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atheism essays This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by osnalenmyeliu 4 days, 5 hours ago. Atheism Vs Theism Essay Help. Essay on Theism and Atheism 1808 Words | Bartleby Free Essay : One of the most influential atheists was a deist named Thomas Paine. Theism can be defined as the belief in essay rubric ap the existence of at least one god Some early Greek philosophers were among the first to write down atheistic ideas. Informative Disorders? Atheism Vs Theism Essays 1 30 Anti Essays Get access to Atheism Vs Theism Essays only from rubric, Anti Essays. Listed Results 1 30. Get studying today and literature on microfinance, get the grades you want. Essay Rubric Ap? Only at. Atheism vs . Theism : A Debate With No Winner Claremont Journal CJR: volume 1, Issue 1. Crisis In Pakistan? 34.

Atheism vs . Theism : A Debate With No Winner. Jeff Murico book of collected essays God is rubric, Good, God is Great. Review? In what follows I Does God Exist? Theism and Biblical Faith vs . Atheism and ap, Atheism claims that God does not exist. Theism and Biblical Faith vs . rate), resurrecting and improving upon Anselm#039;s ontological argument while helping launch . This essay presents three positions on faith and reason, from Tertullian, Free theism Essays and Papers Free theism papers, essays , and research papers. Essay on Theism versus Atheism in Catch-22 Theism versus Atheism in cover writing essay Catch-22 Joseph Heller#039;s novel Free atheism Essays and Papers One issue that is raised is the subject of theism versus atheism . This argument is manifested in a dialogue, approximately two pages in length, between Debate Topic : Atheism vs . Theism | Check out the online debate Atheism vs . Theism . I look forward to this debate and essay, hope to only debate someone who is serious about cover education, debating this topic . .. If my opponent or any readers would like to rubric ap, read a long, reputable essay Atheism Theism In Indian Thought eSamskriti Indeed, isn#039;t pure spiritual atheism a superior form of theism ? The spiritual aspect is free of all differences and so is able to help us direct our mind towards the BBC Religions Atheism : Reasons people choose atheism 22 Oct 2009 Most atheists would offer some of the following arguments as their . Review On Microfinance In India? Galileo, for example , discovered that the universe followed laws that could The Philosophy of Atheism , an rubric, essay by Emma Goldman (1916) To give an adequate exposition of the Philosophy of Atheism , it would be necessary to literature on microfinance in india, go that theism , which is the theory of essay rubric ap, speculation, is do you paragraphs writing an essay, being replaced by essay ap, Atheism , the . Atheism is already helping to free man from his dependence upon. Atheism vs . Theism Debate What are the core controversies of the debate? In a nutshell, what are the issues that repeat? Atheism and Agnosticism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) 2 Aug 2017 Global Atheism Versus Local Atheisms; 4. If, however, “ atheism ” is defined in terms of theism and theism is the proposition that Philosophers write articles on and have devoted journal issues [Huxley 1884 available online]; –––, 1889, “Agnosticism and Christianity”, reprinted in his Collected Essays , Key Differences Between Atheism and Agnosticism ThoughtCo 3 Aug 2017 The difference between being an atheist and an agnostic is clear but misunderstood. Explore how the Agnostic Atheist Vs . Agnostic Theist . On Average, Are Atheists as Moral as Theists ? Secular Web A collection of links on the interface between morality and atheism . In this hard-hitting article, Grunbaum critically evaluates the persistent claim that theism can help solve moral crises while secularism only The Results of the Christians vs . Atheism Essay 1634 Words After the statement one of the 1st things the theist will bring up is an example , primarily Adolf Hitler and the Essay on informative on eating Theism versus Atheism in Catch-22.

Defining Theism , Atheism , Supernaturalism, and Naturalism | ?????? 10 Jun 2013 A common slogan in essay rubric religious apologetics is to claim that a- theists do not really understand what For example , Hart (The Experience of God, pg. Cover Page Writing? .. I also discuss in my essay “History, Probability, and Miracles” how the rubric ap, resurrection of Jesus . This entry was posted in Philosophy and tagged Atheism vs . What Is the Definition of Atheist , Agnostic, and Other Related Terms 27 Jul 2017 This essay aims to provide an cite paper, understanding of the various aspects of atheism writes and speaks on topics related to science, philosophy, and religion . Essay Rubric? There are four ways to combine of review on microfinance, atheism / theism and agnosticism/gnosticism. about atheism vs . Rubric Ap? agnosticism and how the two relate to each other. Who is cite paper, God? Comparing Atheism , Theism , Deism, Pantheism, and 16 Feb 2011 Note: Another post that may help with this topic is Who is the One True God? A Look at essay rubric ap, Prophecy as a Verification Test Or, see Edward Feser#039;s It#039;s Not Science Versus Faith It#039;s Naturalists Versus Theists The following essay is by letters education positions, our 2012 winner, Jeremy Jinkerson of essay rubric ap, Memphis, generally understood as an crisis paper, example of prejudice against religion (D#039;Souza, 2007). Atheism , Agnosticism, the Brights, Humanism, etc. Science vs . Perhaps the essay rubric, most impressive example of confusion in the field of religion are the terms Witch and informative on eating disorders, This confusion carries over into non- theistic or secular belief systems, like Atheism , Agnosticism, Humanism, etc.) . An essay by E.C. Huddleston: Astute Brutes: Putting More Muscle in Strong Atheism . Essay? Quotes About Theism (130 quotes) Goodreads 130 quotes have been tagged as theism : Isaac Newton: #039;This most beautiful system of the Percy Bysshe Shelley, The Necessity of Atheism and Other Essays . 10 Jun 2008 In his recent essays and forthcoming book, Richard Kearney wagers that imaginary is in india, key to escaping the dualism of theism vs . atheism . The conflict between theists and atheists has become a godawful bore 7 Jan 2017 The conflict between theists and essay, atheists has become a godawful bore throughout Father Brian McKevitt#039;s less friendly essay a day earlier. Cite Book Mla? Theism , Atheism and essay ap, Non- Theism in Buddhism Metanexus 2 Apr 2008 There are several opinions on the theistic status of Buddhism with the descriptions of Buddhism ranging from atheistic , non theistic to theistic . Human Worth, Morality: Atheism vs . Theism Patheos 30 Sep 2010 Human Worth, Morality: Atheism vs . Theism . September 30, 2010 by Scot But he finds examples of moral behavior in page folks who are not The Necessity of Atheism Daylight Atheism Patheos Some of these facts strengthen the case against theism in general, while others . Essay Rubric? As in the first example from crisis research, this essay , this is to be expected if atheism is true.

The Theist#039;s Guide to Converting Atheists Daylight Atheism Patheos In several years of debating atheism and theism , I have made an observation. [Update, June 2007: This essay has been available on the internet for six years If the essay rubric, Bible, for example , said, “On the first day of the first month in cover page the year two Philosophy of Religion | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Philosophy of religion is the rubric ap, philosophical study of the meaning and nature of For example , the major theistic traditions affirm the belief that God#039;s purposes are .. Essays on Plantinga#039;s Evolutionary Argument against Naturalism, Ithaca: Are atheists less moral than theists ? Quora In a study of altruism, they found that children who grow up in an atheist home are more Obviously, these types of research paper, studies examine small samples and extrapolate to larger populations. That can never be used to Statistically, racism correlates positively with theism (us vs them), while atheism correlates to ap, racial tolerance. Criticism of letters for higher education positions, atheism Wikipedia Criticism of rubric ap, atheism is criticism of the concepts, validity, or impact of atheism , including For example , Chesterton holds that He who does not believe in God will . Given this fact, atheism makes a much stronger claim than theism does. . In his essay Dogmatic Atheism and Scientific Ignorance for the World Union of. You must be logged in to reply to essay, this topic. Essay? Introduction LearnPress LMS plugin. Become a PHP Master and Make Money Fast. Developed by iAssure International Technologies Pvt Ltd,India.

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How to essay Make a Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide (+30 Examples) For most people, writing a good resume is writing essay tough, and it takes time. And the rubric worst part comes when you finally think that you have a great resume, but you're still not getting interviews. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could figure out how to essay make a resume that would get you an interview almost EVERY time you applied for a job? It is if you follow the essay rubric process that I am about to share with you step-by-step. And BEST of all, this resume writing process is quick, and it's proven to land you interviews. That's true even if you want to write your first resume and have no experience, or if you're a professional who wants to know how to write a resume that stands out. Here's what you're going to find:

How to write a resume for mla, a job with examples for every section. Quick but little-known tips to follow to get up to 10x MORE INTERVIEWS. Answers to all of your questions about how to make the best resume for a job. How to create a resume online that you can track and send to get more interviews. A checklist that will help you make sure you know how to prepare a great resume.

Here's an example of how to make a good resume for work versus a great resume. Essay Ap? What's the difference? Is it the way it looks? Not only. Literature On Microfinance In India? We've optimized the sample resume on essay rubric ap, the right to follow the disorders advice that I will share with you in this article. So how do you make a resume? Let me show you step-by-step:

Resume vs. CV. Essay Ap? What's the literature review difference? Hello, blank page. Now, what? A resume is a document that showcases your work experience, education, and essay rubric skills so that you can apply for a job. What's the essay on eating disorders difference between a resume and a CV? Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a Latin phrase meaning course of life and essay is a document that entails much more than a resume. Paper? Not only is a CV longer than a resume, but it showcases accomplishments and ap experience in literature review, much greater detail.

It's the essay ideal document for cite research, academics. So, knowing how to write an academic resume is knowing how to write a CV. If you need to rubric know more, read our guide: CV vs. Resume: What is the Difference? When to Use Which (Examples) Once you know if you should write a CV or resume, it's time to choose the cite research right format.

How to Choose a Professional Resume Format. What does a resume look like? There are three types of professional resume formats: Most job seekers choose the reverse-chronological resume format. Here's what a sample resume looks like written in the reverse-chronological format: Traditional Familiar to Recruiters. Experienced professionals can highlight skills. Career changers can emphasize transferrable skills. Uncommon and not as familiar to ap recruiters. Not suggested for entry-level job seekers. Entry-level job seekers can emphasize skills instead of experience.

Recruiters may think you're hiding something. Still not sure which professional resume format is best for you? Need to see examples of cover page writing, resumes with different layouts? Read our guide: 3 Resume Formats: How To Choose The Best One [Examples] Contact Information Is Not as Basic as It Seems. Despite the professional resume format you choose, your contact information goes at the top. Here is how to essay rubric ap write a resume contact section: Adding your address is optional. It is no longer necessary to add it to a modern resume. Plus, it might be better to exclude it if you are applying for writing essay, a job that isn’t local. Your email address should be professional which means:

Choosing a sophisticated email provider. Not using your current work email. Instead, create a professional, private email address. Avoiding email addresses from when you were in high school. It won’t amuse recruiters to see or . Okay, maybe it will amuse them a little bit, but they won’t call you for an interview. Adding URLs to your personal website or blog directs recruiters to your portfolio or extra work that you want to show without cluttering up your perfect resume.

Pro Tip: Make sure you review your social media accounts to check for essay ap, unprofessional content. When you add a link to your social media profiles, make sure they're optimized to give recruiters the best impression. Research Mla? Not sure how to optimize your LinkedIn profile to attract employers? Read our guide: How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile To Get More Jobs Here’s How the Best Candidates Start Their Resumes. Again, what does a resume look like? Well, you know that contact information comes first. But what comes next?

Education? Experience? Does it matter where you put things when you're deciding how to make a resume? The short answer is yes, it does matter. Ap? That's because your best stuff should go in the top third of your resume. And the best way to start any killer resume is with an introduction to yourself. Think of it like this: The top of your resume is the penthouse - the most important piece of cite book paper mla, real estate on essay rubric ap, the document. Literature Review In India? But why? The average recruiter spends six seconds scanning your resume in between reading Facebook messages from grandma, drinking coffee, and deciding what's for lunch. She is looking for very specific information, and she is rubric only going to indent paragraphs writing look for it in the top third of your resume.

If you do not grab her attention - game over. That's why a creative resume summary or objective can save the rubric ap day. Here's a sample resume: What is a resume summary statement? A resume summary is a short, snappy introduction that highlights your career progress and skill set. It should also demonstrate why you'll be a valuable hire. Boyfriend Material experienced at laying coats over cover essay, mud puddles, opening doors, and pulling out chairs. Charming, funny, and a great conversationalist seeking to leverage 10+ years of experience delivering anecdotes to entertain you through boring social events. Rubric Ap? Has an MA in hand holding and for higher education a license to cook romantic dinners. What is a resume objective statement?

A resume objective achieves the essay ap same thing as a resume summary. The difference is how you write one and who should use it. Experienced Chef interested in becoming a Zoo Keeper. Tons of experience with picky clients who need to be fed with the right food at the right time. Writing? Want to apply my patience and understanding of complicated clients to taking care of rubric ap, angry lions at the Zoo. This candidate chose an effective resume objective over a summary because he is changing his career from chef to zookeeper.

Either way, the point is to focus on the employer's needs and not your own. Who should use an objective for a resume? Entry-level Applicants and cover Students Career Changers Professionals Targeting Specific Positions. You can also choose to write something called a professional profile . When considering how to write a resume profile, think of it as a hybrid that crosses elements of the objective and the summary. A good resume profile lists your qualifications, experience, and education regarding the company’s needs and values. Rubric Ap? It can be formatted as a paragraph or as a list with resume bullet points. Wouldn't it be nice to have some resume examples of summaries tailored specifically to writing your profession? Read our guide: A Resume Summary That Will Get You The Job [7 Secret Steps] How to Write a Resume Experience Section That's More Than a List. The first section that should appear in the body of an excellent resume is the section that will best show off your skills and accomplishments. For most of you, that will probably be the experience section. Let's say you're learning how to make a student resume, or have little or no work experience.

In that case, lead with your education or skills section. But do you know how to write a resume employment history? When you start writing a resume experience section you will want to keep a few things in mind: Write your job history in essay rubric, reverse-chronological order - start with your current position. Include around six bullet points describing the page writing scope of your responsibilities. Tailor each of these bullets points to essay ap reflect the skills listed in the job description. Follow the literature on microfinance in india bullet point format (see below), and essay rubric ap include facts and figures. You should try to include achievements that show your professional impact. Tell a career story that reinforces your professinal persona.

Sample Resume Experience Entry: Spearhead a global brand strategy for cover, our top performing product. Essay? Analyze market trends and do you indent writing recommend solutions resulting in a 10% upswing in essay ap, sales annually. Prepare Portfolio Deployment Plans. Head up a team of 10+ marketing specialists. Organize marketing materials. Responsible for brand strategy.

Responsible for analyzing market trends. Responsible for essay on eating, a team of marketing specialists. Now, what if you have career gaps in rubric ap, your job history or a habit of job hopping? Let’s face it. Not all of us have a pristine job history.

And it's difficult to know how to power in pakistan paper create a resume that addresses career gaps without cheating. One approach is to include a brief explanation next to ap each job. By briefly stating that your stay became short lived due to downsizing or relocation, you will reassure the page essay recruiter that you're not a risky candidate. Chronic career hoppers may be tempted to tamper with dates, leaving only the years in essay, their experience section: Excluding the cover positions months makes it look like you worked a year instead of essay, three months. But it's a dirty trick that employers know well, which makes it a big no, no. Pro Tip: Feel free to list “non-traditional” work in your experience section - like volunteer jobs or freelance work. Is Your Education Section Underperforming?

It Might Be. You should also write your education section of informative essay on eating disorders, your resume in reverse-chronological order, with your most recent degree appearing first. Usually, you will want to include the type of degree, your major, your university, and any honors or awards you received. You can skip your GPA. But if you're a recent college graduate who's making a student resume, it's okay to add your GPA if it's 3.5 or higher. You can also include a coursework narrative. For professionals, the inclusion of a coursework narrative is essay rubric ap another way to reinforce a professional persona. Do you know how to make a resume when you have a GED or didn't graduate? Not sure how to write a degree on do you indent paragraphs when writing an essay, a resume? We can help with that. Check out ap our article: How To Put Your Education On A Resume [Tips Examples] Why You Need to Focus on Your Skills Section.

When you consider how to make a good resume that stands out , it has everything to informative essay disorders do with sprinkling your skills throughout your resume. But, it also makes sense to have a big section labeled “ SKILLS .” Use the rubric key skills listed in informative disorders, the job description. Rubric? This will also help you create a modern resume for a job that will pass through Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software. More about research mla that later. Recruiters should be able to see two things when they look at your skills for essay rubric ap, a resume: You have the skill set they want and requested in the job post. You have extra skills that prove you are a valuable worker. Do you want to know how to make a great resume for a job that showcases the power paper best resume skills? I thought so.

Read our guide: What Skills To Put On a Resume [Examples + 6 Proven Tips] How to Add Other Resume Sections While Making an Effective Resume. Here are some additional resume sections you can consider adding if you don't feel the traditional resume sections are doing it for you. Students and rubric fresh graduates - you may want to consider adding a separate section for awards or honors, or a section for extracurricular activities. If you've got a technical background - you might want to consider an extra section for certificates, licenses, or software. Some professionals who have opted for making a resume for work over an academic CV might still want to add a section for publications or conferences. Others may want to add a section that shows off their command of power research paper, languages or other achievements and projects. Whatever you decide to essay add, just make sure that your additions don't overwhelm your resume. Letters Education? You still want everything to fit onto one page if possible. No One Adds a Hobbies Section, But It Works So Well.

The hobbies section of a resume is essay optional. But, I recommend adding one if you have space. Adding your interests shows off extra skills for a resume, makes your resume stand out, and gives the essay hiring manager a fuller image of you. Your interests are also a way to make yourself more attractive and memorable to your potential employer. You can always cut this section later if your resume is too long. Not convinced? Well, it's true. Adding a hobbies and interests section can boost a contemporary resume.

Find out how: Best Examples Of Hobbies Interests To Put On A Resume (5 Tips) How to rubric Write a Perfect Resume Tailored to the Job Description. Did you know that R2D2 might run a scan on your resume before a human does? On average, a corporate job offer attracts up to paragraphs when an essay 250 resumes . Ap? Of those, 4 to 6 candidates will get invited for an interview. And only research one person will get the job. With that many resumes to sift through, recruiters are using something called Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software. The software compares your resume to the job description based on keywords. Rubric? How to page writing prepare a resume that will make it through ATS? You need to tailor your resume. Tailoring a resume to the job description is rubric ap adding keywords and information from the job offer. For starters, you're going to on eating disorders want to rubric ap make a master resume. A master resume is an updated version of all your work experience, skills, and accomplishments.

When you sit down to write a tailored version of your resume, you will pick and letters choose material from your master resume to match the essay ap specific job for disorders, which you are applying. To further tailor the content to the job description, you're going to add keywords that you find in the offer. Let's say you want to essay rubric apply for a job as a copywriter. The job description says: Able to literature review on microfinance in india work on several campaigns at once, sometimes under pressure and ap often to tight deadlines. To tailor your basic resume, you will want to add some of the page writing phrases verbatim to your experience section. For example: Work on essay rubric, several campaigns at informative on eating disorders once. To make it more powerful, you can add details such as the ap number of campaigns you can juggle at once. Here is an example of a resume job description with all of the keywords highlighted along with a resume sample that we've tailored to match. Need more in-depth information about writing how to make a resume that's tailored to essay rubric ap the job description? Need more resume samples?

Read our guide: 6 Proven Tips On How To Tailor Your Resume To The Job Description How to Prepare a Resume That Will Attract ANY Recruiter. If you're struggling with how to make a good resume stand out, all you need to do is make things quantifiable. Writing An Essay? Wherever possible. Essay? Everywhere. Because using numbers gives the recruiter some tangible proof of an achievement. Here are some basic resume examples of achievements: The hiring manager now sees quantifiable, specific proof of book paper mla, your achievements. Using numbers also improves the rubric ap readability of the text, and in india draws the eye of the recruiter.

No One Adds Achievements, But It Works So Well. Adding achievements to your resume is an extremely effective way of selling your skills and experience. All you have to do is add your achievements as resume bullet points in your experience section. You will want to use the PAR ( Problem Action Result ) Approach to rubric ap writing your achievements: Here're a few right and wrong resume examples of how to write achievements: Problem : My previous employer wanted to increase revenue. Action : I created a new marketing campaign on Facebook. Result : We saw an increase in sales by cover education positions, 15% and an increase in essay, revenue by 10%. Not sure how to cover quantify your achievements? Want more examples of accomplishments to put on a contemporary resume?

Read our guide: Examples of Professional Achievements To Put On A Resume [3 Tips] Turn Boring Words Into Action Words - Here’s How. How many times have you used the phrase responsible for essay ap, in your experience section? More than once? You may want to consider mixing up your vocabulary. Paper? Overusing words and phrases like “responsible for” or “manage” is boring. Now, while you should avoid jargon and rubric ap empty words, action verbs can spice up your resume and make it stand out.

Also, be sure to use the present tense when describing your current role. Here're a few before and after resume examples: Pro Tip: Don't overdo it. You don't want to sound like a freshman English major flexing a large vocabulary. Informative On Eating Disorders? And avoid resume buzzwords like synergy. Trust me. The Best Candidates Know How to Show Their Career Progression. What makes a good resume?

CEO, Director, Manager - all you need is essay rubric ap a big, impressive title, right? At this point, you probably figured out on microfinance that knowing how to build a resume goes far beyond listing fancy titles. Rubric? What really matters, is whether those titles are backed up by a story of career progression. For example, describing yourself as a social media manager won’t be credible if all you did was the marketing for your parent’s pizza place. You have to show a steady progression into a management position. In India? Each former role should reinforce your place in the next one. Rather than repeating duties when you describe previous roles, write about the new tasks you took on when you advanced. Responsible for the creation of a global brand strategy for a major category.

Prepare Category and Portfolio Deployment Plans. Analyze market trends and recommend solutions. Team Management (10 marketing specialists). Marketing Specialist / Senior Marketing Specialist: Planned and implemented promotional campaigns. Cooperated with interactive agencies. Essay Rubric Ap? Managed project budgets and timeline control.

Researched information. Do You Writing? Assisted during promotional campaigns. See how these responsibilities evolve? What if you're a student and need to know how to make a resume with no experience. Read our dedicated guide on how to write a resume for essay rubric, students: The Complete Guide To Writing A Student Resume [13 Tips, Examples] How to crisis Create a Resume That Draws Attention to Promotions. Highlighting your promotions shows potential employers that your previous supervisors valued your work performance. Even lateral moves suggest that you were able to rubric ap handle diverse responsibilities. Here are a few ways to describe your promotions while writing a resume:

Repeatedly recognized for top performance through fast-track promotions and essay on eating selection for high-priority initiatives. Rubric Ap? Earned promotion following a superior performance, and literature review in india demonstrated ability to quickly learn and master complex concepts. What if you moved up within the same organization? You don’t have to mention the rubric name of the same company more than once. It will make even the best resume look messy. Here’s what to do instead: COMPANY NAME City, State, 2001 to Present. Describe responsibilities and achievements. Describe responsibilities and achievements. Describe responsibilities and achievements.

Here's a Quick Tip on How Make Your Resume Easy to Read. Need to know how to make a resume easy for a recruiter to read? It's as simple as aligning your text to the left. To make your text even more skimmable use the same resume font and font size, and make strategic use of bold, italics, and caps. The bulk of your resume will consist of cover letters for higher education, bullet points. Here's how to construct them: Spearheaded a targeted email campaign that resulted in a 15% upswing in essay rubric ap, newsletter registration. You might also want to indent paragraphs when writing consider how to create a resume using templates. Professional resume templates can make your documents cleaner and easier to read. They also save you time and rubric energy. Cover Letters? Let's face it.

No one likes trying to control one-inch margins in Word. Is a Font Ruining Your Awesome Resume? While choosing a basic resume font may seem like a silly chore - it's not. A good font will ensure that your resume is essay readable. What is the best font for for higher, a resume? The best font for essay ap, a resume is one that a recruiter can read with no effort.

Stick with fonts that sound like hipster baby names - Arial, Helvetica, Calibri, and Verdana. What is the best resume font size? The Goldilocks font size is 10-12 points - not too big and not too small. Keep it uniform. The bottom line is making sure you don't sacrifice resume margins, white space, or font size in an attempt to cram everything onto cite research paper, one page.

Still not sure about what font to choose while writing a resume? Read our guide about the best resume fonts: What Is The Best Font For A Resume (+10 Examples Tips) Here Is the Best Way to ap Save Your Resume. When you're done writing your perfect resume, it's time to consider how to make a resume file. And that's not as obvious as it sounds. The best advice is to save your resume as a PDF and for higher give it your name. When you save your resume as a PDF, there is no chance that the formatting will glitch and essay rubric ap get messed up when a recruiter opens the file.

Do keep in mind that if your resume has to when writing pass ATS software, Cylons don't like special formatting or graphics. Read the instructions explaining how to send your resume, because you may need to send something other than a PDF. How should you name your files? The recruiter won’t have to search for that crazy space smuggler’s resume when they want to refer to it. Not sold on essay rubric ap, saving your file as a PDF document? Need to see some pros and cons about different file formats? Read our guide: Word VS PDF Resume: What Is The Best Resume Format? Here Is an Easy Way to Keep a Resume Short. How long should an ideal resume be? One page or two? Most contemporary resume guidelines will tell you that while making a resume, you should do your best to keep it to one page.

But you don’t want to crisis paper force it, and that isn't true for everyone. The best thing to do is to go through at essay rubric the end and on eating trim as much fat as possible without losing the value. Here are three tips on essay rubric ap, how to literature in india make a resume for a job shorter: If you aren't sure how long your resume should be or need more advice on how to make a resume shorter, read our guide: How Long Should a Resume Be? Everything You Need To Know Little Known Tools That Will Proofread Your Resume for You. One of the worst things you can do is send out a basic resume that is rubric ap full of grammar and spelling mistakes.

You need to proofread your resume. It doesn’t matter if you already know how to do you paragraphs when an essay write a resume that stands out. Even the best resumes need to ap be proofread by a second person. Whoever you chose can also give you an objective opinion about how you’ve presented yourself. Start by review, proofreading your resume with the help of apps like Grammarly, Language Tool, or other language tools. Next, ask your mom, your partner, your best friend, your neighbor - whoever - to read over your resume for rubric, you. How to Clean Up Your Online Image. Before sending your resume, you will want to check your online presence. That's because 59% of recruiters research candidates online after reading their resumes. Let's say you're sure you know how to write a resume and you follow all of our advice.

That won't matter if you skip this step. Start by entering your name into Google to see what comes up in the results. Most of cite research paper mla, you will find links to essay your social media profiles. As long as you cleared your profiles of unprofessional content, you should be good to go. If you have a more common name like Jane Smith, for example, you may not find much about yourself at all. Some of you might be disturbed to find extremely personal content such as your bank account number, an image of your signature, or sexually explicit images that have been posted without your consent. If this happens, you can ask Google to cover positions remove the information from the essay rubric Internet for you. If you find some embarrassing content on a web page, Google suggests that it is positions best to contact the webmaster (owner) to have the image or content removed. Here’s the ap Most Common Myth About Cover Letters.

A cover letter is informative still needed when you send a resume to a potential employer. Up to 45% of essay ap, recruiters will reject resumes without cover letters. So, even if you know how to write a resume, you can forget about landing the job if you don't send a cover letter. Your cover letter or application letter is where you can expand upon things that you need to keep brief on your resume. It also needs to be tailored to the job for which you are applying. As for resume references, they're the disorders one thing you truly don't need anymore. Essay Ap? So, lose the phrase references upon request. Okay, so you need a cover letter. But do you know how to write an application letter? And better yet, how do you write a convincing one?

Read our guide: How To Write A Cover Letter [Complete Guide With Examples] Why Sending a Personal Message Can Be a Big Win. When you send your resume to a general email address like , your resume is entering a swamp of do you paragraphs when writing an essay, identical messages from other candidates. One thing you can do to ap differentiate your message is to try to find out the name of the do you indent when an essay person who will be reading your resume and send them a personal email. This is not the best solution in every case. You will need to decide if a hiring manager will see the gesture as clever or creepy. Pro Tip : If you use our resume builder, ( create your resume here ) you have the option to publish your resume and send a link to rubric ap employers. Sending a link will allow you to track views and downloads so that you know how well your resume is performing. Want to send a personal message but can't find the hiring manager's email address? Need to know how to on eating write a resume email? We've got you covered: How To Email Your Resume To Get More Replies From Employers Once you've sent your resume, it's a good idea to essay rubric ap track it.

You can install a free sales tool like Mixmax or YesWare to do you when help you. Knowing if recruiters have opened and read your email will enable you to follow-up promptly or find different email addresses. Your resume is your passport to ap job interviews. For Higher Positions? And knowing how to ap make a resume for a job is the on microfinance first step on any career path. So, take the rubric time and energy to think about how to book paper mla write a resume well and how to essay rubric tailor it to the job description. For Higher Education Positions? If you can do that, you're well on your way to essay the next level - the interview. Bonus: Check out informative disorders our ultimate checklist of rubric ap, 56 things you need to do before you send your resume.

How many have you missed? Download: “Resume 101 Checklist.” Are there any great resume writing tips we need to include in the article? Do you have any questions about how to review in india make a resume for your position? Add a comment. I’ll be happy to answer. Natalie is rubric a writer at power in pakistan research Uptowork. She loves writing about resumes and essay ap eating tacos more than life itself.

She spends her free time reading complicated novels and binge watching TV series.

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30 Free Printable Resume Templates 2017 to Get a Dream Job. Job search is a time-consuming and nerve-racking process that exhausts all candidates. And I wasn’t an exception. When I was looking for the job of my dreams, I focused mainly on preparing for an interview and neglected to create a professional resume. I simply opened a Word doc and listed my skills, education, and previous part-time jobs I took as a student. The outcome was like someone shut the door in my face.

I sent my CV to essay ap about 20 companies, and NONE of them got in touch with me. Cover For Higher Education! I didn’t expect prompt replies from essay rubric, recruiters, but in book, a week I understood there was no point to keep on waiting. Essay! I even thought something went wrong with my mailbox. Informative! To test it, I sent my CV to my close friend, and he got it. Essay Rubric! So, the problem wasn’t in my mailbox. It was my CV that failed.

Today, I want to share free goodies with you and other desperate job seekers who don’t want to screw up their resumes like I did. Cover Writing! How To Make The Perfect Resume [Ultimate Tutorial] Instead of sweating over your CV, you can use a ready-made solution that looks professional, stylish, and eye-catching. Check out my exclusive set of 30+ free printable resume templates 2017 . Rubric! Your CV is the only chance to make a favorable first impression on recruiters before the interview, so it’s crucial to polish it from all angles. While the first and indent when writing, foremost thing to focus on essay rubric is definitely content, you can’t neglect the importance of its structure and look. If your CV doesn’t appeal to essay disorders employers visually, they won’t expect that from essay rubric ap, you either and will probably throw it off without reading a single line of text. You may be the perfect candidate for a vacancy, but no one will ever know it if your resume doesn’t accentuate this fact. According to the estimates revealed at , every job opening attracts around 250 applicants. So, how can your candidacy stand out among other 249 CVs? In fact, it’s not that hard as it may seem to be. Simply follow a few tips to represent yourself to writing essay potential employers as effectively as possible.

1. Choose the resume format . Your choice will depend on the priorities you want to spotlight, i.e. skills, experience, background, etc. If you need to put emphasis on rubric ap your experience, previous job titles and companies you worked for, the best option for cover education positions you is a chronological format of essay rubric ap CV. Those of you who want underline the skills are advised to use a functional format of CV. What’s cool about this type is a possibility to cover page list the skills you acquired not only at work, but also at university, voluntary or any other out-of-school organizations. The functional format is especially advantageous for candidates eager to enter a new career field.

Furthermore, you can optionally combine two formats to highlight your expertise and skills the same well. 2. Focus on the resume design . Your CV must be attention-getting and memorable, but you shouldn’t achieve such a wow effect by essay rubric ap, making it content-heavy, excessively colorful or, say, cluttered with multiple unnecessary elements. Try to keep its layout clean, titles clear, information concise, typography readable, and palette eye-friendly. Don’t impose yourself on HR managers. Instead, do your best to deliver your merits to them in book research mla, a somewhat reserved yet inviting manner. Compiling this set of free CV templates, we took into rubric, account all the mentioned key points. As a result, we picked 30 unique printable resume designs that can keep your content well-structured, consistent and easy-to-read. You can leave each of them as is or customize a little bit in order to add a personal touch to the presentation of cite book paper your candidacy. Using one of these ready-made templates, you will have an opportunity to get a professional CV at no cost and as quick as a flash.

In such a way, there will be much more time for essay rubric working on literature on microfinance in india the resume content and searching for vacant positions. When choosing the essay rubric, right template for yourself, follow one more tip , please. 3. Consider the industry , in which you’re involved. If you need a job in a traditional sphere, keep your CV a little conservative, but it doesn’t mean plain and dull. Combine streamlined fonts with bold colors to give prominence to the most important details, e.g. headings, dates, etc. Applicants for photography and art-related jobs must show more creativity on the pages of their CVs. They are free to step aside from traditional layouts and use richer visual aesthetics.

Now that you know the key points of choosing the CV design, proceed to 30 free printable resume templates 2017 featured in our hand-picked selection. Simple Snapshot – The Freebie Photo Resume Template. This free resume template is crisis research paper composed of blocks that highlight contact details, work experience, education, skills, and profile. You can also attach a photo to the top of ap its layout. Light blue is used to accentuate headings for better content hierarchy. Classy Emerald – A Fancy Word Resume Template Freebie. If you need a classy design for your CV, try this Word template. Its content-packed layout is perfect for engaging employers with various facts, from do you paragraphs when an essay, experience to education. An emerald green palette will make your resume easy on the eye. Subtle Resume Freebie – The Intelligent Applicant. Rubric Ap! This creative resume template will capture attention of any HR manager.

Gray shades can add a formal tone to your CV, while calligraphy fonts will present your content with style. Check out a fully scalable and perfectly aligned template for your CV. It features a clean layouts with multiple color options and free fonts. You can edit this print-ready template in power in pakistan research paper, all the CS versions. For easier use, a help file comes packed into the freebie. Here is essay ap a two-page resume template that you can edit in MS Word. Its text-rich, well-organized layout will help you reveal all your strong points to potential employers. As a bonus, you can also find a template for a cover letter in book research, this package. This print-ready resume template is available in Ms Word, Ai, and PSD formats. Its parameters include 210 x 297-mm size, 3-mm bleed, 300-dpi resolution and CMYK color model.

The template utilizes Open Sans and Font Awesome. For ease of use, there is also a PDF help file in the package. This free package comes with 2 printable CV versions in the AI format and a web CV version in PSD , and a business card in essay rubric ap, AI as a bonus. Check a minimalist PSD solution with an elegant black and white palette, smart content organization, and icons for easier comprehension of the info. Here is a well-crafted resume template designed in the Infographic style and available in the PSD format for easy customization. 6 Professional Resume CV Templates. This package contains 6 professionally designed CV templates.

Each of them includes a two-page resume and do you paragraphs when, one cover letter. To customize the templates, simply insert your photo and replace the default text with yours. Curriculum Vitae for a Graphic Designer. Essay Rubric! This free curriculum vitae template in the AI format boasts well-structured blocks and mild colors for a pleasant view. Graphic Designer Resume Template PSD. Get your dream job with the cover writing essay, help of this free professional PSD freebie. Essay Rubric! Edit it the way you like in the shortest possible time.

This freebie is packed with 3 fully layered and power in pakistan research, editable PSD files of A4 size, 300-dpi resolution, 0.25 bleed, and CMYK . The files are designed for ap creating a resume, portfolio and cover letter. Each of them boasts a clean look, yellow accents, and Roboto font, which will give a modern look to your documents. Freebie 2015 | Graphic Blue Resume. Here is one of the best free CV templates to do you indent when an essay print. All the elements of this PSD file are editable, which means you can experiment with its design without any limits. Consider this ready-to-print design if you need a simple yet elegant CV.

This AI vector file features 8.5” x 11” dimensions, 300-dpi resolution, and CMYK color profile. Free PSD Resume Cover Letter Template. Photographers, designers, or any other artistic individuals are advised to rubric consider this PSD package. It gives a free access to research mla both a resume and cover letter. The freebie is notable for essay ap 3 color options, minimalist icons, and transparent background where you can add your photo or any other image. Crisis In Pakistan Research Paper! Take a look at essay ap, another CV template to impress potential employers. Essay! Available in the AI format, it features ample white space spiced up with green accents and geometric shapes for an edgy look. Here is a contemporary, print-ready and 100% editable PSD design for essay rubric ap A4 resumes. This free package is composed of resume, cover letter and business card templates. Cite Book Mla! Free Minimalist Clean Resume Template.

This free resume template can be used in both Photoshop and Illustrator . Its major characteristics include A4 size, 300-dpi resolution, 3-mm bleed, Montserrat font, and smart object header. A cover letter is also accessible in this free package. The next free resume template is designed in the form of essay a brochure. This PSD file with a thought-out layout can be easily adapted to your preferences. Give a try to this PSD resume template of 300 dpi with fully editable text and artwork.

It makes use of modern tricks including Lato font, Flat Icon and Font Awesome . This tastefully simple PSD template features colorful elements, which will let you attract recruiters’ attention to the most important details instantly. Page Essay! Here is an A4 resume template with well-grouped PSD layers and dark layout. The fonts used in its design include Arial, Roboto , and Segoe UI Symbol . Rubric! Let your resume look creative with this ultramodern freebie. Page Essay! It comes with PSD folio pages of essay ap a resume and cover letter. You can also choose from light and dark versions of these designs.

Boost your chances to get a desirable job with this professional CV freebie. The template comes in the AI format and 11” x 8” resolution. Informative On Eating Disorders! Oswald from the rubric ap, Google Fonts API was chosen for its typography. Here is cover a freebie with a two-column layout, star rankings, icons and essay ap, small yet catchy labels. The template is made is the AI format. Paper Mla! This is an exclusive freebie packed with a clean CV and essay rubric ap, cover letter. The templates are available in EPS, AI and cover letters education positions, PSD formats. A logo is also included to the package. This modest PSD -layered template features all the essential resume sections, from education and work experience to essay rubric ap awards and personal skills. Its design catches an paragraphs when writing an essay, eye with progress bars and essay rubric ap, circular pre-loaders.

If you want to give a detailed overview of informative essay your merits in essay rubric, an easy-to-perceive manner, use this well-structured template of A4 size. Cover Letters For Higher Education! Its high-quality PSD file is fully customizable. Rubric Ap! Free Elegant Resume Cover Letter PSD Template. Book Mla! Here are free layered PSD files to design a successful resume and ap, cover letter. They come in 2550 x 3284 px , 300 dpi , and power in pakistan research, 3 color variations. 2 of them boast a white background with colored borders, while the third one has a black and white palette. Rubric Ap! To edit the cover, files, you are required to use Adobe Photoshop CS4+ . Free Professional Resume (CV) Template for Graphic Designers. This free CV design provides an opportunity to express your best qualities with a minimum amount of words. Made in the AI format, this editable template features an elegant and legible font dubbed Champagne Limousines . Free Simple Professional Resume Template.

The austere look of essay rubric this template makes it perfect for letters education job seekers involved in business, finance, industrial, politics, education and many other fields. This AI file with Larke Sans font can be altered in line with your requirements. Take advantage of ap a smart information architecture and clean look of book paper mla this resume template. Built in the PSD format, the freebie is easy to essay rubric edit in Photoshop . Readability, minimalism, and uncluttered layout are the main characteristics of when writing an essay this freebie. It can be easily edited in Adobe Illustrator . This three-page resume template in PSD is essay rubric ap designed to put emphasis on all the major details, namely the personal info, skills, experience, and hobbies.

Look at a free CV template ready to print. Its main properties are as follows: AI format, 300 dpi, CMYK , unlimited resolution as well as editable colors, fonts and icons. To make the most of crisis paper this freebie, use a step-by-step PDF guide available in its package. Smart Freebie Word Resume Template – The Minimalist. The next resume freebie has a minimalist yet content-rich design. It will help you reveal your candidacy in full to employees. The template is available in the .doc format, which means you’ll find it easy to customize it. Check out a bundle packed with 12 resume templates, 12 cover letters, and a creative portfolio template. There are also 30 hobbies icons, 50+ social media icons, and vector world maps. Rubric Ap! You can choose from Word and Indesign file versions. Which one of these 30 free printable resume templates 2017 is worth a try, in your opinion?

Do you know any other noteworthy CV freebies that could be a perfect complement to this set? Feel free to do you indent writing share them in the section of comments to essay this article. Those are life saver #128578; Thanks for this nice collection.

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FLINT WATER AND THE NO-BLAME GAME; TRUE FILES FED COMPLAINT RE: DISPARATE IMPACT. Flint Mayor Dayne Walling, with anguish in his face, speaks at press conference on Flint water reconnection to DWSD as Gov. Rick Snyder looks on warily. (Christian Randolph/The Flint via AP) In last week’s press conference announcing that the city of Flint would finally be allowed to rubric, return to Detroit’s water system, Gov. Indent Paragraphs When Writing! Rick Snyder made it a point to note that placing blame for ap, the lead poisoning of children is not something he intends to do. He wants to address the current problem, learn what can be done better in the future, and move forward. Call it the do you paragraphs when “no-blame” game. The governor’s spokesperson, Sara Wurfel, is playing it as hard as anyone right now. In an interview with the ACLU of essay Michigan following the governor’s tightly-managed press conference, Wurfel did the best she could to page writing, absolve her boss of any responsibility for the disastrous decision to begin using the Flint River as the essay ap city’s source of drinking water in April 2014. Asked about the governor’s role in that decision, Wurfel claimed that there was really no choice to informative essay on eating disorders, be made, that the city of Detroit kicked Flint off of its system, thus forcing the ap switch to river water.

We’re not the paragraphs when writing an essay only one she’s trying to spin. Wurfel made a similar claim in a statement to the Flint Journal this week. DWSD workers picket Detroit Water Board Building Oct. 13, 2015 to denounce unsafe practices for essay rubric, entire 6-county system due to drastic staff reductions, among other issues. According to the paper, Wurfel asserted that the city was forced to find another source of water after the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department terminated Flint’s contract to continue purchasing water under the terms of its expired contract. Maybe the Snyder administration is operating under the theory that a lie repeated often enough is eventually accepted as fact. But here’s the truth: Flint did have a choice.

It absolutely could have kept using Detroit water until construction of the Karegondi pipeline, which will bring water from Lake Huron to Genesee County, is completed next year. Instead, in a decision based purely on cost, the Flint emergency manager appointed by Snyder chose to leave the Detroit system early and cite research mla begin relying on ap the Flint River in April 2014. How do we know that? Because of do you indent paragraphs writing an essay a letter the ACLU of Michigan obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Darnell Earley, then Flint EM, with Detroit “Mayor” Mike Duggan during Michigan Municipal League convention, 2014. On March 7, 2014, then-Emergency Darnell Earley wrote to the DWSD, saying: “Thank you for rubric, the correspondence … which provides Flint with the option of continuing to purchase water from DWSD following the termination of the current contract …”Thanks, but no thanks. “… the City of Flint has actively pursued using the do you indent paragraphs when Flint River as a temporary water source while the KWA pipeline is being constructed,” wrote Earley. “We expect the Flint Water Treatment Plant will be fully operational and capable of treating Flint River water…”

As it turns out, the rubric ap city, under the control of an emergency manager appointed by the governor, proved to essay on eating disorders, be entirely incapable of properly treating water from the essay rubric ap highly corrosive Flint River. As a result of informative that failure, children were poisoned by essay rubric ap lead in the water coming out of the taps in their homes and, quite possibly, the fountains in their schools. Lead that was present because the river water is many times more corrosive than Detroit’s. Lead that was present because Flint officials and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality inexplicably stopped adding the same types of corrosion inhibitors Detroit routinely puts in its water just so a public-health disaster such as this does not occur. As calls for a thorough, independent investigation of this debacle increase, the denials of responsibility by the key players are becoming farcical as they stumble over themselves in an attempt to avoid blame. Karegnondi Water Authority’s pipeline to Lake Huron under construction. Particularly absurd are Earley’s claims that he bears no responsibility for the catastrophe that began while he wielded complete control over every aspect of the city’s government. As the Flint Journal’s Ron Fonger reports, Earley recently sent the paper an email claiming: “The decision to informative essay on eating, separate from (the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department) and go with the Karegnondi Water Authority, including the essay ap decision to pump Flint River water in the interim, were both a part of a long-term plan that was approved by page writing Flint’s mayor, and confirmed by a City Council vote of essay 7-1 in March of cover page writing 2013 — a full seven months before I began my term as emergency manager.”

Under the state’s far-reaching emergency manager law, Earley clearly had the authority to do whatever he wanted at that point. So his attempts to shield himself from responsibility are beyond bogus. But it is essay rubric ap, even worse than that. Flint resident Barbara Griffith-Wilson screams out an amen as she stands up out of cover letters for higher education her seat to essay, show solidarity with a six Flint City Council members calling for the removal of Emergency Manager Darnell Earley on Monday, Oct. 6, 2014 at power crisis in pakistan research Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in essay ap Flint. Page Writing Essay! /Jake May | As the Flint Journal’s Fonger points out:, “Although the Flint City Council voted in March 2013 in support of moving to the KWA pipeline … there is no record that the essay ap council voted to use the Flint River as a short-term drinking water source.” Being the current emergency manager in letters education positions charge of essay ap Detroit Public Schools and its 47,000 students, it is easy to see why all this might be a particularly touchy subject for Earley – and the governor who appointed him to literature review on microfinance, both positions. Fingers are being pointed in all directions, and lies are being told in an attempt to avoid responsibility. In a recent interview with the ACLU of Michigan, Flint Public Works Director Howard Croft initially tried making the same false claim as Wurfel, saying that Flint was forced to essay, leave the Detroit system and power crisis paper begin using the river as its water source.

Flint Public Works Director Howard Croft. When confronted with Earley’s letter, he relented, and pointed the finger of blame at the state, saying the rubric ap decision to switch came from the governor’s office. Asked to respond to letters for higher education positions, that accusation, Wurfel tried her best to sidestep the issue. She could have put the matter to rest immediately by simply declaring: “That is absolutely untrue.” But she didn’t say that. Instead, she trotted out the false claim that the essay rubric ap city was forced to make the switch.

When pressed on do you paragraphs writing that point, and then asked again about the governor’s role in essay rubric ap making the tragically bad decision to force the people of Flint to drink from informative essay on eating disorders a dangerous river, she again tried to slip out of rubric ap giving a direct answer. “You’re saying that the governor’s office was directly involved? I can’t address that at all because that’s not accurate.” So she is not addressing a direct question because it is cite book research paper, not accurate? Questions are neither accurate nor inaccurate, but answers should be. There is usually a compelling reason why evasion and obfuscation are the responses to a yes or no question. And the rubric ap reason is this: The people doing the evading are afraid to tell the truth, and informative on eating disorders even more afraid to face the consequences that come with it. Curt Guyette is an investigative reporter for ap, the ACLU of Michigan.

His work focuses on emergency management and open government. He can be reached at 313-578-6834 or THE TITLE VI COMPLAINT OF TRUE RE: FLINT WATER. FROM: Taxpaying Residents United for Education (TRUE) PERSPECTIVE: Thomas Jefferson said the mother principle of a republic is that the will of the people is page, represented, “governments are republican only in proportion as they embody the essay rubric ap will of their people, and execute it.” Taxpaying Residents United for 21st century Education, is a coalition of 26 Michigan groups, 2 national organizations, concerned teachers, a variety of leaders with a 10 point mission statement. Power! We feel poorly represented in rubric ap safety checks and balances, and wish to assert a complaint on the issues of state knowledge of cite book paper mla lead in our water and a breakdown of public safety principals, protocols, best practices and rubric ap communication under PA 436, as practiced by the State of Michigan. ISSUE: Negotiations between two Emergency Managers, Orr and Hurtz/Earley did not put safety first. Flint released contaminated or toxic water into drinking fountains of Flint Public Schools and Flint Residents.

Flint did not use chemicals which would minimize corrosion. In October 2014, General Motors received a waiver and stopped using Flint River water due to cover for higher, corrosion issues on essay rubric ap metal parts. Letters Education! There was a failure by essay ap responsible officials to notify residents of public health emergency after internal EPA memo went to press July 15, 2015. Instead city officials sent a notice to each address that “This is not an emergency.” The MDEQ and MDHS criticized the Virginia Tech study which cited corrosion issues and Dr. Cover Writing! Hana-Attisha’s study. Former EM Earley has denied responsibility. Shuette says state liability for EM decision is “hypothetical.” Baxter Jones, founder TRUE.

PATTERN OF BREAK DOWN OF PUBLIC SAFETY: As Emergency Manager of Detroit, Kevyn Orr did not apply for Federal grants or use Federal grants available through FEMA, while fire fighters needed more personnel and rubric equipment. He also shut the electricity off on crisis all residents in the City on September 11, 2013 so that traffic lights stopped, the court house went black, fire house doors would not open, and people were stuck on essay rubric elevators. Informative Essay On Eating! People were evacuated from buildings and productivity of businesses was lost. He caused unnecessary harm and chaos, yet Gary Brown stated this was done to send a message. The United Nations also cited Detroit for human rights violations due to mass water shut offs which increased asthma and sepsis and resulted in among the greatest number of e.coli and other bacterial outbreaks in essay rubric the nation that year. Under PA 436, state departments like MDEQ and MDHS are one entity with the Emergency Manager, as the EM making decisions is an employee of the state. Under normal democracy, the State would represent the best interests of citizens to come to tell a town or council that actions were a threat to public health providing checks and balances. JURISDICTION: The State is a recipient of Federal funds. Educational environments should be safe.

There is a disparate impact on women and the minority community and a disparate environmental impact on cover education positions the poor. RMO: Governor Rick Snyder, Ed Kurtz, Darnell Earley, Dan Wyatt, Nick Lyon, Brad Wurfel. Emergency Managers, Ed Kurtz and Darnell Earley, knew or should have known, that stopping flow of water from the Huron River and releasing Flint River Water to the treatment plant and into the tap of Flint Schools was dangerous. Ed Kurtz, the Mayor of Flint and the appointed rather than elected City Council, under PA 436 chose to ap, focus on money savings in an area where such a mistake could risk public health and result in death, long term disability, and cover page writing illness. Emergency Manager, Darnell Earley, knew or should have known, lead levels were rising rapidly and did reach 6ppb, and that 6ppb under current standards, could pose a health risk because the EPA has informed all water departments of rubric ap new testing, that while not mandated, could help provide a clarity on the true health risk. A reduction in samples was allowed in taking samples from January to June, with the paltry excuse that the population had dropped below 100,000, despite rising lead levels.

The population is over letters education positions, 99,000. False Reassurances to Public. On or about July 15, 2015, Michigan radio went public with a leaked memo and an ACLU documentary by Curt Guyette. Brad Wurfel of MDEQ did not walk back comments “Let me start here – anyone who is concerned about lead in essay the drinking water in Flint can relax.” The memo details an EPA staffer’s concern about how the city tests for lead and literature review on microfinance results from a lab at Virginia Tech that show elevated levels of lead at one resident’s home and whether tests at other Flint homes with elevated lead levels are being included in the broader water tests that Wurfel referenced. That test shows levels that are high enough to be considered hazardous waste. After the Virginia Tech researcher Marc Edwards and Hurley Medical Center doctor Dr.

Mona Hanna-Attisha released their findings, rather than take immediate or even precautionary measures, DEQ and DHHS criticized the other findings and allowed students and pregnant women to continue drinking contaminated water. In August 2015, the DEQ advised the city to begin a plan, but the concerns about lead levels were never publicized, and schools opened and children were allowed to keep drinking the essay ap water for two months although the Freeman sample tested six times the federal limit. ADVERSE IMPACT: Last month, a Hurley Medical Center doctor published a study showing that the percentage of Flint infants and children with above average lead levels had doubled citywide, and tripled among children in “high risk” areas of lead exposure (Zip codes 48503 and 48504). Virginia Tech researchers have said the city’s treated Flint River is very corrosive, causing lead from service lines to leach into tap water. Four of schools tested above 15 parts per billion for lead — the safety standard set by the federal government. Eisenhower had two samples of 16 ppb and 28 ppb, while Freeman had a sample that showed 101 parts per essay disorders, billion. DETAILS: The EPA made training for new Lead Copper Rules to all water department officials around the country. According to MLive Reporter Ron Fonger’s article When did the State know about lead in Flint’s water?

The first indication of rising lead levels in Flint drinking water came from city samples soon after it changed its water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River. Results showed increasing lead levels with 10 percent of homes tested at 6 parts per billion of essay rubric ap lead or more. The EPA training explains current testing methods findings are much lower than actual lead content, and because of the extreme health risk of lead, new sampling methods which would better protect the public would be mandated in the near future. According to cite paper, the article, because the 6ppb were the highest lead levels measured in Flint by essay rubric the city in power crisis in pakistan paper more than a decade, and among the rubric ap highest numbers in the state, (however did not meet the federal action limit of cover page writing essay 15 ppb). In a companion article, Ron Fonger writes, “10 percent of homes sampled in the city’s most recent testing contained 11 parts per billion or more of lead, with six of 69 samples exceeding the federal lead limit of 15 ppb.

Those are the rubric ap highest lead levels measured in Flint by the city in more than 20 years, the state data shows. In contrast, the city’s tests of do you paragraphs when Lake Huron water from Detroit for one 10-year period — from essay ap June 2001 until September 2011 — resulted in just one of 155 samples registering higher than 15 ppb of lead. The article also states: “State records show 100 samples were collected from Flint in the last six months of indent 2014, showing two sites with readings of more than 15 ppb of lead and 10 percent of essay rubric homes registering at 6 ppb or more. From January until June this year, the power research city collected just 69 samples, a reduction that was allowed because Flint’s population had dropped below 100,000, Busch said. Marc Edwards of Virginia Tech states, “The Flint River — based on the chemistry — has an obvious propensity for lead to be released to water,” Edwards said. “There should have been red lights flashing (when the city began using the river in April 2014) — knowing that if you put that water into Flint’s system without corrosion control, you’re going to rubric ap, see a massive lead release.” That release is what Edwards’ testing has shown as 10 percent of homes sampled by students and faculty from Virginia Tech have had lead levels of at do you indent when writing an essay least 25 ppb. Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Director Dan Wyant said the state notified the city of the need to develop a lead action plan in August 2015, but the concerns about lead levels were never publicized as a potential public health threat until researchers from Virginia Tech University pushed the issue. WATER IN SCHOOLS: In the past seven days, the state tested Flint School District buildings for ap, lead in water, finding three buildings that tested above the federal limits. However, A spokeswoman for review in india, the state DHHS just two weeks ago dismissed the Hurley study, saying the state’s more extensive data “is not in line” with the findings. Just one month ago, a spokesman for essay rubric, the state DEQ said of the testing that, while the cover letters education state “appreciates academic participation in this discussion, offering broad, dire public health advice based on some quick testing could be seen as fanning political flames irresponsibly.”

The attempts of these department officials take into account the liability of the ap State, the Governor and other officials but not the cover letters for higher positions health impact to the children and ap women who were consuming the for higher education positions water. U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Flint Township, said, “The decision to switch to the Flint River water source was made while the city was under state emergency management, and now it is incumbent on Gov. Snyder and the state to fix — and essay rubric ap pay — for the problem they created.” April 24, 2014: Flint switches from Detroit water to Flint River water. April 30, 2014: Flint closes all valves connecting to Detroit water supply. Literature Review On Microfinance! June-Sept.

2014: Flint residents complain about smell, taste and ap discoloration of water. Dec. 16, 2014: Michigan Department of Environment Quality cites Flint for exceeding limits on disinfection by-products. Dec. 27, 2014: Flint’s General Motors engine plant, citing high chloride levels in the water, switches off its hook-up to Flint, drawing water instead from neighboring Flint Township.

Jan. Cover Positions! 9, 2015: Concerned about Flint’s water warnings, University of Michigan’s Flint campus begins testing its water, detecting lead in isolated, infrequently used areas. June 24, 2015: Environmental Protection Agency drafts a report raising concerns about lead in Flint’s water system as a result of corrosion. It doesn’t send the essay ap report, but discusses its concerns with MDEQ officials in July. Sept. Research! 24, 2015: Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha releases data showing spike in essay rubric ap blood-lead levels in Flint children.

Oct. 2, 2015: State officials tell room packed with reporters that there’s a problem with Flint’s water. DISPARATE IMPACT – Children born to women who drank the water may have cognitive impairments in for higher positions the future, as well as their grandchildren. Flint is essay rubric ap, well represented by children, women and minorities. Paragraphs When Writing An Essay! Depending on other pollutants in the water, such as endocrine disruptors, the decision may have also impacted the ap reproductive development of males. Thus the decision may have impacted the reproductive viability of the review on microfinance community. Moreover, the health impact would have continued to be swept under the rug if not for a doctor and a university going public. The State did not take the initiative to protect these populations or schools.

The State has only offered to test children under 7 free of charge, when all residents who are of child bearing age should be tested. This is also qualifies as environmental civil rights issue which negatively impacted the poor. We believe other methods existed, and could have prevented this outcome, and those methods are the same methods being used now, to remain on essay Detroit water until the other system is completed. Persons under 5 years, percent, 2010 8.0% (Flint) 6.0% (Michigan Black or African American alone, percent, 2010 (a) 56.6% (Flint) 14.2% (Michigan) Female persons, percent, 2010 52.0% (Flint) 50.9% (Michigan Persons below poverty level, percent, 2009-2013 41.5% (Flint) 16.8% (Michigan) 6 Responses to FLINT WATER AND THE NO-BLAME GAME; TRUE FILES FED COMPLAINT RE: DISPARATE IMPACT. I loved this article! Have been reading your blog for over a. year and essay your always putting out some great stuff. I shared this on my facebook and my followers loved. it!

Keep up the ap good work #128578; Many thanks to power in pakistan research paper, TRUE for standing up for the vulnerable children of rubric ap Detroit. One has to wonder what kind of PTSD symptoms these children will have to deal with after going through the experience of finding out paragraphs writing an essay they have been poisoned, and then realizing that it was intentionally done. This is beyond greed and essay lack of essay disorders regard for human life. Those responsible should face criminal charges for ap, endangering lives. POVERTY is VIOLENCE – this is essay, proof. I don’t know why they make such a fuss on this…Maybe because you can actually see it?? In River Rouge the air is so bad that people have not only rubric ap breathing problems, asthma, bronchitis but have died from cancer (almost 1 person on every block). The mayor must be receiving a kickback from the E.P.A.. We know for research, a fact that Marathon oil doesn’t care (they bought out the Caucasian side a few years back on Oakwood.

At the last town hall meeting it was said why buy out the poor, when you can just slowly poison them?! At the last town hall meeting Marathon oil held Jan 16 (to go thru the formalities), was to essay rubric ap, state that a new stack would only produce 20% more sulfur than is already in the air. Crisis Research! It is at 80% now. This has to essay, be the page most hanious act that I have seen perpetrated by a basically dictatorial government on ap the people that it is supposed to serve and in pakistan paper protect. It is essay ap, way past time for national investigation to take place here in Michigan. Power In Pakistan Paper! Once the investigation begins it is my hope that those implicated spend a great deal of time in prison with piped in Flint River water! The first time I spoke to essay ap, Baxter, I cried. He has so much spirit and goodness.

Thank you Diane Bukowski for continuing to shine a light on education positions the fight for democracy in Michigan, and the justice seekers like Baxter Jones, William Davis, Monica Lewis-Patrick and Melissa Mays. Essay Rubric Ap! CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION is research, a human right and emergency management compromises public safety protocols, procedures, principles and best practices. It is for that reason that Go Left America stands with the taxpayers of TRUE in calling for a restoration of local tax payer governance around the state of Michigan.

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Job satisfaction – sample IELTS essay. This is the next in my series of model IELTS essays. In this essay on job satisfaction and employment, I talk you through different ways to structure the essay – there is always more than one way to essay, skin a cat. Cover Page Essay? I also give you notes on how you can use repetition to help your writing become more cohesive and coherent. Repeating words and rubric ideas can be a good thing. In addition to essay disorders, the essay to rubric, download, you will also find 3 separate exercises on vocabulary to help you write the essay yourself. This is a particularly tough question because it is a double/double question. You need to discuss both stress and longer working hours and explain the reasons for them and suggest what can be done by do you indent when, employers. Nowadays many jobs are more stressful and the working day is longer.

What are the reasons for rubric this? What can employers do to help employees? There are different ways you can structure this essay. Informative On Eating? Whatever option you choose, you must ensure you cover all the points in the task. This is where you need to leave yourself plenty of thinking time before you start writing. What I do here is to show you some of the possible choices you have. The idea is you write a logical answer to the essay question and do not follow one model . One choice would be to divide the essay by employees (stress and hours) and employers (solutions): content 1: explain reasons for both stress and essay ap long working hours content 2: suggest what employers could do.

content 1: write about stress and what employers could do about it content 2: write about working hours and what employers could do about essay disorders, it. content 1: write about stress content 2: write about working hours content 3 and conclusion: what employers could do about stress and working hours. One option is to write about different reasons for stress and rubric hours in separate paras and then write about employer solutions. The reason for this is cover page essay that the essay ap, question asks you for reasons in the plural. content 1: reason 1 for stress and hours content 2: reason 2 for stress and hours content 3: employer suggestion.

content 1: write about stress content 2: write about page essay, working hours content 3: what employers could do about stress and working hours separate conclusion. Ideas for the essay and for job satisfaction essays. Stress and longer working hours ideas. employees are worried about losing their jobs because of job market conditions – mass unemployment globalisation causes greater competition and leads to everyone having to work harder employees are not given adequate training employees work individually and not in essay rubric ap teams poor management and lack of feedback some countries do not regulate working hours employees do too much overtime to for higher education, earn more cash. employers recognise longer hours do not mean more efficiency employers limit the hours of work and ap restrict overtime set meal breaks provide a better working environment provide all the training necessary encourage employees to spend some time relaxing during the working day managers set clear targets for employees that can be attained.

Here are some other job satisfaction ideas for for higher education positions other employment essays. sense of belonging to a team sense of doing a job that is worthwhile – if low paid (teachers. ) being promoted and taking on more responsibilities enjoyable work environment and socialising with your colleagues sense of achievement when you meet a target or complete a project learning new skills understanding why and essay rubric ap how what you do matters understanding more about your company and on eating disorders its business. Vocabulary for the essay – think word formation and collocations. It is important that you have some variety of vocabulary when you write this essay. Essay Rubric? This does not mean that you need to use lots of different words. In fact, your essay will be more cohesive if you repeat some words. All you need to letters education, do is make sure that you use them in different ways. That means using different forms of the words (word formation) and rubric use them in different ways. In this essay, the key word is work. Here are some variations I use:

work longer hours. do the same work. work more efficiently. I do of course use other words too. However, by repeating and rephrasing the one word “work” in different ways the essay is in pakistan paper linked together and rubric becomes more cohesive. It’s a trick you should try. You will find more employment vocabulary on my employment vocabulary page. Two ways in which the workplace has changed in the modern era are that employees are required to work longer hours and there is more pressure on them than in the past. In this essay, I examine how competition is the main reason for this and suggest how employers can improve their employees’ working conditions . Competition from the job market is literature review in india one reason why some employees are under more pressure at work. Ap? High levels of paragraphs when, unemployment mean that it would often be cheaper for an employer to rubric ap, hire someone else to do the same work. This naturally has a negative psychological effect on employees . It can also result in their staying longer in the office to ensure that they meet their performance targets.

Increased competition caused by globalisation is also significant . Many smaller businesses now need to compete either with multinationals or companies from developing countries where labour is cheaper. The effect of this on employees is that they know they may be made redundant if the business they work for fails. This is power in pakistan paper not only stressful, but can also lead to their working longer hours to help the business survive. Despite this competition, employers should ensure that their staff have the best possible working conditions . Essay Rubric? This means that employees should not be required to work overtime unless in an emergency, be given regular breaks and be reassured that their future is safe. If this were to do you indent paragraphs writing an essay, happen, the rubric ap, employees should work more efficiently, something which is in the interest of the employer. My conclusion would be that competition from the job market and globalisation is the principal cause of stress at work and a longer working day . Employers can help address these problems by recognising that reducing stress and regulating working hours will lead to literature in india, greater efficiency. You will find more exercises on essay rubric ap, vocab below.

You should note the range of different employment vocabulary words I use.This means I can afford to repeat the do you indent writing an essay, word “work” when I need to and still have enough variation of vocab. The skill is to vary when you need to ap, and be consistent when you need to. To write this essay well, you need to think about cover education, cause and effect. See the essay, different cause and effect language I use. Identifying the task in the introduction. The introduction clearly identifies all the do you writing an essay, parts of the task. The first sentence identifies the topic areas of stress and essay working hours. The second sentence leads into the body of the essay by stating how I will examine the reasons and literature on microfinance in india suggest solutions. Coherence and essay rubric essay structure notes. See how the first sentence of each content para links to cite mla, the main idea of the introduction and essay ap the conclusion. Sometimes repetition is informative essay disorders a good thing.

Also note how each content para starts with a relatively short simple sentence. All I am trying to do is rubric ap show the reader what the one main idea of that para is. Note how I don’t try and include all my ideas in the essay. Vocabulary exercises on cover writing, the essay. Here are 3 exercises to ap, help you write the essay yourself. How to like it, share it and save it. Get more help with IELTS preparation on cite, the main pages of my site.

Keep up with me on essay rubric ap, Facebook - all the cover education, updates and even more advice there. Or just get all my free lessons by email. 11 Responses to Job satisfaction – sample IELTS essay. First of all I would like to thank you because of such useful site that I think you could never find site on the Internet which has as much effective information as this site has (ofcourse I like Simon too). Despite of designing part of site which I felt to some extent confusing to follow and takes a bit time to rubric ap, be familiar with , I think without no doubt that this is the best site about IELTS. Im sure if someone likes you were lived in on eating my country , he never would share his knowledge as you are doing. Next I would like to ask you put some exercises about relative clause and how we can omit them as I found it is the best way to add information . At the end I have problem with this sentence in terms of ap, grammar.

From (check your vocabulary for ACADEMIC ENGLISH ) The atmospheres of most planets is not transparent , MAKING IT difficult for us to see the surface.( Am I right that it was” which makes it” then turned into making it) Sorry if I am so basic and take your time. Thanks for the comment. Re the site design which part is most confusing? I know there are problems!!

At the mo the site is only about a tenth built. By year end there should be neatly organised guides to essays. listening and reading (and perhaps part 1 writing). The aim is for people to start at informative on eating disorders different points and ap work through a skill systematically. I do believe it is page writing importan tto be systematic in essay rubric ap your learning and literature not just start anywhere. Essay Rubric Ap? However, it will me take a little time to get there. Good question. In fact, I should be doing another lesson on relatives quite soon. You are quite right that it could have been “which makes it”. The point is letters for higher that we often avoid relatives – they tend to ap, be ugly and make your writing harder to book, understand. One way we do this is by rubric ap, using -ing.

This site is excellent … very strong on Writing Skills.Simon?s site is perhaps stronger on The Speaking section with numerous model answers (for all 3 parts)and useful tips. Unlike the previous post I think the site is very well organised – and letters for higher the model essays with their color-coded attention to vocab, cohesion, linking words … are first-rate. Thank you for your hard work. Yes Simon is good. Essay Rubric Ap? If you are looking for indent when writing an essay alternative speaking materials (I shall be updating mine more systematically once my writing materials are more complete) can I point you in the direction of Splendid Speaking. They have by some distance the best speaking materials on essay ap, the net. Don’t be put off by the subscribe feature – it’s all free and page writing the weekly transcripts and ap tips are second to essay, none. Rubric? What this site gets very right is the distinction between the written and the spoken language. I’d add that the materials for literature review on microfinance other exams are also well worth looking at. It can be very misleading to think of IELTS speaking as a peculiar skill.

It isn’t. The best speaking tips are normally very simple and essay don’t require a “specialist” approach. Good speaking is good speaking and ultimately the one tip that should be carried into the exam is “listen to the question and answer it”. I’ll update this comment with another link from my IELTS directory. Without question, the informative, most complete set of ap, speaking materials on the net for informative on eating disorders IELTS is English Lab. This is another site written by rubric ap, an ex-IELTS examiner (they’re not supposed to say they are!). Do You Indent Paragraphs An Essay? It is very, very complete indeed. It takes a bit of navigation because it so big but you’ll find everything you could possibly want there – if you are after IELTS specific speaking materials and ideas. dear Dominc,hi it,s my pleasure to see such a useful site for those want to essay rubric, study ielts .not only for power research students ,but for essay ap teachers .i as a teacher ejoy a lot and power learn many things form it.just i want to thank you for your great job you ,ve done.wishing you the very best.i would like to ask ,if possible texplain how to teach geapghs which is considered to be very important in IELTS.please.IS there a specific method to teach?thanking you ..with deep respect and regards M.Andalibi. Hi Always nice to hear from a fellow teacher.

This year I aim to post quite a lot of teacher specific materials as I know a number of teachers drop by. In principle, I should post an idea/resource each Sunday. Have you found my task 1 teaching ideas that I have already posted? There are lots more to follow. Increasingly, I teach task 1 as just another bit of writing. I think it can be misleading to concentrate on too much “trend language” for example. Task 1 is graded in exactly the same way as an essay.

I also think that students get confused by rubric, thinking that it is research paper completely different. I’m not sure it is. You pick out the details you need, you organise the logically combining main points and explanations just as you would in an essay. Ironically, the idea of charts and graphs is to display information more clearly, but in my experience students often go wrong because they don’t really get the point of the chart/graph. Hence the lesson on demystifying charts. My personal students did much better once they understood the concept of charts in this way – and that was without bothering to teach much/any specialised language. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS PIECES OF INFORMATION ON IELTS TASK 2…….I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A WONDERFUL BLOG ANYWHERE …THANK YOU….SIR.

THESE ARE ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS PIECES OF INFORMATION ON IELTS TASK 2…….I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A WONDERFUL BLOG ANYWHERE …THANK YOU….SIR. In the competitive world of essay, today, it is common for employees to spend long and stressful hours at work. This essay will discuss the socio economic reasons why employees need to work harder and put in longer hours ; it will also discuss what the informative on eating disorders, employers can do to make the life easier for their working staff. intro for the above topic —– I wud chose the simple 4 paragraph essay – one describing the reasons why employees need to put longer hrs -one describing what employers can do to essay rubric, ease this — the intro and conclusion —–

i loved your intro -mine suddenly looks awful – and i also love the way in which you have organised your essay —its terrific – thanks for sharing it with us #128578; The nights spent on essay on eating, learning insanely academic words would foster a good foundation for the language proficiency – I thought at the start of ap, my journey to English. However, as years passed by, I realized the language shouldn’t be confined with tons of specification barriers that would limit one’s outlook into indent paragraphs when writing profound possibilities of the language. The foundation should be built on a flexible framework that grasps every aspect of the language. Take into account, it doesn’t mean expanding one’s vocabulary with colloquial phraseology, but spreading the experience of what the language represents in a native environment. Ielts is a cornerstone of English.

Nonetheless, do not limit youself on merely accomplishing the requirements. Instead, try to diversify your learning path with discovering nuances of essay rubric, English. It can be done in infinite amount of ways. First, start with reading news, reviews of gadgets, PC or whatever you are interested in. The internet is your right hand for most of the cases. Other times, try to talk to natives. Do You Indent Paragraphs Writing An Essay? Ah, I am running out of time.

So, Cheers up! And do not give up on your dreams!

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