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a persausive essay 24. Introduction and Conclusion. These represent the most serious omission students regularly make. Every essay or paper designed to be persuasive needs a paragraph at the very outset introducing both the subject at hand and the thesis which is being advanced. Essay? It also needs a final paragraph summarizing what's been said and driving the author's argument home. These are not arbitrary requirements.

Introductions and conclusions are crucial in persuasive writing. They put the facts to be cited into a coherent structure and give them meaning. Even more important, they make the argument readily accessible to readers and remind them of that purpose from start to end. Think of dental hygienist, it this way. As the writer of an garibaldi, essay, you're essentially a lawyer arguing in behalf of a client (your thesis) before a judge (the reader) who will decide the case (agree or disagree with you). So, begin as a lawyer would, by laying out the facts to the judge in the way you think it will help your client best. Like lawyers in court, you should make an opening statement, in this case, an introduction. Then review the facts of the case in detail just as lawyers question witnesses and submit evidence during a trial.

This process of presentation and cross-examination is equivalent to placement essay tips the body of your essay. Finally, end with a closing statement#8212;that is, the essay, conclusion of your essay#8212;arguing as strongly as possible in favor of your client's case, namely, your theme. Likewise, there are several things your paper is not . It's not a murder mystery, for instance, full of surprising plot twists or unexpected revelations. Those really don't go over well in this arena. Dental Letter? Instead, lay everything out ahead of time so the reader can follow your argument easily. Nor is a history paper an action movie with exciting chases down dark corridors where the reader has no idea how things are going to end. In academic writing it's best to tell the cavour, reader from the outset what your conclusion will be. This, too, makes your argument easier to of cannibals summary follow. Finally, it's not a love letter. Lush sentiment and cavour garibaldi starry-eyed praise don't work well here.

They make it look like your emotions are in control, not your intellect, and that will do you little good in essays of friendship this enterprise where facts, not dreams, rule. All in all, persuasive writing grips the cavour garibaldi essay, reader though its clarity and test the force with which the data bring home the thesis. The point is to give your readers no choice but to adopt your way of seeing things, to lay out your theme so strongly they have to agree with you. That means you must be clear, forthright and logical. That's the garibaldi essay, way good lawyers win their cases. A. How to Write an Introduction. The introduction of a persuasive essay or paper must be substantial. Having finished it, the reader ought to have a very clear idea of the placement essay, author's purpose in writing. To wit, after reading the introduction, I tend to stop and ask myself where I think the rest of the garibaldi essay, paper is headed, what the individual paragraphs in its body will address and what the general nature of the conclusion will be.

If I'm right, it's because the introduction has laid out in clear and detailed fashion the theme and the general facts which the author will use to support it. Let me give you an dental hygienist cover letter, example of what I mean. Cavour Garibaldi Essay? The following is an introduction of what turned out to be a well-written paper, but the introduction was severely lacking: The role of women has changed over the centuries, and placement essay it has also differed from civilization to civilization. Some societies have treated women much like property, while others have allowed women to have great influence and power. Not a bad introduction really, but rather scant. I have no idea, for instance, which societies will be discussed or what the theme of the paper will be. That is, while I can see what the general topic is, I still don't know the cavour, way the writer will draw the facts together, or even really what the paper is arguing in essays summary favor of. As it turned out, the author of garibaldi, this paper discussed women in ancient Egypt, classical Greece, medieval France and on brain in india early Islamic civilization and stressed their variable treatment in these societies.

This writer also focused on the political, social and economic roles women have played in Western cultures and the various ways they have found to cavour garibaldi essay assert themselves and circumvent opposition based on gender. Given that, I would rewrite the introduction this way: The role of women in dental hygienist letter Western society has changed dramatically over the centuries, from the repression of ancient Greece to the relative freedom of women living in Medieval France. The treatment of women has also differed from civilization to civilization even at the same period in history . Some societies such as Islamic ones have treated women much like property, while others like ancient Egypt have allowed women to cavour have great influence and power. This paper will trace the development of women's rights and powers from ancient Egypt to late medieval France and explore their changing political, social and dental economic situation through time. All the various means women have used to assert themselves show the different ways they have fought against repression and cavour garibaldi established themselves in authority. Now it is clear which societies will be discussed (Egypt, Greece, France, Islam) and what the general theme of the paper will be (the variable paths to empowerment women have found over time).

Now I know where this paper is going and what it's really about. B. Placement Essay Tips? How to cavour garibaldi Write a Conclusion. In much the same way that the in a reflective essay you should, introduction lays out the garibaldi, thesis for the reader, the buy essays, conclusion of the essay, paper should reiterate the main points#8212;it should never introduce new ideas or things not discussed in the body of the michel essays of cannibals summary, paper!#8212;and bring the argument home. The force with which you express the theme here is especially important, because if you're ever going to convince the reader that your thesis has merit, it will be in cavour the conclusion. In other words, just as lawyers win their cases in test essay tips the closing argument, this is the point where you'll persuade others to adopt your thesis. If the garibaldi essay, theme is clear and makes sense, the conclusion ought to be very easy to cover letter write.

Simply begin by restating the theme, then review the facts you cited in the body of the paper in support of your ideas#8212;and it's advisable to rehearse them in some detail#8212;and end with a final reiteration of the theme. Try, however, not to repeat the exact language you used elsewhere in the paper, especially the introduction, or it will look like you haven't explored all aspects of the situation (see above, #7). All in all, remember these are the garibaldi, last words your reader will hear from you before passing judgment on your argument. Make them as focused and forceful as possible.

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ESSAY: The Case for Meta-Lamarckism. The scientific community broadly agrees that genes determine who we are, what we look like, how we function, how tall we grow, what diseases we are likely to endure and, barring unforeseen misfortune, when we will die. Cavour Garibaldi? These genes are with us from the you should moment of cavour garibaldi essay, conception. And when we in turn conceive a child, they are passed on de montaigne essays from both mother and father unaltered by cavour essay the experiences of a lifetime. It is irrelevant that during our own life we may have developed new abilities or powerful immunities to disease. Genes learn nothing from a life lived despite the potential for evolutionary benefit.

In 1809, Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck proposed that characteristics acquired during a lifetime could be passed on to the francis bacon analysis next generation. The Lamarckian theory contends that during our lifetimes, humans acquire new abilities, and then transmit these benefits on to our sons and daughters, to be born already hardwired with the instincts, physiological improvements or immunities that helped the parents survive and thrive. Fifty years later however, when Charles Darwin sowed the seeds of change with the publication of cavour, his own theory of evolution in On the Origin of Species , the scene was set for scientific devotion to the one-way hereditary process. After another fifty years, the discovery of genes cemented the in a you should dogmatic era of garibaldi essay, Neo-Darwinism and Lamarck’s original theory of evolution was under siege. Darwin got his theory of evolution pretty right. His natural selection was pivotal in the history of biological evolution. But the missing part was the deal-breaker. Michel Essays Of Cannibals? The missing link in Darwin’s theory of evolution was the mechanism of inheritance. Additionally he never provided an essay explanation for the generation of new species, let alone that gigantic leap of essays in india, evolutionary progress that sees an aquatic animal breathing with gills emerge from the water and start using lungs on dry land. And his great book, On the Origin of Species , never did explain the origin of species.

Over the course of the twentieth century, Lamarckism dramatically changed its status several times. It went from a perfectly acceptable scientific doctrine during the 1920s to become scientifically unacceptable by the 1950s. Throughout the second half of the twentieth century, antipathy to Lamarckism and a fear of cavour, sounding in francis bacon essays analysis any way Lamarckian continued thanks to the scientists who energetically tried to expunge from garibaldi essay biology any trace of what they considered Lamarckian reasoning. Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck would have wondered how his perfectly plausible and comprehensive theory of evolution had attracted those dwelling on the margins of science. What was there about this lucid piece of science that had so muddied the evolution of evolutionary theory? Lamarck and essays in india, Darwin changed our view of the world around us—from a place that was considered static to a universe filled with change. We now know that the continents beneath our feet are moving, that the universe itself is garibaldi expanding, that life is changing, that we’re evolving, that we’re descended from ancestors with apes as cousins. For all this we are grateful to them both for making evolution a scientific fact. Today evolution remains an absolute plank of science, indeed pivotal to it.

Its truths cannot be undone. However, the origins of the theory of evolution and the form or shape of those origins are not quite so immutable. Initially Darwin supported Lamarck and his belief that characteristics acquired during a lifetime could be transmitted to progeny. Yet latter-day Neo-Darwinists selectively interpret the writings of Charles Darwin to francis essays analysis, exclude any positive reference to Lamarck. Essay? They declare Lamarck an irrelevant and vestigial organ of buy essays, history, a curious historical caricature who, while well-intentioned, got it comprehensively wrong. As we will see, it was they, not Lamarck, who got it wrong. Nonetheless, the garibaldi twentieth-century scientific establishment embraced Neo-Darwinism, and in doing so precluded the transfer of acquired characteristics into the gene pool. For Neo-Darwinists, hereditary information comes only from placement test DNA in our sex cells. Our body cells, the building blocks of our entire being, have no say in the matter. It’s a one-way street with a brick wall at one end.

This imaginary mechanism is known as the Weismann Barrier, named after the cavour garibaldi essay nineteenth-century biologist August Weismann, who proposed that DNA in those very few sex cells—sperm and eggs—remains unchanged as a repository of the instructions that determine the dental hygienist letter next generation. The Neo-Darwinian approach has the world evolving in a way that relies on chance genetic mutations or changes, and natural selection: a gene changes randomly and natural selection ensures that only the beneficial changes survive. This approach precludes genes being influenced or changed by events going on in the body, with the garibaldi essay benefit of experience being lost at every final closing of the eyes. Neo-Darwinists believe that our lives have no influence on evolution and placement test essay, are the result of a random past rather than the cause of a better future. For a century, Neo-Darwinism ruled and Lamarck struggled for recognition.

That is, until a young Australian scientist named Ted Steele, in a moment that changed his life, discovered Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck. And Steele’s work helped alter the course of garibaldi, scientific history. Like Lamarck, molecular immunologist Dr Ted Steele proposed that changes were subject to more than random chance. He became convinced that we do pass improvements on to our children: enhancements such as stronger immunity. But, in the tradition of Lamarckian scientists throughout the nineteenth and bacon analysis, twentieth centuries, while Steele believed passionately in the logic of Lamarckian evolution, for many years he had no proof, no hard scientific evidence. Then in 1978, Steele produced evidence that acquired immunity can indeed alter genes for transmission to future generations.

In discovering the garibaldi essay evolutionary mechanism Steele crossed the Weismann Barrier and in doing so traversed the scientific fault-line. Steele’s scientific experimentation provided the elusive evidence that messages from the soma or body cells could indeed be passed back, across the Weismann Barrier, and written into the DNA. This ‘writing back’, this sending of information up the one-way street against all traffic, is known as reverse transcription. Ted Steele believed he had changed the basis for all evolutionary thought. He had proved Lamarck correct.

However the struggle to test essay, convince the scientific establishment of his breakthrough cost him his promising career and his reputation. Garibaldi Essay? His evidence was discredited. He was attacked, vilified, sacked and derided. But still Steele pushed on, decade after decade, with a determination that many thought madness. Then evidence supporting Lamarck started to build, with an increasing number of reports of Lamarckian inheritance at work. Placement Test? An early example receiving fresh attention is the garibaldi case of the peppered moth, found in northern England.

The typical moth in England prior to the industrial revolution was the dominant light-coloured form. Its light-coloured wings made it very difficult for birds and other predators to see it against light-coloured trees and walls. Then, around the middle of the nineteenth century, a new dark form of the moth began to appear, and by the end of the century almost all the peppered moths in Manchester were of the dark variety. The emergence and proliferation of the dark peppered moth directly coincides with the beginning and spread of the industrial revolution. The coal that was burned as industry spread throughout the north of England blanketed the online secure page countryside with black soot and the dark moth was as hard to see against the newly blackened environment as the light moth was against the earlier, cleaner landscape. Cavour? Additionally, several naturalists reported that the francis bacon analysis light moth was more prevalent in the countryside, while the dark moth prevailed in the sooty towns and cities. Following the closure of coal mines and many industrial centres by garibaldi Margaret Thatcher, and the more recent introduction of clean air laws in essays on brain Britain, the landscape has changed back, even in industrial areas, and the sootiness that prevailed during the nineteenth century has disappeared from the cities of England. Garibaldi? Dramatically, as the cleaner, lighter conditions returned, so did the lighter form of the peppered moth.

Some biologists even suggest that the dark moths will soon be extinct. For evolutionary biologists, the buy essays secure page question is essay why should the dark moth have appeared so suddenly, come to dental hygienist, dominate the population in industrial areas, and then have declined just as sharply when pollution levels dropped? Under the Meta-Lamarckian conditions, the event of cavour garibaldi essay, radical environmental change reverse-transcribed new information back into the genome creating a changed progeny that in turn survived through natural selection. Regardless of the research methodologies used to measure the moth populations, and some are controversial, the peppered moth and its remarkable change stands as a poetic allegory to buy essays online secure, the vast possibility for reverse transcription and Lamarckian inheritance. The peppered moth example also highlights the garibaldi dramatic difference in the pace of change between Lamarckian and Darwinian evolution. Darwin and the Neo-Darwinists proclaimed that evolutionary change is slow, gradually occurring over thousands of generations and hundreds, even thousands, of years. In the case of the peppered moth, exhibiting Lamarckian speed, light moths reacted to dental cover, the dirty conditions and a gene causing dark colouration was switched on simultaneously across the moth population. Those many moths were then able to breed—dark gene mother with dark gene father and their progeny emerged with dark wings. Under the Darwinian model, totally random gene mutations for dark colour would have occurred throughout the history of the peppered moth until one day one gene in essay one chromosome in one moth produced a dark moth baby at exactly the essay tips right evolutionary moment—as the environment turned dark—and natural selection favoured the baby which then bred with a light mate producing a few dark offspring, and so on. A gradual process.

A slow progression of evolution over garibaldi, decades. Placement Essay Tips? But the change did not happen over decades, it was much faster. The real issue is whether a modern, well-supported Lamarckian theory can be devised, consistent with well-documented parts of modern molecular genetics, and be able to be articulated with a surviving core of Darwinian natural selection: a kind of cavour garibaldi, Meta-Lamarckism that combines the best of both Darwin and Lamarck. With the placement essay dawn of the twenty-first century, Lamarck’s widely discredited work began serious ascendancy. Steele’s indefatigable efforts over cavour, many decades gained purchase when other scientists around the globe started finding evidence that was Lamarckian in nature. In 2006, riding a wave of new evidence coming from across the globe, respected Italian geneticist Dr Corrado Spadafora and San Francisco-based molecular biologist Dr Patrick Fogarty separately and in a essay you should, unequivocally produced evidence that the Weismann Barrier was an illusion.

They delivered scientific proof that characteristics acquired during a lifetime can be passed on to sons and essay, daughters by hygienist communicating new information from body cells to sex cells. In March 2007, New Scientist magazine published a report titled, ‘A taste for cavour, milk shows evolution in action’. The magazine reported the results of reflective you should, a study by Mark Thomas of University College London who found that while most mammals grow out of drinking milk when they are weaned, Northern European humans don’t; they can digest lactose throughout their lives. The gene that allows them to digest milk appears to have been turned on in humans around the same time that farming started in Europe. The ability to digest milk would have given a massive survival advantage to cavour, people living a few thousand years ago. Milk from in a essay you should cows is uncontaminated by garibaldi essay parasites, making it safer to drink than stream water. It is also available year-round, unlike most crops, and provides both calcium and some vitamin D, which may be in short supply during the essays drain sunlight-starved winters of northern Europe. Today more than 90 per cent of Europeans can digest milk, but Mark Thomas found evidence that this capability only developed during the past 7000 years. In most mammals, the enzyme lactase enables them to absorb lactose and is therefore essential in the digestion of milk.

The gene gets switched off during adolescence. But not in adults whose ancestors came from garibaldi long-term dairy farming areas like northern Europe. To determine when northern Europeans acquired the version of the lactase gene that remains active in adult life, Thomas and cover letter, his research team analysed the DNA from bone samples from eight Neolithic Europeans. Surprisingly, none of them had the cavour ability to buy essays online page, deal with lactose that modern-day Europeans demonstrate. Thomas concluded that the gene mutation for garibaldi, lactose tolerance arose in Europe within the past 7000 years and that natural selection quickly ensured its spread. Mark Thomas claims that ‘the mutation for lactose tolerance arose spontaneously’, that a Darwinian genetic mutation occurred entirely at random providing an evolutionary survival advantage to Europeans. But is analysis it not more probable that Neolithic humans in Europe, having domesticated cows and commenced farming, found milk a nutritious source of cavour garibaldi essay, safe hydration and vitamins, and in doing so triggered a reverse transcription back into their DNA causing a gene mutation that ensured they could not only absorb the water and vitamins in milk but also the de montaigne essays of cannibals summary nutritious sugar known as lactose? Is it not more likely that lactose more frequently in their stomachs triggered the essay genetic change rather than an entirely random and coincidental genetic mutation? The lucky dip theory is in a reflective you should sounding a little foolish given the evidence reported by Thomas and his team. Cavour? And yet the Neo-Darwinists continue to michel summary, refuse to acknowledge Ted Steele’s proposition that environmental changes can be passed back into the germline as an acquired characteristic; and Lamarck’s theory that characteristics acquired during a lifetime can be passed on to following generations.

Thomas does not think that this is a case of Lamarckian evolution. Essay? He believes the test relevant genetic mutation has occurred many times throughout human evolution. Garibaldi Essay? His point is that, in in a the absence of dairying, there was no selective pressure to favour the new genetic variation so it would die out as quickly as it arose. It was only with the advent of dairying that the selective benefits of cavour garibaldi, a lactase persistence gene would drive it to francis essays analysis of friendship, high frequency. Indeed, to him it seems likely that lactase persistence causing mutations have occurred a number of times, independently, in the last 10,000 years. This Neo-Darwinian position—that it would have been a random mutation with natural selection favouring those with the new gene, ensuring its spread throughout subsequent generations—bemused Ted Steele when he learned of the research. Given its random nature, the one adult with Darwin’s one mutant gene would, after all, be hard put to find a mate with a similarly altered gene. No matter that the gene was absent for the entire history of the human species until the very moment that coincides with the beginning of farming and the domestication of cattle in Europe. The statistical improbability of such a coincidence being nothing more than random chance is, he thought, unimaginable. Steele’s Lamarckism or Darwinism? Perhaps a combination of both: gene activation by reverse transcription and natural selection.

This environmental change from hunter gathering to stationary farming was a major change in human behaviour, the kind of critical event that triggers a Meta-Lamarckian process. In June 2007, the Economist magazine ran an article subtitled, ‘It’s evolutionary, my dear Watson’. It read: What is being proposed is the inheritance of garibaldi, characteristics acquired during an individual’s lifetime, rather than as the placement test essay result of chance mutations. This was first suggested by Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck, before Charles Darwin’s idea of natural selection swept the board. However, even Darwin did not reject the idea that Lamarckian inheritance had some part to play, and it did not disappear as a serious idea until twentieth-century genetic experiments failed to find evidence for it. The article discusses the ‘re-admission of Lamarck’s ideas’ following a discovery that small RNAs are active in cells’ nuclei as well as in their outer reaches. Scientist Greg Hannon of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York State believes that some of garibaldi essay, these RNA molecules are helping to direct subtle chemical modifications to DNA. They change the composition of the genome in a way similar to Darwinian mutation of the DNA itself (it is such mutations that are the raw material of michel de montaigne essays summary, natural selection).

He contends that ‘they sometimes stimulate actual chemical changes in the DNA—in other words, real mutations.’ Of significance in this new milieu is that RNA, that original building block of life, is shaping up to be the dominant force in biological evolution. Some scientists working on the origin of essay, life present RNA as the buy essays secure first step in the evolution of garibaldi essay, cellular life. RNA, they argue, was not only at the beginning of life on Earth, it was the on brain drain first step that life took with every living being on the face of the cavour globe traceable back to dental cover letter, that molecule. RNA was, however, unknown until the second half of the twentieth century. The American geneticist Howard Temin had predicted it in 1959 and messenger RNA was discovered in 1961. When DNA was identified as containing the blueprint of all bodily features and functions however, RNA was relegated to handmaiden status. It was viewed as the cavour essay messenger that took instructions from the DNA and sent them out to the cells. Scientific focus is now shifting from DNA as the supposedly immutable architect of secure page, life’s blueprints, to RNA acting as a courier delivering myriad messages from essay everyday experiences back to an ever-changing genome in the DNA.

RNA is bacon essays analysis constantly evaluating environmental conditions and not only carrying that information back to the DNA, but also making its own decisions about what cells were produced and the form organisms would take. Epigenetics—literally ‘above genetics’—has emerged as the new biology as Neo-Darwinian dogma falls from grace. Darwin’s natural selection is cavour essay still considered to be the real thing, but the Neo-Darwinian obsession with random gene mutation as the determinant of evolutionary direction is increasingly seen for the fallacy it always was. Cover? It is as unreal as the Weismann Barrier. And today the world stands on the edge of a new scientific era. Modern scientists, those biologists like Greg Hannon at cavour garibaldi, the vanguard of the Lamarckian resurgence, are producing evidence for Meta-Lamarckism.

Hannon identified something that Steele had at the heart of analysis, his theory—that the essay RNA operating system is the placement test essay real player in the evolutionary process. Under Steele’s theory involving reverse transcription, RNA is no longer the essay handmaiden. Meta-Lamarckism has RNA collecting changes from the online secure soma and cavour, not only de montaigne essays summary taking them back to cavour garibaldi, the germline but also translating them into DNA language— into bacon essays analysis of friendship, Mandarin so that an English telegram can be read in China . Greg Hannon and his team identified the potential for acquired characteristics being passed on garibaldi to the next generation. They don’t commit to Lamarckism but leave the door open. This is a paradigm shift for contemporary scientists. But it is the whole new world of RNA that is exciting Ted Steele and in india, the legacy of cavour essay, Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck. Buy Essays Online Secure Page? Some scientists even suggest that RNA goes beyond the job description that even the most adventurous biologists and geneticists have written for cavour, it. They propose that RNA could itself provide an alternative evolutionary vehicle; that DNA is not necessarily the only repository of evolutionary design. RNA may, they say, transport genetic information from one generation to buy essays secure, the next independently of DNA. The Economist article suggests this may occur by the RNA hitching a lift in the sex cells.

Great advances continue. Garibaldi Essay? Enrico Coen and letter, his colleagues at the UK’s John Innes Centre studied the difference between two similar but different plants, the common toadflax. They knew that the plants, while similar, were two completely different species. When they looked for differences in the genetic code of the two species however, they found none. The two species were genetically identical. Garibaldi Essay? Instead of their difference in petal shape being caused by de montaigne essays a mutant gene, Coen found that the gene in question had been marked by a chemical tag; an garibaldi instruction that the gene was not to be read. Molecular biologists now know that even cloned animals with carbon copies of test essay tips, each other’s DNA can look dramatically different. That’s because of the way those genes are ‘expressed’.

For example, if they’re Friesian cows, the pattern of their spots or the shape of their ears may be different. Human identical twins also have the same genes but because those genes are expressed differently in each person, they have different freckle and fingerprint patterns. Forces outside DNA are at cavour essay, work determining which and why different genes are turned on and off. Michel Essays Of Cannibals? Environmental influences? Evolution is no longer just the selection and survival of genes within a species, but also how they are controlled and expressed. Cavour Garibaldi Essay? It can now safely be concluded that evolution is not an dental hygienist cover arbitrary, accidental process.

Certainly it is not pre-determined but there is undoubtedly in play a beneficial evolutionary direction so that every day in every way we get better and better. Imagine the Meta-Lamarckian consequences and opportunities written all over these discoveries. Steele identified RNA as the critical transcription vehicle because unlike DNA, it was the medium that was out there in contact with what was going on in the body. It was the obedient servant that knew the secret language, the secret handshake. What a breakthrough it was to discover from Lamarck via Steele that RNA could take vital changes back to cavour garibaldi essay, the DNA for generational improvements.

But imagine what it means if the RNA is buy essays online secure page capable of carrying its own information through generations. The Weismann Barrier, so beloved of the Neo-Darwinists is a joke. In January 2008 an article in the prestigious journal Nature , titled ‘RNA-mediated epigenetic programming of a genome-rearrangement pathway’, revealed that a group of scientists at Princeton led by Laura Landweber had uncovered a new biological mechanism that could provide a clearer window into essay, a cell’s inner workings. Online coverage of the article by Princeton University revealed, ‘What’s more, this mechanism could represent an “epigenetic” pathway—a route that bypasses an organism’s normal DNA genetic program—for so-called Lamarckian evolution, enabling an organism to pass on to its offspring characteristics acquired during its lifetime to improve their chances for survival.’ Is it not paradoxical that Lamarck’s mechanism for the process of evolution was supposedly disproved by the discovery of the buy essays online secure page role of DNA in garibaldi genetic inheritance? DNA was the culprit, but RNA turned out to be the saviour. Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck and Charles Darwin are continuing to influence our understanding of evolution in ways that are unimaginable. And together they are more relevant today than they were in centuries past. Lamarck’s evolution has been a journey of tribulation and triumph. The scientific establishment that for so long kept him out, that religious order known as Neo-Darwinism, is today less relevant than Charles Darwin reincarnated with Lamarck. In a radio interview in 2007, the respected author and former editor of New Scientist magazine, Nigel Calder was asked for an example of bacon essays, a current orthodoxy he considered errant and that will be exposed as such.

Without hesitation he replied: Oh, an easy one is (arch Neo-Darwinist) Richard Dawkins. His account of evolution is hopelessly out of cavour garibaldi, date. There are all kinds of things that happen to genes that just don’t figure in his way of de montaigne of cannibals summary, thinking: all kinds of cavour essay, ways in which accelerated evolution can occur involving several genes at one time and yet the idea of the in a single mutation being tested by natural selection, which has been the cavour essay dogma for what, seventy or eighty years, I mean it’s dead, defunct. But the people who are discovering the other things just don’t get reported very widely even though they are distinguished scientists themselves. I mean that to on brain drain, me is an example of where a top expert is cavour wrong. The world of evolutionary biology is a changed place. The evidence for Lamarck’s revolutionary theories continues to grow and, on an almost daily basis, the scientific establishment has to confront new truths. After two centuries, the truth of Lamarck has been established. This in essays on brain in india no way diminishes Charles Darwin; they are partners in a new truth.

Let us recall Dawkins’ words, ‘If something is true, no amount of cavour garibaldi essay, wishing can make it untrue.’ So, the journey of essays drain in india, Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck and Charles Darwin ends with a new beginning. Let the evolution begin. 1. The beginning of cavour garibaldi, this essay draws upon the very lucid Steve Jones, professor of dental hygienist cover letter, genetics at Galton laboratory of garibaldi essay, University College London. 2. Ernst Mayr’s What Evolution Is (Basic Books, New York, 2001) provides good insights into every aspect of evolution. 3. The description of early dairy farming in northern Europe is informed by Tim Ingold’s Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology (Routledge, New York, 1994).

4. In India? The discussion on new research by Mark Thomas is informed by essay Roxanne Khamsi’s article ‘A taste for essay tips, milk shows evolution in cavour essay action’ ( New Scientist , Issue 2593, 3 March 2007). 5. Comments about the online page effect of the lactose gene being purely Darwinian come from an cavour garibaldi email exchange between the author and Mark Thomas; the author is grateful for the assistance. 6. The discussion on RNA discoveries is page informed by the article ‘Really new advances – RNA’ ( Economist , Vol. 383, Iss. 8533, 16 June 2007). 7. The example of Enrico Coen and garibaldi, the toadflax plant is heavily informed by Nigel Calder’s Magic Universe: A grand tour of modern science (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003).

8. The final quote from Nigel Calder on in india Richard Dawkins ‘getting it wrong’ comes from Nigel Calder ‘In Conversation with Robyn Williams’ (ABC Radio National, 16 August 2007).

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Amnesty International, St. Louis Blog. Political Prisoners are Still Waiting for Release. Last Friday, the garibaldi, Huffington Post wrote an in a reflective, article about 10 political prisoners who are still waiting for their release date. Cavour? Nelson Mandela waited 27 years to be released from prison, and in a reflective you should, we don#8217;t want these 10 people to wait in vain.

Especially when one of those 10 political prisoners is Eskinder Nega of Ethiopia. Nega is currently serving an 18-year prison sentence for his work as a journalist. He was charged with terrorism offenses after writing articles and giving speeches critical of the government. Ethiopian authorities routinely use terrorism charges to cavour essay silence dissenting voices, and we are calling for Nega#8217;s unconditional release as someone who was arrested for peacefully exercising his freedom of expression. Dear Prime Minister, I am writing to ask you to immediately and bacon essays, unconditionally release Eskinder Nega.

Eskinder was detained in 2011 and sentenced to 18 years in prison after publicly calling for government reform and promoting freedom of speech. He was detained solely for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of expression. I am deeply concerned that your government has consistently used criminal proceedings and the threat of criminal charges to silence critics. Cavour Essay? Eskinder Nega himself has been arrested several times in the past for legitimately criticizing the Ethiopian government. Tolerance of criticism and opposing viewpoints is an essential part of any free and open society. I urge you to stop the harassment of journalists and dental cover, other human rights activists, and to ensure the government allows voices of dissent and calls for reform. I am also concerned that the garibaldi essay, Ethiopian government has employed the legislative system to restrict freedom of expression.

The Anti-Terrorism Proclamation and the Charities and Societies Proclamation unduly restrict the right to freedom of expression and assembly by michel de montaigne summary, defining peaceful activities and cavour garibaldi, legitimate criticisms as offenses against the state. I respectfully ask that you amend these laws so that all Ethiopians can exercise their human rights without fear of buy essays online page, state retribution. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. Write Holiday Cards in Solidarity. Tomorrow is our last meeting of the year! Since December is a busy month, and are usual letter writing date conflicts with the holidays, we spend the second Tuesday of the month sending holiday cards to prisoners of conscience. We take the fourth Tuesday off. The holiday cards are something we do in solidarity with prisoners of conscience and their families, letting them know that we are thinking about them and working on cavour essay their behalf. Below are the buy essays secure page, details of tomorrow#8217;s meeting. Please bring holiday cards (cards without messages of a specific holiday or religion).

Who: Our Amnesty International chapter and those interested in human rights. What: To send holiday cards to prisoners of conscience and their families. Also to spend some time with each other before the holidays and the end of the year. When: 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Where: Hartford Coffee Company on garibaldi the corner of Roger and Hartford, one block off of Arsenal. Why: Because people need our help and we can make a difference. How: We’ll provide the paper, pens, and pertinent information on each of the cases.

For this meeting, if you can bring holiday cards, then that would be great. Write a Letter Today for Dhondup Wangchen. Tomorrow is our Write-a-Thon event in St. Louis! Please join us from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Schlafly Bottleworks to enjoy good food and drink and to write a few letters. Cover? This event is the last major event in cavour garibaldi 2013 for the chapter, use your voice and take action now before we get too caught up in of cannibals summary the holidays. People like Dhondup Wangchen need our help. Garibaldi? Dhondup Wangchen is a Tibetan filmmaker who documented the skepticism Tibetans felt about the page, promises the Chinese government made regarding greater freedom in the months leading up to the 2008 Summer Olympics.

The film, Leaving Fear Behind, also voiced adoration for the Dalai Lama as well as the Tibetans#8217; criticism for the Chinese authorities in essay general. Wangchen was detained on suspicion of buy essays online secure, #8220;illegal journalism,#8221; which is cavour garibaldi essay, not an offense under Chinese law. Wangchen was subsequently held without charge for more than a year. Afterward, he was tried in secret and michel de montaigne essays summary, sentenced to cavour six years in prison. Unless we take action now, he won#8217;t be released from prison until December 2014. Please copy the Chinese characters for michel essays, Dhondup Wangchen#8217;s name if you can. Thank you for time and effort.

President of the People’s Republic of China. The State Council General Office. People#8217;s Republic of China. I am writing to ask you to essay release Tibetan filmmaker Dhondup Wangchen ????. In 2008 he was sentenced to six years#8217; imprisonment for #8220;inciting separatism#8221; after a secret trial by Xining City Intermediate Court. While the reasons for ????#8217;s arrest are unclear, he was first detained after producing a documentary about the opinions of Tibetans on various matters prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Amnesty International considers ??? a prisoner of conscience, detained solely for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of expression.

I call on you to release ???? immediately and unconditionally. Essay? In detention ???? has been tortured and forced to do hard labor; consequently he suffers from a number of serious health issues. While he remains in detention, please insure that ???? receives all necessary medical attention. ????’s experience is emblematic of the discrimination and harsh criminal punishment that Tibetans throughout China experience for garibaldi, peacefully expressing their cultural identity. I call on you to respect, protect and fulfill Tibetans’ human right to enjoy their own culture, to practice their religion, and to use their own language. I also ask you to essay tips take effective measures to cavour essay ensure that all people in China are able to enjoy their rights to freedom of dental hygienist cover, expression, in line with Chinese constitutional guarantees and essay, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which China has declared its intent to ratify in the near future.

I thank you for your attention to these concerns and look forward to your reply. Just in case you weren#8217;t yet enticed about joining us. Who: Our Amnesty International chapter and test, anyone else who wants to do something good for someone else this holiday season. What: To write letters on behalf of garibaldi essay, prisoners of conscience worldwide. When: Saturday, Dec. 7 from buy essays 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Cavour Garibaldi? Where: Schlafly Bottleworks – 7260. Southwest Ave.@ Manchester.

Maplewood, MO 63143. Why: Because people need our help and we can make a difference, and because it’s fun. How: Just show up and enjoy great company, food, and beer (food and beer not free). We’ll provide the paper, pens, and pertinent information on francis bacon essays each of the cases. Write for Rights and Demand Justice for cavour, Miriam Lopez. During our Write for Rights campaign, not every single case is about freeing someone from prison, such as the case of Miriam Lopez. Lopez, a mother of four, was detained in February 2011 for dental hygienist cover letter, over two months without charge at a military barracks. In that time, soldiers raped and tortured Lopez, wanting her to confess to trafficking drugs through a military checkpoint. She was charged with a narcotics offense, but released in September 2011 after her case was thrown out for garibaldi, a lack of evidence. Lopez maintains that her travels through the checkpoint were to visit her mother, a trip she made several times a week. She#8217;s filed a complaint of torture to the Federal Attorney#8217;s Office, and has subsequently received death threats for placement test essay, doing so.

Those who raped and tortured her have never been held accountable for her actions. It#8217;s time to change that. Cavour Essay? Jesus Murillo Karam. Federal Attorney General. Procuraduria General de la Republica. Placement Test Tips? Paseo de la Reforma 211-213. Col. Cuauhtemoc, C.P.

06500. Dear Attorney General, I respectfully request that you take action on the case of Miriam Isaura Lopez Vargas. I’m deeply concerned that her story is emblematic of the widespread, systematic use of garibaldi, torture and ill-treatment in Mexico, which has increased in recent years. However, those responsible are virtually never held accountable. It is time to send a clear message that torture and francis essays analysis, ill-treatment, whether by members of the armed forces or the cavour garibaldi, police, will not be tolerated. I call on you carry out a full, prompt and impartial investigation into the torture of Miriam Lopez. In February 2011 Miriam Lopez was detained by members of the Mexican army in essays on brain drain Ensenada. Officers tortured and sexually assaulted her, pressuring her to sign false statements.

She was held in pre-charge detention (arraigo) for seventy-six days, and then charged with narcotics offenses. Miriam Lopez was released in September 2011, when her case was thrown out of cavour garibaldi essay, court for a lack of evidence. She filed a complaint of torture with the Comision Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDH) and the Federal Attorney’s Office and subsequently received death threats. In November 2012, the United Nations Committee against Torture issued new recommendations to the government of Mexico to implement concrete steps to combat torture, ensure effective investigation and prosecution of essays, abuses and guarantee victims receive reparations. I look forward to hearing what your government is doing to comply with these recommendations, and about the actions you are taking to end the impunity of garibaldi, those members of the Mexican Army responsible for the detention, torture and sexual assault of Miriam Isaura Lopez Vargas. Placement Essay Tips? Securing truth, justice and reparations for Miriam Lopez would send the message that torture will not be tolerated by your government. Please investigate this crime and bring those responsible to justice. Our St. Louis chapter event is this Saturday!

Hope to see you there! Who: Our Amnesty International chapter and anyone else who wants to cavour garibaldi do something good for someone else this holiday season. Michel De Montaigne Of Cannibals? What: To write letters on cavour essay behalf of reflective, prisoners of conscience worldwide. When: Saturday, Dec. Cavour Essay? 7 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Where: Schlafly Bottleworks – 7260.

Southwest Ave.@ Manchester. Maplewood, MO 63143. Why: Because people need our help and we can make a difference, and dental cover letter, because it’s fun. How: Just show up and cavour essay, enjoy great company, food, and online secure page, beer (food and cavour essay, beer not free). We’ll provide the paper, pens, and pertinent information on each of the cases. Use Your Voice to Free Shaker Aamer. Your voice has power! Today#8217;s write for rights case is one that Amnesty International has been working on for a few years now. For the past 11 years, Shaker Aamer has been detained at Guantanamo Bay without charge.

His wife is a citizen of the United Kingdom, and essays on brain in india, the UK has asked for his return on numerous occasions. Aamer has been cleared for release, and even though Prime Minister David Cameron spoke to President Barack Obama about Aamer#8217;s case as the cavour, G8 summit earlier this year, the US government refuses to release him. Aamer has been involved in the recent hunger strikes and protests taking place in Guantanamo. His lawyers believe that he may be subjected to torture and prolonged isolation as a result of his actions and defiance for his indefinite detention. Placement Test Essay Tips? Aamer#8217;s health has deteriorated because of cavour essay, these abuses as well as a lack of adequate medical treatment. Since the buy essays, UK is willing to accept Aamer into the country, he should be transferred without delay.

Send a letter to the US government demanding that Aamer be released immediately and unconditionally. Special Envoy for Guantanamo. U.S. Department of State. Washington, DC 20520. I urge the U.S. government to cavour transfer Shaker Aamer from U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay to the United Kingdom, if he is not to be charged and fairly tried in hygienist letter U.S. federal court.

Under international human rights law each Guantanamo detainee should either be charged and fairly tried in garibaldi essay criminal court, or be released to a country that will respect his human rights. The U.S. government has held Shaker Aamer without charge at Guantanamo for nearly 12 years. Shaker Aamer alleges that he has been subjected to torture and other ill-treatment in U.S. custody. Online Page? U.K. authorities, including Prime Minister David Cameron, have called for Shaker Aamer to be returned to the UK, and the U.S. Government has cleared Shaker Aamer for transfer, yet he remains held without charge. It is well past time to resolve his case. Whatever legislative obstacles Congress has put in the way of the cavour, administration’s efforts to close the Guantanamo detention facilities, all branches of the U.S. government remain obliged to resolve the detentions in line with international human rights obligations. International law demands that solutions be found. Thank you for placement, your attention to cavour this urgent matter. Placement? St. Louis Letter Writing Marathon Saturday.

We still need help with our tabling, and we still have a goal of 200 letters, so please join us anytime between 4 p.m. and cavour, 8 p.m. at Schlafly Bottleworks this Saturday! Take action and write for rights! Your Voice Has Power: Help Free Yorm Bopha Today. The letter writing marathon continues! Your voice has power to change lives, so use it today to free Yorm Bopha in Cambodia. Bopha has been an activists for the Boeung Kak Lake community, where thousands have been forcibly evicted from their homes since 2007. She was arrested in September 2012 for planning the assault of two men and convicted in December 2012 despite zero evidence linking her to the crime. In A Reflective You Should? She is garibaldi, currently serving a three-year sentence. Amnesty International believes that Bopha was targeted for her housing rights activism and is a prisoner of conscience, detained for defending the right to housing and freedom of expression. While in prison, she is de montaigne essays of cannibals summary, separated from her 10-year-old son and cavour essay, her husband, who is in poor health and cannot work. Write a Letter to Demand Yorm Bopha#8217;s Release.

Below is a sample letter you can use to help free Yorm Bopha. All the essays of friendship, information you need is provided. Ang Vong Vathana. Minister of Justice. Ministry of Justice. No 240 Sothearos Blvd. I am writing to urge you to release human rights defender Yorm Bopha. I fear that the Cambodian government has tried to silence Bopha by imprisoning her on garibaldi essay fabricated charges as a result of her peaceful activism defending rights of the Boeung Kak Lake community. Yorm Bopha has been imprisoned since September 4, 2012, when she was accused of planning an assault on two men.

On December 27, 2012, she was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment, after an unfair trial. No evidence links Yorm Bopha to buy essays online the crime. Yorm Bopha seems to have been imprisoned in retaliation for her peaceful housing rights activism on behalf of the Boeung Kak Lake community. Around 20,000 people have been forcibly evicted from their homes on and around Phnom Penh’s Boeung Kak Lake since 2007. Cavour Garibaldi? Yorm Bopha is a prisoner of conscience, detained on baseless charges as a result of her peaceful activism defending her community’s right to housing. While in prison, Yorm Bopha is separated from her 10-year-old son and her husband, who is in poor health.

I call on you to release Yorm Bopha immediately and unconditionally. Furthermore, I ask that you publicly condemn and order an end to the harassment of and in a essay, violence against human rights defenders. Such harassment includes unwarranted legal action and imprisonment. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

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You’ll recognize that it’s based on the great philosopher Moses Pelingus’s assertion, “There’s no success like failure,” which we have referred to throughout this chapter. This particular essay topic presents you with a very broad idea and then asks you to explain your view and back it up with concrete examples . Garibaldi! Not every SAT essay topic will. Dot-com bubble , Essay , Essays 2405 Words | 7 Pages. Sample Essay Read this example sample essay . Then answer the questions below. The qualities of online page a hero . include selflessness, having the inspiration to be a founder and being courageous. With these qualities in mind, it is essay, easy to see why many Emiratis see Sheikh Zayed as a hero. He embodied the dental, three qualities mentioned above and these heroic qualities were seen in essay, his life and work. He was born in Al Ain and cover letter, had a simple education which included learning the Koran and mathematics. His. Abu Dhabi , Al Ain , Hero 1313 Words | 4 Pages. ? Essay About Me, Planning and Career Born and name Nur Shahiera Binti Nor Adnan , I am the only daughter of Nor Adnan bin Mohd . Nor and cavour essay, Azar binti Kamaluddin.

I was born on 2nd May 1995 in Pahang. I am the eldest sister and also the only girl among six siblings. I stayed with family in Kuantan, is the state capital of Pahang. My father a business man and my mother a clerk in the department of works at Kuantan. Buy Essays! I am from a humble. I was receiving early education at Tabika Kemas Kampung Cherok Paloh. College , Education , Human resource management 917 Words | 2 Pages. Examples from Reflection Essays Disciplinary Awareness “The research I did this summer focused on sorption of cesium and . Garibaldi! strontium by soils. These two chemicals are commonly found in chemical contaminants… My research also focused on the distribution coefficient which is a measurement of how much of in a reflective a solvent is [absorbed] by a geologic medium.” “I found that many of the readings I came across regarding abortion seemed to convey a strong belief in human rights, which was demonstrated by garibaldi essay the dichotomy. Abortion , Clean Water Act , Human rights 1543 Words | 5 Pages.

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In French term “essais” means “try” or “experience”. It was a book written because of boredom; it did not have a distinct structure or plan, and consisted of individual chapters, formally unrelated to each other. Montaigne suggested his literary tests in essay, form of initial essay , highlighting their subjective, relative, and inconclusive sides. Essay , Essays , Exposition 1691 Words | 5 Pages. ?John Doe Professor Mansito ENC 1101 12:00-1:50 21 October 2013 Essay 1 Sexuality: The 1950’s to in a essay Today Sexuality, like many other . things in garibaldi essay, our world, is an ever changing thing. The ideas and connotations surrounding it change from placement test tips generation to generation. Because of cavour this, the idea of sex in the 1950’s is completely different from the idea of sex today.

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Lastly, I am going to michel de montaigne essays recommend strategies to facilitate my learning. Health care provider , Illness , Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 839 Words | 3 Pages. Definition Of Friendship Example Essay. ?Friendship Read the following information about friendship. Cavour Garibaldi Essay! Using the information presented, your own experience, observations, and/or . readings, write an article for your school newspaper about the meaning of friendship. As you write your speech, remember to: Focus on in a reflective you should the definition of garibaldi essay friendship. Consider the purpose, audience, and dental hygienist cover, context of your article. Organize your ideas and details effectively.

Include specific details that clearly develop your article. Edit your speech for standard. Friendship , Interpersonal relationship , Love 1157 Words | 3 Pages. ASSIGNMENT ON AN AUTO BOIGRAPHY ABOUT MYSELF ASSIGNED BY MISS MUBINA KHONDOKAR NAME: MD KHAJA BAHAUDDIN MOROL ROLL NO: . SUBJECT: BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Introduction: I am very much thankful to Miss Mubina Khondokar for giving me a chance an opportunity to think and write an autobiography about myself . This assignment not only let me to think about myself , but also let me known what I really was, what I really am, and cavour garibaldi essay, what I really wanted to be. Francis Essays Analysis! It reminded me many several. 2008 singles , Diana DeGarmo , Personal life 891 Words | 3 Pages. About Narrative Essay Narrative essay is a popular topic on the Continuous Writing section and students should . take note that this topic has appeared in the SPM examination almost every year since the paper was introduced.

Many people think that writing a story is a difficult task, but believe me, it is much easier than what you think because you are not confined to any particular point. Therefore, you are free to voice out everything that is in your mind. A narrative essay is a piece of garibaldi essay writing. A Story , Character , Essay 1134 Words | 3 Pages. Example of a Well Structured Essay. Example of a well structured essay . The content isn’t that exiting and analysis of friendship, the conclusion is quite weak, but there are many good . points to make on the way the essay is structured and the way the information is put across. All my comments are highlighted thus. A good introduction. • Does the job of clearly defining the cavour essay, topic covered in the essay and the specific aspects which will be discussed. See in letter, particular last sentence of introduction. ( We will be looking at garibaldi essay, the structure of introductions.

Causality , Environmentalism , Essay 1501 Words | 5 Pages. ought to make poor people more poor and rich people like myself richer. Bacon Essays Analysis Of Friendship! I refuse to pay taxes to cavour essay help those in online page, need, and cavour essay, I don’t understand why . we would lower taxes for anyone but big business owners! Hossain 3 What I want is for my oil company to pay fewer taxes, so my stock can go up by a tenth of a point even at the expense of the essays drain in india, rest of the world! Some of my relatives who are democrats frequently ask me,”Don’t you care about the lower class of America?” I always answer them with an. Democratic Party , George H. W. Bush , George W. Cavour Garibaldi! Bush 1069 Words | 3 Pages. childhood can become set principles we live by in later life or can influence the francis bacon essays of friendship, decisions we make to give us our 'world view' aswe can not find other . examples due to age. Things such as age, gender and commuity will also play a part in shaping the effects of your world view.

A World view is described by cavour many different people in bacon essays analysis of friendship, various ways for example Samovar and Porter (2003) (citing Rapport and Overing 2000) will describe a world view as 'the common English translation of the cavour garibaldi, German word “Weltanschauung”. I Shall Be Released , Learning , Life 1025 Words | 3 Pages. you can make a new title by test tips skimming through the cavour essay, essay and finding an interesting sentence. Analysis! The title appealing because it is simple . about myself . Cavour! The new title could be “Jessica's Life” or “How Jessica Is”, the sentence would just simply be about me. 2) How effective is the first paragraph at getting the dental hygienist cover letter, reader’s attention? Will it make them want to read more? The first paragraph is effective because it will make readers want to read more about cavour essay, me and what I do in my life.

The second paragraph. 2002 albums , Lebanon, Tennessee , Need 829 Words | 3 Pages. Quartet in F major; the orchestral suite Mirroirs, La Valse; and his Bolero, one of the essays in india, most widely performed and recognized melodies of garibaldi essay all time, are among . his most famous works. Composer Biography: Day 2 Now that you have learned about a composer's background, select one of his most famous pieces and research it. You will find that many pieces that we hear frequently today have rather interesting histories. Thoroughly and thoughtfully answer the questions below. Title: ____Daphnis. 20th century , Ballet , Ballets Russes 696 Words | 3 Pages. Descriptive Essay 1) Definition: Descriptive essay is test, one of the many types of cavour garibaldi essay writing styles that provides a detailed . Dental Cover! description for a particular person, place, memory, experience or object. Descriptive essay is purposely created so readers can readily imagine its particular subject matter. It focuses on the five senses which are sight, smell, touch, sound and garibaldi essay, taste.

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How This Simple Resume Model and Career Portfolio Example Landed a Dream Job. Need a resume makeover? See the before and after of cavour garibaldi, a resume transformation. Use this powerfully simple resume model and career portfolio as your guide. The days of slapping together a resume and getting results long gone.

The days of just having a resume are pretty much over dental hygienist cover letter as well. Meet Ken Cordova. As he finished his master’s degree, he wanted to cavour garibaldi put himself out there to explore new career opportunities. His problem? His resume. Here’s his resume before: Here’s his powerfully simple resume after: Ken went through a resume transformation. Buy Essays Online Secure? He developed a simple resume and career portfolio to land his dream job.

I’ll walk you though how you can do the same. Ken supplemented his resume with a great career portfolio. It took some time and cavour garibaldi essay, effort, but it quickly paid off as he soon landed a dream job. In fact, he turned down interviews at one point. I’ll walk you through what Ken did to build this simple resume model and career portfolio example. In A? As I always say, simple is hard.

I’ll keep it as easy as possible for you and cavour garibaldi, show you how to in a essay replicate these as well as the tools he used. Even if you aren’t in the job market, I still recommend you keep your resume updated and build a career portfolio. Cavour? At some point, you’ll likely need both. Buy Essays Secure Page? Don’t wait until that time to start frantically building them. Components of a Powerfully Simple Resume Model. Recruiters and hiring managers are scan readers. They need to check a ton of cavour, resumes in dental letter, a short time so they skim most of them. If something catches their attention, they’ll actually read the resume, which drastically increases your chances of a first interview. The resume content and keywords are important but scannability is critical.

If you can’t get a hiring manager’s attention, great content gets you nowhere. The importance of content comes to play after you’ve caught their attention. So what do you do? Rethink your resume design by cavour garibaldi understanding how people initially scan a web page. Without knowing the science of how people read web content, which version of Ken’s resume would you be more likely to michel read? Remember, you have hundreds of resumes to essay go through in a short period. What makes a simple resume powerful? How easy it is to visually scan. Not only is the new, simple resume more visually appealing, it’s also easier to scan. Here’s the science behind it. Content is organized in an ‘F’ formation.

Although it might sound odd to design a simple resume as a web page, hiring managers use the same approach as people use to scan a website. According to a Nielson Group study, people quickly scan web content in an F-shape pattern. After the scan, they decide if they commit to reading the buy essays, content in more detail. Now doesn’t this sound like the typical hiring manager approach I just described? Hiring managers scan content like users scan content on a web page before deciding to commit. Ken’s more simple resume makes it easy to scan the garibaldi essay, content.

The GIF image below simulates for you a hiring manager quickly flipping through resumes. Click on it to activate it. Click on essays drain the image to cavour garibaldi essay activate an animation that simulates a hiring manager quickly flipping through resumes. Which one would make you stop? Visually, which one is most appealing and in a reflective essay you should, stands out most? Ken’s simple resume is easy to scan. As you design your resume, make it easy to scan. Ken’s resume is easy to scan and digest the cavour, content.

Given the ‘F’ pattern, here is in a reflective you should, how a typical person scan’s his resume: This resume model is easy to essay scan which makes a commitment to reading more likely. The first scan is likely to in a reflective essay you should go from left-to-right. His picture is at the end, which catches attention and continues the scan. You might try putting a headline with this first scan as well. Cavour Essay? Keep this section as simple as possible as to not overwhelm the reader.

Scan 2 and 3 can go either way. Likely, there is a slight scan down to the left and reflective you should, then off to the right. That second scan catches keywords such as: If you were hiring someone for a leadership position, wouldn’t you want to keep reading after quickly scanning those words? He made great use of not only the keywords but the placement of them based on cavour essay how people scan a resume. Depending on where scan 2 started, the de montaigne of cannibals, third scan is slower (especially based on the resume keywords and placement). This is where commitment to finish reading his resume happens. Visually organized resume content.

Ken’s more simple resume is cavour essay, visually organized. This makes the content easier to read and digest. Once the scanning stops, the reader has to decide if it is going to be ‘easy to placement test essay read.’ This resume model is organized into three sections. Much like a website header, this resume header gives a visual sign of order and a quick overview. The picture is cavour essay, a powerful way for someone to put a person to the page. Ken’s resume model makes effective use of a sidebar that is visually separated by francis bacon analysis of friendship the background color.

The information has great keywords and summary information for anyone scanning this content. He further separates the content into sections with headers. Garibaldi? Easy to scan and easy to digest. Ken separates the main content with a white background. He further organizes content with separators. Although there is cover letter, plenty of content here, it appears brief and cavour essay, easy to read thanks to the visual organization. Ken uses the action-result formula for on brain in india, his resume structure instead of simply listing tasks. He quickly tells a story of the value he brings to cavour the business. Tools resources to build this simple resume. For developing content, keywords and organizing this resume model, Ken used a collection of resume strategies I developed. He also didn’t rush it.

He took his time and went through each part thoroughly. As a part of the toolkit, Ken discovered hundreds of templates at Canva. He used a combination of the pre-designed templates. The service and templates are free. I also have a list of other free templates in a resume development toolkit chapter on bacon essays resume design and customization. I list lots of cavour garibaldi essay, options there! So the question that many of you are probably asking is: How did he fit 20+ years of experience on a one-page resume? He didn’t and you don’t need to either.

Pick the most recent and relevant experience based on your position targets. Ken made fantastic use of online secure, a supplemental professional career portfolio. Here’s how he did it and garibaldi essay, why you should do it too. Career and Professional Portfolio Example. With the latest trends in talent acquisition moving to digital, people want to know you before they meet you. The first thing people will do is Google you. Make sure they immediately find the francis bacon essays of friendship, right information. A career portfolio is cavour garibaldi, a digital display of your professional experience and accomplishments. Professional portfolios range in length from a single page to hygienist a thousand-page website that includes case studies, references and visual galleries (especially for photographers). Most people hear ‘website’ and essay, think ‘I. It’s not difficult.

I’ll show you a simple way of on brain drain in india, creating a simple but powerful career portfolio. Why is cavour garibaldi essay, a career portfolio important when looking for work? When someone types your name into on brain drain in india a search bar, the displayed results are called SERP (Search Engine Result Page). The more authoritative web properties associated with your name, the more information displayed in your SERP. Here is the SERP for Kris Fannin as an example: A career and professional portfolio will increase your exposure, authority, and SERP when people search for you. Why does your SERP matter? Because I guarantee people will search for you while looking for cavour garibaldi, work. A career portfolio helps them find what they want and essays of cannibals summary, learn more about you as a person and a professional. Additionally, a professional portfolio provides you exposure even when you aren’t looking for a job. It brings opportunities to cavour garibaldi essay you and not you chasing opportunities down in francis bacon essays analysis, a reactive way.

Career portfolios are not just a copy and paste of your resume, although they should contain your resume. Ken did an excellent job of developing a simple yet powerful portfolio together. He used the Wix platform for building and hosting his site. The current version of Ken’s portfolio can be found here. He had never built a website before, although you wouldn’t know that looking at it. At the cavour garibaldi, end of this section, I’ll give you some other options to build yours. Let’s walk through the sections and content so you can use a similar format. Career portfolio ‘Home’ and dental cover letter, introduction page.

Use this section to give a brief introduction and catch their attention. Be professional and personable. A career portfolio is a perfect complement to a scannable, simple resume. Just under the introduction, Ken provides a CTA (Call to Action) to cavour essay learn more about him. Include a simple contact form and link to your active social profiles as well. Career portfolio ‘About Me’ – be human. This is an francis essays area to garibaldi let people know the value you bring as a professional. Notice – and this is very important – Ken did NOT just copy and paste the content of his resume. He gives a short overview of his career, what he’s looking for and personal traits that make him successful. He has another CTA that invites the user to explore his resume. He includes some personal information below, which I highly recommend.

Why? Hiring managers are looking for an organizational culture fit. Placement Test Essay? They want to know more than your skills and experience. They want to know you as a person. This is also an garibaldi essay opportunity to connect with a potential employer as a human – not just a resume.

Seriously? How could you NOT start to like Ken after seeing and reading this? Make sure your career portfolio includes some personal content. It helps to connect with the person reading it and dental hygienist letter, makes you an actual human. Career portfolio ‘Resume’ and ‘Skills’ sections. Ken broke these into two different pages, and there is a reason. First, he has a page with his resume content.

Notice, it is not exactly the same as his actual resume which is key. Be slightly more descriptive. He also added a video background to the header of the page. Because this content can be more ‘dry,’ this is a great strategy to engage a user immediately. He then takes it a step further by adding a ‘Skills’ page. Why did he separate the two?

Because he made it conversational. It has great wording and visuals and further builds his ‘case’ to cavour garibaldi a potential employer. Make your career portfolio conversational and appealing. Ken added a separate ‘Skills’ page to his portfolio which further engages a potential employer and hygienist cover, builds his case. Career portfolio ‘Education’ and cavour essay, ‘Contact’ sections. Although rather straightforward, these are important sections for a professional portfolio. You might be tempted to put them on one page, but I recommend you separate them. Separate sections allow you to go into more detail. Additional sections to consider for your career portfolio.

Although not included in de montaigne essays of cannibals, Ken’s, some extra content and sections to consider adding to your portfolio include: Video or a video introduction . What better way for someone to ‘get to essay know you’ than a video introduction? If you decide to include one, I would put it on the first page. These aren’t difficult to in a reflective make. Just dress professionally and fire up your webcam. FAQ section . Cavour Garibaldi? What questions do potential employers ask you?

What are some unusual questions you’ve been asked in an interview that you are confident you answered well? Include them in de montaigne of cannibals, an FAQ section! You could also answer each question on garibaldi essay video. Take a look at Intelivate’s FAQ section for ideas on how to organize them. Alternatives to a dedicated website. If you don’t want to essays on brain build a dedicated site, here are a couple of cavour essay, great alternatives.

All three have free and you should, premium products. You have just about everything you need to garibaldi build a great, simple resume and career portfolio. You Should? I know it can be overwhelming, so take it one step at a time. Bookmark this and come back to it as you start each part. Remember, even if you aren’t in the job market, please do both of these proactively now before you ‘need’ them later. At the cavour garibaldi, least, you’ll open the door to new opportunities. I know I gave you a lot of information here. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know over on Twitter or Facebook. I’d love to michel de montaigne connect as well! Don’t forget to cavour garibaldi essay subscribe above to get more business and placement test, career insights delivered directly to garibaldi essay you.

Related solutions to help you with your resume and career portfolio. Calm Chaos – 10 Ways to Eliminate Unhealthy Relationships. What Should You Do After Submitting a Job Application? Get Social. How to Make Your Resume Stand Out – Design and reflective essay you should, Customize.

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