende Substanz wie das Auge: Hyaluronat. Online? Das Hyaluronat verbleibt bis zu 20 Stunden auf den Kontaktlinsen* und tragt so dazu bei, dass der Tragekomfort den ganzen Tag lang anhalt. Appendix Paper? Hervorragende Desinfektionswirksamkeit – fur die Gesundheit, die das Auge braucht. Creative Masters? Die kombinierten Desinfektionsmittel PHMB und PQ-1 wirken mit Innovationen zusammen, die der Bio-Inspiration zu verdanken sind. Bridge Essay? Diese Kombination bedeutet ein au?ergewohnliches Ma? an creative writing masters Desinfektionswirksamkeit gegen Bakterien und Pilze. Paper In India? Ihrer Augen im Eingang ist. Die All-in-one Losung Biotrue' befeuchtet so, wie ihre Augen es tun. Dabei greift sie auf ein Gleitmittel zuruck, das auch in writing online, ihren Augen zu finden ist. Of Essays? Sie weist einen neutralen pH-Wert auf, wie dies in creative writing online, gesunden Tranen der Fall ist.

Die Biotrue All-in-one Losung tragt dazu bei, die Denaturierung bestimmter Tranenproteine zu verhindern und sorgt so fur saubere Kontaktlinsen, weniger Keime und schonendes Kontaktlinsentragen Biotrue Eine Losung - mit der Biologie Ihrer Augen im Einklang. All in to poetry collins essay, one Pflegelosung: Bio-Inspiration fur eine verbesserte Kontaktlinsenpflege. Creative Writing Online? Wer wei? am besten, was das Auge braucht – wenn nicht das Auge selbst? Bausch + Lomb hat sich von der Natur des menschlichen Auges inspirieren lassen und eine neue Kontaktlinsenpflegelosung entwickelt. In Research Paper? Das Ergebnis: Biotrue. Creative Writing Masters? Das Besondere: Biotrue ist eine Kontaktlinsenpflegelosung, bei deren Entwicklung die naturliche Tranenflussigkeit als Vorbild gedient hat“. Appendix In Research Paper? Ihr ideal auf den naturlichen Tranenfilm abgestimmter pH-Wert von 7,5 fuhrt zu einem angenehmen Gefuhl beim Aufsetzen und Tragen der Kontaktlinsen. Writing Masters Online? Biotrue nutzt zudem das im Auge selbst befindliche Benetzungsmittel Hyaluronat, was fur eine hohe Spontanvertraglichkeit sorgt und die Augen vor Feuchtigkeitsverlust schutzt. Das Hyaluronat verbleibt bis zu 20 Stunden auf den Kontaktlinsen und tragt so dazu bei, dass der Tragekomfort den ganzen Tag lang anhalt.

Auch unterstutzt Biotrue die naturliche antimikrobakterielle Aktivitat des Proteins Lysozym im Tranenfilm, was Denaturierung und Ablagerungen auf den Kontaktlinsen vermindert und die Kontaktlinsenoberflache sauberer halt. Of Essays? Ihre hervorragende Desinfektionswirkung durch ein doppeltes Desinfektionssystem erganzt die positiven Eigenschaften der All in creative masters online, one Pflegelosung Biotrue. In Vorabtests zeigten sich Anwender und Kontaktlinsenspezialisten gleicherma?en begeistert von der neuesten Innovation aus dem Hause Bausch + Lomb. Biotrue eroffnet eine neue Dimension an history of critical thinking in nursing Tragekomfort und Desinfektionsleistung fur Kontaktlinsentrager. Writing Masters Online? Lassen Sie sich von der Inspiration aus der Natur uberzeugen. Appendix? Bestandteile: Hyaluronat, Sulfobetain, Poloxamin, Borsaure. Masters Online? Natriumborat, Dinatriumedetat und Natriumchlorid. Coursework? konserviert mit Polvaminopropylbiquanid 0,000013% und Polyquaternium 0,0001%. Creative Masters? Bei Allergie auf einen der Bestandteile des Produkts bitte nicht verwenden. 4 x 300ml Bio true. statt ehem.

VK 43,90 ˆ -42% nur 25,50 ˆ 21,25 ˆ pro do my paper, Liter. Writing? Artikelpreis abzuglich 2% Rabatt bei Zahlung per bridge, Vorkasse. Biotrue 1x 300ml Bausch + Lomb Bio true. Biotrue All-in-One Losung fur Hydrogel- und Silikon-Hydrogel Kontaktlinsen 1x 300ml. Creative Writing Masters? Pflegen Reinigen Entfernung von Proteinen Desinfizieren Abspulen Aufbewahren. Beim tragen von Kontaktlinsen, besonders in einer Welt, in origin, der immer weniger geschlafen und mehr Zeit vor dem Computer verbracht wird, wird es zunehmend schwieriger, die Augen zu schutzen und zu pflegen.

Zur Pflege Ihrer Kontaktlinsen und Augen gibt es jetzt eine Pflegelosung, die mit der Biologie. Der Biologie der Augen ahnlich: - Biotrue™ ist so ausbalanciert, dass es dem pH-Wert naturlicher Tranen entspricht. - Biotrue™ unterstutzt die naturliche Aktivitat des Proteins Lysozym im Tranenfi lm, so dass seine antimikrobielle Aktivitat erhalten bleibt. Zusatzlich reinigt es die Kontaktlinsenoberflache von Ablagerungen aus denaturierten Proteinen und lost diese auf. Creative Writing Masters? - Biotrue™ nutzt die gleiche feuchtigkeitsbindende Substanz wie das Auge: Hyaluronat. Das Hyaluronat verbleibt bis zu 20 Stunden auf den Kontaktlinsen* und tragt so dazu bei, dass der Tragekomfort den ganzen Tag lang anhalt. Bridge Essay? Hervorragende Desinfektionswirksamkeit – fur die Gesundheit, die das Auge braucht. Writing? Die kombinierten Desinfektionsmittel PHMB und PQ-1 wirken mit Innovationen zusammen, die der Bio-Inspiration zu verdanken sind. Diese Kombination bedeutet ein au?ergewohnliches Ma? an Desinfektionswirksamkeit gegen Bakterien und Pilze.

Ihrer Augen im Eingang ist. Bridge Creek Owl? Die All-in-one Losung Biotrue' befeuchtet so, wie ihre Augen es tun. Creative Writing Masters? Dabei greift sie auf ein Gleitmittel zuruck, das auch in history of critical thinking, ihren Augen zu finden ist. Sie weist einen neutralen pH-Wert auf, wie dies in creative writing masters, gesunden Tranen der Fall ist. Essay Occurrence? Die Biotrue All-in-one Losung tragt dazu bei, die Denaturierung bestimmter Tranenproteine zu verhindern und sorgt so fur saubere Kontaktlinsen, weniger Keime und schonendes Kontaktlinsentragen Biotrue Eine Losung - mit der Biologie Ihrer Augen im Einklang. Online? All in paper, one Pflegelosung: Bio-Inspiration fur eine verbesserte Kontaktlinsenpflege. Masters? Wer wei? am besten, was das Auge braucht – wenn nicht das Auge selbst?

Bausch + Lomb hat sich von der Natur des menschlichen Auges inspirieren lassen und eine neue Kontaktlinsenpflegelosung entwickelt. In Research? Das Ergebnis: Biotrue. Creative Writing Masters Online? Das Besondere: Biotrue ist eine Kontaktlinsenpflegelosung, bei deren Entwicklung die naturliche Tranenflussigkeit als Vorbild gedient hat“. Ihr ideal auf den naturlichen Tranenfilm abgestimmter pH-Wert von 7,5 fuhrt zu einem angenehmen Gefuhl beim Aufsetzen und Tragen der Kontaktlinsen. Introduction To Poetry Collins Essay? Biotrue nutzt zudem das im Auge selbst befindliche Benetzungsmittel Hyaluronat, was fur eine hohe Spontanvertraglichkeit sorgt und die Augen vor Feuchtigkeitsverlust schutzt. Creative? Das Hyaluronat verbleibt bis zu 20 Stunden auf den Kontaktlinsen und tragt so dazu bei, dass der Tragekomfort den ganzen Tag lang anhalt. History In Nursing? Auch unterstutzt Biotrue die naturliche antimikrobakterielle Aktivitat des Proteins Lysozym im Tranenfilm, was Denaturierung und Ablagerungen auf den Kontaktlinsen vermindert und die Kontaktlinsenoberflache sauberer halt. Ihre hervorragende Desinfektionswirkung durch ein doppeltes Desinfektionssystem erganzt die positiven Eigenschaften der All in masters online, one Pflegelosung Biotrue. In India? In Vorabtests zeigten sich Anwender und Kontaktlinsenspezialisten gleicherma?en begeistert von der neuesten Innovation aus dem Hause Bausch + Lomb. Creative? Biotrue eroffnet eine neue Dimension an of critical thinking Tragekomfort und Desinfektionsleistung fur Kontaktlinsentrager. Writing Masters Online? Lassen Sie sich von der Inspiration aus der Natur uberzeugen.

Bestandteile: Hyaluronat, Sulfobetain, Poloxamin, Borsaure. Natriumborat, Dinatriumedetat und Natriumchlorid. konserviert mit Polvaminopropylbiquanid 0,000013% und Polyquaternium 0,0001%. Introduction To Poetry Essay? Bei Allergie auf einen der Bestandteile des Produkts bitte nicht verwenden. 1 x 300ml Bio true. Writing? statt ehem. Maths? VK 12,90 ˆ -23% nur 9,90 ˆ (33,00 ˆ pro writing, Liter) Biotrue 2x 300ml Bausch + Lomb Bio true. Of Essays? Biotrue All-in-One Losung fur Hydrogel- und Silikon-Hydrogel Kontaktlinsen 2x 300ml.

Pflegen Reinigen Entfernung von Proteinen Desinfizieren Abspulen Aufbewahren. Creative Writing Online? Beim tragen von Kontaktlinsen, besonders in origin of essays, einer Welt, in der immer weniger geschlafen und mehr Zeit vor dem Computer verbracht wird, wird es zunehmend schwieriger, die Augen zu schutzen und zu pflegen. Zur Pflege Ihrer Kontaktlinsen und Augen gibt es jetzt eine Pflegelosung, die mit der Biologie. Der Biologie der Augen ahnlich: - Biotrue™ ist so ausbalanciert, dass es dem pH-Wert naturlicher Tranen entspricht. - Biotrue™ unterstutzt die naturliche Aktivitat des Proteins Lysozym im Tranenfi lm, so dass seine antimikrobielle Aktivitat erhalten bleibt. Creative Online? Zusatzlich reinigt es die Kontaktlinsenoberflache von Ablagerungen aus denaturierten Proteinen und lost diese auf. Origin Of Essays? - Biotrue™ nutzt die gleiche feuchtigkeitsbindende Substanz wie das Auge: Hyaluronat. Masters Online? Das Hyaluronat verbleibt bis zu 20 Stunden auf den Kontaktlinsen* und tragt so dazu bei, dass der Tragekomfort den ganzen Tag lang anhalt. To Poetry Billy? Hervorragende Desinfektionswirksamkeit – fur die Gesundheit, die das Auge braucht. Writing Online? Die kombinierten Desinfektionsmittel PHMB und PQ-1 wirken mit Innovationen zusammen, die der Bio-Inspiration zu verdanken sind. Diese Kombination bedeutet ein au?ergewohnliches Ma? an maths coursework Desinfektionswirksamkeit gegen Bakterien und Pilze. Ihrer Augen im Eingang ist.

Die All-in-one Losung Biotrue' befeuchtet so, wie ihre Augen es tun. Creative? Dabei greift sie auf ein Gleitmittel zuruck, das auch in to poetry, ihren Augen zu finden ist. Sie weist einen neutralen pH-Wert auf, wie dies in writing masters online, gesunden Tranen der Fall ist. To Poetry Billy Essay? Die Biotrue All-in-one Losung tragt dazu bei, die Denaturierung bestimmter Tranenproteine zu verhindern und sorgt so fur saubere Kontaktlinsen, weniger Keime und schonendes Kontaktlinsentragen Biotrue Eine Losung - mit der Biologie Ihrer Augen im Einklang. All in one Pflegelosung: Bio-Inspiration fur eine verbesserte Kontaktlinsenpflege.

Wer wei? am besten, was das Auge braucht – wenn nicht das Auge selbst? Bausch + Lomb hat sich von der Natur des menschlichen Auges inspirieren lassen und eine neue Kontaktlinsenpflegelosung entwickelt. Creative Online? Das Ergebnis: Biotrue. Maths? Das Besondere: Biotrue ist eine Kontaktlinsenpflegelosung, bei deren Entwicklung die naturliche Tranenflussigkeit als Vorbild gedient hat“. Ihr ideal auf den naturlichen Tranenfilm abgestimmter pH-Wert von 7,5 fuhrt zu einem angenehmen Gefuhl beim Aufsetzen und Tragen der Kontaktlinsen. Creative? Biotrue nutzt zudem das im Auge selbst befindliche Benetzungsmittel Hyaluronat, was fur eine hohe Spontanvertraglichkeit sorgt und die Augen vor Feuchtigkeitsverlust schutzt.

Das Hyaluronat verbleibt bis zu 20 Stunden auf den Kontaktlinsen und tragt so dazu bei, dass der Tragekomfort den ganzen Tag lang anhalt. Auch unterstutzt Biotrue die naturliche antimikrobakterielle Aktivitat des Proteins Lysozym im Tranenfilm, was Denaturierung und Ablagerungen auf den Kontaktlinsen vermindert und die Kontaktlinsenoberflache sauberer halt. Origin? Ihre hervorragende Desinfektionswirkung durch ein doppeltes Desinfektionssystem erganzt die positiven Eigenschaften der All in one Pflegelosung Biotrue. Writing Masters Online? In Vorabtests zeigten sich Anwender und Kontaktlinsenspezialisten gleicherma?en begeistert von der neuesten Innovation aus dem Hause Bausch + Lomb. Biotrue eroffnet eine neue Dimension an aqa gcse coursework Tragekomfort und Desinfektionsleistung fur Kontaktlinsentrager. Creative Writing Masters Online? Lassen Sie sich von der Inspiration aus der Natur uberzeugen. Aqa Gcse? Bestandteile: Hyaluronat, Sulfobetain, Poloxamin, Borsaure.

Natriumborat, Dinatriumedetat und Natriumchlorid. konserviert mit Polvaminopropylbiquanid 0,000013% und Polyquaternium 0,0001%. Bei Allergie auf einen der Bestandteile des Produkts bitte nicht verwenden. Writing Online? 2 x 300ml Bio true. Of Essays? statt ehem. Creative? VK 22,90 ˆ -44% nur 12,90 ˆ (21,50 ˆ pro Liter) Biotrue 3x 300ml Bausch + Lomb Bio true. Introduction Collins? Biotrue All-in-One Losung fur Hydrogel- und Silikon-Hydrogel Kontaktlinsen 3x 300ml. Writing Online? Pflegen Reinigen Entfernung von Proteinen Desinfizieren Abspulen Aufbewahren. Beim tragen von Kontaktlinsen, besonders in paper in india, einer Welt, in creative online, der immer weniger geschlafen und mehr Zeit vor dem Computer verbracht wird, wird es zunehmend schwieriger, die Augen zu schutzen und zu pflegen. Zur Pflege Ihrer Kontaktlinsen und Augen gibt es jetzt eine Pflegelosung, die mit der Biologie. To Poetry Billy Essay? Der Biologie der Augen ahnlich: - Biotrue™ ist so ausbalanciert, dass es dem pH-Wert naturlicher Tranen entspricht. Creative Masters Online? - Biotrue™ unterstutzt die naturliche Aktivitat des Proteins Lysozym im Tranenfi lm, so dass seine antimikrobielle Aktivitat erhalten bleibt.

Zusatzlich reinigt es die Kontaktlinsenoberflache von Ablagerungen aus denaturierten Proteinen und lost diese auf. Bridge Occurrence? - Biotrue™ nutzt die gleiche feuchtigkeitsbindende Substanz wie das Auge: Hyaluronat. Creative Online? Das Hyaluronat verbleibt bis zu 20 Stunden auf den Kontaktlinsen* und tragt so dazu bei, dass der Tragekomfort den ganzen Tag lang anhalt. Hervorragende Desinfektionswirksamkeit – fur die Gesundheit, die das Auge braucht. Aqa Gcse Maths Coursework? Die kombinierten Desinfektionsmittel PHMB und PQ-1 wirken mit Innovationen zusammen, die der Bio-Inspiration zu verdanken sind. Diese Kombination bedeutet ein au?ergewohnliches Ma? an writing online Desinfektionswirksamkeit gegen Bakterien und Pilze. Occurrence Owl? Ihrer Augen im Eingang ist. Die All-in-one Losung Biotrue' befeuchtet so, wie ihre Augen es tun.

Dabei greift sie auf ein Gleitmittel zuruck, das auch in creative online, ihren Augen zu finden ist. Sie weist einen neutralen pH-Wert auf, wie dies in origin of essays, gesunden Tranen der Fall ist. Writing Masters? Die Biotrue All-in-one Losung tragt dazu bei, die Denaturierung bestimmter Tranenproteine zu verhindern und sorgt so fur saubere Kontaktlinsen, weniger Keime und schonendes Kontaktlinsentragen Biotrue Eine Losung - mit der Biologie Ihrer Augen im Einklang. Do My In India? All in writing masters, one Pflegelosung: Bio-Inspiration fur eine verbesserte Kontaktlinsenpflege. Wer wei? am besten, was das Auge braucht – wenn nicht das Auge selbst? Bausch + Lomb hat sich von der Natur des menschlichen Auges inspirieren lassen und eine neue Kontaktlinsenpflegelosung entwickelt. Do My? Das Ergebnis: Biotrue.

Das Besondere: Biotrue ist eine Kontaktlinsenpflegelosung, bei deren Entwicklung die naturliche Tranenflussigkeit als Vorbild gedient hat“. Creative Writing? Ihr ideal auf den naturlichen Tranenfilm abgestimmter pH-Wert von 7,5 fuhrt zu einem angenehmen Gefuhl beim Aufsetzen und Tragen der Kontaktlinsen. Do My Paper In India? Biotrue nutzt zudem das im Auge selbst befindliche Benetzungsmittel Hyaluronat, was fur eine hohe Spontanvertraglichkeit sorgt und die Augen vor Feuchtigkeitsverlust schutzt. Das Hyaluronat verbleibt bis zu 20 Stunden auf den Kontaktlinsen und tragt so dazu bei, dass der Tragekomfort den ganzen Tag lang anhalt. Auch unterstutzt Biotrue die naturliche antimikrobakterielle Aktivitat des Proteins Lysozym im Tranenfilm, was Denaturierung und Ablagerungen auf den Kontaktlinsen vermindert und die Kontaktlinsenoberflache sauberer halt. Writing Masters Online? Ihre hervorragende Desinfektionswirkung durch ein doppeltes Desinfektionssystem erganzt die positiven Eigenschaften der All in of critical thinking in nursing, one Pflegelosung Biotrue. Creative Writing Online? In Vorabtests zeigten sich Anwender und Kontaktlinsenspezialisten gleicherma?en begeistert von der neuesten Innovation aus dem Hause Bausch + Lomb. Origin Of Essays? Biotrue eroffnet eine neue Dimension an masters Tragekomfort und Desinfektionsleistung fur Kontaktlinsentrager. Lassen Sie sich von der Inspiration aus der Natur uberzeugen. Do My Paper? Bestandteile: Hyaluronat, Sulfobetain, Poloxamin, Borsaure. Creative Writing Masters Online? Natriumborat, Dinatriumedetat und Natriumchlorid. Do My Paper In India? konserviert mit Polvaminopropylbiquanid 0,000013% und Polyquaternium 0,0001%.

Bei Allergie auf einen der Bestandteile des Produkts bitte nicht verwenden. Masters Online? 3 x 300ml Bio true. History Of Critical Thinking? statt ehem. VK 33,90 ˆ -47% nur 17,90 ˆ (19,89 ˆ pro masters online, Liter) Biotrue Flight Pack 120ml Bausch Lomb. Biotrue All-in-One Losung fur Hydrogel- und Silikon-Hydrogel Kontaktlinsen 120ml. Of Essays? Pflegen Reinigen Entfernung von Proteinen Desinfizieren Abspulen Aufbewahren. Creative Writing Online? Beim tragen von Kontaktlinsen, besonders in appendix in research, einer Welt, in der immer weniger geschlafen und mehr Zeit vor dem Computer verbracht wird, wird es zunehmend schwieriger, die Augen zu schutzen und zu pflegen. Zur Pflege Ihrer Kontaktlinsen und Augen gibt es jetzt eine Pflegelosung, die mit der Biologie. Creative Writing Online? Der Biologie der Augen ahnlich: - Biotrue™ ist so ausbalanciert, dass es dem pH-Wert naturlicher Tranen entspricht. - Biotrue™ unterstutzt die naturliche Aktivitat des Proteins Lysozym im Tranenfi lm, so dass seine antimikrobielle Aktivitat erhalten bleibt. History? Zusatzlich reinigt es die Kontaktlinsenoberflache von Ablagerungen aus denaturierten Proteinen und lost diese auf. - Biotrue™ nutzt die gleiche feuchtigkeitsbindende Substanz wie das Auge: Hyaluronat.

Das Hyaluronat verbleibt bis zu 20 Stunden auf den Kontaktlinsen* und tragt so dazu bei, dass der Tragekomfort den ganzen Tag lang anhalt. Creative Masters Online? Hervorragende Desinfektionswirksamkeit – fur die Gesundheit, die das Auge braucht. History Of Critical In Nursing? Die kombinierten Desinfektionsmittel PHMB und PQ-1 wirken mit Innovationen zusammen, die der Bio-Inspiration zu verdanken sind. Diese Kombination bedeutet ein au?ergewohnliches Ma? an creative online Desinfektionswirksamkeit gegen Bakterien und Pilze. Of Critical In Nursing? Ihrer Augen im Eingang ist. Die All-in-one Losung Biotrue' befeuchtet so, wie ihre Augen es tun. Creative? Dabei greift sie auf ein Gleitmittel zuruck, das auch in ihren Augen zu finden ist.

Sie weist einen neutralen pH-Wert auf, wie dies in introduction, gesunden Tranen der Fall ist. Writing Online? Die Biotrue All-in-one Losung tragt dazu bei, die Denaturierung bestimmter Tranenproteine zu verhindern und sorgt so fur saubere Kontaktlinsen, weniger Keime und schonendes Kontaktlinsentragen Biotrue Eine Losung - mit der Biologie Ihrer Augen im Einklang. Aqa Gcse Maths? All in one Pflegelosung: Bio-Inspiration fur eine verbesserte Kontaktlinsenpflege. Masters? Wer wei? am besten, was das Auge braucht – wenn nicht das Auge selbst? Bausch + Lomb hat sich von der Natur des menschlichen Auges inspirieren lassen und eine neue Kontaktlinsenpflegelosung entwickelt. Do My In India? Das Ergebnis: Biotrue. Writing Masters Online? Das Besondere: Biotrue ist eine Kontaktlinsenpflegelosung, bei deren Entwicklung die naturliche Tranenflussigkeit als Vorbild gedient hat“. History Of Critical In Nursing? Ihr ideal auf den naturlichen Tranenfilm abgestimmter pH-Wert von 7,5 fuhrt zu einem angenehmen Gefuhl beim Aufsetzen und Tragen der Kontaktlinsen. Writing? Biotrue nutzt zudem das im Auge selbst befindliche Benetzungsmittel Hyaluronat, was fur eine hohe Spontanvertraglichkeit sorgt und die Augen vor Feuchtigkeitsverlust schutzt.

Das Hyaluronat verbleibt bis zu 20 Stunden auf den Kontaktlinsen und tragt so dazu bei, dass der Tragekomfort den ganzen Tag lang anhalt. Auch unterstutzt Biotrue die naturliche antimikrobakterielle Aktivitat des Proteins Lysozym im Tranenfilm, was Denaturierung und Ablagerungen auf den Kontaktlinsen vermindert und die Kontaktlinsenoberflache sauberer halt. Bridge Occurrence? Ihre hervorragende Desinfektionswirkung durch ein doppeltes Desinfektionssystem erganzt die positiven Eigenschaften der All in masters, one Pflegelosung Biotrue. Do My Paper? In Vorabtests zeigten sich Anwender und Kontaktlinsenspezialisten gleicherma?en begeistert von der neuesten Innovation aus dem Hause Bausch + Lomb. Biotrue eroffnet eine neue Dimension an masters Tragekomfort und Desinfektionsleistung fur Kontaktlinsentrager. History Of Critical Thinking? Lassen Sie sich von der Inspiration aus der Natur uberzeugen. Creative Writing? Bestandteile: Hyaluronat, Sulfobetain, Poloxamin, Borsaure. To Poetry? Natriumborat, Dinatriumedetat und Natriumchlorid. Writing? konserviert mit Polvaminopropylbiquanid 0,000013% und Polyquaternium 0,0001%.

Bei Allergie auf einen der Bestandteile des Produkts bitte nicht verwenden. 2 x 60ml Bio true. statt ehem. Aqa Gcse Coursework? VK 7,90 ˆ -18% nur 6,50 ˆ (5,42 ˆ pro masters online, 100ml) Biotrue 60ml Probepack Bausch Lomb. To Poetry Essay? Biotrue All-in-One Losung fur Hydrogel- und Silikon-Hydrogel Kontaktlinsen. Creative Writing Masters? Pflegen Reinigen Entfernung von Proteinen Desinfizieren Abspulen Aufbewahren. Beim tragen von Kontaktlinsen, besonders in origin, einer Welt, in creative masters, der immer weniger geschlafen und mehr Zeit vor dem Computer verbracht wird, wird es zunehmend schwieriger, die Augen zu schutzen und zu pflegen.

Zur Pflege Ihrer Kontaktlinsen und Augen gibt es jetzt eine Pflegelosung, die mit der Biologie. Maths Coursework? Der Biologie der Augen ahnlich: - Biotrue™ ist so ausbalanciert, dass es dem pH-Wert naturlicher Tranen entspricht. Writing Masters Online? - Biotrue™ unterstutzt die naturliche Aktivitat des Proteins Lysozym im Tranenfi lm, so dass seine antimikrobielle Aktivitat erhalten bleibt. Appendix In Research Paper? Zusatzlich reinigt es die Kontaktlinsenoberflache von Ablagerungen aus denaturierten Proteinen und lost diese auf. Creative Writing Online? - Biotrue™ nutzt die gleiche feuchtigkeitsbindende Substanz wie das Auge: Hyaluronat. Origin Of Essays? Das Hyaluronat verbleibt bis zu 20 Stunden auf den Kontaktlinsen* und tragt so dazu bei, dass der Tragekomfort den ganzen Tag lang anhalt. Creative Writing Masters Online? Hervorragende Desinfektionswirksamkeit – fur die Gesundheit, die das Auge braucht. Maths? Die kombinierten Desinfektionsmittel PHMB und PQ-1 wirken mit Innovationen zusammen, die der Bio-Inspiration zu verdanken sind. Diese Kombination bedeutet ein au?ergewohnliches Ma? an writing Desinfektionswirksamkeit gegen Bakterien und Pilze. Introduction Billy? Ihrer Augen im Eingang ist. Die All-in-one Losung Biotrue' befeuchtet so, wie ihre Augen es tun. Creative Writing Online? Dabei greift sie auf ein Gleitmittel zuruck, das auch in bridge, ihren Augen zu finden ist. Online? Sie weist einen neutralen pH-Wert auf, wie dies in gesunden Tranen der Fall ist.

Die Biotrue All-in-one Losung tragt dazu bei, die Denaturierung bestimmter Tranenproteine zu verhindern und sorgt so fur saubere Kontaktlinsen, weniger Keime und schonendes Kontaktlinsentragen Biotrue Eine Losung - mit der Biologie Ihrer Augen im Einklang. Bridge Creek Essay Occurrence Owl? All in one Pflegelosung: Bio-Inspiration fur eine verbesserte Kontaktlinsenpflege. Writing Online? Wer wei? am besten, was das Auge braucht – wenn nicht das Auge selbst? Bausch + Lomb hat sich von der Natur des menschlichen Auges inspirieren lassen und eine neue Kontaktlinsenpflegelosung entwickelt. Das Ergebnis: Biotrue. Bridge Creek Occurrence? Das Besondere: Biotrue ist eine Kontaktlinsenpflegelosung, bei deren Entwicklung die naturliche Tranenflussigkeit als Vorbild gedient hat“. Ihr ideal auf den naturlichen Tranenfilm abgestimmter pH-Wert von 7,5 fuhrt zu einem angenehmen Gefuhl beim Aufsetzen und Tragen der Kontaktlinsen. Masters? Biotrue nutzt zudem das im Auge selbst befindliche Benetzungsmittel Hyaluronat, was fur eine hohe Spontanvertraglichkeit sorgt und die Augen vor Feuchtigkeitsverlust schutzt. Introduction To Poetry Billy Essay? Das Hyaluronat verbleibt bis zu 20 Stunden auf den Kontaktlinsen und tragt so dazu bei, dass der Tragekomfort den ganzen Tag lang anhalt. Creative Masters Online? Auch unterstutzt Biotrue die naturliche antimikrobakterielle Aktivitat des Proteins Lysozym im Tranenfilm, was Denaturierung und Ablagerungen auf den Kontaktlinsen vermindert und die Kontaktlinsenoberflache sauberer halt. Ihre hervorragende Desinfektionswirkung durch ein doppeltes Desinfektionssystem erganzt die positiven Eigenschaften der All in origin of essays, one Pflegelosung Biotrue.

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Die kombinierten Desinfektionsmittel PHMB und PQ-1 wirken mit Innovationen zusammen, die der Bio-Inspiration zu verdanken sind. Creative Writing? Diese Kombination bedeutet ein au?ergewohnliches Ma? an aqa gcse Desinfektionswirksamkeit gegen Bakterien und Pilze. Writing Online? Ihrer Augen im Eingang ist. Die All-in-one Losung Biotrue' befeuchtet so, wie ihre Augen es tun. Bridge Essay Owl? Dabei greift sie auf ein Gleitmittel zuruck, das auch in creative writing masters online, ihren Augen zu finden ist.

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Select Your Section Order on creative, the New GMAT. Good news! Starting July 11, 2017 the GMAT will allow you to select the order in in india, which you take the sections of the test (from a menu of creative three options). Do My? This new “Select Section Order” feature gives you more control over your test-day experience and an opportunity to play to your strengths. The bad news? Now in masters, addition to the 37 Quant questions, 41 Verbal questions, 12 Integrated Reasoning questions, and Essay, you have one more question you have to answer.

But don’t stress – here’s an analysis of how to make this important decision: Most importantly: statistically, the order of the sections on bridge essay owl, the GMAT does not matter. GMAC ran a pilot program last year and concluded that reordering the sections of the exam had no impact on scores. So there is no way you can make this decision “wrong” – choosing Quant first vs. Verbal first (or vice versa) doesn’t put you at a disadvantage (or give you an advantage). The only impact that this option will have on your score is a psychological one: which order makes you feel like you’re giving yourself the best shot. Also hugely important: make sure you have a plan well before test day. Select Section Order has great potential to give you confidence on writing masters online, test day, but you don’t want the added stress of of critical in nursing one more “big” decision on test day or even the creative writing, day before. Paper In India? Make your plan at least a week before test day, take your final practice test(s) in masters, the exact order you’ll use on the real thing, and save your decision-making capacity for test questions. A great option for this is the Veritas Prep practice tests , which are currently the only GMAT practice tests in the industry that let you customize the order of of critical in nursing your test like the real exam. And now for the ever-important question on creative masters, everyone’s mind: in what order should I take the sections?

Make sure that you recognize that you only introduction to poetry billy collins essay, have three options: Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, Verbal (original order) Verbal, Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning, Analytical Writing Assessment Quantitative, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning, Analytical Writing Assessment. Note that you don’t have the option to creative writing masters online, split up the AWA and IR sections, and that the AWA/IR block comes either first or last: Quant and Verbal will remain adjacent no matter what order you choose, so you can’t plan yourself a nice “break” in between the two. Also, recognize that all test-takers are different. Do My In India? As there is no inherent, universal advantage to one order versus the other, your decision isn’t so much “Quant vs. Verbal” but rather “stronger subject vs. not-as-strong subject.” You can fill in the names “Quant” and “Verbal” based on your own personal strengths. Writing Masters? For this analysis, we’ll use “Stronger” and aqa gcse maths “Not as Strong” to refer to your choice between Quant/Verbal, and writing masters online “AWA/IR” as the third category. Traditionally, one of the to poetry collins essay, biggest challenges of the GMAT has been related to stamina and fatigue: it’s a long test, and by the end people are worn out. And over the last 5 years, the fast-paced Integrated Reasoning section has also proven a challenge – very few people comfortably finish the IR section, so it’s quite common to be a combination of tired and demoralized heading into the Quant section. Plus, let’s be honest: the IR and writing masters online AWA scores just don’t matter as much as the Quant/Verbal scores, so if stamina and confidence are potentially limited quantities, you want to use as much of paper them as possible on the sections that b-schools care about most. Who should take AWA/IR first?

Non-native speakers for whom the essay will be important . The danger of waiting until all the way at the end of the writing online, test to write the essay is that doing so increases the difficulty of writing clearly and do my in india coherently: you’ll just be really tired. If you need your AWA to shine and you’re a bit concerned about creative masters, it as it is, you may want to attack it first. Not-morning-people with first-thing-in-the-morning test appointments . If you got stuck with a test appointment that’s much earlier than the timeframe when you feel alert and capable, AWA/IR is a good opportunity to origin, spend an hour of extended warmup getting into the day. If you have a later test appointment and still want a warmup, though, you’re better served doing a few practice problems before you head to the test center. REASONS TO DO YOUR STRONGER SECTION (Q vs. V) FIRST. 1) You like a good “warmup” to get started on creative writing, a project . At work you typically start the day by responding to paper, casual emails or reading industry news, because you know your most productive/creative/impactful work will come after you’ve taken a bit of writing time to coursework, get your head in the game. Creative Writing Masters? Playing to your strength first will let you experience early success so that your mind is introduction billy collins primed for writing, the tougher section to introduction collins essay, come.

2) You want to writing masters, start with a confidence booster . Test-taking is aqa gcse coursework very psychological – for creative online, example, studies show that test results are significantly impacted when examinees are prompted beforehand with reasons that they should perform well or poorly. Getting started with a section that reminds you that “you’re good at this!” is thinking in nursing a great way to prime your mind for success and confidence. 3) You need your stronger section to carry your overall score . Those with specific score targets often find that the easiest way to hit them is to creative writing masters online, max out on introduction to poetry billy, their better score, gaining as many points as possible there and then hoping to scrounge up enough on the other section to hit that overall threshold. Doing your strength first may help you hit it while you’re fresh and gather up all those points before you get worn down by other sections. (Be careful, though: elite schools tend to prefer balanced scores to imbalanced scores, so make sure you consider that.) REASONS TO DO YOUR WEAKER SECTION (Q vs. V) FIRST.

1) You’re a fast starter . If like to creative writing masters, hit the do my, ground running on projects or workdays, you may want to deal with your biggest challenge first while you’re freshest and writing before fatigue sets in. 2) You hate having stress looming on the horizon . Similarly, if you’re the type who always did your homework immediately after school and always pays your bills the bridge creek occurrence owl, day you get them, there mere presence of the challenge waiting you could add stress through the earlier sections. Why not confront it immediately and get it over with? 3) Your test appointment is online late in of essays, the day . If you’ve been waiting all day to get the test started, you’ve likely been anxious knowing that you have a major event in front of you. Warm up with some easier problems and review in the hour before the test and attack it quickly.

4) You’re retaking the test to specifically improve that section . In some cases, students are told that they can get off the waitlist or will only be considered if they get a particular section score to a certain threshold. Writing Masters Online? If that’s you, turn that isolated section into a 75-minute test followed by a couple hours of formality, instead of forcing yourself to wait for the important part. 5) You crammed for it . Of Critical Thinking In Nursing? We’ve all been there: your biology midterm is at 11am but you have to writing, go to a history class from 9-10:30, and all the while you’re sitting there worried that you’re losing the history of critical in nursing, information you memorized last night. If you’re worried about remembering certain formulas, rules, or strategies, you might as well use them immediately before you get distracted. Note: this does not mean you should cram for the GMAT! But if you did, you may want to apply that short-term memory as quickly as possible. CAN’T DECIDE? THE CASE FOR DOING VERBAL FIRST.

If the above reasons leave you conflicted, Veritas Prep recommends doing the Verbal section first. Creative Masters Online? The skills required on the Verbal section are largely about origin of essays, focus – noting precision in wording, staying engaged in bland reading passages, switching between a variety of different topics – and creative focus is something that naturally fades over the course of the test. The ability to take the Verbal section when you’re most alert and origin able to concentrate is a terrific luxury. Ultimately it’s best that you choose the order that makes you personally feel most confident, but if you can’t decide, most experts report that they would personally choose Verbal first. Because, statistically, the order of the sections doesn’t really matter, the only thing that matters with Select Section Order is creative masters doing what makes you feel most confident and comfortable. So recognize that you cannot make a bad decision! What’s important is that you don’t let this decision add stress or fatigue to in research, your test day.

Make your decision at creative writing, least 2 practice tests before the paper, real thing, considering the advice above, and then don’t look back. The section selection option is a great way to ensure that your test experience feels as comfortable as possible, so, whatever you choose, believe in your decision and then go conquer the GMAT. Getting ready to take the GMAT? Prepare for the exam with a computer-adaptive Veritas Prep practice test – the only test in the industry that allows you to practice section selection like the real exam! And as always, be sure to follow us on Facebook , YouTube , Google+ , and Twitter for the latest in test prep and creative writing online MBA admissions news. GMAT Tip of the Week: Make J. Cole One of Your Critical Reasoning Role Modelz.

Today, we’re going to discuss how a seemingly random hip-hop lyric relates to creek essay occurrence, boosting your GMAT Score: “Don’t save her; she don’t want to be saved.” – J. Cole, “No Role Modelz” One of the writing masters, most common misconceptions that GMAT examinees have about the exam is that, while on paper, quantitative questions, only one answer can be correct and creative writing online everything else is wrong, on verbal questions “my wrong answer was good, but maybe not the best.” It is introduction to poetry collins critical to realize that on creative writing, GMAT verbal questions, exactly one answer is right and the other four are fatally flawed and 100% wrong! Visit a GMAT classroom or a GMAT Club forum thread discussing a Critical Reasoning problem, and you’re almost certain to see/hear students protesting for why their wrong answer could be right. “Well but what if the do my paper, argument said X, would I be right?” “Well but what if instead of writing masters “some” it said “most” would it be right then?” But students love trying to save an incorrect answer to verbal questions, and in particular Critical Reasoning questions. And to introduction to poetry billy essay, an extent that’s understandable: in high school and college, math was always black and online white but in in research, “verbal” classes (literature and the arts, history, philosophy…) as long as you could defend your stance or opinion you could be considered “right” even if that opinion differed from writing masters online, that of your professor.

You could “save” an incorrect or unpopular position on introduction collins essay, an issue by finding a way to creative writing, justify your stance, and in some cases you were even rewarded for to poetry collins essay, proposing and defending an unorthodox, contrarian viewpoint. Creative? But on Critical Reasoning problems, remember this important mantra about incorrect answers: Don’t save her; she don’t want to be saved. Your job is to attack answer choices, looking for the flaw instead of looking for ways to defend. Each incorrect answer choice is specifically written so that someone will see something redeeming about part of paper in india it – otherwise no one would ever pick it and it would be a waste of an answer – so looking for ways to save an answer choice is a fool’s errand. If you’re looking for little things to like about answer choices you should find that in just about every answer choice you see. The operative word in “Critical Reasoning” is critical – you want to be as critical as you can, much like J. Cole is writing when he discusses his relationships in No Role Modelz . According to a recent study, employees who bring their own lunches to work take fewer sick days and do my and are, on creative writing, average, more productive per hour spent at do my in india, work than those who eat at writing masters online, the workplace cafeteria. In order to minimize the number of sick days taken by its staff, Boltech Industries plans to maths coursework, eliminate its cafeteria.

Which of the following, if true, provides the creative online, most reason to history thinking in nursing, believe that Boltech Industries’ strategy will not accomplish its objective? A) Boltech’s cafeteria is known for creative writing masters, serving a diverse array of healthy lunch options. B) Because of origin of essays Boltech’s location, employees who choose to visit a nearby restaurant for creative masters, lunch will seldom be able to return within an hour. C) Employees have expressed concern about the cost of dining at nearby restaurants compared with the affordability of the origin, Boltech cafeteria. D) Employees who bring their lunch from home tend to lead generally healthier lifestyles than those of employees who purchase lunch.

E) Many Boltech employees chose to work for the company in large part because of the generous benefits, such as an on-site cafeteria and creative writing masters fitness center, that Boltech offers. Less than half of origin all test-takers get this problem right, in creative masters, large part because they try to “save” wrong answer choices. The goal of bridge creek essay owl this plan is very clearly stated as “to minimize the number of sick days” but students very frequently pick choices B and E. Creative Writing Masters Online? With B, they try to save it by thinking “but isn’t being away from your desk a long time for a lunch really bad, too?” And the answer may very well be “yes” but the question specifically asks for a reason to do my, think that the strategy will not achieve its objective, and creative masters online that objective is very clearly stated as pertaining only to sick days. “Well what if the plan was to appendix in research paper, minimize time away from employees’s desks?” students love to ask, committed to creative masters, saving the bad answer choice. While that answer might be “yes,” the even bigger answer is “train yourself to thinking, stop trying to save wrong answers!” The study time you expend trying to creative online, create a situation in which your wrong answer would be right (“well with E, if the goal were employee retention then it would probably be right”) is time you spend reinforcing a habit that can get you in trouble on test day.

Trying to in research paper, save answers leads you both to wrong answers and to extra time spent on a hard decision, because, again, if your mindset is to look for writing masters, the good in every answer choice those choices are written to give you something good to coursework, find! So as you study, and especially on test day, heed the wisdom of J. Masters? Cole. Coursework? If you fall into the trap of saving answers, tell the GMAT “fool me one time, shame on writing masters, you; fool me twice can’t put the blame on history of critical in nursing, you.” But most importantly, as you look at Critical Reasoning answer choices, don’t save her. She don’t want to be saved. GMAT Tip of the Week: The Song Remains the creative writing online, Same.

Welcome back to hip hop month in essay occurrence owl, the GMAT Tip of the Week space, where we’re constantly asking ourselves, “Wait, where have I heard that before?” If you listen to writing masters, enough hip hop, you’ll recognize that just about every beat or lyric you hear either samples from creek essay, or derives from another track that came before it (unless, of course, the artist is Ol’ Dirty Bastard, for whom, as his nickname derives, there ain’t no father to creative masters online, his style). Biggie’s “Hypnotize” samples directly from introduction, “La Di Da Di” (originally by Doug E. Fresh – yep, he’s the one who inspired “The Dougie” that Cali Swag District wants to teach you – and writing masters online Slick Rick). “Biggie Biggie Biggie, can’t you see, sometimes your words just hypnotize me…” was originally “Ricky, Ricky, Ricky…” And right around the same time, Snoop Dogg and 2Pac just redid the entire song just about verbatim, save for a few brand names. The “East Coast edit” of Chris Brown’s “Loyal” ? French Montana starts his verse straight quoting Jay-Z’s “I Just Wanna Love U” (“I’m a pimp by blood, not relation, I don’t chase ’em, I replace ’em…”), which (probably) borrowed the line “I don’t chase ’em I replace ’em” from in research, a Biggie track , which probably got it from writing online, something else. And these are just songs we heard on the radio this morning driving to work… The point? Hip hop is a constant variation on the same themes, one of the greatest recycling centers the world has ever known. And so is the GMAT. Good test-takers – like veteran hip hop heads – train themselves to see the familiar within what looks (or sounds) unique. A hip hop fan often says, “Wait, where I have heard that before?” and similarly, a good test-taker sees a unique, challenging problem and says, “Wait, where have I seen that before?” And just like you might recite a lyric back and forth in history of critical in nursing, your mind trying to determine where you’ve heard it before, on test day you should recite the operative parts of the problem or the rule to jog your memory and to remind yourself that you’ve seen this concept before.

Is it a remainder problem? Flip through the concepts that you’ve seen during your GMAT prep about working with remainders (“the remainder divided by the divisor gives you the decimals; when the numerator is smaller then the denominator the whole numerator is the remainder…”). Is it a geometry problem? Think of the rules and creative relationships that showed up on tricky geometry problems you have studied (“I can always draw a diagonal of a rectangle and create a right triangle; I can calculate arc length from an coursework, inscribed angle on creative masters online, a circle by doubling the measure of origin that angle and treating it like a central angle…”). Is it a problem that asks for a seemingly-incalculable number? Run through the strategies you’ve used to perform estimates or determine strange number properties on similar practice problems in creative writing online, the past. The GMAT is a lot like hip hop – just when you think they’ve created something incredibly unique and innovative, you dig back into your memory bank (or click to a jazz or funk station) and realize that they’ve basically re-released the same thing a few times a decade, just under a slightly different name or with a slightly different rhythm. You won’t see anything truly unique on the GMAT. So when you find yourself stumped, act like the bridge creek essay, old guy at work when you tell him to listen to creative writing, a new hip hop song: “Oh I’ve heard this before…and actually when I heard it before in billy collins essay, the ’90s, my neighbor told me that she had heard it before in the ’80s…” As you study, train yourself to see the similarities in online, seemingly-unique problems and see though the GMAT’s rampant plagiarism of origin itself. The repetitive nature of the GMAT and of hip hop will likely mean that you’re no longer so impressed by creative writing online, Tyga, but you can use that recognition to be much more impressive to Fuqua.

GMAT Tip of the Week: Big Sean Says Your GMAT Score Will Bounce Back. Welcome back to Hip Hop Month in the GMAT Tip of the Week space, where naturally, we woke up in beast mode (with your author legitimately wishing he was bouncing back to bridge owl, D-town from LAX this weekend, but blog duty calls!). If you have a car stereo or Pandora account, you’ve undoubtedly heard Big Sean talking about masters, bouncing back this month. “Bounce Back” is a great anthem for do my in india, anyone hitting a rough patch – at creative writing, work, in a relationship, after a rough day for your brackets during next week’s NCAA tournament – but this isn’t a self-help, “it’s always darkest before dawn,” feel-good article. Big Sean has some direct insight into the GMAT scoring algorithm with Bounce Back, and if you pay attention, you can leverage Bounce Back (off the album “I Decided” – that’ll be important, too) to game-plan your test day strategy and increase your score. So, what’s Big Sean’s big insight?

The GMAT scoring (and question delivery) algorithm is designed specifically so that you can “take an L” and bounce back. And if you understand that, you can budget your time and focus appropriately. The test is designed so that just about everybody misses multiple questions – the adaptive system serves you problems that should test your upper threshold of ability, and can also test your lower limit if you’re not careful. What does that mean? Say you, as Big Sean would say, “take an L” (or a loss) on a question. That’s perfectly fine…everyone does it.

The next question should be a bit easier, providing you with a chance to bounce back. The delivery system is do my in india designed to use the creative writing, test’s current estimate of your ability to deliver you questions that will help it refine that estimate, meaning that it’s serving you questions that lie in a difficulty range within a few percentile points of where it thinks you’re scoring. If you “take an L” on a problem that’s even a bit below your true ability, missing a question or two there is fine as long as it’s an outlier. No one question is a perfect predictor of ability, so any single missed question isn’t that big of a deal…if you bounce back and get another few questions right in and around that range, the system will continue to test your upper threshold of ability and give you chances to bridge creek occurrence, prove that the masters, outlier was a fluke. The problem comes when you don’t bounce back. This doesn’t mean that you have to get the next question right, but it does mean that you can’t afford big rough patches – a run of 3 out of 4 wrong or 4 out of do my paper in india 5 wrong, for example. At that point, the system’s estimate of creative writing masters you has to in research, change (your occasional miss isn’t an online, outlier anymore) and while you can still bounce back, you now run the risk of running out of problems to prove yourself.

As the test serves you questions closer to its new estimate of paper in india you, you’re not using the problems to “prove how good you are,” but instead having to spend a few problems proving you’re “not that bad, I promise!” So, okay. Great advice – “don’t get a lot of problems wrong.” Where’s the real insight? It can be found in the lyrics to “Bounce Back”: Everything I do is righteous. Betting on me is the right risk. During the creative writing masters online, test you have to manage your time and effort wisely, and that means looking at hard questions and maths coursework determining whether betting on that question is the right risk. You will get questions wrong, but you also control how much you let any one question affect your ability to answer the others correctly. A single question can hurt your chances at creative online, the others if you: Spend too much time on a problem that you weren’t going to in nursing, get right, anyway Let a problem get in your head and writing masters distract you from giving the next one your full attention and confidence.

Most test-takers would be comfortable on section pacing if they had something like 3-5 fewer questions to answer, but when they’re faced with the full 37 Quant and 41 Verbal problems they feel the need to rush, and rushing leads to origin of essays, silly mistakes (or just blindly guessing on the last few problems). And when those silly mistakes pile up and become closer to the norm than to the outlier, that’s when your score is in trouble. You can avoid that spiral by masters, determining when a question is not the appendix, right risk! If you recognize in 30-40 seconds (or less) that you’re probably going to take an L, then take that L quickly (put in a guess and move on) and bank the masters, time so that you can guarantee you’ll bounce back. Appendix Paper? You know you’re taking at least 5 Ls on each section (for most test-takers, even in the 700s that number is probably closer to 10) so let yourself be comfortable with choosing to take 3-4 Ls consciously, and strategically bank the time to ensure that you can thoroughly get right the problems that you know you should get right. Guessing on the GMAT doesn’t have to be a panic move – when you know that the name of the game is giving yourself the time and writing patience to bounce back, a guess can summon Big Sean’s album title, “I Decided,” as opposed to “I screwed up.” (And if you need proof that even statistics PhDs who wrote the GMAT scoring algorithm need some coaching with regard to taking the L and maths coursework bouncing back, watch the last. So, what action items can you take to maximize your opportunity to bounce back? Right now: pay attention to the concepts, question types, and common problem setups that you tend to waste time on and get wrong. Have a plan in writing masters, mind for test day that “if it’s this type of problem and I don’t see a path to the finish line quickly, I’m better off taking the L and making sure I bounce back on of essays, the next one.” Also, as you review those types of problems in your homework and practice tests, look for techniques you can use to guess intelligently. For many, combinatorics with restrictions is one of those categories for which they often cannot see a path to a correct answer.

Those problems are easy to guess on, however! Often you can eliminate a choice or two by looking at the number of creative writing online possibilities that would exist without the restriction (e.g. if Remy and Nicki would just patch up their beef and stand next to each other, there would be 120 ways to arrange the photo, but since they won’t the number has to be less than 120…). And you can also use that total to aqa gcse maths, ask yourself, “Does the restriction take away a lot of possibilities or just a few?” and get a better estimate of the remaining choices. On test day: Give yourself 3-4 “I Decided” guesses and creative writing online don’t feel bad about them. If your experience tells you that betting your time and energy on a question is not the right risk, take the L and paper use the extra time to make sure you bounce back. The GMAT, like life, guarantees that you’ll get knocked down a few times, but what you can control is how you respond. Accept the fact that you’re going to take your fair share of Ls, but if you’re a real one you know how to bounce back.

GMAT Tip of the Week: Keep Your GMAT Score Safe from the Bowling Green Massacre. The hashtag of the day is #bowlinggreenmassacre, inspired by online, an event that never happened. Whether intentionally or accidentally (we’ll let you and appendix paper your news agency of choice decide which), White House staffer Kellyanne Conway referenced the “event” in writing masters, an interview, inspiring an array of memes and references along the aqa gcse coursework, way. Whatever Ms. Conway’s intentions (or lack thereof; again we’ll let you decide) with the quote, she is creative masters certainly guilty of inadvertently doing one thing: she didn’t likely intend to help you avoid a disaster on the GMAT, but if you’re paying attention she did. Your GMAT test day does not have to be a Bowling Green Massacre! Here’s the thing about the Bowling Green Massacre: it never happened. Aqa Gcse? But by now, it’s lodged deeply enough in the psyche of millions of Americans that, to them, it did. And the masters, same thing happens to thinking, GMAT test-takers all the creative writing online, time. Creek? They think they’ve seen something on the test that isn’t there, and creative writing then they act on something that never happened in the first place. And then, sadly, their GMAT hopes and introduction to poetry collins dreams suffer the writing online, same fate as those poor souls at thinking, Bowling Green (#thoughtsandprayers).

Here’s how it works: The Quant Section’s Bowling Green Massacre. On the writing masters online, Quant section, particularly with Data Sufficiency, your mind will quickly leap to conclusions or jump to in research, use a rule that seems relevant. Consider the example: What is the perimeter of online isosceles triangle LMN? A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is insufficient. B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is origin of essays insufficient.

C. BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient. D. Creative Writing Masters Online? EACH statement ALONE is sufficient. E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient. When people see that square root of 2, their minds quickly drift back to collins essay, all those flash cards they studied – flash cards that include the side ratio for an isosceles right triangle: x, x, xv2. And so they then leap to use that rule, inferring that if one side is 4 and the other is 4v2, the other side must also be 4 to fit the ratio and online they can then calculate the appendix in research, perimeter. With both statements together, they figure, they can derive that perimeter and select choice C. But think about where that side ratio comes from: an isosceles right triangle.

You’re told in creative writing online, the given information that this triangle is, indeed, isosceles. But you’re never told that it’s a right triangle. Much like the Bowling Green Massacre, “right” never happened. But the mere suggestion of it – the appearance of the v2 term that is appendix paper directly associated with an isosceles, right triangle – baits approximately half of writing masters all test-takers to choose C here instead of the correct E (explanation: “isosceles” means only history thinking in nursing, that two sides match, so the writing masters, third side could be either 4, matching side LM, or 4v2, matching side LN). Your mind does this to do my, you often on Data Sufficiency problems: you’ll limit the realm of writing online possible numbers to do my, integers, when that wasn’t defined, or to writing masters online, positive numbers, when that wasn’t defined either. You’ll see symptoms of introduction to poetry billy essay a rule or concept (like v2 leads to the isosceles right triangle side ratio) and assume that the entire rule is in play.

The GMAT preys on your mind’s propensity for creating its own story when in reality, only part of that story really exists. The Verbal Section’s Bowling Green Massacre. This same phenomenon appears on the Verbal section, too – most notably in Critical Reasoning. Much like what many allege that Kellyanne Conway did, your mind wants to creative writing masters online, ascribe particular significance to events or declarations, and it will often exaggerate on you. Consider the example: About two million years ago, lava dammed up a river in bridge essay occurrence owl, western Asia and caused a small lake to creative writing, form. The lake existed for essay, about half a million years. Bones of an masters online, early human ancestor were recently found in the ancient lake-bottom sediments that lie on history thinking, top of the writing, layer of lava.

Therefore, ancestors of modern humans lived in Western Asia between two million and one-and-a-half million years ago. Which one of the following is an assumption required by paper, the argument? A. There were not other lakes in the immediate area before the lava dammed up the river. B. Creative Masters Online? The lake contained fish that the human ancestors could have used for bridge creek essay occurrence owl, food. C. The lava that lay under the lake-bottom sediments did not contain any human fossil remains. D. The lake was deep enough that a person could drown in it. E. Writing Online? The bones were already in appendix paper, the sediments by the time the lake disappeared. The key to most Critical Reasoning problems is finding the conclusion and knowing EXACTLY what the conclusion says – nothing more and nothing less. Here the creative, conclusion is the last sentence, that “ancestors of modern humans lived” in this region at introduction billy essay, this time.

When people answer this problem incorrectly, however, it’s almost always for the same reason. They read the online, conclusion as “the FIRST/EARLIEST ancestors of modern humans lived…” And in in india, doing so, they choose choice C, which protects against humans having come before the ones related to the bones we have. “First/earliest” is a classic Bowling Green Massacre – it’s a much more noteworthy event (“scientists have discovered human ancestors” is pretty tame, but “scientists have discovered the FIRST human ancestors” is writing online a big deal) that your brain wants to see. But it’s not actually there! It’s just that, in aqa gcse coursework, day to day life, you’d rarely ever read about a run-of-the-mill archaeological discovery; it would only pop up in writing masters, your social media stream if it were particularly noteworthy, so your mind may very well assume that that notoriety is bridge present even when it’s not. In order to succeed on the GMAT, you need to become aware of those leaps that your mind likes to take. We’re all susceptible to: Assuming that variables represent integers, and that they represent positive numbers Seeing the symptoms of a rule and then jumping to apply it Applying our own extra superlatives or limits to conclusions. So when you make these mistakes, commit them to memory – they’re not one-off, silly mistakes. Our minds are vulnerable to creative writing masters, Bowling Green Massacres, so on test day #staywoke so that your score isn’t among those that are, sadly, massacred.

Quarter Wit, Quarter Wisdom: Solving the history of critical thinking, Hourglass Puzzle. Let’s continue our puzzles discussion today with another puzzle type – time measurement using an hourglass. (Before you continue reading this article, check out our posts on how to solve pouring water puzzles and weighing and balancing puzzles ) First, understand what an hourglass is – it is a mechanical device used to measure the passage of time. Creative? It is comprised of origin of essays two glass bulbs connected vertically by a narrow neck that allows a regulated trickle of sand from the upper bulb to fall into online, the lower one. The sand also takes a fixed amount of time to fall from the upper bulb to the lower bulb. Hourglasses may be reused indefinitely by inverting the bulbs once the upper bulb is empty. This is what they look like: Say a 10-minute hourglass will let us measure time in intervals of 10 minutes. This means all of the sand will flow from the upper bulb to origin, the lower bulb in exactly 10 minutes.

We can then flip the hourglass over – now sand will start flowing again for the next 10 minutes, and so on. We cannot measure, say, 12 minutes using just a 10-minute hourglass, but we can measure more time intervals when we have two hourglasses of masters different times. Let’s look at this practice problem to see how this can be done: A teacher of mathematics used an unconventional method to history of critical thinking, measure a 15-minute time limit for a test. He used a 7-minute and an 11-minute hourglass. During the whole time, he turned the hourglasses only 3 times (turning both hourglasses at online, once counts as one flip). Explain how the teacher measured out 15 minutes.

Here, we have a 7-minute hourglass and an 11-minute hourglass. This means we can measure time in appendix in research paper, intervals of 7 minutes as well as in intervals of 11 minutes. But consider this: if both hourglasses start together, at the end of 7 minutes, we will have 4 minutes of sand leftover in masters online, the top bulb of the 11-minute hourglass. Origin Of Essays? So we can also measure out creative writing masters online 4 minutes of time. Furthermore, if we flip the 7-minute hourglass over at this time and let it flow for origin, that 4 minutes (until the sand runs out masters online of the top bulb of the history of critical in nursing, 11-minute hourglass), we will have 3 minutes’ worth of writing online sand leftover in paper, the 7-minute hourglass. Hence, we can measure a 3 minute time interval, too, and so on… Now, let’s see how we can measure out 15 minutes of time using our 7-minute and 11-minute hourglasses. First, start both hourglasses at the same time. After the creative masters online, top bulb of the 7-minute hourglass is of critical thinking in nursing empty, flip it over again.

At this time, we have 4 minutes’ worth of sand still in writing masters online, the top bulb of the 11-minute hourglass. When the top bulb of the 11-minute hourglass is empty, the do my in india, bottom bulb of 7-minute hourglass will have 4 minutes’ worth of writing sand in it. At this point, 11 minutes have passed. Now simply flip the 7-minute hourglass over again and do my in india wait until the sand runs to the bottom bulb, which will be in 4 minutes. This is how we measure out 11 + 4 = 15 minutes of time using a 7-minute hourglass and an 11-minute hourglass.

Let’s look at another problem: Having two hourglasses, a 7-minute one and a 4-minute one, how can you correctly time out 9 minutes? Now we need to measure out 9 minutes using a 7-minute hourglass and writing online a 4-minute hourglass. Paper In India? Like we did for writing, the last problem, begin by starting both hourglasses at the same time. After 4 minutes pass, all of the sand in the 4-minute hourglass will be in the lower bulb. Now flip this 4-minute hourglass back over again. In the 7-minute hourglass, there will be 3 minutes’ worth of sand still in the upper bulb. After 3 minutes, all of the sand from the 7-minute hourglass will be in the lower bulb and aqa gcse maths 1 minute’s worth of sand will be in the upper bulb of the 4-minute hourglass. This is when we will start our 9-minute interval. The 1 minute’s worth of writing masters online sand will flow to the bottom bulb of the 4-minute hourglass. Then we just need to flip the 4-minute hourglass over and let all of the sand flow out (which will take 4 minutes), and of essays then flip the hourglass over to let all of the sand flow out again (which will take another 4 minutes).

In all, we have measured out a 1 + 4 + 4 = 9-minute interval, which is what the problem has asked us to find. Karishma , a Computer Engineer with a keen interest in writing, alternative Mathematical approaches, has mentored students in the continents of appendix in research paper Asia, Europe and North America. She teaches the masters online, GMAT for Veritas Prep and paper regularly participates in content development projects such as this blog ! Quarter Wit, Quarter Wisdom: Solving the Pouring Water Puzzle. Some time back, we came across a GMAT Data Sufficiency word problem question based on the “pouring water puzzle”. That made us think that it is probably a good idea to be comfortable with the various standard puzzle types. From this week on, we will look at some fundamental puzzles to writing masters online, acquaint ourselves with these mind benders in case we encounter them on test day. Today, we will look at to poetry billy, the popular “pouring water puzzle”. You may remember a similar puzzle from the movie Die Hard with a Vengeance , where Bruce Willis and writing masters Samuel L. Jackson had to diffuse a bomb by placing a 4 gallon jug of water on a set of maths scales. Here is the puzzle: You have a 3- and writing a 5-liter water container – each container has no markings except for that which gives us its total volume. We also have a running tap.

We must use the containers and essay owl the tap in creative writing, such a way that we measure out exactly 4 liters of water. In Research Paper? How can this be done? Don’t worry that this question is creative masters online not written in a traditional GMAT format! We need to worry only about the logic behind the puzzle – we can then answer any question about it that is given in any GMAT format. Let’s break down what we are given. We have only two containers – one of 3-liter and the other of 5-liter capacity. The containers have absolutely no markings on them other than those which give us the total volumes, i.e. the markings for 3 liters and 5 liters respectively. There is no other container.

We also have a tap/faucet of introduction collins essay running water, so basically, we have an unlimited supply of water. Creative Masters Online? Environmentalists may not like my saying this, but this fact means we can throw out water when we need to and just refill again. Now think about appendix paper, it: STEP 1: Let’s fill up the 5-liter container with water from the tap. Now we are at (5, 0), with 5 being the liters of water in writing masters online, the 5-liter container, and 0 being the liters of water in the 3-liter container.

STEP 2: Now, there is paper nothing we can do with this water except transfer it to the 3-liter container (there is creative writing online no other container and throwing out the of critical thinking in nursing, water will bring us back to where we started). After we fill up the creative writing masters, 3-liter container, we are left with 2 liters of water in appendix in research, the 5-liter container. This brings us to (2, 3). STEP 3: We gain nothing from transferring the 3 liters of water back to 5-liter container, so let’s throw out the 3 liters that are in creative online, the 3-liter container. Because we just threw out the water from the introduction essay, 3-liter container, we will gain nothing by simply refilling it with 3 liters of water again. So now we are at (2, 0). STEP 4: The next logical step is to transfer the 2 liters of water we have from the 5-liter container to the 3-liter container.

This means the 3-liter container has space for 1 liter more until it reaches its maximum volume mark. This brings us to (0, 2). STEP 5: Now fill up the creative masters, 5-liter container with water from the tap and transfer 1 liter to the 3-liter container (which previously had 2 liters of essay occurrence owl water in it). This means we are left with 4 liters of water in the 5-liter container. Now we are at (4, 3). This is how we are able to separate out exactly 4 liters of water without having any markings on the two containers. Writing? We hope you understand the paper, logic behind solving this puzzle. Creative Online? Let’s take a look at another question to help us practice: We are given three bowls of 7-, 4- and 3-liter capacity. Only the 7-liter bowl is full of water.

Pouring the water the fewest number of do my times, separate out the 7 liters into 2, 2, and 3 liters (in the three bowls). This question is a little different in that we are not given an unlimited supply of creative writing masters online water. We have only essay occurrence, 7 liters of water and we need to split it into 2, 2 and 3 liters. This means we can neither throw away any water, nor can we add any water. We just need to work with what we have. We start off with (7, 0, 0) – with 7 being the creative, liters of water in the 7-liter bowl, the first 0 being the liters of water in the 4-liter bowl, and the second 0 being the liters of water in the 3-liter bowl – and we need to go to history thinking, (2, 2, 3). Let’s break this down: STEP 1: The first step would obviously be to pour water from the masters, 7-liter bowl into the 4-liter bowl.

Now you will have 3 liters of water left in the 7-liter bowl. We are now at (3, 4, 0). STEP 2: From the 4-liter bowl, we can now pour water into the 3-liter bowl. Now we have 1 liter in origin, the 4-liter bowl, bringing us to creative masters online, (3, 1, 3). STEP 3: Empty out the origin, 3-liter bowl, which is full, into the 7-liter bowl for a total of creative writing online 6 liters – no other transfer makes sense [if we transfer 1 liter of water to the 7-liter bowl, we will be back at to poetry billy, the (4, 0, 3) split, which gives us nothing new]. This brings us to (6, 1, 0). STEP 4: Shift the 1 liter of creative writing masters water from the of essays, 4-liter bowl to the 3-liter bowl. Creative Online? We are now at (6, 0, 1). STEP 5: From the 7-liter bowl, we can now shift 4 liters of of essays water into the 4-liter bowl. This leaves us with with 2 liters of water in creative writing, the 7-liter bowl. Again, no other transfer makes sense – pouring 1 liter of water into some other bowl takes us back to bridge, a previous step.

This gives us (2, 4, 1). STEP 6: Finally, pour water from the 4-liter bowl into the 3-liter bowl to fill it up. 2 liters will be shifted, bringing us to (2, 2, 3). This is what we wanted. We took a total of 6 steps to solve this problem. Creative Writing Online? At each step, the point is to look for introduction to poetry billy collins essay, what helps us advance forward. If our next step takes us back to a place at which we have already been, then we shouldn’t take it. Keeping these tips in mind, we should be able to solve most of these pouring water puzzles in creative masters, the future! Karishma , a Computer Engineer with a keen interest in alternative Mathematical approaches, has mentored students in the continents of Asia, Europe and North America. Bridge Essay Owl? She teaches the GMAT for Veritas Prep and regularly participates in content development projects such as this blog ! GMAT Tip of the writing online, Week: Taking the Least Amount of Time to bridge occurrence, Solve “At Least” Probability Problems. In its efforts to keep everyone from getting perfect 800s, the GMAT has two powerful tools to masters, stop you from perfection.

For one, it can bait you into wrong answers (with challenging content, tempting trap answers, or a combination thereof). And secondly, it can waste your time, making it look like you need to do a lot of work when there’s a much simpler way. Fortunately, and coursework contrary to masters online, popular belief, the GMAT isn’t “pure evil.” Wherever it provides opportunities for less-savvy examinees to waste their time, it also provides a shortcut for those who have put in the study time to learn it or who have the bridge creek essay occurrence owl, patience to look for the elevator, so to speak, before slogging up the stairs. And one classic example of that comes with the creative masters, “at least one” type of creek occurrence owl probability question. To illustrate, let’s consider an example: In a bowl of marbles, 8 are yellow, 6 are blue, and 4 are black.

If Michelle picks 2 marbles out of the bowl at random and at creative online, the same time, what is the probability that at least one of the marbles will be yellow? Here, you can first streamline the process along the in research, lines of one of those “There are two types of people in the world: those who _______ and those who don’t _______” memes. Your goal is to determine whether you get a yellow marble, so you don’t care as much about “blue” and “black”…those can be grouped into “not yellow,” thereby giving you only two groups: 8 yellow marbles and 10 not-yellow marbles. Fewer groups means less ugly math! But even so, trying to writing online, calculate the probability of every sequence that gives you one or two yellow marbles is aqa gcse maths labor intensive. You could accomplish that “not yellow” goal several ways: First marble: Yellow; Second: Not Yellow. First: Not Yellow; Second: Yellow. First: Yellow; Second: Yellow. That’s three different math problems each involving fractions and requiring attention to detail. There ought to masters, be an easier way…and there is.

When a probability problem asks you for introduction to poetry billy essay, the probability of “at least one,” consider the only situation in which you WOULDN’T get at least one: if you got none. That’s a single calculation, and helpful because if the probability of drawing two marbles is 100% (that’s what the problem says you’re doing), then 100% minus the probability of the unfavorable outcome (no yellow) has to equal the probability of the favorable outcome. So if you determine “the probability of online no yellow” and maths coursework subtract from 1, you’re finished. That means that your problem should actually look like: PROBABILITY OF NO YELLOW, FIRST DRAW: 10 non-yellow / 18 total. PROBABILITY OF NO YELLOW, SECOND DRAW: 9 remaining non-yellow / 17 remaining total.

10/18 * 9/17 reduces to masters, 10/2 * 1/17 = 5/17. Now here’s the only tricky part of origin of essays using this technique: 5/17 is the creative masters, probability of what you DON’T want, so you need to subtract that from 1 to get the probability you do want. In Research Paper? So the answer then is 12/17, or B. More important than this problem is the lesson: when you see an “at least one” probability problem, recognize that the probability of “at least one” equals 100% minus the probability of writing online “none.” Since “none” is always a single calculation, you’ll always be able to appendix in research paper, save time with this technique. Had the question asked about creative, three marbles, the number of favorable sequences for “at least one yellow” would be: Yellow Yellow Yellow.

Yellow Not-Yellow Not-Yellow. Yellow Not-Yellow Yellow. Yellow Yellow Not-Yellow. Not-Yellow Yellow Yellow. (And note here – this list is bridge creek essay not yet exhaustive, so under time pressure you may very well forget one sequence entirely and then still get the problem wrong even if you’ve done the masters online, math right.) Whereas the of critical thinking in nursing, probability of No Yellow is much more straightforward: Not-Yellow, Not-Yellow, Not-Yellow would be 10/18 * 9/17 * 8/16 (and look how nicely that last fraction slots in, reducing quickly to 1/2). What would otherwise be a terrifying slog, the “long way” becomes quite quick the shorter way. So, remember, when you see “at least one” probability on the GMAT, employ the writing, “100% minus probability of none” strategy and you’ll save valuable time on at least one Quant problem on introduction collins essay, test day. Investing in Success: The Best In-Person or Online GMAT Tutors Can Make a Difference. Making sure that you’re ready to take the GMAT requires study, time, and effort. Earning a high score on the GMAT can help to creative writing masters online, impress admissions officials at history thinking, preferred business schools.

One way to writing masters, make the studying process easier is to work with a private GMAT tutor. Of Essays? A tutor can help you prep for creative writing online, the test in a variety of of critical thinking in nursing ways. Naturally, you want to find the tutor who can be the most help to you. Discover some of the qualities to look for when there’s a GMAT tutor needed to complete your study plan. Knowledge of All Aspects of the GMAT The best private GMAT tutor has more than just general advice regarding the GMAT . The person has thorough knowledge of the exam and creative its contents. To Poetry Essay? There are several parts to writing online, the GMAT, including the Verbal, Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing sections. A qualified tutor will have plenty of tips to share that can help you to navigate all of the sections on do my, the GMAT.

Plus, an creative, experienced tutor will be able to evaluate the results of your practice GMAT to determine where you need to focus most of your study efforts. This puts the element of efficiency into your test prep. The GMAT instructors at Veritas Prep achieved scores on the exam that placed them in the 99th percentile, so if you work with a Veritas Prep tutor, you know you’re studying with someone who has practical experience with the exam. Our tutors are experts at describing the subtle points of the GMAT to maths, their students. Access to online, Quality Study Resources If you want to thoroughly prepare for the GMAT, you must use quality study materials. At Veritas Prep, we have a GMAT curriculum that guides you through each section of the test. Your instructor will show you the types of questions on the test and history of critical in nursing reveal proven strategies you can use to answer them correctly. Creative Writing Masters Online? Of course, our curriculum teaches you the facts you need to know for the test. But just as importantly, we show you how to apply those facts to the questions on the exam. We do this in an effort to help you think like a business executive as you complete the GMAT. Private tutoring services from Veritas Prep give you the origin of essays, tools you need to masters online, perform your best on the exam.

Selecting Your Method of Learning The best GMAT tutors can offer you several options when it comes to preparing for the exam. Perhaps you work full-time as a business professional. You want to prepare for the GMAT but don’t have the time to attend traditional courses. In that case, you should search for an online GMAT tutor. As a result, you can prep for the GMAT without disrupting your busy work schedule. At Veritas Prep, we provide you with the option of online tutoring as well as in-person classes.

We recognize that flexibility is important when it comes to preparing for the GMAT, and we want you to get the thinking, instruction you need to masters, earn a high score on this important test. An Encouraging Instructor Naturally, when you take advantage of origin of essays GMAT private tutoring services, you will learn information you need to know for writing masters online, the test. But a tutor should also take the time to encourage you as you progress in do my, your studies. Writing Masters? It’s likely that you’ll face some stumbling blocks as you prepare for aqa gcse, the different sections of the GMAT. A good instructor must be ready with encouraging words when you’re trying to master difficult skills. Encouraging words from a tutor can give you the push you need to conquer especially puzzling questions on creative writing masters online, the test. The understanding tutors at do my in india, Veritas Prep have been through preparation for the GMAT as well as the actual test, so we understand the tremendous effort it takes to master all of its sections. If you want to partner with the writing, best GMAT tutor as you prep for the test, we have you covered at Veritas Prep! When you sign up to of essays, study for the GMAT with Veritas Prep, you are investing in your own success. Creative Masters Online? Give us a call or write us an email today to let us know when you want to start gearing up for excellence on the GMAT!

GMAT Writing Tips: Analytical Writing for to poetry billy, the GMAT. You probably know that the GMAT gauges your skills in reading and math. But did you know that there is also a section called the Analytical Writing Assessment? GMAT creators want to see how well you can analyze an argument, so in this section, you are given an argument and online expected to critique it. Is it a valid argument, or is it full of flaws? Discover a few GMAT writing tips that can help you to origin of essays, create a critique that earns you a high score on masters, this portion of the test. Take a Few Minutes to Plan Your Essay. When it comes to the GMAT writing section, you may think this first tip is a no-brainer. Unfortunately, some students become nervous or anxious about this part of the exam and forget to plan out their essay before diving into the task. This can result in a poorly organized essay or one that is missing important points. Take the origin, time to carefully read the directions and the argument.

Then, create a rough outline of what points you want to creative writing online, include in the essay as well as where you want to to poetry, include them. If you lose your train of thought while you’re writing, simply look at your outline to regain your focus. Determine the Flaws in creative writing, the Argument. Your essay’s plan should include the flaws in the author’s argument. Faulty comparisons and mistaken assumptions as well as vague words are all things to point out of critical in nursing when critiquing the argument. Writing a quick note about each flaw you find can be helpful when it comes time to elaborate on them in creative writing masters online, your essay. Plus, making note of them helps you to remember to bridge creek essay, include all of them in the final piece. Use Specific Examples in online, Your Essay. The use of specific examples is a key element for Analytical Writing. GMAT graders will be looking for specific examples as they score your essay.

It’s not enough to state that a piece of the appendix in research, given argument is writing online inaccurate – you have to use the information within the of essays, argument to prove your point. Also, using specific examples helps you to demonstrate that you understand the creative writing masters online, argument. Read and Evaluate High-Scoring Analytical Essays. When preparing for the GMAT Analytical Writing section, it’s a good idea to read and evaluate essays that received high scores. This can help you see what needs to be adjusted in your own writing to history, create an essay that earns a high score. In fact, you can break each essay down and highlight the creative online, individual elements that earned it a high score. Study the history thinking in nursing, Scoring System for the GMAT Analytical Writing Section. Studying the scoring rubric for creative masters online, the analytical essay is very helpful in your quest to craft a high-scoring piece. After writing a practice essay, you can compare its contents to the criteria on maths coursework, the rubric. If your essay is missing an element, you can go back and do a rewrite. This sort of creative writing practice takes a bit of time, but will prove beneficial on paper, test day.

A professional tutor can assist you in preparing for the section on Analytical Writing. GMAT tutors at Veritas Prep have taken the exam and earned a score in the 99th percentile. Masters Online? This means that when you prep for the Analytical Writing section with one of our tutors, you’re learning from a teacher with practical experience! Your tutor can help you boost your writing skills by reviewing the outline of essay owl your practice essay and giving you tips on how to improve it. Also, your tutor can provide strategies for what you can do to creative writing masters, make your analytical essay more convincing. We have a variety of tutoring options for those who want help preparing for origin, the analytical essay section on the GMAT. At Veritas Prep, we know that you have a busy schedule, and we want to creative writing masters online, make it convenient to prep for this test. We also offer resources such as the opportunity for you to take a free GMAT test . This is an excellent way to find out do my paper how your skills measure up on each section of the exam. Call or contact us online today and let us give you a hand with your essay-writing skills! The Patterns to Solve GMAT Questions with Reversed-Digit Numbers – Part II. In an creative writing online, earlier post , I wrote about the GMAT’s tendency to ask questions regarding the number properties of two two-digit numbers whose tens and history of critical thinking in nursing units digits have been reversed.

The biggest takeaways from that post were: Anytime we add two two-digit numbers whose tens and units digits have been reversed, we will get a multiple of 11. Anytime we take the writing masters online, difference of two two-digit numbers whose tens and units digits have been reversed, we will get a multiple of history thinking 9. For the hardest GMAT questions, we’re typically mixing and creative matching different types of number properties and paper in india strategies, so it can be instructive to writing online, see how the above axioms might be incorporated into such problems. Take this challenging Data Sufficiency question, for instance: When the digits of two-digit, positive integer M are reversed, the of critical thinking in nursing, result is the two-digit, positive integer N. If M N, what is the value of M? (1) The integer (M –N) has 12 unique factors. (2) The integer (M –N) is a multiple of 9. The average test-taker looks at Statement 1, sees that it will be very difficult to simply pick numbers that satisfy this condition, and concludes that this can’t possibly be enough information.

Well, the writing masters online, average test-taker also scores in the mid-500’s, so that’s not how we want to think. First, let’s concede that Statement 1 is a challenging one to bridge, evaluate and look at Statement 2 first. Creative Masters Online? Notice that Statement 2 tells us something we already know – as we saw above, anytime you have two two-digit numbers whose tens and units digits are reversed, the paper in india, difference will be a multiple of 9. If Statement 2 is useless, we can immediately prune our decision tree of writing possible correct answers. In India? Either Statement 1 alone is sufficient, or the statements together are not sufficient, as Statement 2 will contribute nothing. So right off the bat, the only possible correct answers are A and E. If we had to guess, and we recognize that the average test-taker would likely conclude that Statement 1 couldn’t be sufficient, we’d want to go in the opposite writing online direction – this question is significantly more difficult (and interesting) if it turns out that Statement 1 gives us considerably more information than it initially seems. In order to evaluate Statement 1, it’s helpful to understand the following shortcut for how to determine the total number of factors for a given number. Say, for example, that we wished to determine how many factors 1000 has. We could, if we were sufficiently masochistic, simply list them out appendix in research paper (1 and 1000, 2 and 500, etc.).

But you can see that this process would be very difficult and time-consuming. Alternatively, we could do the following. Creative Writing Masters? First, take the aqa gcse coursework, prime factorization of 1000. 1000 = 10^3, so the prime factorization is 2^3 * 5^3. Next, we take the exponent of each prime base and add one to it. Last, we multiply the results. (3+1)*(3+1) = 16, so 1000 has 16 total factors. More abstractly, if your number is x^a * y^b, where x and writing masters online y are prime numbers, you can find the total number of factors by paper, multiplying (a+1)(b+1). Now let’s apply this process to Statement 1. Imagine that the difference of M and N comes out to creative writing masters online, some two-digit number that can be expressed as x^a * y^b. If we have a total of bridge creek occurrence owl 12 factors, then we know that (a+1)(b+1) = 12.

So, for example, it would work if a = 3 and masters b = 2, as a + 1 = 4 and b + 1 = 3, and 4*3 =12. But it would also work if, say, a = 5 and b = 1, as a + 1 = 6 and b + 1 = 2, and in nursing 6*2 = 12. So, let’s list out some numbers that have 12 factors: Now remember that M – N, by definition, is a multiple of creative writing online 9, which will have at least 3^2 in its prime factorization. So the origin of essays, second option is no longer a candidate, as its prime factorization contains only one 3. Also recall that we’re talking about the difference of writing masters two two-digit numbers. 2^2 * 3^3 is 4*27 or 108. Origin Of Essays? But the difference between two positive two-digit numbers can’t possibly be a three-digit number!

So the masters online, third option is also out. The only possibility is the first option. If we know that the do my in india, difference of the two numbers is creative 2^3 * 3^2, or 8*9 = 72, then only appendix paper, 91 and creative writing online 19 will work. So Statement 1 alone is sufficient to answer this question, and the answer is A. Algebraically, if M = 10x + y, then N = 10y + x. M – N = (10x + y) – (10y + x) = 9x – 9y = 9(x – y). If 9(x – y) = 72, then x – y = 8. If the difference between the tens and units digits is in nursing 8, the numbers must be 91 and 19. Takeaway: the hardest GMAT questions will require a balance of strategy and knowledge. In this case, we want to remember the following: Anytime we take the difference of two two-digit numbers whose tens and units digits have been reversed, we will get a multiple of 9. If one statement is easier to evaluate than the other, tackle the easier one first. If it’s the case that one statement gives you absolutely nothing, and the other is complex, there is a general tendency for the complex statement alone to be sufficient.

For the number x^a * y^b, where x and y are prime numbers, you can find the total number of factors by multiplying (a+1)(b+1). By David Goldstein , a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston . You can find more articles written by him here . GMAT Hacks, Tricks, and Tips to Make Studying and Preparing for the GMAT Simpler. The GMAT measures four general types of knowledge: Verbal, Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. Online? The entire test takes about three hours and 30 minutes to in india, complete. Preparing for this important exam may seem like a daunting task, but you can simplify the process with the help of creative masters some GMAT tips and tricks.

Use Mnemonics to Learn Vocabulary Words. Making a GMAT cheat sheet complete with mnemonics simplifies the process of learning vocabulary words for the Verbal section. Word pictures can help you to retain the words you’re learning. For instance, suppose you’re trying to learn the do my in india, word “ extricate.” “Extricate” means to free something or someone from creative masters online, a constraint or problem. You may pair the word with a mental picture of a group of people being freed from a stuck elevator by a technician. Of Critical Thinking? Creating mnemonics that relate to your life, family, or job can make them all the more memorable. Look for Vocabulary Words in Context.

Studying a GMAT cheat sheet full of words and mnemonics shouldn’t be the end of your vocabulary studies. It’s just as important to be able to writing online, recognize those words in context. If you’ve signed up to take the GMAT, there’s a good chance that you already read several business publications, so keep an bridge creek, eye out for the words used within those resources. Writing Masters Online? Reading financial newspapers, magazines, and online articles that contain GMAT vocabulary words helps you become more familiar with them. Do My? After a while, you’ll know what the words mean without having to writing masters, think about them.

Learn the Test Instructions Before Test Day. When you read the instructions for each section before test day arrives, you’ll know what to expect on the actual day. This can make you feel more relaxed about tackling each section. Also, you won’t have to do my in india, use your test time reading instructions because you will already know what you’re doing. Always Keep Some Study Materials Close By. When it comes to GMAT tips and strategies, the easiest ones can sometimes be the most effective. Even busy working professionals have free moments throughout the day. It’s a smart idea to use those moments for study and review. For instance, you can work on some practice math problems during a lunch or coffee break. Online? If you have a dentist or doctor’s appointment, you can use virtual flashcards to introduction billy essay, quiz yourself on GMAT vocabulary words while you’re sitting in the waiting room. Creative Masters Online? Taking a few minutes each day to review can add up to a lot of productive study time by the end of creek owl a week.

Set a Timer for creative writing masters, Practice Tests. If you’re concerned about completing each section of the GMAT within the allotted number of minutes, one of of essays our favorite GMAT hacks is to try setting a timer as you begin each section of a practice test. If the timer goes off before you’re finished with the section, you may be spending too much time on puzzling problems. Or perhaps you’re taking too much time to read the directions for writing masters, each section rather than familiarizing yourself with them ahead of thinking in nursing time. Timing your practice tests helps you establish a rhythm that allows you to get through each section with a few minutes to creative, spare for review.

At Veritas Prep, we provide you with the opportunity to take a free exam . Taking this practice exam allows you to get a clear picture of what you’ll encounter on test day. Get Into the history of critical thinking, Habit of Eliminating Wrong Answer Options. Another very effective GMAT strategy is to eliminate answer options that are clearly incorrect. Writing? With the exception of the to poetry billy, analytical essay, this can be done on every portion of the test. Taking practice tests gives you the chance to establish this habit. Creative Masters Online? By eliminating obviously incorrect answer options, you are making the most efficient use of your test time. To Poetry Billy Collins Essay? Also, you are making the questions more manageable by giving yourself fewer answers to consider. Here at Veritas Prep, our GMAT instructors follow a unique curriculum that shows you how to approach every problem on the test. Writing Masters? We teach you how to strengthen your higher-order thinking skills so you’ll know how to use them to creek occurrence, your advantage on creative masters, the test. Contact our offices today to take advantage of our in-person prep courses or our private tutoring services.

Learn GMAT hacks from professional instructors who’ve mastered the test! How to Solve “Hidden” Factor Problems on the GMAT. One of the history of critical in nursing, interesting things to note about newer GMAC Quant questions is that, while many of these questions test our knowledge of multiples and factors, the masters, phrasing of these questions is maths often more subtle than earlier versions you might have seen. For example, if I ask you to find the least common multiple of 6 and 9, I’m not being terribly artful about creative masters online, what topic I’m testing you on – the word “multiple” is in the question itself. But if tell you that I have a certain number of cupcakes and, were I so inclined, I could distribute the same number of origin of essays cupcakes to each of 6 students with none left over or to each of 9 students with none left over, it’s the same concept, but I’m not telegraphing the creative online, subject in the same conspicuous manner as the previous question. This kind of recognition comes in handy for questions like this one:

All boxes in appendix, a certain warehouse were arranged in stacks of creative masters 12 boxes each, with no boxes left over. After 60 additional boxes arrived and introduction to poetry no boxes were removed, all the masters, boxes in the warehouse were arranged in introduction collins, stacks of creative masters online 14 boxes each, with no boxes left over. How many boxes were in the warehouse before the 60 additional boxes arrived? (1) There were fewer than 110 boxes in the warehouse before the paper in india, 60 additional arrived. (2) There were fewer than 120 boxes in the warehouse after the 60 additional arrived. Initially, we have stacks of 12 boxes with no boxes left over, meaning we could have 12 boxes or 24 boxes or 36 boxes, etc. Writing Masters? This is when you want to recognize that we’re dealing with a multiple/factor question. That first sentence tells you that the number of boxes is a multiple of origin of essays 12. After 60 more boxes were added, the boxes were arranged in masters, stacks of 14 with none left over – after this change, the number of bridge essay boxes is a multiple of 14. Because 60 is, itself, a multiple of 12, the new number must remain a multiple of 12, as well. [If we called the old number of writing masters boxes 12x, the new number would be 12x + 60. Maths Coursework? We could then factor out a 12 and call this number 12(x + 5.) This number is clearly a multiple of 12.] Therefore the new number, after 60 boxes are added, is a multiple of both 12 and 14.

Now we can find the least common multiple of 12 and 14 to ensure that we don’t miss any possibilities. The prime factorization of online 12: 2^2 * 3. The prime factorization of 14: 2 * 7. The least common multiple of to poetry essay 12 and 14: 2^2 * 3 * 7 = 84. We now know that, after 60 boxes were added, the total number of boxes was a multiple of 84. There could have been 84 boxes or 168 boxes, etc.

And before the 60 boxes were added, there could have been 84-60 = 24 boxes or 168-60 = 108 boxes, etc. A brief summary: After 60 boxes were added: 84, 168, 252…. Before 60 boxes were added: 24, 108, 192…. That feels like a lot of work to do before even glancing at the statements, but now look at how much easier they are to evaluate! Statement 1 tells us that there were fewer than 110 boxes before the 60 boxes were added, meaning there could have been 24 boxes to start (and 84 once 60 were added), or there could have been 108 boxes to start (and 168 once 60 were added). Because there are multiple potential solutions here, Statement 1 alone is not sufficient to creative, answer the introduction to poetry collins, question. Statement 2 tells us that there were fewer than 120 boxes after 60 boxes were added. This means there could have been 84 boxes – that’s the online, only possibility, as the next number, 168, already exceeds 120. So we know for a fact that there are 84 boxes after 60 were added, and 24 boxes before they were added.

Statement 2 alone is sufficient, and history thinking the answer is B. Takeaway: questions that look strange or funky are always testing concepts that have been tested in creative writing masters online, the past – otherwise, the exam wouldn’t be standardized. Origin? By making these connections, and recognizing that a verbal clue such as “none left over” really means that we’re talking about multiples and factors, we can recognize even the most abstract patterns on the toughest of online GMAT questions. By David Goldstein , a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in bridge owl, Boston . You can find more articles written by creative writing, him here . GMAT Probability Practice: Questions and Answers. The Quantitative portion of the GMAT contains questions on introduction to poetry billy collins, a variety of math topics. One of those topics is probability. GMAT questions of creative masters online this sort ask you to look for history thinking in nursing, the likelihood that something will occur. Probability is not as familiar to creative online, many as Algebra, Geometry, and other topics on introduction to poetry collins essay, the test.

This is writing masters online why some test-takers hesitate when they see the word “p robability” on a summary of the GMAT. However, this is just another topic that can be mastered with study and practice. You may already know that there are certain formulas that can help solve GMAT probability questions, but there is more to these problems than teasing out the right answers. Of Essays? Take a look at some advice on how to tackle GMAT probability questions to writing masters online, calm your fears about the test: As you work through GMAT probability practice questions, you will need to know a few formulas. Creek Essay? One key formula to remember is that the probability equals the number of writing masters desired outcomes divided by the number of possible outcomes. Another formula deals with discrete events and probability – that formula is P(A and B) = P(A)*P(B). Figuring out the probability of an event not occurring is one minus the probability that the event will occur. Putting these formulas into practice is the most effective way to remember them.

Is it Enough to Know the Basic Formulas for Probability? Some test-takers believe that once you know the formulas related to probability for GMAT questions, then you have the keys to bridge owl, success on this portion of the test. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. The creators of the creative writing masters online, GMAT are not just looking at history of critical thinking, your ability to plug numbers into formulas – you must understand what each question is asking and creative writing why you arrived at a particular answer. Successful business executives use reason and logic to bridge creek occurrence owl, arrive at the decisions they make. Creative? The creators of the GMAT want to see how good you are at using these same tools to solve problems.

The Value of bridge creek Practice Exams. Taking a practice GMAT can help you determine your skill level when it comes to probability questions and problems on creative writing masters online, every other section of the test. Also, a practice exam gives you the chance to become accustomed to the amount of time you’ll have to finish the various sections of the test. At Veritas Prep, we have one free GMAT practice test available to anyone who wants to get an idea of how prepared they are for the test. After you take the practice test, you will receive a score report and thorough performance analysis that lets you know how you fared on origin, each section. Online? Your performance analysis can prove to be one of the aqa gcse, most valuable resources you have when starting to prepare for the GMAT. Follow-up practice tests can be just as valuable as the first one you take.

These tests reveal your progress on probability problems and creative online other skills on the GMAT. The results can guide you on how to adjust your study schedule to focus more time on the subjects that need it. Getting the Right Kind of Instruction. When it comes to probability questions, GMAT creators have been known to set subtle traps for test-takers. In some cases, you may happen upon a question with an answer option that jumps out at you as the introduction billy collins, right choice. Masters? This could be a trap. If you study for do my in india, the GMAT with Veritas Prep, we can teach you how to spot and avoid those sorts of traps. Our talented instructors have not only taken the GMAT; they have mastered it. Masters Online? Each of our tutors received a score that placed them in of essays, the 99th percentile. Consequently, if you study with Veritas Prep, you’ll benefit from the experience and knowledge of tutors who have conquered the GMAT. When it comes to probability questions, GMAT tutors at Veritas Prep have you covered!

In addition to providing you with effective GMAT strategies, tips, and top-quality instruction, we also give you choices regarding the format of your courses. We have prep classes that are given online and in person – learn your lessons where you want, and when you want. You may want to go with our private tutoring option and get a GMAT study plan that is tailored to your needs. Creative Writing Online? Contact Veritas Prep today and dive into your GMAT studies! When to Pick Your Own Numbers on GMAT Quant Questions. The other day, while working with a tutoring student, I was enumerating the paper, virtues of various test-taking strategies when the student sheepishly interrupted my eloquent paean to picking numbers. She’d read somewhere that these strategies were fine for easy to writing masters, moderate questions, but that for the toughest questions, you just had to bear down and solve the problem formally. Clearly, she is of critical thinking in nursing not a regular reader of our fine blog. As luck would have it, on writing masters online, her previous practice exam she’d received the following problem, which both illustrates the value of picking numbers and in research demonstrates why this approach works so well.

A total of 30 percent of the geese included in a certain migration study were male. If some of the geese migrated during the study and 20 percent of the migrating geese were male, what was the ratio of the migration rate for creative writing masters online, the male geese to the migration rate for the female geese? [Migration rate for geese of bridge creek owl a certain sex = (number of geese of that sex migrating) / (total number of creative writing online geese of that sex)] This is aqa gcse coursework a perfect opportunity to creative writing masters online, break out bridge creek essay occurrence owl two of my favorite GMAT tools: picking numbers and making charts. So, let’s say there are 100 geese in our population.

That means that if 30% are male, we’ll have 30 male geese and 70 females geese, giving us the following chart: Now, let’s say 10 geese were migrating. Writing Online? That means that 90 were not migrating. Moreover, if 20 percent of the migrating geese were male, we know that we’ll have 2 migrating males and do my in india 8 migrating females, giving us the creative writing masters online, following: (Note that if we wanted to, we could fill out the rest of the chart, but there’s no reason to, especially when we’re trying to save as much time as possible.) Our migration rate for the male geese is 2/30 or 1/15. Our migration rate for the female geese is 8/70 or 4/35.

Ultimately, we want the ratio of the male migration rate (1/15) to the female migration rate (4/35), so we need to simplify (1/15)/(4/35), or (1*35)/(15*4) = 35/60 = 7/12. And we’re done – B is our answer. My student was skeptical. How did we know that 10 geese were migrating? What if 20 geese were migrating? Or 50? Shouldn’t that change the result? This is the paper in india, beauty of picking numbers – it doesn’t matter what number we pick (so long as we don’t end up with an illogical scenario in which, say, the number of creative writing online migrating male geese is greater than the number of total male geese). To see why, watch what happens when we do this algebraically:

Say that we have a total of “t” geese. Introduction Billy? If 30% are male, we’ll have 0.30t male geese and 0.70t females geese. Now, let’s call the migrating geese “m.” If 20% are male, we’ll have 0.20m migrating males and 0.80m migrating females. Now our chart will look like this: The migration rate for the male geese is 0.20m/0.30t or 2m/3t. The migration rate for creative writing masters online, the female geese is 0.80m/0.70t or 8m/7t. We want the ratio of the male migration rate (2m/3t) to paper, the female migration rate (8m/7t), so we need to creative writing masters, simplify (2m/3t)/(8m/7t) = (2m*7t)/(3t * 8m) = 14mt/24mt = 7mt/12mt = 7/12. Bridge Creek? It’s clear now why the numbers we picked for m and t don’t matter – they cancel out in the end. Takeaway: We cannot say this enough: the GMAT is not testing your ability to do formal algebra.

It’s testing your ability to creative online, make good decisions in origin, a stressful environment. So your goal, when preparing for this test, isn’t to become a virtuoso mathematician, even for the toughest questions. It’s to online, practice the kind of simple creative thinking that will get you to your answer with the smallest investment of essay your time. By David Goldstein , a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston . Creative Writing Masters Online? You can find more articles written by him here . How to Use Units Digits to Avoid Doing Painful Calculations on the GMAT. During the first session of each new class I teach, we do a quick primer on the utility of units digits. Imagine I want to introduction to poetry, solve 130,467 * 367,569. Without a calculator, we are surely entering a world of hurt. But we can see almost instantaneously what the units digit of this product would be. The units digit of 130,467 * 367,569 would be the same as the units digit of masters online 7*9, as only the units digits of the larger numbers are relevant in such a calculation.

7*9 = 63, so the units digit of 130,467 * 367,569 is 3. This is one of those concepts that is so simple and elegant that it seems too good to in india, be true. And yet, this simple, elegant rule comes into play on the GMAT with surprising frequency. Take this question for example: If n is a positive integer, how many of the ten digits from 0 through 9 could be the units digit of n^3? Surely, you think, the solution to this question can’t be as simple as cubing the easiest possible numbers to writing masters, see how many different units digits result. Origin? And yet that’s exactly what we’d do here. 3^3 = 27 a units 7. 4^3 = 64 a units 4. 5^3 = ends in 5 (Fun fact: 5 raised to any positive integer will end in 5.) 6^3 = ends in 6 (Fun fact: 6 raised to any positive integer will end in 6.)

7^3 = ends in writing online, 3 (Well 7*7 = 49. 49*7 isn’t that hard to calculate, but only the units digit matters, and 9*7 is 63, so 7^3 will end in 3.) 8^3 = ends in 2 (Well, 8*8 = 64, and origin 4*8 = 32, so 8^3 will end in 2.) 9^3 = ends in 9 (9*9 = 81 and 1 * 9 = 9, so 9^3 will end in online, 9.) Amazingly, when I cube all the integers from owl, 1 to 10 inclusive, I get 10 different units digits.

Pretty neat. The answer is E. Of course, this question specifically invoked the writing masters, term “units digit.” What are the odds of aqa gcse that happening? Maybe not terribly high, but any time there’s a painful calculation, you’d want to creative, consider thinking about the units digits. Take this question, for example: A certain stock exchange designates each stock with a one, two or three letter code, where each letter is selected from the 26 letters of the do my, alphabet. If the letters may be replaced and if the same letters used in a different order constitute a different code, how many different stocks is it possible to writing online, uniquely designate with these codes? Conceptually, this one doesn’t seem that bad. If I wanted to make a one-letter code, there’d be 26 ways I could do so. If I wanted to make a two-letter code, there’d be 26*26 or 26^2 ways I could do so.

If I wanted to make a three-letter code, there’d be 26*26*26, or 26^3 ways I could so. So the total number of codes I could make, given the conditions of the problem, would be 26 + 26^2 + 26^3. Hopefully, at this point, you notice two things. First, this arithmetic will be deeply unpleasant to do. Second, all of the answer choices have different units digits! Now remember that 6 raised to any positive integer will always end in 6. In Nursing? So the writing masters, units digit of 26 is 6, and the units digit of 26^2 is introduction to poetry billy 6 and the units digit of 26^3 is creative masters also 6. Therefore, the units digit of 26 + 26^2 + 26^3 will be the in research, same as the units digit of creative masters 6 + 6 + 6. Because 6 + 6 + 6 = 18, our answer will end in an 8. The only possibility here is E. Pretty nifty. Takeaway: Painful arithmetic can always be avoided on the GMAT. When calculating large numbers, note that we can quickly find the units digit with minimal effort. If all the answer choices have different units digits, the question writer is blatantly telegraphing how to approach this problem. By David Goldstein , a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston . You can find more articles written by him here . How to Approach Difficult GMAT Problems.

My students have a hard time understanding what makes a difficult GMAT question difficult. They assume that the aqa gcse maths, tougher questions are either testing something they don’t know, or that these problems involve a dizzying level of complexity that requires an creative writing masters, algebraic proficiency that’s simply beyond them. One of my main goals in teaching a class is to maths, persuade everyone that this is not, in fact, how hard questions work on creative writing masters online, this test. Hard questions don’t ask you do to something you don’t know how to maths, do. Rather, they’re cleverly designed to provoke an anxiety response that makes it difficult to realize that you do know exactly how to solve the problem. Take this official question, for example:

Let a, b, c and d be nonzero real numbers. If the quadratic equation ax(cx + d) = -b(cx +d) is creative writing masters online solved for appendix in research paper, x, which of the following is masters online a possible ratio of the 2 solutions? Most students see this and panic. Of Essays? Often, they’ll start by multiplying out the left side of the equation, see that the expression is horrible (acx^2 + adx), and take this as evidence that this question is beyond their skill level. Creative Masters Online? And, of course, the question was designed to elicit precisely this response. So when I do this problem in class, I always start by history thinking in nursing, telling my students, much to their surprise, that every one of them already knows how to creative, do this. They’ve just succumbed to the question writer’s attempt to convince them otherwise. So let’s start simple.

I’ll write the following on the board: xy = 0. Then I’ll ask what we know about x or y. And my students shrug and say x or y (or both) is origin equal to 0. Writing Masters Online? They’ll also wonder what on earth such a simple identity has to do with the algebraic mess of the question they’d been struggling with. I’ll then write this: zx + zy = 0. Aqa Gcse? Again, I’ll ask what we know about the variables. Writing Online? Most will quickly see that we can factor out a “z” and get z(x+y) = 0. And again, applying the same logic, we see that one of the two components of the product must equal zero – either z = 0 or x + y = 0. Next, I’ll ask if they would approach the bridge creek essay occurrence owl, problem any differently if I’d given them zx = -zy – they wouldn’t. Now it clicks.

We can take our initial equation in the aforementioned problem: ax(cx +d) = -b(cx+d), and see that we have a ‘cx + d’ on writing, both sides of the equation, just as we’d had a “z” on origin of essays, both sides of the previous example. If I’m able to get everything on one side of the equation, I can factor out the common term. Now ax(cx +d) = -b(cx+d) becomes ax(cx +d) + b(cx+d) = 0. Just as we factored out a “z” in the previous example, we can factor out “cx + d” in this one. Now we have (cx + d)(ax + b) = 0. Again, if we multiply two expressions to get a product of zero, we know that at least one of those expressions must equal 0. Either cx + d = 0 or ax + b = 0.

If cx + d = 0, then x = -d/c. If ax + b = 0, then x = -b/a. Therefore, our two possible solutions for x are –d/c and creative masters online –b/a. So, the ratio of the two would simply be (-d/c)/(-b/a). Paper In India? Recall that dividing by a fraction is the equivalent of multiplying by the reciprocal, so we’re ultimately solving for (-d/c)(-a/b). Multiplying two negatives gives us a positive, and we end up with da/cb, which is equivalent to answer choice E. Takeaway: Anytime you see something on the GMAT that you think you don’t know how to do, remind yourself that the question was designed to creative writing masters, create this false impression. You know how to do it – don’t hesitate to dive in and search for how to apply this knowledge. By David Goldstein , a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston . You can find more articles written by him here . How to aqa gcse maths coursework, Reach a 99th Percentile GMAT Score Using No New Academic Strategies. Last week I received an email from an writing, old student who’d just retaken the GMAT. He was writing to let me know that he’d just received a 770.

Of course, I was ecstatic for introduction to poetry billy, him, but I was even more excited once I considered what his journey could mean for other students. His story is a fairly typical one: like the writing masters, vast majority of GMAT test-takers, he enrolled in the class looking to hit a 700. Origin Of Essays? His scores improved steadily throughout the course, and when he took the test the first time, he’d received a 720, which was in line with his last two practice exams. After he finished the official test, he called me – both because he was feeling pretty good about his score but also because a part of him was sure he could do better. My feeling at the time was that there really wasn’t any pressing need for a retake: a 720 is a fantastic score, and creative writing masters online once you hit that level of success, the of critical thinking, incremental gains of an improvement begin to suffer from the law of diminishing returns. Still, when you’re talking about the most competitive MBA programs, you want any edge you can get. Moreover, he’d already made up his mind. He wanted to retake. Part of writing online his decision was rooted in principle. He was sure he could hit the appendix in research paper, 99 th percentile, and he wanted to prove it to himself. Writing Masters? The problem, he noted, was that he’d already mastered the test’s content.

So if there was nothing left for him to learn, how did he jump to paper, the 99 th percentile? The answer can be found in creative writing, the vast body of literature enumerating the psychological variables that influence test scores. We like to think of tests as detached analytic tools that measure how well we’ve mastered a given topic. In reality, our mastery of the content is one small aspect of history of critical thinking in nursing performance. Many of us know this from experience – we’ve all had the experience of studying hard for writing masters online, a test, feeling as though we know everything cold, and then ending up with a score that didn’t seem to reflect how well we’d learned the material. Bridge Creek Essay Owl? After I looked at the research, it was clear that the creative, two most important psychological variables were 1) confidence and 2) how well test-takers managed test anxiety. (And there’s every reason to paper, believe that those two variables are interconnected.)

I’ve written in the past about how a mindfulness meditation practice can boost test day performance . I’ve also written about how perceiving anxiety as excitement, rather than as a nefarious force that needs to masters online, be conquered, has a similarly salutary effect. Recently I came across a pair of maths coursework newer studies. In one, researchers found that when students wrote in their journals for 10 minutes about their test-taking anxiety the morning of their exams, their scores went up substantially. In another, the social psychologist Amy Cuddy found that body language had a profound impact on performance in all sorts of domains. For example, her research has revealed that subjects who assumed “power poses” for creative masters, two minutes before a job interview projected more confidence during the interview and were better able to solve problems than a control group that assumed more lethargic postures. (To see what these power poses look like, check out Cuddy’s fascinating Ted talk here .) Moreover, doing power poses actually created a physiological change, boosting testosterone and reducing the stress hormone Cortisol. Though her research wasn’t targeted specifically at test-takers, there’s every reason to aqa gcse maths, believe that there would be a beneficial effect for creative masters online, students who practiced power poses before an exam. Do My? Many teachers acquainted with Cuddy’s research now recommend that their students do this before tests.

So the writing online, missing piece of the puzzle for my student was simply confidence. His strategies hadn’t changed. His knowledge of the core concepts was the same. The only introduction billy collins, difference was his psychological approach. So now I’m recommending that all of my students do the following to cultivate an ideal mindset for producing their best possible test scores: Perform mindfulness meditation for the two weeks leading up to the exam. Masters Online? Reframe test-day anxiety as excitement. Spend 10 minutes the morning of the test writing in a journal. Practice two minutes of paper power poses in the waiting room before sitting for writing online, the exam and between the do my in india, Quant and Verbal section. By David Goldstein , a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston . You can find more articles written by him here . Don’t Swim Against the Arithmetic Currents on the GMAT Quant Section. When I was a child, I was terrified of creative masters riptides.

Partially, this was a function of history in nursing having been raised by unusually neurotic parents who painstakingly instilled this fear in me, and partially this was a function of creative masters having inherited a set of genes that seems to have predisposed me towards neuroticism. (The point, of essay course, is that my parents are to blame for everything. Writing Masters Online? Perhaps there is a better venue for discussing these issues.) If there’s a benefit to fears, it’s that they serve as potent motivators to find solutions to the troubling predicaments that prompt them. The solution to dealing with riptides is to avoid struggling against the current. The water is more powerful than you are, so a fight is appendix a losing proposition – rather, you want to wait for an opportunity to creative masters, swim with the current and allow the surf to bring you back to shore. There’s a profound wisdom here that translates to many domains, including the GMAT. In class, whenever we review a strategy, my students are usually comfortable applying it almost immediately. Their deeper concern is about when to coursework, apply the strategy, as they’ll invariably find that different approaches work with different levels of efficacy on different problems. Creative Writing Masters Online? Moreover, even if one has a good strategy in mind, the way the in research paper, strategy is best applied is often context-dependent. When we’re picking numbers, we can say that x = 2 or x = 100 or x = 10,000; the key is masters online not to go in with a single approach in mind. Introduction To Poetry? Put another way, don’t swim against the arithmetic currents.

Let’s look at some questions to see this approach in action: At a picnic there were 3 times as many adults as children and twice as many women as men. If there was a total of x men, women, and creative writing online children at the picnic, how many men were there, in terms of x? The moment we see “x,” we can consider picking numbers. The key here is essay contemplating how complicated the number should be. Swim with the current – let the question tell you. A quick look at the answer choices reveals that x could be something simple. Ultimately, we’re just dividing this value by 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Keeping this in mind, let’s think about the creative writing, first line of the question. If there are 3 times as many adults as children, and we’re keeping things simple, we can say that there are 3 adults and 1 child, for a total of 4 people. So, x = 4.

Now, we know that among our 3 adults, there are twice as many women as men. So let’s say there are 2 women and paper 1 man. Easy enough. In sum, we have 2 women, 1 man, and 1 child at this picnic, and a total of 4 people. The question is how many men are there? There’s just 1! So now we plug x = 4 into the answers and keep going until we find x = 1. Creative Writing Masters Online? Clearly x/4 will work, so C is our answer. The key was to let the question dictate our approach rather than trying to impose an approach on the question. Let’s try another one:

Last year, sales at Company X were 10% greater in February than in of critical, January, 15% less in March than in February, 20% greater in April than in writing masters online, March, 10% less in May than in April, and origin of essays 5% greater in creative writing masters online, June than in history of critical thinking in nursing, May. On which month were sales closes to the sales in January? Great, you say. It’s a percent question. Writing? So you know that picking 100 is bridge essay occurrence owl often a good idea. Creative Writing Online? So, let’s say sales in coursework, January were 100.

If we want the month when sales were closest to January’s level, we want the month when sales were closest to 100, Sales in February were 10% greater, so February sales were 110. (Remember that if sales increase by 10%, we can multiply the creative writing online, original number by 1.1. If they decrease by 10% we could multiply by 0.9, and so forth.) So far so good. Aqa Gcse Coursework? Sales in March were 15% less than in February. Well, if sales in online, Feb were 110, then the aqa gcse, sales in March must be 110*(0.85).

Hmm… A little tougher, but not insurmountable. Masters Online? Now, sales in paper, April were 20% greater than they were in March, meaning that April sales would be 110*(0.85)*1.2. Uh oh. Once you see that sales are 10% less in May than they were in April, we know that sales will be 110*(0.85)*1.2*0.9. Now you need to stop. Don’t swim against the current. The arithmetic is getting hard and is going to become time-consuming. Creative Online? The question asks which month is closest to 100, so we don’t have to calculate precise values.

We can estimate a bit. Let’s double back and try to simplify month by month, keeping things as simple as possible. Our February sales were simple: 110. To Poetry Essay? March sales were 110*0.85 – an unpleasant number. So, let’s try thinking about this a little differently. 100*0.85 = 85. 10*0.85 = 8.5. Add them together and we get 85 + 8.5 = 93.5.

Let’s make life easier on ourselves – we’ll round up, and call this number 94. April sales are 20% more than March sales. Writing Masters Online? Well, 20% of 100 is clearly 20, so 20% of 94 will be a little less than that. Say it’s 18. Now sales are up to 94 + 18 = 112. Still not close to 100, so we’ll keep going. May sales are 10% less than April sales. 10% of do my paper in india 112 is about 11. Subtract 11 from writing masters online, 112, and origin you get 101. We’re looking for the number closest to masters, 100, so we’ve got our answer – it’s D, May.

Takeaway: Don’t try to impose your will on GMAT questions. Use the structural clues of the problems to history thinking, dictate how you implement your strategy, and masters be prepared to adjust midstream. The goal is never to bridge creek essay occurrence, conquer the ocean, but rather, to ride the writing online, waves to calmer waters. By David Goldstein , a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston . Bridge Creek Essay Occurrence? You can find more articles written by creative masters, him here . GMAT Tip of the Week: Exit the GMAT Test Center…Don’t Brexit It. Across much of the United Kingdom today, referendum voters are asking themselves “ wait, did I think that through thoroughly? ” in the aftermath of yesterday’s Brexit vote. Some voters have already admitted that they’d like a do-over , while evidence from Google searches in the hours immediately following the paper, poll closures show that many Brits did a good deal of research after the fact. And regardless of whether you side with Leave or Stay as it corresponds to the EU, if your goal is to creative writing online, Leave your job to Stay at a top MBA program in essay owl, the near future, you’d be well-served to learn a lesson from creative masters online, those experiencing Brexit Remorse today.

How can the Brexit aftermath improve you GMAT score? Pregrets, Not Regrets (Yes, Brexiters…we can combine words too.) The first lesson is do my quite simple. Online? Unlike those who returned home from the polls to immediately research “What should I have read up on origin of essays, beforehand?” you should make sure that you do your GMAT study before you get to the test center, not after you’ve (br)exited it with a score as disappointing as this morning’s Dow Jones. But that doesn’t just mean, “Study before the test!” – an obvious tip.

It also means, “ Anticipate the things you’ll wish you had thought about .” Which means that you should go into creative masters, the test center with list of in india “pregrets” and online not leave the test center with a list of regrets. Having “pregrets” means that you already know before you get to the test center what your likely regrets will be, so that you can fix them in the moment and not lament them after you’ve seen your score. Your list of pregrets should be a summary of the most common mistakes you’ve made on your practice tests, things like: On Data Sufficiency, I’d better not forget to consider negative numbers and nonintegers. Before I start doing algebra, I should check the answer choices to see if I can stop with an estimate. I always blank on the 30-60-90 divisibility rule, so I should memorize it one more time in history of critical, the parking lot and writing write it down as soon as I get my noteboard. Reading Comprehension inferences must be true, so always look for to poetry billy collins, proof. Writing Masters Online? Slow down when writing 4’s and of critical thinking in nursing 7’s on scratchwork, since when I rush they tend to creative masters, look too much alike. Appendix Paper? Check after every 10 questions to make sure I’m on a good pace.

Any mistakes you’ve made more than once on practice tests, any formulas that you know you’re apt to blank on, any reminders to yourself that “when X happens, that’s when the test starts to go downhill” – these are all items that you can plan for in advance. Your debriefs of your practice tests are previews of the real thing, so you should arrive at the test center with your pregrets in mind so that you can avoid having them become regrets. Much like select English voters, many GMAT examinees can readily articulate, “I should have read/studied/prepare for _____” within minutes of creative writing completing their exam, and very frequently, those elements are not a surprise. So anticipate in paper, the hour/day before the test what your regrets might be in the hours/days immediately following the creative writing masters, test, and appendix paper you can avoid that immediate remorse. Much like a Brexit vote, you only get one shot at each GMAT problem, and then the results lead to consequences. Creative Masters Online? But the GMAT gives you a chance to save yourself from yourself – you have to both select your answer and confirm it. Origin? So, unlike those who voted and then came home to creative writing online, Google asking, “Did I do the right thing?” you should ask yourself that question before you confirm your answer. Again, your pregrets are helpful. Before you submit your answer, ask yourself: Did I solve for the proper variable? Does this number make logical sense?

Does this answer choice create a logical sentence when I read it back to myself? Does this Inference answer have to be true, or is there a chance it’s not? Am I really allowed to of critical, perform that algebraic operation? Let me try it with small numbers to creative masters online, make sure… There will, of course, be some problems on the GMAT that you simply don’t know how to do, and you’ll undoubtedly get some problems wrong. But for those problems that you really should have gotten right, the introduction to poetry essay, worst thing that can happen is online realizing a question or two later that you blew it. Almost every GMAT examinee can immediately add 30 points to appendix in research, his score by creative writing masters, simply taking back those points he would have given away by rushing through a problem and making a mistake he’d be humiliated to of essays, know he made. So, take that extra 5-10 seconds on each question to double check for creative writing masters online, common mistakes, even if that means you have to aqa gcse maths coursework, burn a guess later in the section. If you minimize those mistakes on creative online, questions within your ability level, that guess will come on aqa gcse maths, a problem you should get wrong, anyway.

Like a Brexit voter, the best you can do the day before and writing masters day of your important decision-making day is to prepare to introduction billy, make the creative online, best decisions you can make. If you’re right, you’re right, and history of critical thinking if you’re wrong, you’re wrong, and creative masters you may never know which is which (the GMAT won’t release your questions/answers and the Brexit decision will take time to history thinking, play out). The key is making sure that you don’t leave with immediate regrets that you made bad decisions or didn’t take the short amount of creative writing masters time to aqa gcse maths, prepare yourself for creative writing masters online, better ones. Enter the test center with pregrets; don’t Brexit it with regrets. How to Simplify Percent Questions on paper in india, the GMAT. One of the most confounding aspects of the masters, GMAT is its tendency to make simple concepts seem far more complex than they are in reality. Percent questions are an excellent example of this.

When I introduce this topic, I’ll typically start by asking my class the following question: If you’ve completed 10% of a project how much is left to paper, do? I have never, in all my years of teaching, had a class that was unable to creative writing masters online, tell me that 90% of the project remains. It’s more likely that they’ll react as though I’m insulting their collective intelligence. And yet, when test-takers see this concept under pressure, they’ll often fail to recognize it. Take the introduction to poetry billy collins essay, following question, for example: Dara ran on a treadmill that had a readout indicating the time remaining in writing masters, her exercise session. Maths? When the readout indicated 24 min 18 sec, she had completed 10% of writing masters her exercise session. The readout indicated which of the following when she had completed 40% of her exercise session. Hopefully, you’ve noticed that this question is testing the billy collins, same simple concept that I use when introducing percent problems to my class. And yet, in my experience, a solid majority of students are stumped by masters online, this problem.

The reason, I suspect, is origin of essays twofold. First, that figure – 24 min. 18 sec. – is decidedly unfriendly. Painful math often lends itself to careless mistakes and can easily trigger a panic response. Second, anxiety causes us to creative, work faster, and when we work faster, we’re often unable to in nursing, recognize patterns that would be clearer to us if we were calm. There’s interesting research on this. Masters? Psychologists, knowing that the appendix paper, color red prompts an creative masters, anxiety response and of essays that the masters online, color blue has a calming effect, conducted a study in which test-takers had to in research, answer math questions – the questions were given to creative, some subjects on paper with a red background and to other subjects on paper with a blue background. (The control group had questions on standard white paper.) The red anxiety-producing background noticeably lowered scores and the calming blue background boosted scores. Now, the GMAT doesn’t give you a red background, but it does give you unfriendly-seeming numbers that likely have the same effect.

So, this question is as much about psychology as it is about mathematical proficiency. Of Essays? Our job is to writing online, take a deep breath or two and rein in thinking, our anxiety before we proceed. If Dara has completed 10% of her workout, we know she has 90% of her workout remaining. So, that 24 min. Creative Masters? 18 sec. presents 90% of her total workout. If we designate her total workout time as “t,” we end up with the following equation: 24 min. 18 sec. = 0.90t. Let’s work with fractions to origin, solve. 18 seconds is 18/60 minutes, which simplifies to 3/10 minutes.

0.9 is 9/10, so we can rewrite our equation as: Not so bad. Dara’s full workout is 27 minutes long. We want to know how much time is writing masters remaining when Dara has completed 40% of her workout. Introduction? Well, if she’s completed 40% of her workout, we know she has 60% of her workout remaining.

If her full workout is writing masters online 27 minutes, then 60% of this value is history 0.60*27 = (3/5)*27 = 81/5 = 16 + 1/5, or 16 minutes 12 seconds. Creative Writing Masters Online? And we’ve got our answer: E. Now, let’s say you get this problem with 20 seconds remaining on the clock and you simply don’t have time to solve it properly. Let’s estimate. Say, instead of 24 min 18 seconds remaining, Dara had 24 minutes remaining (so we know we’re going to underestimate the answer). If that’s 90% of her workout time, 24 = (9/10)t, or 240/9 = t. We want 60% of paper this, so we want (240/9)*(3/5). Because 240/5 = 48 and 9/3 = 3, (240/9)*(3/5) = 48/3 = 16.

We know that the writing masters online, correct answer is over 16 minutes and history of critical that we’ve significantly underestimated – makes sense to go with E. Takeaway: Don’t let the question-writer trip you up with figures concocted to make you nervous. Creative Online? Take a breath, and history thinking remember that the concepts being tested are the creative writing, same ones that, when boiled down to their essence, are a breeze when we’re calm. By David Goldstein , a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston . You can find more articles written by him here . GMAT Tip of the Week: The Least Helpful Waze To Study. If you drive in a large city, chances are you’re at least familiar with Waze , a navigation app that leverages user data to suggest time-saving routes that avoid traffic and construction and origin that shave off seconds and minutes with shortcuts on lesser-used streets. And chances are that you’ve also, at some point or another, been inconvenienced by Waze, whether by a devout user cutting blindly across several lanes to make a suggested turn, by the app requiring you to cut through smaller streets and alleys to save a minute, or by Waze users turning your once-quiet side street into the Talladega Superspeedway. To its credit, Waze is correcting one of its most common user complaints – that it often leads users into harrowing and time-consuming left turns. But another major concern still looms, and it’s one that could damage both your fender and your chances on the GMAT: Beware the shortcuts and “crutches” that save you a few seconds, but in doing so completely remove all reasoning and awareness.

With Waze, we’ve all seen it happen: someone so beholden to, “I must turn left on creative writing masters, 9th Street because the app told me to!” will often barrel through two lanes of traffic – with no turn signal – to appendix paper, make that turn…not realizing that the writing masters, trip would have taken the exact same amount of time, with much less risk to the driver and everyone else on the road, had he waited a block or two to safely merge left and turn on 10th or 11th. Introduction Billy? By focusing so intently on the app’s “don’t worry about paying attention…we’ll tell you when to creative masters online, turn” features, the aqa gcse maths coursework, driver was unaware of other cars and of earlier opportunities to safely make the merge in the desired direction. The GMAT offers similar pitfalls when examinees rely too heavily on “turn your brain off” tricks and techniques. As you learn and practice them, strategies like the “plumber butt” for writing masters online, rates and history averages may seem quick, easy, and “turn your brain off” painless. But the last thing you want to do on a higher-order thinking test like the creative writing online, GMAT is completely turn your brain off. For example, a “turn your brain off” rate problem might say: John drives at an average rate of origin 45 miles per hour. How many miles will he drive in 2.5 hours? And using a Waze-style crutch, you could remember that to get distance you multiply time by rate so you’d get 112.5 miles.

That may be a few seconds faster than performing the algebra by creative writing, thinking “Rate = Distance over Time”; 45 = D/2.5; 45(2.5) = D; D = 112.5. But where a shortcut crutch saves you time on easier problems, it can leave you helpless on longer problems that are designed to introduction to poetry collins, make you think. Consider this Data Sufficiency example: A factory has three types of machines – A, B, and online C – each of which works at its own constant rate. Maths Coursework? How many widgets could one machine A, one Machine B, and one Machine C produce in one 8-hour day? (1) 7 Machine As and masters 11 Machine Bs can produce 250 widgets per hour. (2) 8 Machine As and 22 Machine Cs can produce 600 widgets per hour. Here, simply trying to plug the information into a simple diagram will lead you directly to choice E. You simply cannot separate the rate of A from the rate of in research paper B, or the rate of B from the rate of online C. Paper In India? It will not fit into the classic “rate pie / plumber’s butt” diagram that many test-takers use as their “I hate rates so I’ll just do this trick instead” crutch.

However, those who have their critical thinking mind turned on will notice two things: that choice E is kind of obvious (the algebra doesn’t get you very close to solving for any one machine’s rate) so it’s worth pressing the issue for the “reward” answer of creative masters C, and that if you simply arrange the origin of essays, algebra there are similarities between the number of B and of C: 7(Rate A) + 11(Rate B) = 250. 8(Rate A) + 22(Rate C) = 600. Since 11 is half of 22, one way to play with this is to double the first equation so that you at least have the same number of Bs as Cs (and remember…those are the creative, only two machines that you don’t have “together” in either statement, so relating one to coursework, the other may help). Writing Masters? If you do, then you have:

Then if you sum the questions (Where does the third 22 come from? Oh, 14 + 8, the coefficients for paper, A.), you have: 22A + 22B + 22C = 1100. So, A + B + C = 50, and now you know the rate for one of each machine. The two statements together are sufficient, but the writing online, road to get there comes from bridge essay owl, awareness and algebra, not from writing masters, reliance on a trick designed to to poetry collins essay, make easy problems even easier. The lesson? Much like Waze, which can lead to creative online, lack-of-awareness accidents and to shortcuts that dramatically up the do my, degree of difficulty for a minimal time savings, you should take caution when deciding to memorize and creative masters rely upon a knee-jerk trick in your GMAT preparation.

Many are willing (or just unaware that this is the decision) to sacrifice mindfulness and awareness to of essays, save 10 seconds here or there, but then fall for trap answers because they weren’t paying attention or become lost when problems are more involved because they weren’t prepared. So, be choosy in the tricks and shortcuts you decide to adopt! If a shortcut saves you a minute or two of creative writing calculations, it’s worth the time it takes to learn and master it (but probably never worth completely avoiding the “long way” or knowing the general concept). Bridge Essay Occurrence? But if its time savings are minimal and its grand reward is that, “Hey, you don’t have to writing, understand math to of essays, do this!” you should be wary of how well it will serve your aspirations of scores above around 600. Don’t let these slick shortcut waze of avoiding math drive you straight into an accident . Unless the time savings are game-changing, you shouldn’t make a trade that gains you a few seconds of writing masters efficiency on select, easier problems in exchange for your awareness and creek essay occurrence owl understanding. How to creative writing online, Simplify Sequences on coursework, the GMAT. The GMAT loves sequence questions. Test-takers, not surprisingly, do not feel the same level of creative writing masters affection for this topic. In some ways, it’s a peculiar reaction. A sequence is really just a set of numbers. It may be infinite, it may be finite, but it’s this very open-endedness, this dizzying level of fuzzy abstraction, that can make sequences so difficult to mentally corral.

If you are one of the many people who fear and dislike sequences, your main consolation should come from the fact that the main weapon in the question writer’s arsenal is the very fear these questions might elicit. And if you have been a reader of this blog for any length of time, you know that the of essays, best way to combat this anxiety is to dive in and convert abstractions into something concrete, either by listing out some portion of the sequence, or by using the answer choices and working backwards. Take this question for example: For a certain set of numbers, if x is in writing masters, the set, then x – 3 is paper also in the set. If the creative masters online, number 1 is in the set, which of the creek essay, following must also be in the set? Okay, so let’s list out the elements in this set. We know that 1 is in creative writing masters, the set. Coursework? If x= 1, then x – 3 = -2.

So -2 is in the set. Writing Masters Online? If x = -2 is in history of critical thinking in nursing, the set, then x – 3 = -5. Creative Writing Masters Online? So -5 is in the set. By this point, the pattern should be clear: each term is three less than the previous term, giving us a sequence that looks like this: 1, -2, -5, -8, -11…. So we look at our options, and see we that only III is true. Of Essays? And we’re done. That’s it.

The answer is C. Sure, Dave , you may say. That is writing masters much easier than any question I’m going to see on the GMAT. Introduction Billy? First, this is an official question, so I’m not sure where you’re getting the idea that you’d never see a question like this. Second, you’d be surprised by how many test-takers get this wrong. There is the creative online, temptation to assume that if 1 is in the set, then 4 must also be in the set. And note that this is, in fact, a possibility. Paper? If x = 4, then x – 3 = 1. But the question asks us what “must be” in the set. So it’s possible that 4 is in our set.

But it’s also possible our set begins with 1, in creative writing, which case 4 would not be included. History Thinking In Nursing? This little wrinkle is masters enough to generate a substantial number of incorrect responses. Still, surely the introduction to poetry collins, questions get harder than this. Well, yes. Creative Online? They do.

So what are you waiting for? I’m not sure where this testy impatience is coming from, but if you insist: The sequence a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , . Do My In India? . , a n of n integers is writing online such that a k = k if k is odd and a k = -a k-1 if k is even. Is the of critical thinking, sum of the terms in the sequence positive? Yikes! Hey, you asked for a harder one. This question looks far more complicated than the previous one, but we can attack it the same way.

Let’s establish our sequence: a 1 is the first term in the sequence. We’re told that a k = k if k is odd . Well, 1 is odd, so now we know that a 1 = 1. Masters? So far so good. So, here’s our sequence so far: 1, -1… Let’s keep going. a 3 is the third term in the sequence. Remember that a k = k if k is odd . 3 is odd, so now we know that a 3 = 3. Now our sequence looks like this: 1, -1, 3, -3…

By this point we should see the pattern. Every odd term is a positive number that is dictated by its place in in india, the sequence (the first term = 1, the creative writing, third term = 3, etc.) and every even term is simply the previous term multiplied by -1. We’re asked about the sum: After one term, we have 1. After two terms, we have 1 + (-1) = 0. After three terms, we have 1 + (-1) + 3 = 3. After four terms, we have 1 + (-1) + 3 + (-3) = 0. Notice the trend: after every odd term, the sum is billy positive. After every even term, the sum is 0. So the initial question, “ Is the sum of the writing masters, terms in aqa gcse, the sequence positive?” c an be rephrased as, “Are there an ODD number of terms in the sequence?” Now to the statements.

Statement 1 tells us that there are an odd number of creative writing masters terms in the sequence. That clearly answers our rephrased question, because if there are an do my paper in india, odd number of terms, the creative writing online, sum will be positive. This is sufficient. Statement 2 tells us that a n is positive. a n is the last term in the sequence. If that term is positive, then, according to appendix in research paper, the pattern we’ve established, that term must be odd, meaning that the online, sum of the paper, sequence is positive. This is also sufficient. And the answer is D, either statement alone is sufficient to answer the question. Takeaway: sequence questions are nothing to fear. Like everything else on the GMAT, the main obstacle we need to overcome is the self-fulfilling prophesy that we don’t know how to masters online, proceed, when, in fact, all we need to do is simplify things a bit. By David Goldstein , a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston . Introduction Collins Essay? You can find more articles written by him here . You’re Fooling Yourself: The GMAT is NOT the SAT! While a fair number of GMAT test takers study for and complete the exam a number of creative writing masters online years into their professional career (the average age of a B-school applicant is 28, a good 6-7 years removed from their undergraduate graduation), you may be one of the origin, ambitious few who is studying for the GMAT during, or immediately following, your undergraduate studies.

There are pros and online cons to applying to business school entry straight out of introduction undergraduate – your application lacks the core work experience that many of the higher-tier programs prefer, but unlike the competition, you have not only taken a standardized test in the past 6 years, but you are also (likely) still in the studying mindset and know (versus trying to remember) exactly what it takes to prepare for creative writing, a difficult exam. However, you may also fall into a common trap that many younger test takers find themselves in – you decide to do my, tackle the GMAT like your old and recent friend, the SAT. Now, are there similarities between the GMAT and masters SAT? Of course. For starters, the SAT and GMAT are both multiple-choice standardized exams.

The math section of the SAT covers arithmetic, geometry, and algebra, just like the quantitative section of the GMAT, with some overlap in statistics and probability. Origin? Both exams test a core, basic understanding of English grammar, and ask you to answer questions based on your comprehension of dry, somewhat complex reading passages. The SAT and GMAT also both require you write essays (although the essay on the SAT is now optional), and masters timing and pacing are issues on both exams, though perhaps more so on the GMAT. But this is origin largely where the overlap ends. So, does that mean everything you know and prepped for the SAT should be thrown out the window?

Not necessarily, but it does require a fundamental shift in creative writing online, thinking. While applying your understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem, factorization, permutations, and to poetry billy arithmetic sequences from the SAT will certainly help you begin to tackle GMAT quantitative questions, there are key differences in what the GMAT is looking to assess versus the College Board, and with that, the strategy in tackling these questions should also be quite different. Simply put, the GMAT is masters online testing how you think, not what you know. Thinking In Nursing? This makes sense, when you think about writing online, what types of skills are required in appendix, business school and, eventually, in the management of business and people. GMAC doesn’t hide what the creative masters online, GMAT is looking to assess – in fact, goals of the GMAT’s assessment are clearly stated on its website : The GMAT exam is designed to test skills that are highly important to business and management programs.

It assesses analytical writing and problem-solving abilities, along with the data sufficiency, logic, and origin of essays critical reasoning skills that are vital to real-world business and management success. In June 2012, the creative writing masters, GMAT exam introduced Integrated Reasoning, a new section designed to measure a test taker’s ability to evaluate information presented in billy, new formats and from multiple sources-skills necessary for management students to creative masters online, succeed in a technologically advanced and data-rich world. To successfully show that you are a candidate worth considering, in your preparation for the exam, make sure you consider what the right strategy and approach will be. Strategy, strategy, strategy. You need to understand which rabbit holes the GMAT can take you down, what tricks not to do my in india, fall for writing, (especially via misdirection), and how identification of question types can best inform the next steps you take. An additional, and really, really important point is to keep in mind is that the GMAT is a computer-adaptive exam, not a pen-and-paper test. Computer-adaptive means that your answer selection dictates the difficulty level of the next question – stacking itself up to a very accurate assessment of how easily you are able to answer easy, medium, and hard questions.

Computer-adaptive also means you are not able to skip around, or go back to questions… including the reading comprehension ones. Just like on do my paper, any game show, you must select your final answer before moving on. As a computer-adaptive test, the creative writing masters, GMAT not only punishes pacing issues, but can be even more detrimental to those who rush and make careless mistakes in the beginning. To wage war against the CAT format, test takers must be careful and methodical in assessing and answering test questions correctly. Bottom line: don’t treat the GMAT like the SAT, or assume that because you did well on in india, the SAT, you will also do so on the GMAT (or, vice versa). Make sure you are aware of the components of the GMAT that are different and where the similarities between the two tests end.

By Ashley Triscuit, a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston . GMAT Tip of the Week: Ernie Els, The Masters, and the First Ten GMAT Questions. At this weekend’s The Masters golf tournament, the most notable piece of news isn’t the leaderboard, but rather the guy least likely to get near it. Ernie Els set a record with a nine-stroke, quintuple bogey on his first hole of the tournament, effectively ending his tournament minutes after he began it. Writing? And in doing so, he also provided you with some insight into the “First Ten Questions” myth that concerns so many GMAT test-takers. With 18 holes each day for 4 days (Quick mental math!

18?4 is the aqa gcse, same as 9?8 – halve the first number and double the second to make it a calculation you know well – so that’s 72 holes), any one hole shouldn’t matter. Creative Online? So why was Els’ first hole such a catastrophe? It forces him to be nearly perfect the rest of the tournament, because he’s playing at such a disadvantage. Meanwhile, Day 1 leader Jordan Spieth shot par (“average”) his first few holes and Rory McElroy, in second place at creek owl, the end of the day, bogeyed (one stroke worse than average) a total of creative writing masters four holes on day one. History Of Critical Thinking In Nursing? The leaders were far from perfect themselves – another important lesson for the GMAT – but by avoiding a disastrous start, they allowed themselves plenty of writing masters opportunities to make up for mistakes. And that brings us to the GMAT. Everyone makes mistakes on the GMAT, and that often happens regardless of difficulty level.

So if you’re shooting for a top score and you miss half of the first ten questions, you have a few problems to introduction, contend with. For starters, you have to “get hot” here soon and go on a run of correct answers. Secondly, you now have a lot fewer problems available to go on that hot streak (there are only 27 more Quant or 31 more Verbal questions after the first ten). Writing Online? And finally, the scoring/delivery algorithm doesn’t see you as “elite” yet so the questions are going to be a little easier and less “valuable,” meaning that you’ll need to “get hot” both to prove to history, the computer that you belong at the top level and then to demonstrate that you can stay there. That’s the Ernie Els problem – regardless of how good you are, you’re probably going to creative online, make mistakes, so when you force yourself to be nearly perfect on the “easier” problems you end up with a tricky standard to live up to. Even if you really should be scoring at the 700-level, you don’t have a 100% probability of answering every 500-level problem correctly. That may well be in appendix in research paper, the 90%+ range, and maybe your likelihood at the 600 level is 75 or 80%. Getting 7, 8, 9 problems right in writing masters online, a row is a tall order as you dig your way out of that hole. So the aqa gcse, first 10 problems ARE important, but not because they have that much more power over the rest of the test – it’s because the more of them you miss, the creative writing masters online, more unrealistically perfect you have to be. The key is to “not blow it” on bridge, the first 10, rather than to “do everything you can to get them all right,” which is the mindset that holds back plenty of test-takers. Again take the creative masters online, Masters: the leaderboard on Thursday night is never that close to the leaderboard on Sunday evening.

Very often it’s someone who starts well, but is introduction billy collins essay a few strokes off the creative writing online, lead the first few days, who wins. The GMAT is similar: a lot can happen from aqa gcse, questions 11 through 37 (or 41), so by no means can you celebrate victory a quarter of the way through. Your goal shouldn’t be to be perfect, but rather to get off to a good start. Getting 7 questions right and having sufficient time to complete the rest of the section is much, much better than getting 9 right but forcing yourself to rush later on. Essentially, as Ernie Els and thousands of GMAT test-takers have learned the masters online, hard way, you won’t win it in to poetry billy collins essay, the first quarter, but you can certainly lose it there. As you budget your time for the first 10 questions of creative writing masters online each section, take a few extra seconds to double-check your work and make sure you’re not making egregious mistakes, but don’t over-invest at the expense of the critical problems to come. Use This Tip to Avoid Critical Reasoning Traps on origin of essays, the GMAT. When you’ve been teaching test prep for a while you begin to be able to anticipate the types of questions that will give your students fits.

The reason isn’t necessarily because these questions are unusually hard in a conventional sense, but because embedded within these problems is creative writing masters a form of misdirection that is nearly impossible to aqa gcse coursework, resist. It’s often worthwhile to dissect these problems in greater detail to reveal some deeper truths about how the writing masters, test works. Here is a problem I knew I’d be asked about often the moment I saw it: W, X, Y, and aqa gcse maths Z represent distinct digits such that WX * YZ = 1995. What is the creative writing masters, value of W? The first instinct for occurrence, most students I work with is, “I’m told nothing about W in either statement . There have to writing masters, be many possibilities, so each statement alone is not sufficient.” When this thought occurs to you during the test, it’s important to resist it. By this, I don’t mean that you should simply assume that you’re wrong – there likely will be times when your first instincts are correct. Instead, what I mean is that you should take a bit more time to prove your assumptions to yourself.

If there really are many workable scenarios, it won’t take much time to find them. First, whenever there is an unusually large number and we’re dealing with multiplication, we want to introduction billy collins essay, take the prime factorization of that large number so that we can work with that figure’s basic building blocks and make it more manageable. In this case, the prime factorization of 1995 is creative online 3 * 5 * 7 * 19. (First we see that five is a factor of 1995 because 1995 = 5*399. Creek Essay Owl? Next, we see that 3 is a factor of 399, because the digits of 399 sum to a multiple of 3. Now we have 5 * 3 * 133. Last, we know that 133 = 7 * 19, because if there are twenty 7’s in 140, there must be nineteen 7’s in 133.) Now we can use these building blocks to form two-digit numbers that multiply to 1995. Here is a list of two-digit numbers we can assemble from those prime factors:

These are our candidates for creative masters online, WX and YZ. Aqa Gcse Maths Coursework? There aren’t many possibilities for multiplying two of these two-digit numbers and still getting a product of 1995. In fact, there are only two: 95*21 = 1995 and 35*57 = 1995. But we’re told that each digit must be unique, so 35*57 can’t work, as two of our variables would equal 5. This means that we know, before we even look at the statements, that our two two-digit numbers are 95 and 21 – we just need to know which is creative which. It’s possible that WX = 95 and YZ = 21, or WX = 21 and YZ = 95.

That’s it. Do My? What at creative writing, first appeared to be a very open-ended question actually has very few workable solutions. Now that we’ve established our sample space of possibilities, let’s examine the statements: Statement 1: If we know X is prime, we know that WX cannot be 21, as X would be 1 in this scenario and 1 is not a prime number. This means that WX has to be 95, and thus we know for a fact that W = 9. Origin Of Essays? This statement alone is sufficient to answer the question. Statement 2: If we know that Z is creative writing online not prime, we know that YZ cannot be 95, as Z would be 5 in this scenario and 5 is, of course, prime. Thus, YZ is 21 and do my paper WX is masters online 95, and creek essay occurrence again, we know for a fact that W is creative masters online 9, so this statement alone is also sufficient. The answer is D, either statement alone is sufficient to thinking, answer the question, a result very much at odds with most test-taker’s initial instincts.

Takeaway: the GMAT is engineered to online, wrong-foot test-takers, using our instincts against us. Paper? Rather than simply assuming our instincts are wrong – they won’t always be – we want to be methodical about proving our intuitions one way or another by confirming them in some instances, refuting them in others. Masters? By being thorough and methodical, we reduce the odds that we’ll step into one of the do my in india, traps the online, question-writer has set for us and increase the bridge occurrence owl, odds that we’ll answer the question correctly. By David Goldstein , a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston . You can find more articles by him, here . GMAT Tip of the Week: Don’t Be the April Fool with Trap Answers! Today, people across the world are viewing news stories and emails with a skeptical eye, on online, guard to ensure that they don’t get April fooled. Your company just released a press release about origin, a new initiative that would dramatically change your workload? Don’t react just yet…it could be an April Fool’s joke. But in creative writing online, case your goal is to leave that job for the greener pastures of business school, anyway, keep that April Fool’s Day spirit with you throughout your GMAT preparation. Read skeptically and beware of the way too tempting, way too easy answer. First let’s talk about history of critical thinking in nursing, how the GMAT “fools” you.

At Veritas Prep we’ve spent years teaching people to “Think Like the Testmaker,” and the only pushback we’ve ever gotten while talking with the testmakers themselves has been, “Hey! We’re not deliberately trying to fool people.” So what are they trying to writing, do? They’re trying to origin of essays, reward critical thinkers, and by doing so, there need to writing online, be traps there for those not thinking as critically. And that’s an important way to look at trap answers – the trap isn’t set in a “gotcha” fashion to origin of essays, be cruel, but rather to creative masters, reward the test-taker who sees the appendix in research paper, too-good-to-be-true answer as an invitation to dig a little deeper and think a little more critically. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, and creative writing one examinee’s trap answer is of essays another examinee’s opportunity to showcase the reasoning skills that business schools crave. With that in mind, consider an example, and try not to get April fooled:

What is the greatest prime factor of masters online 12!11! + 11!10! ? If you’re like many – more than half of respondents in the Veritas Prep Question Bank – you went straight for the April Fool’s answer. And what’s even more worrisome is that most of history in nursing those test-takers who choose trap answer C don’t spend very long on masters, this problem. They see that 11 appears in creek, both additive terms, see it in the answer choice, and pick it quickly. Creative Online? But that’s exactly how the GMAT fools you – the trap answers are there for those who don’t dig deeper and think critically. If 11 were such an obvious answer, why are 19 and 23 (numbers greater than any value listed in to poetry essay, the expanded versions of those factorials 12*11*10*9…) even choices? Who are they fooling with those?

If you get an answer quickly it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re wrong, but it should at least raise the question, “Am I going for the fool’s answer here?”. Online? And that should encourage you to put some work in. Here, the operative verb even appears in the question stem – you have to factor the bridge essay, addition into multiplication, since factors are all about writing, multiplication/division and not addition/subtraction. When you factor out the common 11!: Then factor out the common 10! (12! is 12*11*10*9*8… so it can be expressed as 12*11*10!): You end up with 11!*10!(133). And that’s where you can check 19 and 23 and see if they’re factors of aqa gcse that giant multiplication problem. And since 133 = 19*7, 19 is the largest prime factor and D is, in creative writing online, fact, the correct answer. So what’s the lesson? When an answer comes a little too quickly to you or seems a little too obvious, take some time to make sure you’re not going for the trap answer.

Consider this – there are only four real reasons that you’ll see an easy problem in the middle of the bridge essay occurrence, GMAT: 1) It’s easy. The test is writing adaptive and appendix paper you’re not doing very well so they’re lobbing you softballs. Writing? But don’t fear! This is only one of four reasons so it’s probably not this! 2) Statistically it’s fairly difficult, but it’s just easy to you because it’s something you studied well for, or for which you had a great junior high teacher. You’re just that good.

3) It’s not easy – you’re just falling for creek essay, the trap answer. 4) It’s easy but it’s experimental. Masters Online? The GMAT has several problems in each section called “pretest items” that do not count towards your final score. These appear for research purposes (they’re checking to paper in india, ensure that it’s a valid, bias-free problem and to gauge its difficulty), and they appear at online, random, so even a 780 scorer will likely see a handful of below-average difficulty problems. Look back at appendix paper, that list and consider which are the most important. If it’s #1, you’re in trouble and probably cancelling your score or retaking the test anyway.

And for #4 it doesn’t matter – that item doesn’t count. Creative Writing? So really, the distinction that ultimately matters for your business school future is whether a problem like the example above fits #2 or #3. If you find an answer a lot more quickly than you think you should, use some of billy that extra time to make sure you haven’t fallen for the trap. Engage those critical thinking skills that the creative masters online, GMAT is, after all, testing, and paper make sure that you’re not being duped while your competition is being rewarded. Avoid being the April Fool, and in a not-too-distant September you’ll be starting classes at a great school. GMAT Tip of the Week: OJ Simpson’s Defense Team And Critical Reasoning Strategy. If you’re like many people this month, you’re thoroughly enjoying the online, guilty pleasure that is FX’s series The People v. OJ Simpson . And whether you’re in it to reminisce about the billy collins, 1990s or for the wealth of Kardashian family history, one thing remains certain (even though, according to the state of California – spoiler alert! – that thing is not OJ’s guilt): Robert Shaprio, Johnnie Cochran, F. Writing Online? Lee Bailey, Alan Dershowitz, and (yes, even) Robert Kardashian can provide you with the ultimate blueprint for GMAT Critical Reasoning success. This past week’s third episode focused on of critical thinking, the preparations of the prosecutors and creative of the defense, and showcased some crucial differences between success and failure on appendix in research paper, GMAT CR: The prosecution made some classic GMAT CR mistakes, most notably that they went in to the case assuming the truth of their position (that OJ was guilty). On the other hand, the defense took nothing for granted – when they didn’t like the evidence (the bloody glove, for example) they looked for ways that it must be faulty evidence (Mark Fuhrman and the LAPD were racist).

This is creative masters online how you must approach GMAT Critical Reasoning! The single greatest mistake that examinees make during the GMAT is in accepting that the argument they’re given is valid – like Marcia Clark, you’re a nice, good-natured person and you’ll give the argument the benefit of the doubt. But in law and on the GMAT, bullies like Travolta’s Robert Shapiro win the of critical thinking in nursing, day. The name of the writing, game is appendix in research “Critical Reasoning” – make sure that you’re being critical . What does that look like on creative writing masters, the test? It means: Be Skeptical of origin Arguments. From the first word of creative a Strengthen, Weaken, or Assumption question, you’re reading skeptically, and coursework almost angrily so. You’re not buying this argument and you’re searching for holes immediately. Often times these arguments will actually seem pretty valid (sort of like, you know, “OJ did it, based on the glove, the creative masters online, blood in aqa gcse, the Brondo, his footprint at the scene, etc.”), but your job is to attack them so you’d better start attacking immediately.

Look for Details That Don’t Match. If an argument says, for example, that “the murder rate is down, so the police department must be doing a better job preventing violent crime…” notice that murder is writing online not the same thing as violent crime, and that even if violent crime is down, you don’t have a direct link to the police department being the catalysts for of essays, preventing it. Creative Masters Online? This is part of not buying the argument – when the general flow of ideas suggests “yes,” make sure that the origin of essays, details do, too. Look for Alternative Explanations. Conclusions on the GMAT – like criminal trial “guilty” verdicts – must be true beyond a reasonable doubt. So even though the premises might make it seem quite likely that a conclusion is creative masters online true, if there is an alternate explanation that’s consistent with the facts but allows for a different conclusion, that conclusion cannot be logically drawn.

This is where the Simpson legal team was so successful: the evidence was overwhelming in its suggestion that Simpson was guilty (as the soon-after civil trial proves), but the bridge owl, defense was able to create just enough suspicion that he could have been framed that the masters online, jury was able to acquit. So whether you’re appalled or enthralled as you watch The People v. Of Essays? OJ Simpson and the defense team shrewdness it portrays, know that the show has valuable insight for masters, you as you attempt to become a Critical Reasoning master. If you want to paper, keep your GMAT verbal score out of jail, you might want to keep up with one particular Kardashian. GMAT Tip of the Week: Cam Newton’s GMAT Success Strategy. As we head into Super Bowl weekend, the creative writing masters online, most popular conversation topic in the world is the paper in india, Carolina Panthers’ quarterback, Cam Newton. Creative Masters? Many questions surround him: is he the QB to whom the Brady/Manning “Greatest of All Time” torch will be passed? Is this the beginning of a new dynasty? Why do people like/dislike him so much? What the heck is the aqa gcse coursework, Dab , anyway? And most commonly: Why is Cam dancing and smiling so much?

The answer? Because smiling may very well be the secret to success, both in the Super Bowl and on creative masters, the GMAT. Note: this won’t be the most mathematically tactical GMAT tip post you read, and coursework it’s not something you’ll really be able to practice on Sunday afternoon while you hit the Official Guide for GMAT Review before your Super Bowl party starts. But it may very well be the tip that most impacts your score on test day, because managing stress and optimizing performance are major keys for GMAT examinees. And smiling is a great way to do that. First, there’s science: the act of writing masters smiling itself is paper known to writing masters online, release endorphins , relaxing your mind and do my paper in india giving you a more positive outlook. And this happens regardless of creative writing masters online whether you’re actually happy or optimistic – you can literally “fake it till you make it” by origin of essays, smiling through a stressful or unpleasant experience.

(Plus there’s the fact that smiling puts OTHER people in a better mood, too, which won’t really help you on creative masters, the GMAT since it’s you against a computer, but for your b-school and job interviews, a smile can go a long way toward an upbeat experience for both you and the interviewer.) There are plenty of ways to force yourself to smile. Do My? One is the obvious: just do it. Write it down on the top of your noteboard in all caps: SMILE! And force yourself to do it, even when it doesn’t feel natural. But you can also laugh/smile at yourself more naturally: when Question 1 is a permutations problem and you were dreading the idea of a permutations problem, you can laugh at creative writing online, your bad luck but also at the fact that at least you’re getting it over with while you still have plenty of time to recover.

When you blank on a rule and have to test small numbers to prove it, you can laugh at the fact that had you not been so fascinated with the video games on your calculator in middle school you’d know that cold. You can smile when you see a friend’s name in introduction collins, a word problem or a Sentence Correction reference to a place you want to visit someday. And the writing masters, tactical rationale there: when you can smile in relation to the subject matter on the test, you can remind yourself that, at least on origin, some level, you enjoy learning and problem-solving and striving for achievement. Creative Writing? The biggest difference between “good test takers” and introduction essay “good students, but bad test takers” is in the way that each approaches problems: the latter group says, “I don’t know,” and creative masters feels doubt, while the do my paper in india, former says, “I don’t know…yet,” and starts from a position of writing confidence and strength. Then when you apply that confidence and appendix paper figure out a problem that for a second had you totally stumped, you’ve earned that next smile and the positive energy snowballs. As you watch Cam Newton on creative writing masters, Sunday (For you brand management hopefuls, he’ll be playing football between those commercials you’re so excited to see!), pay attention to that megawatt smile that’s been the topic of so much talk radio controversy the last few weeks. Aqa Gcse Maths Coursework? Cam smiles because he’s having fun out there, and then that smile leads to big plays, which is even more fun, and then he’s smiling again. Apply that Cam Newton “smile your way to success” philosophy on test day and masters online maybe you’ll be the history thinking in nursing, next one getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to school for two years… (We kid, Cam – we kid!)

Why Logic is More Important Than Algebra on the GMAT. One common complaint I get from students is that their algebra skills aren’t where they need to be to creative online, excel on the GMAT. This complaint, invariably, is followed by a request for additional algebra drills. If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, you know that one of the do my in india, themes we stress is that Quantitative Reasoning is not, primarily, a math test. Though math is certainly involved – How could it not be? – logic and reasoning are far more important factors than conventional mathematical facility.

I stress this in every class I teach. So why the misconception that we need to hone our algebra chops? I suspect that the culprit here is the explanations that often accompany official GMAC questions. On the whole, they tend to be biased in favor of purely algebraic solutions. They’re always technically correct, but often suboptimal for the test-taker who needs to creative, arrive at a solution within two minutes. Consequently, many students, after reviewing these solutions and arriving at the conclusion that they would not have been capable of the hairy algebra proffered in the official solution, think they need to work on this aspect of their prep. And for the most part it isn’t true.

Here’s a good example: If x, y, and k are positive numbers such that [x/(x+y)]*10 + [y/(x+y)]*20 = k and if x y, which of the following could be the aqa gcse, value of k? A large percentage of test-takers see this question, rub their hands together, and online dive into the algebra. The solution offered in the Official Guide does the same – it is about fifteen steps, few of them intuitive. In Research Paper? If you were fortunate enough to possess the algebraic virtuosity to solve the question in this manner, you’d likely chew up 5 or 6 minutes, a disastrous scenario on a test that requires you to average 2 minutes per creative, problem. The upshot is that it’s important for test-takers, when they peruse the official solution, not to arrive at the conclusion that they need to solve this question the origin, same way the solution-writer did.

Instead, we can use the same simple strategies we’re always preaching on this blog: pick some simple numbers. We’re told that xy, but for my first set of numbers, I like to writing, make x and appendix in research paper y the same value – this way, I can see what effect the restriction has on the problem. So let’s say x = 1 and y = 1. Plugging those values into writing online, the equation, we get: (1/2) * 10 + (1/2) * 20 = k. Well, we know this isn’t the answer, because x should be less than y. So scratch off C. Aqa Gcse Maths Coursework? And now let’s see what the effect is when x is, in fact, less than y. Say x = 1 and y = 2. Creative Writing Masters Online? Now we get: (1/3) * 10 + (2/3) * 20 = k. 50/3 is about 17. So when we honor the of critical thinking in nursing, restriction, k becomes larger than 15. The answer therefore must be D or E. Now we could pick another set of creative writing masters online numbers and pay attention to the trend, or we can employ a bit of logic and common sense. The first term in the equation x/(x+y)*10 is creek essay occurrence some fraction multiplied by 10.

So this term, logically, is masters some value that’s less than 10. The second term in the equation is y/(x+y)*20, is some fraction multiplied by 20, this term must be less than 20. If we add a number that’s less than 10 to of critical thinking, a number that’s less than 20, we’re pretty clearly not going to get a sum of 30. That leaves us with an answer of 18, or D. (Note that if you’re really savvy, you’ll recognize that the equation is a weighted average. The coefficients in the weighted average are 10 and 20. If x and writing masters y were equal, we’d end up at the midway point, 15.

Because 20 is multiplied by y, and y is greater than x, we’ll be pulled towards the high end of the range, leading to a k that must fall between 15 and 20 – only 18 is in bridge creek occurrence, that range.) Takeaway: Never take a formal solution to a problem at face value. Creative Writing? All you’re seeing is one way to solve a given question. If that approach doesn’t resonate for you, or seems so challenging that your conclusion is that you must purchase a host of textbooks in order to improve your formal math skills, then you haven’t absorbed what the coursework, GMAT is really about. Creative Writing? Often, the relevant question isn’t, “Can you do the math?” It’s, “Can you reason your way to the answer without actually doing the math?” *Official Guide question courtesy of the Graduate Management Admissions Council. By David Goldstein , a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston . You can find more articles by him here . How to creek essay occurrence, Choose the Right Number for a GMAT Variable Problem. When you begin studying for creative online, the GMAT, you will quickly discover that most of the strategies are, on the surface, fairly simple. It will not come as a terribly big surprise that selecting numbers and doing arithmetic is often an easier way of attacking a problem than attempting to perform complex algebra. There is, however, a big difference between understanding a strategy in the abstract and in nursing having honed that strategy to the point that it can be implemented effectively under pressure. Now, you may be thinking, “How hard can it possibly be to pick numbers?

I see an “x” and creative online I decide x = 5. Not so complicated.” The art is in learning how to pick workable numbers for each question type. Different questions will require different types of numbers to create a scenario that truly is simpler than the algebra. The harder the history, problem, the more finesse that will be required when selecting numbers. Let’s start with a problem that doesn’t require much strategy: If n=4p, where p is prime number greater than 2, how many different positive even divisors does n have, including n? Okay in this problem, “p” is creative masters online a prime number greater than 2. So let’s say p = 3. If n = 4p, and bridge creek essay occurrence 4p = 4*3 = 12. Let’s list out the factors of 12: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12. The even factors here are 2, 4, 6, 12.

There are 4 of them. So the answer is C. Not so bad, right? Just pick the first simple number that pops into your head and you’re off to the races. Bring on the test! If only creative writing masters, it were that simple for all questions.

So let’s try a much harder question to illustrate the pitfalls of adhering to an approach that’s overly mechanistic: The volume of water in a certain tank is creek occurrence x percent greater than it was one week ago. If r percent of the current volume of water in the tank is removed, the resulting volume will be 90 percent of the volume it was one week ago. What is the value of r in terms of x? You’ll notice quickly that if you simply declare that x = 10 and r =20, you may run into trouble. Say, for example, that the starting value from one week ago was 100 liters. If x = 10, a 10% increase will lead to a volume of 110 liters.

If we remove 20% of that 110, we’ll be removing .20*110 = 22 liters, giving us 110-22 = 88 liters. But we’re also told that the resulting volume is 90% of the original volume! 88 is not 90% of 100, therefore our numbers aren’t valid. Creative? In instances like this, we need to pick some simple starting numbers and then calculate the in research, numbers that will be required to fit the parameters of the creative masters online, question. So again, say the volume one week ago was 100 liters. Let’s say that x = 20%, so the volume, after water is of essays added, will be 100 + 20 = 120 liters. We know that once water is masters online removed, the of essays, resulting volume will be 90% of the original. If the original was 100, the volume, once water is removed, will be 100*.90 = 90 liters. Now, rather than arbitrarily picking an “r”, we’ll calculate it based on the numbers we have. To summarize: Start: 100 liters.

After adding water: 120 liters. After removing water: 90 liters. We now need to calculate what percent of those 120 liters need to be removed to get down to 90. Using our trusty percent change formula [(Change/Original) * 100] we’ll get (30/120) * 100 = 25%. Thus, when x = 20, r =25. Now all we have to masters online, do is substitute “x” with “20” in coursework, the answer choices until we hit our target of 25.

Remember that in writing masters, these types of problems, we want to start at the bottom of the answer choice options and work our way up: 100 * (10*20 + 1)/(10*20+10) = 201/210. No need to simplify. There’s no way this equals 25. 100 * (20+10)/(20+100) = 100 * (30/120) = 25. That’s it! We’re done. The correct answer is D. Takeaways: Internalizing strategies is the first step in your process of do my paper in india preparing for the GMAT. Once you’ve learned these strategies, you need to practice them in a variety of contexts until you’ve fully absorbed how each strategy needs to creative writing masters, be tweaked to fit the contours of the question.

In some cases, you can pick a single random number. Other times, there will be multiple variables, so you’ll have to pick one or two numbers to start and then solve for the remaining numbers so that you don’t violate the conditions of the problem. Introduction To Poetry Billy Collins Essay? Accept that you may have to make adjustments mid-stream. Your first selection may produce hairy arithmetic. There are no style point on the GMAT, so stay flexible, cultivate back-up plans, and remember that mental agility trumps rote memorization every time.

By David Goldstein , a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston . You can find more articles by him here . Quarter Wit, Quarter Wisdom: Cyclicity in GMAT Remainder Questions. Usually, cyclicity cannot help us when dealing with remainders, but in some cases it can. Today we will look at the cases in which it can, and we will see why it helps us in masters online, these cases. First let’s look at a pattern: 20/10 gives us a remainder of 0 (as 20 is exactly divisible by 10) In the case of this pattern, 20 is the creek essay owl, closest multiple of 10 that goes completely into all these numbers and you are left with the units digit as the remainder.

Whenever you divide a number by 10, the units digit will be the remainder. Of course, if the units digit of a number is 0, the remainder will be 0 and that number will be divisible by writing online, 10 — but we already know that. So remainder when 467,639 is divided by 10 is do my paper 9. The remainder when 100,238 is divided by 10 is 8 and so on… Along the creative writing masters, same lines, we also know that every number that ends in 0 or 5 is a multiple of bridge occurrence 5 and every multiple of 5 must end in either 0 or 5. Creative Writing Online? So if the units digit of a number is 1, it gives a remainder of 1 when divided by 5. If the units digit of a number is 2, it gives a remainder of 2 when divided by 5. Creek Occurrence? If the units digit of a number is 6, it gives a remainder of 1 when divided by 5 (as it is 1 more than the previous multiple of 5). With this in creative writing masters, mind: 20/5 gives a remainder of introduction 0 (as 20 is exactly divisible by 5) 25/5 gives a remainder of 0 (as 25 is exactly divisible by creative writing masters, 5) 30/5 gives a remainder of 0 (as 30 is exactly divisible by 5) So the units digit is all that matters when trying to get the remainder of a division by 5 or by introduction to poetry, 10. Let’s take a few questions now:

What is the remainder when 86^(183) is divided by 10? Here, we need to find the creative masters online, last digit of in nursing 86^(183) to get the remainder. Whenever the creative masters online, units digit is 6, it remains 6 no matter what the positive integer exponent is ( previously discussed in this post ). So the units digit of 86^(183) will be 6. Of Essays? So when we divide this by 10, the remainder will also be 6. What is the remainder when 487^(191) is divided by 5?

Again, when considering division by 5, the units digit can help us. The units digit of writing masters 487 is 7. 7 has a cyclicity of 7, 9, 3, 1. Divide 191 by 4 to get a quotient of 47 and a remainder of in india 3. This means that we will have 47 full cycles of “7, 9, 3, 1” and then a new cycle will start and continue until the third term. So the units digit of creative writing masters 487^(191) is 3, and do my the number would look something like ……………..3. As discussed, the number ……………..0 would be divisible by 5 and ……………..3 would be 3 more, so it will also give a remainder of 3 when divided by 5. Therefore, the creative, remainder of 487^(191) divided by 5 is 3. If x is a positive integer, what is the origin, remainder when 488^(6x) is divided by 2?

Take a minute to creative writing masters online, review the question first. If you start by analyzing the expression 488^(6x), you will waste a lot of time. In Research Paper? This is a trick question! The divisor is 2, and creative writing online we know that every even number is divisible by 2, and every odd number gives a remainder 1 when divided by 2. In Research? Therefore, we just need to determine whether 488^(6x) is masters odd or even. 488^(6x) will be even no matter what x is (as long as it is a positive integer), because 488 is even and we know even*even*even……(any number of terms) = even. So 488^(6x) is even and will give remainder 0 when it is appendix paper divided by 2. That is all for today. We will look at some GMAT remainders-cyclicity questions next week! Karishma, a Computer Engineer with a keen interest in alternative Mathematical approaches, has mentored students in the continents of Asia, Europe and North America. She teaches the GMAT for creative writing online, Veritas Prep and history of critical thinking in nursing regularly participates in writing online, content development projects such as this blog!

Quarter Wit, Quarter Wisdom: Cyclicity of Units Digits on the GMAT (Part 2) As discussed last week, all units digits have a cyclicity of 1 or 2 or 4. Digits 2, 3, 7 and 8 have a cyclicity of introduction to poetry essay 4, i.e. the units digit repeats itself every 4 digit: Digits 4 and 9 have a cyclicity of 2, i.e. the units digit repeats itself every 2 digits: Digits 0, 1, 5 and 6 have a cyclicity of 1, i.e. the units digit is writing masters 0, 1, 5, or 6 respectively. Now let’s take a look at how to apply these fundamentals: To get the aqa gcse, desired units digit here, all we need to worry about is the units digit of the base, which is 3. Remember, our cyclicity of 3 is 3, 9, 7, 1 (four numbers total). We need the units digit of 3^(27). How many full cycles of 4 will be there in 27? There will be 6 full cycles because 27 divided by creative, 4 gives 6 as quotient and of essays 3 will be the remainder.

So after 6 full cycles of 4 are complete, a new cycle will start: 3, 9, 7 (new cycle for remainder of 3) 7 will be the units digit of writing masters 3^(27), so 7 will be the units digit of bridge essay occurrence owl 813^(27). Let’s try another question: To get the desired units digit here, all we need to creative writing masters, worry about is the units digit of the base, which is 4.

Remember, our cyclicity of 4 is 4 and history of critical thinking in nursing 6 (this time, only creative, 2 numbers). We need the units digit of 24^(1098) – every odd power of 24 will end in 4 and every even power of 24 will end in 6. Since 1098 is even, the units digit of 24^(1098) is 6. Not too bad; let’s try something a little harder: Note here that you have 75 raised to power 25 which is further raised to the power of 5. 25^5 is not the same as 25*5 – it is 25*25*25*25*25 which is far more complicated. However, the simplifying element of this question is that the last digit of the base 75 is 5, so it doesn’t matter what the positive integer exponent is, the last digit of the expression will always be 5. Now let’s take a look at a Data Sufficiency question:

Given that x and y are positive integers, what is the units digit of (5*x*y)^(289)? Here there is in research paper a new complication – we don’t know what the base is creative writing exactly because the base depends on the value of x and aqa gcse coursework y. Writing? As such, the history thinking in nursing, real question should be can we figure out the units digit of the creative, base? That is all we need to find the units digit of this expression. When 5 is multiplied by an even integer, the product ends in 0. When 5 is history of critical thinking in nursing multiplied by online, an odd integer, the product ends in 5. These are the in india, only two possible cases: The units digit must be either 0 or 5. With Statement 1, we do not know whether y is odd or even, we only know that x is odd. Creative Masters? If y is odd, x*y will be odd. Essay? If y is even, x*y will be even. Since we don’t know whether x*y is masters online odd or even, we don’t know whether 5*x*y will end in 5 or 0, so this statement alone is bridge creek essay occurrence owl not sufficient. With Statement 2, if y is even, x*y will certainly be even because an even * any integer will equal an even integer.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether x is odd or even – regardless, 5*x*y will be even, hence, it will certainly end in 0. As we know from our patterns of cyclicity, 0 has a cyclicity of 1, i.e. no matter what the positive integer exponent, the units digit will be 0. Therefore, this statement alone is sufficient and creative writing masters the answer is B (Statement 2 alone is sufficient but Statement 1 alone is not sufficient). Finally, let’s take a question from our own book: If n and a are positive integers, what is the units digit of origin n^(4a+2) – n^(8a)? We know that the cyclicity of every digit is either 1, 2 or 4. So to know the units digit of n^ – n^ , we need to creative writing, know the units digit of n. Occurrence Owl? This will tell us what the cyclicity of n is and what the units digit of creative online each expression will be individually. Statement 1: n = 3. As we know from in research paper, our patterns of creative masters cyclicity, the history thinking in nursing, cyclicity of 3 is 3, 9, 7, 1. In the online, exponent, 4a accounts for “a” full cycles of appendix in research paper 4, and then a new cycle begins to account for 2. The units digit here will be 9. Again, plugging 3 into writing, “n”, n^ = 3^ 8a is a multiple of 4, so there will be full cycles of 4 only.

This means the units digit of 3^ will be 1. Plugging these answers back into our equation: n^ – n^ = 9 – 1. The units digit of the combined expression will be 9 – 1 = 8. Therefore, this statement alone is sufficient. In Statement 2, we are given what the exponents are but not what the value of n, the base, is.

Therefore, this statement alone is not sufficient, and our answer is history thinking A (Statement 1 alone is sufficient but Statement 2 alone is creative not sufficient). Karishma, a Computer Engineer with a keen interest in alternative Mathematical approaches, has mentored students in the continents of Asia, Europe and maths North America. She teaches the GMAT for creative writing online, Veritas Prep and bridge essay regularly participates in content development projects such as this blog! Quarter Wit Quarter Wisdom: Cyclicity of Units Digits on the GMAT. In our algebra book, we have discussed finding and extrapolating patterns. In this post today, we will look at the patterns we get with various units digits. The first thing you need to understand is that when we multiply two integers together, the last digit of the result depends only on writing masters online, the last digits of the two integers. Note here: …4 * …2 = …8.

So when we are looking at the units digit of the history of critical in nursing, result of an integer raised to a certain exponent, all we need to worry about is the units digit of the creative writing masters online, integer. Let’s look at of essays, the pattern when the units digit of a number is 2. Note the units digits. Do you see a pattern? 2, 4, 8, 6, 2, 4, 8, 6, 2, 4 … and so on. So what will 2^11 end with? The pattern tells us that two full cycles of 2-4-8-6 will take us to 2^8, and then a new cycle starts at 2^9. The next digit in the pattern will be 8, which will belong to 2^11.

In fact, any integer that ends with 2 and is raised to creative writing online, the power 11 will end in 8 because the last digit will depend only on do my paper, the last digit of the base. So 652^(11) will end in 8, 1896782^(11) will end in 8, and so on… A similar pattern exists for creative writing masters, all units digits. Let’s find out what the pattern is for history of critical thinking in nursing, the rest of the 9 digits. The pattern here is 3, 9, 7, 1, 3, 9, 7, 1, and so on… The pattern here is 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, and so on… Integers ending in digits 0, 1, 5 or 6 have the same units digit (0, 1, 5 or 6 respectively), whatever the positive integer exponent. Creative Masters Online? That is: Hope you get the point. 7^4 = …. 1 (Just multiply the do my paper in india, last digit of 343 i.e. 3 by another 7 and you get 21 and hence 1 as the units digit)

7^5 = …. 7 (Now multiply 1 from above by creative online, 7 to get 7 as the units digit) The pattern here is 7, 9, 3, 1, 7, 9, 3, 1, and so on… The pattern here is 8, 4, 2, 6, 8, 4, 2, 6, and so on… The pattern here is 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, and so on… Summing it all up:

1) Digits 2, 3, 7 and 8 have a cyclicity of 4; i.e. the units digit repeats itself every 4 digits. 2) Digits 4 and 9 have a cyclicity of 2; i.e. the units digit repeats itself every 2 digits. 3) Digits 0, 1, 5 and 6 have a cyclicity of 1. Karishma, a Computer Engineer with a keen interest in alternative Mathematical approaches, has mentored students in the continents of Asia, Europe and North America. She teaches the GMAT for coursework, Veritas Prep and regularly participates in content development projects such as this blog! Is Technology Costing You Your GMAT Score? I recently read Sherry Turkle’s Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age . While the book isn’t about testing advice, per se, its analysis of the costs of technology is creative online so comprehensive that the insights are applicable to virtually every aspect of our lives. The book’s core thesis – that our smartphones and tablets are fragmenting our concentration and robbing us of a fundamental part of what it means to be human – isn’t a terribly original one. The difference between Turkle’s work and less effective screeds about the of essays, evils of technology is the scope of the research she provides in demonstrating how the overuse of our devices is eroding the quality of our education, our personal relationships, and our mental health. What’s amazing is that these costs are, to some extent, quantifiable. Ever wonder what the creative masters online, impact is of having most of our conversations mediated through screens rather than through hoary old things like facial expressions?

College students in the age of smartphones score 40% lower on tests measuring indicators of empathy than college students from a generation ago. In polls, respondents who had access to smartphones by the time they were adolescents reported heightened anxiety about the prospect of face-to-face conversations in general. Okay, you say. Disturbing as that is, those findings have to do with interpersonal relationships, not education. Can’t technology be used to enhance the appendix, learning environment as well? Though it would be silly to condemn any technology as wholly corrosive, particularly in light of the fact that most schools are making a concerted effort to incorporate laptops and tablets in the classroom, Turkle makes a persuasive case that the overall costs outweigh the benefits. In one study conducted by Pam Mueller and Daniel Oppenheimer, the researchers compared the creative writing, retention rates of students who took notes on their laptops versus those who took notes by of critical thinking, hand.

The researchers’ assumption had always been that taking notes on a laptop would be more beneficial, as most of us can type faster than we can write longhand. Much to their surprise, the students who took notes by hand did significantly better than those who took notes on their laptops when tested on the contents of a lecture a week later. The reason, Mueller and Oppenheimer speculate, is that because the students writing longhand couldn’t transcribe fast enough to record everything, they had to work harder to filter the information they were provided, and this additional cognitive effort allowed them to retain more. The ease of transcription – what we perceive as a benefit of technology – actually proved to be a cost. Even more disturbing, another study indicated that the mere presence of a smartphone – even if the creative writing, phone is off – will cause everyone in its presence to retain less of a lecture, not just the phone’s owner. I’ve been teaching long enough that when I first started, it was basically unheard of for a student’s attention to history of critical thinking in nursing, wander because he’d been distracted by a device.

Smartphones didn’t exist yet. No one brought laptops to class. Now, if I were to take a poll, I’d be surprised if there were a single student in class who didn’t at least glance at a smartphone during the creative, course of a lesson. One imagines that the do my paper in india, same is true when students are studying on their own – a phone is nearby, just in case something important comes up. I’d always assumed the presence of these devices was relatively harmless, but if a phone that’s off can degrade the writing masters, quality of our study sessions, just imagine the impact of do my paper in india a phone that continually pings and buzzes as fresh texts, emails and notifications come in. The GMAT is a four-hour test that requires intense focus and concentration, so anything that hampers our ability to focus is a potential drag on writing, our scores. Billy Collins Essay? There’s no easy solution here. I’m certainly not advocating that anyone throw away their smartphone – the fact that certain technology has costs associated with it is creative masters hardly a reason to discard that technology altogether. There are plenty of well-documented educational benefits: one can use a long train ride as an opportunity to do practice problems or watch a lecture. Maths Coursework? We can easily store data that can shed light on where we need to creative, focus our attention in future study sessions.

So the creek essay owl, answer isn’t a draconian one in which we have to writing, dramatically alter our lifestyles. Technology isn’t going anywhere – it’s a question of moderation. Takeaways: No rant about the costs of technology is going to occurrence owl, be terribly helpful without an action plan, so here’s what I suggest: Put the devices away in class and take notes longhand. Whether you’re in a GMAT prep class, or an accounting class in your MBA program, this will benefit both you and your classmates. If you aren’t using your device to study, turn it off, and make sure it’s out of sight when you work . The mere visual presence of a smartphone will cause you to retain less. Give yourself at least 2 hours of device-free time each day. This need not be when you’re studying. Creative? It can also be when you’re out to dinner with friends or spending time with family.

In addition to improving your interpersonal relationships, conversation actually makes you smarter. By David Goldstein, a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston. You can find more articles by him here. What to Do if You’re Struggling with GMAT Solutions. One of the bridge essay, most misleading parts of the whole GMAT experience is the process of reading the solution to a math problem in the Quant section. When you try the problem, you struggle, sweat, and go nowhere; when they explain the problem, they wave a snooty, know-it-all magic wand that clears everything up. But how did they think of online that? What can you do to think like them (or barring that, where do they keep that magic wand, and occurrence owl how late do we have to break into their house to be sure they’re asleep when we steal it)? The short answer is creative online that they struggled just like you did, but like anybody else, they wanted to make it look easy. (Think of to poetry billy collins all the creative masters, time some people spend preening their LinkedIn or their Instagram: you only ever see the flashy corporate name and the glamour shot, never the 5 AM wake up call or the 6 AM look in the mirror.) Solution writers, particularly those who work for the GMAC, never seem to tell you that problem solving is essay mostly about blundering through a lot of creative writing masters online guesswork before hitting upon a pattern, but that’s really what it is. In Research? Your willingness to blunder around until you hit something promising is a huge part of what’s being tested on the GMAT; after all, as depressing as it sounds, that’s basically how life works. Here’s a great example:

I haven’t laid eyes on it in thirty years, but I still remember that the rope ladder to my childhood treehouse had exactly ten rungs. Writing Masters Online? I was a lot shorter then, and a born lummox, so I could only climb the ladder one or two rungs at a time. I also had more than a touch of childhood OCD, so I had to climb the ladder a different way every time. After how many trips up did my OCD prevent me from do my paper, ever climbing it again? (In other words, how many different ways was I able to climb the ladder?) Just the thought of trying 55 to 89 different permutations of climbing the ladder has my OCD going off like a car alarm, so I’m going to look for an easier way of doing this. Creative Writing? It’s a GMAT problem, albeit one on the level of a Google interview question, so it must have a simple solution. There has to be a pattern here, or the problem wouldn’t be tested.

Maybe I could find that pattern, or at least get an idea of how the process works, if I tried some shorter ladders. Suppose the ladder had one rung. That’d be easy: there’s only one way to climb it. Now suppose the ladder had two rungs. OK, two ways: I could go 0-1 then 1-2, or straight from 0-2 in a single two step, so there are two ways to coursework, climb the ladder. Now suppose that ladder had three rungs.

0-1, 1-2, 2-3 is writing one way; 0-2, 2-3 is another; 0-1, 1-3 is the third. So the pattern is aqa gcse coursework looking like 1, 2, 3 … ? That can’t be right! Doubt is gnawing at creative writing online, me, but I’m going to give it one last shot. Suppose that the in research paper, ladder had four rungs. I could do [0-1-2-3-4] or [0-1-3-4] or [0-1-2-4] or [0-2-4] or [0-2-3-4]. So there are five ways to climb it … wait, that’s it! While I was mucking through the creative, ways to climb my four-rung ladder, I hit upon something. When I take my first step onto the ladder, I either climb one rung or two. Origin? If I climb one rung, then there are 3 rungs left: in other words, I have a 3-rung ladder, which I can climb in 3 ways, as I saw earlier. Creative Masters Online? If my step is a two-rung step instead, then there are 2 rungs left: in other words, a 2-rung ladder, which I can climb in 2 ways. Making sense?

By the same logic, if I want to climb a 5-rung ladder, I can start with one rung, then have a 4-rung ladder to go, or start with two rungs, then have a 3-rung ladder to go. So the number of ways to climb a 5-rung ladder = (the number of maths ways to climb a 3-rung ladder) + (the number of ways to climb a 4-rung ladder). Aha! My pattern starts 1, 2, 3, so from creative masters, there I can find the number of ways to climb each ladder by summing the origin of essays, previous two. Creative Online? This gives me a 1-, 2-, 3-, … rung ladder list of 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, and 89, so a 10-rung ladder would have 89 possible climbing permutations, and we’re done. And the lesson? Much like a kid on appendix in research, a rope ladder, for a GMAT examinee on an abstract problem there’s often no “one way” to do the problem, at least not one that you can readily identify from the first instant you start. Very often you have to take a few small steps so that in doing so, you learn what the problem is all about. When all else fails in a “big-number” problem, try testing the relationship with small numbers so that you can either find a pattern or learn more about how you can better attack the bigger numbers. Writing? Sometimes your biggest test-day blunder is not allowing yourself to blunder around enough to figure the problem out. Congratulations: that’s the hardest GMAT problem you’ve solved yet! (And bonus points if you noticed that the answer choices differed by 8, 9, 9, and 8. I still have OCD, and a terrible sense of humor.)

You Can Do It! How to Work on maths, GMAT Work Problems. Rate questions, so far as I can remember, have been a staple of almost every standardized test I’ve ever taken. Masters? I recall seeing them on proficiency tests in grade school. History Thinking? They showed up on the SAT. They were on the GRE. And, rest assured, dear reader, you will see them on creative masters, the GMAT. What’s peculiar is that despite the apparent ubiquity of these problems, I never really learned how to do them in school. This is true for of critical in nursing, many of creative writing masters my students as well, as they come into my class thinking that they’re just not very good at these kinds of questions, when, in actuality, they’ve just never developed a proper approach. Introduction To Poetry Essay? This is doubly true of creative online work problems, which are just a kind of rate problem. When dealing with a complex work question there are typically only two things we need to keep in mind, aside from do my in india, our standard “rate * time = work” equation.

First, we know that rates are additive. If I can do 1 job in 4 hours, my rate is 1/4. Creative Writing Masters? If you can do 1 job in 3 hours, your rate is 1/3. Therefore, our combined rate is 1/4 + 1/3, or 7/12. So we can do 7 jobs in 12 hours. The second thing we need to bear in origin of essays, mind is that rate and time have a reciprocal relationship. If our rate is 7/12, then the creative writing, time it would take us to origin, complete a job is 12/7 hours. Not so complex. What’s interesting is that these simple ideas can unlock seemingly complex questions.

Take this official question, for writing masters online, example: Pumps A, B, and C operate at their respective constant rates. Pumps A and B, operating simultaneously, can fill a certain tank in billy collins, 6/5 hours; pumps A and C, operating simultaneously, can fill the writing masters, tank in 3/2 hours; and pumps B and C, operating simultaneously, can fill the tank in 2 hours. How many hours does it take pumps A, B, and C, operating simultaneously, to of essays, fill the tank. So let’s start by assigning some variables. We’ll call the rate for p ump A, R a. Similarly, we’ll designate the creative writing online, rate for pump B as R b, and the rate for pump C as R c.

If the introduction billy collins essay, time for writing masters online, A and B together to fill the tank is 6/5 hours, then we know that their combined rate is 5/6, because again, time and rate have a reciprocal relationship. So this first piece of information yields the following equation: If A and C can fill the tank in 3/2 hours, then, employing identical logic, their combined rate will be 2/3, and we’ll get: Last, if B and C can fill tank in 2 hours, then their combined rate will be ?, and we’ll have: Ultimately, what we want here is the bridge creek, time it would take all three pumps working together to fill the online, tank. If we can find the combined rate, or R a + R b + R c , then all we need to bridge, do is take the writing online, reciprocal of in research paper that number, and we’ll have our time to full the pump. So now, looking at creative masters, the above equations, how can we get R a + R b + R c on one side of an collins essay, equation? First, let’s line our equations up vertically: Now, if we sum those equations, we’ll get the following:

Dividing both sides by 2, we’ll get: R a + R b + R c = 1. This tells us that the pumps, all working together can do one tank in one hour. Writing? Well, if the rate is 1, and paper in india the time is the creative masters online, reciprocal of the rate, it’s pretty obvious that the time to complete the history thinking, task is also 1. The answer, therefore, is E. Takeaway: the most persistent myth we have about masters, our academic limitations is that we’re simply not good at a certain subset of problems when, in do my, truth, we just never properly learned how to do this type of online question. Bridge Occurrence? Like every other topic on the GMAT, rate/work questions can be mastered rapidly with a sound framework and a little practice. So file away the notion that rates can be added in work questions and that time and rate have a reciprocal relationship. Then do a few practice questions, move on to the writing masters online, next topic, and know that you’re one step closer to mastering the skills that will lead you to your desired GMAT score. *GMATPrep question courtesy of the Graduate Management Admissions Council. By David Goldstein, a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in to poetry collins, Boston. You can find more articles by creative masters online, him here. You’ve made it.

After months of study, mountains of flash cards, and enough time spent on our YouTube channel that you’re starting to feel like Brian Galvin is to poetry essay one of your roommates, you’re at the test center and the GMAT — not the essay or something, but the creative writing masters, real GMAT, in of critical thinking, all its evil glory, complete with exponents and fractions — is about to masters online, begin. You’re nervous but excited, and cautiously optimistic for the first question: maybe it’ll be something like “What’s (2?)??” or a work rate problem about how long it’d take George Jetson to burn down a widget factory. You mostly remember these questions, so you click “Begin”, and this is what you see: A palindrome is a number that reads the same front-to-back as it does back-to-front (e.g. 202, 575, 1991, etc.) p is the smallest integer greater than 200 that is both a prime and paper a palindrome. What is the sum of the digits of p? I don’t know about creative, you, but I’m petrified. Aqa Gcse? I mean, yeah, I know what you’re saying — I’m the creative writing online, bozo who just dreamed up that question — but I don’t know where it came from, and I’m sort of thinking I might need to summon an exorcist, because I must be possessed by a math demon. What does that question even say?

How the heck are we going to solve it? This is creek such a common GMAT predicament to be in creative online, that I’m willing to history of critical thinking in nursing, bet that 99% of writing masters test takers experience it: the feeling that you don’t even know what the question is saying, and maths the sense of creeping terror that maybe you don’t know what any of these questions are saying. Creative Writing Masters? This is by design, of course. The test writers love these sort of “gut check” questions that test your ability to calmly unpack and reason out a cruel and unusual prompt. So many students take themselves out coursework of the game by panicking, but like any GMAT question, once we get past the intimidation factor, the problem is simple at heart. Let’s try to model the process.

We’ll start by masters online, clarifying our terms. Palindrome, palindrome … what on earth is a palindrome!? Is that some sort of hovercraft where Sarah Palin lives? Where are our flash cards? Maybe we should just go to law school or open a food truck or something, this test is absurd. Wait, the answer is right in front of us, in do my in india, the very first line! “A palindrome is a number that reads the same back-to-front as it does front-to-back.” Phew, OK, and online there are even some examples.

So a palindrome is essay a number like 101, 111, 121, etc. Alright, got that. And it’s prime … prime, prime … OK, right, that WAS on a flashcard: a prime number is a number with exactly two factors, such as 2, or 3, or 5, or 7. So if we were to make lists of each of these numbers, primes and creative palindromes, we’d have. Primes: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, … Palindromes: 101, 111, 121, 131, … and we want the first number that’s greater than 200 that appears on both lists. OK! Now let’s think of where to start. Aqa Gcse Maths? We know our number is greater than 200, so 202 seems promising.

But that can’t be prime: it’s even, so it has at creative masters online, least three factors (1, itself, and 2). Great! We can skip everything that begins/ends with 2, and fast forward to 303. That looks prime, but what was it that Brian kept telling us about divisibility by 3 … ah, yes, test the sum of the digits! 3 + 0 + 3 = 6, and 6 divides by 3, so 303 also divides by 3. Our next candidate is 313. This seems to be our final hurdle: a lot of quick arithmetic.

That’s what the question is introduction collins essay testing, after all, right? How quickly can you factor 313? It sure seems that way, but take one last look at writing masters, the answers. The GMAT tests efficiency as much as anything else, and creek owl it has a way of creative masters online hiding easter eggs for the observant. Our largest answer is 7, and what’s 3+1+3? 7! So this MUST be the answer, and history in nursing any time spent factoring 313 is wasted time. We made it! In hindsight, that didn’t really feel like a math problem, did it? It was testing our ability to:

1) Remember a definition (“prime”) 2) Actually read the question stem (“a palindrome is…”) 3) Not panic, and try a few numbers (“202”? “303”?) 4) Realize that heavy calculation is for suckers, and that the writing, answer might be right in origin of essays, front of us (“check the masters, answers”) So we just had to remember, actually read the directions, have the courage to origin, try something to see where it leads, and look for clues directly around us. I don’t know about you, but if I were running a business, those are exactly the sort of skills I’d want my employees to have; maybe these test writers are on writing online, to something after all! Use Number Lines on the GMAT, Not Memory! I’ve written in of essays, the past about how the biggest challenge on many GMAT questions is the strain they put on creative writing, our working memory. Of Critical Thinking In Nursing? Working memory, or our ability to process information that we hold temporarily, is by creative writing masters online, definition quite limited.

It’s why phone numbers only contain seven digits – any more than that and of essays most people wouldn’t be able to writing, recall them. (Yes, there was a time, in the dark and distant past, when we had to remember phone numbers.) One of the aqa gcse maths, most simple and creative masters effective strategies we can deploy to combat our working memory limitations is to simply list out the sample space of scenarios we’re dealing with. If we were told, for example, that x is a prime number less than 20, rather than internalize this information, we can jot down x = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, or 19. The harder and paper in india more abstract the question, the more necessary such a strategy will prove to be. Take this challenging Data Sufficiency question, for example: On the number line, the distance between x and y is greater than the distance between x and z. Does z lie between x and writing online y on the number line? The reader is hereby challenged to attempt this exercise in his or her head without inducing some kind of hemorrhage. So, rather than try to conceptualize this problem mentally, let’s start by actually writing down all the number line configurations that we might have to deal with before even glancing at the statements. Appendix In Research Paper? We know that x and z are closer than x and y. Creative? So we could get the introduction essay, following: Or we can swap x and y to creative masters, generate a kind of mirror image. The above number lines are the only four possibilities given the constraints provided in the question stem.

Now we have something concrete and visual that we can use when evaluating the statements. Statement 1 tells us that the do my in india, product of the three variables is negative. If you’ve internalized your number properties – and we heartily encourage that you do – you know that a product is negative if there are an odd number of negative elements in said product. In this case, that means that either one of the creative masters online, variables is bridge creek essay owl negative, or all three of them are. So let’s use say one of the creative, variables is negative. By placing a 0 strategically, we can use any of history of critical thinking in nursing our above number lines: Each of these scenarios will satisfy that first statement. But we only need two. In our first number line, z is between x and writing masters y, so we get a YES to the question. In our second number line, z is not between x and y, so we get a NO to of critical in nursing, the question. Because we can get a YES or a NO to the original question, Statement 1 alone is masters online not sufficient.

Eliminate answer choices A and D. Statement 2 tells us that the in india, product of x and y is negative. Thus, we know that one of the variables is positive, and one of the variables is negative. Creative Online? Again, we can simply peruse our number lines and select a couple of examples that satisfy this condition. In our first number line, z is between x and appendix in research y, so we get a YES to the question. In our third number line, z is not between x and y, so we get a NO to the question.

Like with Statement 1, because we can get a YES or NO to creative online, the original question, Statement 2 alone is also not sufficient. Eliminate answer choice B. When testing the statements together, we know two pieces of information. Statement 1 tells us that either one variable is negative or all three are. Origin? Statement 2 tells us that, between x and y, we have one negative and one positive.

Therefore, together, we know that either x or y is negative, and the remaining variables are all positive. Now all we have to do is peruse our sample space and locate these scenarios. It turns out that we can use the masters, same two number lines we used when testing Statement 2: In our first number line, z is between x and y, so we get a YES to origin of essays, the question. In our third number line, z is not between x and writing online y, so we get a NO to the question.

So even together, the statements are not sufficient to answer the question – the of essays, correct answer is creative writing online E. Takeaway: on the GMAT there’s no reason to strain your brain any more than is of essays necessary. Masters? The more concrete you can make the information you’re provided on a given question, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to properly execute whatever math or logic maneuvers you’re asked to perform. *GMATPrep question courtesy of the Graduate Management Admissions Council. By David Goldstein, a Veritas Prep GMAT instructor based in Boston. You can find more articles by him here. GMAT Tip of the maths, Week: Movember and Moving Your GMAT Score Higher.

On this first Friday of creative masters online November, you may start seeing some peach fuzz sprouts on the upper lips of some of your friends and origin colleagues. For many around the world, November means Movember, a month dedicated to the hopefully-overlapping Venn Diagram of mustaches and men’s health. Why – other than the fact that this is creative a GMAT blog – do we mention the Venn Diagram? Because while the Movember Foundation is committed to creek occurrence, using mustaches as a way to increase both awareness of and funding for men’s health issues (in particular prostate and testicular cancer), many young men focus solely on the mustache-growth facet of the month. And “I’m growing a mustache for Movember” without the fundraising follow-through is creative masters online akin to the following quotes: “I’m growing a mustache for Movember.” “I’m running a marathon for lymphoma research.” “I’m dumping a bucket of ice water over my head on Facebook.” “I’m taking a GMAT practice test this weekend.”/”I’m going to the library to collins, study for the GMAT.” Now, those are all noble sentiments expressed with great intentions. Creative Masters? But another thing they all have in common is that they’re each missing a critical action step in of essays, their mission to reach their desired outcome. Growing a mustache does very little to masters, prevent or treat prostate cancer. Running a marathon isn’t what furthers scientists’ knowledge of lymphoma. Dumping an ice bucket over your head is more likely to origin, cause pneumonia than to cure ALS. And taking a practice test won’t do very much for writing online, your GMAT score.

Each of those actions requires a much more thorough and meaningful component. It’s the aqa gcse maths coursework, fundraising behind Movember, Team in Training, and the Ice Bucket Challenge that advances those causes. It’s your effort to use your mustache, sore knees, and Facebook video to encourage friends and family to seek out early diagnosis or to donate to the cause. And it’s the follow-up to your GMAT practice test or homework session that helps you increase your score. This weekend, well over a thousand practice tests will be taken in creative writing online, the Veritas Prep system, many by young men a week into their mustache growth. But the practice tests that are truly valuable will be taken by those who follow up on their performance, adding that extra step of action that’s all so critical. They’ll ask themselves: Which mistakes can I keep top-of-mind so that I never make them again?

How could I have budgeted my time better? Which types of problems take the origin of essays, most time with the least probability of a right answer, and which types would I always get right if I just took the extra few seconds to online, double check and really focus? Based on this test, which are the 2-3 content areas/question types that I can markedly improve upon between now and my next practice test? How will I structure this week’s study sessions to directly attack those areas? And then they’ll follow up on what they’ve learned, following the new week’s plan of attack until it’s time to again take the maths coursework, first step (a practice test) with the commitment to take the substantially-more-important follow-up steps that really move the needle toward success. Taking a practice test and growing a Movember mustache are great first steps toward accomplishing noble goals, but in classic Critical Reasoning form, premise alone doesn’t guarantee the writing masters, conclusion. So make sure you don’t leave the GMAT test center this November with an appendix in research, ineffective mustache and a dismal score – put in the hard work that has to online, accompany that first step, and this can be a Movember to Remember. GMAT® is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council™. The Graduate Management Admission Council™ does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the of critical thinking, owner or any content of this web site.

Myers-Briggs® and creative the Myers-Briggs logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Myers Briggs Foundation, Inc., in the United States and other countries. All contents copyright 2001-2017 Veritas, LLC. All rights reserved. GMAT® is a registered trademark of the bridge, Graduate Management Admission Council™.

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10 Tips for Writing the College Application Essay. No subject is more fraught with anxiety for the high school senior than the essay on the college application. Creative Writing Online. Whether it is as bizarre as the University of Chicago's How do you feel about Wednesday?; University of Pennsylvania's You have just completed your 300-page autobiography. Please submit page 217.; or Tufts University's Are We Alone?—or whether it is a more mundane question about a formative experience you've had in your life, or about some controversial social or political issue, students tremble at introduction to poetry billy the very thought of writing the creative, essay and being judged on it. Get updates from U.S. News, including newsletters, rankings announcements, new features and of essays, special offers. We wondered what tips could be offered to masters online, ease the pain. For advice, we turned to visiting blogger Jonathan Reider, director of creek essay occurrence owl, college counseling at San Francisco University High School, who before that was the senior associate director of admissions (and humanities instructor) at Stanford University.

He should know; he's been on both sides of the high school/college door. Here are his 10 best tips. 1. Be concise. Even though the Common Application main essay has only a suggested minimum of masters, 250 words, and no upper limit, every admissions officer has a big stack to read every day; he or she expects to appendix in research, spend only a couple of minutes on the essay. If you go over 700 words, you are straining their patience, which no one should want to do. 2. Be honest. Don't embellish your achievements, titles, and offices.

It's just fine to masters, be the copy editor of the newspaper or the treasurer of the Green Club, instead of the president. Not everyone has to be the star at everything. To Poetry. You will feel better if you don't strain to creative, inflate yourself. Coursework. 3. Be an individual. In writing the essay, ask yourself, How can I distinguish myself from those thousands of others applying to College X whom I don't know—and even the ones I do know? It's not in your activities or interests. If you're going straight from high school to college, you're just a teenager, doing teenage things. Creative Writing Masters Online. It is introduction to poetry essay your mind and how it works that are distinctive. How do you think? Sure, that's hard to explain, but that's the key to the whole exercise. 4. Creative Writing Online. Be coherent.

Obviously, you don't want to babble, but I mean write about just one subject at aqa gcse a time. Don't try to cover everything in an essay. Doing so can make you sound busy, but at the same time, scattered and superficial. The whole application is a series of masters, snapshots of what you do. It is inevitably incomplete.

The colleges expect this. Bridge Essay Occurrence Owl. Go along with them. 5. Be accurate. I don't mean just use spell check (that goes without saying). Attend to the other mechanics of good writing, including conventional punctuation in the use of commas, semi-colons, etc. If you are writing about Dickens, don't say he wrote Wuthering Heights. If you write about Nietzsche, spell his name right. Masters Online. 6. Be vivid. A good essay is of essays often compared to a story: In many cases it's an anecdote of an important moment.

Provide some details to help the reader see the setting. Use the names (or invent them) for masters the other people in history in nursing the story, including your brother, teacher, or coach. This makes it all more human and humane. It also shows the reader that you are thinking about his or her appreciation of your writing, which is something you'll surely want to do. 7. Be likable. Colleges see themselves as communities, where people have to get along with others, in dorms, classes, etc. Are you someone they would like to have dinner with, hang out with, have in a discussion section? Think, How can I communicate this without just standing up and writing, saying it, which is corny. Subtlety is good.

8. Appendix In Research. Be cautious in writing your use of humor. In Research. You never know how someone you don't know is going to respond to you, especially if you offer something humorous. Humor is always in the eye of the beholder. Be funny only if you think you have to. Creative Masters Online. Then think again. 9. History Thinking. Be controversial (if you can). So many kids write bland essays that don't take a stand on anything. It is fine to write about politics, religion, something serious, as long as you are balanced and thoughtful. Don't pretend you have the final truth. Writing. And don't just get up on introduction to poetry, your soapbox and spout off on a sensitive subject; instead, give reasons and arguments for your view and consider other perspectives (if appropriate).

Colleges are places for the discussion of ideas, and admissions officers look for diversity of mind. 10. Be smart. Colleges are intellectual places, a fact they almost always keep a secret when they talk about creative online their dorms, climbing walls, and bridge creek essay owl, how many sports you can play. It is helpful to show your intellectual vitality.

What turns your mind on? This is not the same thing as declaring an intended major; what matters is why that subject interests you. © Copyright 2010 Professors' Guide LLC. All rights reserved. Master SAT Command of Evidence Items. Students will find this question type in the reading and writing and online, language sections of the exam. Washington College Road Trip: University of Washington. Discover what it's like to attend this public institution in Seattle. Washington College Road Trip: Gonzaga University. Learn what it's like to attend this Spokane, Washington school. Take a College Road Trip to Washington. Find out what it's like to attend college in this Northwestern state.

Washington College Road Trip: Whitman College. Discover what it's like to attend this school in Walla Walla, Washington. Washington College Road Trip: University of Puget Sound. Introduction Billy Collins Essay. Learn what it's like to creative masters, attend this Tacoma, Washington school. Creek Essay. Pitino Is 'Coach-2' in Federal Court Documents. The Louisville head basketball coach Pitino may have helped funnel money to a top recruit in bid to secure his commitment. Different groups and organizations – from creative masters tech companies to sororities – offer college aid for women. 10 Universities With Biggest Endowments. The endowment at paper in india each of these schools exceeded $8.7 billion for the 2016 fiscal year, U.S.

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26/6/2013 Essay on writing “Advantage and Disadvantage of Telephone” in Hindi Essay on “Advantage and Disadvantage of . Telephone” in Hindi by of essays Nilakshi Read this Essay on creative writing masters “Benefit and Loss of Telephone” in Hindi language. History Thinking In Nursing! essay -on-advantage-and-disadvantage-of-telephone-in- hindi 1/6 6/27/13 Essay on “Advantage and Disadvantage of Telephone” in creative writing online, Hindi essay -on-advantage-and-disadvantage-of-telephone-in- hindi 2/6 6/27/13 . 6th Marine Regiment , All rights reserved , Bihar 342 Words | 3 Pages. Name of the Candidate Name Surname Name of the Parent / Guardian Date of Birth (dd-mm-yyyy) Socio-Economic Details : Gender Nationality Marital Status Social . Status Male Indian Married SC TELUGU Telugu (For office use only) ID No. ENGLISH Hindi Sanskrit Candidate’s Latest Photo Female Others Un Married ST BC Rural PH Urban Others If any Specify : Area which you are living comes under whether Are you employed Yes No Please furnish Work Experience (if any) : Organisation Govt. Introduction To Poetry Collins! Private. Distance education , Education , Employment 417 Words | 2 Pages. [Mahatma Gandhi] Whatever purity you see in me’, recalled Gandhiji at creative masters, 62 years of age, ‘is derived from do my, my mother, not my father . Creative Online! Originally grocers, the Gandhijis were bania by caste. Thinking In Nursing! The youngest offspring of online Karamchand Gandhi alias Kaba Gandhi, Mohandas belonged to families who for three generations from his grandfather had been Prime Ministers in several Kathiawar states. Mohandas, the future MAHATAMA, was born on Oct 2,1869. Aqa Gcse! When Mohan was seven years old his parents moved 120.

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Marital Status : Married Hobbies : Music, Badminton, Horse Riding amp; Art. Extra Curricular Activities : 1. Completed Disaster Relief Instructor Course, from origin, National Civil Defence College, Nagpur (Central Government). 2008 , Bharti Airtel , Bharti Enterprises 691 Words | 4 Pages. The constitution of India (Article 343) recognises Hindi as the official language of India. Hindi is also the main language in . Creative Masters! many states of India such as Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal/ Uttarakhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh and Himachal Pradesh. It is of critical in nursing, spoken by more than 437 million people in the world. The other dialects of Hindi are Brajbhasha, Bundeli, Awadhi, Marwari, Maithili, Bhojpuri, to name only a few. Hindi can be traced back to as early as the seventh or eighth. Chhayavaad , Hindi , Hindi literature 1435 Words | 5 Pages.

Science writing in Hindi appears to have began in 1818 (Patariya, 2000) with the creative masters, publication of a magazine named “ Hindi . Digdarshan,” copies of which were circulated to many schools in West Bengal. ‘Digdarshan' regularly incorporated materials on in research science, a trend that was not in vogue at that time even in writing online, contemporary reputed Hindi publication 'Udant martand' (1928) credited to be the first Hindi newspaper. To Poetry Billy Collins Essay! Patairiya (2000) further narrates that a questionnaire related to chemistry way. Delhi , Hindi , Popular science 1626 Words | 5 Pages. Public Health – Essay – Title and creative masters subtitle of the essay HYGIENE, EATING HABITS AND ORAL HEALTH AMONG CHILDREN IN THREE . NEPALESE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS Author Kerstin Westbacke Author's position and aqa gcse coursework address District dentist, Public Dental Clinic, Langgatan 13, SE-460 10 Lodose, Sweden Phone: +46 (0)520 660077, Fax: +46 (0)520 660838, E-mail: Date of approval 2006-04-28 Supervisor NHV/External Professor Arne Halling No of pages Language – essay Language –. Canine tooth , Health , Health care 2275 Words | 11 Pages. AS YOU LIKE IT HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE PLAY Introduction to Shakespeare When I read Shakespeare I am struck with wonder That such trivial people . should muse and thunder In such lovely language. D. H. Creative Writing Masters Online! Lawrence Quote (1885 - 1930) William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was born in Startford-on-Avon, in of critical, the country of Warwick. The third child and first son, William was christened on creative writing masters online 26th April, 1564 in the parish chruch. His father, John Shakespeare, was a prosperous businessman. William got.

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Bollywood ( Hindi : #2348;#2377;#2354;#2368;#2357;#2369;#2337;, Urdu: ECa#1740; ??) is the informal name given to masters online, the popular . Mumbai-based Hindi -language film industry in India (Bharat). Creek Essay! The term is writing masters online, often incorrectly used to refer to the whole of Hindi cinema. Bollywood is only a part of the appendix in research paper, Bhartiya film industry. The name is a portmanteau of Bombay (the former name for Mumbai) and Hollywood, the center of the American film industry. Masters Online! Though some deplore the name, arguing that it makes the. Asha Bhosle , Bollywood , Cinema of India 1014 Words | 3 Pages. It’s a DTMF based technology to control our appliances By mobile phone calls from a long distance and we can able to handle out home . appliances from of essays, any remote location.

ACHIVEMENTS: ? Participated in G.K and Essay competition organized in school. ? Coordinated in masters, technical and non-technical events in college. ? Coordinated many events and functions at school and college level. SEMINAR: • Seminar on the topic ‘ BLOOM BOX’, A Revolutionary. Delhi , Electronic engineering , Electronics 424 Words | 3 Pages. after disaster”. Introduction To Poetry Billy Essay! He also accused Gandhi of having a blatant pro-Muslim policy and quoted Gandhi’s support for masters online, Hindustani ( Hindi -Urdu) (which . was synonymous to do my paper in india, Urdu) as the creative writing masters, national language of India after the Muslims objected to paper in india, Hindi and claimed that all of creative masters online Gandhi’s experiments were at in nursing, the expense of the creative, Hindus. Nathuram Godse, Answer to the Charge Sheet (Para. 35) Gandhiji began to hold his prayer meetings in appendix, a Hindu temple in Bhangi Colony and persisted in creative masters online, reading passages from in research, Quoran as a part. Indian independence movement , Indian National Congress , Jawaharlal Nehru 2745 Words | 7 Pages.

lives to the service of writing online poor and the destitute. Everyone recognizes the value of this kind of noble work and acknowledges its greatness. Politicians, . statesmen and military generals are often forgotten with the bridge creek occurrence, passing of time. Creative Writing Masters Online! But noble souls like Gandhiji and Mother Teresa earn universal reverence and always live in the hearts of aqa gcse maths coursework people.Even many rich people are often unwilling to creative, help a beggar, an orphan, a widow or a poor deserving student. History Of Critical In Nursing! Little do they realize that God dwells in the hearts of. Albert Einstein , Friendship , Human 1303 Words | 4 Pages. Essays are generally scholarly pieces of writing written from an author's personal point of view, but the definition is vague, overlapping with . those of an article, a pamphlet and a short story. Creative Writing Online! Essays can consist of bridge a number of elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and online reflections of the author. Almost all modern essays are written in history in nursing, prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g. Alexander Pope's. Alexander Pope , Essay , Essays 1053 Words | 4 Pages.

probably noticed, essay writing assignments can pop up in any class. Creative Online! An essay is a literary composition that expresses a . certain idea, claim, or concept and backs it up with supporting statements. It will follow a logical pattern, to include an introductory paragraph (make the claim), a body (support), and a conclusion (summary of statements and support). English and literature teachers use them on a regular basis, but essays are required in many other types of classes. Essay exams are also a. Abstraction , Essay , Fiction 876 Words | 3 Pages. disquisition, monograph; More 2. formal an essay attempt or effort. a misjudged essay synonyms: attempt, effort, endeavor, try, venture, . trial, experiment, undertaking his first essay in telecommunications a trial design of a postage stamp yet to be accepted. verbformal verb: essay ; 3rd person present: essays ; past tense: essayed; past participle: essayed; gerund or present participle: essaying e?sa/ 1. attempt or try. essay a smile Origin late 15th century (as a verb in the sense ‘test the.

Definition , Essay , Gerund 608 Words | 4 Pages. Page 1 of 6 Writing Devanagari words using Baraha transliteration scheme is as easy as writing our names in English. ???? ???? ???? can be written as . merA bhArat mahAn. Devanagari script used for Sanskrit, Hindi , and Marathi languages are supported in Baraha. Other languages such as Konkani, Sindhi and Nepali that use devanagari script, can also be used. The transliteration rules are shown below with examples. Creative Writing Masters Online! See: Transliteration Examples Vowel: ? = a, ? = A,aa, ? = i, ? = I,ee, ? =. Devanagari , Konkani language , Latin alphabet 785 Words | 6 Pages. Semester 1, 2013 Assessment Task 2:Critical Essay IDEAS in MANAGEMENT Writing instructions and Marking Rubric This assessment task is . an origin of essays ESSAY . The RMIT College of masters Business requires you to use a particular style of paper essay writing which involves both the way the essay is creative writing online, structured and the way that you acknowledge other people’s ideas used in your work. The structuring of an origin essay is very clearly described in the RMIT Study and Learning Centre Essay Writing Skills Online Tutorial available. Article , Citation , Critical thinking 807 Words | 3 Pages. ? Essay Instructions You will write 4 essays (double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font).

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It is usually a formal piece of writing with an introduction, a discussion, and aqa gcse maths a conclusion. Ang isang nagpapaliwanag sanaysay ay isang piraso ng pagsulat kung saan ang manunulat nagtatanghal ng mga opinyon, punto ng view, mga ideya, konsepto, argumento sa isang partikular na paksa. Ito ay karaniwang isang pormal na piraso ng pagsulat na may isang panimula. Article , Essay , Essays 2149 Words | 10 Pages. pupuntahan. Anu-ano at bakit nagiging malabo sa pagtalastasan? ? Nagiging malabo ang pakikipagtalastasan kung di maayos ang pagkakabuo sa diwa ng . pagpapahayag o kaya’y ang kakulangan sa kaalaman sa retorika ng pagpapahayag. ? Kung hindi magkaintindihan ang dalawang nag-uusap. Ang pakikipagtalastasan any bahagi ng lipunan upang maipahayag ang iyong: 1. Creative! Naisin 2. Maunawaan 3. Magkaisa Kailan mabisa ang isang pahayag? 1. nauunawaan 2. malinaw Tatlong. Catholic Church , Catholic social teaching , Human rights 1755 Words | 6 Pages. such strategies as scanning, skimming, main ideas, contextual clues and aqa gcse maths coursework inferences. Writing Masters! Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this subject, student will . be able to: 1. write summaries as well as process, comparison-contrast and cause-effect essays 2. apply basic grammatical concepts in writing 3. Bridge! answer questions based on academic texts 4. give oral presentations Textbook: 1. Daise, D., Norloff, C., and Carne, P., (2011).

Q: Skills for Success 4 : Reading and Writing Oxford University. Cambridge , Essay , Latin 401 Words | 3 Pages. Tense Chart For translation from creative writing, Hindi to in research paper, English Tense ??? ???? ????? Positive Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect . Masters! Present Perfect Continuous Past Indefinite Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Future Indefinite Future continuous Future Perfect Helping Verb ??? ???? Form of the verb first first third first Verb + ? Verb+S ?? es in third person singular Verb+ing ??? ???? +ing with since or for. Since with certainity and for with uncertainity ??? ????. Grammatical aspect , Grammatical conjugation , Grammatical number 543 Words | 3 Pages. symbols which can be understood and manipulated by someone who is culturally literate. Second, being literate can mean having knowledge or competence.

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It has its . Creative Writing Masters Online! roots deep down in our social and religious system. Gandhiji regarded this practice as “a leper wound in aqa gcse maths coursework, the whole body of creative writing masters Hindu politic”. He even considered it as “the hate fullest expres­sion of history of critical thinking caste.” It is very difficult to give a clear definition of untouchability. The word ‘untouchable’ applies to the despised and degraded section of the Hindu population. Caste , Caste system in India , Dalit 833 Words | 4 Pages. | |Nationality: |Indian . | |Language Known: |English, Hindi , Gujarati | |Hobbies: |Reading books,playing Cricket,Photography, Listening Music. | |Strengths: . Microsoft , Microsoft Windows , Operating system 269 Words | 3 Pages. trying to masters, know everyone in the class. Creek Essay Occurrence! After that here comes the big turn, homework and writing essays . I have never written an . essay in my life while I was living in writing online, India. It was really hard for me to write down our thought on to poetry billy essay the given assignment. My English is not good and grammar is worse.

I was really afraid of creative writing writing, I didn’t want to tell anyone. I missed my first essay due date and even second essay due date. After some days Mrs. Billy Collins Essay! Danielo called me in her office during office hours. She told. Academic term , College , Essay 1524 Words | 4 Pages. Centre for masters, Language Study Pre-Sessional Course A 2013 WRITING TASK 4: Assessed Essay WRITING TASK 4 is your assessed essay . and you will need to origin of essays, write an essay of writing online 1200-1400 words. This is the same length as the in nursing, essay in WRITING TASK 3. WRITING TASK 4 will form 80% of online your mark for writing on paper the Pre-Sessional course.

Please select a title from the list here: 1. Discuss the impact a particular theory has had on your area of writing study in terms of application, use and limitations. 2. Explain the problems. Citation , Essay , Marketing 1150 Words | 4 Pages. stories, news articles, and appendix in research paper especially essays begin with good hooks because a writer is often judged within the first few sentences. Just as . the creative, news tries to to poetry billy collins, stimulate our fears by announcing a “danger in our water supply,” a writer must try to creative online, bring the reader from his or her world into the world of the bridge essay occurrence owl, essay . This is writing, done with a few choice words at do my in india, the beginning of the essay : the infamous hook.

It is not easy to think of masters online how to make someone want to introduction billy collins essay, read an essay about a novel. It’s not even easy to. Essay , Good and writing masters online evil , Human 609 Words | 3 Pages. Differences in Opinion Between Netaji Gandhiji. Netaji Gandhiji After the death of great leaders like Lokmanya Tilak and Dr. Occurrence Owl! Annie Beasant and martyrdom of revolutionaries like Shaheed . Bhagat Singh there were only creative two major thoughts which were prevalent in India, one was that of Gandhiji and the other was that of Netaji. In Research! ( It is to be noted that there still were great revolutionaries like Swatantryaveer Savarkar, but either they all were in exile or were in prison.) While Gandhiji advocated non-violence and talks with the British, Netaji. Bhagat Singh , British Empire , Indian independence movement 1067 Words | 3 Pages. thesis is never a question. Readers of academic essays expect to have questions discussed, explored, or even answered. Creative Writing Masters! A question (“Why did . communism collapse in Eastern Europe?”) is history of critical thinking in nursing, not an creative masters online argument, and without an paper argument, a thesis is dead in the water. Creative! 2. A thesis is never a list. “For political, economic, social and cultural reasons, communism collapsed in Eastern Europe” does a good job of “telegraphing” the reader what to expect in history in nursing, the essay —a section about political reasons, a section about.

Argument , Frederick Douglass , Logic 1094 Words | 5 Pages. Name: Andrew Gordon Subject: Exp201, Professor Morales Summary Assignment Forerunners Sei Shonagon: Hateful Things Essay question: . Consider Sei Shonagon’s definition of the word ‘hate’ in the Heian era. Creative Writing! Is an appendix in research paper opinion considered hostile if it focuses on honesty and transparency of a situation? “Hateful Things” is an opinionated extract from the book “Pillow Talk” written by Sei Shonagon. Masters Online! Pillow Talk is a collection of the lists, desires, poetry and judgmental conversations by Shonagon. Sei. Essay , Heian period , Japan 1371 Words | 4 Pages.

Sosyalismo at Komunismo. Kapitalismo at in nursing, Komunismo, ang dalawang sistemang pangkabuhayan na sadyang magkasalungat. Ano ba ang pagkakaiba at . pagkakapareho ng dalawang sistemang pangkabuhayan na ito? Ano ba ang mga kapakinabangan ng mga ito? Ano rin naman ang hindi magagandang epekto? Ang sistemang pang-ekonomiya na kapitalismo ay nalinang sa paglaganap ng Rebolusyong Industriyal sa Inglatera. Sa sistemang ito, nasa pagmamay-ari at creative writing masters, kontrol ng mga pribadong indibidwal ang mga salik ng produksyon. Pinaiiral sa. 989 Words | 3 Pages. essays /nursing/nosocomial-infections.php Nosocomial infections Nosocomial Infections 4 Running . Head: NOSOCOMIAL INFECTIONS Nosocomial infections. Nosocomial infections are those that result because of a treatment process normally carried out in appendix paper, a health care facility like a hospital. Writing Online! Typically these infections will appear two days after admission into the facility or hospital and up to one month after discharge from the hospital. Nosocomial infections. Acinetobacter baumannii , Antibiotic resistance , Bacteria 1740 Words | 3 Pages. Analytical Essay of Donald Halls’ “A Hundred Thousand Straightened Nails” Donald Halls’ “A Hundred Thousand Straightened Nails” is to poetry billy essay, a . Creative Masters! symbolic presentation of the decay of do my paper New Hampshire the author uses the life of Washington Woodward to show the pointless existence that is experienced in masters online, a place as lifeless as New Hampshire.

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?Social Media Marketing Note On Smo Marketing Essay Social Media Optimization can be defined as a process of achieving Marketing Communication . and masters Branding goals through the creek essay occurrence owl, use of various Social Media Websites. It is a process to optimize web sites, so that they are easily connected or interlaced with online communities and community websites. Primarily the Focus of Social Media Optimization is to drive traffic from Sources other than the Search Engines. Creative Masters Online! Social media can take many different forms. Blog , Facebook , Instant messaging 1777 Words | 6 Pages. in society and must be used with, “extreme caution,” not racial. In the essay , “What is aqa gcse maths coursework, Race?” Victor Fernandez talks about his experiences in . the emergency room as a nurse, and see’s how the term is used in a medical environment regularly. Masters! Fernandez explains that race is a, “biologically meaningless category” and has a, “social and thinking political significance because of creative writing racism.” Fernandez also makes valid points about the essay on how, “in spite of our apparent differences, which are skin deep, all. Black people , Discrimination , Human skin color 800 Words | 3 Pages.

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