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Making narrative essay

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belote resume Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont. Making Narrative Essay? Il y avait une fois un seigneur qui avait deux filles jumelles, qui l'on avait donn deux noms qui leur convenaient parfaitement. Text? L'ane, qui tait trs belle, fut nomme Belote, et la seconde, qui tait fort laide, fut nomme Laidronette. Narrative? On leur donna des matres, et jusqu' l'ge de douze ans, elles s'appliqurent leurs exercices ; mais alors leur mre fit une sottise, car sans penser qu'il leur restait encore bien des choses apprendre, elle les mena avec elle dans les assembles. Berkeley Creative Writing? Comme ces deux filles aimaient se divertir, elles furent bien contentes de voir le monde, et elles n'taient plus occupes que de cela, mme pendant le temps de leurs leons ; en sorte que leurs matres commencrent les ennuyer. Essay? Elles trouvrent mille prtextes pour ne plus apprendre ; tantt il fallait clbrer le jour de leur naissance une autre fois elles taient pries un bal, une assemble, et il fallait passer le jour se coiffer ; en sorte qu'on crivait souvent des cartes aux matres, pour les prier de ne point venir. D'un autre ct les matres, qui voyaient que les deux petites filles ne s'appliquaient plus, ne se souciaient pas beaucoup de leur donner des leons ; car dans ce pays, les matres ne donnaient pas leon seulement pour gagner de l'argent, mais pour avoir le plaisir de voir avancer leurs colires. Text Messaging Essay? Ils n'y allaient donc gure souvent, et les jeunes filles en taient bien aises. Making? Elles vcurent ainsi jusqu' quinze ans, et cet ge, Belote tait devenue si belle, qu'elle faisait l'admiration de tous ceux qui la voyaient. Of Teaching? Quand la mre menait ses filles en compagnie, tous les cavaliers faisaient la cour Belote ; l'un louait sa bouche, l'autre ses yeux, sa main, sa taille; et pendant qu'on lui donnait toutes ces louanges, on essay, ne pensait seulement pas que sa soeur ft au monde. Important Essay? Laidronette mourait de dpit d'tre laide, et bientt elle prit un grand dgot pour le monde et les compagnies, o tous les honneurs et les prfrences taient pour sa soeur.

Elle commena donc souhaiter de ne plus sortir : et un jour qu'elles taient pries une assemble, qui devait finir par un bal, elle dit sa mre, qu'elle avait mal la tte, et qu'elle souhaitait de rester la maison. Essay? Elle s'y ennuya d'abord mourir, et pour passer le temps, elle fut la bibliothque de sa mre, pour chercher un roman, et fut bien fche de ce que sa soeur en avait emport la clef. Text Messaging? Son pre aussi avait une bibliothque, mais c'taient des livres srieux, et elle les hassait beaucoup. Elle fut pourtant force d'en prendre un : c'tait un recueil de lettres, et en ouvrant le livre, elle trouva celle que je vais vous rapporter : Vous me demandez, d'o vient que la plus grande partie des belles personnes sont extrmement sottes et stupides? Je crois pouvoir vous en dire la raison. Making? Ce n'est pas qu'elles aient moins d'esprit que les autres, en venant au monde ; mais c'est qu'elles ngligent de le cultiver. Creative? Toutes les femmes ont de la vanit; elles veulent plaire. Making? Une laide connat qu'elle ne peut tre aime cause de son visage ; cela lui donne la pense de se distinguer par son esprit.

Elle tudie donc beaucoup, et elle parvient devenir aimable, malgr la nature. Friendship? La belle, au contraire, n'a qu' se montrer pour plaire, sa vanit est satisfaite : comme elle ne rflchit jamais, elle ne pense pas que sa beaut n'aura qu'un temps ; d'ailleurs elle est si occupe de sa parure, du soin de courir les assembles pour se montrer, pour recevoir des louanges, qu'elle n'aurait pas le temps de cultiver son esprit, quand mme elle en connatrait la ncessit. Making Narrative? Elle devient donc une sotte tout occupe de purilits, de chiffons, de spectacles ; cela dure jusqu' trente ans, quarante ans au plus, pourvu que la petite vrole, ou quelque autre maladie, ne viennent pas dranger sa beaut plus tt. With Statement? Mais quand on narrative essay, n'est plus jeune, on why was dbq essay, ne peut plus rien apprendre : ainsi, cette belle fille, qui ne l'est plus, reste une sotte pour toute sa vie, quoique la nature lui ait donn autant d'esprit qu' une autre ; au lieu que la laide, qui est devenue fort aimable, se moque des maladies et de la vieillesse, qui ne peuvent rien lui ter. Making Essay? Laidronette, aprs avoir lu cette lettre qui semblait avoir t crite pour elle, rsolut de profiter des vrits qu'elle lui avait dcouvertes.

Elle redemande ses matres, s'applique la lecture, fait de bonnes rflexions sur ce qu'elle lit, et en peu de temps, devient une fille de mrite. Of Teaching English? Quand elle tait oblige de suivre sa mre dans les compagnies, elle se mettait toujours ct des personnes en qui elle remarquait de l'esprit, et de la raison, elle leur faisait des questions, et retenait toutes les bonnes choses qu'elle leur entendait dire ; elle prit mme l'habitude de les crire, pour s'en mieux souvenir, et dix-sept ans, elle parlait et crivait si bien, que toutes les personnes de mrite se faisaient un plaisir de la connatre, et d'entretenir un commerce de lettres avec elle. Making Essay? Les deux sœurs se marirent le mme jour. Essay Methods English? Belote pousa un jeune prince qui tait charmant, et qui n'avait que vingt-deux ans. Making Narrative Essay? Laidronette pousa le ministre de ce prince : c'tait un homme de quarante-cinq ans.

Il avait reconnu l'esprit de cette fille, et il l'estimait beaucoup ; car le visage de celle qu'il prenait pour sa femme, n'tait pas propre lui inspirer de l'amour, et il avoua Laidronette qu'il n'avait que de l'amiti pour elle : c'tait justement ce qu'elle demandait, et elle n'tait point jalouse de sa soeur qui pousait un prince, qui tait si fort amoureux d'elle, qu'il ne pouvait la quitter une minute, et qu'il rvait d'elle toute la nuit. Example With Thesis? Belote fut fort heureuse pendant trois mois ; mais au bout de ce temps, son mari, qui l'avait vue tout son aise, commena s'accoutumer sa beaut, et penser qu'il ne fallait pas renoncer tout pour sa femme. Making Narrative? Il fut la chasse, et fit d'autres parties de plaisir d'o elle n'tait pas, ce qui parut fort extraordinaire Belote ; car elle s'tait persuade que son mari l'aimerait toujours de la mme force : et elle se crut la plus malheureuse personne du monde, quand elle vit que son amour diminuait. Friendship? Elle lui en fit des plaintes ; il se fcha ; ils se raccommodrent : mais comme ces plaintes recommenaient tous les jours, le prince se fatigua de l'entendre. Making Narrative Essay? D'ailleurs Belote ayant eu un fils, elle devint maigre, et sa beaut diminua considrablement ; en sorte qu' la fin, son mari, qui n'aimait en elle que cette beaut, ne l'aima plus du tout. Le chagrin qu'elle en conut acheva de gter son visage ; et comme elle ne savait rien, sa conversation tait fort ennuyeuse. Essay Methods? Les jeunes gens s'ennuyaient avec elle, parce qu'elle tait triste ; les personnes ges, et qui avaient du bon sens, s'ennuyaient aussi avec elle, parce qu'elle tait sotte : en sorte qu'elle restait seule presque toute la journe. Narrative Essay? Ce qui augmentait son dsespoir, c'est que sa soeur Laidronette tait la plus heureuse personne du monde.

Son mari la consultait sur les affaires, il lui confiait tout ce qu'il pensait, il se conduisait par ses conseils, et disait partout que sa femme tait le meilleur ami qu'il et au monde. Of Gettysburg It A Turning Point? Le prince mme, qui tait un homme d'esprit, se plaisait dans la conversation de sa belle-sœur, et disait qu'il n'y avait pas moyen de rester une demi-heure sans biller avec Belote, parce qu'elle ne savait parler que de coiffures, et d'ajustements, en quoi il ne connaissait rien. Essay? Son dgot pour sa femme devint tel, qu'il l'envoya la campagne, o elle eut le temps de s'ennuyer tout son aise, et o elle serait morte de chagrin, si sa soeur Laidronette n'avait pas eu la charit de l'aller voir le plus souvent qu'elle pouvait. Un jour qu'elle tchait de la consoler, Belote lui dit : « Mais ma soeur, d'o vient donc la diffrence qu'il y a entre vous et moi ? Je ne puis pas m'empcher de voir que vous avez beaucoup d'esprit, et que je ne suis qu'une sotte ; cependant quand nous tions jeunes, on methods english, disait que j'en avais pour le moins autant que vous. Essay? » Laidronette alors raconta son aventure sa soeur, et lui dit : « Vous tes fort fche contre votre mari, parce qu'il vous a envoye la campagne et cependant cette chose, que vous regardez comme le plus grand malheur de votre vie, peut faire votre bonheur, si vous le voulez. Berkeley Writing? Vous n'avez pas encore dix-neuf ans, ce serait trop tard pour vous appliquer, si vous tiez dans la dissipation de la ville; mais la solitude, dans laquelle vous vivez, vous laisse tout le temps ncessaire pour cultiver votre esprit. Making Narrative? Vous n'en manquez pas, ma chre soeur ; mais il faut l'orner par la lecture, et les rflexions. Of Essay? » Belote trouva d'abord beaucoup de difficults suivre les conseils de sa soeur, par l'habitude qu'elle avait contracte de perdre son temps en niaiseries ; mais force de se gner, elle y russit, et fit des progrs surprenants dans toutes les sciences, mesure qu'elle devenait aussi raisonnable : et comme la philosophie la consolait de ses malheurs, elle reprit son embonpoint, et devint plus belle qu'elle n'avait jamais t ; mais elle ne s'en souciait pas du tout, et ne daignait mme pas se regarder dans le miroir. Making Essay? Cependant, son mari avait pris un si grand dgot pour elle, qu'il fit casser son mariage. Messaging? Ce dernier malheur pensa l'accabler, car elle aimait tendrement son mari ; mais sa soeur Laidronette vint bout de la consoler. Narrative Essay? « Ne vous affligez pas, lui disait-elle, je sais le moyen de vous rendre votre mari ; suivez seulement mes conseils, et ne vous embarrassez de rien. The Battle Of Gettysburg It A Turning Point Dbq Essay? » Comme le prince avait eu un fils de Belote, qui devait tre son hritier, il ne se pressa point de prendre une autre femme, et ne pensa qu' se bien divertir. Essay? Il gotait extrmement la conversation de Laidronette, et lui disait quelquefois, qu'il ne se remarierait jamais, moins qu'il ne trouvt une femme qui et autant d'esprit qu'elle. With Statement? « Mais, si elle tait aussi laide que moi, lui rpondit-elle, en riant. Essay? - En vrit, madame, lui dit le prince, cela ne m'arrterait pas un moment : on with statement, s'accoutume un laid visage, le vtre ne me parat plus choquant, par l'habitude que j'ai de vous voir ; quand vous parlez, il ne s'en faut de rien que je ne vous trouve jolie ; et puis, vous dire la vrit, Belote m'a dgot des belles, toutes les fois que j'en rencontre une, stupide, je n'ose lui parler, dans la crainte qu'elle ne me rponde une sottise. Making Narrative? » Cependant, le temps du carnaval arriva, et le prince crut qu'il se divertirait beaucoup, s'il pouvait courir le bal sans tre connu de personne. Il ne se confia qu' Laidronette, et la pria de se masquer avec lui ; car, comme elle tait sa belle-soeur, personne ne pouvait y trouver redire, et quand on thesis, l'aurait su, cela n'aurait pu nuire sa rputation ; cependant, Laidronette en demanda la permission son mari, qui y consentit, d'autant plus volontiers qu'il avait lui-mme mis cette fantaisie en tte du prince, pour faire russir le dessein qu'il avait, de le rconcilier avec Belote.

Il crivit cette princesse abandonne de concert avec son pouse, qui marqua en mme temps sa soeur, comment le prince devait tre habill. Essay? Dans le milieu du bal, Belote vint s'asseoir entre son mari et sa soeur, et commena une conversation extrmement agrable avec eux : d'abord, le prince crut reconnatre la voix de sa femme ; mais elle n'eut pas parl un demi-quart d'heure, qu'il perdit le soupon qu'il avait eu au commencement. The Battle Why Was? Le reste de la nuit passa si vite, ce qu'il lui sembla, qu'il se frotta les yeux quand le jour parut, croyant rver, et demeura charm de l'esprit de l'inconnue, qu'il ne put jamais engager se dmasquer : tout ce qu'il en put obtenir, c'est qu'elle reviendrait au premier bal avec le mme habit. Narrative Essay? Le prince s'y trouva des premiers; et quoique l'inconnue y arrivt un quart d'heure aprs lui, il l'accusa de paresse, et lui jura qu'il s'tait beaucoup impatient. Essay Of Teaching? Il fut encore plus charm de l'inconnue cette seconde fois que la premire, et avoua Laidronette qu'il tait amoureux comme un fou de cette personne. Making Narrative Essay? « J'avoue qu'elle a beaucoup d'esprit, lui rpondit sa confidente ; mais si vous voulez que je vous dise mon sentiment, je souponne qu'elle est encore plus laide que moi : elle connat que vous l'aimez, et craint de perdre votre coeur, quand vous verrez son visage. Berkeley Creative? - Ah ! madame, dit le prince, que ne peut-elle lire dans mon me ! L'amour qu'elle m'a inspir, est indpendant de ses traits : j'admire ses lumires, l'tendue de ses connaissances, la supriorit de son esprit, et la bont de son coeur. - Comment pouvez-vous juger de la bont de son coeur ? lui dit Laidronette. Making Narrative? - Je vais vous le dire, reprit le prince, quand je lui ai fait remarquer de belles femmes, elle les a loues de bonne fois et elle m'a mme fait remarquer avec adresse des beauts qu'elles avaient, et qui chappaient ma vue. Thesis Statement? Quand j'ai voulu, pour l'prouver, lui conter les mauvaises histoires qu'on mettait sur le compte de ces femmes, elle a dtourn adroitement le discours, ou bien elle m'a interrompu, pour me raconter quelque belle action de ces personnes ; et enfin, quand j'ai voulu continuer, elle m'a ferm la bouche, en me disant qu'elle ne pouvait souffrir la mdisance. Essay? Vous voyez bien, madame, qu'une femme qui n'est point jalouse de celles qui sont belles, une femme qui prend plaisir dire du bien du prochain, une femme qui ne peut souffrir la mdisance, doit tre d'un excellent caractre, et ne peut manquer d'avoir un bon coeur. Writing? Que me manquera-t-il pour tre heureux avec une telle femme, quand mme elle serait aussi laide que vous le pensez ? Je suis donc rsolu lui dclarer mon nom, et lui offrir de partager ma puissance. Narrative Essay? » Effectivement, dans le premier bal, le prince apprit sa qualit l'inconnue, et lui dit qu'il n'y avait point de bonheur esprer pour lui, s'il n'obtenait pas sa main ; mais, malgr ces offres, Belote s'obstina demeurer masque, ainsi qu'elle en tait convenue avec sa soeur. Messaging? Voil le pauvre prince dans une inquitude pouvantable. Making? il pensait comme Laidronette, que cette personne si spirituelle devait tre un monstre, puisqu'elle avait tant de rpugnance se laisser voir ; mais quoiqu'il se la peignt de la manire du monde la plus dsagrable, cela ne diminuait point l'attachement, l'estime, et le respect, qu'il avait conus pour son esprit et pour sa vertu. Thesis In Network? Il tait tout prt tomber malade de chagrin, lorsque l'inconnue lui dit : « Je vous aime, mon prince, et je ne chercherai point vous le cacher ; mais plus mon amour est grand, plus je crains de vous perdre, quand vous me connatrez.

Vous vous figurez, peut-tre, que j'ai de grands yeux, une petite bouche, de belles dents, un teint de lis et de roses ; et si par aventure j'allais me trouver des yeux louches, une grande bouche, un nez camard, des dents gtes, vous me prieriez bien vite, de remettre mon masque. Narrative? D'ailleurs, quand je ne serais pas si horrible, je sais que vous tes inconstant : vous avez aim Belote la folie, et cependant vous vous en tes dgot. Text Messaging Essay? - Ah ! madame, dit le prince, soyez mon juge ; j'tais jeune, quand j'pousai Belote, et je vous avoue que je ne m'tait jamais occup qu' la regarder, et point l'couter ; mais lorsque je fus son mari, et que l'habitude de la voir eut dissip mon illusion, imaginez-vous si ma situation dut tre bien agrable ? Quand je me trouvais seul avec mon pouse, elle me parlait d'une robe nouvelle qu'elle devait mettre le lendemain, des souliers de celle-ci, des diamants de celle-l. S'il se trouvait ma table une personne d'esprit, et que l'on voult parler de quelque chose de raisonnable, Belote commenait par biller, et finissait par s'endormir. Making Narrative? Je voulus essayer de l'engager s'instruire, cela l'impatienta ; elle tait si ignorante, qu'elle me faisait trembler et rougir toutes les fois qu'elle ouvrait la bouche. Methods? D'ailleurs, elle avait tous les dfauts des sottes : quand elle s'tait fourr une chose dans la tte, il n'tait pas possible de l'en faire revenir, en lui donnant de bonnes raisons car elle ne pouvait les comprendre. Making Narrative Essay? Elle tait jalouse, mdisante, mfiante. Turning Point? Encore, s'il m'avait t permis de me dsennuyer d'un autre ct, j'aurais eu patience, mais ce n'tait pas l son compte: elle et voulu que le sot amour, qu'elle m'avait inspir, et dur toute ma vie, et m'et rendu son esclave. Making Narrative? Vous voyez bien qu'elle m'a mise dans la ncessit de faire casser mon mariage. Creative Writing? - J'avoue que vous tiez plaindre, lui rpondit l'inconnue ; mais tout ce que vous dites, ne me rassure point.

Vous dites que vous m'aimez, voyez si vous serez assez hardi pour m'pouser aux yeux de tous vos sujets, sans m'avoir vue. Narrative? - Je suis le plus heureux de tous les hommes, puisque vous ne demandez que cela, rpondit le prince ; venez dans mon palais avec Laidronette, et demain, ds le matin, je ferai assembler mon conseil, pour vous pouser ses yeux. Thesis Security? » Le reste de la nuit parut bien long au prince, et avant de quitter le bal, s'tant dmasqu, il ordonna tous les seigneurs de la cour, de se rendre dans son palais, et fit avertir tous les ministres. Making Narrative? Ce fut en leur prsence qu'il raconta ce qui lui tait arriv avec l'inconnue ; et aprs avoir fini son discours, il jura de n'avoir jamais d'autre pouse qu'elle, telle que pt tre sa figure. Friendship Important? Il n'y eut personne qui ne crt, comme le prince, que celle qu'il pousait ainsi ne ft horrible voir : quelle fut la surprise de tous les assistants, lorsque Belote s'tant dmasque, leur fit voir la plus belle personne qu'on pt imaginer ? Ce qu'il y eut de plus singulier, c'est que le prince, ni les autres, ne la reconnurent pas d'abord, tant le repos et la solitude l'avaient embellie ; on narrative, se disait seulement tout bas, que l'autre princesse lui ressemblait en laid. Le prince extasi, d'tre tromp si agrablement, ne pouvait parler ; mais Laidronette rompit le silence, pour fliciter sa soeur du retour de la tendresse de son poux. Essay Methods Of Teaching English? Quoi ! s'cria le roi, cette charmante et spirituelle personne est Belote ? Par quel enchantement a-t-elle joint aux charmes de la figure, ceux de l'esprit et du caractre qui lui manquaient absolument ? Quelque fe favorable a-t-elle fait ce miracle en sa faveur ? - Il n'y a point de miracle, reprit Belote, j'avais nglig de cultiver les dons de la nature ; mes malheurs, la solitude et les conseils de ma soeur, m'ont ouvert les yeux, et m'ont engage acqurir des grces l'preuve du temps et des maladies. Making Narrative? - Et ces grces m'ont inspir un attachement l'preuve de l'inconstance , lui dit le prince en l'embrassant.

Effectivement, il l'aima toute sa vie avec une fidlit, qui lui fit oublier ses malheurs passs.

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How to Know When a Fig Is Ripe and making essay Ready to Pick. Knowing when a fig is essay methods of teaching english, ripe. These figs are both ripe; skin color matters little in making narrative essay determining if a fig is ripe. There’s nothing like a fresh ripe fig and there’s nothing like a fresh unripe fig. Creative. Ripe delivers a juicy, succulent and melting gem to fawn over.

Unripe tastes like a wasted opportunity: dry, starchy and narrative flavorless. It’s good to know the difference. Here’s my photo guide to knowing when to pick your homegrown figs. Berkeley Creative. Figs can be green, brown, golden, striped or purple. Ripeness has less to making essay do with color and more with how they’re hanging. (Behave.) Varieties above are Negronne (a.k.a. Violette du Bordeaux) and Dessert King and photos below show Peter’s Honey Fig. How-To: Knowing the Right Time to Pick a Fig.

Fig 1 . (above) Not ripe: the fig is too firm and still perpendicular to the stem. Figs 2. Getting riper: the fig gives a bit with touch, skin becomes more translucent, fruit starts to bend and plump up. Fig 3 . Not ready yet, but a heavier softer fruit moves closer to point the stem, skin shows wrinkling. Fig 4. Gravity wins and the fig is narrative, ripe and ready, no longer able to support its weight. Example With. Note the essay, dewy skin and slight tear in the fruit; it can barely hold its sugary contents at this point. (Time to grab the snips and go crazy!) Fig 5 . ( Update ) I spoke to too soon; this perfectly ripe fig cannot hold its nectar. If you don’t pick it now, the birds will not offer you a second chance. Tom’s Video: How to Tell If a Fig is Ripe and Ready to of teaching Pick. 143 thoughts on “How to Know When a Fig Is Ripe and Ready to Pick”

Beautiful figs #128578; Clearly your figtree is very cooperative, lucky you. If you get as far as making Christine’s dry/frsh fig jam, please share your impressions! Can I add your blog to my blogroll? Je t’embrasse. Hi Claire, but of course — thanks for making the kinds words and essay fig recipe tip. So glad I found your site! Great post — although I was expecting to see little fig newtons growing right before my eyes…I really enjoyed catching up this week. All the best…Randy. Randy, fig newton trees are really difficult to grow in this area; just when they are ready to harvest the rains come and essay you have one soggy cookie. Can you tell me what variety of fig you have in in network security the photograph for this tip. Milena, it’s a Peter’s Honey fig in the photos above. (I’ll update the narrative, post, thanks!)

Thank you for your descriptive photo essay. I was wondering about example thesis, my figs. Now I will know when to pick them (prefferably before the birds do) And Libby if it looks like the birds are zeroing in on the figs, cut up pieces of foil and tent the essay, top of the figs around the stem and berkeley creative writing that seems to making deter them, and there’s always bird netting, too. Good luck. I’d like to english discourage you from using bird netting unless you are in a colder climate. We’ve lost two western coachwhips this year in ours and are taking it all down – it traps beneficial snakes and kills them very slowly.

Susie, thanks for making essay bringing that to light. I don’t use bird netting, so I guess I shouldn’t recommend it. Thanks for friendship important the heads-up. i was wondering if there was a way to narrative help the figs make it to the final stage to pick through the last wet rainy period. My figs are very nice sized and now the rains are closing in…Do the need some kind of cover or whatever? Hi Amy, there’s not much you can do at friendship, this point. Figs are a little tougher than cherries and narrative essay tomatoes which usually have skin splitting with heavy rains, but ripening all boils down to a little more sunshine and a little more warmth to get them to that state.

Unfortunately, figs don’t ripen off the tree. Pretty much what you pick is what you get, even days later. Keep your fingers crossed for a clearing trend and few weeks of sun. I live in in network security Arizona… How long does it usually take to ripen? What time of making essay, year? Your blog was very helpful… Thanks #128578; Hi Melissa, my figs ripen between August and September.

I suspect they would ripen earlier in Arizona, most likely June or July, but they are water hogs, just in case conservation is a consideration in your area. Full service nurseries and in network security local ag extension offices are good sources for what varieties will do well in your climate. is also a good place to do a search for “Arizona fig growing” and see what gardeners in your area are doing. Making. Good Luck and thanks for visiting! Dude!

Thanks for essay methods of teaching the photo guide. I have been so confused on making, the fig growing and ripening process so this hits the mark for of essay thesis statement me. Thanks for the info! Good to hear Dwayne — happy growing! I just read something about putting olive oil on the bottom of the fig to making narrative hasten ripening. Which picture above is the right time? I am a bit impatient – I brought back a cutting from my uncle’s farm in essay Italy 5 years ago and this is the narrative essay, first year the of essay thesis, fruit actually looks like it will ripen.

BTW I like in Phoenix, AZ so it doesn’t freeze in the winter. And yes it is well watered. Hi Tom – just saw your answer to narrative Melissa so I now know when. Essay Of Teaching. Still want to know about the making narrative essay, olive oil. Catherine, I don’t know anything about the olive oil solution. Wow, those crazy ancients could teach us a thing or two. My suggestion is to just wait for them ripen naturally since you live in berkeley creative AZ where the sun actually shines. If you wish to proceed with the olive oil technique, I did find this info: Thanks so much for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday’s! Thanks for all the narrative essay, great info. about the figs! xoxo, tracie. I am in South Alabama and in network security I have just got done picking probably less than a 4th of the figs on my tree.

Still a lot to narrative pick but some are still plain green and sticking upright..I wanted to beat the Birds to them but I sure dont want to kill any birds either so I guess its gonna be early bird gets the worm ( aka Fig ) I will be doing a bunch of cuttings this year, I only messaging, did about narrative essay, a half doxen and essay gave them to my neighbors but I am stocking up for the next year #128578; Now I gotta figure out how to essay make some fig jam etc #128578; Tewrobert, fig jam is pretty easy, just figs, sugar and lemon juice and reduce with a simmer until thick — tah, dah – done! As for the birds, try covering the trees with a row cover fabric, or sections of tree. It’s a white gauze-like fabric that neither birds nor snakes get stuck in, and it’s opaque too. Example Of Essay Thesis. That might help you get a few more figs. How do I know when my sundried figs are ready to making narrative essay be stored without mildewing. Hi Barbara, most commercial dried figs have preservatives. For homemade dried figs, I’d just vacuum pack or freeze them in a zip lock bag to keep them longer. Friendship Important Essay. They are ready when no ooze or dripping juices, but are moist and tacky to the touch. Always love coming by to see your posts…so informative!

Thanks for linking up to making narrative essay Cottage Flora Thursday’s! xoxo, tracie. These comments were very informative. I have one young fig tree and it had about friendship important essay, 8 purple figs that the essay, birds were starting to peck. I panicked and picked them yesterday but I don’t know if they are ripe. I will try one today. I do still have about 10 green figs and I will take your advice and friendship wait until they hang on the tree before picking and hopefully beat the birds to the punch. Thanks!

Thanks so much for the pictures of ripening Desert King figs! It was perfect for an inexperienced gardener and proud brand-new (just picked it up today!) Desert King fig tree owner. Making Narrative. My baby has two figs on friendship important essay, it already! Go Teresa, Desert King is a great choice for an easy to grow, not to fussy fig tree! Enjoy. Tom, do figs only grow off the main stem?That’s the way mine grow and I have only four figs.

My tree is about 3 feet tall (5 years old) I keep it in a large planter. and bring it out of the weather in the early winter. Any ideas about growing bigger would help. I live in southwestern Michigan 5 miles east of Lake Michigan, Bill figs usually produce their biggest crop on the fig wood of making narrative, last season’s growth. In your climate that may be killed in the winter and leave you with few figs.

My grandfather in Indiana would wrap his fig tree with burlap and fill the base with dried leaves during the winter. What I would recommend is text messaging essay, planting another variety, Chicago Hardy fig. It’s suppose to making produce ripe figs on new growth. So if it dies to the ground, the new growth of the current season will still produce figs. Important. Here’s link to narrative essay a forum thread about that variety: Do I prune my fig tree and if yes, when? Hi Mary, figs are a little tricky when pruning because next year’s figs are on this years growth. The good news is figs are easy to prune and usually don’t need a ton of maintenance. 1. Prune out any dead branches. 2. Prune out any cross branching, to create openness.

3. Tip prune any top, crazy long branches to encourage multiply branching. 4. And prune height if you wish to maintain a certain vertical height. I would wait until the trees are leafless and berkeley dormant in making late fall, winter or early spring before budding out. Important Essay. Good luck! How do I keep the narrative, ants off of the figs without using pesticides? If I wait until they are fully ripe, the with thesis statement, ants find their way to the nectar and I lose the figs. I live on making, Long Island , New York.

Thanks for the great pictures. Hi Howie, Here’s how I deal with ants on figs and other fruit trees without using pesticides. I use a product called tanglefoot, a super gooey substance that ants and text messaging essay other crawling insects can’t walk over without getting stuck. So far they have not learned how to build stick bridges. #128521; 1. Get an old paper bag, cut into essay strips and text wrap one 4-inch strip around the trunk and tape in place. Spread tanglefoot on making narrative, it covering the writing, surface. 2. Narrative Essay. Don’t put it directly on the tree trunk, makes a mess and I found the bark gets sunburned, blistered and damaged on hot days.

3. Make sure your ants can’t get to the tree from text another route, like branches from another tree. That should keep them off. Thank you for sharing this, I do have a question though, what do I do with figs that aren’t rip? I don’t have a fig tree therefore I buy them at my local market but they only making narrative, have them unripe,Green on the outside and white inside and they are milky and sticky when cut open. Is there any way to still get them ripe and methods of teaching sweet? Harold, figs don’t ripen off the tree, unfortunately. So any figs picked firm or unripe will not ripen at essay, home. A fig should really be soft; while it may not look its best, it will taste so much better. [coff] You didn’t answer the question #128521; The figs on my tree now (Nov 1st) are about an inch a half long, and thesis security green (though some are ripe).

From previous years, they will shrivel and essay go black over the winter, and eventually fall off. Example With Thesis. Is it worth harvesting them now; are they “edible” when stewed? Or should I just check ’em in the compost bin? Hi Robin, a man’s got to sleep sometime. #128521; I up now and ready to answer your question, I’d say you have two choices: 1) Welcome them to the compost bin or 2) make green (unripe) fig preserve. Narrative Essay. The preserve is quite good, as you basically candy the text essay, wee whole fig and then use it for cheese and charcuterie plates.

Here’s a good recipe: I have a heap of unripe figs, too, so I’ll be joining you in the preserves-making camp. Three YEARS’ of sleep ? #128521; Thanks for making narrative the recipe – the figs are on in network, their first boil ! Thanks so much for this information photo series about figs. This is the making narrative, first year my fig tree is producing and dbq essay I figured I had a few ripe figs but wanted to make sure so as not to waste and of the making narrative essay, precious few fruit I have. Great info, much appreciated! after halfhour surfing with my question “can figs be too ripe”, your photos and text gave me a very satisfying answer. Thank you! Mine are the same kind as yours and drooping and dripping just like that. Important Essay. It’s my tree’s second year in my yard, and making essay my first real crop……12 figs.

Congrats VI on the bumper crop. And really figs can’t be too ripe, but it becomes a textural issue for friendship some eaters. I like them really ripe for fresh eating and a little less ripe for salads, or broiling with bacon and goat cheese. I, too, had a bumper crop this year! I have had my tree (bush) for three years now and wouldn’t give up hope. I am now the proud owner of essay, two (2) unripe (according to your information) figs which I trust will ripen before I have to bring the plant in the house to avoid the why was turning point dbq essay, frost. Maybe next year I’ll get a Super Bumper Crop? Thanks for essay the info and I’ll keep the recipes until my crop improves! I have a super huge fig tree and berkeley creative writing i want to know about making narrative essay, it’s sap, Is it poisonous if ingested? (to animals and humans) and can it poison through skin? i have had the sap on my hands before and berkeley it didn’t irritate my skin, but it did my family’s, Why is that? Good picture guide by the way, very informative! Australia, I don’t know about the sap if ingested, but I have read where it can cause skin rash and irritations in some folk:

So no chewing on fig stems, would be my advice. Hi!I just move my fig tree inside house and making essay there is methods english, few figs on the tree,but they are very hard to touch,any chance they are going to ripe(Salt lake City-Utah)-thank you. Hi Zeke, You could give it a try and place it in a sunny window or by making a sunny sliding glass door and give the figs a couple weeks to ripen and see what happens, but I doubt they will ripen this late in the season. This time of year, the tree wants to go dormant. So if the leaves drop, that’s okay, just place it somewhere cold but where it won’t be subjected to extreme cold temperatures. Creative. Place it back out in the sun when the temps. rise above freezing in the spring. Thanks so much!

My mother-in-law purchased a fig tree for me and making narrative essay I wasn’t sure when to the battle of gettysburg point pick the figs. It’s full of figs this year–2 years after she purchased it for me. I want to make sure I harvest my “crop” at narrative essay, just the right time! Thanks again. Hi from in network Mornington Peninsula, Vic, Australia. Your Fig photos are the BEST I’ve seen online! You must have heaps of patience #128578; My brown turkey is nearly ready. I talk to it eeveryday. Can I send you a photo? Thanks again, Lucy.

I’m so glad I found this page! Last fall I moved next to wonderful neighbors who have two huge fig trees and making narrative essay many of the figs are now ripe! I did not know how to tell ripe from of gettysburg it a unripe, but was a pretty good guesser, based on your pics. A brand new seven tray dehydrator was given to me and narrative essay today I am going to pick figs and friendship important essay start the making narrative, drying process. My twenty month old grandson will love this!

The trees have been grown organically, too. Like the person above this post, I just moved into a house with 2 fig trees out back. Had never eaten one before today. Didn’t know how to tell they were ripe or not, but thanks to you, I know! Good post. And I found a new fruit I like! We just moved to a house in Seattle with a fig tree in the backyard. In Network Security. SO GLAD to get tips and making essay information so we can harvest.

We have A LOT of fruit on the tree all the sun lately can only be good for it. Of Essay With Thesis. Thank you for narrative your posting! Welcome to Seattle Sonja! Nothing better than a backyard with a loaded fig tree. You’ve got your fig cake, your fig jam, figs stuffed with goat cheese wrapped in bacon…and the list goes on and on. Thanks for visiting!

I’m so grateful to have found such great info regarding figs. I expect to harvest my very first figs this season and this is essay english, just what I needed. Making Essay. Now I will know just when to harvest. Thanks so much. Glad to help Serene, I’m going to post a video on picking ripe figs, just a little behind in doing so.

Hopefully in the next week or so. Unlike very small figs of years past, my fig trees/bushes are putting out the messaging essay, most gorgeous fat figs this year – I have no idea why the difference. Anyway, the BlueJays are getting to them before they have a chance to get near ripened. Anything I can do to get there before the making, birds? I’ve just read that you can’t pick figs BEFORE they ripen because they won’t ripen OFF the stem. I’m hoping to have a few for example of essay with thesis statement myself this year. Thanks.

Rita. Hi Rita, In the past I would loosely wrap foil around each fig like a tin hat, the tip funneled around the stem. A bit labor intensive but I got some figs to eat. Essay. This year I’m going to in network try covering the tree with white remay, a light garden fabric that won’t weight the tree down and making lets light in. It’s found at any garden center or nursery:;keywords=remay%20garden%20cloth#038;page=1#038;rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aremay%20garden%20cloth.

Thank you for sharing about essay methods of teaching, how to tell if/when a fig is ripe. So helpful for making narrative essay my two fig trees! Pinning. #128578; So glad I found your informative and entertaining explanation! I have a small tree that was only cultivated less than 2 years ago. When I got it, it was basically a 10 inch stick. I never expected fruit so soon but I now have about a half dozen that suddenly appeared a few days ago. I’ll be bookmarking this post and hope to make your recipe as well!

I live 90 miles north of Seattle and my figs fruit abundantly in August but they never ripen. Maybe I need a better variety. Any suggestions? Charles, the one variety that always ripens for me no matter how bad the weather is, is methods of teaching, Desert King, which is readily available in most northwest fruit nurseries, including Cloud Mountain which is essay, north of Seattle in essay english Everson. Well phooie. Making Narrative. I’m babysitting my next door neighbors place and being an old Italian fellow, he has several fig trees. He told me to turning point go ahead and have at them while he is gone for the month of October (yep, to Italy) I don’t know a thing about figs and making narrative essay thought well, while I’m over thesis in network, here I’ll pluck a few and then jump on the internet to see when these babies are ready.

Those I picked are sadly, not ready. I live out on the western side of the making essay, Olympic Peninsula, tons of rain most of the thesis security, time, more rain that usual this year. These guys are still not ripe. Making Essay. Is there anything at all I can do with these figs or should I just say forget it? I hope the trees give something this year, it’s been a wild year for all things garden, at least for writing me.

My thorn-less blackberries got hammered with rain right when they were coming in, consequently I’m going from 100 gallons of the beauties down to just 8 so far this year, huge, huge loss for me. I’d hate to see that happen with these 5 fig trees too. #128577; They are just not ripe and here we are so late into making narrative October. Depressing. Quite tickled I found your blog though!! 3. Hi Christine, Welcome and thanks for your fun comment, though I am sorry to hear about the blackberry loss and it a turning the unripe figs. I’m sorry to say, it is making narrative essay, very unlikely that your friend’s figs will ripen now. Mine are hanging on the tree mocking me as unripe and text messaging essay rotting ornaments. You need to have your friend travel in mid-summer when the first crop, the breba crop of figs comes in. You’re bound to harvest those.

The second crop or main crop as the oddly call it, rarely ripens in the Pacfic Northwest. I have a couple figs in my greenhouse and narrative essay even there, the creative, second fruiting doesn’t ripen to essay an edible state. I have a wonderful recipe for fresh fig cake and this is the first year that I’ve harvested enough figs to make five cakes for the freezer. Thesis In Network. Each cake takes 2 cups of fresh, mashed figs, 2 cups of sugar, 3/4 cup shortening; 4 eggs; 2 cups plus 2 tablespoons flour mixed with 1 tsp. each cinnamon, allspice, and baking soda; and 1 tsp vanilla; 1/4 tsp. salt and making narrative 1 cup chopped pecans. Mix all well..

I use 1/4 cup softened butter and 1/2 cup Crisco for the shortening. Mix well and bake at 350 degrees for security 45 min in making narrative essay a well greased Bundt pan. No icing is needed but a thin icing can be used if desired. Oh Arlene, a woman after my own heart. Fig cake…just saying it makes me lick my lips. What a great recipe to try. Methods Of Teaching. I can see the post now, Arlene’s Awesome Fig Cake!

Thanks again, and congratulations on the hefty fig harvest. Tom, I’ve used the same recipe but substituted brandied cherries for the figs. Last season I had so many cherries that I made cherry liquor. After straining the liquor, I couldn’t bring myself to discard the making narrative essay, pitted cherries so I put them in the freezer. That was in of essay thesis statement 2012. This summer, I didn’t make liquor – just pies and froze fresh cherries.

I pulled out those “brandied” cherries and made the cake – actually four all total. Talk about heavenly. I will never throw out those cherries again! I was wondering if you could email me. Making Essay. Im trying to figure out what kind of essay, fig tree i have. that way i could send you a photo of it. Angela, do you have both a photo of the fruit and narrative essay the leaf. It’s difficult to identify figs without a photo of the of essay with thesis statement, leaf, the fruit, and narrative essay the fruit cut in half to expose the interior. I could give it a try though.

Kia Ora, We are in New Zealand (North of Wellington) and have just found out that we have a very productive fig tree on thesis in network, our property. We had no idea what to do with the fruit (i.e. when to pick) until I Googled your site. Making Narrative. Thank you very much for taking the time to put this together. I’m REALLY looking forward to fig ice cream! Welcome Mike, and thanks for the kind comments. Messaging Essay. How wonderful to meet a fellow fig lover from half way around the world, and in beautiful New Zealand at that. Fig ice cream, I like the narrative, way you think.

Here are two of friendship essay, my favorite fig recipes: Fig and Ginger Jam; and Figs in a Blanket. Thanks again Mike! Cheers, Tom. Thanks for narrative essay the information. I’ve got some of the green fig variety growing here in the east of friendship important essay, England, and am looking forward to sampling them in future. Tom, you sure know your figs! And I must say that you have a very cute fig voice… Awesome … Thanks so much, just got my first three fruit starting to narrative drop a little and thought I would check online for advice about when to pick and your site was right at the top and answered my question. Hi, I live in The Netherlands where we have some similar weather as you! Today, I just picked my first fig and it was delish!

Took 3 more off the tree then checked your site for really when to pick them… A little backwards. Hopefully they’ll be fine. They are nice and soft! I have no idea what sort they are, though. Should I cover the tree in the winter? Mine is in thesis in network security the ground. Hi Carol, Brava! Your first ripe fig! About covering the tree, is making essay, it newly planted?

If so, you may wish to pack it at least the lower half in thesis leaves and wrap it in making essay burlap to protect the root crown of the tree. Do you know what you lowest temperatures are? It may freeze to text messaging the ground and send up shots in summer, but it’s hard to narrative essay ripen figs that late in friendship essay the season, at least where I live. Good luck! Thank you for this! Exactly what I needed to learn! I planted a fig tree last year and this year, the tree is covered in figs! They seem to be at a standstill in growing/ripening.

Waiting for the signs that they are ready to be picked! Your pics were most helpful! Thanks, Tom all! I’m from SE England, 51°N, but we have the Gulf Stream – weather drier than Vancouver (nearest I’ve been to Seattle) maybe a bit colder, but gardens look similar. I bought a tiny fig plant from France – no idea of making essay, variety.

It’s against a south wall. Although wrapped, I never managed to keep the “peas” over important essay, winter, but this year (mild) I have a dozen “spring” figs, about 6? circumference, but horizontal hard. By your photos I think you stripped the making narrative, leaves around the fruit, so I have. Winter here can arrive any time – tomorrow or November – I wondered if anyone has tried putting the unripe fruit in blown-up plastic bags, like mini-greenhouses, to help them ripen? Good eating to us all. Wish me luck – as I send to you all! Hi Pat, In this part of the friendship important, world, I’ve never had the immature fruit winter over to produce ripe figs the following spring and summer. My figs will usually look pretty bad if still on the tree and making narrative essay then fall off in spring making way for the new crop, the writing, breba or first crop, which is then followed by narrative essay the main crop; and berkeley writing that unfortunately is the one that then teases us with little figs that never ripen in our climate.

So you’ll likely just get one viable fruiting off of last years growth, and making narrative those “peas” will appear after the breba crop is picked. Now unfortunately, figs do not ripen off of the tree. They’ll soften a bit, but that’s more about rotting than increasing sugar content and ripening further. I like your spirit, keep it up and who knows next year you may be swimming in figs. I just bought a fig tree that hails from Normandy, called the Dauphine. I have in my greenhouse for the first year, as it needs some encouragement and attention. Thanks for this fine visit and fig talk. I bought a Black Mission Fig tree.

This is the first year it has produced after planting it two years ago. I have a lot of figs but they are green. Friendship Important. I was told they would be large and making black. They are small and green. I know some are ready for harvest because the essay, necks are drooping. Did I get another variety of fig tree and not Black Mission? Suzann, it sounds like the tree was marked incorrectly. I have a mission fig in the greenhouse and it stays green until the ripening begins and then changes color to making essay a rich purple black and then droops down when fully ripe. 28/09 – many thanks for the reply. I’m afraid you’re right: the figs (over a dozen which are bigger than most bought ripe ones) are looking wonderful – but bright green, horizontal, like solid wood!

I has just started to bend over a bit, but the days are dropping from the mid 20°Cs into the teens, and we are past the equinox. Loads of new growth, but very few “peas”, I think I shall have to prune fairly hard, wrap the remainder in straw, with a plastic raincoat over the top (not all round) pray for a mind winter. Up here we might get just a touch of messaging, frost right through winter- or I have known -20°C once – and bitter East winds. Never say die! But, we are usually milder than the making narrative, Netherlands, so fingers crossed.

I do love your blog! Good gardening, Pat. I have a small fig tree about the size of yours in text messaging essay the video. I don’t think its placed in a good spot, not enough sunlight, just north of a large Arizona ash tree. Last year during summer, ash tree gets its leaves back and doesn’t allow the tree to get enough sun. Right now, my fig tree has 2 figs on it, which I’m hoping will ripen (my ash tree above doesn’t have all its leaves yet). 2 questions: Do you think I should move the fig tree to making narrative a sunnier spot? And if I leave it as is, since it gets less sun should I water less? I haven’t watered at friendship important, all since its been raining like crazy here. Read your comment, they are water suckers. Hi Melissa, if the narrative, Ash tree is south of the fig tree, I would think shade is playing a big factor.

If you can give the of gettysburg point, fig tree full sun that’s one the best solution for an under-performing fig tree. I would only narrative essay, transplant the tree during dormancy in the late winter or early spring before leaves appear. Think of the sun as fuel. Less sun, less fuel to promote growth and fruiting for the tree. Of Teaching. As for water, make sure you don’t waterlog the area, but wait between periods of drying out before watering again. Good luck!

I moved to essay a place with 4 fig trees and dont know much about important essay, them is there a way to tell what kinda figs i have. Thank tou. Hi Jolene, Check out making narrative essay this site from KiwiBob, he has great photos of leaf shapes and fig fruits, to help you identify what figs you may have. Just look in the left menu bar for the figs pages: I recently moved into a house with a fig bush in the yard. I have no idea what type of fig it is. It has long leaves with like 4 intentions in writing the leaves, it is loaded with figs but I have no idea when they ripen, what color they are, I know nothing about figs. Help.

Carolyn, take a look at this post and the photos and then the video at the end. I show you how to tell when a fig, no matter what the making essay, color, is ripe. Generally speaking, the fruit is soft and the battle why was point dbq essay gives to pressure, plus the birds will find the tree then. When the making narrative, birds arrive, the friendship important essay, figs are beginning to ripen. Good luck! And check with your neighbors, there has to making narrative be a fig lover in messaging the ‘hood, who looks forward to that tree’s bounty, too. So, the problem I’ve been having us that June bugs (the really loud green bugs) are burrowing up into the over ripe ones I missed, and now I’m nervous about the hole at the bottom of the fig letting in making narrative little gnat like creatures. Essay Methods Of Teaching. I’m ok with the birds, but how to avoid the bugs? Danielle, once the fig is burrowed into by anything, its days are numbered and it begins to rot.

Figs don’t ripen of the tree like some other fruits, so I suggest maybe covering the fruited branches with remay, which is a white garden fabric that lets light in and keeps bugs at narrative, bay. Good luck! Hi, I have a fig tree with lots of green fruit getting droopy and shrivelling. We are in Bristol (UK) and it’s got full sun. The figs are still white inside so I’ve just assumed they are lacking in text something and not edible? Should all figs be pink/red inside? Hi Laura, figs colors are quite varied, but it sounds to making narrative me like yours are just not going to ripen up before autumn. I have some figs doing the same thing. Usually fig trees have two crops a breba and a main crop, oddly in messaging essay climates like yours and mine (Pacific NW) the main crop rarely ripens, as our summer heat is just not enough to finish ripening them off. Hi Tom. I live in Labuan island part of making, Malaysia.

I just started planting fig and am pleased to security say they are happy to grow in this tropical part of the world too. Hi Zita, that’s fascinating. I thought edible figs needed a chill period, that is narrative essay, a dormancy period where the leaves fall off due to cold and diminished sunlight. Well, how awesome is methods of teaching, that; you get coconuts, bananas and figs. Cheers! I live in NE Alabama and have quarter sized figs on my backyard tree in late September. How much longer, in narrative essay you expert opinion, would you give them before they are ready to be picked? Figs don’t ripen off the tree, so the figs would have to of gettysburg why was dbq essay be soft and plump and hanging down off the stem before you can pick them and enjoy them at their best. Making Narrative Essay. They may not ripen in time or just need a couple more weeks, which you may still have before the first frost in messaging your neck of the woods. Essay. Good luck.

Lows at night are in the upper 60s so we are a bit off from the first frost I hope! Thank you for the info! October 3, 2015. While we are having a nice and thesis in network fairly warm fall, I am happy to say that my green figs tree is still producing soft and making juicy figs. Of Gettysburg It A Turning Dbq Essay. These are just about a half size of the early crop. Narrative. Vancouver, WA. Eva, your location three hours south, makes all the difference. I’m still waiting for mine to the battle of gettysburg why was it a turning ripen, fingers crossed. Hey can u tell in which month figs are ready. Humza, you can usually fine fresh figs in grocery stores all year, imported during winter months, but the local ones if you’re in making essay the western hemisphere show up usually July through October, depending on the variety. Tom, just a word of thanks.

Thanks for all the of gettysburg why was it a turning dbq essay, time commenting and giving advice to folks who are obviously keen to harvest fruit from trees. Your time and knowledge is obviously so very much appreciated. Its so gratifying to know that there are people who still get excitement from growing fruit. I remember those times (as a kid), when I jumped a fence or dashed through a hedge and making nicked a bit of fruit off someones tree. Sadly, for so many reasons, there arefewer kids able to do that now just get their fruit from of gettysburg turning point plastic bag from the supermarket. Where’s the lingering memories that bring smiles to ones face and heart in that ay?

Figs were one fruit that a fence was polished smooth in us kids trying to get to it when the figs was ripe. Narrative Essay. Until now (now even in my 60’s), I have never known how to determine if the figs were ripe,….. but NOW, with YOUR help, I know what to look for. We now have a couple of fruiting 3 yr old trees, (tubbed) and now understand what to friendship important essay look for. I have no idea what variety they are but they seem to be doing very well in making narrative an alcove facing Nth to the southern hemisphere’s sun. We’ve fed it heaps of thesis in network, compost and narrative regular doses of house hold food scraps, nipped out the why was it a turning point dbq essay, tips several times (during both summer and winter)and so are now multi stemmed. Making Narrative Essay. Watering has at times not been “up to it” but have seemed to dealt with the stresses ok. The number of fruit that have set and presently sizing up, Im really happy with (so far) Anyway, MANY sincere thanks for berkeley creative writing your time and your sharing. BEST WISHES for the coming festive season. Hi Kiwi Will, and how fine to receive your generous comment. Thank you very much, sir.

I love hearing from fellow fruit lovers and garden growers, and learning how things are going in their neck of the making narrative, woods. Enjoy your upcoming summer, things are chilling up quickly in my hemisphere. Let me know how the figs tasted! name of fig that produces twice a year, turn yellow when ready to pick then a week later turns red or purple. I live in Port Arthur, Texas on example thesis, the Gulf Coast.

I just planted this one last night, it’s about 3ft tall and healthy with 3 figs still on it. I believe it quit in September. Any information on making essay, this fig would be highly appreciated, Thanking in advance. Hi Tom, I ran across your fig article today while researching a sycamore fig farmer. I will be writing a christian blog on friendship important essay, Amos in the Old Testament who was a fig farmer. Narrative. I was wondering if I could get permission to use one of your fig pictures in my blog -that is if you took the of gettysburg why was, photo yourself. Making. I will give photo credit to thesis in network you.

I am about to launch a new blog and it will be one of my first articles. Please let me know. Your photos are awesome! Thanks for asking Patti. Yes, of course, feel free to use the photos and thanks for sharing the photo credit of Tall Clover Farm with your readers. We bought our home last September and it has a large fig tree to making essay the side of the essay, driveway that we initially thought was dead. Much to making essay our surprise, it is very much alive and essay methods of teaching english producing a large number of buds! One trunk is dead and we’ll be removing it but the other trunk is making narrative essay, beautiful! I have no idea the type of fig tree it is example, or how to making narrative essay care for it. I want to protect the buds from the wildlife (lots of little furry friends in the trees along with the it a point dbq essay, birds….) and making narrative essay I want to know what to do with the thesis, figs once I harvest them if i’m able to. Do you have any advice for me? (I live in GA) Thanks so much!!

Hi Caiti, I’d cut out the dead trunk to the base where the making, new growth appears. When the figs arrive, simply pick and eat when they are ripe, or wrap in friendship bacon and grill, or make jam out of making narrative, it. Lots of fig recipes out there. Good luck! Thank You ! A very helpful and clear write-up. The description with pics. is perfect to understand when to pluck the of teaching english, figs. I have just growing one in a bag and there are many green fruits on it.

Plant is about 1.5? tall. I found your post in a search having just taken on making narrative, the care of a house with 4 fig trees. Our figs look the same as the green ones in your pictures, however, despite not being ready, they are mostly all over friendship important, the drive! Is it normal to have so many fallers? The ones on the tree are not ready according to your guide, and yet, so many are dropping off. I love fig preserves and sauces and all sorts of making essay, yummy things figgy, but fear there will be none left to ripen at this rate! We are on the south coast of France near St Tropez. In Network. Thanks for making narrative essay any tips! I in Eugene area and want to know figs are ready to eat in essay methods english mid – June yet ? Usually a little later say in early July, but of making narrative essay, course each area is different in ripening times.

Take a look at my photos or video and messaging essay see if the making narrative, figs are soft and hanging down, if so, that’s a good sign that they are ripe. Pick one and see how it tastes. If it’s dry and flavorless, wait until the fig softens and the fruits sags on the battle of gettysburg why was point dbq essay, the tree. Hello from Lake Stevens WA! We bought a home in making essay the end of December and much to my surprise we have a beautiful large fig tree on the back of our home. It has probably 25 figs on it… this posting was so helpful because I have had no clue when they would be ripe. Thank you so much! How easy is creative, it to grow them from a smaller plant I would like to add one or two more trees to our yard where do you recommend getting them? Kathi. Hi Kathi, thanks for the thanks. #128521; As for buying a couple more fig trees, I’d say give your local nurseries a call or visit.

It’s nice to try to support your local guys and gals first, and they usually know what varieties grows best in your region. I’d suggest Desert King as reliable producer. It’s a green fig, very flavorful and easy to grow. I’ve also had nice success with Negronne, or Violette du Bordeaux. Good luck and making essay happy growing! Wow, so many comments, so little patience… On my part. Of Essay With Thesis. Sorry if you’ve answered similar questions to making narrative mine already. Berkeley Creative Writing. I’ve put my negronne fig in the sunniest spot on my property. Unfortunately the sunniest spot will also be the coldest, windiest spot this winter.

My tree is planted in a raised bed, but I want to replant it in a large pot (2’x2’x3?) this fall. Narrative. Is this advisable? On the question of ants, I’ve heard wood ash sprinkled around the bottom of the english, tree will deter the ants. Any idea if this is true? I’m not using any chemical solution because I’m trying to essay make my yard insect friendly with the exception of loosing my figs.

I’ve already lost my bitter oranges to squirrels that stole them, but I doubt ate them. Hi Dan, Figs will perform okay in a pot but much better in the ground. In Network. You can transplant it in late fall when the leaves have been off for a while and before the making, ground freezes. I don’t know about wood ash deterring ants, but I sometime wrap the creative writing, trunk in tree tape and then apply a little tanglefoot, and that keeps the ants off. Making. Good luck! Its so cool to with me how this post has helped so many (including me) know when to pick a fig…..since 2009! Thanks Amy, I guess growing good food and gardening never have an expiration date. #128521; Hi Tom! Greetings from Morgan Hill!

I’ve been watching the making narrative essay, deer eat my figs, which is important, a fun fig activity in itself, for four years. I want some too, so I asked our local Martha Stewart (Lois Yunker) and she found this perfect tutorial! You’re a guru:). Thank you! Yummy scratches to Buddy, Hi. Great informative site. I’ve been looking for ages to answer a question but not found the making, answer yet, maybe someone can help. I have a fig tree in my garden in the south of England, gets plenty of sun. It has grown to maybe 12 feet tall. When I bought my house (12 years ago) the previous owner described it as an inedible fig tree so I have always left the thesis, fruit alone.

This seems a shame as the fruit are always plentiful and large. In fact as I write this I am tasting a fruit for the very first time. Narrative. I haven’t seen many go totally purple/black but this is about half way from green to text essay purple. Inside it is white turning to purple, almost red in the centre, quite moist and making narrative essay soft and slightly fibrous. Tastes quite like a something between a peach and a pear with subtle aroma and flavour but certainly very nice! Wish I had tried some years ago but hopefully won’t get an upset tummy later (if they are not edible!) Any way to know if they are safe as I would love to eat more !! I have 2 large fig trees , last year and this year it was loaded with figs! problem is they rarely rippen and if they do they are not sweet. Text. What can I do to improve for next years. Sharon, you are not alone; my trees suffer from the same fate. Making. Right now, even after a very warm and sunny summer, my main crop of figs sit unripe and important essay undersized on the trees.

The only answer I have to help ripen figs is to initially plant the narrative essay, trees against a south-facing wall where summer rays can concentrate the heat units a bit more. Thesis. I have a couple fig trees in pots in my greenhouse and even that is a stretch in getting them to ripen. I wish I had an making narrative essay easier or better solution for you. And unfortunately, figs do not ripen off the tree. Hi Tom I live in UK I’ve had a fig tree since 8 years now it’s first time they’ve given fruite but it’s October and no chance of ripe fruite has the weather is getting wet ,so what shall I do to help early fruite next year.

Hi Yasmin, I have the same problem here in the Pacific Northwest, that is having the main fig crop ripen properly or at all. Of Teaching. There’s not much you can really do other than move the fig tree to warmer spot that holds heat, say like a south facing wall, and under an eave so the fig remains dryer in the wet weather of early fall. Figs do have two crops (usually), so you may get an early crop, known as the breba crop, next year, say in June or July. Good Luck! Hi!

I just moved here to narrative essay North Las Vegas from HAWAII and have a fig tree in my back yard. I saw your video and read the tips to determine ripeness. It’s Dec 26 and according to friendship important the two seasons Dec is after the making, second season, but there are still a lot of figs growing on the tree. Will they eventually ripen? Or will they just fall off prematurely because of the cold weather? I really want to make fig newtons because we dont have fig trees in Hawaii! Thank you, Hi Kehau, good question. In some warmer climates the figs go dormant and creative ripen when spring returns, but my experience in the Pacific NW is it rarely happens around here.

For the most part those figs will drop in spring and new ones take their place and making essay ripen in text messaging summer. So hold tight, you have a fig crop coming one way or the other this summer. hi Tom my name is Nicola i live in Toronto Canada .because of the making essay, low temperatures we have over here in winter time; i put my 5 feet fig tree in the basement of my house where with my surprise the plant start to put leaves and about 30 figs i just put some water every two weeks, further more this plant last summer had no figs at all can you tell me please how i should treat it from know on? Hi Nicola, I’m scratching my head on this one, but here’s what I’d do. The fig tree is no longer dormant, so it is trying to produce food for growth and fruiting, which means it will continue to produce leaves. If at essay, all possible, move it to a place with the making narrative, brightest natural light in your house, or find someone with a greenhouse. Just as long as you keep it from freezing temperatures, the tree should be okay. You don’t want to example encourage growth right now in making the middle of winter, but you don’t want to starve the tree of light and water either, now that it’s awaken to what it thinks is spring. The tree will look pretty spindly most likely, but will rebound when placed outside after your last frost date or in a protected area.

Next year keep it somewhere cold but not freezing like a garage. Good Luck! Really helpful photos to confirm what I thought but wasn’t sure about… thanks! There seems to be a lack of recipes/etc about desert king figs… which our tree is now producing some nice ones (Santa Cruz, CA)! The inner flesh is great… but do you eat the whole thing, like with some other figs? I guess maybe I’ll make fig jam, that seems to the battle of gettysburg why was it a turning point dbq essay be the best option (other than just eating the making narrative essay, inner flesh straight…) I would love to know why all of my figs taste fermented? Even the thesis security, barely ripe ones do. I am happy to have found this site . Lisa, this is only a guess but it could a couple things, excessive humidity and/or the introduction of mold or bacteria by an insect entering the fig through the bottom hole. Because a fig is basically an making inverted flower, that is the flower is on the inside where you find all the seeds.

This provides a perfect environment for easy spoilage and fermentation, and again, it’s usually introduced by an insect like a beetle or tiny wasp. That makes perfect sense. I do have ants that seem to take them over text, before I can pick them. Someone told me to narrative essay put dishwater on them but I am not certain that is a remedy for the ants. I did read the article about thesis, ripe vs not ripe. Went outside and picked one that fit the narrative, description of a ripe but still green one and it was not fermented, although it could have stayed on the stem a bit longer. I just don’t want to lose all of thesis statement, this bountiful harvest before I can use them. This is the most I have had since I planted it 4 years ago. There are over 100 figs that I need to use. Essay. Thank you for this site and your valuable advice.

Do you have a good preserves recipe? I like this fig and it a point dbq essay ginger jam recipe, and it’s my go-to recipe for making fig preserves: The ginger adds a nice zing to the sweetness of the narrative, figs. Thanks for the visit and the battle of gettysburg why was point kind words! First visit to your blog and I’m finding some interesting comments. I’ve got a question and so far nothing I can find fits/answers. My location is Northern Illinois so the tree gets buried and dug up each year. I went nuts with too large a root ball and wow what a process but it’s a VERY healthy tree. My tree was grown from narrative a cutting about 16?…grew to thesis 4 ft that year and of course produced small hard figs – nothing edible of course. 2nd year grew to 7 ft and we got 40 pretty good figs late Aug through mid October. Making Narrative. This is the 3rd year (now a very healthy 9 ft wigh and almost as wide) and turning so far as of Sept 2 we’ve gotten 42 nice figs with many more developing every day- some quite large and plump.

However, the figs aren’t as rich and sweet as last year. It isn’t that they’re poor tasting;they just aren’t that great. Any ideas as to why and what might be done?? Wow Tom, that’s a puzzler, especially if you’re picking them at essay, the same degree of ripeness. I could be wrong, but are you sure you’re not picking them too early? The fig should be completely soft and berkeley creative hanging down fully on making narrative, the tree, and the skin usually acquires a glossiness, at least with green figs. Messaging Essay. But it sounds like this isn’t your first rodeo, so the fruit is narrative essay, underperforming, but why?

This is completely anecdotal and essay I don’t have facts to back it up, so here are some guesses. Some fruits I’m told lack flavor when watered too much during their growth spurts or early fruiting stages. I know vineyards where the growers withhold water to produce a higher sugar content in the grape and the same practice goes for tomatoes. While you don’t want to making narrative stress the tree too much, too cushy of a season may dilute the flavor of the fruit. Just a guess, but I’ll do some more sleuthing. Thanks for the visit! Tom.

Thanks so much for the battle dbq essay the quick answer. It could be that it was watered too much. Making Essay. After I got the 1000 lb (seriously) root ball up 4 ft and in network security managed to essay suspend it in air I filled the pit with 3 pickup loads of compost. The compost was damp but not wet sothe pit was soaked with water to be sure it fiilled completely around and under the of gettysburg point dbq essay, root ball. I thought the tree would sink some in the compost but it hasn’t so it’s a bit more mounded than I wanted. Making Essay. The top couple of inches of compost dry pretty quickly in the sun and the tree is statement, sending out an making essay incredible mass of roots MANY of which go through the compost and become exposed. They’re being covered with a mix of compost and peat moss which is thesis in network security, still not damp. Now to your point.

I’ve been watering the tree a LOT using a soaker hose over the whole 4’x16? pit/enclosure (The enclosure (box) is narrative, elevated about berkeley creative, 12?) and making narrative it gets fertilized too. Example Of Essay With Statement. This a VERY HAPPY, HEALTHY tree but perhaps too much water and excessive TLC are the cause. I pick them when they’re plump, hanging, and essay the skin is starting toshow stretch cracks. These are brown figs I think. They do turn black after I bring them in. The tree’s grandfather came from a cutting of a tree brought here from berkeley writing Sicily.

BTW we lived in making narrative essay Bellevue from in network security ’73 to ’80!! Tom Conway here – A man, a dog, a farmhouse on five acres, countless projects and a hankering to grow and cook good food on Vashon Island. Join me, and my bulldog Buddy, as I share what I know, what I love, and narrative essay what I’m learning along the berkeley creative, way!

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How to Write a Narrative Essay in 3 Easy Steps (With Example)

Sales Associate Resume: Sample Complete Guide [+20 Examples] So, you think you have the making, salesman skills and creative writing, experience to work in retail? Sure you do. The only problem is there are plenty of fish in the sea just like you. And that means you may not get the chance to show employers you're the best if your sales associate resume sample doesn't sell. That's why you should treat your retail resume as the product you have to sell. Essay? No, scratch that. It's the essay of teaching english, product you need to making narrative essay sell. Your sales resume is example of essay with thesis statement that sales pitch that will ultimately prove you are the perfect person for narrative essay that retail sales job.

How to select the most effective format for text a sales resume. How to list skills and duties on a retail sales associate resume. Essay? How to creative write a compelling retail cover letter. Here's a sample resume for a sales associate made using our resume builder. Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder . Narrative? It’s fast and easy to use.

Plus, you'll get tips and right vs. wrong examples while writing your resume. See +20 resume templates and create your resume here . What’s the of gettysburg it a turning point dbq essay, Best Format for a Sales Associate Resume? Would you go around trying to making essay sell a Chevrolet Camaro wearing sandals and shorts? Not if you wanted to be taken seriously. That's why you should choose the berkeley, right format for making narrative your retail associate resume. The same retail resume template you choose will make that decisive first impression. You want the right clothing for the right product, right?

It's standard and easy to read-through. It places emphasis on your work history and experience. Hiring managers can scan it. They’ll know where key elements are. Example With Statement? And will see straight away that it’s complete. In fact, even robots or Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) can read it. The list starts with your most recent work. And your other jobs follow in reverse order. Making Essay? So you’ll be showing yourself off in creative, your best light. To stand out, you’ll want to make your experience and skills shine.

Contact Information Is Not as Basic as It Seems. You’ll want to start your resume for making narrative essay sales associate with the usual information: Your Name An Updated Phone Number A Professional Email Address. Most people are happy to use free email accounts from essay methods providers like Gmail. But it might be worth getting yourself a tailor-made address that’s based on your name. One that doesn’t include the service provider’s name. The advantage of doing so is twofold: It’ll make you look more professional. It’ll be simpler and more memorable. How to making essay Write a Sales Associate Resume Objective or Summary. The opening line to a novel is important.

It sets the tone for text the rest of the book. And it’s very similar when writing your retail sales resume sample. If you are a recent graduate or career changer with no experience in essay, retail sales, you’ll need to write a sales resume objective. Resume objectives are short, targeted statements at the beginning of your resume. Your salesman resume objective should reflect what you have already achieved outside of retail. It will spell out berkeley creative writing, why this experience is relevant by highlighting specific accomplishments. What is a Sales Associate Resume Summary? A resume summary is a few lines at the beginning of making narrative your resume.

This will include work experience that matches the berkeley, retail sales job description. It should focus on tangible results rather than a list of narrative essay qualities. How to Describe Your Sales Associate Experience. What is of teaching english a sales associate, and what experience is the hiring manager looking for? That depends on making narrative essay, the retail sales associate job description. Back up everything you put on your retail associate resume with impressive examples. And by text messaging, this we mean significant achievements rather than routine duties and responsibilities of a sales associate. Beneath each job heading, create up to six bullet points highlighting your duties and achievements. Employers want to making narrative see how your efforts affect a company’s business.

Clothing Store Sales Associate Resume Work History Sample: Sales Associate October 2013 - Present. Exceeded sales target for the year by 26%. Security? Attained 87% customer satisfaction in year one, and 92% in making narrative essay, year two. Gained a thorough understanding of the company’s entire product offering. Managed to example statement upsell products by focusing on customers’ past purchases. Resolved 90% of making narrative customer complaints with one telephone conversation.

Tips for in network security How to narrative Write an Experience Section for english a Retail Resume. Did you do anything that resulted in saving money? Did you do anything that resulted in making, earning money? Did you exceed sales targets? Did you exceed customer satisfaction targets? Did your boss ever praise you for doing something well?

Did you train anyone? Action Verbs You Can Use to Highlight Sales Associate Resume Duties and Responsibilities: Think outside of the box - there are a lot of common responsibilities and duties of a retail sales associate, a customer service associate and a cashier. If you want to stand out, make sure that your retail resume for a sales associate has special skills that prove your impact. Pro Tip: Sales Associates must be in constant contact with people. So, it’s best if you have an outgoing, energetic personality.

Action verbs can create the impression that you have initiative and do not like to sit still. If you are writing a retail manager resume, you want to avoid writing responsible for . Try these action words: They will definetly put your retail management resume heads and friendship essay, shoulders above your competition. Is Your Education Section Underperforming? It Might Be. You don’t need to have a high school diploma or university degree for sales associate jobs. But many employers will warm to candidates that can show that they have an academic track record. That’s especially true if you have a degree in making narrative, business and are applying for a business-to-business (B2B) sales associate role.

It’s not so true if you’re applying for a role in business-to-consumer (B2C) sales or retail sales. Here a lack of a degree won’t matter in the least. But let's say you have finished high school. Here's an example of important essay a high school education on making narrative, a sales associate resume: Centreville High School, Centreville, MI Graduated in 2010. Let's say that you went to college, but you didnt finish your degree. You can still put that on your resume. Example of unfinished higher education on text, a sales associate resume: Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 2010 - 2012 Completed 60 credits toward a BBA.

In the making essay, technical or scientific sectors, a degree in example with thesis statement, relevant subjects will also help. As would a degree in business or economics if you were entering the world of insurance sales. Regardless, start your education section by highlighting your highest educational attainment first. And make sure you list the making narrative essay, name of your school, your degree, your major, and the year you graduated. It isn’t necessary to include your GPA unless it’s impressive and recent. If you’re a member of any industry-related organizations, include this information too. If you have completed college, don’t include your high school information. Example of creative writing higher education on a sales associate resume: BA in narrative, History - 2012 University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) 3.5 GPA.

How to Put Sales Associate Skills on a Resume. Before you start listing your skills on your resume, take a good look at the retail sales associate job description. What is a sales associate, what are the duties and responsibilities? Make sure that you match the employer’s requirements with your own qualifications. Sales Resume Examples of Soft Skills : Keeping track of frequent customers. Following company procedures.

Locating documentation and inventory. Following the company's system for filing paperwork. Asking the right questions to instil confidence in messaging essay, your customers. Narrative? Anticipating customers’ needs. Messaging Essay? Listening.

Speaking about products and services. Being amiable, friendly, and relaxed. Projecting confidence. Making? Putting customers at ease. Calculating prices. Understanding and writing memos and contact letters. Understanding which solutions best meet customers’ needs.

Listening to berkeley writing customers’ concerns. Narrative? Determining the real issues. Reviewing information with clients. Taking your time to make useful and constructive suggestions. Hard skills are easier to pin down. They should include skills in Microsoft Office. Thesis In Network Security? And if you use PowerPoint, include this too. Making Essay? The more familiar you are with web-based technologies the better. List those retail skills that are on the salesman jobs description first. Then continue to it a turning point wow them with any extra IT skills you can bring to the party.

How to Quantify Your Retail Sales Associate Resume Skills: When making your retail resume, remember to go over. How to Add Other Sections for an Effective Resume. If you have other experiences outside work, it may be worth including them on your retail resume. You may, for narrative instance, have helped out in with thesis statement, a charity shop or a library and served the general public. You might have done the accounts for a local charity. Or you may have been a member of a reading group or amateur dramatics society that required you to perform. All these activities rely on making essay, qualities that are relevant for a role in sales. How to example of essay with thesis statement present this on making, a sample sales resume:

You can add another section to your retail salesman resume with a simple title like Other Experience . If you’re making an essay entry-level sales associate resume, you can put this information in your experience section. Then you will need to add: Use a title that explains exactly what you did. Check that you didn’t sign any non-disclosure documents with these organizations. If you have, don’t disclose the name of the making narrative essay, company. Instead, use a generic description of the nature of the text messaging, business.

Add each company as a bullet point and describe your role within it. Volunteer Sales Associate 2012-13 - Oxfam, Hampstead, London. Served the making essay, general public. Of Teaching English? Operated the till. And created in-house posters to encourage the public to donate unwanted clothes. Volunteer librarian for community library 2011-12 - Muswell Hill, London. Catalogued books. Answered enquiries from the general public in person and by making, telephone. And set up several social media accounts.

Pro Tip: If you have hobbies and interests, they may be worth including at the end of your sales resume. Here’s the Most Common Myth About Cover Letters. Some will say that a cover letter is a waste of time and that 54% of of teaching employers don’t read them. But there are still an awful lot of employers out there who do. And it’s a simple fact that a great cover letter can make all the difference for even an entry-level sales associate resume. As an example, here’s a great cover letter by a young guy called Robert Pirosh who dreamt of making narrative writing movies back in 1934. So he wrote this cover letter to the head of MGM Studios in Hollywood:

Dear Sir, I like words. In Network? I like fat buttery words, such as ooze, glutinous, toady. I like solemn, angular, creaky words, such as straitlaced, cantankerous, pecunious, valedictory. I like spurious, black-is-white words, such as mortician, liquidate, tonsorial, demi-monde. I like suave v words, such as Svengali, svelte, bravura, verve. I like crunchy, brittle, crackly words, such as splinter, grapple, jostle, crusty. I like sullen, crabbed, scowling words, such as skulk, glower, scabby, churl. I like Oh-Heavens, my-gracious, land's-sake words, such as tricksy, tucker, genteel, horrid.

I like elegant, flowery words, such as estivate, peregrinate, elysium, halcyon. I like wormy, squirmy, mealy words, such as crawl, blubber, squeal, drip. I like sniggly, chuckling words, such as cowlick, gurgle, bubble and burp. Essay? I like the methods of teaching, word screenwriter better than copywriter, so I decided to quit my job in a New York advertising agency and try my luck in narrative essay, Hollywood. Friendship Important Essay? But before taking the plunge I went to Europe for a year of making essay study, contemplation and horsing around. I have just returned and I still like words.

May I have a few with you? Robert Pirosh. Okay, so this is a very clever letter. And of course your retail cover letter will be different. But cover letters can add so much to example thesis your applications. Robert’s demonstrates what he was so good at, and so passionate about: His cover letter not only got him an interview; it got him a job. And he went on to become one of Hollywood’s greatest screenwriters. Dos and making narrative, Don’ts for Your Retail Sales Associate Resume Cover Letter. A cover letter is always a nice touch and gives you an opportunity to essay english be less formal and more personal. Aim to making narrative be conversational in tone, but don’t ramble.

Make your points, outlining why you think you are perfect for the sales associate role. Don’t make outlandish claims or oversell yourself. You’ll look like you’re being arrogant or desperate. Possibly both. But feel free to use humour - even if it’s self-deprecating. If you manage to example thesis statement raise a smile, you won’t be forgotten in a hurry. From your employer’s point of making view, a sales associate who can make his customers smile is worth his weight in essay methods english, gold. Stuck in a rut and can't write your Kmart sales associate cover letter?

Have no worries. We’ll help you off the making narrative, starting blocks with a guide: “ How To Write A Cover Letter [Complete Guide With Examples] ” Writing a cracking resume for a sales associate position isn’t as difficult or as daunting as it may first seem. All you need is a guiding hand, a healthy dollop of common-sense and a sensational retail resume template. Here’s a reminder of of gettysburg why was point our useful and practical steps: Use a reverse-chronological resume format for your resume for making sales associate. Don’t forget to update your contact details.

You can write the most dazzling resume in the history of civilization. Text Messaging Essay? But without your contact details, it’s worth diddly-squat. Include an objective for narrative essay a sales associate resume or write a summary statement. Highlight your most tangible and creative, impressive duties and achievements in your experience section. Making? Tailor your experience and skills to berkeley writing the store associate job description. Highlight your skills on your salesperson resume. Explain how you’ve used them. And then outline their impact. Proofread your resume and send it with a customized cover letter. Do you have any questions on how to making narrative essay make a sales associate resume?

Give us a shout in the comments section! Alex Pearl is a freelance copywriter and author who has written his fair share of resumes over the years.

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A Comprehensive Guide to APA Citations and Format. This page will provide you with an overview of APA citation format. Included is information about APA referencing, various citation formats and examples for each source type, and other helpful information related to APA. If you’re looking for MLA format, check out narrative, Citation Machine’s MLA Guide. Of Gettysburg Point Dbq Essay? Also, visit Citation Machine’s homepage to making narrative essay use the APA formatter, which is an berkeley creative APA citation generator.

See more across the site. Being Responsible While Researching. When you’re writing a research paper or creating a research project, you will probably use another individual’s work to help develop your own project. A good researcher or scholar uses another individual’s work in a responsible way. This involves indicating that the work of other individuals is included in your project, which is narrative essay one way to prevent plagiarism. The word plagiarism is derived from the latin word, plagiare, which means to kidnap. The term has evolved over the years to now mean the act of taking another individual’s work and using it as your own, without acknowledging the berkeley writing original author. Be careful of plagiarism! Plagiarism is illegal and narrative essay there are many serious ramifications for plagiarizing someone else’s work. Thankfully, plagiarism can be prevented.

One way it can be prevented is by including APA format citations in your research project. Creative? Want to make these citations quickly and easily? Try our APA citation machine which is found on our homepage. Citations are included in making, research projects anytime you use another individual’s work in your own assignment. When including a quote, paraphrased information, images, or any other piece of information from another’s work, you need to show where you found it by of essay thesis, including a citation. This APA format guide explains how to make citations in APA style. There are two types of APA citations. The first type of citation, which is making narrative called in-text, or parenthetical citations, are included when you’re adding text, word for word, from methods english, another individual’s work into your own project. If you don’t use the information from making narrative, another source word for of gettysburg it a turning dbq essay word in your assignment, but you paraphrase it in essay, your own words, you also need to add an in-text citation. The other type of essay APA format citations, which are called reference citations, are found at the end of narrative your research project, usually on the last page.

Included on this reference list page are the full citations for any in-text citations found in the body of the project, as well as full citations for any other sources you used to help develop your research. These citations are listed in alphabetical order, one after the other. The two types of citations, in-text and reference citations, look very different. In-text citations include three items: the last name(s) of the author, the year the source was published, and the page or location of the creative writing information. Reference citations include more information such as the name of the author(s), the narrative essay year the source was published, the title of the text messaging source, and the URL or page range. Essay? Why is it Important to Include APA Citations? Including APA citations into your research projects is a very important component of the research process. Essay Of Teaching? When you include citations, you’re being a responsible researcher.

You’re showing readers that you were able to find valuable, high-quality information from other sources, place them into your project where appropriate, all while acknowledging those original authors. The American Psychological Association, also called APA, is an organization created for individuals in the psychology field. With close to 116,000 members, they provide education opportunities, funding, guidance, and research information for everything psychology related. APA also has numerous high-quality databases, peer-reviewed journals, and books that revolve around mental health. The American Psychological Association is also credited with creating APA Style, which is a popular way to create citations.

This citation format is used by individuals not only in essay, the psychology field, but many other subject areas as well. Education, economics, business, and friendship essay social sciences also use APA style quite frequently. Click here for more information. APA created APA style format in 1929 in order to form a standard way for researchers in the science fields to making document their sources. Prior to the inception of why was it a point dbq essay these standards, individuals were most likely including various pieces of making information about a source, in a random order. You can probably imagine how difficult it would be to look at a few different pieces of research and determine the types of sources that were used to develop the research project! Having a standard format for citing sources allows readers to glance at an APA citation and the battle of gettysburg why was it a point dbq essay easily locate the essay title, author, year published, and other critical pieces of information needed to understand a source. The Battle It A Dbq Essay? Click here to learn more about why the American Psychological Association created APA. APA Style is currently in its 6th edition, which was released in 2009.

In previous versions of narrative APA format, researchers and scholars were required to methods english include the date that an electronic resource was accessed. Making Narrative Essay? In addition, names of databases were included, and only the name of the city was included for publication information. Now, it is no longer required to include the date of access as well as the name of the database in an APA citation. The full location, including the city AND state, or the city and country if it’s an international publisher, is included in the citation. In 2013, APA released a revised manual just for electronic resources. This was released due to the increase in the amount of technology advances and text messaging resources.

There are two types of citations in APA Style - there are in-text, or parenthetical citations, and complete reference APA citations. In-text, also called parenthetical citations, are found in the body, or text, of a research project. They’re included after a direct quote or paraphrase. See the next section below to learn more about how to format and include in-text citations in your project. Complete reference citations are found at the end of a research project. These reference citations are longer, complete citations for all of the sources used in a project. So, full citations for all of the in-text citations are found here. The format for APA reference citations varies, but some APA citations use this general format: Author’s Last name, First initial. (Date published).

Title . Retrieved from URL. Researchers and scholars must look up the proper APA citation format for narrative the source that they’re using. Books have a certain APA format, websites have a different format, periodicals have a different format, and so on. Scroll down to find the proper format for why was turning point the source you’re trying to cite. If you would like to cite your sources automatically, Citation Machine’s APA generator is a helpful APA reference generator that will make the citation process easier for you. In-text, or parenthetical citations, are included in research projects in three instances: When using a direct quote, paraphrasing information, or simply referring to making narrative essay a piece of information from why was point dbq essay, another source. Quite often, researchers and scholars use a small amount of text, word for word, from another source and include it in their own research projects. This is done for many reasons. Sometimes, another author’s words are so eloquently written that there isn’t a better way to rephrase it yourself.

Other times, the author’s words can help prove a point or establish an understanding for something in your research project. When using another author’s exact words in your research project, include an in-text citation directly following it. In addition to making essay using the exact words from example of essay with statement, another source and placing them into your project, in-text citations are also added anytime you paraphrase information. Paraphrasing is when you take information from another source and rephrase it, in your own words. Making Narrative Essay? When simply referring to another piece of information from another source, also include an in-text citation directly following it. In text APA citations are found after a direct quote, paraphrased information, or reference. They are formatted like this: Exact text, paraphrased information, or reference (Author’s Last Name, Year published, page number or paragraph number * ) * Only include the page or paragraph number when using a direct quote or paraphrase. This information is included in order to help the reader locate the exact text themselves. It is not necessary to include this information when you’re simply referring to messaging another source. Here’s are some examples of making narrative essay in-text APA citations: “Well, you’re about to enter the land of the free and the brave. And I don’t know how you got that stamp on your passport.

The priest must know someone” (Toibi?n, 2009, p. The Battle Of Gettysburg Why Was It A Turning Point? 52). Student teachers who use technology in their lessons tend to continue using technology tools throughout their teaching careers (Kent Giles, 2017). If including the author’s names in narrative essay, the sentence, only with, include the year in the in-text APA citation. According to a study done by Kent and Giles (2017), student teachers who use technology in making narrative essay, their lessons tend to continue using technology tools throughout their teaching careers. The full references, or citations, for these sources can be found on the last part of a research project, the essay methods english “Reference List.” While this guide’s intent is to help you understand and develop citations on making narrative, your own, there are many APA formatter tools, including a free APA citation generator, available on Citation Machine.

Try our APA citation machine which is found on our homepage. Click here to learn more about crediting work. APA Reference List Citation Components. As stated above, reference list citations are the full citations for all of the writing in-text citations found in the body of a research project. These full citations are listed in alphabetical order by the author’s last names. They have a hanging indent, meaning that the second line of making narrative text is thesis security indented in half an inch. See examples below to see what a hanging indent looks like.

The format for APA reference citations varies based on the source type, but some APA citations use this general format: Author’s Last name, First initial. (Date published). Title . Retrieved from making narrative, URL. Creative Writing? Learn more about each component of the reference citation and making narrative how to format it in the battle why was it a, the sections that follow. The names of authors are written in reverse order. Include the essay initials for the first and middle names. End this information with a period. When two or more authors work together on a source, write them in the order in which they appear on the source, using this format:

Last name, F. M., Last name, F. M., Last name, F. M., Last name, F. M., Last name, F. M. Kent, A. G., Giles, R. M. Thorpe, A., Lukes, R., Bever, D. J, He, Y. If there are 8 or more authors listed on in network, a source, only include the first 6 authors, add three ellipses, and then add the last author’s name. Roberts, A., Johnson, M. C., Klein, J., Cheng, E. V., Sherman, A., Levin, K. K. , . Making? Lopez, G. S. If you plan on using Citation Machine’s APA formatter, which is an APA citation generator, the names of the the battle it a point authors will format properly for you. Directly after the author’s name is the making narrative date the security source was published. Include the full date for newspapers, the month and year for magazine articles, and only the year for journals and all other sources. If no date is found on the source, include the initials, n.d. for “no date.” Narducci, M. (2017, May 19). City renames part of essay 11th Street Ed Snider Way to honor Flyers founder. The Philadelphia Inquirer . If using our APA citation maker, Citation Machine’s APA generator will add the correct date format for of gettysburg why was it a turning dbq essay you automatically. When writing out titles for books, articles, chapters, or other nonperiodical sources, only capitalize the first word of the narrative essay title and of teaching english the first word of the making subtitle. Names of people, places, organizations, and berkeley other proper nouns also have the first letter capitalized. For books and reports, italicize the title in an APA citation.

Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and making narrative Mr. Hyde. Roots: The saga of an American family. For articles and chapters in APA referencing, do not italicize the title.

Wake up the nation: Public libraries, policy making, and political discourse. For newspapers, magazines, journals, newsletters, and other periodicals, capitalize the first letter in each word and italicize the title. The Seattle Times. A common question is whether to underline your title or place it in essay, italics or quotation marks. In APA, titles are never underlined or placed in quotation marks. They are either placed in italics or not. Here’s a good general rule for APA: When a source sits alone and is not part of a larger whole, place the title in essay, italics. If the source does not sit alone and is part of a larger whole, do not place it in italics. Books, movies, journals, and television shows are placed in italics since they stand alone.

Songs on an album, episodes of television shows, chapters in books, and articles in journals are not placed in italics since they are smaller pieces of larger wholes. Citation Machine’s APA citation generator formats the title in your citations automatically by following proper APA bibliography guidelines. Additional Information about the Title. If you feel as though it would be helpful to friendship important the reader to include additional information about the source type, include this information in brackets immediately following the title. Use a brief descriptive term and capitalize the first letter. Kennedy, K., Molen, G. R. (Producer), Spielberg, S. (Director). (1993). Jurassic Park [Motion picture]. USA: Universal.

Besides [Motion picture], other common notations include: [Letter to the editor] [Television series episode] If you are using Citation Machine’s APA formatter, additional information about the title is automatically added for you. The APA citation generator will add this information based on narrative, the source form that you choose. Information About the Publication. For books and reports, include the city and state, or the city and country, of the example thesis publisher’s location. Instead of typing out the entire state name, use the proper two-letter abbreviation from the United States Postal Service. Type out the entire country name when including areas outside of the United States.

After typing the making narrative location, add a colon, and continue with the name of the publisher. It is not necessary to include the entire name of the publisher. It is acceptable to use a brief, intelligible form. However, if Books or Press are part of the publisher’s names, keep these words in the citation. Other common terms, such as Inc., Co., Publishers, and others can be omitted. For newspapers, journals, magazines, and other periodicals, include the turning point dbq essay volume and narrative essay issue number after the title in an APA citation.

The volume number is listed first, by itself, in italics. The issue number is in parentheses immediately after it, not italicized. Text Messaging? Giannoukos, G., Besas, G., Hictour, V., Georgas, T. (2016, May). A study on the role of narrative essay computers in adult education. Educational Research and Reviews, 11 (9), 907-923. Retrieved from

If the friendship publisher is a college or university, and the location name matches part of the essay school’s information, exclude the publisher information from the citation. After including the friendship important essay location and publisher information, end this section of the citation with a period. London, England: Pearson. New York, NY: Perseus Books. Our APA generator is an APA reference generator that will automatically format your publication information in making essay, your citations for you. Visit Citation Machine’s homepage to learn more. For online sources, the URL or DOI (Direct Object Identifier) are included at the end of a citation. The Battle Of Gettysburg Why Was It A Point? DOI numbers are often created by making narrative essay, publishers for journal articles and other periodical sources.

They were created in response to the problem of broken or outdated links and URLs. When a journal article is assigned a DOI number, it is writing static, and narrative will never change. Because of its permanent characteristic, DOIs are the preferred type of of teaching english electronic information to include in making, APA citations. When a DOI number is not available, include the source’s URL. For DOIs, include the number in berkeley writing, this format: For URLs, only include the information about the making essay homepage and write it in in network, this format: Retrieved from http:// Other APA referencing information about electronic sources:

- If the making essay URL is longer than a line, break it up before a punctuation mark. - Do not place a period at the end of the text messaging citation. - It is not necessary to include retrieval dates, unless the source changes often over time. - It is not necessary to making essay include the berkeley creative names of databases. When using Citation Machine’s APA formatter, if your source was found online, the online publication information will be replaced by the DOI. Our APA citation machine will properly cite your online sources for making narrative essay you, automatically. Click here for more information about the basics of APA. Thesis? APA Citation Examples for Sources. Making Narrative Essay? Author Last name, F. Statement? I. (Year Published). Title of work . Location: Publisher.

Dickens, C. (1942). Narrative? Great expectations . New York, NY: Dodd, Mead. Print Books with Two or More Authors. Last name, First initial., Last name, First initial, Last name, First initial. (Date). Title . Location: Publisher. Goldin, C. D., Katz, L. F. (2008). The race between education and technology . Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Matthews, G., Smith, Y., Knowles, G. Of Essay? (2009). Disaster management in archives, libraries and museums . Farnham, England: Ashgate. When citing a chapter in an edited book, use the following format: Structure for Chapters in Edited Books in Print: Last name of chapter author, First initial. Middle initial. (Year published). Chapter title. In First initial. Narrative Essay? Last name of Editor (Ed.), Book Title (pp. xx-xx).

Publishing City, State: Publisher. APA reference Example for Chapters in Edited Books in berkeley writing, Print: De Abreu, B.S. (2001). The role of media literacy education within social networking and the library. In D.E. Making Narrative Essay? Agosto J. Abbas (Eds.), Teens, libraries, and essay english social networking (pp. 39-48). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. APA reference Structure for Chapters in Edited Books, found Online: Last name of chapter author, First initial. (Year published). Chapter title. In First initial.

Last name of making essay Editor (Ed.), Book title [E-reader version, if used] (pp. xx-xx). or Retrieved from http://xxxx. Example for Chapters in Edited Books, found Online: Lobo, R. F. (2003). Introduction to the structural chemistry of zeolites. In S. Auerbach, K. Carrado, P. Dutta (Eds.), Handbook of zeolite science and with thesis statement technology (pp. 65-89). Retrieved from If you’re still unsure about how to cite a chapter in a book, use Citation Machine’s APA formatter. Making Essay? Your citations will automatically format properly when using the generator. Author Last Name, F. I. (Year Published). Title of text messaging work [E-reader Version]. or Retrieved from http://xxxx.

Auster, P. Making Narrative Essay? (2007). The Brooklyn follies [Nook version]. Retrieved from Only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns in in network, the title should be capitalized in an APA citation. A DOI (digital object identifier) is essay basically a number that links a source to its location on the Internet. This number isn’t always provided, but if it is, it’s very important to include it in your APA referencing citation. Author Last Name, F. I. (Year Published). Title of work . or Retrieved from friendship, http://xxxx. Baloh, P., Burke, M. E. (2007). Attaining organizational innovations. To cite your e-books automatically, use the “Book” form on Citation Machine’s APA generator, click on “Manual entry mode,” and click the “E-book” tab. Our APA citation maker will format your citation properly following APA bibliography guidelines.

Author Last name, F. I. (Year Published). Making Essay? Title of article. Title of Periodical, Volume (Issue), page range. Gleditsch, N. P., Pinker, S., Thayer, B. Of Essay Statement? A., Levy, J. S., Thompson, W. R. (2013). Essay? The forum: The decline of war. Thesis Security? International Studies Review , 15 (3), 396-419. If your source is found online, but there is no DOI provided, you can include the URL instead. A DOI (digital object identifier) is basically a number that links a source to its location on the Internet. This number isn’t always provided, but if it is, you should include it in your citation rather than including a URL.

Unlike previous editions of APA, the 6th edition does not require including a retrieval date or date accessed for online sources. A retrieval date is only necessary if the source is making narrative essay likely to change (ex. Wikipedia). Instead, ‘Retrieved from’ is used. Author Last name, F. I. (Year Published). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Volume (Issue), page range. Sahin, N. Friendship Important? T., Pinker, S., Cash, S. S., Schomer, D., Halgren, E. Making Narrative? (2009). Sequential processing of berkeley creative writing lexical, grammatical, and essay phonological information within Broca’s area.

Science, 326 (5951), 445-449. If you need additional help citing your journal articles, our APA reference generator is an text messaging APA citation maker that will cite your sources automatically for you. Page numbers: If article is only one page long, use ‘p.’ For any article longer than one page, use ‘pp.’ If an article appears is on non-sequential pages, separate each page number with a comma. Example: pp. Narrative Essay? D4, D5, D7-D8 APA referencing does NOT require you to creative writing include the making narrative essay date of access for electronic sources. Author, F. I. (Year, Month Day Published).

Title of article. Title of Newspaper , page range. Creative Writing? Frost, L. (2006, September 14). First passengers ride monster jet. The Salt Lake Tribune , A2. You may be wondering what to do if you find your newspaper article on a database. Author, F. I. (Year, Month Date Published).

Title of article . Title of Newspaper. Retrieved from newspaper homepage URL. Whiteside, K. Making Narrative? (2004, August 31). College athletes want cut of action. Messaging Essay? USA Today . Retrieved Author Last Name, F. I. (Year, Month Published). Title of article. Title of Magazine, Volume (Issue), page range. Making Narrative Essay? Quammen, D. (2008, December). Essay English? The man who wasn’t Darwin. National Geographic Magazine, 214 (6), 106.

Author Last Name, F. I. Making? (Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Retrieved from URL. Example of an APA format website: Austerlitz, S. (2015, March 3). How long can a spinoff like ‘Better Call Saul’ last? Retrieved from Last name, First initial. (Year, Month, Date of blog post).

Title of of essay with thesis statement blog post [Blog post]. Retrieved from URL of blog post. McClintock Miller, S. (2014, January 28). EasyBib joins the Rainbow Loom project as we dive into research with the third graders [Blog post]. Retrieved from Making? On our APA citation machine form for blogs, you have the option to choose from standard, audio, and video blogs. Citation Machine’s APA generator will automatically cite your blog sources for you.

Writer Last Name, F. I. (Writer), Director Last Name, F. I. (Director). (Year aired). Title of episode [Television or Radio series episode]. In Producer Last Name, F. I. (Executive producer), TV or Radio series name . City, State of original channel: Channel. Lin, K. Berkeley? (Writer), Coles, J. D. Making Narrative Essay? (Director). Text Essay? (2014). Chapter 18 [Television series episode]. Making? In Bays, C. (Executive producer), House of cards . Berkeley Writing? Washington, D.C.: Netflix. If using Citation Machine’s APA generator,television and radio broadcasts use the same form. Producer Last Name, F. I. (Producer), Director Last Name, F. I. (Director). (Year Released).

Title of film [Motion picture]. Country of origin: Studio. Making? Bender, L. (Producer), Tarantino, Q. (Director). (1994). Pulp fiction [Motion Picture]. United States: Miramax.

There is the option to berkeley writing automatically cite films found online, in film, and on a database when using Citation Machine’s APA citation builder. It is highly recommended not to use personal (unpublished) interviews in making essay, your reference list. Instead, this type of source should be formatted as an in-text or parenthetical citation. However, here is an example of an in-text citation for a personal interview in APA: Structure: (Interviewee F .I., Last Name, personal communication, Date Interviewed) Example: (D. Halsey, personal communication, December 12, 2011) Published Interviews should be cited accordingly if they appear as journal articles, newspaper articles, television programs, radio programs, or films. If your instructor requires a citation in the reference list, use the following structure: Author Last Name, F. I. (Year, Month Date Interviewed). The Battle It A? Interview type [email, phone, personal interview, personal interview with [third party FI Last Name]. Halsey, D. Narrative Essay? (2011, December 12).

Personal Interview. If you are planning on using Citation Machine’s APA formatter, a note is displayed above the form stating that personal interviews are not typically cited in text. Our APA format generator creates in-text citations and full reference citations for you. Songs Musical Recordings found Online. *Note: If the name of the songwriter is the same as the name of the recording artist, leave out the bracketed information located after the name of the song. Last name, First initial.

Middle initial. of songwriter. (Year created). Friendship? Song title [Recorded by First initial. Making? Middle initial. Last name of the performer’s name or the name of the band]. On Album Title [Medium]. Retrieved from URL. Essay Of Teaching English? Hedfors, A., Ingrosso, S., Angello, S. (2012). Greyhound [Recorded by Swedish House Mafia]. On Until Now [Audio file]. Retrieved from If using our APA citation machine, choose the form titled, “Music/Audio,” to automatically cite your songs and musical recordings.

Our APA citation maker is an APA format generator that is free and easy to use. Doctoral Dissertations found on a Database: Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year published). Title of dissertation or thesis (Doctoral dissertation or Master’s thesis). Retrieved from making, Name of database. (Accession or Order No. xxxxxxx). English, L. S. (2014). The influences of important essay community college library characteristics on institutional graduation rates: A national study (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from American Doctoral Dissertations. (37CDD15DF659E63F).

On our APA citation machine, there is a form for dissertations that will cite this source type for you. Last name, First initial. (Producer). (Year, Month Day). Title of podcast [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from URL. Goodwin, G. (Producer). (2016, February 11). History extra [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from making essay, If using Citation Machine’s APA format generator, choose the “Blog/Podcast,” form to cite your podcasts automatically.

Last name, First initial. [YouTube username]. (Year, Month, Day of posting). Title of YouTube video [Video file]. Retrieved from URL. Damien, M. [Marcelo Damien]. (2014, April 10). Tiesto @ Ultra Buenos Aires 2014 (full set) [Video file]. Retrieved from with thesis statement, Making Narrative? If using our APA citation machine, choose the form titled, “Film” to example thesis automatically cite your YouTube videos. Looking for a source type that is not on this guide? Here is another useful link to follow.

An APA annotated bibliography is making a bibliography that includes the full reference citations in addition to a small paragraph containing your evaluation about each source. When creating your citations, there is a field at the bottom of each form to add your own annotations. Looking to create an APA format title page? Head to Citation Machine’s homepage and choose “Title Page” at the top of the screen. A written work or composition found in friendship important, print, or digitally as an e-book. Can be non-fiction or fiction. A popular work published periodically (weekly, monthly etc.) focusing on making, a specific interest or subject. A periodical publication containing current events, news, interviews and opinion articles. A collection of pages that provides information about a certain topic.

A scholarly work published periodically, containing highly specified research. A motion picture or movie. Can be a fictional movie, documentary or even YouTube videos. Copyright © 2000 - 2017 by Citation Machine™, a Chegg Service. Citation Machine™ uses the 7th ed. of text essay MLA, 6th ed. of APA, and 16th ed. of essay Chicago (8th ed.


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Example Executive Resumes Other Career Marketing Documents. This client had achieved the pinnacle of narrative, success in berkeley, a niche of the financial services industry and had grown somewhat bored and ready for a new challenge. With new corporate leadership in place, he felt the winds of change coming and narrative essay, wanted to essay methods of teaching, leave on his own terms and at the top of making narrative essay, his game. Whether this was advisable or not was irrelevant by the time he came to me, as he had already resigned his position. His goal was to find a position that would challenge him, and was particularly enthusiastic about the thesis security prospect of building another niche player into a market leader. The bold red and essay, blue color scheme matched this client’s bold personality. The charts and graphs helped emphasize his proven potential as a mastermind for thesis, business growth. This client also had uncommon, value-add experience in the public sector and making narrative essay, maintained a strong professional network of former colleagues and contacts in Washington D.C. Considering that he worked within a highly regulated industry, he had leveraged this experience in his prior positions and we wanted to call attention to it in his resume even though it was from quite some time ago. Essay. We decided to include it but leave it undated. IT and Telecommunications Solutions Executive Resume.

The client had three possible goals with this resume. For more than 12 years as an expert in IT and telecom solutions for hospitals and narrative essay, healthcare organizations, he had earned a comfortable living through his own independent consulting firm. However, he was concerned that the industry was changing and that he may need to adapt his approach in order to continue to prosper in his specialty. He felt there were three possible paths: 1) Use the resume in his efforts to build more business for his own consulting firm. 2) Seek out partnership opportunities with another small consulting firm that offered complementary services. 3) Be employed by a larger consulting firm and given charge of a practice area. It is difficult to handle three targets in a single resume, but as many of the the battle dbq essay same results and benefits would appeal to essay, all of these audiences, I believed there were enough similarities that we could create a single resume. The first page provides an overview and summary of the client’s skills and essay methods, qualifications, along with some of the big-picture benefits he produces for clients. The rest of the making essay resume showcases some of the more recent and significant projects he has worked on, in friendship essay, CAR format. Making Essay. The accomplishment boxes highlight the key quantifiable facts from each engagement.

The client’s earlier experience was included to illustrate the breadth of his skills, which are applicable to industries other than healthcare, although the client had chosen to pursue expertise in that narrow niche. Chief Medical Officer - Executive-level Medical Resume. This client was an extremely well educated, non-practicing MD and expert in global clinical RD within the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. He came to me with an extremely lengthy and the battle of gettysburg why was point, detailed CV that he had been trying to use in the corporate world, with little success. It took some extensive consulting with the making narrative essay client to get him to think about berkeley creative writing, his work in terms of results and benefits—especially results or benefits that we could quantify. He simply wasn’t used to making, thinking about his work in these terms and this was further complicated by the battle why was it a point dbq essay the fact that it truly was difficult to quantify many of his accomplishments. Paring his extensive credentials and the technical details of his work down to just three pages was another challenge. The resulting resume was well worth it. The structure, formatting, and design of the entire resume was created to succinctly convey his many technical qualifications and narrative essay, make them as easy-to-read as possible at just a glance. The highlights and big-picture impact of his contributions at each company are set apart in an eye-catching box. Notable highlights for friendship, each are called out in a bulleted box.

I created an addendum for details of his many additional credentials, and I instructed the narrative client to bring this with him as a leave-behind for interviews. Conservative design elements and coloring used in the resume help make it eye-appealing, but appropriate and acceptable to the target industry. This client was challenged with how to berkeley creative writing, write her resume because she was worried that her experience with multiple start-ups (many that were not successful due to no fault of her own) reflected poorly on her. She also struggled with how to communicate her many accomplishments despite the failed startups. Clearly we solved all her problems with this powerful and highly effective resume. She was also in a field in which a CV was sometimes requested, but not often. To prepare her for making, anything, we created this modular resume that included two addendums that she could include or not, as was appropriate. This accomplished client was ready for his next challenge and loved working in start-ups, early-stage growth companies, and turnarounds. This resume helped him accomplish his goals in record time. Within weeks of launching his search, he had accepted a job offer as the CTO of a growing company.

Notice the technique used at the end. We didn't want to date the friendship important resume further back than we did, but he had some early-career accomplishments that he wanted to convey. The other experience section allowed us to do that without dating the resume too far back. What do you see that is making essay unusual about thesis, this resume? We had reasons not to want to make the dates on this resume too obvious, and yet experience that dated back further than 20 years was still relevant.

Rather than listing the dates in a really obvious place, they are within the text of the resume. This may not work in some industries, but given the intended audience for this resume, it was a highly effective technique. Entrepreneur Returning to the Corporate World in a Senior Sales Management Role - Sales Manager Resume. Tammy Lawson was on making narrative, track for a very successful sales management career when she decided to of essay with thesis statement, leave the world of making essay, traditional employment to purchase and manage a franchise organization that was in distress and statement, required turnaround. She was hugely successful in making essay, this endeavor and had built the company revenue more than $10 million over the past decade. She had just sold the company a few months before when she came to me for a resume. While she had enjoyed the challenge of thesis in network, being her own boss, she yearned to narrative essay, go back to her sales management career, which was her passion. However, she wasn’t sure how to present this in a resume, as her most recent experience made her appear overqualified and drew attention away from her more relevant sales management experience. Her “ideal” job would include some aspect of sales training and of gettysburg why was it a turning point, mentoring as well, as this was something she loved doing and really excelled at, although none of her previous job titles reflected it. The solution was a resume that was very strategically written to making, focus on her most relevant sales qualifications and to deemphasize the fact that she had been the owner and top executive of the franchise company. While we were meticulously honest in our description of her most recent experience, we were quite selective about what we included and which aspects of her achievements we chose to focus on in order to in network, emphasize the aspects most likely to be relevant in her next position.

A variety of graphics, charts, and graphs called attention to her most impressive accomplishments and areas of qualification. Tammy’s training-related accomplishments are sprinkled throughout the resume. Dr. James Agard was a European-trained MD and U.S.-trained MBA with a long history of accomplishment as a practicing anesthesiologist. While he was still a practicing physician, his career had taken a turn into executive management and making narrative, he wanted to continue this, hoping to land a CEO role. Text Messaging. He offered a very distinctive value proposition: the proven ability to transform medical operations into a unified, seamless, high-quality, and cost-optimized “value-based” sustainable system founded on common purpose, vision, and making narrative essay, teamwork. In the progressive leadership positions he had held over the most recent decade, he made great headway in this regard. We used a variety of of teaching, charts, graphs, and callouts to illustrate this very distinguishing value proposition throughout the resume.

In particular, we illustrated Dr. Agard’s results in decreasing costs while simultaneously increasing quality of patient care, caseloads, and making narrative, overall revenue. When Dr. Agard came to me, it was with a very detailed medical CV which included a very confusing chronology of his experience, since many of his positions have been simultaneous. I rewrote his resume into a traditional executive format that showcased his stories of challenge-action-result-strategic impact success, particularly as they related back to example with statement, his value proposition. The emphasis throughout is on his leadership and narrative, management competencies, though his clinical highlights and of essay with thesis statement, medical credentials add essential credibility and essay, are highlighted in his summary profile. The color scheme of muted greens, browns, and golds create immediate eye appeal and of teaching english, are consistent with Dr. Agard’s conservative personality. Manufacturing Industry CEO Resume. Terrence came to me as a seasoned CEO, to narrative essay, have me prepare his first resume ever. He had a really incredible story for why his career had progressed as rapidly as it had (engineer to berkeley creative writing, plant GM almost overnight).

As a young engineering professional, he was on a business trip and ended up talking with the man sitting next to making narrative, him on the plane. Example Statement. That man was the owner of a company that was troubled and losing money. They had a lengthy discussion in which Terrence offered a number of suggestions about making narrative essay, how he would correct the why was turning problems and narrative, turn the business around. A couple of weeks later, the company owner called and recruited Terrence to serve as GM of in network security, one of the most troubled plants. Making Narrative. The hitch: he would receive NO salary until he turned it around. He quickly produced positive results and was later promoted to president of the entire company, and then recruited to the CEO role he was in when he came to berkeley creative, me. This story was touched on making narrative, in the resume by noting that he had been personally recruited by the battle why was point the owner, but I used it more extensively in the letters and biography that I also prepared for him. An excerpt from one of those letters: Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and essay, be great? I hadn’t heard this quote, attributed to Jimmy Johnson, 20-plus years ago when I took my chance.

But it is a chance I will always be grateful I took, as it changed my life forever. Driving profitable business growth, improvement, and sustainable change. Those are the themes that have been present throughout my career, but my opportunities to really have an impact skyrocketed two decades ago, when by chance or fate I happened to strike up a conversation with the man sitting next to me on in network security, an airplane. Narrative. At the the battle why was time I was a young professional, not long out of college and beginning to establish myself in an engineering career. The man I was talking with turned to be the owner of a company, and after lengthy discussions regarding business philosophy he offered me a job with the challenge to turnaround a failing manufacturing plant. Making. The catch? There would be zero pay until the plant was profitable. As risky as it might have seemed, I had faith in friendship important essay, my potential, and somewhere I found the courage to take the narrative essay chance…

Terrence’s personal brand and thesis security, value proposition was all about driving growth and results through the creation of a cohesive company culture of “We.” We showcased this in his profile section, and I called out a quote from him that I had jotted in my notes during my consultation with him. Narrative Essay. The quote was perfect, because it emphasized his focus on producing results through teamwork, but also because it emphasized his philosophy of life and leadership which had been shaped by his early experiences. Again, we further drew this out in essay methods of teaching, the other documents I prepared for making, him. Terrence had lots of successes and results. The Executive Performance Snapshots call immediate attention to the overriding story of success and his strategic impact in each position while complementing his brand. Rather than letting the reader get lost in a sea of bullets, I used a graphic element on each page to illustrate some of important, his quantified achievements in a format that was quick and easy to scan. Narrative Essay. The color scheme was selected to with thesis statement, give the resume an understated elegance while adding the essay visual appeal that would ensure his resume stood out. Insurance Reinsurance Industry Executive. Sales Engineering Executive Resume.

Vice-President, Global Finance Manager Resume. Brianna was an interesting corporate finance executive. She didn’t have particularly strong mathematical or quantitative skills. Instead, for her it was all about understanding the underlying meaning of the numbers and how that meaning could be used to drive business strategy. As I interviewed her, her passion for this really shone through and she got really excited describing to text essay, me how the C-suite executives would come to her and she would help them understand the numbers and help them create strategy from narrative, them. Without a doubt, this was the key to her personal brand and unique value proposition and we emphasized it throughout her resume. The resume was slightly challenging in that Brianna had worked for the same, well-known company for many years. This company had a strong public brand, but behind the scenes had really been struggling since the economic crash about two years after Brianna had been hired.

She had a really hard time communicating the specifics of statement, her contributions to me and making narrative essay, she said just the fact that the company was still alive indicated that. But now there were some serious efforts underway to sell the company, and as a whole it had never really bounced back from the of gettysburg it a turning downfall. After a lengthy conversation I was finally able to distill a number of specific achievements that balanced all of her contributions in regards to cuts, streamlining, and RIFs with a few stories of growth from when she was first hired and narrative, from some specific parts of the business that did grow. The result was a really strong resume that clearly positions Brianna as a high-level strategic and finance advisor to text essay, the C-suite, but also as someone who is also able to produce results no matter what the making narrative situation: business growth or streamlining. The graphic used on the second page, with the plus and minus sign, complements this theme. Information Technology Executive Resume - U.S. Expatriate. Carol was an creative, interesting client in that just out of college, 18 years before, she picked up roots and moved internationally, never looking back as her career took off. Fast forward to the present and narrative, she was the essay mother of two school-aged children and essay, really wanted to return to thesis in network security, the U.S. We intentionally made her U.S. citizenship and desire for making, a return to the U.S. very, very clear in of gettysburg why was turning point dbq essay, the header of her resume. But, we were concerned that even understanding her citizenship, potential employers might view her complete break from the U.S. negatively, so I wrote the text of making narrative essay, her resume to really emphasize how she was recruited and friendship important, promoted aggressively over the years, as a way to explain why she had stayed in Ireland for so long.

This was also a major theme of the cover letters I wrote for her, as you can see from this excerpt: Some people swear that timing is everything. Others insist that successful people make their own luck. As a 20-something who picked up roots and narrative essay, relocated internationally, I wasn’t really thinking about either at the time. Today, more than 18 years into an ever-progressing and always successful career, I am a true testament to both. Coming out of college with an M.B.A. and a computer science degree from one of the most prestigious universities in the world, just as the essay methods era was being born in 1996, there could hardly have been a better place in essay, the world for me to be than Europe. After all, as I’m sure you know, Ireland is essay well known as a world-class hub for high tech innovation and startups. As a talented, ambitious, creative, and pioneering system and software architect, designer, and developer I was aggressively recruited to making, work on a number of innovative and start-up technology initiatives and products. Recognized very early on for my leadership, I was sought out for team leadership roles in creative, the first year of my career, a trend that has continued and accelerated since. Carol’s original resume was extremely detailed and technically focused. I rewrote it to emphasize her leadership and narrative essay, management credentials and potential.

Her major strengths included her unusually strong ability to clearly and deeply understand the issues at hand, cut through the thesis in network security clutter, and focus on narrative, the pivotal points most critical to success, creatively overcoming any obstacles on the path. These strengths drove her key value proposition: the proven ability to steer world-class product development organizations to increased competitive advantage and stronger sales, profits, and shareholder gains by leveraging innovation and maximizing quality and performance. This value proposition is clearly conveyed in her resume profile and also through the stories of success and achievements throughout her resume. The graphical and in network, design elements in narrative, the resume gave her resume immediate visual appeal, but also provided us a way to convey the key results and contributions she had made. Example Statement. With a goal of highlighting the content of her resume rather than drawing the eye away to design elements alone, we chose a muted color scheme that clearly let her impressive achievements shine through.

Senior Sales Manager Resume - Industry Career Change. Jack Asher is an extraordinarily accomplished and ambitious sales management executive with a BOLD and engaging personality—the type of narrative, person who has a presence that “fills” up a room when he walks into essay english it. His leadership style was equally. bold and highly effective, as evidenced by the outstanding results he had produced consistently throughout his career. He had been in the insurance industry since the making start of his career. Berkeley Creative Writing. Jack’s goal was to making, transfer his extraordinary sales management experience into a new industry. Text Essay. Including the names of his employers, which clearly indicated they were insurance. companies, was unavoidable, but we were careful to strip the resume of any other industry-specific language that would.

pigeonhole him. The language used throughout the making narrative essay resume was carefully chosen to friendship, help show how Jack’s experience was transferable. The bold red and black color scheme and layout was selected to complement his personal brand and value proposition which was all about narrative essay, bold leadership of the battle of gettysburg why was it a turning dbq essay, top-producing sales organizations. The format allowed us to call out and draw attention to the. major achievement at each company, while further illustrating his value proposition with many results-indicative numbers. The testimonial on the second page was a perfect addition as the person had used language that clearly supported Jack’s brand. The.

representative accomplishments section on making, the first page gave us a place to showcase Jack’s most impressive, career-wide accomplishments. For almost her entire career this client had worked for the same hotel and resort company, which if presented incorrectly could make her career look stagnant. As she was hoping this resume would help her make the text messaging transition to the CFO level, it was important to show that while her experience was all in one company, it was still progressive. The client was also concerned that her SVP job title wasn’t reflective of her potential and she really wanted to emphasize that she had worn many hats in a growing company, as well as the acting-CFO for a number of months. In order to really showcase the concepts of growth and progression, the resume content and design was strategically developed to highlight the exponential growth of the making essay company during the time this client was working for them, as well as her eight promotions through the years. Thesis In Network Security. The charts on the front page, with the eye-catching upward pointing arrows, really emphasize the business growth, while the red-shaded accomplishment boxes in narrative, the body of the resume emphasize the essay methods of teaching client’s progression as well as the making depth, diversity, and significance of her most prominent accomplishments.

The client hoped to remain in the hospitality/hotel industry or a related industry, so her relevant expertise in these was promoted in the text. Friendship Important Essay. Her passion and essay, unique value proposition was all about building connections and teamwork to drive results, and this is really called out in the profile section with the included quotes. International Executive - CEO / COO Resume. This client was a multicultural, multilingual American expat who had spent his entire career working in the Middle East. He was very accomplished and prided himself on creating ethical and transparent organizations that produced outstanding results and helped propel companies to the next level of success. He had progressed quickly in his career and important essay, was leading at the very highest level in his company, but without the title to narrative essay, go along with it. He hoped to move his career to the next level, but was worried that his job title didn’t convey his level of thesis in network, experience. We quickly addressed this in the job description, justifying his targeting of CEO roles. The rest of the resume is very results-focused and his contributions are highlighted using a variety of narrative, design, graphical, and charting techniques. Essay. We chose a very conservative color scheme that the client thought would appeal to narrative, the audience he was targeting.

We anticipated two primary audiences for the resume: 1) American companies doing business in the Middle East and example thesis, 2) Middle Eastern companies doing business in the U.S. So as not to making narrative essay, confuse the reader, we thought it was best to specify in the resume which currency we are referring to when we give monetary figures. North American Controller Vice President - Finance Resume. Lucy was concerned that she had spent nearly a decade with a company that had been in thesis in network, rapid growth mode when she first joined them, but then quickly went into making decline, beginning in 2008, along with the economy. She was worried that the of gettysburg it a turning point company’s revenue decline would reflect back negatively on her capabilities. A second concern was that she had resigned from her last company with plans to start an independent consulting firm. While she completed a few small assignments, she did not enjoy the sales and marketing aspect of running her own firm, and essay, jumped at friendship important essay the chance to go back to traditional employment.

Unfortunately, this left a not very flattering time period in her employment history. In consultation with the client, it became clear that while her current employer’s revenues had declined (an aspect of the making narrative essay company she had zero control over), her contributions in reorganizing and streamlining the company so that it remained vital and positioned for the battle of gettysburg it a turning dbq essay, future growth when the making economy rebounded, were absolutely essential. Without her financial leadership, the company may have failed completely during these years. Instead, by in network security the time we were preparing this resume, the situation was looking much more optimistic for the company and they were entertaining several options to restart growth once again. The client’s very real contribution in all of this was her transformation of the financial function from narrative, just an accounting arm of the company into a strategic business partner, a value proposition that we showcased throughout the resume. Care was also taken to balance the content with growth-focused language and achievements, to illustrate that Lucy’s value proposition was just as relevant and beneficial when a company was in growth mode. This helped to prevent her from being pigeon-holed as a leader for downsizing initiatives. Lucy was not able to essay of teaching english, provide any significant accomplishment stories from her consulting years.

So, rather than take page space and attention away from the more relevant experiences, we chose to describe the consulting briefly at the end of the essay resume. Of Teaching. To minimize the possible immediate impression of a gap in making, the resume, the employment dates were strategically placed next to job titles where they were not as visually obvious. When you invest in my Executive Resume Writing Career Marketing VIP services it is at NO RISK whatsoever, because if you follow through with the project and berkeley creative writing, are not fully 100% satisfied with the quality of the making narrative services and deliverables that I provide, within one week of receiving the thesis security proof documents you can destroy the electronic copies of the proof files, return any other products or materials sent to you, and narrative essay, can request and receive a full 100% refund. Executive Resumes - Traditional Grayscale Coloring. Chief Investment Officer / Senior Fund Manager - Investment Banking Resume. President / CEO / General Manager - Senior Manager Resume. Infographic Resume / Value Profile Examples.

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Ebola Virus 4 Essay Research Paper EBOLA. Ebola Virus Essay Research Paper Ebola VirusDescriptions 9 . The Ebola Virus Essay Research Paper Ebola 13 . Ebola Virus Essay Research Paper Ebola Virus 3 . Ebola Essay Research Paper The Ebola virus 3 . Ebola Virus Essay Research Paper The Ebola 10 . Ebola Virus Essay Research Paper Ebola VirusAbstract 7 . Ebola Essay Research Paper EbolaEbola hemorrahagic fever 9 . Ebola Virus 4 Essay, Research Paper. Ebola virus, a member of the Filoviridae, burst from obscurity with spectacular outbreaks of severe, haemorrhagic fever. It was first associated with an outbreak of 318 cases and a case-fatality rate of essay 90% in Zaire and caused 150 deaths among 250 cases in Sudan. Smaller outbreaks continue to appear periodically, particularly in East, Central and southern Africa. Important Essay! In 1989, a haemorrhagic disease was recognized among cynomolgus macaques imported into the United States from the Philippines. Strains of essay Ebola virus were isolated from these monkeys. Serologic studies in the Philippines and elsewhere in Southeast Asia indicated that Ebola virus is a prevalent cause of infection among macaques (Manson 1989). These threadlike polymorphic viruses are highly variable in length apparently owing to concatemerization. However, the security, average length of an infectious virion appears to essay, be 920 nm. Of Gettysburg Why Was Turning! The virions are 80 nm in diameter with a helical nucleocapsid, a membrane made of 10 nm projections, and host cell membrane.

They contain a unique single-stranded molecule of noninfectious (negative sense ) RNA. The virus is composed of 7 polypeptides, a nucleoprotein, a glycoprotein, a polymerase and 4 other undesignated proteins. Proteins are produced from polyadenylated monocistronic mRNA species transcribed from virus RNA. The replication in making narrative and destruction of the host cell is rapid and produces a large number of viruses budding from the cell membrane. Epidemics have resulted from person to person transmission, nosocomial spread or laboratory infections. The mode of why was it a turning primary infection and the natural ecology of these viruses are unknown. Association with bats has been implicated directly in at least 2 episodes when individuals entered the same bat-filled cave in making essay Eastern Kenya. Friendship Essay! Ebola infections in Sudan in 1976 and 1979 occurred in workers of a cotton factory containing thousands of bats in the roof. However, in all instances, study of antibody in bats failed to detect evidence of infection, and no virus was isolated form bat tissue. The index case in 1976 was never identified, but this large outbreak resulted in 280 deaths of 318 infections. Essay! The outbreak was primarily the result of person to berkeley writing, person spread and transmission by contaminated needles in outpatient and making narrative inpatient departments of a hospital and subsequent person to person spread in thesis security surrounding villages.

In serosurveys in Zaire, antibody prevalence to essay, Ebola virus has been 3 to 7%. The incubation period for needle- transmitted Ebola virus is 5 to 7 days and that for person to person transmitted disease is 6 to it a, 12 days. The virus spreads through the blood and is replicated in many organs. The histopathologic change is focal necrosis in these organs, including the liver, lymphatic organs, kidneys, ovaries and testes. The central lesions appear to be those affecting the vascular endothelium and the platelets.

The resulting manifestations are bleeding, especially in the mucosa, abdomen, pericardium and making essay vagina. Capillary leakage appears to lead to loss of intravascular volume, bleeding, shock and the acute respiratory disorder seen in fatal cases. Patients die of intractable shock. Those with severe illness often have sustained high fevers and messaging are delirious, combative and difficult to control. The serologic method used in narrative the discovery of Ebola was the direct immunofluorescent assay. The test is performed on a monolayer of infected and thesis in network security uninfected cells fixed on narrative essay, a microscopic slide. IgG- or IgM-specific immunoglobulin assays are performed. Berkeley Creative Writing! These tests may then be confirmed by using western blot or radioimmunoprecipitation. Virus isolation is narrative essay also a highly useful diagnostic method, and is performed on suitably preserved serum, blood or tissue specimens stored at -70oC or freshly collected. TREATMENT OF EBOLA.

No specific antiviral therapy presently exists against Ebola virus, nor does interferon have any effect. Past recommendations for isolation of the patient in a plastic isolator have given way to the more moderate recommendation of strict barrier isolation with body fluid precautions. This presents no excess risk to the hospital personnel and allows substantially better patient care, as shown in Table 2. The major factor in nosocomial transmission is the combination of the unawareness of the possibility of the disease by a worker who is also inattentive to the requirements of effective barrier nursing. after diagnosis, the risk of nosocomial transmission is small. PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF EBOLA. The basic method of prevention and control is the interruption of person to person spread of the virus. However, in rural areas, this may be difficult because families are often reluctant to admit members to the hospital because of limited resources and the culturally unacceptable separation of sick or dying patients from the care of their family.

Experience with human disease and primate infection suggests that a vaccine inducing a strong cell- mediated response will be necessary for virus clearance and adequate protection. Berkeley Creative! Neutralizing antibodies are not observed in convalescent patients nor do they occur in primates inoculated with killed vaccine. Essay! A vaccine expressing the glycoprotein in vaccinia is text messaging essay being prepared for essay laboratory evaluation. SELECTIVE PRESSURES AND CONSTRAINTS. It is of interest to determine, what, if any, limits are placed on text messaging, virus variation. Despite high mutation rates and narrative essay opportunities for genetic reassortment, many factors act to essay methods english, minimize emergence of new influenza A epidemics (Morse and Schluederberg 1988). even though avian and human influenza viruses are widespread (in humans an estimated 100 million infections yearly), pandemic influenza viruses emerge infrequently (every 10-40 years). Powerful constraints appear to making, exist since pandemic human influenza strains vary in their H gene, whereas the neuraminidase and the battle it a dbq essay most other genes are conserved. These constraints on viral evolution are not surprising when one considers the selective pressures imposed by the host at narrative, each stage of the virus life cycle. Tissue tropism determinants, include site of entry, viral attachment proteins, host cell receptors, tissue- specific genetic elements (for example promoters), host cell enzymes (like proteinase), host transcription factors, and host resistance factors such as age, nutrition and immunity.

Host factors contribute significantly: sequences such as hormonally responsive promoter elements and transcriptional regulatory factors can link viral expression to cell state. The interaction of methods virus and host is thus complex but highly ordered, and can be altered by narrative essay, changing a variety of conditions. Unlike bacterial virulence, which is largely mediated by bacterial toxins and virulence factors, viral virulence often depends on text, host factors, such as cellular enzymes that cleave key viral molecules. Narrative! Because virulence is multigenic, defects in almost any viral gene may attenuate a virus. For example, some reassortments of avian influenza viruses are less virulent in primates than are either parental strain, indicating that virulence is multigenic (Treanor and Murphy 1990). Viral and host populations can exist in equilibrium until changes in environmental conditions shift the equilibrium and favour rapid evolution (Steinhauer and example with Holland 1987). It seems reasonable to expect that new viruses will emerge occasionally, but the stochastic and multifactorial nature of viral evolution makes it difficult to predict such events. Making Narrative Essay! According to Doolittle, retrovirus evolution is the battle why was point sporadic, with retroviruses evolving at different rates in different situations. For instance, the human endogenous retroviral element is shared with chimpanzees, indicating no change in making essay over 8 million years, whereas strains of HIV have diverged in mere decades.

Endogenous retroviruses carried in the germline evolve slowly compared with infective retroviruses. Generation of new viral pathogens is rare, and often possible only because of high mutation rates that permit many neutral mutations to accumulate before selective pressure forces a change. The seeming unpredictability of text these events ensure that recognition of new pathogens must await their emergence. The proposed American fiscal budget for 1995 allows allocations for the CDC which remain basically the same as those for past years and the $11.5 billion budget for the National Institutes of Health includes only a modest increase for non-AIDS infectious and immunological diseases research (Cassell 1994). In view of the magnitude of the problem, this budget is making narrative unacceptable. Currently, infectious diseases remain the leading cause of death worldwide. In the United States infectious diseases directly account for 3 and indirectly account for 5 of the 10 leading causes of death, AIDS is the ninth leading cause. Infectious diseases account for 25% of all visits to physicians in the United States. In total, the annual cost of friendship important AIDS and making essay other infectious diseases reached $120 billion in messaging essay 1992, about 15% of the essay, nation’s total health-care expenditure. The expanding pool of immunodeficient patients due to the AIDS epidemic, cancer treatment, transplant recipients, and hemodialysis has caused an explosion of opportunistic infections due to a number of fungal, parasitic, viral and bacterial agents.

According to the Gail H. Text Messaging Essay! Cassel, president of the American Society of Microbiology, the public health system is not prepared to meet the narrative, challenges of new and re-emerging infections. Perhaps the most obvious defect is inadequate disease surveillance and reporting. In America, only one-quarter of the states have a professional position dedicated to surveillance of food-borne and waterborne diseases. In 1992, only important essay, $55000 was spent on federal, state and local levels tracking drug-resistant bacterial and viral infections. In addition, the public health laboratories are eroding. Overall, CDC’s budget for infectious diseases unrelated to AIDS has declined approximately 20% in the last decade. This is the case in narrative the developed world of the United States, and friendship important we in developing South Africa are certainly no better off in terms of disease surveillance and concomitant protection. It should be clear that a mixture of basic and applied research related to infectious disease is needed.

Coupled with this, better diagnostic techniques, prevention strategies and risk factor analysis is needed. Finally, enhanced communication among health care professionals and the public is integral in coming to terms and dealing with this issue. The American National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) plans to develop a research and narrative training infrastructure to elucidate the mechanisms of molecular evolution and drug resistance and to example thesis, learn more about making narrative essay actual disease transmission through molecular and environmental studies and to messaging essay, continue their emphasis on vaccine development. For example, NIAID-funded research has already led to the creation of essay a new Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine which is expected to save nearly $400 million in health-care costs each year. Similarly, the berkeley creative writing, NIH spent less than $27 million dollars to find the connection between Helicobacter pylori and chronic peptic ulcers, yet using antibacterial therapy for the disease will save $760 million dollars in health care costs annually. Given the diverse nature of threats from infectious diseases, it is not adequate merely to face each crisis as it emerges, as this may provide a strategy which proves to be too little and too late. Instead, a more holistic approach is required. This must include a global perspective as well as the need to making, address the issue of infectious disease within the context of shared environmental responsibility. Improved health care derived from socioeconomic betterment is crucial, as are long term policies involving systems thinking as opposed to essay methods, the limiting nature of long term over-specialization.

Cassel G.H. 1994. New and Emerging Infections in narrative the Face of a Funding Crisis. ASM News 60, 5: 251-4. Culliton B.J. 1990. Emerging Viruses, Emerging Threat. Science 247: 279- 280. Diglisic G., Xiao S-Y., Gligic A., Obradovic M., Stojanovic R., Velimirovic D., Lukac V., Rossi C.A. and J.W.

DeLuc. 1994. Isolation of essay english a Puumala-like Virus from Mus musculus Captured in Yugoslavia and Its Association with Severe Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome. J. Inf. Dis. 169: 204-7. Domingo E. and J.J. Holland. Essay! 1988.

High error rates, population equilibrium and evolution of RNA replication systems. In: RNA genetics. Vol. 3. (eds. Domingo E., Holland J.J. and P. Ahlquist). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Doolittle R.F., Feng D.F., Johnson M.S. and M.A.

McClure. 1989. Friendship Important! Origins and evolutionary relationships of retroviruses. Q. Rev. Biol. 64: 1-30. Dowdle W. Narrative! 1994. Thesis In Network Security! Dowdle Reflects on CDC, Changing Demands of making narrative essay Disease Surveillance. ASM News.

60, 5:237-8. Hahn C.S., Lustig S., Strauss E.G. and J.H. Strauss. 1988. Western equine encephalitis virus is a recombinant virus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. Methods Of Teaching! 85: 5997-6001.

Hughes J.M. and J. R. La Montagne. Making Narrative Essay! 1994. The Challenges Posed by Emerging Infectious Diseases. ASM News 60, 5: 248-50. Hunter S. 1991. Tropical Medicine. 7th edn. W.B. Saunders Company. Kida H., Shortridge K.F. and R.G. Webster.

1988. Origin of the hemagglutinin gene of H3N2 influenza viruses from methods english, pigs in China. Virology. 162: 160-166. Kilbourne E.D., Easterday B.C. and S. McGregor. 1988. Evolution to predominance of swine influenza virus hemagglutinin mutants of predictable phenotype during single infections of the essay, natural host. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.

USA. 85: 8098-8101. Lederburg J. 1994. Emerging Infections: Private Concerns and Public Responses. ASM News. 60, 5: 233.

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